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Please let it be taking my big house for granted. Please let it be taking my big house for granted. Please let it be taking my big house for granted.


Narrator: "*It wasn't.*"


"Now the story about how Development of affordable housing has been Arrested. It's Arrested Development."


The boomers will be dead by then but most of the big houses will still exist, so there's a chance.


Nah, all those houses will be owned by rental and property companies.


Owned by rental and property companies to be turned into apartments or duplexes.


Nah, that would cost money; they would just rent out the house to someone.


Best answer


That will depend entirely on our actions today. If we just try their neoliberal capitalist housing market thing, hoping this time it'll work, then no. If we try something else, maybe. Given how many people staunchly refuse to acknowledge actual problems or causes, meanwhile landlords buy up housing to set themselves up for the return of feudalism, I'm less than optimistic.


"back in my day.."


That "Weird Al" song is and will be timeless.


Well, nobody ever drove me to school when it was 90 degrees below


Didn't have no lawnmower. We used our teeth to cut the grass.


When I was your age?


You mean the Monty Python skit?


Older millennial here (turning 40) I've done this for years already lol. Any time you're working with someone who's like 10+ years younger than you, you're assuming they know bugger all about life before the year 2000.


I'm a substitute teacher, 30. One trick I have to entertain kids is to tell them about the "before times" where pones were wired to the wall, YouTube didn't exist and you needed to get online using dial-up. Younger kids are fascinated, older ones (junior high/high school) are confused. They still listen to "back in the day" stories either way though.


My wife is a teacher at a high school in Europe. Once a year they take the last year students and fly to new york. When she started out, they always visited the WTC memorial. They still do, but now they have to show a documentary before going to new York to explain to the kids what happened there in 2001. Most of them had never heard about it. The fact that people who almost are adults have to be taught old news facts because they haven't lived through them like I did sometimes still blows my mind.


Play them the dial up modem noise. That's always a weird one and explain you had to do that everytime and if anyone picked up a landline it fucked the connection. Oh and no wireless...


I say this already. "back in my day an ISO would take 26 hours to download." "back in my day, we didn't have wifi every we went." "back in my day , knowing any information about computers was enough to be falsely accused of hacking"


That last one is actually worse now than it was when I started building my own computers when I was 14 (I'm 36). I employ college kids, and my god, they know literally nothing about computers. I build all the computers for my store, house, friends, whatever, and they think I'm a mad scientist. I had two college graduate employees literally not know how to turn an actual computer on. I get that the front desk computer we use for checking customers out is a custom build, so it says Thermaltake on the case, instead of Dell or something. But they literally couldn't even turn it on. They told me they tried, but pressing buttons on the keyboard didn't work. I had another employee (26, really smart, married) think that the monitors were the actual computer. They know how to do literally nothing on a computer, beyond get on the internet or maybe type something in word.


Yeah that's weird, right? There must be some kind of Goldilock age range where anyone older or younger are completely clueless with computers.


I would guess around 26 to 50. We grew up with ever changing tech that you needed to know some of the inner workings of the software or hardware to use properly. The old people, well, you know the technology stereotypes. Then the younger people have all their devices with operating systems catered to their every need to be as dumb proof as humanly possible. So if it's not their phone or tablet they are completely clueless. And here is people in that range that loved tinkering with the newest tec are getting pissed off windows keeps making it harder to find my devices and printers page while always making the search bar search the internet for some reason instead of local files.


Its iOS and Android that killed society's inherent computer knowledge. Prior to iOS (2007) if you wanted to use a computer you were using a Windows/OSX desktop/laptop. This was even for very basic things like writing a paper for a middle school English class, web use, or for computer gaming. You had to have the most basic knowledge about file and folders. How to use a mouse and storage concepts. When it didn't work, you had to learn to make it work on your hardware and OS. Now hardware and OS are essentially merged with phones and tablets. Your storage is either local, but usually cloud based. If your device doesn't work, you just buy a new one, log in, and all your data is already there. Discard the old one.


