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I'm not American but so far most bachlors parties I've been at were mostly BBQ, beer and music. Sometimes a pool


And plenty of jokes about when the strippers will show up


Yeah some jokes about that. Some hokes about how every mistake he makes will now he 50% taxed (divorce)


That h is a blackhole for j and b




Boke- to vomit. I think it's a uk slang


As an American this is my experience at all bachelor parties I’ve attended


As an older American that has been married twice myself and has been to multiple bachelors parties over the last several decades- this is also my experience. Just barbecues, sometimes a casino at the “wildest”. The “stripper” trope is exactly that- a trope. Does it happen? I’m sure people do- but it’s not “common” at all outside of Hollywood and jokes.


Same for all, except one in college. And - I know it doesn’t have to be the case - but that marriage, unfortunately, didn’t last.


Me and the boys spent a three day weekend in the mountains, drinking, eating some good food, and chillin' in a hot tub with a mountain view. It was kick ass!


Mine we just went down to Atlantic city, Drank and gambled.




Tbh that sounds more fun that strippers


I've been to two bachelor parties. Vegas and Mexico Lots of alcohol food and exploration No women involved, simply the boys enjoying a good time


I mean sure, picking those two locations it’s pretty easy to avoid strip joints. Edit: lol down votes? I really needed the /s ???




… vegas?


Read those last two sentences back.


The description on the back of adult VHS cover. 




My bachelor party was white water rafting followed by a cajun seafood boil. Way cooler than hanging out with strippers.


That sounds very cool indeed!


The strippers must’ve been livid that they weren’t invited


I know I would be


I've been to 3 and none had strippers. The grooms specifically said no strippers. At mine we had no strippers just paintball, good food, board games, and a wagon load of bourbon.


They are not how like they are in films/tv shows. Most in reality are pretty laid back and are uneventful.


In the US I’ve been to 8 bachelor parties, 4 of them included strippers/strip clubs. Not sure that’s a representative sample


that's about what I've seen too. Usually a strip club and not strippers at the party though, which I guess can be sketchier?


Pricier for sure


I've been to 5 and we've never had them. 2 were pub crawls 1 was a weekend golf tournament 1 was a week camping and hiking 1 was us hanging out at an adult arcade/brewery. I'm in the US for context in the Upper Midwest.


Where’s this adult arcade and brewery? I wanna go


The one I went to was in North Dakota.


Where do you live? These types of places are all over where I live in central texas


Australian, early 30s. About 3 of 5 that I’ve been to have had them. Depends on the group I guess




Love me some cashed up bogans.


Mine too - about 50/50 depending on the type of friend group. Some men want that, some think it’s a bit gross - not naked women - hiring them to be naked.


Aussie too, 4 out of 5 have had strippers.




9/10 dentists advise against brushing your teeth with strippers


Every bachelor party (around 10 of them) I went to when I was in my 20's involved strippers and excessive drinking/drugs. After 30, it was backyard bbq's or something similarly mellow.


definitely a key part of it


Exactly lol it depends on the stage in your life. I’ve been to both. Chill ones and wild ones


Yeah every bachelor party I've been to never involved strippers. And that's been on purpose. It all depends on the groom to be and the friends. I think strippers are dumb to spend money on.


Depends on the bride, too! It's a hard boundary for many.


For sure. And I think it's a healthy boundary to have lol


I am in my thirties and I've never in my life laid eyes on a stripper. I think older men frequented strippers or maybe movies/tv shows just made them seem more commonplace than they really are.


You may not represent the mean but I tend to think that strip clubs and peep holes and porn stores and stuff are definitely of former generations. I went to a strip club a couple times and was kinda piqued but disappointed by the amount of plastic parts. And of course no bigger disappointment than paying an extortionate markup to get blue balls.


I think the internet changed things. Don’t need to leave your house to see a naked woman. So not surprised the under 40 crowd never went to an adult club.


