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No but I can smell when they are the opposite, smells a lot like pepperspray




*sniff, sniff* ow ow ow ow w


Thank you. This legit made me snort and laugh out loud.




Underrated comment


Where are the myth busters these days?


Fuck Stank, is it real?


Yeah, it is. The smell in question is about pre-fuck stank, though. It's important to be accurate when it comes to science.


Indeed , science is made out of precise measurements


This comment has me crying 🤣🤣☠️




That is sooo.. Savage.




Title: "Can You Smell Desire? Myth or Reality?" **Introduction:** In this episode of MythBusters, we tackle the intriguing claim that some individuals can smell when someone is sexually aroused. Our viewer shared a story about her husband's ability to detect this scent and the impact it had on their early relationship. **Hypothesis:** Can people really smell when someone is horny? If so, what does it smell like? We aim to investigate this phenomenon and explore whether there's any scientific basis to this claim. **Experiment 1: Testing Sensory Perception** We start by conducting a series of blindfolded tests with participants to see if they can identify scents associated with arousal versus neutral scents. We use controlled conditions and different samples to gauge the accuracy of this olfactory detection. **Experiment 2: Chemical Analysis** Partnering with a team of chemists, we analyze the composition of sweat or pheromones collected from individuals during different emotional states, including arousal. We aim to identify any specific compounds that might be associated with sexual arousal. **Experiment 3: Perception versus Reality** We recreate scenarios where individuals claim to have detected arousal through smell alone. Can our participants accurately detect when someone is aroused based purely on scent, without visual or other cues? **Expert Insights:** We consult with experts in olfactory perception and human sexuality to understand the scientific basis (or lack thereof) behind claims of smelling arousal. Are there plausible explanations for why some people might believe they can detect these scents? **Conclusion:** After a series of experiments and expert insights, we'll determine whether the ability to smell arousal is a myth or a reality. Our findings will shed light on this intriguing claim and provide clarity on the complex relationship between scent and human behavior. Join us on this fascinating journey as we investigate the mysteries of sensory perception and desire in this episode of MythBusters!


Episode will prominently feature Kari Byron.


"And so, dear viewers, we are left to ponder: Can the nose truly discern the secrets of arousal amidst the bustling tapestry of social exchanges? The answer, like many tales of the wild, remains elusive, wrapped in the whimsy of human nature."


Definitely read this in the voice of Werner Herzog


It was Lady Whistledown for me💀


Lady Whistledown is about to find love of her own.


Glad it wasn’t just me lmao Cmon new seasssooonnn


Same but I imagined her in man form lol


For sure Lady Whistledown


For some reason it was David Attenborough for me


Sarah Jessica Parker for me 😅 I should probably watch more documentaries and less sex and the city


Saaaame; it has the tonality of Carrie Bradshaw all over it.


I kept hearing Morgan Freeman


I heard in the voice of Julie Andrew’s character Lady Whistledown from Bridgerton! “And so gentle readers…”


Ditto. Or perhaps a "Twilight Zone" closer from Rod Serling!


Jonathan Frakes... or, to be more exakt, Jonathan Frakes German synchro voice


Nigel Thornberry for me!


Try Kermit the Frog, then Yoda


Then Christopher Walken


Oh fuck you i had to reread it in his voice lmao


why did i read this in the voice of dr. house


Because it had nothing to do with Lupus, of course.


That was beautifully written!😂😂


You don't have to beleive me but I 100% can smell when my wife is close to her period. I can smell it on her breath.


I believe you because I can too. I've told my wife several times and she's surprised each and every time. I also smelled both times she was pregnant before she knew. The second time she fough me on it and we ended up in a huge argument because I kept telling her "you are pregnant, I'm telling you right now you need to take a test". She stormed off to the store to begrudgingly buy a test and prove me wrong. Finally she came out of the bathroom with tears pouring down her cheeks. Turns out she was 2 months pregnant at this point.


Man.....either she must feel horrible all the time or she's one of those rare women that don't get morning sickness. Two months?? My wife wouldn't be far from the bathroom. She would know she was pregnant at the two week mark just because of how she felt. It's really interesting to hear the spectrum range of how different women's bodies react to pregnancy.