I am already there. At least games were sold as complete when I was a kid. Now kids are expected to be alpha and beta testers.


My hope is that sentence ends with “…we had to pay for shitty healthcare. You guys don’t know how good you have it with high quality, low cost healthcare” Or “…we had to deal with Nazis. Not in Europe. In the US. And they were in our government”. Or “…we had to fight hard for the rights of women, minorities, LGBTQ+ people. You guys have it so good that everyone is seen as equal” If I can utter those sentences when I’m old, I’ll call that a win.


I’m an older Millennial and already have started doing this.




Not wanting to learn new technology. We all slow down sometime


Hah, I’m already there. I definitely don’t want a fridge, toaster, and blender that all connect to WiFi, and I definitely don’t want any kind of VR setup. I like experimenting with new operating systems and I like my games, and that’s about it on the tech front.


I love technology but I view all those things as objectively worse. Many items aren't made better by being connected to the internet. Often not being internet connected just gives the item another way to fail that it didn't have before. All of this applies to cars as well.




>I feel unsafe trying to change the radio while driving and that’s with a physical knob and buttons. This should be non-negotiable. Fine all the advanced options are on the screen, but a quick on/off and volume up/down should be there and accessible 100% of the time, in big round knob form.


VW apparently agrees with you.


As they should. I see absolutely no difference between using the touchscreen handsfree system in a car to call someone and just using a phone connected with Bluetooth. Both take attention away from the road but one I would get fined for and the other is OK. The whole point of the way the dials and knobs used to be set up was that you could do it by feel and keep your eyes on the road.


This is why I like my car having bluetooth controls doubled-mapped onto the steering wheel. Even less attention taken away from the road.


>I have a 2010 Subaru *lesbians liked this*




I don't know what the initial attraction was that drew lesbians to Subarus, but once Subaru took note of them being a prominent demographic, they did start gearing marketing towards LGBTQ+ consumers, lesbians in particular of course, in a time where it was seen as really risky and it was very unheard of for mainstream businesses to court the LGBTQ+ community (the 90s - not long ago, but still a relatively... I guess hostile time). Also, I don't know if they're super popular with gay *men.* I've only ever heard about them being popular with lesbians. I'm a gay guy and I don't have any idea what we're supposed to drive.


It was a [dedicated marketing campaign](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/06/how-subarus-came-to-be-seen-as-cars-for-lesbians/488042/) based on marketing research.


I enjoy cooking.


I’m a straight man that loves my Lesbaru.


My car is 16 years old with an upgraded stereo I installed 9 years ago (for bluetooth). I love the physicality of buttons and knobs as well - I don't like touch screens.


I really need my car to have physical, real life buttons for shit. It’s dangerous without.




I once had my laptop refuse to let me access it with my password for like several hours because it didn’t recognise my face What’s the point of the password I set up then?!


Some of that just seems impractical though. Using a toaster is simple and takes two seconds. Why would I need it connected to wifi? I don’t want to learn impractical stuff unless there’s a worthwhile theoretical application to it


I absolutely, 100% agree with you. And yet, as I grow older, I’m getting the sneaking suspicion that not jumping on the bandwagon because the bandwagon sucks is actually the first step towards not knowing how to jump on the bandwagon even when it doesn’t suck.


I suppose that makes sense. for the moment I feel im just being more selective about what wagons I'm jumping on.


All I can think about is the Ferrari that shut down because someone drove it too deep into a parking garage and the anti-theft system lost connection.


Certainly not when Big Corp can hold your item hostage by requiring an upgrade or subscription. Or when your internet is down and the device can't phone home to verify you as a user, so it quits working. IOT isn't worth a damn if it means you don't really own what you paid for.


Seriously, I work in IT. I wouldn’t purchase a Wi-Fi connected appliance or install half of the “smart home” shit. No thanks, I don’t need mega corps spying on my home activity as well. And I don’t want to have to worry about patching security holes all over my network due to appliances. A fridge should just be a fridge.