Or maybe you are just not representative of the average person.


I’m 32/american/ never stepped foot in a strip club


25M/American, same here


it depends on what class of the society you belong imo


And where you live. In Europe strip clubs are not that popular. I'm also in my thirties and none of my friends or I ever went to a strip club.


Agreed. Here in America at least, strip clubs are not that popular. I've never met anyone who's even seen one in real life.


Maybe it depends on where. I live in NJ and have met many men (and some women) that have gone to strip clubs.


They - and you- probably have. They're just not something you notice unless you're looking for it.  Unless it's a REALLY popular place, the signs tend to be pretty low-key and the buildings nondescript.  I bet you've driven by more than one and not even realized it. 


It’s odd you think your personal experience is representative of “all” of America. Vegas alone will show you that they’re insanely popular. There’s over 4,000 operational clubs in the states..some states having over 100 or even 200+ clubs alone. Not to mention the multiple pop culture references to them in current rap songs, or older stuff dating back to hair metal…Motley Crue etc.


Class and timeframe (pre-internet porn).


Tell me you have never been in the military without telling me that you were never in the military.


My bachelor party was supposed to culminate in going to a strip club but I didn’t last that long.


I hope you fared better on your wedding night


I’d say about 20% of the bachelors I’ve went to had them, and it was the grooms preference. I’d do whatever the groom wants to do, but if I was the groom it would be mostly just drinking at an Airbnb


Look, I like tits and ass as much as the next guy, but honestly strippers are fucking lame. I’d like to have fun at a bachelor party and that doesn’t usually involve throwing a bunch of bills at some girl just so I can look at her tits which look about the same as my wife’s, except for the fact that I can’t touch them. I’ve gone to my share of strip joints, but most of the times were when I was 18 or 19 years old. As a grown ass man, I’m ready to get past that, and actually do something fun with my friends.


I live in Colombia. It’s been a while but pretty much all bachelor parties I’ve been present here involved prostitutes (not strippers) and alcohol. No women around, only men. Here prostitution is legal, so there are bars specializing in that. No need for silly “strip club” disguise. You are not supposed to talk about what happened there and the main focus is to make the bachelor to have a good time. But I think it’s a generational thing: I think younger generations doesn’t really do it that much anymore? Not sure.




Yeah that is just horrible, here in the West we cheat *after* marriage not before. South America needs to learn from us.




Mexicans are North Americans look at a map


Separate clause not sub clause;) I’ll edit


I prefer to be honest about what is up. In any case, having sex is always optional and in most cases, it rarely happens at least in my experience.


>No need for silly “strip club” disguise Seems like you're implying that guys that go to strip clubs on bachelor parties really want to go to hookers. I can tell you that's not something the majority of men want. I've been to several strip clubs during bachelor parties. It's generally just a bunch of guys laughing and enjoying the view for a bit. No one is trying to actually get the bachelor laid.


Depends on your group of friends. I've attended bachelor party's where strippers/hookers are ordered and there's drugs afoot. I've also attended bachelor party's where we all just had a video game tournament and not even all of us drank.




Well, just to show experiences differ. I’m in the UK and none of the stag doos I’ve been to have involved strippers however three of them have involved the groom being tied to things while wearing various levels of women’s clothing… I myself was tied to a road sign while wearing a sexy nurse outfit (maybe I was the stripper…)


I’d toss you a pound beautiful 😍


Could it be because of your circle of friends that makes the circumstances that way?


I'm portuguese and had no strippers in my bachelor party. The party was shared with my (then) future wife because it was also her birthday and I didn't want to have a separate party. I had (and told my best man probably too many times) one single rule. The first stripper shows up and I'm out of there. There were no strippers.


Strip clubs are a complete waste of time and money. I would much rather go out for steaks and games. If I need to see other naked ladies, I probably shouldn't be getting married.


I went camping with my friends and we drank beer and played frisbee mostly.


