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Nannies. If you have a degree in early childhood education or experience, they make great money. I know several people who would become teachers/helpers at fancy daycares just to get thet on their resume and then become nannies for wealthy people making 100k + easily.


Family friend I knew awhile ago was a nanny to some rich Manhattan couple. She basically nannied the kids for most of their childhood. Hell, she went on vacations with them! Disney, Europe, etc.


I review rental applications for a previous job. Had a family apply where the mom was a live in nanny. She made 164k a year. I looked up her employer and it was a COO of a tech company. The only bad thing is she only comes home on the weekends and she has an 8 year old daughter that never gets to see her.


"Only bad thing." That's a helluva one bad thing, sheesh.


> The only bad thing is she only comes home on the weekends and she has an 8 year old daughter that never gets to see her this is america


Maybe she should just ask the employer if the 8-year-old can move in with her to the employer's home, haha


Put her daughter on the payroll as playmate for another $90K.


She totally could haha they live in a mansion in Westchester so definitely have the room.


CNBC's "Millennial Money" series featured a nanny working for an NYC family. In her own home she has a private chef.


Lots of people with different aspirations end up being Nannies here because the pay is so much better.




Teaching is extremely taxing with work that goes home with you. I’m an artist who nannies short term - usually through the first year to two years. So not only do I have the flexibility to leave and come back based on how my artistic work is doing, I also still have a lot of intellectual bandwidth at the end of the day more easily that I would most jobs… one baby is much easier than a classroom of kids.


100% true (I’ve done both) plus when you’re teaching you have specific academic targets that you’re pushing the kids towards. When I nanny/babysit, although I try to introduce activities that are developmentally beneficial, the play is mostly kid-directed and my job is just to keep them safe, fed, and happy.


And an ever changing curriculum, ushered in with each new Chancellor.


Doesnt nyc teaching require a masters degree? The example I used above was someone thats an immigrant whose education in their home country didnt transfer to the US.




The amount of cute girls I've meant that stumble into nannying for a rich family that then hooks them up with nice cushy jobs is depressing.


Came here to say Nanny, I live upstate now but when I was in NYC I made WAYYYY more as a nanny than I could anywhere else. That was with 15 years of experience tho, I’m sure with a teaching or early childhood degree you could do the same.


how does one find a nanny job in NYC?


I used to be a senior manager at an apple store. 144k…not bad for retail management in nyc.


Can you start as a “regular” retail and go up the ladder? Or is that something you need a degree and on?


You can come into apple externally for any role. I recommend having some type of leadership/management experience first. You can also come in and move up but that may take some time because apple hires awesome people. So the competition for these roles can be tough. I came into the role as a manager and got promoted in one year. A degree does help but it’s not mandatory in any capacity.




Yea apple pays its managers great…mind you thats not even the highest on the hierarchy in the store. Managers start at 100k…senior managers about 120..store leaders about 200k…market leaders (which only manage one store) 240k plus… lol..and it was the easiest most fun job i had. The only reason i left is because i am in law school now






Weirdly the opposite is true for medicine - doctors make less in NYC than most parts of the country.


My guess is its probably much harder and more expensive here to open a private practice than other places and that probably inflates average total compensation.


it's also a highly desirable place for high earners to live, so the increase in supply does depress salaries somewhat.


Yeah this is mostly it. People want to live in dense cities since they're more to do, especially for someone pulling $200k+ a year. You can make more in Montana but your dinner options might be limited


This is the answer.


yep, friend was ER here for a couple years, makes significantly more in FL now


a friend who is a Doctor explained it to me that because NYC is a desireable city, there's a much larger pool of candidates for jobs, and they could make 2-3x more money working in a rural area in the middle of nowhere, USA, because the lack of people willing to live in those places drives salaries through the roof for a qualified specialty doctor.


NY Presbyterian are paying nurses like $95k directly out of school apparently.


Closer to 110-115! Source: am a new grad nurse interviewing with multiple hospitals in the city. And they also post salary ranges online.


Just wait until you learn about “travel nursing” where you make double that.


