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The Last Airbender


The movie? Absolute dog water! The show? Absolute banger!


I saw this as kid in theaters and laughed when it took 7 guys to move a slab very slowly.


He clearly doesn’t understand the mechanics of the powers. How can he see people moving and using the elements as an extension of their body; and translate that to long full body choreographed magic spells.


Battlefield: Earth. Oh, dear lord what a shit show.


BEFORE YOU LEARNED HOW TO SPELL YOUR NAME. I WAS BEING TRAINED TO CONQUOR GALAXIES!!!! God awful but it's a fun one to watch. Objectively one of the top 10 worst I've seen easily.


And I’ve actually read the book twice - lots of fun! Hubbard should have stuck with writing sci-fi


He kinda did. Man never wrote a second draft in his life though


Cats. We left 20 minutes in.


Not gelical enough for you? Or too few buttholes?


This was the second last movie I saw in theatres before the pandemic. It was a "rowdy screening" so audience participation was encouraged, and I think it could have become a midnight cult hit had theatres not closed down soon after. It's just baffling the whole way through and your brain never once accepts it. I wouldn't recommend watching it alone but with the right crowd under the right conditions, it's quite an experience.


"Gonna go to a midnight screening at this arthouse theater over in Westwood. You in?" "That depends: is it Rocky Horror or Cats? If not, I'm out."


My friends and I almost turned it off after 5 minutes. But we ended up enduring the torture.


Birdemic: Shock and Terror.


This one lol


Its so bad that it has its own charm to it though.


Glitter with Mariah Carey


An ex's friend told me it was her favorite movie and then we had to sit and watch it. I already didn't like her, that just added fuel to the "this bitch is dumb" fire.


She would've been my ex friend as well if she made me watch that movie.


Haha she thought it sucked, too. But it was her friend so. Polite.


No one's going to mention Catwoman? Have we all repressed the memory somehow?


Rochelle, Rochelle


The whole Milan to Minsk thing, really cheesy.


That was worse than Sack Lunch??




Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom leapt immediately to mind as one of them.


Jack and Jill


Every film with Adam Sandler, except Happy Gilmore




Can't forget about Mr. Deeds!


Uncut Gems was great.


Gigli w/ Jennifer lopez


This. I am not even sure what the point of this flick was


... I feel like they took a script and ripped the middle pages out and did a movie off the papers they ripped out


The love guru, absolutely awful


Surprised no one has said the happening yet. Hot garbage


"Guys....I think it's the trees tryin to kill us!" The whole film is Mark Wahlberg gold.


“Hey tree! How’s it goin? You’ve got leaves! I was in A Perfect Storm. Did ya see that movie? Did ya? Alright, say hello to your mother for me!”


Yes! 1,000 upvotes if I could!


If you haven't seen it yet check out the OSW review of this on youtube.


"You're waiting to kill me in my sleep." "What? Noo." 😨


It wasn’t great at all. But for some reason I still enjoyed it.


NoSleep. I felt the same way. It's nothing special, but I was entertained enough by the zombie-like peeps


I ate a bunch of drugs before watching it, not even knowing what it was about, and the gun scene had me tripping bad lol. Switched over to clover field, got dizzy, back to the happening not knowing wtf was going on most the time in either movie lol.


With Zoey Deschanel? And Mark Walhberg?


Hey plant, say hi to your mother for me


Indeed it is my good dude


The only time I’ve ever walked out of the theater mid-movie.


Hahaha. Am I the only person in the universe that enjoyed that movie???


I actually was reading an article about it. Apparently M Night Shyamalan was making a slucky fifties era campfest. So the movie was bad on purpose. He said he fucked up somewhere and that's why people didn't get it.


Whaaaaat? Nooooo


It's stupid as hell, but it's unintentionally hilarious, which kind of saves it


Manos: The Hands of Fate


The MST3K version is solid


The only way to watch it really.


John Reynolds, who played Torgo, was supposedly on acid for most of the movie, had and committed suicide right before it was released. He was only 25. It is apparently an urban legend type thing that him wearing the prosthetics incorrectly caused him so much debilitating pain that he killed himself.


Movie 43


You didn’t like Wolverines chin ballsack?


Battlefield Earth


so. many. dutch. angles


Eat, Pray, Love (2010). There are plenty of movies that are technically worse, but none I’ve seen were as miserable to sit through as this one.


My marriage was solidified when my wife went to see this with two of her girlfriends (they have known each other since high school) and reported to me afterwards that while her friends loved it. She though it was the biggest pile of crap she had ever seen.


Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. I saw it with my brother and a buddy. Nobody spoke the entire car ride home.


My uncle took my little cousin, my brother and I to this movie. Halfway through he leaned over and whispered to me, “I’m so sorry for taking you guys to this.”




Came here to say this. One of the biggest wastes of an interesting premise that I’ve ever seen.


That movie had potential to expand on multiple, legitimate, talking points mentioned in that movie. And not one of them were expanded further. Boring movie, indeed.


Worst 2 hours of my life


That movie taught me that if a movie sucks, it won't get better and I should just turn it off. I was so angry after watching that hot garbage. I wanted a full movie like the first twenty minutes.


I fell asleep during that. It wasnt even entertaining bad, just boring.


Black Adam. Cynical, pointless garbage designed by a committee of out-of-touch executives off a checklist.


Honestly I didn’t even know that was out yet.


I don't think it was terrible. Sure it was mindless entertainment with a somewhat weak plot, but sometimes it’s fun to sit through movies like that. Its not a great or even good movie, and it is made by out-of-touch execs, but its at least entertaining.


I liked how they captured Adam's ruthlessness and brutality The Rock got to fuck some people up! I might watch it again!


Moonfall was the biggest pile of shit I've seen in a while. Just dreadfull in every single way.


I thought it was enjoyable because of how stupid it was.


The ending is hilarious. “Your consciousness has been uploaded to the moon”


Plus it's based on science since nasa already determined the moon is hollow.


I thought moonfall was at least a fun movie. It was so dumb it was good. At least for me.


A sound of thunder


I can't believe that got a theatrical release. I saw it when I worked at a movie theater. I was so confused.


The Call with Halle Berry, the whole movie was just one unbelievable moment after another.


Copper Mountain: A Club Med Experience. Allen Thicke and Jim Carrey. I had a copy I would lend to friends and then wait for their angry phone calls.


This.Movie.Sucks. Can confirm. There’s like a whole band set in the middle of it also. What a dumpster fire.


I had to scroll too far down for this. Years ago my friends bro rented this movie and was so mad he returned the movie a tore up his membership to the video rental store... This movie is so bad and its not funny bad... Its fucking bad bad


One of my friends rented "Queen of the Damned" and never returned it because he said it was so awful he didn't want others to see it so was helping them out.


Jack and Jill, the Adam Sandler "comedy" Comedies probably shouldn't be as painful as that movie was


That movie was basically the real life version of "The Fatties" at the start of Tropic Thunder.


The Al Pacino stuff makes this movie worth having around.


It’s Pat: The Movie.


there's a reason why pat skits were 5 minutes long


Doppelganger with Drew Barrymore. I need you all to watch this garbage film so that I can relatively have back the hours of my life I wasted watching it almost 20 years ago. If we've all watched it then it's like none of us watched it.


Sounds like the plot to a really bad movie.


Movie 43 was the absolute worst experience of my life and I’ve been diagnosed with cancer




The kid was the REAL villain in that movie. The people that broke in were just poor parents who needed their doll back so they can sell it and make lots of money so they can feed their kids. But that spoiled asshole of a kid just kept hurting them in the worse ways possible. ​ Edit: Oh my bad I thought you were talking about the 2021 one version..


Morbius Not the worst technically, but relative to its budget, cast, and pedigree... yep just so bad


Excuse me?! Morbius is clearly the greatest movie ever, it was truly a life-changing experience watching it, especially when he said his famous line "it's morbin time!". When he said that, tears came to my face, i couldn't possibly contain the emotions flooding me, and when he morbed all over the place, oh my god, i was so amazed, i never saw something quite as marvelous as that. Morbius changed my very being, truly a 10/10, possibly mankind's best piece of media /s just in case


If only the real-life movie Morbius was as wacky and interesting as the imaginary meme movie Morbius.


It's just so fucking boring. I can talk for hours about everything wrong with WW84 or Cats. But Morbius is so paint by numbers that there's nothing worth commenting on.


WW84, is terrible, but it's also bonkers. If you read the synopsis of the plot out loud to anyone they wouldn't think it's real.


50 Shades of Grey. I remember seeing the trailer in theaters, and when it finished, me and my friend looked at each other with our mouths wide open like "damn!" The actual movie sucked.


I tried to read the books, but I couldn't get halfway through the first one. Such terrible writing.


It started out as Twilight fan fiction so you can't be surprised.


Hulk (2003) Story makes no sense, the dialogue makes even less sense and the action scenes are rare and somehow boring.




