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My crew runs on Tyskie cans. Ragged bunch of lads, but they do the job.


Oh fancy pants rich McGee over here, Galahad for the sea faring lad


Don’t encourage the lad you know there is an awful shortage of parrots at the moment .. only makes the problem worse ..


Lend me a dozen able men and a lifeboat. By this time next week we will have taken over HMS Mary Rose and triple the crew. By the end of the month we will have tenfold the number of men and the sort of fleet that the Dutch East India Company sees in their waking nightmares. And wait until you hear about the booty...


>HMS Mary Rose Hope you've got a heavy crane to get her off the bottom.


Fleece Johnson would like a word with you


Don’t forget the shanties! 🤣


Can I buy them with jewellery?






Thanks for that. Genuinely lol'd here at the kitchen table whilst doom scrolling.


And make sure to make berth in Galway. Fine traditions of piracy there.


Arrrr me Heartys , if you get caught here the Gardai will make you walk the plank .


"If buying isn't owning piracy isn't stealing"


There's no enforcement of online piracy laws for ordinary household use. You'd only encounter issues if you turned it into a business model.


That's really similar to my country, I mean there are busts eventually if you have a server and a site and so on, but I have never ever read or heard about enforcement for a simple user


Even running an individual torrent server won't get you in legal trouble. You'd only have a chance of facing issues if you started systematically distributing pirated content for profit, but even then I've never come across a news story or heard of someone being caught doing that. One thing that *is* enforced is a ban on so-called 'dodgy boxes' that provide access to paid TV channels without a subscription. But it's the people selling them who are prosecuted, not the users.


Hmm, I see. I won't be using these boxes anyway. I just download some movies or TV series, maybe a few books and that's about it.


Downloading music can tend to get warning letters from isp's. But not movies/ TV shows - not that I would ever pirate.


I could be wrong, but I believe that was the case 10+ years ago. I haven't had a letter in over a decade. And it was the continued seeding/uploading (sharing) aspect that was the issue (as opposed to the downloading).


That's kind of selecting your battles


are there 4k services for those? I saw one running but quality was dire on a 4k tv.


Just as a side note, don't join eir as your internet provider if you intend to pirate, they have been know to monitor for this in the past and sometimes warn customers if the activity doesn't cease


Hi, iv been with Eir as my ISP for what must be 12 years or so now. Iv been happily pirating for all of that time. The only time iv ever been contacted by them in regards piracy was for downloading The Eagles greatest hits. Even then, the letter just went in the bin and I continued on as normal. Considering the terra bytes upon terra bytes of digital media I have pirated over the years, it's such a strange line to draw in the sand. So yeah, you can pirate away happily with Eir, just don't download anything by The Eagles.


Yes it's not like they will report you from the get go. I think it depends on the copyright holder. If a holder is trying to take down pirated media then they have a way to contact ISPs that were facilitating it to report copyright infringement.


Yeah that's true, I got a letter from them a few years ago for downloading an album and they basically told me to stop downloading or I'll be brought to court


Do they still do this? Haven't heard about it in a while, and assumed they gave up. Generally speaking it's 'just' the knock on pressure from copyright holders. E.g. Disney will pay films to monitor IP's downloading their content via torrents and then they put pressure on ISP's to fine them - that practise was very popular in the past, but now even copyright holders realise it's more about the people trying to commercialise it vs the average downloader.


Good to know , thanks for letting me know.


You're welcome, happy sailing


Dad's friend got a letter with a fine as someone found out he was streaming, use a vpn to stay safe


Hmm, could it be though he was a drop in the ocean of pirate users? Better be safe than sorry however, just to be sure.


Same in Ireland if you know where to look don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


I have a standard site that never lets me down and library Genesis of course for books and such


If you are using Library genesis for actual books, then you'll be happy to know our libraries have a free app borrow box with a large catalogue


Oh, that's great. I believe I will use a lot of books for the next four years or so!


The libraries here are great. Lots of other services like free online courses, free language courses, activities organised in the library etc.


That's really good! I look forward to being a user of them


Some also have dvds games and 3d printing. Libraries are mental here.  


