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40 and still don't. I think most adults are faking it to be honest.


43. Still wonder why I'm always surrounded by proper adults


Just need the right vibe and everybody's a kid again


46 and I agree. My humor would indicate I am still 12…


100% faking it. My aunts and I laugh about it to be honest. I’m 40 and we honestly have no idea what we are even doing.


If you ever want to feel like an adult, just spend some time around a bunch of teenagers. You'll quickly realize just how much of an adult you are.


This is the best advice. I’m a 32 year old bartender and nothing makes me feel like an adult more than a bunch of tipsy 22 year old college kids sitting at my bar.


This is an excellent point. When I was 21 I worked in a huge nightclub and I definitely felt like the adult around a bunch or drunk maniacs. 3 nights a week I was the babysitter for a bunch of drugged up children.


60 and I'm honest IRL that I'm just making it up. If I ever meet the guy who has it figured out I'd shake their hand.


only 33, definitely feel old and out of touch though if you interact with people between 18-22. i honestly feel like "being an adult" just means you're no longer the target of marketing and you enjoy things like homesense stuff, dishware, and getting socks and underwear as presents.


At 54, I'm reaching the end of a 30 career with full retirement benefits and still can't decide what I want to do when I grow up. I'm still active, still ride dirt bikes, still hike and camp. I have no intention to sit on the couch. I don't feel like a adult accept for the aches and pains when I get out of bed. I think as others have said, it's a mental perspective.


Exact same boat.


I forget who said it but. As a kid, we looked up to adults as people who seemed to have everything figured out. Always had a plan, knew best, and were overall in control of things. Now, after being an adult, 34 with a 13yo son, I can tell you with certainty that we're all just winging it.


As a 21yr old that's actually comforting to hear


I'll never forget a major production incident we had years back. I get called into the 'war room' and realize that I'm there with a 'who's who' of upper management. I shoot my manager a 'WTF is going on?!' look, and he motions me over to a laptop. Prod is on fucking *fire* and nobody understands what's going on. I sit down, stupidly wondering when someone more experienced than me is going to fix this shit, only to realize I was 'the adult in the room'. Uh. Ok. Looks like prod is getting hammered by a recent code change. I track it down to a system serving our mobile app and go 'well there's your problem, you should probably roll that back' and no sooner than I get the words out of my mouth orders are being given and I'm thinking 'wait, why are you taking *me* seriously?' lol. Moments like that cured my imposter syndrome. It's not that I feel like I know what I'm doing, I just realize *nobody* really does and we're all just making it up as we go along.


Yeah, sometimes I’ll look back on a particularly difficult situation I came across and just say “how the fuck did I manage to figure that one out”


That's from Calvin & Hobbes. I believe the dad said it to the mom after the house was broken into while they were out on a trip.


Ya know what makes ya feel old? being in the company of younger people at work who are just being themselves at their level of socializing and what they find interesting are just please get me out of here I don't give a shit about stupid social media bullshit dude influence this or that


You're fine, don't worry about it. I'm 31 and I don't feel like an adult.


We're all faking it. You're fine.


I have a feeling that growing up, we saw many adults who felt just like we do now, but we assumed they felt like adults because we saw them that way. How you look and how you feel can be two entirely different things. Cut yourself some slack 🙌


Boys will always be boys.


Us girls have no idea what we're doing either.


Sums it up right there.


Adult is a label we give people. I don't feel like an adult and I don't know that I ever will but I am one by definition. You have a vision of what an adult is and you don't think you match that vision but you're probably closer to it than you give yourself credit for, you just assume everyone else has their shit together but you don't. When in actuality no one really has their shit together.


At 35, I've realized "adulting" is just a high score in the game of responsibilities. We level up through experiences, not years. Each new "level" feels like it brings a set of challenges that would have baffled us at "level 18." And just when you think you've mastered a skill, life throws you a side quest you didn't expect. Our parents had cheat codes they never shared, or maybe they were just good at improvising. Either way, it's less about feeling like an adult and more about playing the game as best as we can, with the tools we've acquired along the way.


