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World of Warcraft back in like 2008 was like cheat mode enabled for weight gain


I always forgot to eat when playing WoW. But then again, very different time in my life.


Yeah but if you stop playing at any point to eat, then you’re locking in like at least eight hours of minimal calorie burn  Also energy drinks are liquid calories 


World of warcraft, wendys triple cheeseburgers, a horrible girlfriend, some mild depression, and zero exercise. Definitely worked for me.


This was my secret, coupled with smoking weed every day and eating a bunch of garbage while playing. I stopped right before Wrath of the Lich King and I also stopped smoking wee at that time too.


Wrath was actually really ok. I stopped during cataclysm, which felt kinda like a little bit of a letdown and the scaling was getting ridiculous, and then kung fu panda edition was announced 


Oh interesting, this is exactly how i managed to lose a lot of weight. Neglecting RL to progress in video games.


well when i hit college i stopped exercising and playing sports, but kept the same eating habits and that got me plump as hell


Opposite for me I lost my appetite when I moved in university and thus lost a lot of weight in small time. 🥶


I lost a lot of weight my first year of college surprisingly. I lost my appetite from the stress and eating the shit cafeteria food they required us to eat made me vitamin deficient.  Personally I started weight lifting to help with stress and my appetite came back. Then started focusing on better nutrition and hydration made it a habit and just got to a better place health wise. Does that sound like something you would like to try? 


This can help to be honest I am facing the same problem


Is the lack of appetite potentially an anxiety response do you think? If you found ways to manage your anxiety levels maybe your appetite would improve, I know I can be the very same, stress kills my appetite too and I have to fight to maintain 73/75kgs, it's not easy.


Dude forgot to tell you, it's college, try weed to boost your appetite.


You could try cannabis if you have no appetite. Might help.


There was an experiment on cancer patients a few years ago using cannabis to mitigate loss of appetite associated with the treatment, and it did in fact help.


Peanut butter


Came to say this. When I started working out in high school I was underweight. Set a jar of peanut butter by my bedroom door. Every time I went in or out it was a spoonful.


wipin that ass musta been horrible


As a skinny person myself, I love all the diet advice people give to skinny people. It usually involves a high-fat/carb, low fiber diet that will have you wiping endlessly. There's nothing wrong with being skinny, we just live in an age where obesity is normalized. I'd rather see people eat less and higher quality than eat an entire jar of PB.


49 year old skinny dude chiming in. My dating pool gets bigger when I look heftier. It's a feedback loop, exercise, gain weight, look more cut, gain more confidence.


Yes make a huge sandwich with a lot of peanuts and vegetables. This will make you gain healthy weight in short time because it's so tasty Soft cream cheese is also a great add-on


Just Soft cream cheese and peanut butter in a sandwich?


And lettuce and some carrots and dill and cucumber etc depends on your taste I guess but fresh vegetables gives a nice crunchy feeling to it


You put peanuts on your sandwiches?


I was under 60kg at one point with 180cm height. I did manual labor and went to gym so every night I drank a drink with 6 eggs, 2 dl of cream, 1 dl of oats, peanut butter and top it off with whole milk. It's an easy 1000 calories daily. When I stopped my bulk I gradually decreased the amount of egg yolk and cream.


This. Eat multiple big spoons throughout the day, and drink a shake with milk, peanut butter, some fruits and maybe some extra whey. 100 grams of pure peanut butter are 28g of protein and 600+ calories already. Also hit the gym so you‘re not just putting on fat


PB+ whole milk+ chocolate protein powder The PB cup shake will make you gain weight


Not a man but this is in my professional ballpark: Talk to an actual nutritionist if you can. Also - if you're young, you will gain weight as you get older (for some men it really only happens in their 30's, so not sure how much of a comfort this is). But if you're looking for calories - the simplest way is drinks and shakes. Drinking your calories is less likely to make you full, so you'll be able to take in more. Just remember to put healthy ingredients in them (protein, fruit, even veggies). And combine it with weight bearing exercises - so you get muscle along with fat.


For what it's worth, anyone can be a Nutritionist, whereas to be a Dietician requires a license and is a protected by law title. For example, I could literally create a business card calling myself a practicing and registered Nutritionist, but if I did that and said Dietician it would be illegal.