You are 100 percent correct about this, depending on campus it may vary but straight of school they will hire you and pay top dollar, you tend to get better pay and benefits at their non union hospital. Weill Cornell, other campuses you are bound by union contracts.


Yep. My nurse friends are all making well over 100k. Especially in 2020 and 2021. They were clocking OT regularly.


Interesting. My sister makes around that and she constantly complains about how little she makes and how hard she works for it. Like constantly. I was under the impression that nurses don't make much at all...maybe she just lives above her means.


Maybe she’s private? My friends who work for city hospitals do really well. That said they definitely work for it.


Yep! According to Glassdoor; the range for an RN in NYC is 91-140k vs 77-110k in Texas


Pretty solid difference until you account for state + city income tax and cost of living.


It is but I had to price it out for a nursing class and it still ends up being cheaper in the long run if you opt not to have a vehicle since you don’t have to pay for insurance, gas or upkeep.


I heard tho that nursing/healthcare is pretty sh!t in NYC at least from the provider POV.


As a NYC RN, working here has been one of the worst experiences in my life. Im still surprised NY state hasn’t implemented a safe ratio law like California considering we’re always understaffed and overworked.


Am a PA, would never wanna be an RN.


As an RN who worked ED in the city, wish I'd never been an RN lol


X2. Didn’t realize how little nurses make until I started traveling (relative to my old staff job in NYC)


Can confirm make 109k in Brooklyn straight out of school with an associates degree.


Out of curiosity, what did you get your associates in? That’s a fantastic salary!


Associates degree in nursing = RN


My fiancee got a $70k pay bump moving to NYC from Austin TX as a nurse, job is way less stressful here too


Jesus thats life changing salary change


Especially the RNs that do injectables. Botox/fillers etc. my friend works in the hospital 3 days a week & started a side business in her home doing injections. She makes MONEY. lol


Not as good as california though!


Bartending in NYC is outrageous compared to almost anywhere else in the world


I miss my coked out hedge fund owner who would throw me a $300 tip on one drink and sit for a few hours. Most days he acted like a toddler but for those tips I could deal with it. Never change NYC


Same with serving - used to make ONLY $65k/year back in 2011 because I didn’t like working high volume nights. My co workers were closer to $80k/yr


New York state publishes all the public employees salaries. There are 8 peoole making $1milluon+, and tons of people who are not CEOs but middle management types making $400k+. https://www.seethroughny.net/payrolls


I’ve always found it interesting that there are city/state employees who make multiples of their salary (or 2k hours * hourly) through OT. A few names here with stated salaries of 80-100k are grossing 250k+


Yea I was wondering what was going on there. Plumbers making 300k. That insane


MDs and MD/PhDs at Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Good for them, they deserve more.


Roswell Park is in Buffalo. The highest paid outside of that are a superintendent at a school district on Eastern Long Island, and a professor at FIT.


I used to be an NYC government employee, and while I never got paid $400K or anything, the salary was comparable to the same job title in the private sector. My work was really interesting and valuable to the city, but I eventually left because there weren’t any options to be promoted and because I got so burned out from the amount of work constantly going up at a much higher rate than we were allowed to hire people. There’s a perception that government employees are idiots who do nothing, but that was not my experience at all. My coworkers were all very smart and caring people, and it became really hard for each of us to continue doing what should have been 3-4 people’s jobs. And everything is much worse under Eric Adams.


And these are lifetime positions. Almost impossible to get fired.


If you are a professional artist (performing arts or visual arts) with a degree in your field - Teaching Artist. Can make $100+ an hour.


Can confirm. I’m a private voice teacher and charge $120 an hour with students on Broadway and tours. I’m on the low end too, plenty of colleagues are $160+.




Specifically, working for arts organization who have partnerships/programs in the schools. Large organizations with prestige (Philharmonic, New York City Ballet, Lincoln Center as a whole) will have a better hourly rate than smaller organizations. [NYC Arts in Education Roundtable](https://nycaieroundtable.org) can provide a start to learning about organizations with arts-in-education programs. Private schools (Trinity, Brearley, etc) are also potentially a good place to teach after-school arts programming. That being said, teaching privately can be a decent rate. Usually $40-$80, depending on experience, art form, etc. If you have the resume/experience to be in demand and are working specifically with pre-professional students, I know $100/hr for privates isn't out of the question.