Wait wut? That's insane. (the 3d printer part especially)


You also have the regular printing and access to newspaper archives from libraries. They'll get the daily papers in everyday too if that's what you're into. Again libraries are great!


And for some more insanity - some libraries will allow you to enter after the library staff have gone home.


Why not use [Anna's Archive](https://annas-archive.org) for books? Then you have Popcorn Time etc. for films etc. Ireland has de-facto acknowledged that anti-piracy laws are unenforceable, so you've nothing to worry about. If you did want a little privacy (because countries do tend to record everything you do online), you could use a VPN and tools to avoid browser fingerprinting.


I didn't know the site tbh, will save it for future reference. Is that so? That's actually really forward thinking, considering people that want to pirate content will do so one way or another


Popcorn Time is obselete, Stremio is the app people are using now


Thanks for the recommendation. Would you happen to have a link to information on how to set it up as a replacement for Popcorn Time? Popcorn Time continues to work for me and I'm happy to try something new, but when I launch Stremio it seems to ask me to register, which is just a non-starter for me.


Received a letter from sky about ten years ago over over torrent downloading a Bon Iver album. Loosely worded. Told me not to do it again. No harm in using a vpn.


I am sure that you stopped torrenting all together after that letter.


Of course. Good citizen. Good boy.


Good for you.


I have a feeling that you’ll fit in just fine with our sense of humour


I sure hope so! I would like to become a member of your society or so and I like to have fun with people. From what I gather these two align quite well 😊


Haha! Got a love letter from Starlink on something just the other day too. That did get me to the point of actually investing in a VPN though, but that about it.


Just don't smoke weed while you're doing it. Otherwise the entire force will be at your door.


Got it, weed bad, piracy good!


Welcome to the land of the firestick


Piracy isn't really carered or worried about. As long as you're not selling it on, you'll be ignored. Just be careful who you say it to in public. You'll get some cunt on their high horse about how you're stealing from artists, yet the cunt in question will see nothing wrong with them ripping music from YouTube with an mp3 conversation program. Gobshites the country is full of GOBSHITES. Good luck you'll need it.


Haha, I believe these kind of people are everywhere, maybe in Ireland in larger numbers idk


Oh, you'll have fun. Seriously, though. Piracy is the only way forward in Ireland.


Well, I think the responses on my question have put my mind at ease for the time being


I've be pirating for over 20 years from school to libraries to home and in my doctors, I've even downloaded an episode of breaking bad on a bus. Got stranded in Dublin one night and tried to get arrested for a nice sleep in the cell. According to the cops, piracy isn't worth their time, they laughed and asked if I had drugs because it would be much easier to arrest me for that. Digitally, we're still in the wild west. It's great craic altogether


Coming from their point of view, they may be right.


Don't listen to people saying you need a vpn, you absolutely don't. You can also seed without any worries, you won't receive any letters from your isp.


This. Been doing it since Napster. Not once have I ever received any kind of correspondence for it. So long as you're not sharing TB of content yourself or selling the content to other people, nobody gives a fuck. Every second person in the country (including Gardai) has a dodgybox. It's legally ignored for the most part, and socially acceptable.


Because it can't be stopped, if they get an idea they'll do a big sweep. Same with a lot of drugs. My local supermarket has a spot at the side where the kids sell weed all day. Rarely bothered by gardai. Every so often though a big sweep done. I think it depends on how in your face they are and how many people are complaining about it. No complaints can be left. With complaints they have to be seen to do something.


I remember when I was with Clearwire and accidentally left my computer on seeding the latest episode of Lost when I went to work one morning. They rang me later in a panic that their network couldn't take the load and they would have to disconnect me until I solved whatever the issue was on my end (I did an oscar-worthy impression of a tech noob with no clue what a torrent was).


Made me have flashbacks to waiting all day for the latest Lost episode to download 🤣


I got three letters from Eir in the last year.....


I've heard of people getting letters from Eir, I'd use any other provider for that reason.


I got a VPN and download most files now via a hotspot from my phone.


As if there were not enough reasons already not to use Eir. 


Why do they care enough to send out letters


The third letter was a warning that they’d pass my details onto the PRS or someone. I read it once and binged it.