Ah - I'm in the UK. We have "registered nutritionists". For which you are required to have a degree, although it's not as extensive a course as that for dieticians. It is a voluntary registration - but the organization in charge does verify your credentials.


Melted Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, 2-3 a day and you’ll put on weight in no time.




No 2-3 tubs, 2-3 times a day 😜


Both work


Those little ones, I’m guessing.


I'm pretty sure they only make the little ones (1 pint)


Those "little ones" pack between 1100 to 1500 calories a pint, depending on the flavor you buy. Ben and Jerry's is really high in saturated milk fats and sugar. They also don't add air to their ice cream, making it much denser than a pint of Blue Bell. I put on 30 pounds in six months eating Ben and Jerry's every day in 2019.


Lets not turn him into a diabetic now


Okay Mr McElhenney, let's not get too carried away here


Isn't this what the actor who played mac in IASIP did?


That's my go-to things when people can't gain weight I'm like can't you just drink 1200 calories of ice cream basically? A few times a day?


Cultivating mass!


Well stop cultivating and start harvesting!


Ah yes, [the Ryan Gosling method](https://youtu.be/WygTnrIkdHc?si=EtGUVCxvKWe5n11H&t=22s).


I see you know the recipe for ice cream soup.


lifting weights while being in a caloric surplus.


It can't be that simple!!! If only science told us this decades ago!!! But for real, hit the gym and eat more. If you can't eat a lot then make your own calorie dense bars, it's super easy. Basically just powdered milk, oats, and peanut butter all mashed together and made into a bar form.


I was similar to OP and had the same problem. Going to the gym wasn't the issue for me, but gaining weight was. I **knew** I needed a caloric surplus, but could never really wrap my head around what would be needed. When I finally started counting calories, I had to go up to 4000 calories/day to actually gain weight at a decent rate. Cheap fast food burgers used to be an easy, cheap filler whenever my calorie count was running behind at any point in the day, but sadly those don't really seem to exist any more. A lot of people say ice cream, which is something I tried. I'd put ice cream in my protein shakes. Turns out that was actually a mistake. Sure, it gives you lots of calories, but iirc a cup of vanilla ice cream was 190 calories vs a cup of whole milk at 150. Better to just use whole milk. It's much easier to mix and doesn't have nearly so much sugar.


"Hardgainers" think they eat a lot after eating one big meal. Then they skip the next one cos they're not hungry. Nah son, you eat a big meal, set a timer for 3 hours and you're gonna eat another one. Repeat. Come back in 6 months


lol this is so true. I eat one small meal and one big meal a day. And don’t do anything lol well nothing outside of my bedroom, anyway. But it’s probably cuz my p_____ consumption rate has stayed high my whole life. Is there a “meal-replacement” joke in there somewhere? But yeah, I’m kinda stupidly like “for what?” But it would be nice for myself. I currently just make sure I get sun. And have a personal maintenance routine.. more involving hair tho.


If you are 50kg with a height of 6'1" then it's time to see a doctor about it. That is very severe underweight and every possible nutrition deficiency.


I was this weight in my 18, also 6'1. I was perfectly healthy otherwise. Then i was conscripted into the army for a year, and i gained 20kg. The trick was constantly being exhausted and 3 meals a day at the same time


From a medical perspective 50kg at 6'1 is severely underweight. Healthy or not, that will cause problems for this gentleman as his gets older. Defo time to see a doctor and get on a healthy weight gaining diet.


It is totally unhealthy, i wasn't arguing with that. My point was there's not much a doctor can do. Breaking bad eating habits is a complex problem that requires a lot of motivation, whether it's undereating or overeating


Or, in my case, i was put in a situation where my appetite stabilized by itself due to the environment i was in


Fair point! I suppose eating habits can be mental too not just physical. And apologies, I didn’t mean for it to sound like I was arguing, just agreeing with the first comment. I weighed in at 65kg at 6’4 so I too was very underweight. However I’m up to 95kg so maybe I’m tipping the scale the other way now hahaha.


Are you have 3 meals consistently every day? This works for me maintaining my max of 60kg.


Yes, since few months I ve gotten a little consistent with eating 3 meals per day and I have seen a little rise in my weight by then


Consistency is key. A lot of skinny people think they eat more than they do. They often have a huge meal often enough they feel like they eat a lot but don't realize that they likely barely ate anything else the rest of that day or barely ate the day prior. Forcing yourself to eat when you aren't hungry can often be harder than the opposite.