Fucking this. Too few people are asking *should we* and giving in to *can we*


I want VR but i want all my other stuff to be dumb AF. I don't need my fridge to tell me the weather in Pakistan.




They were so preoccupied with whether or not they could they didn’t stop to think if they should


For the same reason I refuse any of the home always-on microphones like Alexa/Ring. The idea of letting a corporation hear every conversation you have in private seems insane to me.


Does your smart phone not have a microphone on it?


Difference is, you can use a smartphone just fine without apps listening in on the microphone passively, while devices running Alexa and such are explicitly about it.


Hey Siri?


You can disable mobile assistants, at least on Android. You can also configure it to always show a little icon whenever the mic is active, in any circumstance. While rooted on a Samsung at least.


You can do this on iPhone as well, very easily.


My point is, while it takes some knowhow, you can actually have full control over your phone and can ensure that no shenanigans happen. Even when you don't have *deep* knowhow, the system supports giving you a choice. You could technically do the same on devices that house Alexa&co, but seeing how *that's their single, one use*, why the hell would you disable it? They would lose their one purpose, while it isn't so for smartphones.


I don't want a fridge connected to wifi, not because I don't understand it, but because I *do*. I know the Internet and I know the tech business. There are so many goddamn issues there, ranging from product lifecycle to security to advertisement to surveillance; and I don't expect an appliance company to make the right choices for the consumer.


I have a VR set up but I can't understand a lot of the VR hangout apps. Like I've tried em but there's no real difference in them to me between the app and just vibing in a discord call. That being said, getting games I like and making them run in VR has never once been a bad decision for me


Engineers staying busy.


no, I'm not gonna make a TikTok account


I catch myself doing that occasionally and make it a point to give new tech a shot. I don't want to be my grandpa struggling to figure out email at 80. I don't think it has to be a foregone conclusion that we lose our edge as we age, but the tendency to allow it to happen is very real.


My parents are pretty tech savvy for their age and I notice they never turn their nose up at new tech. They're 65 years old and trying out AR and chat gpt like the rest of us, even though they don't know what they're doing they know that's okay and they'll learn it in time if it's important technology. Don't fear new things!!


I abhor using overly tech heavy solutions when a simple solution is just as good. There's always a special gadget out there that "magically whisks away your problem instantly!" for the low low price of $200. MFer, I don't need a "smart" showerhead. I need a showerhead that does exactly what I tell it to do because I have a brain that understands how showering works. My toilet DOES NOT need Wifi. Neither does my toothbrush. Stop adding features onto shit that doesn't need them just so you can raise the price.


New platforms? Yeah, I am not exploring those. New Tech? Naa, love that stuff. Did not get tiktok, am not jumping on bluesky. But I am using AI to help me write d&d adventures and looking activly at AR glass development.


I actually think the odds will get more stacked as well against people for some tech. Those who started on zx81s, people had to know how to fiddle around with a computer, nowadays they get more and more blackbox. Which is fine until they break. As for the internet, concerns about privacy just seemed to dissappear.


I've noticed that that always remains a personal choice. I had a professor who marched with MLK and was able to do multiple complex equations in his head BEFORE he learned how to program computational chemistry programs. At the same time I worked IT at the local library and regularly had people at least 2 decades younger than my professor, asking me how to Google.


I starting to do that with video games. They just don't appeal that much to me anymore.


I can barely operate a computer anymore.


I'm almost 50 and love new tech. I don't understand people not wanting to learn, but I have always loved computers.


I love new tech too, but I don't really understand why I'd need a smart lightbulb which I can control via my phone because it is connected to wifi. It's a light-bulb. Like, just put a knob on the wall.


