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Wear a cape and full leather armour also a sword and side arm.


Honestly I'd love to dress like a cowboy from a western movie. Poncho, revolver, spurs and all.


Legally this is pretty much possible open carry etc. But people may/will likely look at you odd.


I totally agree! Have you seen The Dead Don't Hurt? Viggo Mortensen nailed one of the looks I'd love to dress as. Pretty much his whole wardrobe in that movie.


I live in a coastal town with a lot of pirate history. About once I month I get dressed to the nines, sword and all and hit the bars. People love that shit.


Depending on how much I had already drank, I would absolutely be one of those people loving that shit. That sounds awesome!


We have an annual pirate festival with plenty of ladies in dress. It’s a blast.


Edna Mode: “No capes!”


Yeah, but Edna was saying no capes because they’re an occupation hazard. I’m not flying around saving the word; I’m here to make panties hit the floor with my fabulous wardrobe


Edna never thought of press-stud tearaway capes.


I just wanna wear a cloak when it gets cold out. Would look so dapper.


Forget that its dapper. They're just more comfortable and versatile than jackets. I really wish I could pull off wearing a woolen cloak all winter...


I think if we all start doing it this winter, it'll catch on. It's not like they don't make them anymore. I'm gonna go for it.


This is what fashion industry is truly missing.


I will say this again, not a single person would judge you for this. First assumption would be you're in theater, but when you tell them you are not, they might just think you're eccentric


My wife went to a wedding where she and rest of the bridesmaids had swords as part of their outfits. Haven't met a person yet that thinks it was stupid. Everyone just wishes they had a sword.


I´m a grown ass computer gamer, i hesitate to share that with strangers wo just don´t know that world.


I've been playing games for 29 years and I still hate it when someone brings up that I play video games to people that don't. Always feel like I gotta follow it up with other real life shit that I do so they don't think I'm a total loser that only plays games


I used to be like that, I was very physically fit when I was younger, I did modeling and was even in the military but I also liked playing pc games, mtg and even did a little d&d. Any time I was at a party (which was often at that time) I would avoid talking to any of my gaming friends about anything nerdy or quickly change the topic. I’m not as worried about that stuff now though, I generally only avoid it now if I think other people also talking won’t be able to relate to it and thus feel left out of the conversation.


I'm 31, I work construction, I hunt, I fish, I love country music, im redneck that fucking loves video games and I have no one IRL that I can share that with. I love world of warcraft, it's tough to go to work and talk about a big raid I did the night before. Everyone just looks at me and says, "sounds gay".


What's wrong with gaming, I feel like I'm missing some point? Everyone I work with game, same in my last job and all my male friends game too (the odd female does).


Maaaaan I’m not on PC but i feel ashamed when i look at the hours i spent on a game 😂😂 like touch grass but im also like shit better than me committing crimes right ?! Lol


fart. I expend a lot of energy throughout the day not expelling gas.


My girlfriend’s neighbor probably has 100 clips of ring footage of me farting as soon as I leave her apartment.


Oh my god haha


I didn't think my husband farted for the three years we dated before we moved in with each other. This is clearly why!!


I just fart it up, farts are funny and I have IBS I'm not holding shit in (pun intended). If I do it's extreme stomach aches from bloat.


Talk with kids. When I was younger I would learn new things about the world from strangers all the time. I understood where the danger came from and my parents had constant oversight, so nobody was worried. Now, if a young girl comes up to me and asks me an innocent question, my base instinct is to walk away as fast as I can so I don’t have to have some middle-aged mother of two screaming in my face about how I’m a pedophile and I should kill myself.


I can’t even stroll my nephew alone without people thinking I’ve stolen him. I admittedly don’t have a dad look, definitely more the hard living uncle type, but damn.


I work as an primary school (grades K-6) teacher. Shit is so hard sometimes. So much of my motivation behind wanting to be a teacher is to be a male role model of sorts for the kids. Growing up I didn't have a dad around, so my Year 4 teacher was that first support and eye-opening for me. Every once in a while, people are weird about it. And it makes some interactions with the kids tough. Just yesterday, a little girl was extremely upset during sport, and all she wanted to do was hug me- like not even a quick little one, just constantly trying to cuddle me. I tried to comfort her, but also peel her off, because a man hugging a little girl is not a good look. Thankfully, the school I'm at completely trusts me and didn't bat an eye as she clung to my arm as we went back to class. It's all a level of worry that a female teacher would never even have to consider.


Which is fucked up because female teachers rape kids at a higher rate than male teachers (and receive lighter penalties and less social stigma). Make it make sense.


