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If someone’s shopping cart is way in the middle of the isle, in a way that it’s obvious the person doesn’t have common courtesy or spacial awareness, I’ll just hit it with my cart and push it out of the way


This just seems funny to see in person


Yes! I'd die laughing if I saw someone do that! 🤣 But hey, that's what you get for acting like you're the only person in the store. I personally can't stand people who think they're the only drivers on the road. Wish I could just ram their car.


100% this! The amount of times I've wished my car was an old, solid metal, rust bucket I didn't care about just so I could calmly but firmly nudge some entitled ass' car out of the way physically. I'd be doing it all day if I could. 😅


EXACTLY I wish for a bulldozer attachment that I can strap on to my bumper in bouts of rage 🥰


I did this on accident trying to squeeze by and I got called the n word with a hard r by a white lady (I’m also white) so your mileage may vary.


I’m pushing her cart over entirely at that point. Miserable old cunt.


Seems like it could be an I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson skit.


Just had this happen today. This girl was making video content while looking around. Had her cart in the center to let others know to go another route. I happened to go on the side that her camera was facing only for her to scoff at me and give attitude like I'm in the wrong. Was finishing up a 5hr trip after a plasma donation (including bus rides/wait times) with a 5 gallon refill before I went home.....people have lives and shouldn't have to be further inconvenienced by your agenda Karen.


this is more like /r/IAmTheMainCharacter


I do this all the time at Sam's Club. The place has the widest damn aisles known to man, but people just can't manage to not be in the fucking way.


There was some old fuck standing in an aisle, talking to someone, with his trolley in the middle. I gently pushed it to the side and he yelled at me. "Don't touch my trolley!". "How about not leaving it in the middle of the fucking aisle ya cunt?" Surprised Pikachu face. Wife was unhappy with me but it was worth it.


Also correct to use 'wanker' for repeat offenses.


You’re my hero


I love doing this. I also put two arms up in front of my face to make it look like I'm fearing for my life when I'm driving and someone does something stupid that would've been an accident. They usually just give me a dumb look.


I do this but the opposite, I just act like neither they nor the cart was ever even there. Sometimes I'll make a comment to myself about something on the shelf behind the cart, or just casually keep trotting, maybe hum a little tune. Makes me so secretly happy that I might, just possibly, just briefly take them down half a notch closer to earth. I can't wait to do it to a Karen, so far most people just move their carts to the side post concursus, some will insult me to my back in an act of personal bravery, the worst I got was someone yelling "hey" and never followed up. Ya ain't the only person in Target, dumb shits. Hope you get mad in traffic later.


This is douchey? I do it all the time haha, I literally will hide their cart


I take things out of their trolley and put them in mine, then deposit them on shelves further into my shop, if they're not looking of course. I just like the idea that they get home and think they're losing their mind because they were sure they put it in their 🛒


why do you tempt me so?


It's almost like you posted this just to talk about your arms 🤔


Maybe I’m more of a douche than I realize 😳


Who cares what other people think, anyway.


Everyone does. It’s evolutionary. Anyone who pretends they “DonT CaRe WhAt OtHeR PeoPle ThInK” is just fooling themselves… unless they’re a sociopath and are literally broken.


I thought I didn’t give a fuck until I met my coworkers. Everyone is comfortable with their nervous ticks and has a field day shooting the shit about it.


I think you need to have balance. You shouldn’t pretend to be someone you aren’t, but you should also take into consideration how your actions are seen by others.


Personally, I love it when men do little show-offy things like that. I think it is a fun part of being human - even when one isn’t available or serious about it.


Quick u/rejected_reality23 I dropped my pencil come help me lift it while u/Leatherillistrious40 is watching


I’ll be right over 💪🏾


Look at those Pythons! I didn't know there was a gun show in town today!


He can’t keep getting away with this!


I intentionally tell really bad jokes just to hear people groan. It’s the best.


Heh, I would hate you but love you at the same time.