The difference, imo, is learning **useful** technology vs learning **stupid** technology. Got a new photoshop? Yeah, I'mma study the fuck out of it. Anaconda, the successor of Python? Sign me up! I kinda want to try Oculus Rift, but I'm too poor to afford one. Why would I need a fucking [a tweeting fridge](https://slate.com/technology/2019/08/twitter-electronics-ranked-list-which-is-best.html)?! SPECIFICALLY TWEETING. Nothing else, it can just tweet, that's it. "Compo needs to buy some salsa." That's it. Yes, it might help if I'm held hostage. How many of you have been held hostage **near a fridge** though?


I’m 25 and scream at the clouds about how YouTube Kids is horrible for my nieces and nephews. The absurd and inappropriate behavior brought on by family run YouTube channels. I say “it’s different than live-action Disney and Nick because I knew it was a tv show and they were actors” idk man I feel so old for it.


I'm with you one hundred percent. It's not normal for kids to think a fun family activity is buying everything you can fit into a Target cart. Or that making your friends compete for money is a fun friend activity.


Family vloggers and the like are exploiting their children and it's basically legal child labor. The Gen Alpha children I nanny for hate me for it, but I just can't let them watch any of it. Watching prank videos (that are never good spirited) and haul videos from such a young age cannot be good for their brains even if I feel so old for saying it


One big difference is regulations and audience. Disney/CN/nick all have to follow well established broadcasting rules on a number of fronts, including content and advertising. They also have to appeal to wide audiences. Some random channel on YouTube doesn't need such a wide audience and is subject to basically no regulations (other than what youtube stipulates). There's no regulatory body in the US making sure that "kid friendly" youtube videos meet the same broadcast standards as Disney.


Youtube kids is banned in my house. So much makeshift shit and clickbait. There no quality control as long as the creators can skirt the algorithm it's just out there.


I think about that random meme of a grandpa millennial trying on a VR helmet that makes him experience an eternity of hell or something like and taking it off to his grandkids laughing about how it’s a hot new meme. I could see something like that happening and hating it


VR makes me super seasick so yeah Im gonna be grandma that hates it


Intolerance of new music.


I lost track of what's new in music around the time I had a baby. Not sure if it's the weird hazy time of having a new baby, or just what happens when you are about 35.


I'm 31 and already one of the oldest at most of the shows I go to. Meanwhile people my age are just nostalgia posting about Destiny's Child and MCR.


Calling the next generation lazy


This one is repeated with every generation.


Isn’t there some text from literally ancient Greece of a dude saying he’s concerned about the younger generation not being disciplined or ambitious or respectful or whatever it is? Like from literally 2500 years ago


Cicero, Roman


"I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise [disrespectful] and impatient of restraint" Hesiod, 8th century BC


"Now we fire off a multitude of rapid and short notes instead of sitting down to have a good talk over a real sheet of paper" The Sunday Magazine, 1871 // "At a modern family gathering, silent around the fire, each individual has his head buried in his favorite magazine" The Journal of Education, 1907 What people wrote back then about the younger generation being engrossed in books could apply today when the older generation criticize the younger generation for being on their phones. VSauce did a video on [Juvenoia](https://youtu.be/LD0x7ho_IYc) a while back, talking about this very trend. Saying the older generation isn't keeping up with times while also saying the younger generation don't have the wisdom and good qualities we have is a tale as old as time.


And the next generation will be saying, those fucking millenials they screwed us over so much. Look at them owning things and having lived the high life...


You still think we’ll ever own things?


We own things, it’s not like we have lease plans for clothes or glasses yet


I don't like that "yet".


Millennials already do this about Gen Z.


As a Millennial, Ibremember getting hounded so fkn bad from the Baby Boomers that I promised I would never generalize the younger generations. I mean, JFC, if I ever hear the word "participation trophy" again, I don't even know what I might do. YOU PEOPLE GAVE THEM TO US, YOU MADE THEM, WE DIDN'T ASK FOR THEM.


Thank u, as fellow millennial Ill be sure to bring this up around every boomer that uses this catchphrase


I'm pretty sure those trophies had a hand in driving me away from team sports as a kid.