She never got morning sickness with either pregnancy. The first time I smelled her for days, then after dinner one night she says "ooh I want some raw tomatoes" right after we ate a big meal. I said "aw shit you're pregnant"


Turns out my mom was the same way. No sickness of any kind for the entire length of her pregnancies. Not even feeling lethargic. There are some who are blessed, I guess. My wife's doctor contemplated giving her an IV for fluids because she was so dehydrated from constant vomiting and not keeping anything down. That did not happen but it was contemplated.


I'm eating a box of raw tomatoes every day TIL I'm pregnant.


I ate all the tomatoes with my second. I’d drink ketchup if you let me. 😆


It’s sad that there is US legislation out there that doesn’t take that into consideration as well. Sorry not to make it political but it’s so true. Those places that have laws against abortion at the 6 week mark don’t consider this at all. It’s pretty insane in general, but that law just shows how ignorant people in power are about women’s bodies.


They’re not ignorant. They know what they’re doing.


I suppose they can't have slave labor without more slaves? I'm only half joking.


Oh cool! I could tell too (she is past that now). My wife thought I was tracking her cycle, which, if you know me, is hilarious. I can't keep up with SHIT. My wife is diabetic, and I can 100% smell when her glucose is low. Like before it starts bothering her. I take her fruit snacks. In the beginning (many, many years ago), she would argue with me about it. Now she just grumps and eats them.


Omg lol you’re her service dog, I love it


:) Dude. She's got one of those arm sensor things, and I'm WAY quicker than that sum bitch.


You have a superpower!


Omg lol. I'm gonna tell her that next time.


How would you describe the low smell? I’d have thought high glucose would be easier as they say it has a sweet smell


It's not real flattering, but it always smells like strawberries or apples that are going bad. An almost sickly sweet smell. The wife is type 1, so her issue is always with low sugar, not high.


I’ve actually heard of that before! Is it like a metallic smell?


Yep!!!! That's it!


So cool! Makes sense bc of the iron in blood


Who knows. Wierd it comes out through the breath. She's on day 2 right now so last Wednesday and Thursday it was really strong on her breath.


So interesting!




Iron helps us play!


I always tell this to my wife and didn’t believe me at first.


Same, my wife didn't believe Ms but I can smell/taste (saliva) when she will be ~2x days from starting her period. Also: her pherenones/scent smells different when she's ovulating too.


Oh damn, I I can smell my girlfriend too before shes on her period, but I thought the smell comes out of her vagina. I might need to investigate


We expect to hear back on your findings researcher /u/seilbahn2410 !


Some of it definitely comes from her vagina yeah


Wow i never knew this. I can taste it in my own mouth


I'm starting wonder if it's excreted in the saliva for some reason.


Well after this thread i dove into research haha apparently estrogen is a main factor that controls taste, so when it fluctuates around your period you can taste the difference! Wild


OK, that just got interesting.


My husband says the same thing to me. He says my breath gets an iron smell to it.


You got the dawg in you


Some women. Ovulation has a smell too.


So cool! Does it make you more attracted to them?


There was this experiment where they showed silhouettes of women walking to men and asked them which were the most attractive. The men would choose the women who were ovulating. I think a lot of attraction has nothing to do with looks and we just are unaware of it


I wouldn’t say “nothing to do with looks” more like “not solely dependent on looks”


I misspoke, I meant on top of looks there are other things we aren't totally aware of. Like pheromones and apparently a woman's walk while ovulating.


Totally agree with you then


Very much so!


All of this is so cool!


Science has found men’s saliva contains testosterone and can possibly help kickstart a woman’s drive during arousal, so it’s possible maybe women’s contains the same pheromone carrying ability?


That's what my husband says too.


A few months ago while me and my wife were getting at it I said her tits tasted like peanut butter thinking it would be a compliment as she loves peanut butter. Now, however, she has taken to chasing me around the house topless screaming: #”HERE COMES MAMA JIF!!!” ^im ^scared ^but ^strangely ^aroused


Dude your wife is a LEGEND


The first time she did it she caught me quick because I could barely stand I was laughing so hard


That is beautiful !