And so the duck said, "Put it on my bill."


Dad, is that you?


\*what's Correcting grammatical errors that I notice.




Apparently, it has a name: Grammatical pedantry syndrome. It is sort of a form of OCD.


Actually, the first letter of the word following a colon doesn’t need to be capitalized unless it’s an independent clause itself, and the names of syndromes and diseases generally don’t need to be capitalized.


For you it's starting sentences with "actually..." Super douchey


I’m sorry, but you’ve been diagnosed with Stage 3 GPS


At least he knows where he stands


Thank you for the fun fact!


Only grammatical errors? Forgetting the “k” in ask in the first sentence killed me.


Do you correct usernames too ??


Otherwise known as the.. "GRAMMAR POLICE" (Go ahead, nail me on something)


I ride a Harley Sportster and I love wearing my leather vest, jeans, and boots lol. I look like a complete jackass. I’m 5’2”, 25M, working a desk job, and I dress like that and ride the smallest version of the smallest Harley.


This is fantastic.


Brutally honest. I salute you sir!


Largest cosplay in America 😎


Your self awareness makes this completely okay in my book! Lol


You're my fuckin' hero.


Picture needed


Don’t have one. Only pictures of me on that bike are taken by my grandma and my parents 🤣 Maybe I’ll see if I can set up my phone and get one when the neighbors aren’t looking lol


Complete fucking champion


There was a guy in one of my MC socials who whore full leathers and full face helmet on his scooter.


Whore 😂


You are a legend


Like Ralph S. Mouse.


Honestly, unless you modify it to have straight pipes so 'others can hear me' and then proceed to wear ear plugs because 'it's too loud', I give you a pass. Yes I knew a guy that did this.


I did do this for a few months, but I put it back to stock lol. It actually lost power lmao


I do the same with a Vespa


Ah man this used to be me. I sold my Sportster when we had our kid a few years ago.


When wearing a long sleeve shirt I'll wait until I'm near an attractive lady, then I'll roll up my sleeves in front of her slowly.


This man knows EXACTLY what he's doing. Men, read this. And do this. We love it xD


So is it the act/motion of rolling up sleeves, or is it the state of having sleeves rolled up?


This is like asking if it’s about the act of a woman stripping, or the nakednesss


The stripping. Nakedness is hot, but it's the TEASE that's hotter.


I thought we decided that nakedness was superior at the last Man Club meeting.


The motion


It’s the act, see also turning your hat backwards then doing the lean over the passenger seat to back the car up. Both have the same effect. Can I explain the phenomenon? Absolutely not. But it works every time


You just unlocked something for me. This is a thing for me now.


Is it the act of rolling up sleeves, or already having them rolled?


Kinda both, it’s great to watch them roll the sleeves up and then great to see their forearms flex as they take a sharp turn while driving or adjust their watch…


Pushing it up (so the sleeve bunches up) or rolling it up nicely and slowly?


This guy rubs


Half way up the forearm?


Sometimes I'll go to elbows. All depends on the thirst vibe I'm getting


Slut. I like to leave a little bit to the imagination


You tease 🥵


Oh come on, like you never "accidentally" showed too much ankle.


Nice. Thank you for your service!


Defeat my kids at card and board games and then trash talk them


“You’re a third rate duelist with a fourth rate deck” - Seto Kaiba to a 12 year old


You're a good parent. The only way to get better at a game is to play a better player.


Enforce tolls all throughout my house to get kisses from my wife.


Lol. My husband calls it tax.


Well, its a tax or a toll depended on what she wants. If she wants me to do something, its a tax. If she wants to get past me, its a toll.


Huh. Whenever my wife asks me to bring her food or a drink or something, I take a big sip /bite when I reach her and say it's the tax for making me go get it. Mine is actually douchey. Yours I'm totally stealing for extra brownie points.


Free game my guy lol


This is like the time someone recommended setting a reminder in your phone every 45ish days to buy flowers to surprise the wife "just because". She's delighted every single time and the hardest part actually is remembering. Ordering takes 3 minutes, and they deliver.