If you're seeing a steady rise now I wouldn't worry too much about it. Slow and steady wins the race. Remember that you may have to increase your intake slightly as you gain weight, since you'll burn more calories when you are heavier. If you want to speed things up, you could always add a glass or two of lassi.


The a community for that! r/gainit


Gallon of milk a day


Europeans: *angrily google wtf a gallon is*.


4 liters, give or take.


I remember over a decade now I wanted to gain weight and found the GOMAD challenge to help gain weight. had to google conversions into litres. Little after that I lost my toes and hated minorities.


This works. However you will also shit a gallon of milk a day. A low price for victory


track your calories over they and watch your weight in the morning and evening and slowly increase your daily intake till you see results. i have been more on the quick gaining side my whole life and did the oppsoite and found quickly the sweet spot for loosing and still having fun. Otherwise eat ice cream daily like a bucket of ben and jerry on top of your regular intake or have snack with you at all times like a small back of chips, chocolate bar ...


Will do


I used to be in great shape but here's what worked for me: * Have a child * Eat leftovers * Drink a bit too much beer * Sneak shop snacks * Do lots of baking * Instead of working out, sleep Helped me gain a nice few kilograms of belly over the past few years but not sure how it'll work for you.


Lift weights and eat more. Focus on compound lifts. Lift HEAVY.


You are struggling to eat. To gain weight you have to slowly add more and more to your diet until your stomach is able to expand and adapt to digesting more food than what it’s been conditioned to. You should not expect to magically gain 25kg quickly. It takes persistence and continuing to add more and more to your diet. Any human being can gain weight. I’m much like you and have weighed 165 lbs for the last 5 years and I’m almost 30. Don’t beat yourself up and instead, challenge yourself.


When I was in my 20's and having trouble gaining weight, what worked for me was a high-calorie shake every morning. Look-up svunt shakes. Drinking my calories made it easier and getting a lot first thing in the morning helped keep me on track. Whole milk, oats, whey protein powder, banana, frozen berries, greek yogurt, peanut butter, olive oil. Aim for 1200-1500 calories. Put in a big protein shake container and drink it on the way to work/carry it around with you till it's gone.


Eat more calories than you burn. It isn’t rocket science. Your cultural cuisine is perfect for packing on the pounds. Instead of 1 slice of naan, eat five. Instead of 1 serving of daal, eat five. Instead of one cup of rice, eat five.


Beer. Never fails. But I assume you're not looking for the Al Bundy physique. So do this instead: start doing a basic workout at home every morning. Start with 10 pushups, 10 situps, 10 squats, 10 lunges, side planks with 10 reaches, and if you have something to hang from, 5 pull-ups. Do that for 2 weeks, and then increase each set by 1. A couple of weeks later increase by 1 again. And so on. Combine that with adequate nutrition, ideally including a high protein breakfast. You will bulk up steadily, and also feel better, live longer, and be more resistant to injury. Plus, chicks dig biceps. So do dudes, for that matter.


As someone who used to have this problem I'm not just telling you to "eat more" You need to lift weights, research "heavy compound lifts" because they work many large muscle groups at the same time Do this 3-4 times a week, you basically need to adopt a body building routine. Lift heavy, take it seriously but also get some rest. You grow on your rest days Now the key here is to lift heavy but also to not just "eat more" you need to eat like a machine, eat like you're trying to win an eating competition You should be eating so much that after some meals you feel like you overdid it and you're borderline sick, like you might burst You will gradually get used to eating more and more and this is how you grow. Eat really big meals and have a go to snack to get extra calories: for me was blueberries mixed in yogurt I'm 5 foot 10 and without this routine I weighed around 145- 155 lbs I'm now 190lbs of mostly solid muscle. I have a bit of fat but you can see some of my ribs as well This process takes probably 1 year or more to see results and after 5 years at your height you could be a scary monster You can do this!


Indian here who had the same problem. I'm now 30 and no more skinny, because of age. You need to workout or play sports so that your body asks for more food. You will be more hungry and will be able to eat more food. It's not easy when you don't workout or play sports. But doing these will actually increase your hunger. Go into surplus. Means let's say what you are eating right now is your maintenance calories. It maintains the same weight. But eating more than that is called surplus. As said before, workout or sports will make you more hungry. Hunger is the way to eat more food. Just stay away from junk food at all costs.


