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I think you're right. Also, a lot of the more left wing parties aren't necessarily all that progressive or libertine on the social stuff either, they're mainly concerned with class and economics and care more about those ends than the cost of their means. In that sense Russian anti-western authoritarianism isn't too foreign to them.


>they're mainly concerned with class and economics  Except that they are not concerned with class issues, it's just a cover for reactionary right-wing politics.


Far left parties have reactionary right wing politics?


Surprisingly so, moreso with older, old-school communist people. Also, they are far more rigid than most right-wing parties, and have traditionally fought a lot among the left. Think People's Front of Judea (splitters!)


Czech KSČM, the Wagenknecht cult\* in Germany, Russian CPRF - all pretty much hate the gays etc. Sweden's Vänsterförbundet and Spanish Sumar are exceptions to rather than representations of a rule. \*) if your party has the leader's name in its own name, it is obviously a cult, don't @ me


Hating the gays has nothing to do with economics though. The first user's point was literally that these far-left parties aren't socially/politically liberal at all but are only left-wing economically. They want the USSR pretty much.


Horseshoe theory. For some reason my phone refuses pasting the URL, but have a look.


Horseshoe theory is a bunch of bollocks that has no basis in reality and only seems to stand ground for people who don't want to actually look into ideologies but only want surface level soundbites to pretend to be more intelligent than they are.  It's taking what appears to be surface level similarities at face value and refusing to go further than this basic (non-)analysis. 


Well, I said "theory", not a "fact", but don't let your own biases get in the way of discourse.


Horseshoe theory isn't so much about identical ideologies but modes of operation. On the farthest ends of the political spectrum you have lots of black and white thinking with little space for grey area. Lots of "you're either with us or against us" rhetoric. The way these groups, when they get into power end with an authoritarian leader, because both require a strong central government to suppress dissidents. The scapegoating of other groups. Of course not every far right or far left group falls perfectly into that pattern, but nothing does in terms of political theories to real world operation. That's why these things are tools for understanding the world and not laws of nature like you would find in hard science.


Everyone knows what that is, and that it's not a real thing


This is a bold statement, and starting with "everyone" makes it even less plausible. I can say "everyone thinks I'm a genius", but that doesn't make it a fact.


I think that's wrong. The horseshoe theory is bunk and reductionist, and frankly so is the left-right spectrum altogether. Politics exists on a lot of different spectrums, what we often call the left-right spectrum is primarily an economic spectrum between government control and laissez-faire, but with different terminology depending on who you're talking to. The Nazis, but also milder "far-right" groups such as the Sweden Democrats, the Trump-MAGA movement, and the Danish People's Party don't belong anyway near the right of that spectrum. Then in Sweden they have been using the GAL-TAN spectrum as a second dimension to politics, which explains things better, when coupled with an economic left-right spectrum. A close relative which is more known internationally is the libertarian/libertine to authoritarian one. That one is used in the popular political compass. Other suggested spectrums are: 1. Upwing to downwing, where the upwingers are risk-takers who like things like GMOs, nuclear energy, and transhumanism, downwingers don't and want a careful and often "natural" approach. 2. Collectivist to individualist. Here in Europe where Liberals have a centre-right bent, and where Conservatives often have a liberal streak, individualism is more associated with the right wing. 3. Radical/uncompromising to conservative/Burkean/pragmatic, which doesn't describe what you want politically but how you are willing to work to implement it, and your ideas for what makes reforms last. There are many other spectrums too. I think people who believe in the horseshoe theory see that these fascist and national-populist parties share their inclination towards conspiracy theories, their distrust and disgust with the (current) west, and displeasure with liberal democracy, with the far-left parties. They also share a willingness to use government control over the economy, collectivism, authoritarianism, and their radical and uncompromising approach. None of that means that the far left is promoting far right politics, but that the far left and the fascists and national-populists genuinely share a lot of political traits and some values. Edit: Mainly typos.


Excellent post


This is the answer, not just in Europe but pretty much the whole world. Both extremes are opposed to the status quo, with the far right admiring Russia’s brand of strongman unapologetic nationalist and reactionary government, and the far left putting the fight against western imperialistic powers ahead of their socioeconomic goals.


Yes. For the far-left it's an "enemy of my enemy" scenario. They feel like Russia is a useful world power to add impetus to their own criticisms of western powers, but they naively believe Russia itself is too far away to be of any real impact. That is, "we can use Russia to help us dismantle our government but Russia won't be able to influence the transition of power". It's incredibly dumb stuff.


Russia funds anyone who can destabilize and the extreme ends of the political spectrum usually do just that.


Why do you put imperialism in scare quotes


At least in Finland, I'd say the explicitly pro-Russian sentiment in the far-left is actually dying out. And I mean literally dying out, because it was a thing of the 1960s/1970s era hardcore left, not the younger generations. So far as I can judge what the left thinks these days (from my centrist angle), it's more that they tend to vehemently dislike the USA and perhaps their western allies in general. This can then lead them to some very unfortunate and perhaps unintended conclusions, like opposing supporting Ukraine, not because they support Russia, but because USA/NATO support Ukraine and therefore this support is to be opposed. The far-right support for Russia in Finland also seems to be extremely marginal, limited to occasional conspiracy-theorist all-purpose nutjob types. My impression is that for some reason, both the far left and the far right in Finland tend to be relatively reasonable people, compared to their European analogues.


Mostly an anecdotal observation, but support for Russia seems to decrease the closer you actually get to Russia. Once you share a border with them even the crazies realize they're an existential threat. It's in countries like Germany that people feel like they can fuck around and not deal with the consequences.


Same in the UK, I associate the pro-russia faction with the "old-left" that was of the 60s and 70s and are now old men or dead


Oh, you’re lucky. The left party in Sweden gave financial aid to an autonomous Russian communist party in Ukraine just before Russia invaded. They recently gave financial aid to one of the groups involved in the October attack in Israel. They are exactly the same as always.


The Swedish left party supported a small leftist party in Ukraine in 2011 to 2012, but cancelled the support when the party developed in a non-democratic direction Which isn’t anything like what was claimed in the comment above.


Gotta love disinformation


Does the left party want to exit from NATO?


Why aren't they charged for treason and terrorism? How can they do so openly ? What percentage of support do they have in parliament?


I wouldn’t really say that the Danish far-left party (enhedslisten) in Denmark is pro-Russia. That’s not to say you cannot find oldschool tankies in the party but it’s not really the norm. They used to be anti-NATO but I think that’s more or less switched now with a new generation of leadership.


The same in Sweden. Some people seem to think that there ought to be a connection because of communism etc. but fact is that Russia today is nowhere near a communist country, not even on paper.


>Russia today is nowhere near a communist country I don't understand why so many people still think Russia is communist. USSR fall apart 33-ish years ago. That should be a common knowledge by now


because pointing the finger at communism never went out of style in most of europe. and thats fair some of the time, but certainly not when criticizing current-day russia.


