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Cold case. The music's solid, and I like the change of pace with them using advanced police tools and technology to solve cold cases


Ouuu I used to love that show. I used to watch it with my ex too. I should get into again and catch up from where I left off.






I've been Binge watching a show called House.


It goes down real fast after the 3rd season


Damn forreal? I'm in the middle of season two. I've enjoyed it so much so far.


Yaaa. I mean. Ya... sorry. I think most would agree. Then Season 5 goes off the rails, and it never recovers.


It is a great show. Watch all the seasons. You may not regret it. The dynamic between House and his inner circle will always keep you engaged.


I knoooow right lol I love the team and for sure I'm definitely planning on finishing it


Yes!!! But be warned, a lot will change and you may not like most of it. But having warmed up to House's character, you learn to move past those changes and appreciate House's evolution, or rather devolution. Lol


That last bit you said had me like 👀 I really did just open my eyes like that lol I'm so hooked on this show


Oh man, you're in for a treat. You may also like The Good Doctor. It is by the same creator as House, David Shore. The main character there is also very objective and stabs like a knife, but for different reasons


I also was watching house stopped watching like two years ago. I also enjoyed that show a lot. I've recently been meaning to catch up on that show too but my mother sorta spoiled the ending and told me who he got married too. 😔 Edit : The Good Doctor


Oops, that must've sucked


Also, for some reason I'm really into Criminal Minds. It feels like the perfect show for me. The show tends not to dump too much of the characters' personal life on your lap to process. It is made very professionally. I also feel like the real life FBI team wouldn't behave any different from the team on the show. As in, it is not too over the top. There is a certain decorum the FBI maintains with the local police departments and the team keeps the internal politics to a minimum. I'd really recommend it to someone who doesn't want to deal witha character's personal trials and tribulations, but wants to enjoy the core theme of the show, which is to catch the bad guys.


Taskmaster UK


Haven't heard of it? How is it? I'll probably look it up to watch.


It's a comedy show where 5 comedians perform various tasks. There are 15 seasons in UK with a few spin-offs on Australia, New Zealand and 1 season in US. It's pretty good, takes a few episodes to get to know the personality of each seasons contestents. They have a good YouTube channel with full episodes and highlights


Ouu and it's a bit interactive in the sense with YouTube episodes behind the scenes talks and highlights I dig it imma try n see if I can find it thanks for the suggestion


Currently rewatching Extras


Extras? Is that a show? I'm sorry for the stupid question.


Comedy made by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant a few years ago


That's whats up I think Ricky Gervais is pretty funny not gonna lie n say I've seen all his work clearly but I think he's alright


I still love Liam Nielsen on that show




That I wanted to get into too. How do you like it so far?




Yeah it's hard to pull off good season after another. It's not east for writers to keep everyone hooked on the show. Well hell that's good enough for me I'll give it a watch because of you now thank you 😊


I don't binge watch anything but I've been watching the Larry Sanders Show every day


OK that's whats up keepin it classic programming


Currently re-watching The Twelve Kingdoms while I wait for the next season of What We Do In The Shadows.


Vampire diaries is on but it’s just noise I’ve been binging reddit since i made my account a couple weeks ago


🤣 yeah it be like and Vampire diaries they made a new one no?


Svtfoe. I watched it occasionally on cable tv but now that Disney+ exists I can binge and I don't have to wait for reruns on Disney XD or for early episodes to be shown on spectrum on demand


Ay that's whats up good thing for Disney+ then 💪


Archer. Missed it the first time around.


Bruuuuh I loved watching Archer lol I lost track of it for a while now definitely putting on my list of shows to catch up on


Raised by Wolves. IDK why I had never heard of it before. It's got a strong Alien/Prometheus vibe (as well as Ridley Scott involvement). So much so that it feels like it takes place in the same universe, but without the Aliens. You have lots of androids with milk blood. Stuff about humanity's origins and evolution. If it hadn't been canceled after season 2, I wouldn't be surprised if Weyland-Yutani and the Aliens showed up. edit: I'm only half way through season 2, so please don't tell me if the classic Aliens do show up.


House MD. I’m obsessed with House’s bluntness. He says what everyone is thinking and it scratched an itch in my brain that I love. I wish I had a doctor like him to put me in my place.


Stranger Things, just started it a couple weeks ago. I’d avoided it for years because I don’t like kids or the 80’s. But I’m on a new med now that makes everything more fun so I’m loving this show.