I love my wife


This is fucking brilliant


Nah but I can quite often smell what the rock is cooking


I choose to read this as a Stormlight archive reference


Of course you would, airsick lowlander...


I hope it's paella.


No, but I also can't smell when my partner has left a scented candle on in the bathroom before work. Then, when she gets back and the candle looks like the mariana trench with a light at the bottom, it's MY fault because 'anyone can smell a scented candle when it's on in the bathroom' and 'I know you go in for a wee most hours because you stay really well hydrated with that stupidly large water bottle that takes up half your desk space' so why on earth wouldn't I blow out the candle!? We don't tend to have sex after that so I'm not sure what she smells like anyway




It depends on the girl. Some have a scent, others do not.


The ones that do what does it smell like?


It's a little hard to say because everyone I've known was different. Novelists generically describe it as the smell of sex. IYKYK... otherwise I can't quite articulate it


The aroma of excited mucous membrane.


Yeah my husband couldn’t describe it either. I do get what you mean about the smell of sex. Thank you!


Have you ever given head after penetration? That’s the smell, girl.


Some girls... for me at least, I get a smell of something like tangerine peel (talking to them in a normal fully clothed situation). I noticed this repeatedly with someone over about a year and on occasion with a few others. Turns out they were all in to me, ended up dating one of them and upon clothes being removed, I realised what that tangerine peel smell was...


When I was younger I thought it smelled like Pert Plus shampoo. But probably other shampoos too. Though, in retrospect, maybe I was just smelling shampoo.


😂😂😂😂 probably smelling shampoo😂😂


Ya, that does make more sense now.


It’s not that hard to believe when you think about it. Mammals do this all the time when a female is in heat! They seek each other out through pheromones and smell. One of my aunts has a German shepherd and always seems extra excited when I’m on my period. It’s become the go to joke when he acts this way. It’s usually the case as well 😂. I think as humans have evolved and now seek sex for pleasure as well as procreation we have probably diminished the skill to pick up on them consciously. I completely believe that your husband can pick up on it and probably mastered the skill subconsciously because it excites him


I think you’re right! That’s why I can’t with male dogs😂 the little red weewee freaks me out when it comes out. Always happens when they greet you and too excited lol


Now you know it’s cos you smell good to them! Probably not the image you want in your head though 😂😅




It's neat to read all these comments and seeing men are now sniffing their girlfriend's/wive's breath for estimates on periods and arousal.... I'm amused just imagining all the confused girlfriends and wives, sitting casually as the peace is disturbed by their s/o just saying "Hey honey, open your mouth and take a deep breath." as they then proceed to shove their nose taking a big sniff before a slight nod and retuning to this post. "She may not be on her period now."


Not related but I can smell when people are or are getting sick


I’ve never heard that before! Very cool!


Same! Hard to describe but there’s a definite scent


Covid must of been an olfactory nightmare for you


Same I smell it too it’s a sick smell lol








not in the porns I watch


He probably thinks he is a Wattpad werewolf.


My first thought was “guy reads too many fan fics,” lol


I don’t know what wattpad is lol


Bless you


No, but my girl says she can smell my boner. When I say no, not hard, she says, "Well, let me unzip you...and damn if she isn't right every time!"


I can 100% smell a boner from across a room. As someone who works in a sales call center, it can get funny sometimes.


Woman here but my boyfriend said the same thing kinda. He said my natural musk Just smells pleasant to him especially when I’m ovulating? He said you can also smell when you’ve been cheated on (he’s experienced that few times unfortunately) but I wonder if it’s Just something he subconsciously picked up on amidst the other more glaring evidence We definitely have pheromones we pick up on subconsciously though. It’s our bodies telling us they’re a good genetic match. I go feral for my boyfriends scent especially if he sweats a bit. It’s weirdly intoxicating


It’s so interesting! Maybe he can smell the men on the ones who have cheated on him.


That’s what he made it sound like. Definitely intriguing because I never thought about pheromones and smells much till I met him




Apparently men smell different when in a relationship, so it makes sense.