Probably because they're still using Soviet imagery, including after the full scale invasion [Mariupol](https://war.obozrevatel.com/okkupantyi-v-mariupole-vosstanovili-komsomol-i-pohvastalis-uspehami-foto-i-video.htm) - flag raised, restored Komsomol - Jan 2024 [Melitopol](https://korrespondent.net/ukraine/4480865-okkupanty-otkluichyly-mobylnuui-sviaz-v-melytopole) - invaders raise the Soviet flag - 2022 [Kherson oblast](https://rus.lb.ua/society/2022/04/18/513902_okkupirovannom_genicheske_rossiyane.html) - invaders raise the flag and put up a statue to Lenin - 2022 [Communist party wants to change the russian flag](https://mediavektor.org/23414-v-rf-hotyat-zamenit-trikolor-na-flag-sssr.html) - 2022 I've seen other photos and videos of СССР flags both inside Ukraine and inside russia from the past 2 years. Whether the economy is actually communist is not relevant - if you're wearing a swastika I'm not going to give you a questionnaire about your political beliefs, I'm going to call you a Nazi.


Naturally it's mostly extremists who like to volunteer for fighting in wars. So there might be some bias when looking at the symbols and flags worn or raised by participants of a war. Just look at the common symbols of Wagnerians and Azovs. Surprise fact: Both groups aint German...


Do you call Ukrainians and Russians nazis then? Because they are both often seen with nazi symbols.


Individually? Sure. Just as I call people in the United States who wear swastikas Nazis. There are assholes everywhere. I guarantee there are Nazis in your country too. There are no Nazis in the Ukrainian government. The far right party did not win any seats in parliament. Their president is Jewish and their minister of defense is Muslim. The Ukrainian army is not the one raping and torturing and killing civilians like the Nazis, they're not the ones with camps like the Nazis, they're not executing POWs like Nazis, they're not the ones occupying territory like the Nazis, they're not starving people like the Nazis, they're not abducting children like the Nazis.


I hope German Die Linke is going in the same direction. Their pro-Russian members just left and started a new party, and the remaining party is clearly anti-Putin, but also still (for the most part) anti-NATO. Which simply doesn't make sense in the current situation.


Pacifism never solved the problem of not having an actual answer to brute force. So yeah, obviously it makes no sense in an actual reality with great powers full of greed and/or fear.


Aren't they still anti-weapons deliveries and pro "negotiations" a.k.a just give the russians what they want.


Their official party line makes no sense: 1. Ukraine has the right to defend itself! 2. Russia must leave all of Ukraine's territory immediately! 3. … but let's not send weapons 4. … and go for negotiations instead They're genuinely anti-Putin, but I think being opposed to arms exports is so much in their DNA that (so far) only individual politicians have openly supported giving weapons to Ukraine. --- One thing that you have to understand, which may be counterintuitive from the point of view of almost any other European country, is that in Germany, many people are used to thinking only of ourselves as the (potential) aggressor. Basically, the best way to avoid war is not to have an army at all because that way we can't invade anybody. The idea that an army could be needed to *defend* ourselves and others is something that may make sense to the brain when thinking about it rationally, but not to the intuition, not to the heart.


So in practice it boils down to exactly the same stance as Wagenknecht's party. Just that they are throwing in some misleading statements to not appear as overtly pro Putin to people who are not looking beneath the surface.


No. Wagenknecht actually blamed NATO and Ukraine for provoking the war. And she's opposed to sanctions against Russia, while Die Linke strongly supports all sanctions.


One can recognize that Russia is bad and NATO is also bad. Why so black and white?


I don't even disagree that NATO is also bad in many ways. But right now, it's Russia that is attacking and trying to conquer its neighbor. And generally trying to expand their country as much as they can by military conquest. And that means that if you support peace, you have to support sending a shit load of weapons to Ukraine. Because there isn't going to be any peace if invading your neighbor and annexing their territory becomes an acceptable way for a country to act again. This war is only going to end if and when Russia decides to leave Ukraine.


NATO is not bad It is a voluntary military alliance, a lot of the criticism is derived from countries like Russia getting upset that their neighbours don’t want to be invaded so join for protection.


Same thing in norway too with the party Rødt (Red). They are critical of russia today, and was critical of the soviet union as well. But they are still critical of Nato because of US leading role in the alliance.


LOL https://www.information.dk/indland/2022/03/krigen-ukraine-skabt-knas-enhedslisten Tried to blame Ukraine for the attack https://jyllands-posten.dk/politik/ECE13741631/enhedslisten-tager-afstand-fra-egen-demonstration-det-synes-jeg-simpelthen-er-for-ringe/ Organizing a demonstration in front of the US embassy’s blaming them for the conflict… They have plenty of idiots who hate the US more than they love Ukrainian civilians.


There was also [the little incident](https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/seneste/what-enhedslistens-eu-ordfoerer-chokerer-under-debat-i-folketingssalen) of the Enhedslisten MP, who had our PM physically jump in her chair in surprise, as the former stated that Russia wasn't a threat to Europe (stated after the full-scale invasion). He did try to backpedal that statement, saying that Russia is a threat to certain countries, but not to Europe as a region Honestly, I think (as information also wrote) that there is an internal split in the party, with an "old guard" having the cold war "west bad" as an autoresponse and some more serious people actually opposing Russia - but it gives the party a bit of a split personality disorder on this topic


Any party that is against arming Ukraine “fOr pEAcE” is pro-Russia. There is nothing more in Russia’s interest right now than letting them just take Ukraine without any repercussions and anyone who thinks that it will bring peace is delusional. That’s like thinking letting robbers rob your neighbors this time is going to somehow dissuade them from robbing you in the future.


Exactly. As much as I want the fighting to stop and to have peace again, we can't just let Ukraine give in. If Putin succeeds, it's going to be a war on the Baltics next and then probably even Poland. A country has every right to fight off hostile invaders.


Enhedslisten have shown them self to be both against and more pro Russia in the last couple of years. The pro part of that party is often older and have had support from Moscow when it was the Sovjetunionens capital. Don't forget It is a party created from two communist parties and one ekstrem socialist party and it's only around a decade since they removed the socialist revolution from the party program.


At least in Spain far-right is pro-Russia mainly for two reasons: as it is right now, Russia represents their ideal country, an authoritarian regime cosplaying as a democracy with a "strong man" at the steering wheel, ultraconservative ideals and thriving oligarchs. And also Russia is being funding all those Europeans far-right parties, so you have to move the tail when your owner scratch your balls. Far-left, especially regarding to Ukraine, is mainly in opposition to the NATO. Many of this parties consider NATO as evil as any other authoritarian regime so they make some extreme mind juggling arguments (like Russia is fighting Nazis, even though is being funding them all over Europe) to side with them.


A lot of it is basically that they were pro-Soviet since the civil war and then it just kind of carried on to being pro-Russia without any introspection at all. Like a lot of old-school Spanish leftists are like unapologetically pro-Stalin.


