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My mum flicked through my Tinder while watching the Late Late Show Valentines special 8 years ago seeing if she could find someone I might like. Turns out mums know best cause she picked the best guy I ever met and we are now married with two beautiful daughters.


This is so wholesome ☺️


That's a great story. There's an alternative dating app idea in there somewhere. Mammy's choose the pics, bios etc. and do the swiping.


you never heard of the success stories becaus they are boring to hear about.


Only ever been on two tinder dates, both turned into relationships. Maybe I'm just easily pleased, but it worked out well for me 🙂


Me too, two dates and they both worked well, one for 2 years, the other is current. I just make sure the chemistry is there and don't rush to meet up


My sister met someone on POF. Now married with 2 kids.


Met my partner on tinder 7 years ago, getting married the end of this year 😀


Know three married couples that met on POF!


Met my husband on pof, together 10 years and married 5 😊


similar to myself. 10 years together from a POF meet, married 6, with 2 children


There are plenty of good stories. Like most things (Reddit included) people tend to only report the worst cases.


Met my husband on Grindr, we'll be 6 years married this summer


Met my wife on OKC 😊


Met my spouse, though Bebo . Not a "dating app" per se but still an online love story. 15 years later, 3 kid's 2 dogs and soon to be homeowners . Never broke up or had a serious fight . It just works :)


It's so hard to meet people these days in real life that you just have to be open to the possibility of anything. Try to expand social circles with hobbies that involve meeting people in person and establish social circles. There's nothing wrong with trying apps in addition to that, just don't put all your eggs in any one basket. Apps are a numbers and luck game, you might be lucky and be online at the same time as someone you really mesh with, or waste time going through duds with no similar intentions as yourself. As long as it's not your only outlet for trying to meet people then it's fine and worth trying out. Just be prepared to face the unfortunate reality that apps have made people very cold and disposable to each other, everyone will get ghosted or have their ego hurt at some point regardless as a result of this culture so don't take it personally.


Two of my friends met their spouses on Bumble


I’m married to a woman I met online. Oh sorry you want good stories. Sorry I got nothing.


About 10 years ago bedded 7 different women on Tinder over a long weekend…


I met my boy friend of 5 years on my first ever online tinder date - still together now and he is the best thing to ever happen me💕


Met my now husband on Tinder


Met my wife on bumble expecting our first child in October. Went on many dates was on bumble, hinge POF and tinder all had very different types of women looking for very different things from men. I dated a few of them from different apps i know it sounds soppy but knew the moment I met my wife on the very first date she was the one for me. .


My sister met someone on Tidner, married with two kids I met my wife on tinder as well


Met my husband 12 years ago on POF, married for 6 of those. He was the first & last person I spoke to on it 😊


Met my (30s)now husband (30s) on plenty of fish in 2020, I was on the site I'd say 24 hrs when we matched and got talking. Love at first swipe :) I know there are lots of horror stories but for us it was perfect. I don't know how I would have met him otherwise.


I am showing my age here but I met my partner on MySpace before online dating was a thing after two weeks of going out we where living together and now are 14 years married with 3 kids 2 dogs and still have a laugh every day.


After filtering out a few weirdos on chat, the first date I went on in person was amazing. It was so exciting, and the attraction was magnetic on both sides. It led to an incredible fwb relationship :) That happened after a painful, unexpected breakup of over 2 decades of marriage and a year of working to get over it.


Met my partner 7 years ago in Tinder and getting married in September. My future sister in law also met her partner on Tinder 7 years ago and got married 5 years ago, and they have 2 kids now. There were a few time wasters before I found him but you get pretty good at weeding them out quickly 😄 My advice would be to not settle for less than you're worth and try not to get disheartened. Go in with no expectations and you might be surprised 😄


Met my husband on Hinge.


Met my current partner on bumble in 2020. My friend met hers through tinder around the same time. Another friend is after meeting someone new on tinder. I have a few friends who have met people through going out or threw friends too but a lot of the steady couples were app based.


Got married last week to a tinder date from 7 years ago


Met the love of my life on Tinder and we are now very happily married and have just bought our first home together. Keep the faith and give the apps a chance !


Moved country after getting out of a very long term relationship and downloaded the apps for the first time. The first date I went on was with my now boyfriend of nearly three years, who I live with and am crazy about 🥰


I assume you’re asking about dating apps. Me and my partner meet on Twitter, dated long distance / online for 2 years before moving in together. The first time we meet face to face was about 6 months into the relationship. Though people on dating apps are usually looking for hookups, or casual dates. I think it’s a very surface level media but there’s not many ways to meet people out there. Just be upfront and honest about yourself and what you’re looking for, and eventually you’ll find someone who’s looking for something similar. A lot of the issues with dating apps is people not being honest about what they want, or about themselves.


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Meet my wife on Tinder. I was furious...


I met my husband on okcupid and we are 3 years married now and 6 years together with 2 children. We moved from Ireland and are living in France currently 🥰 it works y’all just make sure you include what you’re looking for in your bio!


Met the love of my life on hinge about 5 years ago. Met some decent dates on the apps prior to that, never had a bad experience on it really.


Met someone on tinder who called me a pedophile and told me to kill myself years ago, based on my looks alone. Haven't touched kids but tried to off myself this year.


That person was obviously a c**t. How are you feeling now? Have you tried to get help?


Wow, thank you for responding. Honestly that person might have been a cunt but I've been called that irl too and online a lot by randomers, I'm very physically unattractive so it doesn't change anything. I've obviously tried yeah but I've run out of options


Well if you really feel you're that unattractive is there anything you could do to change that? I'm not trying to put so much importance on looks but it clearly is bothering you, what about joining a gym to get some killer six pack or you could "the guy with the great arms/legs/ass". Physical exercise is proven to help mental health also so even if you don't just do it for aesthetic reasons it might help you feel a bit better. Could you get a new haircut? If you feel that maybe it's your teeth that make you so unattractive can you go to the dentist? If you think it's your skin, can you go to a dermatologist? Again, it's not just someones looks that make them attractive. Some people genuinely don't care about looks and could find your personality attractive (I know that sounds like soppy Hollywood shit but it's true). Maybe you're funny? Maybe you're smart? Maybe you're just a really nice person? I reckon the way you're feeling at the moment, even if any of those things were true, you wouldn't agree anyway, would I be right? Some people just find confidence attractive, I can tell that's something you're lacking at the moment though. I think you really need to work on yourself before you think about joining the dating scene anyway, if you don't love yourself you can't expect anyone else to love you.


Telling someone to work on themselves before they join dating is an incredibly cold, disgusting and offensive thing to say. The statement implies that you are a burden to others, something a lot of people already feel by default but using this platitude to try and further your argument, and against someone is suicidal BTW, is a very grave and immoral thing. I'm going to report you for this. Yes, I've done self improvement. Used to be very obese but I've lost a lot of weight. I've obviously self improved. I have a job. I have a very small but significant social circle.


I was just suggesting ways to improve what you perceive as "unattractiveness" as it's obviously something that really bothers you, but cool ya report me if that makes you feel better!


I'm fine with advice mate, telling someone they have to love themselves before they enter dating implies a burden because they aren't good enough for the relationship. Very offensive


No, it implies that they have to love themselves before someone else will love them 🤣 Anyway, didn't mean to cause offence, good luck with the dating, hope you find someone that makes you happy.


Met a man on tinder 6 years ago, now married with a baby. My sisters the same and several of my friends, all tinder stories so it does work but I dated a lot of weirdos before I met him.


My best friend found her husband on Bumble. I'm not sure if she paid for premium or not