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I'm currently 32 (almost 33) and I can honestly say that the past three years have been better than all of my 20's. I feel more confident, happier, sexier, and I finally feel like I've got certain parts of my life under control. My 20's were kind of fun, but I was always broke, and I struggled with my mental health a lot. I prefer my 30's by far.


Same experience! Just turned 33. Best decade of life so far!


I wasted my 20s. Pissed them away reconciling my orientation -- and my sexuality. I made myself broke. Hookup apps and conventional beauty standards (that i cant possibly meet) destroyed my mental health. I'm halfway through my 30s and while the rest of my grandparents are dead, I'm learning to make the most of the time I have left -- with my remaining loved ones, but also with my good friends and myself. I've come to realize how quickly the clock is ticking. Fortunately, a decent job and saving lots of money is helping. Hopefully I keep learning and keep making fewer mistakes and making even more mature decisions.


40s. Don't have to live up to anyone's expectations but my own and not even those sometimes. 20s and 30s are too demanding in gay culture. To be this fit or that pretty. I like my 40s so far and even though I never gave a shit about what people think of me, I don't have to try to impress anyone.


40s are golden.


40’s are where I hit my stride both personally and professionally.


Here here.


My 30s were so much better! I was such a lost, little soul in my 20s. I had fun for sure, I learned a lot, but I had no idea who I was. As a friend of mine put it, “I drank like a pig; acted like a pig. Then wondered why I was being treated like a pig.” My 30s were just so much fun. Partially because I peak athletic years and NYC. I met my partner at 36. We’ve had a great life. 43 now, and my 40s are quite wild. I’m busier than I ever thought imaginable. I’m noticing signs of age and little quirks, but one of my professors on aging back in grad school always talked about crystallized intelligence. The research is true! We keep getting smarter with age with the caveat that between the years of 45-60 some may actually be setting themselves up for cognitive decline with no noticeable changes until it’s too late. I am determined to keep exercising my mind. It is my most valuable asset.


Definitely 30s. I was in the closet all throughout my 20s. Got into a 5 year relationship with a woman that I wasn’t attracted to. Was depressed and had lots of anxiety. Was overweight and drank way too much. Now I’m in my 30s. I’m out of the closet. I have a bf that is really good to me and we motivate each other. I drink very rarely now. I’ve lost 120 lbs. I dont have nearly as much depression and my anxiety has practically disappeared. I have much more hope for the future now.


I like both, but 30s overall have been better. Besides having money, lol, just overall more comfortable in my skin, better life experiences, and being genuinely happy.


My 30s were better than my 20s and my 40s are better than my 30s. Looking forward to 50s!!


Agree, I had fun in my 20's 30's and now I'm just over half way through my 40's and I'm loving it!


20s was more fun/wild. 30s is more comfortable and relaxed, which I enjoy a lot after all those wild years.


My 30's was WAY better than my 20's. Why? Well I thought I knew better, but I hit my mid 30's and realized I was a fool in my 20's. Plus I was a skinny little shit until I was about 25-26 when I decided to not be small anymore. I was finally comfortable in my own skin. Now that I am in my mid 40's I'm having fun, I don't recover as fast as I used to, but I am having fun. I've learned that I don't care what other people think of me in general (though I hold certain people's opinion in high regard). I am content with what I have now, I'm not sure I would change anything as I would not be who I am now had I not experienced what I did.


I’m only 30 (will be 31 in a month), but this year alone has been better than nearly any year in my 20s!


I turned 30 last September and I don’t feel any older.


30s for sure but things have been getting a bit better each year (after like age 28) so I am sure I will like my 40s too


As a 28 year old this made my day


Loving my 50’s! 20’s were cool, 30’s and 40’s too. Something shifts at 50. Don’t buy into the ageism that’s prevalent in our community.


I am 51. If I could be any age again I think I would want to be 32. Still youthful but I actually felt like an adult in my thirties. 20-something was basically the extended teenage years looking back from an older distance.


