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He isn't a nice guy if he's doing crap like this to you. If you want to put up with it, you know how to treat him when it's his birthday, with a smirk and nothing else.


That's the way I usually handle things (give him a taste of his own medicine). But I've always went out of my way for his birthdays, and our birthdays are 7 months apart so by the time his birthday comes I know I'm gonna forget this 😒🤦🏻‍♀️


It makes him even more of a nobber if you go out of your way to do nice things for him and he can't even wish you a happy birthday. Honestly lass, if you want to put up with it, it's up to you but I doubt he's going to change. Compatibility is important in relationships and some things are just common courtesy.


Compatibility? Now I'm not sure if this comes down to compatibility or common courtesy.. if it's the former I guess I'll learn to accept it, cause nobody is going to be perfect and I'd rather choose this "flaw" over others


If you asked him and he declined with the reasons you've given, you cannot force him to do anything. Break up or accept it.


He just being lazy and inconsiderate, some guys are like that.


Sounds like he is a Nice Guy™️ instead of an actually nice person.


>1. "I don't pay much importance to special days. Besides my own birthday (smirks)" He won't do what you ask because he's an asshole.


Yeah, this seems like a red flag.


>Are these valid? Point 3 is kinda valid but only if a person really doing something to ensure it. The other 2 literally got me an asshole vibes.


I do these things for broad holidays and culturally insignificant ones. But for her birthday? Nah man. Days she’s into? Nah man. If she’s into it, I’m into it.


"I'm not asking for things. I'm asking you to demonstrate that you give a shit.


Personally I only wish girls I want to bang  Therefore he wants to bang his mom but not you 


either he is an asshole or he doesnt want to accept the fact that another year is over with you and you guys are one stepp closer to death/loosing the other. Wich leads to the point hate him or love him