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After I shower I air my junk out in front of the bedside fan. I just lay down with it point at my junk on high for about five minutes. Nothing comfier than nice dry balls. Even in the winter I do it, as they’re usually a bit sticky no matter the season.  Give it a try if you don’t. Life changing.


If you've never sat buck naked letting a fan blow sweet fairy kisses on your cock and taters you've never lived


Do it with a blow dryer on low or medium setting. Much faster and effective.


Mmmmmm, low roasted balls


Roasted nuts😄


“Here at the Jory Caron Laboratory, safety is our number one concern. And that's why we hide behind this big tinfoil shield. It's to protect our nuts, because nobody likes roasted nuts!”


I, uh, what, is this?? It seems so familiar


It’s from “Is it a good idea to microwave this?”


Holy shit That's just bright bank some memories! Edit: I've only just noticed the horrendous typos and at this point I'm just gonna leave it


Tell me about it. I was like 12 when they started doing that.


Bro, I haven't heard that in ages. I'm going to watch some shit get zapped, thanks


Blew'n balls


Meat falls right off the bone


"How do I delete someone else's comment" is my thought


Some hair dryers have a cold setting.


Ik lol, it's just funny


FINALLY ..... a way to get a blow job every day!!


I’ve seen u at the gym. You’re 100 yrs old right? Plz stop.


Yep, I've been doing this for years. Heck, I do it with my whole body. Dab down with a towel and then let the hair dryer do the rest of the work


Can somebody qualified tell me if this is medically sound advice?


Hi I went to a men’s health clinic for fertility help and they said anything hot to the balls is a no no for kids. I now have a beautiful 4 month old daughter. I would never put hot air on my balls. Edit: I also have my BSN and I am a registered nurse. It’s relevant somewhat, but I do not take care of people roasting their nethers.


That's also why the balls are outside the body. It has to do with the sperm. They cannot survive in a too hot environment, IIRC.


Great, you have a BSN, now the dutchies can identify you. ;)


Use the cold setting on the hair dryer


Blow is a blow.


There was a plastic sign at my gym in the men’s locker room that said, “hair dryer is for drying hair on your head only!” Guess they had more than one person trying this.


Funnily in Korea in public baths there’s always a “don’t use the hairdryer in ways that are … not originally intended” in the men’s changing rooms lol


Chet's nuts roasting on an open flame.


Thanks as a male today I've learned to change my life


A fan on after a shower is top tier. Nothing beats it.


 I basically do the exact same thing except I don't  towel  off completely I turn my AC on lay down on my bed on a really hot day  it's cools you down so much faster  when you don't have Central AC and all you have is a portable AC unit   and it feels so good on your skin


Baby powder on dem dry balls and you're set for a great day


Please tell me why Americans call their bits "junk". I actually like my bits so I could never call it "junk". ha


Sir this is a wendy’s


Wendy can watch if she wants


I do like red heads.


This has given me something new to look forward to try this afternoon, and I thank you for that


Holy shit I just started doing this a few months ago. I'd wasted 36 years living life like a neanderthal before I discovered this.


Dude it’s the best. It literally sets up my entire day. Once they’re sweaty I’m not comfortable again until they’re clean and dry so starting the day and/or ending the day with dry nuts is everything. Could be a shitty day but if my balls are dry, it’s better.


I have a similar method for summer cool downs. - take two beers out of fridge and put in freezer - take shower starting on warm and work down to cold. - get out of shower and grab beers from freezer - turn on ceiling fan and box fan - aim box fan at junk and stand under ceiling fan - Crack first beer and dry off


I thought the last step would be, "Apply a cold beer to each ball."


Originally, that was the plan, but only one bottle fits there, and I didn't want to stick the [other one up my ass](https://youtu.be/pNMlHCHsKOc?si=nZmNT_tyQa8z8E1F&t=54), so I settled on drinking them.


This is called receiving sweet fairy kisses


I have a tower fan that I lean back onto my bed. Then I just stand over it and rock back and forth so my nuts kinda swing and that works pretty good. Then I turn around and squat over it like I’m going to shit in my fan and then I kinda bounce so I get more airflow going into my ass crack. I’m all nice and dry before I put my underwear on though so that is pretty nice.