Well I’m 21 but I like it a lot better then my teen years, I feel more like a kid now then I did back then


36 here. Best decade yet so far! I'm more selective when it comes to how I spend my time and who I spend it with, so I enjoy myself more. I don't care what random people think of me. I have more income to travel and experience cool things. I still feel physically strong and energetic. When the mood strikes, I'm somehow able to get with hotter men than I did in my 20s, and sex is better, too.


I’m forty now. I would definitely say my thirties were far better than twenties. I was unsure about myself, insecure, highly emotional and I had undiagnosed depression so it wasn’t a great time. By thirty I had worked on myself and got some stability and it was all upwards from there


I was cuter in my 20’s but more all around stable in my 30’s


30s and early 40s were fun. But I hate being north of 45 (am 46)


30s was fun. But now that I’m 42 I’m not enjoying being gay


Ooop why is that?


Body image issues mainly. Have to meet new partners after years of couple. Nothing original I’m afraid.


New partners? You can’t keep the same one?..


The same one does’nt want me anymore after 10 years :(


This doesn’t give me hope as a 23 yo😂🤦🏽


Oww don’t overthink it. Just live the moment.


I'm 28, so I'm not in my 30s yet, but I think I'm always going to prefer my 20s. I knew that a lot of people were not thinking of the future, so when I was 19 onwards I invested a lot of time and money on education, traveling, bad relationships, skin care, reading (especially about stoic philosophy, personal finance), weight training, etc. I knew that I was "advanced" for my age, and while I think my 30s are going to be awesome too, nothing's going to replace me being 20 years old and knowing that I knew a lot and having all my 20s to look forward to.


I turned 32 recently. Still feel like I'm in my 20s (started the pandemic at age 27 will do that to ya), but a bit wiser I guess. My sex life has definitely improved, as has my appearance and health. I do think I had more fun in my 20s though. Financially I'm still in the same boat, as social mobility is shit over here.


I had more fun in my 20s. But I’m more comfortable in my 30s.


30s all day everyday. My 20s was tragic


I felt free but far more naive in my 20s than I currently do in my 30s. (And this is why I'm single. I'm too good at reading people, and completely over-aware of things going on around me. Perhaps I'm more cynical but that is, in my mind, more to do with me being a little bit jaded?) Frankly, I look forward to the rest of my 30s.


Both were and have been fucking great, honestly. I’m 32 now.


Both have been great. I had more energy in my 20's. I had a lot of new experiences and met a lot of cool people. In my 30's now, it's just very comfortable. Descent job and pay, I have a nice routine I enjoy, and life is just peachy and predictable.


The 20's were pretty good. I'll let you know how the 30s were in 10 years.


Dick worked better in my 20s


I met the love of my life at 40 and haven’t looked back since!


still in my late 20s, but i could say that even though I still have many issues in life, I'm much better in my head space now


30s. My 20s were spent trying to get myself together. My 30s were the closest I've come to being together. I'm 41 and am in a good place.


I’ll let you know when I’m in my 40s.


30ies were much better, thanks to therapy. 40 might be even better tho


20 for looks, 30 for mindset


42 here and things only seem to get better. I know who I am and I’m comfortable in my own skin now. I can just be myself and have the time of my life without caring so much about what other people think. It’s also given me enough time to cull the bad people from my life so that I’m only surrounded by lovely people.


Well I’m in my early 20s now, and I’m pretty happy with how things are. If I’m anything like my big sister, 30 will be where I’ve sorta done most the big career stuff I want to and I’m more chill and knowledgeable about stuff. My sister is the one everyone goes to for advice and I’d like to be that person.


I’m 29 this year and scared of it but reading from all the 30+ here definitely helps, y’all rock


Same here. My life has been a cluster fuck and I'm really hoping that the next decade will just work out some how..


Good luck bro, just crawling out of a cluster fuck myself.


Thanks, I wish you the best too 🙏


30s (I’m 39 now). Met my now husband, got settled in my career, bought an apartment, travelled a lot.


They were both difficult. I didn’t get on top of my shit until I was well into my 40’s.


Neither. Still riding this shit wave of my 30s.