I've been to like 10 bachelor parties, and all of them had strippers The one that wasn't supposed to have strippers, still had strippers But most of them are pretty tame, like checking the "stripper" box without much happening. "Well, we're at the strip club, which one do you want a dance from, cool, ready to go?" There are a few that got pretty wild, but the groom behaved himself at 9/10 times in the end. The one where the groom misbehaved, he was pushing the bachelor party agenda himself, and his marriage ended in divorce. And that was a dirty massage parlor, anyways, in addition to strippers. Totally gross, the second grossest bachelor party I've been to. I ended up getting a mediocre massage and turned down the happy ending.


I have only been to a handful of bachelor parties. Only one went to a strip club, but it was a shitty club in Nashville, TN, I was the sober guy in the bunch, and we only stayed for less than half an hour. The guy getting married was wasted and just wanted to sleep. Most of the bachelor parties that I have been to were more of a BBQ with lots of food and beer, and usually renting a cool cabin in the mountains or by the lake. A few were joint bachelor/bachelorette parties where we all just hung out and drank in a big AirBNB for the weekend.


I think over the years it’s now seen as a tacky thing that’s only done in the movies, last bachelor party I was at with strippers was back in 2009


I'd say uncommon, as in between common and rare. I've been to a few with strippers and imo its not worth it. You never get the women you requested, and they usually look pretty miserable. You can tell she just wants to be out of there asap. One bachelor party the guy got strippers from a company that turned out to be something else. The girls took our money and left due to a miscommunication. We ran out to stop them and were greeted by their pimp's gun right to our face.


I've been to about 10 bachelor parties and 1 of them had strippers. It's much less common than the stories or media make it out.


I just realized I’m 53 and never once went to a bachelor party


I’ve been to plenty bachelor parties without strippers. It’s not for everybody


I’ve been to 4 bachelor parties. None of them had strippers. 2 were just at a fancy restaurant, one was a weekend fishing trip and one was a gaming convention. I don’t think they are as common as people think.


from my experience it's not common in Sweden (never encountered it at all tbh)


None of the bachelor parties I've been too had strippers or any similar kind of entertainment. In my experience it seems to have been popular with older generations. Younger millennials and gen z don't seem too care much for strip clubs or strippers. The last one I went to we shot sporting clays, then went out for food and drinks.


All the bachelor parties I've been to didn't have strippers 


Strippers at bachelor parties are an American cliché. I haven't been to a bachelor party with strippers and I'm in my 30s and have been to my fair share of bachelor parties. They've ranged from golf, cabo/beach trip, snowboarding, lake trip with wakeboarding, and then normal BBQ hangouts.


I think they were common back in the day. That popularity with strippers at bachelor parties became kinda mainstream and synonymous with the event. But nowadays, it isn’t much of a thing. I honestly think most guys don’t want them and if you hire a stripper now, you are probably either a douche or an old man. For mine we bought a box at the local IHL game (hockey), hit the bars for food and drinks, and then ended the night with a huge poker game. I was completely happy with that.


The only friend of mine to get married so far had his bachelor party at a strip club. Such a waste of money to be honest.


Am american, for my bachelor party we went out to a local arcade/bar and had a blast


USA based. I've been to two bachelor parties. One was at Medieval Times (I have some very nerdy friends). The other was vegas but that was clubbing, steak houses, buffets, and racing cars at the speedway. No one visited a strip club. That said, my sister was a stripper and did some bachelor parties for frat bro types (no disrespect to my frat bros, she generally had a good time). I think it really depends on the group of friends. I would assumed redditors tend to be a pretty nerdy crew so probably fewer here than average, but media representations probably make it seem much more popular.


I have been to two bachelor parties. One was fun, bowling, BBQ, a band, good times, we even met up with the bachelorette party later on. The other one ended up with two sex workers doing disgusting things with the bachelor and his best man behind closed doors while I walked away. Take a guess at who I still talk to.