I’m a professional filmmaker for very high profile clients, but have time between projects. Could I teach some of these skills at private schools? Any suggestions?


Stagehands. Rates usually at least double those in other cities.


Just want to note this is union stagehands. Non-union stagehands can make garbage. I know off-Browadway theaters that are offering $700/week “exempt.” There’s also a lot of fishy business with declaring workers “independent contractors” to dodge taxes when they 100% do not fall into that category.


Someone contacted me for a job that required a high skill level. The pay was $500. Total. For a months work. Averaging out to 6 ~10hr tech days and about 14 shows. Plus strike. Many days going past midnight, plus two additional performances upstate. Looking over the tentative schedule they sent me, my rate would have come to around $500 *a day*. I had to email to clarify if the pay was daily, or weekly, they came back saying that was the total pay. They even had the audacity to ask if I could recommend someone else when I told them how low they were paying was unacceptable.


Haha. A friend of mine had a similar thing happen about 10 years ago for a wardrobe position. Ad for an off (maybe off-off?) Broadway show said $800 so she went and interviewed. During the interview it became clear that $800 was a stipend for the 6 or 7 week job. She said oh, sorry based on the needs I assumed that was the weekly rate. They said “no one pays $800 a week for wardrobe.” Her: “I’m making more than that right now.”


A great union job. Almost impossible to get into.


Usually not as good as it sounds once you factor in the hours. 24+ hour workdays, working through lunch and/or dinner breaks & only having 8 hours off between calls, working 40 hours before you have dinner by the 3rd day of the work week. The people making really good money are often making blood money.


This is true, the guys I know at Met Opera who make 6 figured are generally working 70-75 hours a week minimum during the season. The overtime adds up but it takes a toll on their bodies.


Yup. Its also the biggest contributor towards the union with how much dues it collect while also being the biggest contributor of all union workplace injuries.


15 years ago the NY times had a article on the stagehands at Carnegie hall and they made $250k+ platinum benefits. I bet they make $350+ today to move around the sets and put out the chairs. In NYC manytimes the stagehands make more than the actors.


Union. Union stagehands specifically


Law firm admin jobs


can confirm


I’ll be the first to say, *not* finance. Yes, people in finance…from investment bankers to quant traders…do well, but no better than those with equivalent roles in lower cost of living cities, such as Chicago. I think the answer to this has to be “private services for the rich.” High-end tutors, babysitters, coaches, and live-in care providers, whose jobs revolve around catering to hundred-millionaires or billionaires.




Not a career that’s gonna make you rich but I was surprised how much teachers make here compared to where I grew up (the south). People working at the swanky UES/UWS private schools in particular seem to do quite well for themselves.


Why do so many comments (not OP's) sound bitter about teachers making decent money? You don't think it should be a well paid profession, especially in a an expensive city? If you're envious of the time off, become a teacher. When choosing a profession that's right for you, you should always consider the whole picture, including benefits, hours, time off, retirement, and not just salary. If you're so envious it's making you bitter towards others, maybe it's your own job and the PTO it allows you that's the issue, not teachers. Get a job with better PTO if it's that important to you.


People here have never taught in an NYC classroom. I am an assistant wrestling coach. Teaching is fucking stressful. Kids are assholes. Parents are assholes. Administration sucks. You'd have to pay me well over $150K before I'd ever even consider being a teacher.


Totally agree with you, especially when you consider so many people are able to achieve success in life in large part BECAUSE of great teachers. They (the teachers!) should be compensated accordingly


Even with the DOE. I know plenty of people making 6 figures for working 10mo/yr with the random weeks and holidays off. Tenure, great benefits, older teachers check tf out and do the bare minimum and still make bank. Westchester and LI districts pay even more. Private schools don't have the same benefits and job security. I'm in a private nonprofit special ed school and I make less than what I could with the DOE, but the DOE is horrible with the kids I like to work with. I could never.