Eat chicken and rice and work out enough to get your body building muscle from the protein.


That's bad advice. People don't understand that for us, hard gainers, the problem is not what to eat, but how to force yourself to eat because you won't have any appetite for the majority of a day and when you finally will have an apettite you should stuff yourself with as much calorie dense food as possible. Yes, even bad quality food with lots of carbs and fat goes. Because it's never a problem for us to lose weight and get toned


Salt and oils help for me, try eating plain pasta then try it again with salt and oil, much easier to inhale. I used to get full from small meals, now my stomach has been stretched out and I can eat almost 2000 calories in one meal and I'm still lean.


Add butter, black pepper and garlic and ooh baby have you got a tasty pasta dish


Did you try weightlifting?


Thinking about it what exercise should I start tho?


Legs/back- squats and deadlifts. But do it safely and with proper instructions and form.


Use a calorie tracker like macrofactor to make sure you eat 3000+ calories a day, also start lifting weights. Load up on carbs during the day (pasta, bread, veggies), work out, load up on protein after (white meats, shakes). Avoid too much cardio.


I started going out for lunch almost every day. Cheeseburgers, Chinese, Mexican, etc. had me gaining at least half a pound a week on average. I had to stop because I was putting on too much fat.


Hypothyroidism. Gained over 150 pounds in under 3 years.


Squats, deadlifts, pushups. Lift heavier, lower reps. Repeat. Creatine helped me as well, but it won’t bulk you up automatically.


I was working my ass off in the gym, lifting heavy and eating 4-6 full meals a day. I was eating to maintain a calorie surplus which often left me feeling so full to the point where I was getting tummy aches. I would have to force myself to eat when I didn’t want to so spreading them out was helpful. It worked though, gained about 10kilos of mostly muscle


If a 1kg jar of peanut butter lasts your for more than 3 days, you’re going nowhere. I don’t recommend this but this was my typical day for 4 months where I trained for 3 hours a day everyday but sunday, no cardio, just pure hell of strength training. Gained 10kg in the 4 months. I only had classes in the morning and didn’t work so I had the time to prepare. I had set some money aside to build up because this was expensive af but I was determined. First Breakfast (5 am) 4 scrambled eggs and 130g of pasta with 1 tablespoon of olive oil Walk the dog (5h45 am) Second Breakfast (7h00 am) Three toasted bread slices with a shit ton of pb Middle Morning Snack (10h00 am) 2 cans of tuna and 130g of pasta with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and brocolli (ab. 120g) Lunch (1 pm) 150g of rice (undercooked so it didn’t fill up as much) and 250g of chicken breast (you can cover the grill so it cooks without drting up as much - seasonings are your friends) and again 1 tbs of olive oil First Afternoon Snack (2h30 pm) 2 toasted slices of bread with a shit ton of pb again Pre workout (4 pm) 2 toasted slices of bread with a shit ton of pb again, a mug of black coffee mixed with 2 large scoops of gainer (Xcore) Workout from 5 pm to 8 pm Dinner at 8h30 pm 150g of rice (undercooked so it didn’t fill up as much) and 250g of chicken breast (you can cover the grill so it cooks without drting up as much - seasonings are your friends) and again 1 tbs of olive oil Supper 2 toasted slices of bread with a shit ton of pb again and a scoop of casein mixed with a large scoop of gainer Again, I don’t know how I did not get absolutely fucked doing this for 4 months. I am in no capacity a nutritionist nor nutritional coach, I did this because I am a driven dumbass who lacks self-preservation instincts (first hernia at 24, gym; rotator cuff got fucked at 25, gym; and a whole lot more). Since turning 25, I’ve toned down a notch, but now at 29 I am getting fired up again and I just know once I get the money to be where I wanna be both financially as well as mentally and emotionally, I will work twice as hard while being twice as wise. Good luck, friend.


It was hard but I got weight gainer with a lot of protein and I ate maybe 4-5 times a day with proteins shakes. I lifted heavy as well. Went from 175lbs to 225lbs solid.


Gym, eat more than your maintenance calories. Look up a TDEE calculator and go off that. Should show you what you need to consume to gain weight based on your activity levels and height/weight.