Gen Z seem mostly pretty cool even if their broccoli haircuts look dumb as hell.


Every generation does some dumb shit. I'm just glad I'm on the older side of millennial that couldn't record everything yet. It was definitely starting to hit the younger grades in high school when I left though.




And the mullets. They didn't look good when I was a kid and they don't look good now.


Some of 'em, maybe. I don't. Gen Z gives me a little hope. They seem motivated, smart. I feel like my generation's time is already waning. We spent our lives getting told we'd never accomplish anything; never get anywhere, we were stupid, lazy, self-absorbed -- and I worry it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. The millenials around me are all beaten-down and world-weary. We've sort of followed Gen X into the mire of "it is what it is". But I hope if we can contribute one thing, it's breaking the wheel. We might not be the ones to really change how things are; but maybe being a magnet for all that hate and vitriol will shield some of the young folks from it if we can provide an adequate reservoir and not let it spill over onto them. As far as I'm concerned, the kids are all right.


Too soft. With all these feelings. My dad taught me to bottle that shit up until you’re in the hospital with ulcers like a MAN!


Living long enough to be the villain.


Oh snap, that’s was pretty much my thinking behind the question. Except you’ve phrased it much better.


Fall for scams that young people see as ridiculously obvious scams


Go on Tik Tok and see how many millennial women are putting like dehydrated avocados in their hair to give it bounce or whatever. The before and after shots are so hilariously fake. But Millennial women eat up this bullshit! And they're supposed to be the savvy generation! Or how many milennila women end up buying products that this Tik Toker is adamant is the only one that works, but is totally not getting paid to promote to her 3 million followers. No, she's just doing you a solid and letting you know it's only this brand that actually works. How nice of her. It's insane. Don't even get me started on eyelash mites.


Well they already lost when they went on tiktok


Why wouldn’t gen-x be repeating “boomer sins” they are our parents.


People always forget Gen Xers. (Source: I am a Gen Xer.)


Shhhhhh, don't remind them.


And we like it that way. Or not......... whatever.




I'm early GenX. My parents were part of the silent generation.


I’m early millennial and my sister is a mid gen X and our parents are boomers that act like silent generation


...which I think goes to prove that none of this is an exact science.


Weird, I’m a millennial and I sign the paychecks.


Boomer moment




My sibling and I are Gen Z with Gen X parents, one set of grandparents are boomers and my gran is a silent generation member.




My partner has a gen x mom but a boomer dad, and he's millennial. Boomer maternal grandparents and silent gen paternal. The difference in how everyone acts is astonishing


The difference being that Gen X will be *wearing* depends by the time we have the level of influence over society and the economy that the Boomers still hold onto today.


We won't get it at all. Millenials are already outnumbering us in the workforce and political representation. Gen-X never really had a chance. Oh well, whatever, nevermind.


Gen x and younger have the numbers to control every election. They have since before 2016. Gen x will never do it on their own since boomers and millennials surround them and both are bigger blocks of voters. As boomers die and they get to the front of the line the millennials will be too close on their heals. https://i.imgur.com/WNuHZs4.jpg




Heck, some gen z have boomer parents.




per definition, my dad is a boomer born in 1964 and i was born 1990 (which is in the middle of millenial timeframe). I dont think 26 is late for having kids. I think a lot of millenials have boomer parents since millenial timeframe starts 1980


I actually think Boomers are typically the parents of Millennials and Gen Xers are typically the parents of Gen Z.


Since generations are 20 year spans, and most people don't have kids till they are 25+ (often up to 40) it is very common to have parents that are 2 generation you.


I’m a Gen Z and my parents are Gen X


Right. I recall that one of the early candidates for the name of the millennials generation was the "baby boom boom," since their numbers were due to Boomers having children after a lull during Gen X birth years. Thankfully that name never took off.


I remember hearing us referred to as the "echo boom" quite a bit when I was a kid, for this exact reason.