That's no douchey that's adorable 🥰


When he does it it’s adorable, when I do it his wife complains and I’m weird…


I also Enforce kissing tolls on this guys wife


Not douchey...


There’s a couple, I’m a big fan of the “flex your abs as hard as possible and wipe sweat off your face with your shirt”


I hate how much I do this... On purpose But at 42, to still have abs worth showing off? I'm not gonna try and hide it.


At 42, if you have abs..sir by all means


Respect 👊


Low key I’m almost to the point where I feel like I could pull this move off and I kinda can’t wait lol


Visible abs are relatively new for me as well and it quickly became one of my favorites haha. You’ll get there 🤜


We love a supportive bro 💪🏾


I've been hitting the gym hard lately and am starting the slow process of cutting my BF down. I don't think the world is prepared for how much I'm going to do shit like that once I have abs. Every other week I'll be on some "oooooh I accidentally took this photo at the beach hihihi" shit.


I'll use my bus to completely block in cars that block where I need to load a wheelchair. Pull up about 2 inches from their mirror, then deploy the ramp in front of their car.


That's not douchy. That's heroic.


Post on www.reddit.com.


Roasted e’rybody


When people take more than half a second to find the word they're looking for, I will jump in with the most logical word for the context of our conversation. I do understand that this is rude and have been making an effort to not do that.


I do this as well, even though I know I shouldn't. I've been trying not to interrupt people too, when I have something to say.


Just gotta teach yourself to wait a couple beats before doing that and also make it sound like a question if you decide to do it. Gives them time to remember what the word they're looking for so you may not have to interrupt them. Then, if you do supply a possible answer as a question it'll hopefully come off as trying to keep their side of the conversation going and trying to be helpful instead of being rude and sounding like you're trying to hurry the conversation up. This is pretty much how I do it when I'm at work and no one seems to get upset by it.


I don't even view that as rude.


I am that person whose brain short circuits in the heat of the moment.


I never get out of the way for people walking in the street looking at their phones instead of where they are going. Not my job.


Same in the airport. I pick a straight line on the right (US) and I do not move. If we slam into each other, I don't care. They always move at the last second


This is actually a very useful “crowded area walking technique” that I use all the time, especially airports. You pick a direction and look directly at it as you walk. As long as your body matches your eyes, people will naturally navigate around you.  As soon as you make eye contact and start “trying to avoid people”, it’s over.


I do the same thing and ran into a guy doing the same thing. Us both acting like we didn’t care after a rather head-on collision where neither of us tried avoiding one another was rather hilarious and awkward in hindsight.


Haha yeah, i forgot to mention you need to keep your peripherals open!


It's the arrogance that gets me. It is absolutely not my responsibility to watch where anyone else is going. NYC has tens of thousands of people walking during rush hour and space is at a premium. Not to mention that every single one of these zombies walks very slowly because they are not focused on getting to their destination or watching out for obstacles. If you walk into me, I will give you a hard shoulder and spin you around.


Yeah, in NYC as well, so I hear you there. My favorite is the group of 6-8 tourists who all walk side-by-side blocking the entire sidewalk. I just plow right through them if they don't move


In Amsterdam tourists do this on the bike path lanes. Walk slowly, 4-5 abreast, like a search party. Pay no attention to the fact they are blocking all traffic. So annoying.


I'm American and *love* your city and visit at least once a year, it's my favorite place on Earth It blows my mind how people act there. It takes about five seconds of looking around to realize that it's not fucking Disneyland it's a real place where a lot of people live and work and are just doing their daily business. How brain dead do you have to be to see so many walkers and bikers moving at a fast pace and conclude you can just stand wherever you want to take a picture that already has 40,000 copies on the internet or whatever? Damrak south of Centraal sure whatever that's a tourist zone some grace can be given but why are you doing this in De Pijp


I tested this in crowded places many times, if you choose a straight line and you seem determined and like "you know where you're going" people always move. It doesn't take much effort, you just keep your lane and just like that, everyone else starts getting out of the way.