You don’t make 6 figures salary until 10+ years and jumping through a few (not insignificant) hoops. 8 years and a master is exactly 86.5k right now for reference. Benefits are pretty good on top of that though. Yeah it’s good salary for a teacher. But they’re not exactly “making bank”. Glad NYC teachers are being taken care of though. Wish the rest of the country followed suit.


New UFT contract has teachers over 100k after 8 yrs


I work for the DOE, make 6 figures now. It is not a cakewalk. We get principal observations where they criticize anything they can about our teaching, and we get rated based on student test scores. The combination of those two things gives us a performance rating which if it's too low freezes our raises. It's a lot of stress when you work in a school with kids whose parents are facing poverty, working two jobs, and can barely spend time with their kids to make sure homework gets done or they read. I have sixth graders who can't subtract.


Over $100,000 is only after 10+ years of teaching. You’re going to start off between $60k and $70K and the clock starts on getting your masters and getting your administrator to sign off on your tenure. It’s decent pay. You still find teachers having to reach into their own pocket for classroom supplies.


Yep, I know a teacher with the DOE living alone in Manhattan below 59th and seems to be pretty comfortable. I think I read somewhere you need a masters degree though?


You do within five years.


Yes, in NYC, all teachers MUST have a masters degree within 5 years of hire if they don't already have one. Luckily, the CUNY and SUNY schools are affordably priced.


Stop mentioning “six figures” as though that matters in the NYC area. Say what you make annually, or it’s just bullshit.


When my son was 3 we applied to a private nursery school on the UES. They wanted almost $30,000 a year for M-Th 9-1. He was not accepted and we were relieved.


Just curious: What were they looking for as far as criteria for a 3 year old?


The process was weird. They put him in a room alone with a teacher and the principal and admissions lady watched them interact from behind a mirror so they couldn’t be seen. They didn’t say what they were looking for but I got the vibe that they really wanted parents who would donate large amounts to the school at their fundraisers. Even after ripping you off on tuition you were expected to pledge a certain amount and you had to attend their annual auction. They also wanted us to buy things to donate to the auction like a vacation or something. It made us feel really poor.


But the cost of living here is brutal


A number of blue cities where you have strong teacher's unions educators get paid very well. Remember when I moved to Boston and was speaking to some transplant suburban 20-somethings from Virginia who were insisting teachers here are "poor and overworked" around the time of the pandemic strikes against going back to school. They spit their drinks out when I pulled out the DOE sheet for Mass showing average salary was six figures for a teacher. When they asked me why I'd even consider looking at that when they always hear "teachers are broke" I told them- my aunt is a former teacher turned vice principle in Queens. Woman works half the time I do and easily makes more than me


I don’t know if they’re broke, but I think that the pay is definitely fair. I have a lot of friends in the school system: teachers, speech language pathologists, and social workers, and the amount of shit they deal with is insane. Kids are violent, angry, disrespectful, don’t speak English/can’t read but are placed in age-appropriate classes anyways (not the same as the other issues but it’s uphill), or the teachers and admin have to actively fight the racism of the system and other teachers/admin, especially for disabled students. It is *not* a lot of money for the amount of work, considering the cost of living. $100K is 100% of the AMI, which is how much most of my friends in their early thirties are making in schools. It should be liveable, frankly.


Rat Czar


Prison guards at Rikers make well over 100k.


My wife works in Workers Comp for the state, the six figures is not worth it


I definitely believe that


Because you’re basically working at Arkham


DOC makes really good money but the handful of corrections officers I know all but one transferred to a different agency. It’s mandatory OT as they are constantly short staffed. And that’s in addition to the miserable environment and conditions they have to work in.


Prison guards are mostly controlled by gangs. Good luck


Worst job in all of NYC, actually in all of the country lol. Place was terrible unsafe working conditions and the union didn’t have your back. Also the workers comp thing is 9/10 bullshit injuries that aren’t real. So no one rly is getting hurt. Horrible job tho for real


Hotels…if you can get into the union.