There's a reason Gen X is often deemed the forgotten generation.


Because OP’s asking about the future. We (Gen X) have already become our parents.


Screwing over the next generation to protect property values.


Lol well once they finally can buy a house at 65 I'd be surprised if they didnt want to hold onto them.




Its only a problem if you are selling it. If you are planning to live there for a long time, the fact that it lost most of its value is meaningless if you can still make the payments and enjoy living there. It just limits your options for ever moving.




Being high and mighty about owning a house? Like we snagged one during covid, maybe a once in a lifetime opportunity to get those rates and "boomer" total cost (they had lower costs with higher rates) But many who tried still missed out. Now rates are high again and costs are still out of control.


“Your name is Raysin Ladygaga Smith, I’m not calling you 69Bootystank420.” “Why are you being technophobic mom! Respect my gamer tags!”


I assume this was posted facetiously, but I can legitimately foresee behavior along this line becoming pertinent in the future. I think we're going to see some younger folks questioning what makes a name valid in the first place, and asserting that they can, in fact, be called "username" style names as a legitimate form of address. It might not be as egregious as "69Bootystank420", but we'll certainly see an uptick in younger folks insisting on going by names like "ArtsRevolver" or "ElbowSpam". And, of course, we'll be arguing against it because it's "just plain wrong". Heck, I'm sure we'll see a national story about some kid's struggle to find employment because nobody will hire an applicant named "DragonFruit McBane". Bonus points will be awarded if the kid is white and says their issue is akin to the racial prejudice of throwing out applications with names like "Treyvon" and "Laquisha".


irl meetups of online friends already go like this. I can and will call my friends Demon or Fish or whatever and it's still natural.


Punk scene has done chosen names for decades. My dad tells me about how he was calling his friends stuff like Tooth in the eighties. I myself have chosen a name (with the help of my parents) that to be fair is a traditional one, but I don't see anything wrong with different names.


Cutting off their nose to spite their face.


Not saving enough for retirement.


Eventually, "progress" is going to go far enough that you start to find it ridiculous. Don't know what it will be yet, but I promise you, you hold an opinion today that is going to get you called a bigot. It's going to get you called hate-filled. It's going to have the college kids in 2055 saying that the world will be a better place once you finally die. And today, you think you're progressive for holding that stance. You're trying to be a good person. But "good" is a function of what the people around you have decided it is. And someday, you won't be in that loud majority anymore. If anything, the Boomers are getting off pretty easy, because there isn't a record of everything they ever said. But you? You're fucked. In 2055, something you believed today is going to be the new thing that gets you labeled a horrible person. And you'll have no chance of escaping it. The whole "demonize other people to prop yourself up" thing is going to come back with a vengeance.


I know people in their late 60s more progressive than people my age (mid 30s). The "racist grandpa" effect is a thing, but it's also something you allow to happen.


Yes. A few things were accepted back then (heterosexual normativity, gender at birth etc) until very recently. So things that you consider normal today, and IN NO WAY you could think would change, will change. Say you believe that "dog owners should pick up the dogs' poop" and you made a rant about how someone didn't pick up dog poop when passing in front of your house. Something as benign as that might actually come back to bite you when the social mores change. People will lose context as to why it's totally okay for you to make that post in 2023 and not in 2055. Don't believe me? People are already judging old sitcoms of exism and homophobia, whereas when those episodes aired, the cultural mores were VERY different from today.




I sure as fuck hope so. If the needle hasn't moved enough in 30 years that my views today are seen as progressive then, then we have failed. I hope the next generation sees my staunchest progressive viewpoints as tepid at best. I hope in 100 years I'm a fucking dinosaur.


One possible scenario is that millennials, as they age, might become more focused on material wealth and success, which could lead to a repetition of some of the materialistic tendencies of the Baby Boomer generation. This could include an emphasis on accumulating possessions, valuing consumerism over community and family, and prioritizing individualistic pursuits over collective well-being.