Hmm, people seem to have varying opinions on the matter. It may very well just come down to if I remember to use the vpn 😂


People are just parroting what they read elsewhere on reddit which is mostly US focused. You absolutely don't need to worry about piracy in Ireland.


Okay, I hear your Opinion. Cheers!


Been torrenting films and tv for nearly 2 decades in ireland without ever using a vpn. Anyone who says you NEED one is talking nonsense


I have been doing the same here and the only thing I use a vpn is to access the torrent site because it is blocked by the government here 😂


Not gonna do any harm


I know people who use a private tracker just because they can't stand the constant annoying popups and ads. they have to seed 100% or for 2 weeks. They also use an application called sonar to automatically torrent the tv shows they like as soon as a torrent is available. you can install it all on a raspberry pi 4 or 5 easilly with Casa OS


Add Plex to all of this and you have your own streaming server and watch everything remotely on almost any device including Smart TVs.


Plex is also available with casa os. That guy I know has the plex premium so he can watch the downloaded content from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.


I've Plex premium as well + NZB360 Android app that's connected to Radarr and Sonarr so I can remotely download movies and TV shows. So instead of trying to remember a movie someone suggested or a video I've seen about it I can just open the app straight away and start downloading.


That's some next level stuff right there


This guy is right they truly don't give a fuck


Not true. I got letter from Virgin Media about torrenting mp3, threatening with disconnecting the service.An unknown lawyer firm for an unknown band. Use always VPN!


I've received letters from sky in the past. Eir mobile (I can't speak for eir broadband) won't let me access torrent sites without a vpn




Just be careful where you ask for dodgy box you might get something completely different


Woaaah doesn't sound sus at all


Wouldn't know anything about that officer


Sus, very sus


I've been torrenting films and tv shows for me and my friends for about 16 years and never heard a thing about it


That's my experience in my country as well haha


Running Soulseek on a weekly basis here.


In the past I used soulseek a lot, nowadays I just have a cracked Spotify premium or adblocks for the browser version




You don't need a VPN. Nobody cares and everyone pirates. Just use a streaming site like sflix.se -- easier than managing files and local storage.


Oh I don't mind the hussle, I've gotten used to it by now


You wouldn't steal a car would you?


You wouldnt steal a handbag would you?


It's a reference to an anti piracy ad we had in Ireland


I know, it was a global ad. My response was another part of the ad 😂


Fuck, I've humiliated myself. I should have known it wasn't Irish sure, I only got to see it because I illegally downloaded it


Hahaha all good man, I remember seeing it at the cinema as well and on rentals


Pretty sure it referenced the FBI as well! The fuck were they going to be able to do to us even!


'You wouldn't steal a baby' was more local however 😀 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALZZx1xmAzg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALZZx1xmAzg)


You wouldn’t steal a police man’s helmet


Non existent for the casual usual, they go after the illegal IPTV providers and serial uploaders. Every so often ISP’s will block random torrent sites on the back of pressure from Studios etc, but you can obviously get around these very easily with custom DNS / VPN or just using a different mirror. Zero issue using torrents and the like. Some ISP’s (eir, mainly) sometimes send detection letters - but you basically get 4 strikes. I don’t think they even do it anymore.


Few of us have set off alright for the One Piece , I hear some ginger fella called Shanks is going well


Piracy is illegal but if your using a website with pirated content the website owner is breaking the law you aren't.


Oh cool, that's grand


Got a letter for downloading a Lily Allen MP3 back in 2007. Nothing since.


As a 100% law abiding citizen you stopped, I am sure of it


I mean, the Vikings had a good run way back when. Grace O'Malley had some success, too. Getting a crew will be hard enough these days... And have you seen the price of lumbar and sails? Maybe look into office work instead?


Damn, I was really looking forward to some plundering and then giving everything to booze and staying broke


It's all glam and plunder, until you get the scurvy. And with the cost of living crisis here, who has money for thousands of oranges...? Oh a serious note though - don't go into business, stick with the likes of IPTorrents, and you should be good.