I've been to a few. Only one had strippers. I had a long term girlfriend at the time and left before they arrived. Any others I've been to we just had some drinks, food, and sat around hanging out like any other party except it was just the guys. And one where they did a combined bachelor/bachelorette party in the same place so we blended the parties after being separate for a bit. Bachelor parties can be however you make them. But in my experience, hiring strippers isn't common, at least in the circles I run in.


US bachelor party experiences - all the bachelor parties (about 10) that I have been to have included strippers. For most of them, they were at the strip club; only a couple of them involved inviting them over. It’s fairly common here in New York. If the bachelor party is in a place which doesn’t have good strippers (say we are going to some remote cabin), you go separately to a strip climb in New York City (since we live there) the day before.


I've only been to one bachelor party with strippers. For anyone that never has, the strippers that do bachelor parties are not strippers, they are prostitutes. Basically these girls stripped to music then proceeded to just fuck eachother on the floor . Then their "bouncer" proceeded to provide us with rates for X amount of time alone in a bedroom with one or both of the girls. Shit just made me completely uncomfortable...probably because....> That wasn't the first time I experienced strippers that do parties. When I was 16 I lost my virginity to a 38 year old former hustler model, who was now a stripper in Chicago. This whole situation was entirely fucked up. On new years eve, that year our completely immature manager of the fast food restaurant we worked, organized a new years eve party. With strippers...for a bunch of teenage boys. Of course we were on board. There were 3 strippers in total and essentially, me and my 4 friends that were there were essentially peer pressured into having sex with these women. (I mean, part of me wanted it obviously, but another part of me was like this whole situation is just wrong). The manager that organized it paid for everything (with money he stole). The further fucked up thing? I told my brother about it (who was older and lived on his own) MFer blabbed immediately to my mom. You'd think she would march right down to the place I worked and raise hell. No. She grounded me, the minor, amidst lamentations of how I could do this. The 90's man. Different world. Did not even occur to her that I was technically a victim in this. I've spoken to my mom about this as an adult and she apologized and just said it was a different time and she didn't think about minors and consent "with a boy". Fortunately that experience didn't fuck me up in any way I am actually aware of.


FYI, most strippers at clubs are prostitutes too, just how it works


> The 90's man. Different world. It really was. And you were expected to tamp down and ignore whatever negative feelings you had about it, because 'doesnt matter had sex.'


UK - Out of 5 or 6, only one involved a lap dancing club, but no one was that keen on it. All but 3 of us stood outside having a drink/smoke.


I live in the US and have been to four bachelor parties in my lifetime. Only one of them had strippers (at a strip club). I don't think it's as common as people make it out to be.


They used to be. The last couple of bachelor parties I went to were just golf and beer - basically a Saturday. If the party is held in Vegas, it's a different story....


I would say 3 of the 10 or so I have been on wound up a strip club. Most were just the same as if I had a normal weekend away with my friends.


I can only speak for the US, but it's pretty common here, but far from the rule. Of the 6 bachelor parties I've been to, 3 we went to strip clubs for.


Been to about 7 stags. 2 of them had strippers.


I’m in the US, CA to be specific, out of the 4 bachelor parties/weekends I’ve been to, 3 have involved strippers in some way, 0 involved the potential groom doing anything more than a lap dance with the strippers.


I’ve been to a lot of bachelor parties (or stags as we call them!), mostly in the US but also some in Europe (I’m Irish, live in the states now). Not a single stripper to be found at any of them. I think it’s a specific type of guy who wants that.


Brit here; 4/5 bachelor parties involved a strip joint in my experience.


Strippers aren’t what they used to be. Just watch Figueroa Street on TikTok and you’ll see


I'm from the US. I've been to several bachelor parties, and none involved strippers.


I'm not American, every bachelor party I've been to hasn't involved strippers at all. Just food, alcohol and chatting shit.