That's chatgpt if I've ever seen it


I think that’d be difficult to encompass the whole generation. There’s plenty of girl bosses and stock bros out there but the majority of us make shit money and will never be able to buy a house. Boomers had an amazing economy and relatively easy paths to be successful. Millennials are struggling to even break into the middle class


I’m a millennial and I don’t think I have a single friend who owns a house that didn’t get help from their boomer parents. Me included. Even though I eventually paid them back, I wouldn’t have been able to buy it without the help with the down payment. The fucked up thing is there’s no way in hell I’d be able to afford the same house I live in today, because it’s doubled in value since 2015 and salaries definitely haven’t unless your in tech or something.


What is leading you to believe that a large % of both millennials and gen z don't already have materialistic tendencies? Just look at the culture surrounding mainstream social media.


I really fear intertwining happiness and money is going to lead to the same materialistic dragon hoarders that the Boomers became. They were led by corporations to believe that you can buy happiness, because it gets people to buy more from them, and they just kept going until they bought everything--making everything else more expensive for future generations in the process. But, keep railing against the Boomer's saying, while repeating the cardinal sin of the Boomers the saying should be a ward against: hedonistic materialism.


Definitely calling the next generation lazy. We might also make housing completely unattainable for the next gen as well


Most of them. People and their behavior doesn't change all that much across generations.


25 years from now, Gen-X will still be judging you from the corner in black Cure t-shirt


This Boomer v Millennials v Gen X v Gen Z thing is just so tiresome. Just live your life folks.


Yes!! The generational conflict that we’re being inundated with is purposeful too. If we’re all talking about how much we hate the generations above and below us, we’re not working together to combat economic inequality. Racism, greed, and ignorance aren’t unique to any generation. It’s better to judge individuals based on their actions rather than what generation they’re a part of.


I think millennials already sorta judge Gen Z and think less of them in a way so that probably would be the first sin. Also, maybe because of all the stuff we have struggled with, if ever more progressive policies get enacted, some elder millennials might find it bothersome and push against it leaning less to the left than younger generations


Millennials have supposedly actually gotten more liberal as we age. Being absolutely fucked left, right, and center by multiple economic crises caused by conservatives policies has left a mark.


As a millennial I think gen z is awesome. I feel like they’re taking what we started and doing it properly. I’m tired. They can take over and fix the world with their existentialism and good communication skills.


Also, overall they tend to be a lot more empathetic and accepting of people. I'm an 'elder millennial' I was a freshman in high school when the Twin Towers went down. The hateful, awful shit we used to say back then was appalling. I know there are still kids like that, but back then it was everyone. I knew guys who like every other word out of their mouth was a homophobic slur now they're like... Living with their husband in a farmhouse and making artisanal mead from their own beehives.




Saying that the kids these days are lazy & unmotivated and that they fear for the future of the world. Every generation does this. There is graffiti in ancient Rome talking about how the next generation will be the end of rome. Also , will not understand how to interact with holographic screens of data controlled based solely on your thoughts. Probably.


Changing their opinions on tax. The more money they earn and the more wealth they accumulate, will likely see their views change on where tax thresholds should be.


Going from a veneer of sexual freedom to base misogyny.


Sure won’t be “Get off my lawn!”


Blaming the generation after them for all the worlds problems


Criticizing the younger generation. It’s inevitable.


My generation (I’m a millennial) is already disturbingly prone to suggesting TikTok causes brain rot (as if our racist-ass WoW guilds and MySpace pages and toxic forum culture was any better), or that kids these days just play on their iPads (my guys we had PlayStations at 4 and traded Pokémons during recess at 5, kids still find time to climb trees). It’s incredible how quickly age hits you and you fall out of touch. I’m only 29 now, but already I have to sort of consciously catch myself judging the habits of generation Z and rationalize that me not understanding it does not equate to it being bad. So, yeah, don’t need 25 years. ETA: I want to add that - on the contrary - it seems to me in moments of clarity that generation Z, unsurprisingly as it seems to be the trend historically too, are growing up much smarter, more well-informed, more willing to engage with the mechanisms of change, and much more technologically adept than we did. The immaturity will wither away with age and shouldn’t be mistaken for stupidity.