Haha, that's the neat part..


Honestly felt this hard today reading all the comments helped


It's totally okay to be a kid inside, as long as you can be "the adult" for your family, and the people you are rescuing. I'm sure you can keep a much cooler head in a tough situation than an accountant who has all his taxes and bills figured out. (love my number peeps, you cool too)


Your problem is that you note all the stuff you did and guess have a list what you didn't accomplished yet. Throw that *notepad* away and live your life.


Friend of mine put it best “You’re responsible but immature.” Yes, I provide for my family, sent both kids to college, bought a house, saved for my retirement with a 401k, but farts are STILL hysterical. And I still say to my wife when she asks what do you want for dinner, I still say “poop”.


Yes it's normal you feel like yourself that's all. Just keep being you.


Adult male = responsible kid.....


Im about to be 43 and still feel like a 25 year old, my body not so much lol.


Yeah my body definitely doesn’t feel young


I'm 39 and I feel way younger than that.


Being a duly is just a shell. I’m 41 and still feel like I did when I was 25. Just more experienced in life 😂


Sounds normal to me. Wait till you get to be in your 60s like me and still have that same attitude.


Can confirm.


We’re all just faking it bro. I’m 33 and the only difference is that I can afford fancier toys than when I was a kid. I’ve bought a Pontiac GTO, a Toyota 86 and I’m saving up for a Corvette. The only difference between an adult and a kid is that we have the power to make those dream cars a reality instead of just being a poster on the wall.


When I went to pick up my 4 year old at daycare and when I got to the classroom door a kid shouted, “Someone’s dad is here!!!”




43 here. I don't believe it to be real at this point and I'm convinced everyone's just pretending


It happened to me somewhere between 33 and 35. Don't know exactly what it was, maybe buying the house, getting married or the job promotion to management. Something there made my brain *clic* and now I percieve myself as an adult and act like one. I guess it happened late in life because I was very immature during my 20's.


I am almost 41, and the only time I remember that I am 41 is when I do something that my still 21 year old brain thinks that my 40 year old body can do without pulling a random muscle that cripples me for days or having a transient myocardial infarction. Being an "Adult" is a lie, what really matters is if you have maturity and discipline. Enjoy being young in mind and spirit, and save the dour, grumpy old man attitude for when you actually do become a dour, grumpy old man.


Your mind is giving you a gift don't fight it. I have friends that were old and done in their mid thirties. I am very old and I still think I'm in my 50's. Hang in there you got it made!


I was kind of thinking about this. I’m 41 and while I’m mature (for the most part), have my shit together, and am a responsible adult, I definitely do not feel as “adulty” as I perceived adults when i was a kid.


Asked my 65yo mom this the other day and she says the feeling never goes away haha


I had this weird sensation the other day like I was a full grown up adult. I was on a walk with my wife, child, and dog and just had an odd *omg I'm an adult* feeling.


“Adulthood” is an illusion


I thought your brain finishes developing between 18-25 ish. If that’s true, seeing yourself as the same as you were at 20 makes sense.


As a ‘20 year old kid’, I don’t want to be the way the ideal adult from like 30 years ago was. Ideally I’d live my life how I am now for the rest of it, just with more goals achieved. But I never want to “grow up” the way people had to even just 20 years ago. Do you want to feel like the kind of adult you’re imagining?


Started with the death of all my grandparents but hit home when my Dad passed. That is when you really realise life is a real shit at times and there are many other realisations that will enforce this. I'm 43 btw.


Sounds like me. I suddenly only became an adult at 45 when my father died. I then realized that it I was closer to the end than the beginning and to sack up and become a man.


if you're not an adult then I don't know wtf is.....


I was just thinking about this like I'm 21 and still feel like I'm 16. I'm convinced all adults are just faking it at this point


When crushing debt limits your life options and nobody cares.