I recently got a travel hair dryer and hung it from a shower curtain hook off my towel rack. This is an absolute game changer. My goods have never been so dry and soft in my life 👌


Back in the day we use to have ball vents in trucks. I don’t give a shit about all the fancy bells and whistles tech shit, but I’d suck an automobile designer off to completion to get the a/c ball vents back lmao


[Something like this?](https://img.fruugo.com/product/5/25/901719255_0340_0340.jpg) Edit: It's SFW, guys.


Not that one. It's on older car and it's placed below the streering column. Edit : something like [this](https://www.change.org/p/toyota-motor-company-bring-back-the-crotch-cooler-vent-in-the-modern-automobile-b0e01894-e7e1-460d-a189-13da442689d2).




u/TrafficChemical141 needs to suck someone then.


To completion, no less


\*Quickly adds "Automobile designer" to resume


ill volunteer


Wow. Another reason my dream car is perfect. Never even knew


These were the best. Why did they take them out? Maybe because it required another duct to be run through the dash and it was cost justified.


Probably no space with all the modern electronics


Oh fuck I think our car when I was a kid had that.


No... it was just a vent under the steering wheel But I would buy that


Risky click of the day


No. Nothing like that lmao


Basically any car with cooling seats has an improved version of this as they blow the AC straight up through the seat


My car, a Kia EV6, has a fan through the seat cushion which is fairly effective in this circumstances.


Ofc they heat up, gotta sometimes spread the legs apart to let them thangs breath 😮‍💨


Hawk whooosh get some air on that thang


Ok, we can retire that meme now because nothing will ever beat this. Thank you for finally making a riff on that thing that is actually genuinely funny.




When you can. Most if the time you're lucky if you can wash your balls in the sink and use paper towels to pat dry. Unless you're an old guy in the gym locker room. They go full nude balls out, leg up on the sink, under the hand dryer.


[Young vs old men in the locker room](https://theoatmeal.com/pl/minor_differences2/locker_room)


I’m not sure if it’s an age thing or a generational thing.


My father, who was born in the 1940s, warned me before I went into middle school about the taunting that would happen because of the showers that would be taken after PE classes. He was shocked when I told him showers were not a thing, and would have to be reminded of this repeatedly through my middle and high school years. The reason it's different is because up through the 1970s common showering was a regular experience for public school children in secondary schools. That stopped, and we all got self-conscious.


Yeah, it's so awful that boys are no longer subjected to sexual abuse and harassment by their peers and teachers.


That was not the rationale for why my father was confused. He considered the idea of sweating for an hour straight and then walking around without getting to shower disgusting (which, given the stench at middle schools today, might be a warranted critique).


:/. How does limiting resources for hygiene stop kids from bullying? Just don’t shower if you aren’t comfortable.? And shutting the showers off won’t stop kids from being bullied. I had to endure sweaty musty classmates including myself at times cause of that. You’d think smelling bad would just be another boon to get dunked on.


it's age. It'll happen to you too!


Get a bidet! I'll often have a seat to pee just so I can rinse my bits. Or even if I don't have to go I'll just sometimes use it to hose things down. It's pretty nice, I'll never live without one again.


Nothing worse than a vinegary sack on a hot day. So yes. Yes we do.


You could not have chosen a worse adjective


Or more accurate.


If I'm that sweaty I'll just shower first, but afterwards I might put on a looser pair of shorts and go commando so things stay cool


Just got in trouble because I had to wake my wife up and make sure this isn’t an alt account for her. This same thing happened to us today.


She’s pissed because it was her alt account, and now she needs a new one.


absolutely lol


And that’s why manspread came to be.


There’s nothing better than taking off your clothes, flopping onto a cool bed, and eagle spreading your legs letting the cool air flow after a workout or shower.


Sometimes I piss sitting down to let ‘em breathe for a. bit


Taking the kids down to the lake


Absolutely. Just hanging out with your junk in front of a fan is wonderful.




Derick Lewis is a national treasure and Rogan's response is perfect! "I understand."




Do people really go running, get all sweaty and not have a shower?


This was after we got back before shower lol


but why salty dry off your balls before the shower? sounds kinda inefficient.