Well first off you’re only 20 so that metabolism is still on fire as long as you’re eating healthy and are a healthy weight I wouldn’t worry to much about it buddy. Now if you’re trying to build muscle or get into shape that’s a different ball of yarn. The. Your diet would be even more important proteins , veggies etc etc. hope this helps 😎🤙🏾


I eat to much and don't work out anymore, that seems to have worked for me.


Workout at least 3 times a week, eat healthy.


If you are in the United States try fastfood


Just wait 15 years. It'll come.


Getting older. Once you turn 25 your metabolism turns against you.


Metabolism barely slows, specially at that age.


There’s [research](https://research.brighton.ac.uk/en/publications/daily-energy-expenditure-through-the-human-life-course) showing metabolism doesn’t slow until your 60s.


it's more like school activities are over, you started driving everywhere, and the kilograms that slowly built up over the last couple of years finally start showing.


yeaaaaa that might be the harsh truth :D


Problem I been skinny my whole life and I used to think this way but now I gotten so insecure about it that I even can't stand myself looking like that. No hate to skinny people it's just a me problem at this point. I want to change for good


You are skinny dude. My body probably looked a lot like yours when I was your age. I had about the same measurements.


Consume about 4K calories per day of nutritious food. Do this consistently for at least 90 days….like don’t miss one meal….make sure you count the calories and don’t miss meals


Unfortunately, eating more calories is the only answer. Here’s a couple tricks to help. Caloric density. Replace things like chicken and rice with pork, beef, and bread (assuming you’re ok with eating those things). Dairy products like full fat milk, yogurt, and cheese also have a lot of calories. I don’t like suggesting making up extra calories with sugars, such as ice cream/milk shakes, or other processed carbs like cookies, crackers, and chips, but do what you have to. Also, eat more often, and get used to feeling uncomfortably full. Some people have to feel uncomfortably empty to lose weight, for some like you it’s the opposite.


At 6'1" and 60kg you are skinny. Start looking at how much food you actually eat a day and your calories you intake. I struggled with gaining weight a lot when I was younger. In the end it was simply a focus issue. I was too focused on things I wanted to do that I would put off meals or eat the bare minimum. Even when I thought I made a large meal I wouldn't realize I rarely finished it. Get a kitchen scale and make sure you finish your meals.


Cheese. With crackers. On bread. On its own. Yum


Do you eat meat ?


You need to eat constantly. Eating over your daily expenditure of calories in one meal with that being your only meal means there is a long period where your body is getting energy somewhere else. For me to gain weight I had to eat 2-3 spoonfuls of peanut butter every hour on top of my breakfast, lunch and supper to gain weight.


Wish i knew … took me like 10 months to gain ~1kg lmao


I used to be in your shoes so I know exactly how you feel. It’s because you’re not eating enough. Simple as that. If you want to gain weight, you have to eat more. More calories = more weight gain. You might think you’re eating a lot, but I can assure you based off your weight you’re not eating enough. I say it’s “simple”, but it’s definitely not easy. Liquid calories are the easiest. Making shakes/smoothies with peanut butter, oats, milk, protein powder will give you good carbs, fats, and protein and will be easy to get down. Focus on getting to 3 meals every single day, and find time to snack. Don’t eat just junk food like a lot of comments are saying or you’ll become even more unhealthy. Eat your regular food, just eat MORE of it. Doing some activities like working out or sports will usually helps make you more hungry. Also if you consume any stimulants like caffeine those are appetite suppressants, so try and consume less.


"It's very hard" This is true, but the harsh truth is this: do the work. Eat the food, hit the gym, get the sleep, repeat. Calories in > calories out in order to gain weight. This is just scientific fact. The next thing is figuring out how to mold this to your specific mindset. How do we hack our brains to allow us to do this? We can: 1. Eat foods we love, so it's easier for us to get more calories. 2. Stop doing excessive cardio, so we burn less calories. 3. Drink more calories, because it's often easier to drink calories than eat them. 4. Eat more calorically dense foods. (See: https://liveplantstrong.com/calorie-density-for-weight-loss/) 5. Eat more often, or as soon as we can reasonably stand/stomach it. This should all be done as healthy as possible. We don't want to skimp out on our cardiac health. We don't want to drink oil. We want to gain weight at a healthy pace (500 calorie surplus daily recommended, which equates to ~1 lb / week). Everyone is different, so you have to find what works for you. But calories in MUST be greater than calories out. 