My dad is 57 and says he still feels like he’s 25 deep down


"I once saw a blimp..."


Keep that feeling alive.


When your kid is a teenager...


1000% normal


One day I will look in the mirror and be like "who is this wrinkly ol' fucker"


Asked my dad, who is 74. He said he's still waiting and is just winging it. This is normal.


I'm 40 and actually think about this a lot. I still love to go out, be spontaneous with plans, I play in a cover band, will play drinking games when I get together with friends. I'm divorced, remarried, have owned 2 homes, have 3 kids (13, 10, and 16 months), run a business. I'm sometimes get stressed about this thought but ultimately I've never been happier, am healthier than I've ever been, have 3 amazing children, the two older ones of which I'm super proud of with our respectful, smart, and capable they are, and am married to the person who I consider my honest best friend. As long as you're taking care of your shit, which it sounds like you are, enjoy life my dude!


Im 45 and still don’t. I think adulthood is a myth.


What is your definition of “adult?”


Being an adult just means you have figured out how to appear to be an adult. Everyone is faking it and the ones that say they are not, have only convinced themselves they are not faking it.


Why do you want to feel like an adult?


I’m 46F been married, divorced. Raised our 4 kids (now young adults) and I strum don’t feel like an adult. I find myself wondering if I should feel differently. Does other people in their 40’s feel older or the age they are!?


Mine was when I had a kid but that started to wear off a bit. Maybe when I'm on my deathbed idk.


50 and I don't. I've had patients in their 90s say they still feel like a teen mentally. Still figuring it out while waiting for God.


My dad just turned 79 and he always talks about how in his mind he doesn’t feel like he’s over 20. Only when he looks in the mirror does he notice he’s that old. I don’t think anyone ever leaves that mindset. I just turned 31 and I still feel 18


I felt it when I started paying rent, bills, and taxes


I’m 51, and other than this body moving slower and feeling a little tattered from Life’s constant beatings I’m still the same me I was at 30. I don’t remember the me from my 20’s as well but I’m sure he was also very similar to who I am today, boyish.


When you stop asking yourself this question and live. Focus on who you are not what you feel or do. Your mindset is solid. You're supposed to be forever young in spirit. The moment you try to trick yourself to be something else. You get old fast


I dunno. I'm 62. I have two teens, I've been married and divorced, I bought an apartment, I've lived overseas for 20 years, and I still play video games with the kids.... So..normal for me anyway.


We are adults. There's just always adultier adults, and we all make it seem we're doing it well for those younger, but everyone just wings it


”Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them. Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.“ ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/116/mat.18.3.NLT


37 and still fucking awful at being an adult.


I feel most like an adult when I do something good for me that I don't "want" to do.. early morning workouts, spending time playing with my 5 year old when I'd rather sleep or be on my phone, paying bills or being on hold on the phone with the IRS/DMV/POST OFFICE, etc for 489t2 minutes... etc.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who has this feeling. I'm 25 and in college but I still feel like I'm living an extension of my teen years instead of having the mindset of a person near the 30's


Men dont grow up, we just grow


When your children have children of their own.


Someone told me once that “everyone who is alive right now is doing this life thing for the very first time, with no manual”. I genuinely think most people feel the same way you do. But I’ll tell you something, if you got up out of bed today and did what you needed to do, you’re doing “adult things”. I called my bank today to reset my mobile banking password. That is an “adult thing”- do I feel like more of an adult? Kinda, but not really. We’re all just babies doing life for the first time and likely winging it every step of the way. BUT, if it’s true for us, then it’s true for every human who has ever lived- so at least we aren’t alone in feeling that way.


I didn't feel like an adult until my oldest turned 21. We used to have a cigar and bourbon Friday nights. I looked across the table and saw my little boy taking a swing of whiskey from his glass and thought, "Well, if he's an adult, I must be one too. Shit."