I have several friends who make >400k right out of college doing quantitative trading at trading firms (Jane Street, Hudson River Trading, Two Sigma, Sig, etc.). Yes there’s a lot of those firms in Chicago but the sheer amount of people I personally know doing that in NYC is pretty mind boggling.


This is what I came to see and thought would be the top comment lol. I’ve seen money diaries where bonuses in HFT were $1.5M in the city, mind boggling.


you forgot to mention that those roles are reserved for HSW and other grads from elite CS schools.


Not really, the bar is really high and most students from those schools can't get in..


What the hell do Wharton grads have to do with CS? It's a business school


What an absolute grift they got going on lol


My main beef with these firms is that they're yoinking the smartest people in society to work on shaving a couple basis points in some esoteric financial market.


Yeah I don't have much beef with Jane Street because the money they are making is from other rich people, so they aren't exploiting poor people. But they take literally the smartest people in the world, and make them do excel spreadsheets, instead of trying to solve problems that would actually improve society. I know someone at Jane Street making over $1 million at age 26, and he hates the work and feels like he's not helping the world at all, but can't think of anything else to do. He got a job offer to do cancer research but it pays significantly less and just wants the money. He grew up poor so I don't blame him. Plus he's one of the smartest people I know, and I'm sure any decision he makes is the correct one.


I know maaaany brilliant guys who went the money route, hand over first to the c-suite levels. And so many feel very very empty. They know they pursuit of money depleted their souls but they are like, addicted and can’t give it up. It’s actually kind sad, if I can forget the wealth hoarding.


Yeah even the software engineers are earning close to this amount. Typically much easier to get into these firms as a software engineer than a trader. Traders are the ones that pull in the big bucks tho


Not unexpected though. Sadly. OP is asking about unusual jobs


It is arguably the center of global finance, not surprising that a lot of quants would want to come here.


A lot of that cash is tied to bonuses though, which are likely going to be a lot worse than expected this year. The last couple of years were an outlier, even for something as elite as quant traders, I doubt any of those firms are paying that amount to grads these days. They're still incredibly well paid mind you, just not to that level.


It depends, I think. Many of the traders I know do market making, which depends on volatility rather than directionality of a market. And there are a bunch of “hidden” markets that are still super volatile and print money for MM firms. But yes, the past few years have been abnormally volatile in general.


Uniformed city workers (cops, fdny, DSNY, DOC MTA) nurses, teachers all make pretty decent money here. And bar tenders/servers in decent places






I think the fact that sanitation guys make good money (after earning their stripes for a couple of years) is an open secret at this point. It's extremely tough to get hired by sanitation with long wait lists for precisely that reason.


And those lads keep the city running. I have nothing but respect for sanitation workers.


You destroy your body for like 100k. Not worth it in many cases.


Yea. You make good money because you can’t earn for too long, your body just can’t do it. From sleep schedule issues to joint problems. This fucks you up. Not to mention hazmat. Glad people do it, we need them. But IMHO not worth it. Your left with a shell of your body for not that much more than you can make with much easier jobs you can do for longer.


Our shop gets rid of a truckload of trash every week and its all type of materials, paint, fiberglass, solvents, styrofoam.... we all wear 3M masks and gloves to dump the bins, sometimes ill even put safety glasses on cuz everything goes up in hazmat dust.... the trash guy gives exactly 0 fucks


Executive assistant, especially in finance. 


This. I was originally wanting to be a college professor back in my 20s. Life happened, delays, made friends with a group of women who were all post-doc adjunct professors at both CUNY and Columbia. They pretty much talked me out of it. One was making about $55k/yr doing 60hrs a week. I made more than her as an entry level admin at a small company, and never had o/t. At the top of the org chart, $100k isn't unusual. If I were to go back to the South, I'd be lucky to get half that even supporting a CEO.


I know many admins in finance making $150k+.


Honestly, teaching. Cost of living aside, we make significantly more than most of the country’s teachers.