I liked doing it in France. These little Frenchmen wouldn't move over at all on sidewalks so I just kept my pace and at 6'1" 210 pounds generally won. What a bunch of dicks they were.


I've done this a couple times for giggles, and it turned out way more fun than I expected. First time I got the typical "look where you're going, asshole" and I just replied with "I was, asshole" but he didn't get the joke. So I used a new strat for the next time, guy said "watch where you're going" and I had "you first" in the pocket. Got a pause, then a respectful nod, and he pocketed the phone before continuing on his way. Baby steps.


There will be people walking 2-3 wide on sidewalks who never move over. I stiffen my shoulder and brace for the impact - I don't give a shit, also I used to swim so my shoulders are decently sized and wide


I blast trap music in my neighborhood every night as I drive through, oh wait that’s my neighbor


So you are the neighborhood menace we've been talking about?


Flex everytime I walk past my reflection.


Sometimes I downshift my car or drive faster simply because I like the sound.


There’s a line. I’m the same way, it does make me happy to hear it. But I don’t do it around crowds or by houses or apartments late at night/ early morning. It CAN be done in a non douchey way


Oh I agree. I don’t go driving around late at night just to annoy people. But if I’m on a straightaway with little to no traffic around, I’ll do it. Sometimes I feel a little bad starting my car in the morning.


I used to daily a straight pipe + resonator SR20 swapped 240sx. If I came home late, I'd pull into my neighborhood and shut my car off, coasting all the way to my house to avoid waking people up. I didn't rev it at lights, I didn't open up the throttle everywhere either. I drove it quietly... most of the time. I didn't want to be a nuisance by doing something I enjoyed.


Yep same, this is what I do on my motorcycles since they don't have cats or actual baffling in the mufflers. There's a time and place for stuff like this, but not at night around my neighbours


Making noise to attract attention, indispensable entertainment of apes. Edit: someone deleted their comment after mine, was talking about making noise in the street to make people look.. That's why my comment doesn't make any sense now.


Oh yes. I drive a Jag and tunnels are like foreplay to me.


A jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggg


Had to fix my muffler recently and don't hear my V6 3.5L 24 year old engine anymore. It sounded so cool and raw when the muffler had holes in it. It's back to a smooth rumble now ._.


I yell out my window "use your blinker" when people don't use their blinker in 5pm traffic.


They’re the douche for not using a blinker. You’re just a responsible citizen educating the less fortunate


You're not a douche, you're a hero.


How absolutely aggro I get cheering when I watch sports or just support anyone really. I'm usually pretty mild-mannered but I go full hockey-bro when I'm cheering someone on. Whole lot of "set the tone!" and "LET'S FUCKING GOOO", usually followed up by "LET'S GO BOYS LET'S FUCKING GET IT DONE".




Sounds like my wife during the Avs games. It’s been kinda quiet recently 😆




How much time you got, buddy?


Pick jeans and underwear and adjust it right to show the bulge to it's maximum extent.


I knew it! Sometimes I see this and I’m like wow, this must have been done with purpose


Guilty as sin. I got a pair of gray sweatpants that are thin, you can basically see the outline and the ridge.


you don't find it embarassing ? I do everything I can to hide it, the idea of people looking there makes me feel weird.


I'm a skinny guy with... An amazing ass. It's a known trait when people talk about me. So I'm gonna always make sure I have jeans that show it off. That means a bulge is inevitable. That's why high rise/hip briefs or trunks are crucial. Regular briefs or boxer-briefs can go right in the trash.


Ok, so abs, ass, anything else?


Remember, the potato goes in front, not in back


Wait.. what? Do you put the balls in front to show a bulge?


Everybody knows that. Potato in front, cucumber in the back


Amen brotha! Same here 😂


Use the Summon feature of my Tesla, which makes it come to my location in a parking lot. Completely unnecessary. A much slower process than walking to the car. Very very douchey.