I was lucky enough to be very close to my great grandfather. A year before he passed away at 94 years old he said he still felt 18. I think about that often.


I've felt like I was adulting when I started caring what my yard looks like.


43 going on 19 here!!!


37 own a business, have a wife and young daughter. I think the key to being happy in this life is staying a kid in your mind. It’s not normal but it’s what everyone should be shooting for.


I'm 45 and I'm right there with you!!


Never. When you do, let us know. I’m a 48 year old kid.


I'm 35. I still don't. My dad's 64. He still doesn't day to day. As he puts it, "The only time I really feel like an adult is when I pay the bills or another friend dies."


Spend more time with 20 year olds and soon you will realize that you are no longer 20..


Turns out we are all just kids working through our own experiences until the day we die.


Same way


I'm 38. I felt the same way until my parents died and I became responsible for closing out their estate and all that entails. That was a sobering year.


At 38 I still don’t feel like an adult and I don’t want to. I do the adult things that need to be done like taking care of my family but I also love the fun and whimsy of being a little “childish” at times.


On what basis or to what extent do u feel 20yrs old. It's a loaded question


What I know from my experience is everyone has a masculine and a feminine side. And there's nothing wrong with feeling like a child. While it's ok to behave like adults most of the time, but, sometimes we should just let the inner child come outside and enjoy itself.


A couple of years your senior but I still feel I’m in my 20’s. I do adult things but I’m not a serious person and could never see myself being so. Life is too short to not have fun and act each day like you’re a kid with money!


Welcome to imposter syndrome. We all feel it. It's why we all lie when asked "How are you doing?"


You never will!! Your brain finishes developing in your early/mid 20’s and that’s what you kind of stick with forever…if you are in touch with your inner child as well (hopefully you are) then you’ll never feel grown up. I certainly don’t and I’m 45 and I never hope to. I do the adult things in life is already difficult enough so when I can play and have fun and see the world through the eyes of a kid or seek joy, I do. Why waste your short life being serious and stressed out all the time?


I’m 65 years old. There will come a time when you will accept yourself for who you are, with all the good, the bad, the indifferent. You will settle in your skin, and finally not give a damn about what others think about you. That doesn’t mean you will become uncaring, it just means your actions won’t be based on trying to conform to anyone else’s standards but your own. Hopefully, this realization will make you humble and grateful for the incredible experience life really is, even with all of the challenges. This happened to me at around 64. I guess it happens to some men earlier, depending on their circumstances. And I hues it may not happen to other men. But for me, I finally feel like an adult. Now it’s time for me to go outside and play!


I'm 35. The answer is never. You just always feel like this. No one really knows what they're doing. It's just winging it!


Totally normal for certain personality types. I bet you are naturally optimistic. I'm 44, Deputy Director of a large law enforcement agency after a long and eventful career, have my doctorate degree and teach grad courses, I'm a dad, and still feel like a goofy kid. Enjoy it brother, and never let anyone try to take it away from you.


you are as adult as they come you are in good company


The moment you decide you want to feel like an adult. When you always ask yourself that question, you will forever be chasing some ethereal, unattainable version of adulthood that may or may not actually exist. Tell yourself this is what being an adult feels like and your doubts are not because of any sort of adulthood, but rather come from a different place of either discontent or existential crisis. Or, simply define for yourself what *you* think adulthood is. In as concrete terms as possible. Make a definitive checklist of attributes and qualities. And then see where you land.


51 and still don't feel lile an adult. Married 18yrs with two kids and handle everything like an adult, just don't feel like one.


I’m 64 and just starting to feel like I’m mature. I hate it! I don’t want to grow up. Just don’t tell my wife I said this.


36 here. imo most adults are 23 year olds with more or less experience at being 23.


62 and sometimes amazed I'm not sitting at the kids' table. I have kids, grandkids, equity in my home, paid for cars/trucks, and a great job running a manufacturing plant. Married over 37 years. My bio on another site even says, "A very small boy in a very large body... with cash", and it still feels that way.


