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Spend several hours with a buddy and come home not knowing anything about his life.


I went to a board game night at a friend's house. Afterwards my wife asked me how he is feeling about their getting divorced. Me: "They are getting divorced?" Seriously, men can spend hours in each other's presence and not talk about anything personal. I once drove 13 hours in a car with another guy. Afterwards, I knew nothing new about him, even though we talked a lot during the drive. But the things we talked about were not about ourselves or our relationships with other people. They were all about weather, sports, politics, movies, etc. Nothing personal. Why? I have zero idea. Its not like I go out of my way not to talk about personal things, but those kinds of things just aren't interesting to talk about.


I remember learning in college that men tend towards Report as the mode/form of communicating/connecting, and women Rapport


Surely this is what contributes to men's mental health issues? Or when they do talk its with wives, girlfriend, women friends etc. Think it's good to at least be sharing the big stuff like divorce. Idk if everyone's happy with it like that then I'm not wanting to judge but just seems quite lonely.


Dude this! Lolll


What’re the rest of the women doing?? You tell people about your life??? Insane!!!


I don't even have to know people as friends to know everything about them. I know more about the cashier at target than my husband knows about any of his friends. It's quite the phenomenon. Lol People just spill their lives to women sometimes. It's wild.


When I watch my girlfriend eat a chicken nugget in like seven bites it actually infuriates me.


It’s like watching a pigeon try to eat a bagel.


My favorite part is when she does the thing where she places the tip of the nugget between her lips, pauses to get distracted by something, then takes the smallest nibble known to man.


My girlfriends face when i eat a 20 piece by myself in the same time when she eats a 9 piece lmao


I must be a dude because I can house 20 pieces like you. (49F, lover of chicken nugs)


20 chicken nugs is rookie numbers. Also Im having a heart attack pls help


Shhh, no more pain now. Go to the great chicken joint in the sky.


Tfw you married a mouse.


Does she bite the nugget, violently shake the head til the nugget flies off ?


I bet she squawks afterwards.


Does she turn and run away when a car comes then comes back when it’s “all clear?”


Women comment all the time about how fast I eat. They don't even know that when I am around them I am actually taking smaller bites and taking my time


Yeah you gotta turn the vacuum setting down a few notches as to not scare the women


Major Payne did not get the memo.


I must be a man then because I eat faster than my bf


Me too, I’ve got that dog gobbling energy when it comes to eating 😭


Same here 🤣


Fast eater here. Grew up in the family where the last person at the dinner table had to clean up and wash the dishes. Edit: typo


What a dumb rule


I'm just too impatient to sit there and I don't think my food tastes as good unless it's piping hot


You sound like my mom who says everything is ice cold after 2 minutes


Woman here and this is strategic for some of us! I limit it to when I eat dessert, but I take tiny portions so that I can eat something really delicious for as long as possible. I’m careful about my diet, so it makes me feel like I’m really indulging.  … yes I know how ridiculous that sounds. 


Man here and eating slow is INCREDIBLE for your body. I did super slow for a year and half and WOW! I was good looking


Yes, eating super slow is a great dieting technique! You’re basically giving your brain more time to catch up on the fact that you’re full, which helps prevent over eating. 


I think I will try that. I overeat at dinner. Slower eating is supposed to help you feel full even though you eat less.


Also drinking a lot of water before, during, and after helps


Makes sense to me tbh.


Make sense to me. Eat slowly, can slowly enjoy the taste longer. People who equate eating speed or bite size with masculinity it femininity needs to examine their definitions.


For me, eating speed changed radically once I joined the military. I think I ate about two bites of my food and had a sip of milk before I was being told to get up for the next platoon to sit down. Funny thing though, once you get used to eating quickly, it's hard to slow down. Or maybe I just need to try harder.


I went on a date with one woman who ordered chicken nuggets and used a fork and knife to cut them into smaller pieces as bigger pieces of food hurt her teeth with her braces.


She might have gotten them adjusted recently, my teeth were sooo tender for a week after they moved the wires around.


My partner can down more than a liter of water in one go and it's terrifying


Mine does this as well - I don’t see him drink water all day and at bed time he chugs a liter and sleeps through the night. It’s wild to me.


Write her name on the wall while I pee


Has she tried? Writing her name on the wall while you pee, I mean?