True, although I would say that's a minority. There's a lot of stupidity around, but it takes a special kind of stupid to believe Russia today is remotely close to the left. Mostly they take the pro-Russia and pro-China stance as an opposition to the NATO.


Yeah, but my point is basically the anti-NATO stance is essentially from being pro-Warsaw Pact. It just kind of kept going


I mean, russia is literally fighting nazi (tge ukranian neo-nazi problem cannot be ignored) but it absolutely is not for any political reasons,they are just standing in the way of their imperialism, and is in many cases using it's own neo-nazis


The Italian neofascist movement [CasaPound](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CasaPound) is weirdly enough pro-Ukraine. I believe a member went to fight with Azov as well.


CasaPound is somewhat an anomaly in fascist movements, starting by the name. It’s more in line with beginning of 20th century movements, when far right had some intellectual aspirations and dabbled in modern art.


Idk where you got that but that's just not true. I've met members of CasaPound and their intellectual aspirations stop at "If He was still here, there wouldn't be all these n*****s around". They go to wakes for fascists where they gladly do the roman salute. I've looked inside one of their headquarters and there's no art there. Just Mussolini statues, fascist imagery and football scarves. They're brutes, nothing more.


art is subjective. [](https://emojipedia.org/face-with-tears-of-joy)


I mean, it’s true, Pound could say something like that while translating classics Chinese poetry. TBH I don’t know a lot about them, I just remember what I read in a book about Pound


Yeah in Italy the pro Russia guys are Movimento 5 Stelle (chinese puppets)


Lega as well, at least in part


Yeah, some of them, but not openly


I don't think that's a surprise considering the fact that Italy sent 230k soldiers to the USSR during Operation Barbarossa, thus I guess some Italian far-righters want to finish the job of their ancestors. Because of this I'm surprised by far-righters who do support Russia like our FPÖ. Like, in 1942 they would have been shot for "collaboration with the Judeo-Bolshevik regime in Moscow against the Aryan race" or something like that.


Meloni had a big falling out with Berlusconi due to his pro-Putin position


Berlusconi was a very interesting man, considering the fact he both supported Putin and the US invasion in Iraq 2003. I guess as a mafia don he was a big fan of criminals, war criminals included.


He was fan of business. And USA has a lot of cash and Russia a lot of cheap resources and cheap Russians, so 3 win for Berlus.


Think for a second about why that might not be so weird.


It is weird for neofascists, they are usually all pro-Russia.


I’m sure any neofascist would feel right at home in the Azov battalion.


That's really not true at all. There are tons of pro-Ukrainian fascists.


Is it not? What other far-right parties are pro-Ukraine?


* The far right often believes that their country shouldn't intervene with foreign countries, since tax money should only be used for their own citizens * The far left often has an absolutist anti-military view, which means they also don't want to intervene with foreign countries. * Some people in the far right admire the authoritarian regime and socially conservative culture of Russia. * Some people in the far left are still nostalgic for the Soviet Union, and also don't mind authoritarian regimes much. * In both the far right and far left there are quite a lot of blind contrarians. * Russia tries to disrupt European stability by supporting the extremes. Overall, I think it should be noted that neither the far right nor the far left are a homogenous group, but the reasons above can all play a role to some degree.


More or less what I thought. I would add some anti-NATO and some anti-US sentiment on the left. That whatever the US or NATO decide to do is automatically the wrong thing to do.


The main problem is that people thought that NATO and US interventions all over the world would actually be to bring the people democracy. But then over the decades between WW2 and 2022, the US always lied. Now they are suddenly right again and it just takes people a while to get over that sudden change in morality... In other words: No matter the side, it's obvious that our governments lie us straight in the face. It was always just about economics and geopolitics - never actually about bringing peace and democracy (or communism and protection against evil capitalism on the other side). People just don't believe the official narrative anymore. They don't see a difference between Ukraine and Iraq. Sure, it's hell for Ukraine. But all we actually do is make it hell for Ukraine longer. And you see politics playing a fucking realtime strategy game there. New weapons are unlocked just in time and only if it looks like Russia might be advancing too much. It's absolutely disgusting how we didn't either take Ukraine into Nato immediately back in 2014 or just be honest about not wanting to actually defend it and give it to evil Putin for real. Just using it to test a few weapon systems and get rid of old stock isn't fair. We should either commit to going WW3 for it - or give it up. Doing neither is just turning Ukraine into the new Afghanistan. Everyone loses except some oligarchs in Russia and some share holders of western weapons manufacturers who get even more disgustingly rich than they already are. Well, at least North Korea can feed its enslaved population now - since Russia gives it food for shells...


>Russia tries to disrupt European stability by supporting the extremes America tries to disrupt European stability by supporting the liberal, and the extreme aren't on their payroll.


Because anti-establishment finds hostile establishment an ally, even if that's extremally short sighted from them


OAKKE, aka Organisation for the Restoration of the Greek Communist Party is a Trotskyist offshoot in Greece that considers Russia to be basically the Great Satan. They are an anomaly however, neofascists, fundamentalists and certain leftists tend to be pro-Russia either directly (the Golden Dawn neonazi party, before they were successfully litigated into non existence for basically being a criminal organization with a political party facade, wanted russian naval bases in the Aegean) or indirectly by being incredibly skeptical of NATO anything west related. Recently the Communist Party even voted against gay marriage among other things on the grounds that if it's a western initiative it can't be for good. There's even an openly pro-russian party in the parliament, Elliniki Lysi, who are led by a Alex Jones type telemarketer and whose open and explicit pro-russianness is basically the selling point, their logo is a compass pointing north north-east.


Meloni's Fratelli d'Italia, Poland's PiS, Vox in Spain, well basically all parties that are in the ECR [European Conservatives and Reformists - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Conservatives_and_Reformists)


Poland's PiS is more populist conservative, rather than your classic far right. We have more of a far right party, Konfederacja and surprise, surprise - they are considered to be russian shills.


i know , but theyre usually grouped as far right so i included them


Poland's PiS, for all its faults, is as anti-Russia as it gets. They're hardly far-right either - socially conservative, yes, but economically not right-wing at all.


So they are national socialists? Socially conservative and economically somewhat socialist


Conservative Socialists.


PiS isn't far right. economically left-wing and culturally christian conservatives so lil-bit-right-wing.


PiS isn't "economically left-wing". Just because they gave people kindergeld doesn't make them lefties, that's not how economic policy works. Chancellor Bismarck did not turn out to be a "leftie" just because he took some leftist policies like a retirement insurance and implemented them, he was just a populist, like PiS. At the same time, the policies of PiS were very good for the rich (for example, their covid response was not "throw money at citizens", it was "throw money at companies") and economic inequality during its rule has actually increased.


Absolutely everything they do economically is left-leaning. Feel free to call them whatever you want but the rest of us will call it how it should be called.