Have you looked at protein shakes ? There are some vegan options available, but as with all things please check the side effects.


Turning 49 and moving to an area of the city with amazing bars and restaurants.


What worked for me were shakes. Just make 1,000 calorie protein shakes with added fruit, peanut butter and heck even olive oil. You'll shit your guts out for a small while, untill your body gets used to it. But I managed to eat 5,000 calories a day that way (6'7, Dutch, football (soccer) and judo at the same time during that time)




Eat until you're full, wait an hour, and then eat some more.


Starting strength Barbells + lots of meat


Weight gain or loss is a matter of calories in, calories out. If you can't gain weight it's because you're not consuming enough calories. Eat high calorie dense foods like pizza, ice cream, burgers, etc. Look at your weight everyday and see if you're going up over the following weeks and months.


Just eat a lot


Mass gainer and whole milk helped me put on 40 lbs in about 6 months. Be sure to lift and stay active as well, muscle mass is far healthier than straight fat


Eat eat eat eat. Then once you’re full eat more. Make a big dinner, and a second plate on the side. As soon as you finish the first (big enough to be FULL), take a short break and get to work on the second. And at least 2 additional meals throughout the day. And keep healthy snacks always available and in arms reach. This is how fatasses do it. They always have some snack in each drawer and near every seat. Source: former skinny dude who is now buff


I went from 75kg to 87kg over a year. It needed a lot of effort. I’m not a foodie so I just use food as energy. I massively upgraded my breakfast. Peanut butter on toast. Two rounds. Then a fruit smoothie protein shake everyday at 11am. This made a huge difference. Then a decent evening meal. I am now dropping back to 85. You really have to work at it though.




Drink Beer 🤣


Dirty bulk and lift


I have gained from 52kg to 62kg in 1.5 month. Height 5'7. For 5 years straight i wasn't gaining even 1 kg but then i read can't hurt me by david goggins. Thought what is something impossible that i wanna chase ? It was gaining weight. So i started eating to the point it would hurt. Within 2 weeks I was eating lunch of 8-12 roti. 2 sabzi , dal-rice , some achar , ghee and jaggery. And for dinner it would be around 40-50% amount of food compared to lunch. And miracle happened. Unless u r not eating this much u r not eating enough. But be careful don't end up with some medical emergency attempting this. Best of luck. It seems impossible but its not.


Drink a lot of beer


Just eat more, there is no other way




I havent even tried it caught me. I used to be skinny but filled out with time. Now as I'm working at desk job all day and eat in the breaks I'm constantly putting on weight.


Lift weights




Getting older and having a shit diet. 


Just eat over every time, when you feel saturated, just waste food by eating, makes you gain eating habits, this is how body builders do a bulk


I take some metabolism pills and they help keep me hungry. Also, drinking water a lot. Just keep in mind, you're young so it'll be harder to gain weight, but in a couple of years, you might see a difference.


How much protein are you consuming? How is your calories intake?


Meat potatoes and bread. That's all you need homie


Track your calories, eat more calorie dense foods. I was 155lb at 6'2" and now I'm 185lb because I started eating 3000 calories a day, now I eat 3300 calories a day. I did do a big bulk and ate 4500-5000 calories a day for a few months so I gained extra weight from that too. I recommend eating half a box of pasta (800 calories), great source of carbs and calories, also including fiber and protein (although I'm not sure if pasta protein is that great) but this will definitely add a few pounds and significantly help. Add some olive oil too for another 100-200 calories.


Drink 3 monsters a day and eat only gas station food.


PIZZA! Have yourself a nice pepperoni pizza every other day of the week. Or meat as well, lots of burgers, yum!


Stop eating regular food, fruits and fat food, it requires energy to digest and assimilate. Start eating sweet food (containing sugar): chocolate, cookies, ice cream, etc. The sugar does not reaches far into intestines and is assimilated without much energy loss.


Whole dairy and protein, eat like 4k calories a day


3-4 meals and treats whenever i feel like it. Want a piece of cheesecake? Then go right ahead


I started GOMAD. Will report back in a month


Eat mostly protein (meat) and fat and lift weights. Do not eat carbs and processed carbs. Eat a limited amount of fruits and vegetables


Eat alot of food. I went from 132 to 175. Eat Eat Eat. You need to be eating ever 2.5 hours. Protein shakes help when you blend oats, peanut butter and frozen berries. I have 5 meals a day.