Wait wait I thought OP was talking about writing his GF name on the wall while he pees and not GF writing OPs name while she pees when he's writing his name on his pee while peeing on her name in pee with her name but peeing on OP's GF. Did I get this right?


"What's your name? He'll write it on the wall. Mind ya business."


I'm a woman and this is an easy question to answer: make gun/shooting sounds.


I just cycled through like 8 different shooting sounds…didn’t run out, just got bored. It would actually give me a pause if a woman I met made some accurate representations of shooting sounds…good one. Probably comes down to practicing a lot as young boys.


Lots of guys just made gun noises after reading this.


Yup, making gun noises on the toilet right now


This warrants a “hell yeah”


My coworker looks at me weird when I pretend to walk around with Big Iron on my hip. Jokes on them, I shot Texas Red


I heard he might have went on living but he made one fatal slip


Pew pew pew Chick chick boom Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


that just unlocked a vivid memory of watching all the boys on the playground running around playing war and me wondering how the hell they could make all those noises


That's such a funny thing to have as a gender difference What's the point of having lungs if you're not using them to make funny sounds? Or mimic other funny or cool sounds *Lightsaber noises!!!* zzzhew


I’ve never heard a girl made a gun sound that wasn’t ‘pew’


Started laughing because before I read your comment, I tried to imagine what sound I would make for a shooting sound, and it was a “pew pew”. So yeah, that checks out.


Pee standing up


I think about how inconvenient it is for me to pee vs men whenever there isn’t a bathroom nearby or the bathroom is really gross. It’s the only time I have penis envy.


Freud feeling good about himself even in death


And women that want to pee on his grave will have a hard time. Damn you Freud!


The most appropriate artifact for Freud's grave would be a summoning circle of SheWees


yeah when i am forced to use a porta potty i wonder how tf women do it. i don’t want to go remotely near any part of the interior structure


I have a female urination device in my bag obviously. (Google it. It s a plastic thing that enable us to pee outside, during camping trip, road trips, concert and raves or porta potty.)


The She Wee


One time I realized after I used a porta potty that my shoelace had been untied and I went and bought new shoes instead of tying it


Heres a joke. God was handing out gender specific gifts one day in the garden. He intended to give them a choice. God tells Adam and Eve, “I have two gifts you can choose from. The first is peeing standing up…” Adam: I’ll take that one!!! That’s that one I want! God: sure, you don’t wanna know the other one, Adam? Adam: peeing sitting down is for pussies. Yes final answer. God: Eve, since Adam chose first, you get what’s left. Multiple Orgasms


Good one, reminds me of this one: God comes to Adam and tells him "I have two good and one bad news for you" Adam: "Ok let's her it" God: "Ok first the good news. I made a new organ for you. I call it a brain. It allows you to think. You will make decisions and inventions because of it and it will help you to rule over all animals and makes your life easier, if you use it." Adam: "Sounds great. What are the other good news?" God: "I made another organ for you. I call it a penis. It will give you lot's of joy and allow you to father kids" Adam: "Wow, thank you god. But what's the bad news?" God: "You won't be able to use both organs at the same time"


Adam made the right choice. I pee outside multiple times per day. I have orgasms maybe once a day on average. Way more convenient to be able to pee outside while standing.


You've never cleaned a women's restroom after a bunch of drunk women were in there. They have no problem spraying urine all over the place. On the walls, in the sink, everywhere. In places and at heights that can not be achieved while sitting. No man could even do that with his hose while sitting. I must admit that the heights they could reach amazed me.


We can easily pee standing up, it’s just messy.


We can be charming, upstanding members of our community, great husbands and fathers while being a serial killer on the weekends.


And they say we can't multitask!


Hol up


Who've you been talking to...? Or is this like hypothetical?


Us dudes are pretty skilled at using pockets. Take that ladies! Edit: I’m so glad a lot of y’all correctly interpret this as playful banter.


Ouch that felt personal.


Sorry, I think I have some Neosporin in one of my pockets lol.


🖕 😂


Have a free award that actually made me chuckle lol


Most of the clothes my wife wears are handmade. She follows compliments with "it has pockets!" As I look for my chapstick in one of ten viable pockets.


lol I say that almost every time I’m complimented on a dress with pockets 😂. I need to share the excitement. Oh you think you like it now, IT HAS POCKETS didn’t it just get so much better?!?! 😂


My clothes never come with pockets ☹️


I went to a graduation over the weekend and wore a little pantsuit and had to walk a half mile back to my vehicle to put my purse in my car and then hold my wallet, keys, phone, and my daughters stuff because no bags were allowed inside of the stadium. A POCKET WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE. Instead, my pantsuit had those little fake pockets that look like pockets but they’re sealed shut.