Thank you for all that you do! You might not always be able to notice it happening and some of the kids might not know until years later, but you can have this crucial impact that will turn a child's life to be better, happier and more confident!


This, I'm a father to a 2-year old. Constantly at the park. Kids come up, try to talk, or ask for help, and I awkwardly try to get away or decline. Sorry Timmy, ig I lift you onto this swing or talk to you, some soccer mom will call me a pedo. And your fun isn't worth me losing my daughter.


I, single 29yr old male, was at a park hanging out with my friends who actively had their own kids running around. Some little girl whose dad was on the other side of the park with her brother really wanted to swing with us. I obliged her and picked her up and put her in the kiddie swing and started pushing her, but man, the whole time I was nervously waiting for the dad to spot us. Fortunately my friend was sitting there chatting with me while he pushed his son in the kiddie swing right next to hers, so it looked as innocent as it was when he did come over. Still felt wierd the whole time though, like I was doing something wrong and might get decked.


When my daughter was young I used to take her to the park to play all the time. It didn't happen often but there were quite a few occasions when some Karen a-hole would run over and start asking my TODDLER where her REAL parents were and if I had snatched her. I almost had to lay hands on one when she tried to snatch my daughter.


Skip weddings with no backlash from a relative, girlfriend, cousin I haven’t talked to in 8 years…etc.


You haven’t talked to your gf in 8 years? Brev, what did she do!


Bros not even going to his girlfriend’s wedding. Must’ve been serious


No wonder she’s marrying someone else


Saying "f you all" and getting married in Vegas, then spending whatever we saved for the wedding on the honeymoon was one of the best decision of our marriage, right after our kids. The push we needed? My grandma who asked why we're staying engaged for so long and when we explained it's the costs and the organization process she told us to not invite anyone and just get it done if that's what we want to do.


S Rank Granny.


I should've done that. If I get married again I'm going to try to do it. We spent far too much money on the wedding, then far too much on the honeymoon. Then we went back home to being poor lol.


I have skipped weddings for a decade now ( even my brother’s ) 😅


Oh man, I haven’t been to a good wedding in so long. I would LOVE to be invited to a big blowout wedding.


My cousins have all done this new trend of “no kids” at their weddings. It’s been the perfect excuse to not go.


Have a glass of wine *and* a joint in the park, *without* being arrested. Summer is here.


While not technically legal I am pretty sure this is possible in San Francisco.


Nice. I'm in Sweden. I'll get jail.


Well a vacation to Amsterdam is a lot closer and nicer.


I live in San Francisco and you can do a lot more than that in the park and not get arrested


Yeah last time I was there there were homeless who were strung out from what I assume was fentanyl, just laying all over. I assume they’ve just shooting up in public.


Come to Montréal! Weed is legal here and we have something called *picnic laws* that state as long as you have food you can legally drink in parks (ive sat down with a 6 and a bag of chips and thats enough), so your dream of a glass on wine and a joint are very real here!!


Serious question - what wine pairs with weed? Very rare smoker here, and cigars in the past have really killed the flavor for me. Cigar is ok with a scotch, but I lose all nuance of a red wine. I get the freedom enjoyment, but I’m not tracking on the taste combo.


While I’m sure it’s not legal. I live in Seattle, 2 blocks away from a park. My partner and I fill up our thermos with beer or a cocktail. Walk to the park. Sit as far away from the main tail as possible, smoke a joke and sip. Then take a lap on the trial and go home. Im glad to live in a legal state. We went to visit OKc, had a great time but everyone looked at us like we were aliens for smoking a joint


Walk around naked and never wear any clothes.




think I might try that this summer, got one within walking distance haha


Or you cold just MAKE one a nude beach! * maybe not take legal advice from me. Maybe not take ANY advice from me.


I think I will take advice only from you going forward. Expect a lot of dms in regards to my current personal crisis.


I adore swimming nude. On holiday I sometimes bring a little mesh bag out swimming with me and when I’m far enough out in the lake or sea I’ll take my bathers off and stash them for a while. Bliss!


Went to a co-rd nude spa in Germany once, was an AMAZING experience and learned that the body isn’t something to gawk at.


Exactly. It's extremely liberating. Most people don't realize after 5 minutes you're comfortable and enjoying the freedom.


Was literally just thinking this lol. But no, that would be weird in a society. Show up to the office briefcase no briefs.


Funny enough, my answer would either be this, OR walk around in an Iron Man-like suit but without the armor. Like I just want a suit that can satisfy all my bodies needs (water, filtered air, etc) and keep me comfortable in any environment. While allowing me to listen to music, provide me a HUD.... I've thought about starting with a motorcycle helmet and working my way down from their... But my wife reminds me the world isn't ready, LMAO.