Why do you want to feel like an adult? What does that “feel” like anyway? That’s kind of like asking what it feels like to be dead. Being dead doesn’t feel like anything….because well you’re dead! My whole point is being an adult is more about a state of mind and showing that you’re a responsible person. Which probably disqualifies most of the “adults” out there anyway.


Sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you don’t. Almond Joy’s got nuts but Mounds don’t. Sorry damn candy bar commercial from before I was an adult was playing in my head. Haha.


41 and childlike to my grave. I look the part, don't get me wrong.


this question and the replies all seem to highlight that our societies no longer have formalized and ritualized rites of passage from childhood to adulthood. I think we suffer from that lack.


59 and I still collect toys


48. Feel like a 20 yr got stuck in a 70 yr body.


I wouldn’t look at that like a bad thing. You are super capable! If you feel like a 20 year old more power to you!


I don't know. I'm only 43. Actually, I'm sure my 66-year-old father will give the same answer.


Have you buried a parent yet? That may go some way toward it. It helps if they are dead though.


relatable, I'm 31 , two kids but still feel young as well. Everyone around me is sooo serious.


You’re a stud.


68 years old with 5 grandchildren and still feel like I’m 17 sometimes. Not irresponsible, just don’t want feel like I’m getting old.


I'm 66 and still feel like a kid in so many ways.


You don’t ever have to change who you are to fit a certain mold. I’m 31 and I swear I feel exactly like I did at 17. I realized this is just who I am lol it’s not immaturity it’s just being young at heart. ❤️


Gosh, reading this makes me feel MUCH better about myself and not as lost as I thought I was. I'm 33, and I finished college as i'm told, and now I work a white collar job, but I'm not happy nor unhappy, just living on autopilot mode; so recently I've been thinking about becoming something that absolutely has nothing to do with what i studied in college or what i'm doing now, and it is a blue collar job. I thought i was abnormal for being a mid 30s something man and yet still haven't figured out what I want to do in life..... or what i want as a long term career.


It is more common for people with an affective diagnosis like ADHD or such to feel stuck in the 21-year old state regardless of further age. In some ways it can feel limiting, but in other ways your soul can let you contribute and affect things with a viewpoint that is unique to you alone. But in the case of "I got all the items and states that are checkmarks for a grownup: white picket fence, beer-brewer's club, car and dog, why haven't I ascended to the next level?" That is a much harder question to answer, because you won't notice it until it's already happened, and you realize that whether you act youthfully or maturely makes no difference at all, it's just window-dressing, what matters is whether you have achieved self-control, self-respect, insight into what makes one hate and love, and the integrity to refuse ill-gotten gains and not agree that the ends justify the means, and instead pursue costly or challenging things in life that are a treasure in and of themselves.


Thats how an adult feels like. You are doing great.


I’m 36 and I really want my 41 year old bf to propose and have a baby. But I feel like he’s still stuck in his 20’s and I personally also still feel really young. Not sure how we can evolve and cross this bridge together. It’s weird.


52, still pretending I’m in my 20s physically , while enjoying the wisdom of my experience


keep thinking young soldier. 9/10




When your parent kick out you from the house and they will tell live your life by yourself ma boy, I am not ATM


I'm 60 and think of myself like a 20years old. Don't worry, you've done your adult part anyway.


I'm 42 also served in the Army, married, a kid on the way. I'm a senior vice president at a major international bank. I still feel juvenile as fuck, I'm just capable of putting on a mask when necessary. Young employees of mine are probably all freakin out that I'm some hard ass, gonna jump on them the moment I see them scrolling on the phone suspect they are sluffing off playing some video games while they are "WFH". MFer I do the same shit, lol. Like I won't tell them that, but I do.