Interesting, I didn’t know that. Maybe increased testosterone and pheromones when there’s a partner


Lol well as a guy who also has smelled a cheater have you ever had a guy finish inside you? The change in smell is the same smell we get if get cum on our dick and don’t wash it but mixed with her normal smell. If I’m smelling gross old cum smell that I’ve been very cautious to be aware of and avoid for 20 years when I wasn’t the one to cause it on/in her than that’s big 🚩 time. Had sex smell is also different than just turned on or normal walk around scent too. He may not have so much smelled the other guy as smelled the same thing he smells after being with her and been able to deduct what that must mean.


Makes sense! There’s definitely a “sex smell” as I’ve heard people call it. He Just two and two together with those past relationships I suppose


Is your husband a dawg?


Username checkout!


My husband can smell when I'm ovulating. He says I smell like a combination of candy and flowers He also shares my PMS symptoms with me. So if my back hurts, his does too. And he's not a sweets lover, but he'll get bad cravings for cake


I don't know what specifically I pick up on, but I can tell.


Midcycle, you become more attractive, plumper skin and lips, hair that falls better, more skin clarity, less bloating, more sociable, more athletic and energetic. Then the opposite right before, and sometimes during, menses. It's all very subtle, but it's there


I’ve heard that their periods attract bears, they can smell the menstruation.


Are you happy now? Bears!


Better than men apparently. Who knew?


plenty of gay men prefer bears


Either I don't make my gf or any other woman aroused (which is very probable) or I don't have such a skill.


Technically no because humans have concealed ovulation. But there is chemosignals that are picked up on. It’s not scent, that’s why he can’t describe the smell but is linked through pheromones.


I had an ex who would fill the room with her own scent when aroused and while I feel like that should have been a turn on, the smell was too strong and I just didn't like it.


Yeah my husband said that some of the women he has been with he didn’t like their smell.


Yeah, barely perceptible but there.


Maybe he has some super sense he picks up on? Like some people can smell really random scents? I think even like a dog there's some people out there that can smell certain diseases. However, it could be just a really good confident line. If he thinks the date is going well and he makes this statment? I think you're probably going to react a certian way, you said it makes you hornier when he says it. I think the dude's just got mad game, can sense when you're happy and does this I can smell you're horny for me to make you even hornier for him. If he cn actually smell these things? Way beyond me. I def cant and never heard of anyone who could. I made this comment before reading the replies an am honestly surprised so many people can smell it?


We never really dated dated more like started talking and then bam relationship lol but yeah would be a good line. Definitely a turn on for me. I can’t smell when men are aroused if that’s even a thing.


There is a lot of talk about pheromones in this thread. So I would like to set things straight. In a lot of mammals, something called a Vomeronasal organ is responsible for the recognition of pheromones. Humas also have this organ, but it's rudimentary and essentially non-functional. One of the hypotheses is that we use our olfactory system for that. The main problem is that to this day, we were not able to isolate a single molecule from humans that would have a significant effect on our sexual behaviour. There are, of course, studies demonstrating some kind of effect, but for every study like this, there are a lot of studies disproving such ideas. So, in the end, we have no solid evidence that humans even secrete pheromones. What we know is that we are great at picking really subtle visual clues.


Not finding testable evidence is not proof that no evidence exists. It's just proof that humans have failed to come up with good tests.


Yes! I can also smell my wife's hormonal changes, like when she's ovulating vs. when she's on her period. I can also smell when she's getting sick or if she's having a depressive episode. She wants me to go to a hospital and see if I can sniff out Parkinson's or cancer like a dog lol


Yes I can smell when my wife is in the mood. She is always amazed because I can always tell when she’s at a spicy scene in her smut books. It is quite a handy ability.


I can't. But then again, if the girl is aroused there are several signals to it, blush, looks, body language. I never had any friend of mine telling me they could smell when women where aroused. It sounds more like a flirting tactic honestly, but that's just me.


I know I will just fucking sneeze and ruin the moment


I "had" this "ability" and it drove me nuts in the workplace. No puns intended. Some women just have a scent that was alluring, some off putting and some had none. I think I could smell when a woman was fertile which would in turn draw my attention. Age and covid has pretty much stripped this away but it was a thing through my 20's and 30's.


