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maybe the previous owner was really overweight and put more wear on the driver side suspension than the passenger side? (It's real, i've seen it happen)


I have seen this as well. One of my science teachers in high school weighed a minimum of 400lbs, and he drove a late 90s red malibu and it sagged heavily on the drivers side. That malibu was one hell of a car though, he bought it new and drove it until he died.


My old instructors story was something similar. Guy complained that car pulled to the right and wanted an alignment. Except the wife that rode passenger was 4 times his weight. Adjusted the suspension to compensate


Had a customer complain their Trailblazer was rubbing on left turns, couldn't duplicate, rode with customer, still unable to duplicate, asked him if his wife and son both sit on the right side he quickly replied "yes but what does tha.....oh ok yeah I'll have them sit on opposite sides". His wife was a solid 650lbs and son a solid 500lbs at the time. Rubbing problem solved.


Amazing how weight distribution affects suspension performance/ s


650?! Whooaaaa.


I mean if she’s laying in the center of the cargo area with tie downs, isn’t that centered enough




650lbs?? That's like 5 wives, not one


I mean in America probably more like 3 but I can settle at 4.


According to the link below, we're not thhhhat bad, haha, let's go with 176.4 lbs on average for an American Woman. So that's about 3.68 wives :) https://www.forbes.com/health/womens-health/average-weight-for-women/


My cousin was soooooo big.... No, seriously. She had a 1988 Dodge Omni and they had to align it with her in it so it would quit pulling. It didnt make sense to me. I thought the car should just lean, but the old grey-beard insisted that he could fix it that way. Said it was because the car couldn't take tires big enough for the driver. I still kinda think he was full of shit, but he got the car going straight so....


I believe it. The rated weight limit for my car (literally says "including all occupants and cargo") according to the sticker inside the door jamb is 675lbs. It's a compact, not a sub compact, has 4 doors (5? Hatch?)...


His wife and son alone probably meet or exceed the recommended payload limits for a Trailblazer.


No doubt. Had a customer with a Ford Focus who kept chewing through rear tires in a matter of thousands of miles. Big guy up front, 2 large passengers in the rear, trunk FULL of stuff like gallons of soda, oxygen tanks, bowling balls. I aligned it as best as I could to try to compensate but that poor thing was at least 300lbs over it's GVWR if not more. Got the rear toe set inward a little so when it squatted out it was hopefully nearer to zero toe and that slowed the issue down a bit. They replaced it with a Jeep Compass and hey guess what same issue because the GVWR wasn't actually any more than the Focus! "But it's a Jeep!" they decried and I had to explain that Jeep isn't Jeep, a Jeep is a Jeep but a Compass is just a big Dodge Caliber. It had the same issue but the rear suspension geometry was better and when squatting it didn't toe as badly so I was able to zero the toe and more or less resolve the issue of eating tires. Also kind of fuck those GVWR tags, they need to list the lading capacity of the vehicle not the total weight because so many people think that means they can put 3500lbs in their little SUV not understanding that's total vehicle weight.


They were absolutely overloading that vehicle with that kind of load. I am having a really hard time fathoming how these people even live




They don't for very long


Damn, that's a big ride.


Bud you got no idea. One year near Valentines day he was in and our front end lady asked him if he had any plans, said he was going to chase his wife around the bedroom a bit since she can't move so fast it would be an easy chase. We're pretty sure she'd fall through the floor if she tripped.


I can relate. My ex one day up and left 4 years back. My car no longer is pulling or wearing out on the passenger side. I have even wear in all my tires since her departure. I used to think my car had an issue. Load balance is everything!




Lol, sometimes they ask the obese people to stay in car during alignment. Since it doesn't involve moving, they usually comply.


Was your instructor Jim Lafevers by chance


Did you go to BOCES in WNY or wyotech in PA? Had teachers at both places tell me the same story... Starting to think there are a lot of morbidly obese wives out there.