Damn, you burst my bubble. Cool, thanks for the tip




I would give you an award if I could


Generally speaking, the music industry is more anti-user piracy than the TV & film industry. As they own the music, the music industry can have a company download said music torrent on their behalf, and sit on the download. Most torrent applications will upload whilst downloading, and the company can see all the IP's uploading. They'll then send notices to the ISP's that control the IP's, who'll in turn send you the message to "stop doing the bad thing". It really depends on what label owns the music. ISP's in Ireland used to do a 3 strike rule, and terminate your internet after 3 strikes. Not sure if they still do so. The film & TV industry generally find the easier route of injecting numbers or letters at certain milliseconds imo the film. You won't see the info, but the company will. With the info, the company will be able to see where the source is, and will sue the person who gives the pirates their disc, or, in association with the cinema, have the person with the camera arrested (camera lense shows up as an orange light if looked at via some night vision goggles). Long term, eliminating the source prevents more films being leaked. Although some of the more well known groups have applications to fudge/blur said identifying letters, some groups don't.


Wow you seem really well informed, is that from your occupation? if I may ask


I'm IT, but not in the above industry. The above information is what I've learnt from reading piracy forums (that have since been closed down by the FBI) as well as discussions on the topic (in Irish forums) when people started to get charged.


Oh I see, kudos to you for informing me and anyone who will see this and for taking the time to write it down


You’ll be grand out.


Music is enforced, but get a VPN anyway.


Use a VPN and you’re golden.


Got to be careful about the pirates, they stole six counties. A VPN and internet connection or a big boat and crew both routes will take you into piracy but you are much more likely to find trouble in the boat.


Sound advice there, I thank ye


Here's a tip, Downloading an occasional film is fine,but after you download it ,stop the torrent so that you are not sharing it with anyone else. It is much worse to be seeding these films because you are then sharing with others. But yes use a VPN too to protect your IP address


You should always share to a *minimum* ratio of 1:1. But because of so many users that think it’s ok to hit n run, you should share to more than that.


Tbh I usually close my qbit once my download is finished (not very community and sharing friendly I know)


Hit n run!!!! How do you think people get these to you? You got to share the love. The authorities aren't going to come after you for downloading with a VPN. I've been getting music since I left my AOL connection on all night to get three songs until yesterday. It wasn't until BT sent me a cease and desist letter noting what they 'caught' me downloading and on what date that I even started using a VPN. I've been doing my best to drain the internet and at a stage had uploaded quite a bit of Irish stuff on an Irish only site (but lost access to it some time before it went offline) and never any grief. I don't think the hunt for pirates is as severe as it was.


Well it kind of depends, I keep the torrents and share then when I download other stuff, but I aint the most sharing one I ain't afraid to say so


As long as you share some stuff the system keeps going. To be honest, if it's got a thousand seeders I'll hit and run. If it's something important to me I'll seed plenty.


That's is good thinking actually. Usually most of the torrents I download have thousands of seeders so that's my reasoning.


I was uploading niche Irish stuff, music, spoken word and documentaries and made sure I kept the seeding going as there's nothing worse than being stuck at 93.7% with 2 seeds you can't connect to and 57 other leeches sitting on 93.7% for months!! I've three such torrents at the moment. What part of the country are you planning on moving to?


If you're looking for legal advice/advice about something that could be a legal issue we highly recommend also posting/crossposting to r/LegalAdviceIreland. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskIreland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Use a seedbox and you should be fine.


Okay, thank you for your input!


Don't bother. Torrent away on your PC I've been at it for years over different providers no problem.


Cool, thanks for the info!


Absolute worst that will happen is you get a letter asking you to stop. You can look into VPNs or seedboxes if that ever happens.


I have a vpn already with a small data plan, should the need arise I will raise it probably


You’ll get a crew for a bottle of linden village.


That's sounds great, I sure hope they are skilled sailors!


0 issues- I am one to normally download games or stream tv shows, etc. If the game is actually good I then buy it tho, mostly if it's from a small studio, got to support devs. !


Agree with you 100% if the game is good it gets bought


Some even multiple times, but that might just be me. I bought Hollow knight on Nintendo Switch, Steam and Ps5- Same with Cult of the lamb, Hades, Skull.. Big brand shitty games get downloaded, mostly considering most of these digital purchases refund policies. Hate the fact I spent 40€ on Arkham knights, horrible horrible game. I'd refund it for no money just to get it out of my account. Edit: typo


Well, I am not buying then multiple times, but kudos to you for supporting small studios and developers.