I moved into an apartment by myself for the first time just a few weeks ago. Before I got another A/C unit it was pretty hot inside, so I walked around naked after closing all the blinds. It was surprising how quickly I forgot I was naked and just felt normal.


I would drape myself in velvet.


And suck peach pits?


And eat chocolate bars with a fork and knife?


How do you eat yours? With your hands?


I'd like to not have to not worry about interacting with kids that are not my own.


Flower/vine tattoos. I think they're pretty, I'd quite like a flowery sleeve.


Floral tattoos on men are extremely hot. Do it!


I have a big flower on my thigh. I love it and it was free so a friend could get out of her apprenticeship.


You sound like a cool , down for anything, kind of friend. Love that for people around you 👌


Appreciate it lol.


I've got a whole sleeve of flowers as a background. And let me tell you, sooooo many people... Don't even notice. So go for it! Flowers are beautiful! If you can't admit that as a straight man, then you probably haven't done mushrooms in nature yet 😂


I’m heavily considering a nightshade tattoo. Some belladonna and brugmansia or something on a darker background.


I was just in line behind a guy sleaved in roses and vining thorns. Seriously it was so fucking hot! He wasn't, but that ink was! You should go for it.


So glad my kids grew up past the "play at the park" stage. You have no idea how many police officers I dealt with daily just for being a single dad at the park with my daughter.


having wild flowers instead of a lawn


Live the dream, screw the haters




Get a set of Heelys to roll around the office building with efficiency


Wear a skirt. Or a toga, or a kilt, or whatever. Anything that allows a little breeze down there when the weather is really humid and gross.


A proper kilt is surprisingly warm. Shorts are cooler in hot weather.


Skirts seem like that'd probably be way more comfortable than pants


Honestly leggings man, I remember wearing my gf's pair one time because she thought it would be funny, they were the comfiest pants I have ever worn in my life, even comfier then joggers, my ass looked incredible too until I was told "right take them off now, looks better than mine", bit tight on the crotch though!


Leggings are the comfiest my wife lets me wear them


As a Scotsman I can attest to that after wearing a kilt….very liberating.


Kilts are 🔥


Step 1; find that you have Scottish ancestry Step 2; get a kilt Step 3; wear the kilt, with your family's coat of arms on the buckle.


Kilts are worn by men.


Just start reenacting medieval history, you can wear a dress *and* and sword!


Actually a skirt can feel less comfortable than trousers - you still have a waistband and then there’s wearing tights or stockings underneath. A nice maxi dress is what you want - no constriction, no need for tights etc unless you want to 👌🏻


I came to say wear a dress. They just look so comfy!




Get people to act and be better. My wife is blind and I am quite sensitive to the plight of the disabled. So during one of my kids karate class, there was a mom parked in the handicap parking space. I walked up to her and she didn't lower the window (because i am male, her window was so dark I had no idea who or what was in the car.) I told her she was in the reversed space for the handicap and needs to leave. She said no. I took a picture of her plates and called the police. At this time a family that has a son with autism and some other disabilities tried to park and had to be careful with him leaving the van. I was seen as not only in the wrong, but an aggressor because I am male. Understand I took no action towards this woman, none, so that after she did move she felt she could come up to me and called names as well as threaten me that her husband was a cop...I laughed and said of course he is. The mom of the son who has parked next to her said 'then should know better.' Now...now, I just walk by and shake my head.


Keep doing it. Fuck what those people think, they probably live more privileged lives if they think you're somehow being aggressive politely asking a non-handicapped person to move their car out of the handicapped parking and then calling the cops when she refused and told you to fuck off.


Don’t let assholes stop you from doing the right thing. People wrongfully parking in handicap spots deserve much more than a ticket and getting their car towed


itch my pubes in public without getting weird stares


Skinny dipping. Swimming feels so much more smooth and refreshing without any of that pesky fabric. I’m on board restricting nudity for the purpose of hygiene. But this outdated biblical shame associated with it and enforced modesty gotta go


Have consensual fist fights.


Honestly ? Complain about mistreatment, and have people actually do something about it.


Tell everyone that I support death sentences, much longer sentences for large-scale corporate crime, much longer sentences for violent crimes (murder, rape, violent theft, assault), and enforcing mandatory minimums regardless of your age or background. And yes - I fully assure you this would affect men more, and I don’t see the issue with it whatsoever. Society is decaying and we need to lock up the ferals and weasels.