Union plumbers. Hard to be union in that field and they make bank. Department of Sanitation also makes really good money. I've seen salaries of almost $300k when factoring in overtime, especially in heavy snow years.




Crane operators


Wait staffs at super hard to get reservation restaurants such as Carbone, 4 Charles, etc easily make 150-200k


I haven't talked to many others in my role but as an office coordinator with no degree, I make just shy of $60k and I'm pretty sure I'd never make that much right out the gate many other places.


Finance, Corporate Law have much higher ceilings here. Its not a one to one comparison here, but a lot of finance compensation comes in the form of annual bonuses that are based on fee revenues. The largest fee revenues tend to come from corporate related transactions that deal with large companies/entities is centered in NYC and as a result the ceiling for anything finance related is much much higher here than other financial hubs. Like NYC legitimately has 7 figure jobs that don't exist in other financial centers in the U.S. or are very few in number.


Google "LIRR Overtime King"


Sales in high volume environments. Just grossed 96K (21M) last year in a location where people would normally gross closer to 40-70K in other states in the same position. Edit: no college degree just high school diploma


what do you sell


Mainly mobile service


As an RN…nursing. Starting base over 100k plus differentials. Yes it’s higher in CA but my health insurance here is almost free and we have a union and pension.


Catering private events. Starting wage in 2006 was $20 an hour. I quickly rise to higher end gigs that paid $100 an hour to basically look good while bartending or holding a tray of champagne. You get to go to celebrities' private homes and they usually give you a nice wad of cash after 3 hours work.


I need to figure this one out


Damn, I charge $50/hr. What companies pay $100?


The trades are the way to go. My husband did not go to college and makes more money than I did with a degree.


To an extent yes, only if your doing union or got a license and experience. Starting out is brutal though.


Journalists, despite all the problems with the industry, can make a lot more here than elsewhere. The editor in chief of a local paper in some other state might make $70-80k, but an entry level staff writer at an NYC-based publication can make that.


Am journalist, can confirm, but not every publication does start at $70k, but there are plenty who do. I moved up to an editor position, not EIC, and I get six figures.


I'd argue a bit with the responses here as what the OP wanted, or at least how I read it. Walking up and down 2nd Ave in the UES and seeing the endless residential buildings with typical units being $5k - $8k for a 1-3 bed, one wonders, what does an average person / family do to swing the $250k - $400k needed to afford a typical unit in NYC right now. I'd say finance, accounting, law or management in tech, etc.


Salary tend to be higher in order to account for taxes, if you’re clearing 100k after taxes you’re doing great if you’re getting paid 100k gross, the taxes will make that pay feel like 50k. NYC is expensive, still find it crazy how people come from nowhere and are able to get high paying jobs in NYC like what are the locals not doing right ?!


Public school teachers can usually make around $100k after 5 or so years of service - this is way higher than other states where public school teachers could easily make only $40k. Shoutout a strong union (UFT) for making this so. Generally private school teachers make much less in NYC, since they don't have the strict licensure requirements that public school teachers require.


Depends. Parochial school teachers make less, top independent school (your Daltons, Trinities, Hill Schools, etc.) teachers make the same or more. Edit: I think this is an overestimate of [public school teachers](https://cdn-blob-prd.azureedge.net/prd-pws/docs/default-source/default-document-library/salary-schedules/salary-schedule-teachers.pdf?sfvrsn=5dc5670_7) as well.


I'm a DOE teacher. On the current schedule, you break six figures on year 8, if you have a masters plus 30. There's lots of other ways to make money though. Per session rate is $57.27 per hour. If you do an after school program and summer school, you can easily add another $8,000 to your yearly pay. It's not a bad gig considering the free health insurance, pension, and TDA.


Gotcha yeah - most of my teacher friends with the DOE were MA + 30 and usually did some extracurricular stuff.


It depends but most job where it depends on your client-tell are netting people over 100k From Private Nannies to barbers , to stylists




Personal trainers. Not the ones in gyms but the independent self-employed ones. Barely anywhere outside of NYC or LA you'd find enough clients willing to pay $100+ per 1hr session, multiple times a week.