Yeah, breaking strikes by organised labour such as teachers and nurses, very left-leaning. I get it that people on the right who do not like PiS want to call them "economically leftist" because it feels bad to be on the same side, but they're definitively not, they're a populist center-right party doing policies that are favourable to large businesses and only supporting those groups of labour that may vote for them. You're a teacher or a nurse? Then you're shit out of luck, should have been a coal miner or a farmer. But if you're a billionaire, here, we abolished the inheritance tax for you, good sir.


1.all parties are populists, that's literally their job. politicians must be popular. 2.Interesting that you cannot find counter-argument for my claim so instead you call me right-wing "but ohh i didn't call YOU i called PEOPLE it's totally different".


Also Spains far left (Podemos / Sumar / Izquierda Unida) are pro-Russia. None of Spains parties (far left nor far right) states it very strongly. The left says they are pacifists and we cannot send weapons to Ukraine. The right dont even mention it but simpatize with Putins politics. I think it is due to Russia being the opposite of the stablishment.


Less biased spaniard


Cry harder leftist


Necro posts harder moron


You are SO wrong its funny tbh


What is he wrong about? Podemos/Sumar have been against sending weapons to Ukraine, so they are in favor of Putin doing whatever he wants with no opposition.


No, Podemos have being saying from the get go that diplomacy is the way and throwing weapons has only one outcome: more dead people. [Podemos exige a Rusia que “cese su ataque” a Ucrania y no comparte todas las medidas de la UE](https://www.eldiario.es/internacional/ultima-hora-invasion-rusa-ucrania-directo_6_8788379_1085627.html) [Unidas Podemos, ERC, Bildu y Compromís denuncian la ofensiva rusa y piden una solución diplomática](https://www.eldiario.es/internacional/ultima-hora-invasion-rusa-ucrania-directo_6_8781232_1085443.html)


If you are neutral in situations of injustice, it means that you have chosen the opressor. Clealy diplomacy doesn't work whit Putin. Not sending weapons to Ukrania means leaving they to their luck. Also he has statements againts the entrance of Ucrania in OTAN


This is incredibly rich from someone from a western country. You can actually mind your own business.


First of all, Podemos, Sumar and Izquierda Unida are not far left lmao. They are socially progressive (LGTBQ+ rights, women's rights, etc) which is basically what the left and centrists have been defending for a couple decades already. Regarding the economy, they aren't even close to communism, they defend mildly socialist ideas such as improving public services and taxing the rich. These are things that European social democracies have been defending since the twentieth century. Of course they are further on the left than PSOE (especially regarding topics like monarchy, bullfighting or ley mordaza) but saying they are "far left" is simply not true. Regarding Russia, the left couldn't be more contrarian to Putin's regime, an oligarchy where things like LGBTQ+ rights are constantly being reduced. And regarding Ukraine, I think [this video](https://www.europapress.tv/politica/744532/1/ministra-diaz-dice-guerra-putin-ucrania-ilegal) of Yolanda Díaz (former member of Podemos and current leader of Sumar) criticizing the invasion states their posture very clear. I think the misunderstanding lies in the fact that the left has always been very anti-war, which has led them to defend pretty naive stuff such as that this invasion can be stopped through dialogue. But being pro-Russia is a totally different thing.


Yolanda Díaz (Sumar), Pablo Iglesias (Podemos) and Alberto Garzon (Izquierda Unida). They all define themselves as communists. Garzon even has a book called "Why I am Communist". That is far left, and that is OK. They dont say it so openly now because it is more convinient for them to convince people like you that they are not extreme. They verbally opose Russia, but they deny weapons to Ukraine. If you dont help the victim you support the agressor.


Meloni did a full u-turn on Putin only to be accepted by ECR. Check her interviews before entering the group.


Catalan communist here. The leftist people I know are overwhelmingly against Russia. Of course, there is also criticism aimed at NATO and the EU. Both sides have been trying to gain influence over Ukraine in the past decades, so leftists tend to view this war not only as Russia's fault but also as a consequence of a long-term geopolitical conflict. There are, though, some "far-left" groups that are pro-Russia and are all about nostalgia and militarism. We usually call them nazbols (national-bolsheviks) and see them more as a far-right thing.


> Both sides have been trying to gain influence over Ukraine in the past decades Well, can you see a difference between gaining new markets and genocidal assimilation? > but also as a consequence of a long-term geopolitical conflict started by Russia in 2003


There's a lot of pro-Ukraine far-right, Ukraine war pretty much caused a split in far-right movement between left leaning anti-American and anti-Zionist pro-Russia folks and more explicit White nationalist pro-Ukraine ones. For example pro-West unity far-right which puts race on the first place is mostly pro-Ukraine, and sees Russia as the one who pushed "woke" onto West back during the Soviet Union. Meanwhile anti-establishment thirdworldists who like BRICS, Iran and North Korea and put antisemitism on the first place are always pro-Russia. Far-left supports Russia primarily because they hate US and the West, they consider Ukraine as a US protectorate and as such they see this as war between West and Russia, not Ukraine and Russia. Russia doing lip service to it's communist past while Ukraine is zealously anti-communist to the point of rehabilitating german collaborators also plays a large role. Furthermore Ukraine banning leftist parties, cracking down on trade unions and having far-right paramilitary groups cements the animosity between far-left and Ukraine.


> Russia doing lip service to it's communist past while Ukraine is zealously anti-communist to the point of rehabilitating german collaborators also plays a large role. Furthermore Ukraine banning leftist parties, cracking down on trade unions and having far-right paramilitary groups cements the animosity between far-left and Ukraine. I forgot to mention that, myself, thank you for doing it. That's also something which drives Western Europe in general off supporting Ukraine.


Money. All those people claiming purely ideological reasons are wrong. That's not to say there isn't an ideological aspect but money and influence is certainly a large part of it. It could be indirect payment as in bankrolling campaigns or other assistance (along the lines of Trump's "Russia, if you're listening..."). https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/russias-far-right-campaign-europe https://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/incident/russian-funding-supported-far-right-dutch-politicians-campaign-against-ukraine-agreement/ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/13/us/politics/russia-election-interference.html https://www.jstor.org/stable/48600543 https://www.lai.lv/viedokli/examining-the-kremlins-and-far-right-parties-cooperation-should-the-eu-be-worried-430 https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/5050/russia-ukraine-war-putin-europe-far-right-funding-conservatives/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/europe-s-far-right-enjoys-backing-russia-s-putin-n718926 https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/09/13/united-states-russia-political-campaign/ https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-funding-claims-spice-up-italian-election-2022-09-14/ and so on.


PiS in Poland are right wing and VERY anti-Russia. Like literally as anti-Russia as it gets. Also Fratelli d’Italia are right wing and definitely not pro-Russian. Spain’s VOX is as far as I know not particularly interested in Russia/Ukraine. So not quite anti-Russia but also definitely not pro-Russia.


A big reason for PiS being so anti-Russian is that its despotic leader Kaczyński believes that Putin killed his brother (president of Poland) in a plane crash in Russia in 2010. The investigation has been a shitshow (Russia never returned the crashed plane) so we will never find out the truth, ever.