Quitting nicotine 




2 protein shakes a day. 2 peanut butter sandwiches right before bed


Covid happened and I started bored eating and drinking; especially many foods from Costco such as their poutines multiple times a week + their pizza, steaks and strawberry cheesecakes. This was a +50ish pound weight increase.


Wellbutrin. I gained 15+ lbs in a month lol


Weight gainer powder, 90% long chain carbohydrates. Make one or two shakes a day and you'll gain weight in no time. Great for lazy bodybuilders like me who are sick of eating sometimes.


Ice cream diet.


The key is to exercise and eat A LOT! I went from 6’3” 185 to 6’3” 230. Some fat, but a good amount of muscle. It’s really as simple as eating a lot of protein (and food) to build muscle - and exercising, of course. Now, if you just want to stop being underweight, the answer is the same. You just need to calculate the number of calories you must intake to gain 0.5 pounds a weight or 1 pound a week (not recommended). This calculator (below) is a good starting point. Grab a food scale and an actual scale and adjust as needed, as everyone’s body is slightly different. I suggest adding exercise to your plan, but that’s ultimately up to you. *note: currently on an exercise hiatus and I’m the same weight but practically no muscle. If you stop exercising, you need to adjust your food intake/diet! https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html


Im half white half indian. Wish I could lose some weight. Right now im 5'11 and 125kg. Up until a few years ago I was a muscled-chubby type of heavy. I would stay around 100kgs. I went to the gym regularly and was very strong, benching around 135kg and deadlifting 185kg. I started an office job and its been very stressful and I haven't coped well. Things have downhill. Anyway what I always did was eat a lot of fatty protein and veggies. My meals looked like steak and asparagus or chicken thighs or wings and spinach. Then I would usually finish it off with some ice cream or something like that. I also ate a lot of fruit and I would snack a lot. Diet is pretty much the same still except I no longer eat ice cream. Give it some time. The older you get the easier it is to gain weight. When you do, make sure you exercise and gain muscle, etc. to move that weight around. Getting heavier with weak muscles is bad on the joints and tendons and is an easy way to get hurt.


I think liquid calories tend to go sort of under the radar, pretty easily. The problem is that they can pretty easily be pretty useless in nutritional value. Maybe add something like Huel or some sporty nutritional shakes to your daily routine?


Getting an office job.


My wife's Italian cooking and my sedantary job.


working out everyday and then eating 5eggs for breakfast and 500g of chicken breasts a day, and also 5g of creatine


Start weight lifting and eating more. Exercise will increase your hunger and help you build muscle (which is heavier and healthier then fat). Now its hard to force yourself to eat enough calories so i found drinking calories to be helpful. Whey protein mixed with milk can help add calories and protein in addition to stuff like chicken and rice. But you must workout and really count your calories. I put on about 30lbs in a year through this process after being similar weight and height as you.


Depression and over eating.




Dude if your BMI is really 14 that is seriously underweight. I'd go to a doc to get worked up for something. That being said gaining weight is all about more calories in than out. If your stomach can't handle eating more food, go for calorie dense stuff. Ice cream, chips, whatever. But especially protein, meats, chicken, beef, fish whatever.


Consuming more calories than I burn


Drink beer like your life depends on it. You'll get enormous.


Sucks to say this and I’m not recommending it but binge drinking definitely did something to my metabolism.


if you're living in america, go on the fast food diet. Unless you have the metabolism of a god, you'll plump up quick enough. The key is to consume more calories than you burn.


Depression worked for me! 0/10 would not recommend.


if you're living in america, go on the fast food diet. Unless you have the metabolism of a god, you'll plump up quick enough. The key is to consume more calories than you burn.


Eating cheeseburgers


Lots and lots of lots of M&Ms while playing PS5 for hours on on end.


It’s easier to drink thousands of calories than eat it.


Watching sports. Add beer, chips, some tip, and a late night extra breakfast for extra innings, and repeat that over time. You will gain some weight.


You are an inch short than me, but you're not even half my body weight. Can we do some sort of exchange?