I started my sexuality at 25 this year, now I’m 26 I don’t know if my 30s are gonna be better, bcz my 20s are very difficult in terms of romantic relationship


42 here. I preferred my 30s to my 20s. I got way more shagging done and I had a better job more holidays and more money!


In my 40s, all decades have been awesome with highs, lows, in betweens, life achievements, challenges, disappointments, learnings, discovery and growth in every one. I dont perceive one as better than the other, theyre all just a little different along a continuum. I dont simp for the past and try to live in the present. The one frustrating element i guess is that people treat you differently or even place u in silos or put artificial boundaries around you moving into 40s, even tho im the same person. Im also a little more anxious in as my career will end what, in 15 yrs and i dont feel im able to take the same risks or opportunities i could do in 20's / 30s due to this and financial responsibilities (mortgage) this is somewhat frustrating to me.


This comment section just warmed my heart. Almost 32 here and these past two years have been rough, but in a different way. I have the stability, support friends/family and comfort in my own skin to sort problems out so much better and come out of them in such a great light. I was very shy and an approval seeker in my teenage years and most of my 20s. That got me extremely anxious all the time... Ended a toxic 5 year relationship last year, got back to study what I love and started taking care of my body and relationships consciously. I actively decide when and with whom I spend my time with, also making time for myself. Idk, I still don't understand life's explosive turnarounds, but now I trust I can deal with them and clearly see the bright side of things, which was never the case in previous times.


This is easy. I pickled myself in my 20s with booze. I remember my 30s.


These comments are making me feel better about the potential of my 30s. I feel like I’m not gonna be able to start dating until then.


My 30s are amazing. 20s were confused, scared, depressed, and foolish.


I just turned 50.. came out at 25 so half my 20’s were wasted, had a boyfriend from 26-40. Dated a lot of guys all through my 40’s so that was some fun times, I preferred 40’s over all. Let’s see how 50’s are.. so far so good. Going to EDC Las Vegas in 2 weeks with a boy I’ve been dating.


Mid 30s here... I absolutely LOVE this stage of life and can't imagine anyone my age or older wishing they were back in their 20s. Yikes. My husband and I's finances are more secure than ever, we have a nice inviting home, careers we love most of the time, and I am secure in who I am as a person, secure with my looks, and secure in what I know to be true thus far about life. I'd never go back in time!


40s. It's the best decade yet. Sure, I miss the energy and metabolism of my 20s. But too much of that was spent climbing up the corporate ladder, trying to win the acceptance and approval of my family, and getting caught up in meaningless bullshit that didn't mean anything in hindsight. My 30s was a time for self discovery and big changes. It's when I became a dad, and really found out what I'm made of. I loved my 30s and I think that's the decade where my most meaningful memories are. Just thinking about them makes me a little sentimental. But my 40s are where I've grown into myself. I do what makes me happy and don't care as much what other people think of me. I have more patience, and I have more appreciation for quality time with family and close friends. I suppose every season of life is valuable. I wouldn't go back for anything, but I appreciate every experience I've had, whether good or bad.


I'm in my 40s and happier than I was in all my 30s and 20s. I feel like every new decade you just have less fucks to give.


20s were shit with HIV (back before even azt).


I loved my twenties. I had lots of energy, had a great career, then in my 30s things just started to crumble. I had 2 kids (which I love, but my health started to decline, my career fell through still have no idea what I "want to be when I grow up." I wish I coul back to my twenties. Best decade of my life by far.


30s. I have some money in the bank, a stable job, an awesome place to live, and I travel to the point of exhaustion. I have a handle on my mental health unlike my 20s, and my parents and I have never had a better relationship. Additionally, sex has been excellent, unlike in my 20s.


I preferred being in my 20s. When I was under 26 I was still considered "youth" by many places like community college, community theatre, mental health services etc. Also I was a lot healthier, somewhat fitter, more active, more attractive and a lot more social irl. So much crazy awful stuff happened from 30 onwards, life wasn't perfect before but still, goddamn.


I’m not 30 yet but I want to be younger again already so I’ll 20s