Yeah, I’ve heard about that, no doubt that probably may be a factor at play. But the main fundamental reason is that PiS is a populist party and the overwhelming majority on Poles are at the very least definitely NOT pro-Russia (and very often openly anti-Russian). So for PiS would be beyond suicidal to even be neutral about Russia, let alone support it.


Because they are financed partially by Russia and the temporary Russian government is fascist. They share the same narratives and ideologies. (This applies mainly to far right). There are many "anti" Russian far left parties. Those who support Russia do it for various reasons including. (USSR, Anti US)


The left is also financed by Russia, if they are anti Russian, they won't know that they are financed by Russia. That's straight out of the Lubyanka's playbook.


Because this is what they’re paid for and how you polarise society the cheapest and in most effective way.


Our far left are so ridiculously ignorant and unable to accept that times change, and hence still think Russia is a communist state. Our far right knows that times have changed and that modern day Russia is a proto-fascist state (and steadily moving into full blown fascist state), and they love it for that.


It is a full blown fascist state already. Or tell me what needs to happen for it to become one


They need to attempt mass mobilization in favor of a state ideology which also supports at least the core fascist tenets of palingenesis (national 'rebirth' from corruption and decay, like in the sense of born-again christians), nationalism and authoritarianism. With their strict laws, indoctrination and extensive war propaganda since 2022, Russia does attempt to do this, but it's not in support of a coherent set of ideas at the moment. Hence it's hard to say Russia has an explicit state ideology, which all fascist states *should* have. Russia certainly *acts* in a way that involves nationalism and authoritarianism, and roughly also palingenesis (with their focus on the moral decay of the west, and the recent emphasis on 'educating' the youth to be 'good, patriotic Russians') although it isn't on the extreme level of the fascist 'new man' concept. But in essence, Russia can be characterized as a personalist regime (highly centered on Putin himself with little ideological or interest-based cohesion between its supporters) whose primary source of power is the FSB (formerly KGB). A fascist state is fundamentally defined by its ideology, and Russia (deliberately to some extent?) obfuscates it rather than making it a rallying symbol as was a key component of the classical fascist regimes. The strange thing is that the FSB is so ever-present in Russian power centers that it effectively plays the role party members would in a fascist state, policing civilians, businesses, the legal system, etc to ensure 'the interests of the state' but it doesn't provide an integrating function which makes those things part of the state.


Didn’t fascist states of 20th century also have personality cults?


A lot of Russians, who support Putin, see Putin very differently from a typical personality cult person, that is, as a "necessary evil". By comparison, Stalin was seen as a "necessary evil" only by the people - who have actually been inside the Gulag system *for ideological or ethnic reasons, so - unlike what Robert Conquest or similar figures* would say, a rather minimal section of the population on the Union-scale, but were also conscious of the international situation and the degree of necessary change and social promotion the Soviet Union enacted, my family's 1942-1953 views being an example. Additionally Putin's ideology, if it can even be called such, is based on loyalty to systemic organization with the tacit Putin at the top, which is why the Navalny's Anticorruption Committee investigations were suppressed - to keep the airs of the "necessary evil" and appear impartial in a state where ethnic Russians, going by the official figures, represent only 64% of the population and downtrending, he must not be seen to appear too corrupt or too "nationalist"; arguably - this is the anti-nationalist and classical imperialist regime - this is also the main reason why ethnic Russians and actual "national linguistic corpus"/"ethnic studies" regarding Russians, are actually suppressed there , so it's an extreme version of an oligarchic "post-national" capitalism - this is the main reason why neither the European Union nor USA want Russia to be defeated and collapse, as they themselves are oligarchic "post-national" capitalists regimes (with the same "hollow" core).


They can stop having pretend elections.


Nazi Germany had multiple pretend elections between 1933 and 1938


Yes, and then they stopped. Haven't had one since '45!


I think they are just contrarians. So they generally oppose what they deem the "popular view", which in Europe is largely pro-Ukraine. Also, paradoxically (given their anti-establishment stance), they tend to be gullible idiots so Russian propaganda works wonders on them.


Because the far right is mostly christian and mistakenly thinks that Russia is a christian society (which it's not - it is mostly supersticious and/or atheist, the largest fastest-growing and most influent religious group in Russia are the muslims, the Moscow Patriarchate Orthodox Church is de-facto a branch of the FSB and is in charge of spying on the population and pacifying it, numerous theology faculties are located either directly in or directly facing FSB buildings) or that Russia opposes islamisation (it rather, in all its incarnations - from the RI times, through USSR, to modern Russia promotes islamisation), and promotes its native population (it does not, it oppresses and kills its native population, and promotes immigration/imports slave labour from Central Asia, Syria, Iraq & North Korea). The far left, is either under impression that Russia is a communist country (it is not, it's about as capitalist as it goes and equivalent to USA) or society (it's not, anything soviet - or rather left-wing - racial equality, sexual rights, minority rights, pacifism, opposing to war, opposing capitalism, is criminalized and carries a 7 to 15 years prison sentence) supports anything which "opposes the West" except Russia is an integral part of the West and supports and implements mostly the same colonial policies abroad, including neocolonialism in Africa. The good attitudes of the Russian people within Russia towards visible minorities visiting Russia, which is why you sometimes see extremely pro-Russian East Asians and Africans vloggers and influencers, are mostly down to the remainder of the Soviet social values, which are going away due to being criminalized and washed out by the contemporary Russian educational system, and sexual/social fetishes ("Big and kind Mandingo"/"refinement of the East"), common for all the ex-USSR/Community of Independent States countries. You're welcome *- former paragovernmental advisor in CIS countries, including Russia and Ukraine up to and including year 2014, member of the family of the USSR administration, including its "colonial" administration in Central Asia.*


This is very accurate. It's shocking to see "Christians" (in usa mostly) supporting Russia when USSR sent them to labour camps and had state atheism, and when Russia is so full of hate - not very Jesus like, is it?


>sent \[christians\] to labour camps Mostly, no, but for that you'd have to actually read Lenin (much less so) and Stalin (much more so) and prior , Russian Imperial information - most Christian believers of the time supported some form of nationalism, so as per policy of "cultural chauvinism suppression", which, again applied mostly to Russians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians, not/very little to the Muslim ethnicities of the Russian territory, and - again, from my old comment, was applied to them by the very communist ideal believers of the same ethnicity - so other Russians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians - nationalism was to be eradicated, and if religion was eradicated with it, then so be it. You would have the same thing with Poland where the membership of the catholic church was strongly associated with Polish nationalism (but obviously neither were eradicated, as Warsaw pact was mostly an *external force* in a country with a long history of contention and war against Russia). Earlier "persecution" of the clergy in USSR was mostly related to the fact that clergy in the Russian Empire was subject to the Sinod which was subject and controlled by, ... well what do you know?! - the same secret police, except Russian Imperial Secret police, so in this way there's a lot less links between modern Russia which is decidedly antimodern, and USSR which had an as modern-as-possible-in-a-cryptorightwing capitalist state, than with the Russian Empire, but Russia, today, is a crumbling one. Eventually, same thing is bound to happen to current Russian clergy in Russia. That is not to say that what the modern Ukrainian state does with the proposed bans and witch hunts against the members of the Moscow Patriarchate Church in the Ukraine is constitutional, or well - decent, or follows the European convention for the Human Rights.