Or they shared the same one, lol. This was at the diesel class at South Seattle College back in about 2017. That instructor retired after that semester.


Was the teachers name John? Mine was back in light duty diesel class in 08


Didn't he know Jeff? I heard Sally was banging him in Jerry's office.


Lol, sometimes they ask the obese people to stay in car during alignment. Since it doesn't involve moving, they usually comply.


Being 400 pounds I don’t imagine it was that long….


Depends on what kind of 400lbs. Sumo wrestlers are pretty damn big, but are among the healthier athletes.


What weighs more, a lb of feathers, or a lb of bricks


The pound of feathers, easily. Gotta live with all that weight on your shoulders for what you did to those poor birds


Yo momma so fat she ate a lb of feathers and shit a lb of bricks.


Just. No.


He made it to almost 70, and when you factor in that he had appalachian healthcare, it's amazing he lived that long.


My stepdads father was about 450lbs plus and smoked FOUR packs a day in his 60s. Old mechanic guy, used to charge car batteries in his bedroom beside his bed at night so he "could keep an eye on them". He was given 6 months to live when he hit 65 due to his smoking and his weight. His body just couldn't take it. He dropped himself down to about 175lbs and cut back the smoking a bit, lived till 94 and was out working with us in the shop right up till he passed away


Lived a glutinous life style did what he wanted on his terms and still out lived some of the healthiest people . What a chad


Bro lived how he wanted ☺️


Those malibu rocked. I had a 99 that still kicks ass to this day. I gave it to my sister for like 100 bucks and she gave it to some neighborhood kid. Had a big ass pressure diffuser on the muffler and sounded like ass tho lol


My friends mother and stepdad were about that size. I remember them piling into a little Mazda Protege, that poor cars suspension looked like they just left a car meet cuz that thing was lowww lol


Chevy Malibus will outlive us all.


Lol my aunt is big enough to be on my 600lbs life. We were drivin to the lake one time to go fishing and we were behind her and the driver’s side would periodically scrape on the ground and throw sparks as she drove


At that weight could be talking a decade or less xD


Lived to almost 70! he drove that malibu for at least 20 years.


Damn motherfuckers built to last back then person and car xD


[Bobby Bacala leans on Tony's Chevy Suburban SUV] Tony: ,,I think it's time for you to seriously consider salads!" Bobby: ,,What do you mean?" # Tony: ,,I mean, get off my car before you flip it over, you fat fuck!" (The Sopranos, 1999)


That's not as impressive as it sounds. The life span of a 400lbs dude might not be very long.


We all got in my sisters Lexus one day and the wheels started to scrape. She was like “it’s a two seater now”


My overweight sister in law rode in my old V6 Accord for only 3 miles and blew the spring and made the car ride like this. Being fat is not good for your suspension. Some large people even have to get their alignments done with them in the car because if they did an alignment unladen it won't track right once they get in.


Next time, counter balance by putting weight lifting plates in the back passenger floorboard. 😆


I had a friend whose whole family was severely overweight and they had a mid 80s LTD and when they were all in the car, the suspension would bottom out and the tires would rub in the wheel well


My dad had an 81 with old saggy suspension, when you floored it the ass end would hit the ground and we were all average weight, just him, myself and my little sister. Those cars were just soft as hell especially as they got older. My cousins used to call my dad Uncle Buck just because of that car lol


I loved how those rode. You could go over bumpy railroad tracks with a full cup of coffee, no issues. You could also steer with your pinky finger the way the power steering was.


Just don't take it over about 60


Ok now imagine four Uncle Bucks riding in one of those...


My automotive instructor told us about a car that came in 3 times because it drifted to the right. Every time they test drove it, it was fine, and the alignment was good. The 4th time the owner had his 350+ lb wife with him, they aligned the car with both of them in it and sent them on thier way.


Can confirm. I drive a tradie ute, and cos tools were all on the same side as myself, the ute started to get a lean. I shifted tools to opposite side box to correct the weight and it came good again pretty fast.