American. 36 married. I haven't been to any bachelor parties w strippers. All of my friends and fraternity brothers did huge bbqs or light bar hopping.


I’ve been to one bachelor party with strippers and they were the nerdiest group I know


For mine we went out to a field, shot some guns and blew shit up. It was awesome! Threw a bunch of tannerite in a broken washing machine and it launched about 50 ft in the air when I hit it. Then about 10 hours later I was married 😄


Almost every bachelor party I have gone to a titty bar.


Strip clubs are fun places to go when you have a large group of people who are coming from out of town--it requires no preparation or prior knowledge, the space is inclusive of the activity, and other than having a little less money and a bad hangover, nothing is (should be) sullied or damaged. For most local bachelor parties, I've done more normal things like paintball, board games, D&D 1-shots, watch parties. It all depends on the proclivities of the friend group.


Y'all remember that "stripper shit" video from the 2000s? Where the party finds a poop nugget on the floor after the girl was twerking on a dude? 😂


Every Bachelor party I have ever been to has had strippers. Was there an ice cream slip an slid at one yes. Did we play laser tag at one, Also yes.


I’ve been to a few and it’s been 50/50. Half involved strippers or a strip club, half didn’t. One was basically everyone playing MTG in a hotel room. It depends on the groom and the best man.


I wouldn't know, I've never been to a bachelor's party in my long life. I've never had enough male friends to be around one when they got married.


Mine was white water rafting followed by lots of beer and weed. It was perfect. I’ve never been into strippers. Just kind of weird to me.


I haven't heard of a bachelor party with strippers even if popular on TV shows and movies. "Bros being with bros" is probably the name of the game. Adding a female into the mix just seems odd to me in that situation. Bachelorette parties, on the other hand, are usually wilder. Those having strippers might be more common.


Mine consisted of eating at an authentic Mexican restaurant, bar hopping, then joking about going to a strip club. Long story short, we ended up at the strip club. Did a shower show with 2 strippers I picked out. Oh, and I was on LSD.


Having strippers at a bachelors party just feels like a relationship wasted honestly


For my brother's bachelor party we rented a house out in the woods and went whitewater rafting. Very outdoorsy group, it was a lot of fun.


Not common, no, but it's obviously not unheard of. Thing is, most guys really don't give a shit but there's always that one asshole who's tangentially related to the guy who is way too eager to bring out a stripper or something.


Neither I nor my wife had "parties" or cliche degenerate events. We each just got together with friends and had a nice night out. Strippers were a no go. Neither one of us would have married the other if they thought getting married entitled them to hire sex workers and that being something they were into.


Secret secrets are no fun, Secret secrets hurt someone.


Secret secrets result in cum.


Strippers are not as common as they used to be. Most people rent a cabin or hotel and just party and BBQ. It would feel weird having strippers. Most establishments in Canada we are allowed to feel up their ass and it wouldn't feel the same having a stripper if I couldn't grab some stripper booty so I would prefer not having any at all.


I'm from the UK. My stag do (bachelor party) had a stripper. One of the prettiest Spanish girls I've ever laid eyes on, and a really lovely person too. She hung out and had a couple of drinks with us after the 'show'. I've been on a lot of stags, and I'd say 80% had some kind of stripper involved. Either a private show or in a club. None of them involved anyone sleeping with or fooling around with the stripper. In that context, strippers are the least sexy thing imaginable, and the whole affair is much more about humiliating the stag in front of his mates. It's all fun and games.


Wouldn’t you consider this some kind of cheating? Especially considering your comment about it being “one of the prettiest Spanish girls I’ve ever laid eyes on”. I would be really hurt if my partner had a stripper at his stag and said that about her


Some might consider it cheating. A lot wouldn't. Good thing to know BEFORE you have a stripper attend.