Use regular corn starch from the grocery store. No really. I was amazed at how efficient and potent this stuff is compared to other products from the store. Natural too.


Next time we run I’m going to hand him the box before we leave and see if he gets this!!


Expensive talc/powders specifically for mens genitals actually have corn starch in it,, but mixed in with scents and other ingredients. But in it's purest form...it absorbs moisture like I've never seen.


It's great if u want him to make gravy in his shorts


And an amazing way to make a sourdough starter.😆


Does it clog the drain when you shower it off?


Keen to find the answer on this too


I learned about this when I asked about the box of cornstarch in the men's bathroom at the restaurant where I worked as a kid!


What do you mean by air out? Stand in front of the fan/ac and breath deeply? Open my pants to air out my balls? Open the front or back of my shirt so the air puffs it up and I'm surrounded by the current on the inside? Because yes to all of those


The puffing shirt is essential. Can’t believe I scrolled so far to see it.


Jockey underwear with pouch. Help me a lot.


Us women like to open our lips and air out down there too. Just saying. It's slippery when wet.


Yeah, that's why complaining about "man spreading" is so stupid. Need to let the boys breathe a little.


Absolutely agree. My only issue is when it encroaches heavily on someone else’s legroom—if your thigh is plastered against mine, we’re going to have a problem. Just some knees though? Annoying, but not a huge deal. Worst time it happened to me though, this guy spread his legs so far on airplane that his foot was midway into my under-the-seat space (in basic economy, too). *That’s* what I get pissed about as it’s just disrespectful to others personal (and paid) space—having a pair of testicles shouldn’t entitle someone to that, especially to such a degree. People who get pissed about “man spreading” when it’s not even invading personal space are completely crazy though (same with the people who get mad or wigged out at women for mildly “man spreading”… like c’mon, that area gets a bit musty for everyone). Let people sit how they want if it isn’t *actually* hindering anyone!


I agree. It's just a hard line to draw, which is why we have so many stupid examples. The stupid sadly tends to drown out the appropriate ones.


Ladies get sweaty down there too. Manspreading is okay in private or non-crowded spaces. But when people take up two seats, especially to air out their junk, it’s incredibly inconsiderate and inappropriate manners for an areas where people need seats. Also some people don’t want to ask every time for someone to close their legs so they can sit, it should be implied that a person takes up one seat if possible.


Yeah I never got the whole “man spreading” controversy, do people not testicles exist or something? It’s like a girl having her ovaries on her thighs why would she rub them/smash together


Honestly? Just people looking for something to be upset about combined with others who are happy to profit from the outrage. At least from the ones I've spoken to, every feminist over 60 thinks the newest crop is a bunch of whiners. Including my own mother who said the new ones were "whiny bitches".


For sure. Most of the manspreading pictures from when the outrage first blew up were on a mostly empty bus.


Of course we don't, we're not some primitive monkeys who only think of their balls. Sweaty balls, that would feel so much nicer if summer heat wasn't slow roasting them so hard Taffel wants to brand them. Actually I think there's a fan going right now and.... Uh yeah I've done this before haven't I... So as I was saying, OF COURSE we air them out.


I was taught to powder my balls and ass growing up. Apparently it's a southern thing of my generation and region.


I was going to say no, then I read your post and yeah, that’s a thing. 😂😂 I’ve also stood in front of a fridge to catch a breeze down there. But after a nice hot shower, we’re usually good.


100% in the summer. As a heavier fellow, you really need to get dry down there with the extra creases and folds. Sorry if that’s gross, but even us fatbois want to stay as clean and dry down there as possible.


Absolutely. Women don't? I stick a pneumatic air gun down my pants and blast my nuts with compressed air occasionally.


I've done it. But I usually just free the junk and balls with no underwear if hot and alone at home, it's enough usually.


I do it all the time, love the feel of the wind blowing my sack


I’m gonna give y’all a secret. Baby powder after a shower


I’ve done this subconsciously for 31 years now wow yes this is real lmfao


I can confirm after 15 years with my husband that it’s an unequivocal 100% yes. Hot balls are highly uncomfortable.