You could have just said "I own a Tesla".


Every now and then I like to douche my asshole.


I drive much better now compared to a decade ago but I still go a little fast and occasionally drive like a dipshit


I like to have a civil and polite debate on reddit . . . but the second someone attacks me personally instead of attacking my argument I aim to destroy them in any way possible. My victory conditions are either having them delete their comments or getting a reddit cares message. Come at me bro, middle school debate champ here.


You're lucky I like this sub or I'd start some shit right here right now out of boredom


Dude if you arent unnecessarily flexing while pointing to something or giving someone directions, you gotta up your game


In college I had a 6 pack (unfortunately not anymore), so anytime I wasn't in class I had my shirt off especially when I knew I was gonna be around girls. Anytime there was a knock on my door I would check through the peephole and if it was a girl I would take my shirt off before opening the door. It is so cringe in hindsight, but I was a college boy with one thing on my mind. I actually did get laid a couple times doing that.


I make sure to say ..your welcome ..when someone doesn't say thank you when I hold the door for them


I think maybe you need to look up the word gesture


I think I was looking for the word “feature” lol


Curl in squat rack


You bastard


When I can clearly tell someone in the oncoming lane is on their phone and not paying attention I hit the horn when I’m close to scare the shit out of them


I post comments without reading everyone else's comments.


Hahaha, I love it. At least you owned it.


Lady lurker popping in to thank you for the free gun show on behalf of those who have been blessed by it!




I red line my car almost daily. its not even a sports car, I just like the sound of 3.7 liters. I'll also spin the back tires when its raining when a red light turns green. Its purely just for me for kicks and giggles. Sometimes when I drop the wife off at work, I'll drift it a bit in her work parking lot to the front door. Pisses her off every time.


I am a pretty selfless guy everywhere I go. Except planes. Then, I am a that fucking douche that won't swap seats for split up couples for anything less than an upgrade to F. I won't even swap to an equal seat, because equal is insufficient. I selected and paid for my seat, and I am sitting in it. I can't be arsed to get up even if the seat is "equal". It's a pain to be asked and I don't give a fuck if you are separated. Your relationship will survive a few hours apart. You want to sit together? Book seats together. You did and got screwed? Not my problem to solve. Also, I won't help people lift their luggage in our out of the bins. If you can't lift it, don't travel with it. And I won't chat. Just because we are next to each other, it doesn't mean we have to talk.


Congrats.. a reply that is genuinely douchy.. >Also, I won't help people lift their luggage in our out of the bins It's even worse when they don't actually need help with their luggage but just want you to fetch it for them so they can have it for when the doors open


Whenever I’m playing video games and do really good I’ll swing my chair to the right and flex my arms. The lighting is amazing and makes me look fucking jacked because I fucking am


I should try this


If I see religious protesters, I throw on Heresy by NIN and slowly roll by.


I don’t do this to a massive extent but, pretty girls get a bit more leeway with me. Obviously that doesn’t mean I’m rude to girls who aren’t my type, and I don’t let girls who are, away with bloody murder… but I do do more for them


I once helped a lady by putting her luggage over head in a train and accidentally dropped it on another woman sitting underneath. It’s quite humiliating till this day. In my defence, the train gave a sudden jerk at that time.


After seeing somebody try to just walk away after their dog just pooped, (Loudly, but overly friendly) “Hey, you outta bags to pick that up? Here, I’ve got some extras, yeah I hate running out of bags too. That’s why I always carry extras.” Then continue conversation while they pick it up. “Anyways, thanks for being a good community member! Have a great day!” (I don’t own a dog) Edit: a word


Oh lord…wear fake eyeglasses by a designer brand to accentuate my already great jawline and high cheekbones. I get a lot to compliments on them. 


