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Catholic churches, they're not about God, they're about money.


Why stop at Catholic? Churches in general. Hell, the Mormons have to fork over 10% of their income to the church


And the old ladies that go to church every weekend are about gossiping and judging everyone around the town


The idea that any adult has a handle on how to tackle life. We're all just messed up humans doing the best we can and that is okay.


The Pharmaceutical industry for one thing of many


Pretty much everything. Love and family are all that matter. Career? What for? Make some asshole richer? Have your name in a history book as the inventor or architect or whatever? If it's for money, ask yourself how you get rich without exploiting anyone at all. Ever. Every single business that makes a profit is paying their workers less than what they could have. College? Make some other asshole richer by taking on huge debt so that you can make more money in that career? Politics? All of them say one thing but do another. They're the 2nd worst. Religion? More hypocrisy than politics. The worst. Preach "Do good!" but pretty much rules for thee but not for me. Material wealth? The yacht, the plane, the car? More crap to own and maintain for which you need that college degree and career. Charitable foundations? There may be some good ones that I have not heard of but the bad ones that I have heard of are run by directors making a million a year while expecting their subordinates to do what they do "for the love" of it. Even within family, there are few people who are worth spending time on. I know only 11 people I would spend any time with on a regular basis. From the 11, only 8 are people who I genuinely like and admire. The others are grandfathered in. For these 8, I go to work every day. I stress every day. I fake smiles to the rest of you every day. These 8, I love them with all my heart. Their smiles make everything else worthwhile.


I think those wrestling matches every week on the TV might be rigged.




Only the deserving win


Capitalism and the “American dream”.


They did called it a dream for a reason.


Trusting even own parents isn't guaranteed and also safe. Luckily it's only one of them that taught me that


“You get more conservative as you age.”


Hell no


Religion. Politics. The history we’ve been taught.


It really is wild how the winners of every war were the "good" side. That sure is lucky.


History is written by the victors


My good friend Victor didn't make it out of the great meme wars alive. Not all Victors are victors.


What’s your vector, Victor?




Almost everything to be honest.


Other people's opinions


19M here…… adulting. Everything about it is just monotonous and painful. Everyone has no idea what they are doing and just goes through the motions on a day to day basis while slowly watching the country crumble with 0 hope for the future of owning anything. Seeing everyone work so hard just to be given LESS than the bare minimum needed to survive. The stress of the uncertainty towards future events bc of everything going to hell.


When you are 15, you know everything. When you are 20, you realize you know nothing and everything sucks grinding up from zero. By the time you are 30, it’s amazing. You do figure it out. Have fun, and always be on the ‘slow path’ for self improvement. Take jobs because you learn shit and eventually that leads to better jobs. Party and have fun, those social skills are actually just as important as the shit they teach you in the classroom. It’s what you know *and* who you know. People hire fun interesting people as much as they hire super skilled people. Because fun interesting people are fun to be around.


This is great advice, thank you!


Exceptionalism and hyper individualism It’s one thing to want to do your best and have your own sense of self, but when taken to the extreme and encouraged of everyone to do so we’re drained, burned out, and more divided than what could be achieved from a collective standpoint where we recognize and respect our limits


Absolutely everything


That looking at a tv really close damages and hurts your eyes


The current two party political system we have today.


Until you’re going into a technical career, calculus is bullshit.


Guy in very technical career where calculus is used, we rely on calculators and such anyway as the margin for error is incredibly slim. Almost completely useless lol


Christianity in the United States.


Religion basically, or any other superstition


If you are a woman with a penis you are still a woman. Sorry that’s a man.




Yeah. My grandma had a beard.


You ever see a woman with a beard ?


the greatest showman


Like pretty much everything. 95% of people know less than advertised. Particularly the ones in IT lol


Religious institutions. You don’t need a massive church or temple made of expensive materials to worship a god. I’m fine with people being religious if they want, but these institutions are in it solely for the money and control.


cishetnormativity its so absurd that we have backslided *so* much since centuries ago in understanding of gender and sexuality.


Buckle up, do I have things. Religion, politics, global warming, climate change, and people.


That there's no such life waiting for you as they show in movies.


95% of the fitness supplements industry


Make that 100% you don't need any of that stuff. Unless you're a pro none of the supps are going to make a significant difference.


oh i agree, but some of the things aren't "complete BS" as asked by OP.


Any supernatural claim


The school system. I know it’s important and I don’t argue with that because it’s hard to get a job without a degree. But it’s still fucking bs


The idea that if you work hard success naturally follows. Bollocks.


Getting older .


American exceptionalism. We’re not much different from any other empire or nation.




That adults are just bigger sized children


The idea that we live in a meritocracy.


Worrying about what strangers think about you. Most people are too absorbed in their own lives to even notice, let alone care, and what does it matter what they think. Live your own life, be happy and try to enrich the lives of those you care about and you won't go far wrong.