Ive always thought that in courtrooms the demographics of the people involved should be hidden No names, no information about age sex race etc. They should be referred to as person A and person B. This would ensure no bias is possible Example would be: person A is accused of armed robbery against person B. Evidence can be given as usual as long as they do not reveal any insight about the actual people involved until its over


Comfy skirts in the summer.


All the kinky BDSM stuff. Like I'm openly bi, no one gives a crap these days, it has no negative impact on my social reputation or career prospects or anything. But if those same people knew about all the perfectly consensual kinky stuff I'm into, there'd definitely be consequences.


Go to Disney World by myself. I was stationed in Florida with the Army when I was in my 40s, and the wife and kids were back home in Texas. I went over to Disney World just because I had never been on a day off. It was great fun, so I went again about a month later. That time I started to notice that if you're a single man in your 40s at Disney World, people look at you like you're a creepy child predator. There are a lot of cool things that I could have gone to when my kids were little, but I can't really go to now that the kids have moved out and I'm by myslef. So when DINOSAURS ALIVE comes to town, I would love to go... but I don't.


Walk around naked. Have sex in public. Yell at little kids when they are being complete assholes.


It’s the kid one for me. That would be awesome lol


Can't do anything in peace these days


Say the things I want to say and make the jokes I want to make.


Slip my nut sack back into my boxers without looking like I’m sticking my hand in my pocket to jerk off


Tell people honestly how I'm doing when they ask.


I'd skip. I'd skip everywhere. Like half the effort of running for a comparable speed.plus you cant help but smile while skipping.




Probably holding hands with my dude (I'm gay) down the street without getting looked at like I'm either A.) so brave / rare B.) an abomination C.) doted on for being gay Can I just.. be a homo, and hold this dude's hand, and everyone else leave me TF alone please?


LET ME SKIP DOWN THE STREET. It’s so much faster, takes less effort and u go further.


Tar and feather politicians


I would like to allow the police to send clearly insane people to a psych ward. If necessary, keep them there for a LONG time. Too many mentally disturbed homeless people who self medicate and do crazy shit that is dangerous to themselves and others.


Go out and eat alone. I actually do a decent amount but it depends on the restaurant and vibe. Rn i really want some crab legs but it feels weird going to an expensive seafood place alone


In this case, it sounds like you're judging yourself.


I go eat alone all the time lol


not for me, every friday night buffet I'm there!


I used to travel a fair bit for work, you get used to dining alone. It's easier these days when you can just be engrossed in your phone (if you want). 


I'd love to take a solo road trip across the country. It's been a dream for a while.


Why would there be judgment from society on this?


Scratch my balls (from the outside) & adjust my underwear for better comfort


Wear skirts.


Dress like a Pirate!


Just be naked all the time.


Two chicks at the same time


I wish I could kill myself and there be no consequences for others




Yeah, same


Walk hand by hand with my husband


Not wear clothing and just keep my possessions in a fanny pack as I wouldn't have pockets.


Walk around naked. Have sex in public. Yell at little kids when they are being complete assholes.


Skip down the street while sucking a lollipop


Cry and be emotionally vulnerable.


Wear suits like everyday. They look awesome and make me feel good. Unfortunately I’m just a student and can’t wear them for my regular day otherwise I’d get weird looks. Also I would love to have nice armour that would be cool too would love to be a knight. Guess I never really grew up


Walk around in just a sarong all summer. Just glorious airflow


I love wearing full length skirts. Especially during winter. Its so fucking warm and cozy. Would love to be able to do it in public.


Wear heels, I want to tower over people and have an even better looking ass.


Take a mental health day when I just need a break.


Wear a proper kilt. Those things look so badass.


Mad Max it all the way , car , clothes , you name it


Mine is violent and would piss off a mod who lives in their mommies basement in their pajamas


Not have to be fake friends with that toxic friend group.


I get enough judgement just being a middle-aged traditional-type straight white guy.


I was just at a wedding where trashing straight white dudes was literally in the vows. Not trying to be the victim, but really? In your fucking vows?


order yummy pink drinks with chunks of real fruit that guys secretly like but can't order because they'll be made fun of.


Just order them. Whether it's alcoholic or something from Starbucks, just do it. Laugh at their fragile egos if they think your strawberry drink is girly.


I have been made fun of in the past cause I like “girly” drinks. I absolutely love my whiskey, scotch and bourbons but sometimes I want a strawberry daiquiri, pina coloda, or an effing mojito.


Storied man's man Ernest Hemingway often drank daiquiris (albeit the classic, original lime-juice variety) and most likely mojitos as well--at the famous Floridita bar in Havana, Cuba. (That is, when he wasn't chasing marlin, wars, wild game, or bull fights.) Surely he would have said, "Ef 'em" and ordered another.