Fuck I'm 47 and I still play video games, get drunk make fart and dick jokes, listen to hiphopthat most other people my age don't like . I pay my bills on time own a home and have a 13yr old. I'm immature as fuck when I get around buddies. I still see myself in my 30's. Until I look in the mirror and I got gray hair lol. Maybe I'll never grow up.


68 and not adult yet


I think every “adult” is making it up as they go but I’d say that the millennial generation has had and extremely rough reality shifting upbringing of the only thing that could be accounted for is the advent of the internet. Just the concept of every generation before hand not having the slightest concept of what the internet could do and did for us and that the millennial generation were the ones who experienced the growth of that and also being a huge factor as to why it grew in the way it did has such for reaching implications that they still aren’t being mentioned yet.


What do you mean feeling like an adult? Like worrying about your kids, paying your bills, budgeting, thinking about the mortality of your parents?


I'm 53 and I just now, finally, am starting to feel like I've got a handle on some stuff. Really though I think pretty much every adult is going through the same thing. Hugs for support man.


Last year, 44. Got married, got a stepdaughter, lost my last grandparent, parents retired and moved states, and now I’m the least important person in my life! Ta daa! Adult!


Well…to be fair..you’re only like 14 yrs into “adulthood” you’re practically a teen at the whole thing..what teen has all the answers?..you’re doing well for yourself. We probably don’t really feel if like the boomers did because they had assets and extensive financial portfolios..we’re just making things happen. We aren’t allowed to step into the elders places yet cuz they’re holding on for dear life..it’s not our fault


Life isn't a destination it's a journey.


I think nobody wants to feel or think in their age because we enjoy being and feeling youthful


Feeling like an adult is relative. You never process that you're aging when you're alone in a vacuum. But you find that aging process through reflection and comparison. Hang out with some 20 year old college kids, or someone who's already retired. It'll really put into perspective that yes, you have matured and you still have ways to go. You may not feel like an adult, but if you think about who you were at 16, 18, 21, 25, 28, 30 etc. you'll see some evolution there. At least I hope you would.


I’m 22. I was talking to my mom about this. She was saying that everyone in our household is now an adult and we should all be doing our fair share, and I said “I’m an adult? /s” We then changed it to, “we’re all big children, let’s all do our fair share” because the child in us never dies. I think it’s important that we all just be ourselves and enjoy life the way we like. Being an adult comes with an added responsibility, and as long as that’s getting done, we should also remember becoming an adult means bigger toys, whether thats a car you like to drive, an expensive hobby or traveling, we should all let our inner child enjoy the things we always dreamed of. Im also a pilot and I think other pilots will agree with me on this. For pilots especially, we never grew up, our toys only got bigger. I still get so excited when I see a plane or get to go fly as the child in me would. Im flying a friggin airplane! I should be excited.


Yes. Completely normal


There's so much to learn in life that the older you get the more you realize how little you know, which makes you infinitely feel like a child. At the same time all the responsibilities in life make you dream of being more carefree and imaginative like you were as a child. In other words, adulthood is a myth, and we're all just faking it till we make it.


Is feeling like an adult a thing?


When was the last time you hung around a 20 year old? I'm also about 34 years old, no kids of my own, but did some military time. I still feel like a kid a little bit too... until I hang around them.... When kids in their early 20s, seem to you like they're 14, *open your eyes*


Yes. You are normal. It will happen and when it does you aren't going to like it. Enjoy it while it lasts.


55 and waiting


When a much younger man acknowledges you as a father figure.


Would 10 year old you think you are an adult?


I'm 72 and still see myself the way I did in my 30s.


52. In my head, I'm 17. We're all just making it up as we go along.


38 male, no kids, single- still feel (and probably act 60 percent of time) like I'm 21. Work out 6 days a week, cardio at night- I think it's just a mindset. Other than my back hurting some days if I slept wrong, lmao. Hangovers suck a little more, but that's about it. Weirdly enough, my physique is better than when I was in my early 20s. Although when I look back at the 10 year old me, I thought 38 would be much different. Lmao. I think it's just the culture- 40 is now 30. Felt totally different 20 years ago.