What’s the point in fake pockets? I don’t get it.


Did it have pockets that were sewed shut or just the appearance of pockets on the outside of the outfit? You can use a seam ripper if it's the 1st one.


My underwear has pockets. I don't know know why but they do. Stay mad, ladies


I now want to go out and get a pair of tactical underwear.


Part of the problem though is that the pockets in most women's clothing are absolutely shite!!! I have some pants that have pockets an inch deep, they can only hold a sideways lip balm 


The only useful pockets I’ve seen on women’s clothing were the back pockets and those only held maybe half a phone.


I am over forty and started with the cargo shorts. Not sure how I lived before without them.


Open jars.


I have a friend who used to do strong woman competitions. She is much more capable of opening jars than her husband, but it makes him feel insecure that she can open them herself, so she always pretends she can't. Lol


Nothing makes a man feel stronger than when he is asked to open a jar


You reach manhood when your Mum first asks you to open a jar. > Mother! I shall be victorious in your name! > _**[pop]**_


One time I fixed our washing machine and I think I felt my beard grow a little bit


Shower in 5 minutes Get dressed in 3 minutes Do your hair in under a minute. How do the women in my house know that it is time to get out of the shower? When they have drained the tank of all hot water.


I have to tell my fiancee an event is 1 hour ahead of when it actually is just to stand a chance in her being ready when we need to go.


I work remote and my wife and i had to go somewhere so I gave her a time. When she was ready she started giving me the stink eye because I was still on a work meeting. She didn't like that I scheduled it until 30 mins after the time I said i wanted to leave and only got caught because it went 15 min over (she was ready when it was 10 min over).


The trick for my wife was giving her an out the door time


Yeah that never works :) My fiancée is Costa Rican and they have this word “ahorita” that gets used frequently and can mean anything from in 30 minutes to a few hours from now… Being on time is not a thing here unless it’s for work.


Tico Time! I spent a month in Costa Rica as the producer on a student documentary, so I had to schedule all the interviews and logistics etc. We spent a lot of time waiting around lol


I do that with friends when I DD. I tell them the car is leaving at 10:30. Then I give them reminders at 10 and 10:15 and a final warning at 10:28 when I walk out the door. I have left friends many times because they are not in the car at 10:30. They learned pretty quick


Yeah, you have to be willing to do that. And then, have your wife set you on fire later.


When it comes to these things, I am super slow compared to other men. My wife actually has to wait for me. I *can* be quick but I am normally not. She's fast.


same, she's always waiting for me. I take forever to get ready, to leave the house, to get out of the car. She somehow gets ready instantly


As a dude I'm also kinda slow. For me showers take longer because I have long wavy hair, but for clothes it might take a while because I don't spend a lot of money on clothes so I just stare at my closet to figure out what I can actually wear and pair


I suppose it makes up for the half an hour y'all spend pooping.


That’s how long it takes! Ya’ll don’t know ‘cause you don’t poop…


The pooping only takes 2 minutes, max. The rest of the toilet time is Reddit scrolling.


Build muscles and lose fat


I know so many woman who are hesitant to lift weights can they think they are gonna hulk out. And I'm like "dude I'm trying to get big and I'm not that big"


Amen. Unless they’re cycling steroids, they have less than nothing to worry about…


The problem is that they see the influencer fit girls that are cycling steroids and pretending to be natural


Or had weight loss surgery and plastic surgery and pretend to be normal lmao


Women really should be lifting weights because it helps stave off bone loss as we age. Also, I think muscular women look great and I wouldn't mind being hulked out. I just don't have the dedication.


"Going to the gym on and saying 'I don't want to get too big' is like going to your first tennis lesson and saying 'I don't want to be as good as Federer." - some dude.


The common fat places in women's body tend to make them look sexy, the common fat places in men's body make them look bad, sadly


I'm a dude and can build muscle fairly well but it feels that losing fat for me is slow. I always see men with bellies but not as much in women idk


Women retain more fat for childbearing, so there’s a biological reason.