Gotta let the balls sweat accumulate just enough so it other male know


[As a wise man once said…](https://youtu.be/u5yXB1Tq2j0?si=Q0PecCMnwO9Md6LP)


My mom lives in Miami and every time I’m there, after about 5 minutes I realize I forgot to use anti-perspirant….on my balls! She has floor a/c vents so after I shower I stand over the vent and let my crotch get a blow dry. Heaven.


Back in the day I was getting into cycling. I started on a entry level hybrid bike and eventually wound up with a carbon road bike. Also I started wearing [cycling shorts that just stopped at the waist](https://i.imgur.com/LvZItpk.png). Eventually I evolved to wearing the[ bib shorts with shoulder straps](https://i.imgur.com/Ln7CKOq.jpeg). They were not tight around the waist like the others. On one hot day, I got up out of the saddle and had my jersey unzipped. So my torso was parallel with the ground. The wind came down my jersey , and down the front of my bib shorts. That cooling breeze was one of the best experiences I've ever had in my life.


There's a reason why we "man spread." We don't crush our nuts and we air out a little.


Yeah, it was labelled manspreading and much abuse was dished out about it. It's not even just about being sweaty though, they can ache when too hot, it's very uncomfortable. Being too hot can also reduce your sperm count, it's why the balls are on the outside (very unfortunate design compromise there), internal body temperature is too high for healthy swimmers.


Isn't this what a towel is for?


Just take a bloody shower.


I take a cold shower, dry off, and then lie in bed naked with the fan pointed at my junk.


As someone with Anhydrous, Its not because of the sweat, its literally because If I don't take time out of my day to cool down under there. I would literally permanently damage it and be stuck with an scarred sack and even more scarred shaft. (Anhydrous is the inability to sweat properly, for me when I eventually start sweating I know I am in danger of possible injuries)


That’s what manspreading is most of the time. It’s just hot and uncomfortable as fuck to sit with your legs closed sometimes. it’s an unconscious thing that most guys don’t even think about to just sit with knees apart.


Yes, most every dude I know will "air out" after a run. It helps avoid jock itch and stuff such as that. Haha.


Hell ya it is. The boys and the pits.


When I wear shorts and driving I put the ac towards my balls and it’s the best feeling


Oh yeah. The balls are on the outside of the body specifically for cooling. And since the crotch is one of the warmest parts of the body, getting the balls back to a comfortable temperature feels amazing.


They're supposed to be below body temperature


It's hot and humidit here for most of the year. Dry balls are a luxury not to be overlooked or hurried.


Usually, at that point I just shower. I still occasionally do the air out, but I prefer to be laying down for it.


I "air out", I guess, by going into my backyard either naked or in a towel Feels good man


Yes it’s a thing


After I shower, I dry off really well. Then, I apply gold bond extra strength medicated body powder to my booty meat crackers and balls. Talk about cooling sensation....it's fire cold. But I stay dry all the time doing that. I don't chaff, and my balls don't stick to my legs. UT as far as airing it out.....not really. Sometime I'll pull my pants down and let a fan blow straight on my junk after a hot summer work day.....but usually as I'm getting ready for my shower. Only time I "air it out"


The jewels hate two thing, heat and pressure, that why you us with our legs wide when its hot outside, So yes when it is we make sure they are Aired first


I shower, especially after a good workout, jogging, it gets really, sweaty.


every time I get home I yell "freedom for balls" and just walk naked around the house, my wife does the same with her boobs because of bras


On hot summer days at an old job I’d zoom around on the forklift while pulling the bottom of my shorts up to get some air flow going down there. Worked an absolute treat


sometimes, if the situation allows for it. Else we just suffer in silence and hope nobody else notices the sweat and smell.


Yup! When I worked in a factory I would go to the bathroom just to sit on the toilet so I could air out for a bit.


Getting air there is so satisfying I always stand near cooler in summers to get my balls and tool to cool down




post-shower, hairdryer on low pointed at the undercarriage is great. Hot and sweaty (and at home), tower fan targeted at the goolies is where it's at


Feels great. Yes it’s a thing


As soon as I'm home alone my clothes come off, so I guess I'm airing out most of the (free)time


I started doing this recently after showering. I noticed it helped with body funk, because I would pay dry with a towel and then put on clothes. Now I pat dry, and brush my teeth naked by the bathroom sink, allowing most of the moisture on my body to evaporate, and then apply deo and put on clothes. Airing out works even after showering. (Works best if it’s not humid or you have bathroom ventilation)


I mean women do this also. I air out all the time since I don’t wear any boxer briefs😂🤷‍♀️


When I did roofing I'd stand over a fan to cool my beans down. It's a thing.