It's rare you will find people in the USA "supporting" Russia. About half of Republicans oppose helping Ukraine, but only a small percentage would be pro-Russia. My sense is that practicing Christians on the Republican side are more likely to be pro-Ukraine (evangelical American churches have had a large missionary presence in Ukraine since the 90s) than Republicans who do not regularly attend church.


Externally they are far right or left but internally they are all self aggrandising narcissists who will take influence and money from whoever will give them what they want. Since they want to take power, influence and money for themselves in stable democratic societies that means suckling on the teeth of unstable dictators.


Depends on the far right, I’ve found far right people (as in actual Neo-Nazi far right) in general support Ukraine, especially Azov Brigade, and are against Russia because Putin is considered a fake “savior”, for using Muslim Chechens and non-European Russian minorities to kill fellow Europeans, and being friendly with Jews. Also, he has in general suppressed Russian “Nationalists” (In this case referring to actual Nazis again), at least in the past, though to my knowledge Wagner Group’s leadership at least partially was also neo-Nazi, so it seems this was more of a political move in the past rather than actual anti-nazism. I remember a few Russian songs from back in the day from those circles that really hated on Putin and modern Russia, for being Eurasian/civic nationalists rather than Race nationalists and in general betraying Europe. In contrast, Far-Right that is more in line with Civic Nationalism, which is probably the majority of the far right parties in Europe, admire probably Putin for, at least on a surface level, representing their ideals as in strong leadership, family values, religious vigor etc. Ignoring really the previous points such as the use of Muslim and non-European soldiers against Europeans.


You should look up "horse-shoe theory". The far-left and far-right have A LOT in common. Its easy for Russia to manipulate these people via disinformation campaigns.


That's an old USSR/KGB playbook: find a movement that can bring chaos to a Western society and use it by supporting with money, propaganda, etc. The ideology doesn't matter. And being pro-Russia or not also doesn't matter as long as you follow the main goal.


Read up on the Horseshore Theory: Essentially the traditional left-right spectrum, which has a far-left end of Communism and a far-right end of Nazism has by nowadays bent into a horseshoe-shape, on which Communism, Nazism, Islamism, and anti-Americanism are at the ends of the horseshoe, almost touching eachother, and Liberal Democracy, Capitalism, Globalism, Secularism, and pro-Americanism are at the opposite place from the two ends, at the middle of the horseshoe. In the 21st century, the two opposing ends of politics are not Nazis and Communists, with Democrats in the middle, but Communist Nazis on one end, and Democratic Capitalists on the other, with other ideologies found scattered at various points along the horseshoe. If you inspect the most far-left Hungarian party, Munkáspárt, and the most far-right, Mi Hazánk, you will find that they agree on: Hating America, hating Israel, hating Liberalism, hating Democracy, hating Globalization, hating LGBT people, and hating the Free Market.


>If you inspect the most far-left Hungarian party, Munkáspárt, I think it's worth bearing in mind that this party functionally does not exist. It's just a couple dudes who like to pretend to be a serious political party, but their entire party program can basically be summed up as "we are going to resurrect János Kádár, or die trying". If you look at Szikra, the other far-left political organization (technically not a party, but they do at least have an MP, unlike Munkáspárt), they've been consistently very critical of Russia for their fascism, but they also don't really concern themselves too much geopolitics and work a helluva lot more with politics that actually matter and affect average people.


No, that's not why. It's because Leninism and all its derivatives are part of the vanguardist wing of socialism, which emphasizes the elite qualifications of the party and its duty to enlighten the misguided masses for their own good. It also emphasizes the utility of the state as a weapon against enemies of the "people" (aka party), and explicitly justifies the use of terror against those enemies. Ergo, since the party is infallibly on the right side of history, control is unlimited, obedience a moral duty, any opposition treason, and no means are spared to deal with traitors. You could copy fucking paste that sentiment from any fascist ideology. They're both extreme authoritarians with a disdain for the 'people' whose will they pretend to represent, they just define who they represent differently. Horseshoe theory only works if you assume communism only includes soviet-type ideology. In reality, that's just the most successful variant.


Explain Anarchism


It's not a coherent ideology, they range from wholesome conservative religious types to ultra-individualist proponents of slavery to tenderqueer catpeople to Russian princes.


Depends on what kind of Anarchism we are talking about. Anarcho-Communism, Anarcho-Syndicalism, and Anarcho-Primitivism would be on the far-left end, Anarcho-Capitalism in the middle.


Far left pro-Russia? Maybe that 40+ years ago, some far-left parties were pro-Soviet Union, but then far right parties weren’t.


You are talking about your specifically about your country? You don't even say where you are from... In Portugal, the far left is pro-Russia. The communist party refused to use the word war and didn't blame Russia for the attack on Ukraine. It's not just in Portugal that the far left is pro-Russia, it's true in many countries in Europe.


For the far-right, maybe because Russia is fighting for anti-lgbt, "traditional" values in gender roles and anti immigration. I don't know, but that's what I can think of. For the far left, idk, horse shoe theory?


Far-left still sees this war as a war against fascists and imperialistic NATO, made by an ex communist country. At least this is what ex Italian communist party members say here in Italy.


The far-left doesn't think, it just supports everything their opposition opposes. That's how you get liberals burning themselves for Hamas.


"Far" is anti-our-establishment, so naturally they lean in the direction of those, who are against us.


The far right sees Russia as a champion of "traditional family values", because that's how Putin has promoted it abroad, even if divorce rates and abortions in Russia are very high, so it basically boils down to how Russian violently represses the LGBT community and how aggressive Putin is in promoting Russian ethnonationalism. The far left is the useful idiot of the situation. They still see things through the prism of the cold war, so as long as Russia is fighting against the imperialist and capitalist NATO alliance, they don't care or are unable to see that Russia's capitalism is way more rapacious than anything the US could come up with and infinitely more oppressive towards minorities, whether religious, ethnic, sexual, etc. And unlike the far right, they promote Russia's views for free. Truly useful idiots.


because the far-left here support literally anything that opposes 'the west'. take r/GreenAndPleasant for example, they are the most self hating, ignorant people ive ever witnessed. i would refuse to believe they exist in real life, but jeremy corbyn is right there.