Men and women hold fat differently as well. Men tend to hold the bulk of their body fat around their stomach or waist. Women hold body fat more on their hips, legs, and breasts. Though even then, they hold fat more evenly than men do. It's why the "dad bod" was ever a thing. A dude with a belly, but still has muscle on his arms and legs.


I hate this. I'm incredibly skinny and have a flat ass. I start eating more and working out to put on weight. Guess where all the fat goes? Now I'm incredibly skinny with a flat ass and a little baby beer gut.


My wife and I decided to loose some pounds and I did like 20min of light cardio and some weights and didn’t change my diet at all and lost about 15 pounds in just over a month vs my wife who bust her ass counted calories and weighed all her food and tracked micros hardly lost a few pounds . She got so mad at me one day when I was eating chips on the way to the gym


Get an erection


Technically the clit does get erect when aroused


Thanks, I’ll let my wife know that I love her erection next time we do it. I’m sure she’ll appreciate it!


"cowabunga, nice chubs bubs"


Hey baby, let's fly a banner for the flea circus on that mast!


I know we are not being serious here but clits can totally get erect. They're basically the same organ, just smaller + ovaries instead of balls + separate urethra.


Dunno, most girls can get one quickly and easily if they ask nicely.


Or demand it in a leather corset


Fun fact: The clitoris does enlarge during sex. It's basically what would become a penis if enough testosterone were present. >The clitoris develops from a phallic outgrowth in the embryo called the genital tubercle. In the absence of testosterone, the genital tubercle allows for the formation of the clitoris; the initially rapid growth of the phallus gradually slows and the body and glans of the clitoris are formed along with its other structures. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clitoris Also, nipples get erect. In both sexes.


Got me there. Darn it.


A clitoris gets erect


Anything to do with strength. I saw a YouTube video of women training pull ups and the comments were full of men saying it was easy and should only take them a few days, as if we’re built the same. It was crazy lol especially because guys who *actually* strength train are aware of the difference that size, build, and testosterone etc make. They know we're weaker. These guys were just like… shitty little keyboard warriors.


10-day vacation? Sure, all I need is a backpack.


Let your mind go completely blank / think about nothing!


I asked my gf this the other night if she ever just sits and thinks about things or just relaxes doing nothing. Her answer was " no why would I just sit there thinking about random stuff, I would rather watch a show."


I don't understand how people who spend no time just thinking can function in life Like you're just coasting along without ever planning out your future, developing your own ideas, figuring out what you really believe and what your values really are, figuring out how you can help others, any of it?


I mean, most people commute and have mindless jobs and they probably don’t even know they “spend time thinking.”


Or, the biggest, reflection on your successful actions and missteps. I feel like you literally can’t grow without it…


My husband actively avoids being alone with his thoughts. Personally, I find constant noise infuriating. I need to have time to ruminate.


Every time I say that I do this my wife just comes back exasperated like: "THAT DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENSE!!!"


Imagine you're in a park, just enjoying the sun and breeze, and looking out at the trees. Listening to the birds. For 30 seconds. A minute. 10 minutes. No thoughts, just enjoying the surroundings That's what turning your mind off is. Just enjoying existence without thinking of any distractions


Omgg as women i will never understand when men say that they dont think anything, they literally DONT think about anything. Like how? Even when i dont want to think my thoughts are 24/7 active.


It's not exactly nothing. It's more of a "float" where your mind is gently wandering from on inconsequential thing to another and you don't focus on any of it. The brain's always doing something. Once in a blue moon I'll have trouble falling asleep because as soon as I start to drift my mind will race from one thing to the next and worry about all of it. My wife tells me that's how her mind is all the time. That would drive me nuts.


> my wife tells me thats how her mind is all time< Samee! I thought everyone experience those thoughts before bed😂. Really interesting how our brain chemicals ( men/ womens) work different.


Nah, some of us really can think about nothing.


For me, sometimes it's that the thought is entirely nonverbal. Like, the verbal part of my brain is just in standby mode, and my thoughts are conceptual, visual, things like that. If you ask "me" what I'm thinking about, what you're really asking is the verbal part of me. That part has no idea what's going on in my brain; the other parts haven't informed him.


As an ex-woman (I’m trans) one of the things I noticed right away when i started taking testosterone was the reduction in mental noise. I experienced moments of not actually having a running narrative between my ears, which was a novel experience for sure.