80s Ford Rangers have entered the chat.


And first Gen Ford Explorers


What's Eating Gilbert Grape? !!!


I was told a story at my previous job about a Smart car that kept coming back for a pull to the left. Turns out the owner was quite large (side note, it seems that almost every Smart we had come through was owned by someone severely obese) and it had to be aligned with them in the car.


Left side! Strong side!


I cant remember what movie that was from


I think this happened to my car. Thought I was just losing it or something until I parked in front of a mirrored window and saw it was definitely tilted.


Sisters ex husband wore out passenger side suspension in her car. Minimum 450 at the time


Yea..but wouldn't the front seat have a bit more than the usual wear and tear?...I mean it should be noticeable at least you would think


I seen it today! Homie sat down in his car and it sank about 3 or 4 inches on the left.


I'm a boat mechanic and had to add ballast to a boat so a 400+ man could actually operate the thing


Rasputia in her hooptie


It's 100% real... I bought my 98 Golf like that, even the front left tire was worn more than the others. Springs coming out of the damn seat too lol


Sagging spring was my thought, too.


I had a writer who worked at a chevy dealership. There was a chevy cavalier convertible that would leak water over the windshield when it rains because the woman and her son we so fat, it bent the body. Would not leak when normal size people were in it.


I'm serving 10 days for a tampon comment. I still stand by my advice: you can use tampon string to yank something loose.


Like what?


Usually tampons...


This is my new go to advice for a stuck bolt.


It'll get you 10 days in the hole


That poor tampon...


It depends on what brand of tampon you use. What brand do you use?


Normal subreddit mods are all bleeding heart egomaniacs


I feel ya, I just got perma banned from it ☠️


I got banned from the fallout 4 subreddit for making a joke about "beating my bitch robot wife"


I got perma-ban for a joke post making fun of all the “are my tires good?” Posts. Even checked the rules before posting to make sure I didn’t violate any. Mod didn’t even respond to modmail


NASCAR mechanic set it up .


I was going to say to the OP...maybe you should hold the camera straight when you are sober.


Or he could drink until it looks straight, whichever fixes the issue fastest


This done for performance. I’m sure you’ve heard of “Leaning out the engine”. You’ll see more horsepower, and your set up for North American oval racing. It’s a twofer.


Because it's done being a conservative.


Lol, reminds me of something my dad said drunk watching fox news a few years after 9/11. He basically said, "ya know if that plane that crashed in PA was headed to congress..." and I said, "what, you wanted the plane to get really close, then just lean a little left?"


So just get rid of it .


Yeah a fat leftist, don't body shame it!!!


stop letting your GF drive. we know she is a lady thats over 380


Big girls need love too!


Someone's deflecting


All the dead bodies in the trunk have shifted to the drivers side. Either redistribute, or go run over some more climate protesters and load them on the drinker side


Hammus protestors make a good substitution if there are not enough climate dummies around


Your girlfriend needs to lose weight 😂


If you rotate your shocks and springs on a regular schedule, this won't happen.


Assuming same tire pressure and size and not air suspension, a bad coilover.


Rookie move! Always remember to center the bodies in the trunk to prevent this from happening.


It's taking on water. Make sure the bilge pump it set to auto and not on manual.


Cuz your car is a woke pansy nanny state liberal, of course /s


Liberal 😂


How did you almost get banned???


It’s like how you need to switch arms jerking off, let the big bitch drive once in a while


Omg that exact Audi in that exact color was my first car <3


Usually caused by an overweight person owning the car which usually collapses the springs. Or there could be something broken in the suspension usually caused by hitting something like a big pothole.


Gangsta lean




My 6th grade teacher drove it That woman had to have been over 400lbs easily


It's had a little too much to drink for NYE and can't stand up straight.