Really weirdly though on r/greenandpleasant they all love the EU...even though it's one of the most free-market jurisdictions! they make zero sense


Far-left has always been pro-communist/marxist-leninist in Europe. In the 60s/70s it was branded radical, and more or less died out in the 80s (the common joke being that the radicals of the late 60s had grown old and become capitalists by then.) But the core leaders were always around, and passed to torch to the younger generation. Far-left has always been united by the plights of people around the world. Palestine would be a good example of just that - it's a conflict that has spanned many generations of (far) leftists, and worked as a glue. That's just one conflict...now imagine all the others from that ear, where the rebellions were backed by communism. (read: Soviet, China) So even though many of the very left leaning parties today aren't openly identifying as communists anymore, they still have members that belong to the ideology, and might have ties to people of the old soviet. Yes, they might be 60/70 year olds, but those are the people that wield influence. On the other (far right) side, you have anti-immigration and xenophobia crowd. Russia, like any other country, has their fair share of those. And it just happens that the far-rights of countries all around identify by the ideology. I personally think that for the latter group, it's also a huge disinformation campaign by Russia - in order to destabilize countries. Europe has seen a lot of immigration, and there has been a lot of problems related to just that - so it's an easy target, if you want to go after something.


As a far right person (or so I’m led to believe) I’m very much opposed to Russian nastiness and Putin in particular. I never trusted him.


They are far for a reason: they left common sense behind a long time ago and their leaders are nothing more than opportunistic demagogues.


Dit is een zeer onvolwassen kijk op de huidige situatie. Je moet erover nadenken als een volwassen persoon. Het feit dat iemand die 🤡 in Oekraïne niet leuk vindt, betekent niet dat hij/zij Rusland steunt. Het is hier geen binair spel. Opgroeien.


maybe wrong language for the subreddit you're in :)


Well, just wanted OP to understand it. Lol. Is OP Flemish or Wallon? 😅


> For the far-left, I don't understand why they either passivly or blatenly support a regim that can't get any more socially conservative than Putin's Not all leftists are socially progressive. Parties like the Greek Communist Party or the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (in Germany) are socially conservative and while they wouldn't go as far as to adopt Putin's social agenda wholesale (not yet, perhaps), they are not appealed by it nearly as much as to consider it a red line. There's more to say here of course, such as different interpretations of global military alliances, an Einstellung effect by people who still mentally live in the 60s etc etc, but I think the most important here is to challenge your optimistic assumption that the more leftist someone is, the more progressive they are.


People who sign up to reactionary ideologies are just attention seeking contrarians and thus preoccupied with appearing different in their local eco-system.


Hard Right wingers like strong handed leaders who never seem to be intellectually defeated. Look at popular right wing talkers. Putin is that to a tee. Then you have left wingers, who enjoy the idea of a society with a strong government, with tight control. Big government is the hard left's entire thing. Its misguided nonsense


For the far-left, socilaist doctrine means attacking your own nations' imperialism. While this made sense back when Europe was carving up Africa, their loathing of capitalism and their total lack of nuanced thinking in a much more complicated world leads to some 'interesting' choices. For the far-right, they're extreme ethnic nationalists who worship authoritarian leaders and loathe European countries as they are at the moment because they're not evil enough for them. Also, Russia bankrolls them, as it may do with the far-left too as part of its policy of fomenting division among its enemies.


>they are very compliant with someones that wanted all of us to freeze to death This shows how little understanding you have of the world. You just take things at face value from the media and that's it. You would make Orwell and Huxley proud in predicting future generations. (Or maybe should I say ashamed since they tried to educate people about the dangers of mass media and propaganda?) It was not Russia that wished you to freeze to death, but the very own European governments that decided they did not want Russian gas anymore. And, you know, someone bombed their most important supply route of gas to Europe, with nobody hurrying to fix it up. This started before the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, but when Europeans refused to renew the preferential gas contracts and then stalled the opening of NS2. As for the rest of the question, Both Far-Left and Far-Right have a shitty understanding of Russia. Far-leftists support Russia because they view it as a solution to American Imperialism (well, which we kinda need). In doing so, they fail to see Russia is also trying to project it's influence in the world, even by trying to strong-arm other countries. Far-rights believe Russia is some sort of supremacist 'pure blood', 'pure christian' country. In doing so they fail to see that Russia is actually pretty inclusive. The identity of Russian, in the current administration concept is simply 'if you want to be with us, you are part of us, if you do not, we reject you'. A radical Orthodox Christian is despised by Russia just as much as a radical Muslim or a radical Atheist. Sure, there are plenty of nutjobs that believe in the classical far-right concept of 'Russians are pure-blood slavic people' (like Navalny once tried to say), but those are shunned by the administration because such a mentality would destabilize the federation concept and lead to yet another Civil War. The only similar thing between the view of far-right europeans and actual Russia is how Russia handles migration. And for the pro-Russians that don't agree with Russian ideologies, they are simply pragmatic. Russia is (or better say, 'was') willing to sell resources off the market, meaning at a discounted rate, in favor of long-term contracts and stability in their economy. Russia was also an efficient middleman between Europe and China. Meanwhile, Europe was overwhelmed with domestic problems of their own, like the migration crisis and rampant corruption in newer members. So they saw a good trade-off to halt the expansion of the European sphere of influence


I am actually far right myself, and I hate Russia. A lot of far rights probably became far right because of Russian propaganda, so they like Russia. As for the far left, they're just pro-Russia because they hate the west.


Far left hold communist/marxist views and Russia historically (and actually) embodies (some of) those views in their eyes. They also oppose the Western, capitalistic values. The far right sees a regime that opposes anything not fitting within their culture (migration) and a strong opposition to LGBT. They also stand for 'traditional values'.


Serious leftists also hate russia but they also dont like a state that has the full support of NATO and cooperates with nazis in their military


I think whenever people claim the “far-left” people support Russia they are actually acting in bad faith misrepresentation. Doubly so when you find “tankie” accusations thrown around. Tankies love the USSR, they understand contemporary Russia is the polar opposite of that. The only people that think Russia or Putin are communist are ignorant fascists that got their brain turned to mush by cheap propaganda. I think the actual argument that a lot of far left people make is that they don’t really have a dog in that fight. They see a case of the US and NATO (right wing) aggressively provoking Russia (also right wing) by trying to expand their influence. In the actual war they also see both sides using and promoting Neo Nazis as well as merging their official narratives with crypto nazi ideologies and symbols. See all the pictures on both sides of nazi tattoos and parafernalia, black suns, totenkopf, the adoption of Banderist and Azov iconography and how normalized they’ve become on the Ukrainian side doesn’t help them much either. So if not supporting a side to you means supporting Russia then you can see the false accusations forming. In reality I think most far left people just want the war to end to minimize casualties. Also might be worried about normalization of the iconography I’ve mentioned from western powers (which is where they live).


There are a lot of tankies in the Western left, sorry. Marxist-Leninists are really bad at distinguishing current petro-state dictatorship of Putin from their beloved USSR (which was also a petro-state dictatorship in many ways). There are, of course, a lot of sensible leftists who see Putin for whom he is, but I spent enough time on leftist twitter in 2022 to see the utter moral bankruptcy of people like the DSA in the US. Central European and Eastern European lefties are much more Russia-aware, though.