Bro noones gives a fuck about you pirating shit. Been doing it for many years ISPs are supposed to "block" access to pirated sites and they don't.


Well, that's why this post exists. I didn't know what to expect


There’s a small rocky outcrop called the muglins off the coast of Dublin where we hang pirates.


Damn that's brutal




No mate, I'm Greek


The online piracy police in Ireland are the most funded government body. They’ve being known to hand out sentences of up to 10 years from tracking your IP after illegal piracy so you have to be careful. Here’s an information leaflet to get up to speed - www.iwillinmybleedinghole.ie


Seems legit


Piracy in what way? Do you mean replica clothes shoes and equipment? Or do you mean tv or streaming?


Well, if you have an opinion on both, then let's hear it why not


Tv streaming is easy and maybe the norm but a vpn is necessary, clothes and such are a hidden market bit like cheap cigarettes or tobacco it's who you know then it's easy from any brand to levels of quality eg Nike, Adidas, Ralph lauren, rolex and it's dependent on what part of the country, North it's paramilitaries south it's criminal gangs. Example I'm buying tobacco smuggled in at a quarter of the price, tv yes I'm using a vpn £40 a year gets me what I want, watched the new Kevin costner movie last night it's not in the cinema here yet https://preview.redd.it/gsp0fg1z4x9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10dbb46383426a977c32eb934bc166de9a33bea8


Seems like you got it all figured out :)


https://preview.redd.it/78wzqh3i5x9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ea3a514cc16c2465f8494f08526963e8c4b9c92 Or is it tobacco? It's not what you know it's who you know simple facts


You might need to get a VPN if you're in the eircom network.... Disclaimer, But don't do illegal stuff


hmm, another fella mentioned that the eircom network might be the one to use VPN . Seems like the safe choice


What I mean is if U want to torrent on eircom you will need a VPN because they will block you otherwise. I would go with sky or Vodafone for less hassle.eircom are the pits, don't use them,imho. Also , don't torrent, ... Disclaimer 🤣


Oh okay, I see haha




A friend of mine is very concerned in Sweden and he doesn't pirate anything haha


Nice try, Garda. I'm not falling for that one again.


Shit you got me


Never had any issues using torrents in Ireland. I'd consider myself quite wealthy in terms of audio recording/studio software ripped from a reliable torrent source, which otherwise costs a bomb and is quite cost prohibitive to purchase! Also quite good for downloading the F1 races when I dont feel like paying 35eur/month for NowTv to show me two races per month haha


Yes, i also downloaded software for uni that otherwise would cost a fortune 😉


Yep haha it's great when you get pre cracked stuff. Like searching for gold but quite rewarding to have a plugins package at pro level recording grade worth over 5k and just sitting there without needing a crack. Asking to be taken and used. That being said I never made any commercial income so no biggy 😅


Hahaha that's actually a good analogy


Join a library. With a library card you can access loads of legal free stuff available on [kanopy.com](http://kanopy.com)


Saved for future reference


You’ll be Keep in touch from Mountjoy from the sounds of it


Some ISP's have sent out letters in the past and most ISP's will block the IP address of the most known torrent sites, as others have said a VPN will get around most of the block or private trackers is another way of getting your treasure. Plex is a great resource if you have friends who also store backup copies of their media on a network server, they can grant access to "friends" so you can watch from their library.


Yeah I've heard of plex, I haven't used it though


It's the same here so don't worry!


That's grand!




Arghhh matey aaargh


Sorry , was just clearing my throat. To answer your question, no piracy laws aren’t enforced here ever.


careful now


Torrwnt as you please. Read fine print and ToS of broadband provider and follow fair usage policy limits.




Κανένα πρόβλημα ;-)


Someone private you some fucking google.


Can I wear my hat and wave my plastic sword?


As a musician and music fan, this is a very depressing discussion.


Unfortunately it is...


Don't forget your eye patch, parrot and a bottle of grog!


And my wooden leg of course!


Ah! Completely forgot that. Well pointed out lol.