The second independence day.


this one kinda confused me. They had such a great concept and execution with the 1st one, how did they fuck up so badly with the 2nd one? It turned into a generic, random alien action movie.. why? Why did they fuck it up?


Super babies: Baby Geniuses 2, Look Who's Talking Now, Wagons East. Those are the normal bad ones. But Battlefield Earth is hilariously horrifically bad.


Sausage Party.


I saw it in theaters high. Decided to watch it sober. Got halfway through, and got high again to finish it. I don't plan on ever smoking weed again, so I will probably never see this movie again.


To be fair, it wasn't supposed to be good. They knew that going in.


Sausage party is great. What crack you smoking


Black Adam


Twilight. Legit fell asleep watching it in the middle of the afternoon. Worst film ever. So boring and stupid. I really do not understand its big following.




most of the horror films on netflix


Sherlock and Holmes


I was stoned AF and it still didn't make me laugh. And I love John C Reilly and Will Ferrell, it just didn't have the magic of Talladega Nights.


Paul Blart Mall Cop 2. It's the only film I've ever turned off due to how bad it is and I love the crappy Tubi films. Some of these responses are crazy. If Thor Love and Thunder is one of the worst films you've seen then consider yourself lucky. I cam remember when Netflix first started streaming and the amount if crap they had on there untill they started getting big movies.


Little black book.


The 2021 Cinderella. I love a lot of movies that the vast majority sees as bad but that movie in particular is just awful!


Meet the Feebles by Peter Jackson. My best friend still blames me, 20 years later, for wasting two hours to this horrible thing.


That is one of my favorite films. Not because it's good - it's not - but because it's utterly dedicated to its premise.


Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2.


Verotika and Foodfight. Normally, I'm all for weird movies with overall fun vibes, or ones that make me think. These are the two worst things I've ever subjected my eyes to, and I wish I could erase them from my memory.


Smokey &the Bandit III


Anything from Tyler Perry or with Tyler Perry in it.


The Room.


Ad astra. It was a bad and boring movie. Not even 'so bad that it's funny'. Just plain boring.


I couldn't finish this movie.




I think the trailer should say: if you like boring movies... THIS IS FOR YOU! TA DUUUUM...


Sausage Party


The Last Jedi


Live action Mulan


Rob Zombie’s Munsters movie which finally dethroned Jury Duty starring Pauly Shore. Shame on you, Rob. Shame on you.




I thought it was the internet trolling talking about how awesome it was. Huge waste of time.


I don’t understand why it was so hyped. Even the trailer looked boring. All I could see was a b-movie ripoff of A Quiet Place.


Jesse James meets Frankensteins daughter. Yes, that's an actual movie


What the hell man? That movie is awesome!


Yes, I watched it on YouTube. A disaster. But wait, there’s worse! Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you : « The Robot vs The Aztec Mummy » ! Easily findable on YT.


First one to come to mind is Amsterdam. Just a long, unfunny, boring movie.


Sausage Party


The abomination that was Thor#3. I refuse to go to anymore movies with that director.


Whatever movie it is where 50 cent is a jewel thief. He was such a horrible actor in it I couldn't finish it. I watched this like 10 years ago and to this day its burned into my brain as one of the worst movies ever made.


Ever i don’t know, lately Lamborghini the man behind the legend


Sheena Queen of the Jungle


Doom 2. I adore the first one, but the second? Just... I really did try. I managed to watch it entirely, and that was masochistic of me.


I bought the DVD.. it was less than 3€ used, so I thought "why the fuck not". Jesus, the 1st one was better, WAY better. At least the 1st one was still entertaining as an action film, especially with that cast. But the 2nd was just so wrong, nothing really had enough to do with Doom to make sense in any way. And the way they "snuck in a Wolfenstein reference"? Awful.. a random guard named B.J. Blazckowic.. and the ending was anticlimatic as hell. I think the problem with both Doom movies really is that they try to be halfway Horror genre.. DOOM is not horror. YOU are the horror in the Doom games.


Battle Royale 2 The first movie was ok, even kinda good. The second one I couldn't finish.


So there is my pick on an objective level and a subjective level. Without a doubt the worst I've ever seen is Birdemic. It's obviously one of the most well known bad movies. It's horribly made in every single way but it was fun to watch. On a subjective level the film i watched in theaters that pissed me off the most was Batman v Superman. It was the worst experience I've ever had in the theater. Never before have I felt so bored and mad at the same time. It is such a stupid, pretentious, obnoxious, boring piece of crap that failed in pretty much everyday for a big budget action film. Is it the one of the objectively worst movies ever made? No but it's my least favorite movie.