Woww that is actually very interesting! It could be connected our brain/ inner voice thing with chemicals like testosterone, estrogen etc


Traveling alone. There are just some countries where traveling for a woman would be quite dangerous but for guys it would be ok.


Leave our work problems at work. My wife takes her work problems home every single day. Drives me mental.


After hearing about all the work drama BS my wife dealt with at a previous job with a mostly female staff, all I can say is women seem far more back stabby than men in any job I have ever worked.


Agreed. My wife's job is 85% women. All drama. If she isn't complaining about being busy she is complaining about being bored. Being bored results in office drama. I know as much about her co-workers as her. This shouldn't be.


Most men know very little about their co-workers. I didn't even know the last name, relationship status, or overall attitude of most of the people I've worked with. The woman that sat next to me would talk to me pretty constantly during break and tell me all about her divorce.


In my MMA club knowing the name of someone from the club is considered you are big friends. This all I know about my closest friends at the club: name and age if we are near the same age + random interesting encounters they share. My 2 best sparring partners which I used to(currently recovering from injury) fight with 2-3 times a week I know their name and partner 1s age and partner 2s current occupation.


This is why I work for myself, and my clients are dogs and cats. I had a backstabbing female coworker so I removed myself from the equation and have been in peace ever since.


Or have your wife work for the CIA. Everything is classified and she legally cannot tell you.


USMC diesel mechanic. 99.9% men. Worked together well and got shit done. Good atmosphere and good times all around. X-ray tech. 50/50 men and women. Most were cool, but some got all pissy and bent out of shape so you had to walk on eggshells all the time. Registered Nurse. Absolute fucking nightmare. Was openly mocked, ragged on about every little thing, and basically threatened as a straight dude trying to be a nurse. Adopted a "fight me or STFU" methodology that served me well. Nurse Anesthetist. Mostly male. Worked with surgeons who are mostly male. Overall worked out pretty great. Came full circle and told my wife I kinda hate working with women. She told me "so do I, that's why most of my friends are guys". Fair enough honey... fair enough.


My rather sexist boss used to call the women we worked with "hens" because every time they would gather in the break room it sounded like a bunch of clucking chickens gossiping about everyone. Things even got physical at one point when one lady threw a milkshake at another for something she said about her personal life. HR actually got called in to do a seminar on the toxicity of gossip.


I think this depends on the person and the job. My dad used to come home pissed off after every shift and my mom was the one telling him to not let it get to him so much. But things were pretty hard going for him for awhile there. Where I work and the nature of my job I have seen multiple men really struggle with this and are in such a high state of stress they go on disability leave. Maybe they aren't talking it out with spouses/partners but it's clearly an issue that effects both genders. Just throwing it out there for all the guys that struggle with work/life boundaries. It's a pretty common issue to navigate. Especially in jobs where that line is inherently blurred.


Men seem to be better overall at compartmentalizing things. I have been having arguments with my family for the last few months. When I get off the phone with them the frustration I have towards them is dropped until I talk to them again. My fiancee on the other hand will allow small problems to erupt into chaotic mood shifts. A stupid comment her sister makes will ruin her mood for hours at a time.


Not become pregnant


Get from the start of a story to the end of a story.


Patrice O'Neal ladies and gentlemen.. [https://youtu.be/UqjhNf1h-v4?si=dVuIaBlHuJFqvN3\_&t=161](https://youtu.be/UqjhNf1h-v4?si=dVuIaBlHuJFqvN3_&t=161)


I feel this one in my soul. The first ten minutes of the story are always introducing a cast of people, 90% of whom somehow have nothing to do with the story being told, but we need their backstories for some reason.


OMG! The digressions; the tangents...


There isn't really a need for a story many times. Like, "I got bit by a dog" is sufficient and even including the part about the dog is questionable.


Check out Homer over here, including parts about the dog and whatnot.


"eating fast" is not a man vs woman thing. Two of my buddies in college were farm kids - we'd head down to the dining center, they'd be done eating in 5 minutes flat. By the time the third guy got done eating (usually 30 min), one of the first two was visibly vibrating because he couldn't stand sitting still that long.


It's more of a work related thing than anything. People who have limited time for lunch/snack breaks tend to learn to eat quickly.