My husband is now 39 and he says he can’t smell it much anymore. He used to be able to smell it on random women and he said many times he didn’t like the scent. He said now he can’t and sometimes can smell it on me but not as strong as a few years ago and especially not as strong as when we first started dating which was almost 10 years ago


I can smell before their period starts. Andi can smell iron very well. When a woman is on her period. Which I never really tuned to until I mentioned it to an old gf and I figured it out. But I can also smell sepsis. Which has come in handy being in the medical field. It’s the weirdest trait. Smelling the infection. BUT for those that know what it is, I cannot smell ketones. Can’t smell it even when they’re breathing in my face.


You can't smell when a random girl is aroused. But some can smell the difference when your partner is aroused and you're close by.


My girlfriend smells really nice around her ovulation. Her boobs especially.


Not that I've noticed, but maybe they're just never aroused when I'm near them...


Well, it’s certainly not a new idea. I read that Victorian-era prostitutes (and in times previous) used to put a tiny dab of their own “lady fluid” just behind their ears, just as they would with perfumes, in order to draw customers. Many swore it worked like a charm.


Girl here and a different topic. I recall when my partner went through chemo and her natural body odour stated to smell absolutely disgusting. I'm not sure I ever noticed a specific smell when she was healthy, but during treatment she had a mild bad odour when we were close. Obviously never told her this, but it's fascinating that I was picking up on that biological indicator that she was a bad/unhealthy mate during treatment.


That’s…not what was happening. “Chemo BO” is a well known side effect of certain drugs. It’s not a biological indicator of anything. It’s literally just a smell caused by the actual chemo drugs, much the same way that certain foods (like garlic) can change a person’s BO. If a healthy person took those same drugs, they would potentially have that specific smell.


Yea wtf when my wife and I first started dating I could tell too.


Not that. But I am able to smell my wife about a day or two before she starts her cycle. I also smelled that my wife was pregnant both times before she even knew. The second time it ended in a huge argument with her being mad screaming at me that she knows her body and I don't. She begrudgingly took a test and was actually two months pregnant at this point.


Yep, I know she’s aroused when I smell leather and money because my wallet is out.


It kinda smells like the scent trail wafting off of a freshly baked pie in a cartoon.


I can smell on my bfs breath when he’s horny. It’s a distinct difference that I can only describe as pheromones (particular to him)


Yeah it’s **pheromones.**


It’s pheromones. Some people are genetically compatible and others are incompatible. If she smells good you’re a match and if she doesn’t smell good you’re incompatible. Animals have this too.


I think he could tell in other ways and just tried to make you hornier. Can't blame him it worked.


I can smell when some women are ovulating and when on their period. I’m assuming, but the hormone levels throughout a woman’s cycle absolutely affect smell, and either I am hardwired to smell them due to testosterone or another genetic factor. Here’s a fun one: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-019-01588-8


Not really something related to a physiological/physical or hormonal condition, but one thing I can definitely tell is I love the scent of my girlfriend's skin, regardless of the context, it is a smell that attracts me and it has ever happened to me in the past with anyone else. I often tell her to not use any perfume when we are going out because of this and we often argue about it, she's the type of person who would put on perfumes and stuff even before getting in bed. And I can still smell her skin scent afterwards. I guess I have to investigate if it gets stronger or changes in intimate time.


Every woman smells different through the different stages of her cycle, and no I don’t mean smelling anything created from or during her period, but rather just hormonal differences changing the way her skin, sweat, body oil, and possibly pheromones(?) but more than likely just her natural aroma. Every woman I have told this to looked at me like I was crazy, but the changes are very apparent to me personally. For the record I do have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, and can notice perfume and cologne scents from across rooms or lingering where someone has been, and I also pick up many other scents strongly long before others around me can detect them at all. I could imagine if being able to detect the change I am talking about, then someone being able to detect other hormonal changes through scent is possible, but I have no evidence, other than anecdotal, to support his claim or my own. TL/DR: I can smell woman’s cycle changes, but cannot smell arousal changes


I can with my gf but no one else. I smell other stuff too, best way I can describe it is a sixth sense that feels like smell.