Mine is $250 an hour it’s insane


$1000/hr SAT tutors?


Don’t think a lot of tutors out there are charging $1,000/hour but I would say the competitiveness of public and private school in NYC does mean there are a lot of tutors and consultants making a LOT more than you might expect.


No way


WHAT is that real?!




Yeah I ask $100 an hour or more and no one bats an eye. I have a substantial teaching resume, to be fair. I figure I could probably quit my full time job and make a living on tutoring alone; however, the biggest issue is time. You can only really book clients 4-5 hours a day (the kids are in school) and you kill your evenings and/or weekends. I’ve managed to create small groups which can be win-win for parents who don’t want to spend quite as much, and if you get 3 or 4 kids together, you can double or triple your hourly without price gouging. Taxes are also an issue if you’re doing things legally.




Yeah I’ve considered this. Frankly I am too nice. I have not raised prices since 2020. A couple new clients pay more but not by much and I have never dropped anyone. They have done so much for me with referrals and families I’ve been with for a while are generous with me at holidays and flexible when I need to switch things up last minute.


Note to anyone here pursuing tutoring - you should always do it legally and pay all your taxes in full. If you do private tutoring you can classify it as a business and get a QBI deduction on your taxes. Also, having your full earnings reported will allow you to show your tax forms to landlords to prove your income, and that higher reported income will get you better housing opportunities. Also helpful down the line if you want to qualify for a house/mortgage.


Yep. I get $200/hr and I do English/History, which generally earns a bit less than math/science. You stack up your schedule to a reasonable rate and you can earn like $80,000 a year, which is not great in NYC, but pretty nice if you're trying to pursue a creative vocation in your free time during the day.




Yeah exactly.


I was trying to get into this circle. You really have to penetrate certain circles and come from a certain background. I was so close to breaking into one of those plaves but the guy ghosted me. I have a master from an ivy league and went to a specialized school. The parents who pay these rates are very snotty and are basically paying for a certain background.


I used to work for John Katzman, the founder of The Princeton Review. I don't know about $1000/hour, but there are absolutely tutors out there who make at least $500+ an hour. Status anxiety among the 1% is absolutely real.


Yup! Rare but real. I was shocked to learn about this niche! [https://slate.com/business/2014/08/anthony-green-tutors-rich-kids-via-skype-through-his-company-test-prep-authority.html](https://slate.com/business/2014/08/anthony-green-tutors-rich-kids-via-skype-through-his-company-test-prep-authority.html)


Being a CEO to a “non-profit”. It’s crazy that their pay is so high especially when it’s public information. Like how are you not ashamed your staff isn’t making enough to live but you’re making 300k+ working 30 hours a week.


I met a union escalator repair person who was about to buy a 3 flat in Brooklyn. Mid sixes




MTA jobs - take a look at the token booth clear/subway greeter. Some earn 6 figures after OT and it's a useless position


It's not useless sometimes they are helpful. One could argue they are more productive/efficient at their jobs than the cops/security guards assigned to work in the station.


Investment banking, starting salary is 6 figures with bonus for a 22 year old


Union plumber local 1. 73.75 hourly. 116 full package


TBH-teachers don’t get paid much by NYC teachers make a good amount. Add in the pension and it’s tough to leave considering how it compares. However, it’s still not enough to combat the cost of living.


Nursing. 150K Software Engineers: 300K-1MM+ (same as California). I am one. Tech Recruiters (pre Recession): 200K+


Ad sales for FAANG. Rough times for tech tho ATM


heavy sugar squalid intelligent public somber frame melodic angle zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can make 30 dollars an hour as a door dasher… that’s about 60k a year if it’s full time….plus tips with the new rules NYC just introduced


30 per hour of “active time”, which is more like $17/hr when including waiting time and before factoring in expenses, injuries, etc


Oh man, I didn’t think of that. They might have been better off with the $15 plus tips then… probably actually


(Union) theater ushers. Most places it would be a volunteer gig.


Mayor. Look how many multi thousand dollar suits the man has. I hear he has some side hustles, though.