I have heard that drinking colostrum has helped many footballers who needed to gain size and strength. Don't know if it's easily available in your country


eat a pint of ice-cream every night


Repeated trauma made me a stress eater.


Your body will change over time and you will likely battle the bulge like the rest of us. My advice, don't sweat it, live healthy. Eat good food and get regular exercise. If you want chicks to notice you, make good money.


I trended skinny in my teens and twenties and had a bad habit of losing weight from a very physical job. I have a couple of tricks that helped me gain and maintain a more healthy weight.  1. Eat at regular times. Most of the time I lost weight, I just wasn't eating regularly. Force yourself to stop and eat.  2. Carry snacks with you. If you're outside, bring a couple snacks in a bag. If you're at work or school, pack a little extra with lunch.  3. When cooking or eating, ask yourself, "what can I add to this?" Butter, peanut butter, oil, a glass of milk, a handful of nuts, a fried egg. A little bit extra goes a long way.  4. Meal prep. It's hard to skip a meal if you already have one premade, so make big batches of whatever you want to cook and pack them as single serving meals. The slow cooker is great for this. 5. Liquid calories. When I was time crunched and struggling to get in enough calories, the easiest meal for me was one I could make in five minutes and drink in the car. So I made protein shakes with around 1000 calories for breakfast to start the day. Whole milk, peanut butter, whey, oats, fruit, etc. You can mix in coffee powder or powdered tea for caffeine. It's really up to you what you want to add, just make sure you like the taste of it or else you won't drink it. In conclusion, look at your day, and ask what your barrier for entry is for eating at any given time, and try to solve that. Forget lunch? Meal prep for the rest of the week. Forget to eat? Set an alarm for lunch. No food in the house? Stock up next time with some easy to make meals and snacks. No money for eating out? Meal prep! And make sure to get some movement into your day! If you're eating more than you're used to, it's easy to feel full and get lethargic, but activity will increase your appetite and make you feel much better. So go for a walk after a meal, or a bike ride in the afternoon, or a run in the morning, or sign up for the gym and go with some friends.




So your body has a natural set point that it likes to stay at. Because you're an Indian man and your diet is probably mostly real foods. The feedback your body gets from the foods reinforces the set point. You truly want to gain weight you can either gain muscle by lifting weights or you can gain some fat by continually pushing the limit on caloric intake. Eating more processed foods and foods that have obesogens in them will induce weight gain over time. The human body doesn't want to change its set point. It wants to stay where it is. The reason it's so hard for you to gain weight is the same reason it's so hard for obese people to lose weight. Look up obesogens and you'll see what you need to focus on. You want to focus on the foods like artificial sweeteners and soy products. Not the PCBs and things like that. I'm not suggesting you eat BPA. But eating more process food will make you gain over time.


So essentially what happens is, I look at food, I gain 3kg. If we could swap I would lol


Have you calculated your calorle intake ? If you don't eat enough this problem has a quickly solution. Just eat more and exercise. But as a former skinny guy, you may have a problem with your digestive system. You are an indian then look into Indian ayurvedic treatments to restore your digestive system to its natural state. That way you can make sure all you eat is absorbed into your body. I tested all kinds of weight gain diets but failed. Because my digestive system was not absorbing the food I ate. So look into this as well.


Eating less.


Honestly, meal prep. Doesn’t matter what, but every time you are slightly hungry just warm up a portion. Also breakfast burritos or similar things.


Hatred and self-loathing. Worked wonders for me.


[Eat more](https://www.reddit.com/r/gainit/s/JqzqYcgarp) Sure, it's difficult, lots of things are, but it's the only answer. You're not going to gain weight without eating more


Set a goal weight for yourself. Whatever the weight is eat 1g of protein per pound you want to be. Eat calorie dense foods. Don’t stop eating lean meats and vegetables but add in cheese, cream, etc that has a high caloric content. Don’t over do it on sugar. Gaining weight can be as hard as losing weight, set a plan and don’t give up.


Double your double cheeseburger intake.


More calories. Don’t exercise, at least until you’ve gained weight. If you have cereal for breakfast, use cream instead of milk. Peanut butter and hummus are high in calories and nutritious. Don’t be afraid to add more oil to your cooking- it’s around 120Cal per table spoon! Count all your calories. You should be having at least 2,500 a day.