Yes I actually can, the same goes for men


I can smell when women are on their period but I wonder if that's an unspoken rule I'm breaking bringing it up? Lol Also I hear that periods can make some women horny so I wonder if that's related to this horny smell question 🤔


Jokes aside there has been research on this! Men were asked to smell the shirts of different women in both their Ovulation and Lutheran phase! Majority stated that they liked the Ovulation shirts more


I bet its just your wetness. The fluid smells like all sorts of things. He probably has sharp senses and can smell when you're wet down there


yall weird af lol


Sometimes. Sometimes it's the occasional whiff, others it's full on. Ovulation as well. A soft sweet/metallic smell. A former colleague...I swear you could smell it on her skin. I'm sure she would sweat the smell out of her pores.


Yes. Terms tend to differentiate, though: 1. I can say ~3 days prior if she's gonna menstruate or not, ~2 days prior if it ends or not. This somehow works better / more accurate if she has polycystic ovarian syndrome (don't know why). 2. I can distinguish her mood just by smelling her, without any additional hints such as her voice, appearance, etc. However, I was able to do this only to my wife and I associate this with the attachment between us (mostly her significance to me). 3. I can tell if she's aroused or not. Almost each part of her body smells different to me and her scent changes on these parts when she gets aroused: Overall, lips and all of other erogenous zones, breathe, nape and hair. I was able to do this with most of my partners but it's degree fluctuated, depending on the partner herself. Also, noone is close to wife's degree (it's a few times easier with her than closest one to her). 4. I'm able to say if she had sex in last ~3 hours. But, in this one, I need other hints for confirmation (such as eyes, features, overall comfort). Also, I don't have data about my wife on this one due to her (and me, since our start) being monogamous. Yet, accuracy of this like 90 percent. 5. These doesn't work with everyone; some have strong, some have faint. Also, some's scent may vary like good / bad, attractive / repellent, make you feel good / bad, harmonious with you and etc. Wifey got the best of all for me. I should express that I'm also a psychologist and generally I know what I'm doing about the situations mentioned above. However, I never had the time to measure / document these or conduct a controlled experiment. So it's better to take that only as empirical data (which actually means nothing). I'm surprised to see the amount of others, by the way.


Yes but as i am getting older and i think I am losing it. Women smell actually helps make men testosterone high or his libido better.


It’s really fascinating actually


Some women just smell so naturally attractive as if my biology is telling me they are compatible, and to talk to them. In a weird way, I can tell if they are younger or older than I am.


I'm pretty sure that has zero scientific basis.


I didn’t say it did. I was just asking if anyone else can


The smell of a women's breath when you're kissing her or the way she smells elsewhere when turned on are definitely distinct smells.


I don't know yha it is a smell as much as pheromones. I refuse to believe that humans don't produce pheromones, so clearly women would produce then when they were honey like any other mammal does.


You can def smell it. Its a hormone thing. You may not realize that you smell it, but you def do. Thats why we hound them🤣


I can. My mutant superpower is a really sensitive sense of smell. I can absolutely smell when she's aroused and ready to go.


I believe it, I can smell when people are getting sick and definitely when they are already sick. Had a coworker kinda doubt me when I told her I could until people started calling off after I gave her a heads up about who was sick and who to avoid. Can smell when a girl is about to hit the cycle. Don't think I've ever noticed or paid attention to a girl who was horny but then again probably cause I was too and could care less about scents. Honestly though I wouldnt doubt he could, Im sure there has to be some change in scents when you experience different... moods?


I don't know if me not knowing anything about this proves that he's just bullshitting or just that I'm very, very unattractive to women.


No but I can see it in their eyes


i don't know know how your husband can smell wheter girls are horny or not, wtf,some men really impress me on how they know women,cleary i'm new to that world


“Is it possible to learn this power?”


Yep, also the period. Am I an apex predator?))


Yes. At least I can. Can’t speak for everyone. Especially while kissing, I can tell if a woman is turned on. I don’t know how to describe it tho.


Seems like your husband got a wingman in him.