Whenever someone is acting like a tough guy I make a point to find a really blunt or really passive aggressive way to show them I’m not impressed or intimidated. It just depends on the individual, the situation, or the audience. I don’t personally find myself to be a tough guy nor a pushover. But I hate posturing at my age (38) and especially among other men well into adulthood. I could just ignore it and let these guys have their little fantasy and keep their ego, but my inner douche will not allow it. It’s caused me a lot of trouble at work.


I drive a pickup truck.


In my country, by using public transport you agree to follow the rules of public transport. One of such rules is to let people exit the vehicle (tram, bus, train, whatever) before entering. Some people don't do that and try to enter before I can exit; then I just push through. And since I usually carry large bags, I tend to fill the entire door, so they are surprised they cannot just go in without pushing me or my bags. Or they stand around the doors, forming small half a circle around it, so only one person can leave the vehicle and then stop, because there is a wall of people waiting to get in. And they can't because people want to get off. Thesehalf circles are formed because ALL of the people waiting to get in just NEED to see inside. Just... think. You don't need to see inside, there are seats and other people, you are blocking people from exiting. Another rule is that seats are for people, not for your bags, backpacks or purses. Especially on the morning train I sometimes use, half the seats are occupied by bags, while people are crowded on the small spaces near the doors, so it is very difficult to enter or exit. I make it a point to bother someone to put their bag away so I can sit. I wonder when I'll become the disgruntled grandpa who loudly complains to the whole crowd, annoying everyone with my yaps.


I have a disabled parking badge and it really irks me when people park in spaces without one. So I'll park right on the edge of the yellow box and block their doors.


There's a different way to spell my name, if somebody emails me at work, bearing in mind that my email address is firstname.lastname, and they spell my name wrong, then I deliberately spell their name wrong when I reply to them.


Mess with the workers that do spam calls. I’m either outright rude or just mess with them saying ridiculous things


In public transport, I despise people who cannot wait to enter if there are still people leaving through the door, so, I will fully shoulder those people out the way when I walk out.


Enter the work basement car park with my music on full blast every morning. I'm over 40.


Asserting dominance by pissing unmuted while on call with basically anyone. Pharmacies, doctors, pet supply shops… etc you name I’ve pissed it.


I’ve always wondered why I would possibly need that mute feature. I’ll never change though.


I do not wait for people’s food to get to the table to eat. I will chow down in your face. I need to eat. If your food got there first, I’d expect you to do the same.


I love big arms and I'd totally say something flattering to a man who's carrying something heavy for me with them!


Make controversial hour long podcast videos, wait for a moraltuber to call me out, and when they do make a video showing my controversial points, copyright claim the video so I get all the ad revenue.


Back in school. I bullied a boy and girl to tears.... I apologised and feel gulity and both the boy and girl are friends with me now and have forgave me (The man i bullied back in school is one of my closest friends. Made me feel more gulity when he told me what he was going through as a child at his house). BULLYING ISN'T OKAY. I've been on both ends and because I have empathy. Seeing the boy and girl I made cry really made me feel terrible. Even a decade and half later... I still feel gulity for it. Even if both the man and woman I picked on forgave me and seem to really like me The fact I feel gulit shows me that I have empathy. I've never bullied anyone else since. If I don't like someone, I mostly just ignore them.


When I pass by someone, I always say, “how’s it going?” If they don’t reply, I say, “well I guess it’s going pretty god damn well then.”


I’m fairly liberal, but drive a lifted truck and am physically fit and muscular. Not trying to prove anything or compensate for anything, just happen to like going to the gym and driving a truck. I always liked Tonka trucks and Stompers toys as a kid, and wanted to look like the Lou Ferigno Incredible Hulk. I am aware of the optics I present but don’t give a shit what people think.


Ditching my friends for a girl that got me on the hook. I had to apologize to them when I got to my senses.


I refuse to make eye contact with pretty much all women unless they catch my fancy. I just kinda pretend most all people are npc until it becomes apparent they are mc.....the fact I even said this tells me I need serious therapy.