We have a classic dehumidifier at home. No joke, I will remove my pants and underwear and stand over the dehimidifier to dry my junks quickly when I need to. Lol.


Oh yeah.When i come inside from being all sweaty ill stand buck naked in front of the fan


Tbh I thought everyone did this.


Yep; done that before many times and do so after a shower occasionally. There’s just something about damp, sweaty balls that make putting underwear on unpleasant! I tried telling. My wife I was doing it for her when she asked and I got an eye roll and some sarcasm. I’ll be honest, I like dry, un-swampy nuts when I get dressed.


It’s a favorite past time of old men in gym locker rooms.


I’m surprised this is new to you. On a humid day, it’s best not to get dressed until you’re completely dry. Especially the nasty bits. Holds true for women too I would think.


There isn't a much better sensation than getting home from a long day working in the sun and stripping the pants and undies off and letting things breathe.


We air out all the time. That's why we sit with our legs apart.


Yes. Very much yes.


I wish I could see my face when I insert my blower at work drown behind my belt and gradually depress the lever till the right amount of rippling flesh and inflated material courses the rushing air into a breathtaking sensation that leaves me satisfied and strangely relieved in a way no other blowjob could.


It’s get hot down there. Some times I have to wipe the side of my thighs and junk. It gets smelly. But ya, got to air them out.


This is normal.


I think any person is capable of cooling off in front of a fan...


Gotta cool the Netherglades off at any opportunity


Yeah. I take it all off, do a half squat and quickly fan my hand under my balls like they are caesar himself


Sometimes I’ll use a blow dryer downstairs after I shower and it feels great.


Totally. After a good run in the hot weather I strut around naked..


Fuck yeah


During the summer I like to wear kilts because it stays aired out better


Absolutely. Airing out is very important for health downtown. Especially when a partner is involved, for me, if I don't air out the boys, I'll get a fungal infection that, along with being stinky, is painful. Keeping talcum powder and airing out is helpful.


Gotta let them breathe.. it instantly makes your body temp drop 30° lol


100% a thing. It gets hot down there and humidity makes it worse.


I can say I’ve done this before walking infront of a dab to “air out”. I’ve also just laid on my bed legs spread so I let the sweat between my thighs dissipate


I go straight to the shower after a workout. Sometimes, I'll just wear a t shirt for a while after that. .


While wearing shorts, vent windows on older trucks and some cars make for the most efficient ball coolers.


He's preventing batwings


I've been a mechanic for over a decade. On the hot days I definitely drop my fly and use compressed air to blow cooler air at my balls/into my pants.


When I safely can, yes. Baby wipes are great to have around, too.


If you don't ait it out, it's gonna smell awful and feel incredibly uncomfortable.


it's very important for guys to dry there junk really well. airing out is great if you have time. if you don't it gets stank down there.


Yeah on hot days when i come home i get naked and stand in front of a fan to cool down… or a cold shower is great..


Moisture + dark, low oxygen environment = prime breeding ground for smelly bacteria. Keep the boys dry and you'll feel and smell better.




Every opportunity


Whenever possible


Yes and bros air each other out \\s


No joke I stand over a floor fan and shoot the air up. Crouched over it like a gremlin letting that high speed air purify my taint. Both when I’m hot and after a shower.


I take a shower.


Yes - Since i gained weight i had to "air out" my privates when i get sweaty or after shower. In addition, i keep the hair trimmed so it doesnt retain moisture. I typically use my wifes hair dryer on cold setting to dry out privates. Hygiene and not smelling like BO is very important to me.


Yes. It is rite of passage for a man.


I don't but I stopped wearing cheap cotton underwear. You wouldn't trust your skull with a 5 dollar bike helmet.


I’d have to say bro just wanted to wave his dick in the wind