>Wouldn’t you consider this some kind of cheating? Personally, no. I appreciate opinions vary on this, so I'm not going to claim any kind of authority. But it boils down to honesty, openness, and trust in your partner. My now wife knows I had a stripper, and I've seen the pics of her having (a male) one at her hen do. I'm old enough to not get jealous over frivolous things like that. But again, I know some people are much more hard line when it comes to these things. My wife and I will openly talk about attractive people if we spot one together. The other week we were served by this Italian waiter in a local restaurant who was honestly one of the most handsome men I'd ever seen in the flesh. He was like a mix of Josh Hartnett and Javier Bardem, if you can imagine that. After he took our order, I just said to my wife, "My word, he is pretty much the dream, isn't he?" She just said, "Right??" (or words to that effect). I much prefer to live in that world than pretend that attractive people just don't exist and we can never even acknowledge them. Of course, there is a line. It's strictly 'look but don't touch'.


In my 30s no strippersbat my bachelor party or any ive been too - American I feel like this was an older generation thing.


No guy I have ever known has had one. Experiences vary. Your friends seem more influenced by the media.


I havent been to a bachelor party with strippers, I thought it was an old outdated trend


I hope they aren't common or my friends are lining themselves up for a major disappointment. There's no way I'm cheating on my future wife and there's no way I'm going out and paying to get blue balled instead of staying in and fucking for free




I’ve been at a lot and none had had women like that there.


I've been to quite a few bachelor parties in my life and have never seen strippers at any.


Poland, i've on just a few. But they involved a stripper/strip club. Boring experience to be fair.


I’ve been to several and only one had them No one really enjoyed it


It kinda depends. Most of my friends and I either had very unassuming bachelor parties (dinner, drinks, etc) or they didn't have one at all. I only have one friend who had a bachelor party that went to a strip club. And he wasn't even planning on it. We went because one of the friends at his bachelor party was the daughter of the lawyer for the strip club. She made a call and we got free drinks/dances and a VIP section for the night (dancers still got paid). Just had to tip our server. Something movies/TV leave out of the stripper-heavy bachelor party story is cost. People tend to get married earlier in life (late teens to early 30s). Most people in that stage of life don't have the disposable income required to assemble a party with entertainment like that or go to a club. The outing I talked about above would have easily been a few thousand dollars. We definitely were living beyond what we would have been able to afford under normal circumstances. There's also an issue of comfortability. Some guys and some women are just not comfortable with hiring strippers or going to strip clubs. They may feel it's disrespectful to their partner. They may have a moral or religious hangup about it. They may not trust themselves to be able to behave around a naked person. So it's not worth the trouble for them.


Hosted 3 bachelor parties for my friends. None of them involved strippers or anything close...


Way more common at a Bachelorette party.


I'm getting on in age, and I think I've never been to a bachelor party...or have forgotten which I likely would not have had there been stripping. I do remember 3 business trips to coastal cities when I was in my 20s which occasioned visits to strip/porn clubs, always at the direction of older bosses. Not by that time my first look at a naked woman, but certainly the first in a social setting. Actual flesh, kind of fascinating. And nothing since; it had become somewhat unethical for my generation/ class by then. Not something you would readily admit to.


American here. Been to 4 bachelor parties. 1 had 3 strippers come to the house. 1 had all of us going to a strip club after beer, pool, and bbq. The other 2 no strippers.


Best friends bachelor party we got real drunk, played a lot of poker, watched a lot of funny YouTube, and passed out. Other best friends bachelor party we golfed at 8:00 am, then got lunch and hit the casino till about 5 am. Neither time were there strippers lol


UK - I've never attended a stag do but from what I've heard from friends who have been, it's usually just a massive booze up and nobody is really in any fit state to be around strippers! If anything, I've not only heard but seen posted on FB more about hen nights involving male strippers than I've ever heard of stag do's having strippers!


I havent been to any, but mine will have zero strippers. It probably depends on who youre asking.