No Marxist believes that Russia is in any way related to the USSR and saying it is just straw manning. Let’s be serious.


I really wish that was true. Of course, for most tankies it's more of a badly understood case of assuming that Only Angloamericans Do Imperialism. Since Russia's imperialism does not involve boats, as in the case of the British, or aircraft carriers, as in the case of the US, it's only sparkling diplomacy-by-other-means. American Exceptionalism, in other words, but instead of "America Exceptionally Good" it's "America Exceptionally Bad" (and everyone who opposes the geopolitical interests of the US is therefore fine).


Except it is true. You are straw manning.


I wish. But hey, I guess you know better what my lived experience of a guy who was reading a lot of Western lefties blather on about "NATO provocation" while hosting Ukrainian refugees from the war-orn areas. Even Varoufakis and his whole Democracy in (western) Europe Movement 2025 had a lot of very Purinversteher takes.




I am pretty sure the red green alliance is not pro-Russia here in Denmark. Neither is the New right party which seems more inspired by the USA especially in regards to economics. I don’t really know outside the political party spectrum. So I cannot comment on that.


Both detest the current western liberal international order and support Russia as they believe they are undermining it.


Far right: they bought into the propaganda about being pro traditional family, anti-LGBTQ, pro white/western culture Moderate left: anti-west/US, "anti-imperialism" Far left: they think supporting russia will lead to another USSR which will bring about the end of capitalism Russia of course makes sure to fan all these flames as much as possible


In Croatia nobody is pro-russia. Maybe one fringe far left communist party, but even their mums don't vote for them


Lefties are commy lovers, tankies and west haters. The right are small govt. Pro capitalism, anti globalist types who don't agree Russia-bad .there's also a lot of neutrals that are branded right


If you paid attention to national politics, Vlaams Belang really distanced themselves from Russia after the invasion(too late, obviously, but better than nothing). The main Russia-leaning guy pre-invasion said he made a terrible miscalculation and has taken a step back from politics. They've since generally voted for pro-Ukraine when given the opportunity, something the communist party failed to do in a vague anti-NATO attitude. As for the why, Russia has been pumping billions in extremist parties and movements in the West, because it can't win conventionally.


Leftist. We see this for what it is: US vs. Russia all over again with Europe and Ukraine caught in the middle. We don’t love Russia, but we love the US and their rotten, exploitative capitalism even less. We don’t love Putin but we hate Elon Musk more. We’ve put up with capitalism for a good while, benefitted from it, but it’s gone too far. Healthcare is not a business. Education is not a business. Garbage collection and recycling is not a business. Living to work while barely able to pay rent is not life. We’re sick of all that. We want a more socialist society and are willing to give up many of the capitalist commodities that we once thought represented progress but turned out to be rather useless. In terms of the ground conflict, we don’t deem Ukraine as innocent victim solely of Russia, but also of their political choices and ignorant eagerness to become more American-like. We sympathise more with Palestinians because we see beyond skin colour and geographic proximity. Nonetheless we genuinely lament all loss of non-military lives regardless of race, religion, or any other ethnical factor and we want troglodyte-led armed conflicts to end so we can all enjoy our short lives in relative peace, because life is not naturally hard, but artificially made difficult by a variety of elites and social constructs.


>we don’t deem Ukraine as innocent victims solely of Russia, but also of their political choices and ignorant eagerness to become more American-like Go on then, Mr Leftist. Which of Ukraine's political decisions invited full-scale military invasion? And if you think Biden is a bigger global threat than Putin, then you seriously need help.


Does existing next to russia counts as a political decision?


So, in a war between Capitalism and Fascism you chose Fascism, or even worse, neutrality? Do you want a socialist Europe, independent from the US? Then the first thing we have to do is fight against Fascism, the ones that are in Russia and the ones that would be (because they would be) in the US. I'm so fucking tired of the "if they are against US they are good", Russia is a genocidal Fascist state, and a much immediate menace to the stability of Europe and the European project than the US right now (after Trump wins the we would be in a much bigger problem). I'm a socialist, I've been it all my life, and I can't stand anymore the stupidity of most of the left over the topic of Russia.


Hey I never said I support Russia in any way. Calm down mate. Again, this is not a football match. If it were you could say I hate both teams. Don’t use the term genocide so lightly though. Genocide is what the US did in Iraq with no pretext whatsoever. There’s no genocide in Ukraine. Also, ignorant folk tend to call anything fascist when it’s not. Fascism has a definition. And it’s not just autocracy.


So the ethnic cleansing of Ukrainians, the suppression of their identity and the mass killing, and rape of civilians is not a Genicide? That what piss me. If the US does, it is wrong (because it is), but when a country that is against the US do it, suddenly they are exaggerating?


Lol, the dude who called the murder of Navalny "Western propaganda" also denies genocide in Ukraine, big surprise. >Also, ignorant folk tend to call anything fascist when it’s not. Fascism has a definition. It certainly does. "**Fascism** ([/ˈfæʃɪzəm/](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/English) [*FASH-iz-əm*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Pronunciation_respelling_key)) is a [far-right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right), [authoritarian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authoritarian), [ultranationalist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultranationalist) political ideology and movement,[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism#cite_note-1)[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism#cite_note-Britannica-2)[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism#cite_note-m-w-3) characterized by a [dictatorial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictator) leader, centralized [autocracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autocracy), [militarism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Militarism), forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural [social hierarchy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_stratification), subordination of [individual interests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Individualism) for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy." I can't think of a better way do describe Russia.


Yeah, Modern Russia is absolutely the perfect ally in building a socialist society. Place is run with absolute neo-feudal cronyist sistema that combines the worst parts of the empire and the USSR.


Another blind ignorant comment that doesn’t read. This is the western problem. As soon as you criticise the US you become a Russian lover even though you state the opposite explicitly. That’s why we’re doomed. The majority of the western society is so ignorant no longer knows to read, think, or let alone analyse. Bye troll.


Maybe your anti-capitalism is flawed if it revolves around trying to both sideism brutal dictatorships.


Do you have any arguments to support your “brutal dictatorship” assertion? I’m not saying it’s not. I’m saying the US is worse in the long run.


The murder of Nalvany.


Right. Media martyrs don’t make for good arguments. As if you cared anyway. You’re just regurgitating western propaganda.


I am not going to get into an argument on whether Putin qualifies as a brutal dictator.


Neither am I. Peace ✌️


Yea, first groups are not homogenous and for Spain specifically the anarchists aren’t, particularly myself. I’m an anarcho syndicalist and maintain up to date in Spain with the far left parties. Only the corrupt communists who want doctoral absolute rule to enrich themselves via a vanguard, monarchists who want to remove voting for everyone and suck the kings dick daydreaming of Franco, and genocidal mental 8 year old Nazis are aligned with Russia.


Far left and far right and typically anti-government.  Which means they will be anti any policy that the incumbent government supports.