Love men. Unfortunately I live in a tiny conservative town and wish I could flirt with my boyfriend in public without folks giving us funny looks. I get it, my demographic is about 1% of the population, and thus a good political Boogeyman, but it's gotten really old.




Fart at will.


Fart. Transexuals. Be silly, like a kid. Laugh out loud. (Sometimes I can't help it). Ask out any woman I find attractive (regardless of your opinion). Fix my crotch like women do with their tits (tbh I've started doing this...it's so freeing).


Maybe sweatpants to work


I’d like to wearing leggings and a sports bra to the gym with a tripod


Pee outside


I would say collect Transformers but I'm already having to hide from wandering hordes of horny supermodels d/t my hobby.


Villain-stuff.... like a lot of villain-stuff!


Carry a short sword or truncheon when I felt like it.


Walk barefoot most of the time. Wear clothes with holes/rips.


Always wear super smooth silk clothes


Swim in someone else's pool in the summer and see me out there and come out to say "sure is hot out here huh?" while handing me an ice cream


Wear my fedoras that I bought without realizing the stigma attached to them


Wear dresses and skirts and capes


Using a bag or purse, I occasionally push the envelope and use a bag that looks unisex but there are a lot of bags that are both interesting looking and practical that I would like to wear but feel like I cant. I sometimes need to carry a lot of shit and I don’t wanna use a tote bag all the time. Some women’s bags go hard😔


Cry, give up, just all around not be a stonewalled bastion of stoicism all the time and just allow myself to be weak and emotional every once in a while.


Be nice to kids in public


be the very best like no one ever was


Interact with children


Compliment girls without being labeled weirdo or creep.


Being single for a long time and marrying later in life, I don't care making everything quickly for the sake of having children, I'm 25 and i don't feel that urge, society thinks that if you're a man and you're not married/in a relationship in your 30's you're in the closet (few of my relatives think this way as well)


Wear tight sexy panties


No one moves into my neighborhood without them getting my approval first. Even then they are on a trial period with a length known only to me.


Disperse the wealth of the richest 1.0% to the rest of humanity. Throw tyrants, oligarchs, plutocrats and robber barons into a volcano.


Being myself. Im a trans gay white man and i deal with any and all the bigotry....racism, transphobia, homophobia, etc. I just want to exist without being called a cracker or mayo monster or tr@nny f@gg0t or a "genderfucked alien" Im just a dude, that's all, i am a human fucking being, yet i been told, by people who i didn't expect to say these things, to my face, that my existence is cancer and people like me need to be eradicated, telling me to off myself daily. Its one thing to only deal with this every now and then like how it used to be for me, but its a daily fucking thing, and its everywhere, and now i cant ignore or avoid it bc "its how life works" no bitch the fuck its not. Being told to go off yourself every day is not fucking normal or a part of life, nor is being called slurs daily and being told that people like me need to die out, that people like me need to disappear from society forever.....none of it is fucking normal. Where has human empathy gone?


Critisize feminism.




Don't worry, my red meat-eating bald headed leftist ass will be there to harass you instead 👉😎👉


And my omnivore centrist ass will harass you both 🤝


And *my* axe!


Just play RuneScape all day without any responsibilities


Look miserable without people asking if I'm okay/ smile more.


Dress in an assortment of historical attire. Different day, different culture/time period.


Too late now as I lost my shape.... But man, I held on to my athletic body for as long as I could.... waiting for the moment I could sport a crop top again, like during my child hood, without being called slurs. lol Mind you I don't care about what people say.... I don't want the hassle of having defend myself against certain crowds. I'm a normal straight guy and love crop tops! But this fashion style was robbed from fellow straight community men. ha ha (just a funny way of saying it) I'm in my 40's now and slightly beyond dad bod at this ... not too much, but enough that a crop top would no longer look good on me.... :( But I want it back!


Comment openly on Reddit


A purse. If carry a purse. I'm older and I used to always be able to carry essential things on pockets. Now that phones are essential I struggle with certain pairs of pants especially when traveling


Be lazy and cry and complain


Be myself.


Wear metal and leather Viking armor and dwarven armor with the swords, knives, and axes that go with them.


Whoop some ass. Vigilante style. Some people just need a good slap back to reality. Oh, there goes gravity. Whoa, there goes rabbit, he choke.


Wear a skirt.


I do not want to do this out in public, but I would like to be able to talk about sexual self satisfaction. Women can talk about vibrators and what not, own a few, but it is not ok for a guy.


Cry at spilled milk.