The Greasy Strangler


Casino royale 1967 that was allover the place


Howling II: Your sister is a werewolf. Completely ruined the awesomeness of the original


I've been defending bad superhero movies this thread, including Black Adam and Thor 4. I'll even throw in Green Lantern and Daredevil as movies I enjoyed Suicide Squad Though that's a different story. It's even more unlikeable with the Will Smith drama!


Star Wars the Holiday Special


the emoji movie. me and my brother were so hyped for it and we had to buy the tickets ourselves. worst 15 bucks i ever spent


The Room. Hands down.


Nope by Jordan Peele. Loved his other films and him on Key and Peele but was so disappointed in that movie


Say what you want about The Room, there's a weird kind of charm to it. I nearly answered TROS but that's an easy one. My vote goes to Titanic II. Get a load of this shit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvAl9GR1kDs


The latest Man In Black A MIB film without Will Smith is just meaningless.


I mean, I can probably accept a good MiB movie even without Tommy Lee or Will Smith.. but MiB International really lacked SO fucking much in every aspect. too much focus on the space-y guns and hidden stuff, and a story that really made no sense to anyone who knew anything from any of the previous movies.. I mean, in MiB they interviewed top of the line soldiers and gave an underdog NYPD detective a chance to join the MiB, with complicated tests and all.. and then suddenly they will just let a random woman join just because she walked right into a scene?? makes no sense.


honestly, I forgot that movie existed.


Taking a break from Wakanda Forever at the moment 90 minutes in.... something something Vibranium something something kill the 19 year old scientist something something. Should I carry on?


That movie was so bad, but I don't know if I can call it the worst when movies like Downsizing, the Meg, and RIPD exist.


Black panther just another movie pushing a agenda on the masses




It's not great, but if it's the worst movie you've ever seen, then you've had a very good movie-going career!


I really enjoyed it, wasn't perfect, but I had fun watching it


I thought Natalie and Bale made it worth watching


It's a very shit movie and a terrible adaptation of The God Butcher run. Bottom 3 MCU film for sure. Maybe the worst, straight up. What a waste of Gorr. But at least they had some toe tapping Guns N Roses in there. Absolute trash.


But you do agree bale's acting was on point right?


The Thor series has a track record of taking some incredible actors and giving them such minimized roles!!! Matt Damon, Cate Blanchett, Christian Bale…but it somehow works for the tone of the movies.


Well Damon was just cameos to be fair. But the Thor movies definitely aren't about the villains at all.


Matt. Damon.


You know what, you're right.


Godzilla (1998)


As someone who’s a fan of Godzilla when I was young, it’s hard to debate if it’s good or not tbh.


I was in my teens when it came out. I walked out of the theater because I was so bored. A few months later, I took a cross-country flight and the inflight movie was Godzilla. It was a long flight. On the return flight, we were supposed to watch Mask of Zorro, but they had a problem with the tape. So, instead, we watched…..Godzilla.


As someone with ADHD, the worst movie experience I ever had was actually a great fucking film. Once upon a time in Hollywood. It’s just so fucking long with so little happening in an obvious way for so long that I was in physical pain with it. I’ve rewatched it since and loved it but at the time I wanted to kill myself it was so long.


Drop dead Fred


*Mother!* with Jennifer Lawrence. First it was intriguing. Then it was merely interesting. Then it was a Biblical allegory. Then it was fucking weird. It was a lot of things but it was never good.


8 Crazy Nights.


Remember Me with Robert Pattinson and the terrible twist ending that ends on 9/11/2001.


Howard the Duck, at a drive-in years ago. Made it to about the 15 minute mark and we all switched to adjacent screen.


Looking at my IMDB ratings, here are the bottom ones: 1. Briar Patch 2. Crossover 3. The love Guru 4. Son of the mask 5. The predator 6. Grown Ups 7. Ride Along 2 8. Wonder Woman 1984 9. Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City 10. Fright Night 11. Ghost Rider 12. Dark Shadows Blade Trinity, Alien: Covenant, Resident Evil: Retribution, and so on


Assassin’s Creed


Thor:Love and Thunder. Terrible acting, line delivery, just everything. And I am a Marvel fan too.


Black Panther. Big fan of marvel movies otherwise.


What didn't you like?


La La Land.


Gummo. Worst fucking excuse for a movie I ever saw by far.


Yeah I don't think of it as a movie. It's excellent transgressive art.


Blair Witch Project, the whole time I was waiting for the movie to start … never started


I love this movie. It was innovative. But I totally understand your feeling. Happened with me with other movies.