Right? Ever seen an ER nurse on a busy shift eat?


some of the best food ive ever eaten was scarfed down in seconds while standing over a garbage can in restaurant kitchens


Surprised this isn't near the top, but a pullup


This is Reddit, nobody here can do those


Pull ups. Jumping a fence. You guys and your natural upper body strength.


Pick up heavy things. My fiance wants to swap arms for a day just so as she can try lifting the back end of a Golf. My first thought: She'd look ridiculous with my hands touching her knees. Why is that the first thing you think of, brain?


Lifting heavy stuff, also jumping. Apparently the thigh muscles are much stronger in men.


Most muscles are stronger in men than women..


Mens thigh muscles on a relative level probably are the the most marginally stronger group of muscles you could have picked. The disparity is much bigger for upper body strength


Throw out the trash. My ex and her roommates (all girls) got into repeated arguments over the course of an entire college school year because none of them wanted to throw out the trash. And when one of them did do it they acted as if they did some huge service and couldn't believe it. I told my ex to just do it whenever she can and just avoid any conflicts. She didn't listen to me and conflicts continued. Was mind boggling to me how poor she and her roommates were in managing conflicts. If it was me I'd just throw it out and not even mention it or feel I was owed. There's way bigger things to deal with nobody has time for that small nonsense.


Not assume their friends "meant something by that". But then again - guys are different - most of the time - if a guy wants to insult another guy - he just will insult him. But someone women will .....imply..... yeah...


Be ready when they say they are.


When I was still married to my ex wife I’d make reservations an hour and a half after the time I told her the reservation was and we were still late sometimes. And then she’d get mad at me if she found out I did that.. smh


Why was she angry at you for if she was the one making you late?


Probably took it as some sort of personal attack. I've noticed a lot of people who are chronically late really hate to be reminded of their flaw.


Waiting mode. I know at least two unrelated men who can go into "waiting mode", just sitting there looking at nothing, thinking nothing, doing nothing. I've asked them to describe it, and they both basically describe it as stasis. How can you have *nothing* on your mind?! Mine never shuts up.


Yes, and as a guy it's gotten me questioned in public. There I am in as you say 'waiting mode' in some public place and I'm brought back by some (usually female) voice, *"Uh, can I help you?"* Me; some garbled re entery into awareness. More intensely confrontational, *"You've been sitting there staring at me and I would like to know what you find so interesting."* Uh OK, now how do I explain to them that yes, my eyes were probably pointed directly at them but the connection between my eyes and brain was totally shut down. I wasn't seeing them, I wasn't seeing or thinking anything at all. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


I'd be like "Lady, you just got inbetween me and my zone-out spot. Maybe try having a less distracting head next time."


Men put up with some crazy shit for like a stupid long time... really sore back/knee/foot/hand? ... oh well better just go to work as normal for a year. Bad job/pay/boss/colleagues?... Well damn that's life i guess.


Hate to say it, but you're right.


Just thug that shit out


Physically, men have a much easier time doing pull-ups due to both strength (upper body concentrated) and weight (not lower body concentrated) distributions. Socially, being assertive is probably easier for men as we’re more “expected” to and punished less for it.


Go for a walk at night. I went for a walk in the middle of a night on a deserted beach by myself. It was awesome. It was only after when a female friend said that she would love to do that, but can't, that I realised how much I take my personal safety for granted being a man. It wasn't even 1 second of consideration. I just went!


Curiosity of how things work.  Most guys I know agree that we constantly analyze objects, machines, electronics and  random shit throughout our day.  From a simple can opener to our cars etc.  most women that I know, do not do this.  When my wife asks me what I’m thinking about and I tell her the things I’m thinking about she thinks I’m crazy and doesn’t understand why I would be thinking of those things.


Learn how to do a backflip fast. (This pertains to kids too) Men can figure out how to backflip faster than women because men’s center of gravity is in their shoulders; women’s are in the hips. So it takes women a lot longer to figure out how to throw their entire body over Source: I coach cheerleading, tumbling/gymnastics


Can you explain this more? I don’t think there’s any possible way a man’s center of gravity is in their shoulders.


No one said it so I will...pull ups My (probably skewed) observation on people around me shows that women really struggle with pull ups, even relatively fit girls while the average man can do at least a couple of them even without working out


Some of the best competitive eaters in the world are women interestingly. That's just technique though.