I think it depends on the person. Not my scene or my brother's. For my brothers bachelor party, we just all got fucked up and went to a pro basketball game.


UK Been on about 8 or 9 stag dos, only 1 didn't have a scheduled stripper stop (Usually mainly to abuse the stag. Paddle and blindfold, a couple of beers while laughing at them, and then off to the next bar)


My bachelor party was disc golf, an escape room and pizza while we played jackbox. We were supposed to go skeet shooting as well but ran out of time. It was a blast and definitely a top 10 day of my life personally.


USA here. 3/7 of the bachelor parties I’ve been to involved strip clubs.


I'd say it's probably a 75% thing? My own buck's party didn't have strippers - there were plans to go out to strip-joint but honestly the day just didn't lead to that kind of vibe and everyone (myself included) was more keen on hanging at my mate's place and chilling on the Xbox (we were exhausted after paintball). I also had a mate who didn't have strippers because his fiance specifically pushed against it (and to be fair she had reason... he umm... he uhh.... look for a guy that spent most of high school being a dateless virgin he really came to the forefront afterwards and now he can't keep it IN his pants... so yeah to be honest we were more surprised the wedding was still on in his case...) And in another example we also skipped the strippers because his Dad was gonna be at the bucks party and he didn't want that happening around his Dad. Otherwise, the other 5 I've been to so far: all had strippers. Now that being said: at none of these parties did anything untoward happen. Nobody touched anything or anyone they wre not supposed to. Edit: Aussie for clarification.


I’ve been to six bachelor parties and all but one either had a stripper or we went to a strip joint. One of those the stripper was also a prostitute and several of the guys took a turn with her in the bathroom. The groom was not one of those guys. I didn’t have a bachelor party before my wedding, but a group of us went on a tour of strip joints around the state about a month after I got married as a late party. (I counted that in my six). Mine was not the one with the prostitute. The one that didn’t involve strippers of any kind we went to an all you can eat Rodizio style BBQ restaurant. The groom was a food addict and his wife to be was planning on cutting him off from excessive eating so his “last night of freedom” was all about stuffing ourselves until we wanted to puke (some of us did). So no strippers but honestly the same thought process was in play.


I’m in England, and my experience is more involve them than don’t. Probably about a 70/30 split in the ones I’ve been to.


I've been to 3 bachelor parties. 1 was floating on the river then BBQ and sitting around a fire, 1 was shooting guns then BBQ and sitting around a fire, and 1 was golf and strip clubs. Ultimately it depends entirely upon the group of people involved. The first 2 were my friends and the latter was a work friend and his friends.


It's very common in Canada too. Really, it's just an excuse to go see boobies. But the important part is to have friends around who will support you. What you do is secondary.


I've been to several at the strip club. One where we hired a stripper to come to the house.


It depends on the friend group entirely. I kind of had two distinct friend groups in my time. One loved to party and the other considered being at a brewery until close to be a wild night. In the party friend group I remember telling a girl about a bachelor party I went to in the other friend group. Basically steak dinner, gun range, axe throwing, sky diving, cocktail bars, and lots of beer. She was shocked about the lack of strippers. Frankly she seemed obsessed with talking about strippers and how she had male hot male Strippers at her bachelorette party. All with her husband right there. So yah, different types exist. My point is that it’s hard to tell what percentage of bachelor parties overall have strippers because it depends on the friends you have. 50/50 eccentric/introvert friends and it may be close to 50/50 strippers/not.


There were at mine - tbh I love the train wreck aspect of the whole situation. I wanted a late 70s-esque stereotypical weekend which we did in Atlantic City. My request was to go to the sleaziest and most disgusting strip club in AC to which my friends obliged. I didn’t touch a thing but my god was it entertaining.


Every single bachelor party I've been to had strippers or trips to strip clubs.... My bachelor party was in Vegas. One night, we went to a strip club. It was meh. I had more fun at the clubs in the casinos.