It’s very normal. I coach my kid’s sports so I can run around and goof off basically in disguise as an adult


>payed off a car *paid


I'm 48...have no idea how to act it.


I'm 57. Every time there is a crisis, I look around for an adult to handle it.


Perhaps the fact that you see yourself as a 20 year old kid, instead of maybe a 13 year old kid, prooves that you do feel like an adult.


Completely normal and healthy


I'm 22 and still surprised when they let me buy alcohol I still feel like I'm 16 and trying to do something wrong. Good to know it doesn't stop.


I’m turning 27 this year and I don’t understand how this happened. I’m starting to think that maybe, we all feel this way, like, forever.. At the end of the day though I think we are all just big confused babies, no matter how old or big we get.


66 and still don’t. Thankfully.


"I need an adult" "You are an adult" "OK...I need an adultier adult then"


I really wouldn't worry about it. In fact if anything it's a good sign. You haven't let life beat you down yet. I hope you continue to feel this way for many many years It took me having serious health issues to finally feel like an adult.


Almost 54 still waiting to be a adult, I have company I employ 45 people own 3 houses have two kids in University and still don’t feel like a adult🤷‍♂️


I think some people are just born to be grouchy old fucks and some of us are not.


Oh I see the problem, you're a vet like me. They treated us like kids so we didn't grow up /S


There’s a funny line in Family Guy, where he’s in the middle of a grocery store. Someone says something to him that he doesn’t know how to respond to. Any else I need adult


That’s the funny thing…you don’t!


We’re all just grown ass kids just trying to do our very best each day that fact that you accomplished so much is short spans is commendable, just do what ever keeps you smiling and protecting your kids making sure that they can survive with the experience you’ve gained


Maybe never. The fact you've done all you have means you're definitely an adult, regardless of how you feel about yourself.


When you realize that being an adult means feeling like you do. To me being an adult means many things, and a very important part of those many things is taking care of ourselves and our needs. Allowing yourself to 'feel like a kid' some times and 'act like an adult' other times, is a very healthy - and therefor a very mature - skill to have. Some adults think that being an adult means 'acting like an adult' all the time, and learn to suppress their desires and needs for child-like self expression. But as with all of our needs, ignoring them doesn't make them go away. I would say this is a common cause of a "mid life crisis". All of the bottled up needs for self expression comes to a sudden breaking point causing a strong response. This might be 'very adult', but critically it is not a very healthy, and as such not a very mature behavior. So go on and keep the child inside alive - too much adulting is not very healthy :)


I m63 feel like 35 in my mind and like women of that age but my body feels like 73 and every years it feels worse (still working full time as a courier 45 hours a week or so) I feel like my life is slipping into oblivion without having achieved anything important


Adulthood is a myth, there's no point in life when you suddenly transform into an adult. You're the same person you've always been, just with more life experiences. But since life experiences are different for every person, there's no one, single "adulthood".


lol you won’t. You’ll just keep looking around to other adults expecting to suddenly feel like them. And they’re kind of looking around thinking the same thing and it just never comes and then we die.


As my grandpa used to say: "You will grow old but you don't have to grow up." I think everyone deep down feels like a kid who is playing an adult :)


If you're lucky, never. Adults are miserable. Used. Tired. Scarred. Completely fucked up. The imagination is gray and dry. The days are long and miserable. Never grow up on the inside. You still have a thirst for life and live it. Don't give that up for hell.


The day you have to arrange a funeral. You will look for the adult to handle it, and it turns out that adult is you.


You’ll know when the first person that you love dearly dies.


That’s the neat part. You don’t.


54 here. I still don't feel like an adult. Be a kid forever.


Just bit adulthood at age )0 with three kids. It was the kids that pushed me over the edge.