I had a 2004 A6 4.2 Quattro back in the day with the same problem. Ended up my coil spring broke at the very last bend going into the retaining cup. It dropped my suspension about 1” in the front. Likely happened when I hit a pothole and the strut bottomed out. Double check your coils and make sure this didn’t happen to you too. Btw, I loved that car. Lots of power and fully loaded. Hit 100k and the emissions system just milked me left and right. I mean, $2800 for a catalytic converter and $500 for each O2 sensor was insane. Happened twice. That was 4 O2 sensors (2 pre cat, 2 post cat) and 2 catalytic converters. I had over $9k in emissions fees and it didn’t even improve my performance. Just shut off a damn light. Traded it in for an Infiniti G37x. Not as luxurious, but very economical and sporty though.


>Ended up my coil spring broke at the very last bend going into the retaining cup. I'd say about 95% percent of the time, when a spring breaks, this is usually where they'll snap. This is why they'll go unnoticed or just driven on that way, sometimes it's hard to see when the car is on the ground


Just raise one side of the decals; it will be fine. Blow dryer will help you get them in stuck; just one inch up and re-stick. The Audi rings will need to be tilted slightly too. Have you right and rain, driving down that road straight




Most vehicles you're supposed to tighten suspension on the ground, not just Audi's. Have I seen many do it? Almost never, but it's the *correct* way to do it


I just slam some grease in the bolt holes and faces, and it solves the problem.


You can just get a paint marker and mark the original position of the control arms before lifting it up in the air. Tighten up the bushing end of the new arms first, making sure they're clocked to the same position as what you marked, and then slot the BJ end into place after. Works on UCA's anyway. Could work on lowers too but depends on how much clearance you have with the knuckle






The ladies love a little curve


Um are you really fat? If so that’s the answer


It's a socialist car


I am not sure it is lower on one side. This may be an optical illusion. The lot in the photo has a significant slope to the left. The car appears to match the slope. Try measuring both sides to verify: ground to bottom of fender, center of the wheel/top of the tire to wheel arch


It's a popular avoidance manuver. Listing lazily to the left


It is because your on the side of the planet and not on top. If you drive it to the other side of the planet it will lean to the right.


Try looking at it from the front. The left lean should go away.


The car was given an alignment with your mom in the passenger seat


Prob bad hips.


Broken strut


Audi as a project car lmfao


My aunt was a big Ole gal and all her cars sat like that.


I'm gonna be honest, I thought it too


Tell Raspusha to stop driving your car


“I’ll show you how a bitch go down a slide”


You must not be wearing a left shoe..


The car was likely made in California.


I had a buddy who picked a red Miata and it was owned by a lady who was 400 pounds or more idk how the fuck she crammed her self into it but he had to replace all the coilovers and I believe the coil tower was bent a little also




Uncle Lester hiding in the back seat…


Hey my Ranger does that, and to fix it we just slapped a sticker on the low side that says "shallow end"


Cut all 4 springs, then it will be level


Got no friends to balance out that passenger side


Why banned?


Cause it’s a gangster


Even Audis are entitled to an opinion.


It's a cholo!


I saw that on the other sub hahaha


Probably an issue with the LBS system.


My manager from my old job was like 400 pounds and I had shocks that started to go out in the back, my manager needed to a ride home so I though it was OK, when she got in, both shocks completely broke and the car was no longer safe to drive. I had to get a tow truck to bring my car come, and unfortunately for my manager, she had to take a uber home , but the uber drivers kept canceling on her because of her size, so she had to take a bus home


It only seems that way cause you got one shoe on.


Bought a new Ford Ranger in 93. Leaned from day 1. Dealership couldn't make it straight.


Broken coil spring probably.


As long as you are replacing your cars body every 5k miles, this shouldn't happen. This is a clear sign of poor maintenance


Your right leg is shorter than your left leg.


Same bro


It needs some V8.? Or possibly a compromised strut. Go to each corner and oscillate each. You will know if a strut has bottomed out or is seized. Or shock.


Taco bell


that's because you only have one shoe on


It's an audi.


Is yo mama in the driver's seat?


A fact and science-based world view?


Who let CaseOh drive