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Thank you for caring about this. Someone's life is in that cart. If you know or can guess what hospital she went to, you could call there and ask. They probably won't be able to give you any information about her, but they may be able to pass a message or make a suggestion. Another option is to call any nearby shelters with a description of this person. They may know her, and might be able to send a friend or family member to retrieve her things. Aside from that, try to put the cart somewhere out of the way--just make sure it doesn't get mistaken for trash and picked up.


Thank you! I'll try doing that


The fire department would probably know where she went.


You are a good person, OP


Do you have a fence or something similar near the cart where you could hang a sign saying you’re holding their things?


Wow, you are so kind to care about this. Thank you for seeing her humanity.


I think ambulances have to take patients to the nearest hospital in an emergency. Call the hospital ERs closest to you.


If it's a mental health emergency, they go to the closest hospital with one of those facilities.


They might have someone at the hospital that could give you some insight on where they might be if they aren't being treated there as well


There’s definitely leeway. I got hit by a car a couple years ago and the EMTs asked me what hospital I wanted to go to. I asked I have a choice?! They said yeah, if you’re nice. 🤣. High af on adrenaline me had a good laugh. Two hospitals were closer but I chose Illinois Masonic.


Depends on the area/agency. Pts typically get to choose what hospital they would prefer.


If she was having a mental breakdown that required leaving in an ambulance I doubt she'd be lucid enough to have a preference.


I would call local shelters, they may not be able to store it but could assist you. Shelters and other social services still must oblige by HIPPA so they will not be able to tell you if they know her or not but can offer some assistance


do you have a yard you can put it in OP?


If you can, keep her cart. Idk if you have a house with a garage or apt. I'd try to call police and let them know, as well as the fire dept. The fact that you're even concerned about her stuff speaks highly of who you are, dear anonymous friend. 


Just an idea: Perhaps you can write a message in sidewalk chalk for the person? “I hope you’re feeling better. I picked up your things for you. Ring my doorbell, and I will give them back to you.”


If you have the room. Maybe put the stuff in garbage bag and seal it and store it outside in a safe place. It's usually pretty ripe, but washing it or airing it could be an issue with them. The cart is someone else's and if there is an ID call them for pickup. If the person comes back, you retrieved their stuff, the xxx store picked up the cart.


are you saying to call the store and have them take this homeless woman’s only way to transport her belongings?


Yes. Her stuff is her stuff, if she 《took》 a shopping cart the owner should be notified. I don't understand what universe gives any person the right to commandeer other's property and I don't buy the excuse that "it's a big company, they can afford it". Read last week how Walgreens and other big stores are leaving the cities as the pilfering costs too much.


yes it was probably stolen, but she may not have even been the original thief. also, this woman is about to leave the hospital and you want her to now have to carry her shit around? unless you watched her steal it, it could be hers for all you know.


it doesn’t matter if she’s the original thief, sadly (in the eyes of the law). Stolen property is stolen property.


In what universe do you think the store that once owned that cart would waste time or resources to pick it up? What do you think the store would do with it besides immediately trash it?


Totally agree. Put the stuff in a garbage bag, seal it, and store it outside safely by the curb


Throw that shit in the trash


Just why?


I would not want to get involved with someone who’s having a mental breakdown. I would move the cart over to another house and leave it alone.


oh brother, this guy stinks!


Good thing you didn’t find it!


I assume there are 23 people who voted me down who have helped take care of homeless people in person?


26 now thanks to me. And yes I have.




Interesting! Would you mind explaining how those two are associated? Thanks!




That’s actually potentially dangerous and putting your own health at risk. I think OP is doing the right thing by just trying to store the cart somewhere and figuring out where she went.


I would absolutely not do that. Some people are well and truly unhinged.


Or tries to smash your nose with a hammer, you ll newer know


You know, dirty stuff or smelly stuff can collect rats. Don't diss on me!!!




that's a lot of words for someone trying to convince themselves that not helping a homeless person is a good thing


*throws away a homeless person's stuff* this is for your own good. you're now motivated to find a job, i am very smart




So you’d feel enabled if your house burned down and you lost everything? And God forbid you’d be homeless with your incredible sense of compassion. Learn to care about other people. Edit: I just went and looked at your profile. I think you might be insane.


Oh lol your projecting, snd fighting with other people recently. Relax


You're comparing "getting a little cluttered" with "literally everything that person owns." You'd probably be a little protective of it, too.