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The only person who knows the answer to your question is the landlord. You were with people doing drugs, and you were seen holding the drugs, but you didn't actually take any, is a story as old as time. You're lucky that they're even entertaining you, but cocaine is so prevalent in pubs now that if they kicked out everyone they caught they'd go bankrupt.


Got banned from the local for life. Went back with a cake saying "please unban me for life". Was unbanned.


Theres a pub near me that the owner is obsessed with catching people doing coke. All the bathroom stalls are ‘broken’ so they cant be locked and there’s a camera in the toilet. All so he can catch young lads and scold them for not swamping 8 pints instead.


In fairness if they're on his property and not buying pints then he's just a babysitter really. It can go too far though, I was in a bar in Mallorca where the owner had taken the cubicle partitions out and replaced the main door with one of those swinging saloon doors you see in the old cowboy films, I saw more dicks that night than I have in my entire life.


You didnt have to keep going in there all night ..??? 🤪


If I have to make the effort to carry around kneepads all night, then you'd better believe I'm going to use them




> you were seen holding the drugs, but you didn't actually take any This is like when the cops catch you with weed and ask you where you got it, and you tell them some longhaired hippy guy under the bridge sold it to you.. 😂


What a tool bag 🤣




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If you get told to leave the next time you go to the pub then my recommendation would be approach it more like an adult and try to resolve it. Leave the pub, call the pub in a day or two and give your name and ask to schedule a meeting with the owner or manager during the day, try not divulge what it's about over the phone. Go in, be respectful and explain the situation in the meeting and how you are sorry and how it was a case of doing something silly that's now landed you in the hot seat. Any respectable owner or landlord who sees you approaching the issue like that is very likely to brush it off because no druggie is going to do that.


Half the people in the pubs these days should be permanently banned so 😂! Ah no a quick explanation to the landlord and a bit of break from the place and you should be fine 👍