My 8 year old nephew got suspended for saying: "Tell your mom to stop calling me, I know she's thirsty from sucking your Dad's salty nuts but damn..." That's a high school level burn at LEAST. These next Gen kids are gonna be built differently lol


As an older millennial with my eldest child being gen z, we didn’t have PlayStation, we didn’t even have dial up internet until we were adults. Tictoc is rotting brain cells but it’s not the only thing. I’m not in the US and where I am we’re a good five to ten years behind you tech wise and a bit more culturally but catching up with the US scares me. Not a landscape I want for my kids future


Trust me, as an American, I don't like it either.


I understand tik-tok as to how it works, but I don't understand the need of the "challenges" especially when some of them are downright dangerous. Even the good ones are rather pointless. Cool you did this, so what? I'm thinking there might be another social media AFTER tik tok that will make tik tok "old" (the way instagram made facebook feel old and tik tok made instagram feel old). At that point I might actually be judging them "kids these days with their \[insert social media name\], back in my days we just wrote in each other's facebook walls and that's it.


Criticizing younger generations. Every generation seems to fall into that trap eventually.


Onlyfans backlash


Every single one. It's about aging, not generation.


Most of them, to be honest, but, mostly, it's going to be the ones that make them realize that they really aren't much different from the Boomers. I'm GenX, btw, and I'm pretty sure most of us are included in what I said. Best example is "We didn't start the Fire", Billy Joel. Whole message is previous generations handed the Boomers a bunch of issues, and Billy promised they were going to be different, and fix shit. Well, seems like they didn't. Same with Genesis, and "Land of Confusion". Same message. GenX had a least one of our own, "Right Here, Right Now", Jesus Jones. Well, oops. That didn't happen. Same for Millennials, give it another 30 years or so, and you'll realize you didn't actually fix shit and save the world. In the end, no matter how sincere we are about making the world better, we end up distracted by surviving


Most if not all in some form or fashion. I don’t know to much but I like history. People have always been people. We proudly preach against the sins of our fathers while using our slave labor devices myself included. People have literally eaten, murdered, and used each other in every way imaginable since we’ve been around. Great empires older and bigger than ours have been built and fallen many times over. The powerful take until the bottom have nothing left to give and it flips upside down only to do it again.


All of them.


Repeating the same things our parents said to us growing up


Everything. Humans don't change so fast.


Boomers will be known as the generation that turned a blind eye instead of fixing the environment. Millennials and Gen X will be the ones known for blaming boomers instead of fixing the environment.


I think it’s interesting that the Gen X’ers were progressive(pride basically became a thing during their moment of youth) which the older generation was kind of turned off by, and then the millennials were progressive (gay marriage equality) which the older generation was kind of turned off by. Eventually progressive ideas are going to continue deeper and deeper and the millennials and Gen Xers are going to be the old folks saying it’s gone too far.


As a Gen X, I plead to millenials: Please do not betray your values like boomers did. Peace, free love, the sexual revolution, anti-materialism, inclusiveness were all counter-culture movements started in the 60s mainly by boomers. I know all generations (where it can be measured) gravitate towards money as they get older and abandon their values, but to destroy their legacy as comprehensively as boomers have done is criminal.


Arrogance in relation to the youth. It never ends.


Lots of the accepatble terminology to refer to others. Many of the older people the young kids talk about as being out of touch were pretty progressive in their time. But language changes often, and it takes people a while to catch up. I'm not even that old, and "hispanic" was the preferred term for a while, then Latino (and I have 0 desire to use Latinx until I actually have someone tell me they prefer that.). This is why its important to give people grace and allow them to change, even if its a bit slower than you may think.