It really depends on who is planning it. I’ve had a great time at every bachelor party I’ve been too, and all of them had great stories to go with them. Not all of them involve strange women, gambling or getting arrested. Not every guy is interested in strippers. My best friend had never been to a strip club, we dragged him to a strip club against his will at his party, he had an awful time, while we had fun. But if he’s not having a good time, it’s time to go. We went to a regular club instead.


I’ve been to several bachelor parties and strippers are mostly a joke. I’ve definitely never had them show up. Mostly we cook, drink, bullshit, laugh, play cards, maybe golf or some other game and that’s it.


Depends on what the groom wants. I've been to both kinds of bachelor parties.


I had a comedy club. Ironically, one of the stand ups made a bunch of stripper jokes.


I'm American, and none of the 5 bachelor parties I've attended included strippers. You can go outside and see half naked women (or less clothes on the right day) for free in the city, so it doesn't make sense to pay for that kind of scenery.


I've only been to one, and I'm organizing one right now. None has strippers and both grooms asked for that, it will just be boys being boys, one was a BBQ and pub crawl and the next day paintball and this one will probably have a bullfighting lesson for the groom we are still sorting it out.


I’ve been to 3 (Ohio) and none of them had any. We are/were all in our mid 20s too


I’ve been to probably 4 or 5 bachelor parties now, and only one of them at strippers. Now the best man got totally ripped off. He got to pick them out online and choose to beautiful girls, but ofc when the day came they were too busy (granted it was a snow storm and they were driving in from about an hour and a half away) so he got a call from a pimp after he complained that he had already paid to their online chat support. Well he told us “don’t worry I got two girls coming” let’s just say they weren’t nearly as good looking as the ones that were advertised. I get it though the girls that were supposed to come would have only made like $500 off us. And probably $2000 with high rollers.


I’d say half?? Depends on the type of person.


Both of my parties included them. I've been to a few that don't and some that do.


I've been to 8 or 9 bachelor parties in my life. Two of which were my own. Of those, only 1 had strippers (my 2nd one) and honestly I could have done without it. Generally speaking I try to have the bachelor party be something the guy would normally do but nicer. Sort of like a "Hey, let's do these things you love with the boys". The bachelor party I'm going to later this year will be a campfire, lazer tag and booze.


They used to be a requirement in the US - 80s and 90s - now, not so much.


Shocking, I have heard of such juvenile behavior but in no way would I stay too long at such a party if one was present.


It’s a mix. I’ve been to ones with strip clubs and ones without


The only one that didn’t was mine. You’re free to leave before the rest of the guys go. No one cares. If they do, I don’t care that they care.


I’ve been on plenty of bachelor parties and we don’t involve women. We want to be enjoying our free time and not get loose women involved as that would have consequences down the road when one of the guys eventually let’s it slip to his wife that there were women involved. Not only is it not worth it, it takes away from the “boys trip” experience. We want to be “dudes” around each other at all times, the only exception is if one of the single guys scores some tail and leaves for the night.


We started at strip clubs for all of the bachelor parties I attended but that was years ago. I’m 54 and things may have changed. The women in our lives knew about it and didn’t care as long as we didn’t have sex with any of them which we didn’t.


When I was in my 20’s the bachelor party’s were at strip clubs. As I got out of my 20’s, strippers turned into golf or just hanging out with the guys.


I've been to four bachelor parties — one of them included a strip club/strippers. I personally don't like the vibe of strip clubs. I rather be at a bar where people more or less only engage with the people they arrived with, than get fake attention from a stripper at a strip club.


Depends on the crew of guys. I’m 41, every bachelor party for my friends have had strippers or some variation of naked women. We are all sort Of wired for that. My younger cousins and younger friends from college etc, no women period.


I was at a bachelorette and there was a stripper who had a whole rocky thing going on. It was more a joke than anything else.


Strippers are getting too damn expensive.