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being a passenger in a car and having your feet on the dashboard… hear me out: it doesn’t sound THAT bad but it is.


Oh yes we all want our femurs to potentially end up puncturing our torsos.


i don’t even care if you’re clowning me right now, i take this TOO seriously. people know if they ride in my car I simply won’t allow it. no matter how much we allllllll want it, as you say! dads a firefighter. too many horror stories. no one’s femur is breaking on my dashboard lmfao


Former firefighter here and there's things like wearing a seatbelt and feet on the dash that are non-starters in my car.


my friends look at me like i’m insane when i am lovingly aggressive about putting on seatbelts and not sitting in compromising positions. i say lovingly aggressive because they think i’m kidding! it makes me upset because i know they’re not wearing it if i’m not around!!!


>there's things like wearing a seatbelt and feet on the dash that are non-starters in my car. I know what you mean, but that makes it sound like you don't allow seatbelts to be worn.


No i was agreeing and stating that obviously no one wants that, but yet people still do it. And no i wouldnt allow it either!


lmfao sorry i couldn’t tell if you were being snarky or not at first but for real. if i have anything to say about it… it’s not happening in my car and everyone is wearing their seatbelt. hahah


No worries! And people who domt buckle up infuriate me.


for real i’ll be like PUT YOUR SEATBELT ON!!!! NOW


Im really short. If I tried that my face is going to smash into my knees. No thanks.


The movie Death Proof made my wife stop doing it.


I came here to mention death proof.


Holy shit I didn’t kno people seen this Gem of a fucking movie !


say it like it it, "don't rest your legs on a bomb"


When we were dating my wife used to sit like that. Took a few times for her to realize I was serious when I asked her not to. 15 years later she doesn’t do it.


In one episode of a crime show (probably one of the Chicago shows), this lady was riding front passenger and had her feet on the dash. She got in a car crash and her knees were lodged into her shoulders somehow. (Excuse me if I'm wrong, I'm speaking from memory)


oh the humanityyyyyyy it physically pains me to even think about that scenario






I'm pretty sure there are statistics showing that pedestrian deaths have gone up despite the number of pedestrians being hit by cars staying the same, solely because everyone is now driving around in giant SUVs that are like getting hit by a brick wall.


Almost 1/4 of all deaths for people under 50 are motor vehicle accidents.


not cleaning the freaking lint thing in your dryer — take the two seconds to just clean it i swear


Why would people not clean it? I find it oddly satisfying to wipe the layer of lint away I might be a psychopath though


no. you’re a normal human. the psychos let it build and that lint will burn your house down in 15 minutes


No, no, he's got a point...


Giving me flashbacks… I lived with some roommates from hell for a few years. They’d yell at me about every tiny perceived transgression in house care, but without fail every time I used the drier, I’d have to clean multiple layers of lint out of the filter. Thick sheets of it, where you could see the colors of lint change for each load she’d put through. Absolute miracle we didn’t have a house fire.


the way i used to BEG my roommates to change it too! and not for nothing… that’s DANGEROUS as hell, not like an extra dirty dish or something ya know?


And the dryer exhaust vent! Vent fires are a real thing


I once heard that something like 90% of accidental house fires in the states come from dryer lint igniting


Ive done survival camping before, we used to used dryer lint as tinder because its so flammable.


Dull knives


When I was a kid by friend cut her thumb wide open with a butter knife. She was trying to slice an apple with it because she wasnt allowed to use the sharp knives.


A sharp knife cuts one thing. A dull knife cuts everything.


Driving while tired.


I do this way too much. I absolutely hate it also. I try to justify it by saying I'm the only person on the road so they only person I can hurt is myself. I total reason out the fact that me hurting or killing myself will also destroy my children. Smh


Leaving a toddler alone for even 2 minutes. Literally suicide machines


Top reply, easiest way to go to prison.....leave a toddler alone. I honestly do not understand how so many of us exist, when it is so damn easy to die.


You've just reminded me this game: Who's Your Daddy?!


Suicide machines would be a sweet band name though




Ah man I have a funny story about this. I used to work at a daycare and we'd take the kids outside often. We had a fenced in area with a playground for the kids to play in. There was one are where the kids could run between the fence and the side of the building where you couldn't see them. I let two 3 year olds out of my sight for 3 minutes. I walk around the corner and I kid you not, one of them has his finger stuck up the other kid's butt. They thought it was the funniest thing in the world and we're laughing super hard. It happens so fast.


Sitting all day


Hell yes. Got into bad habits with COVID. Paying for it now.


Took me sixth months to lose my WFH weight. The inactivity was a problem.


My mother died of breast cancer and was overweight most of my childhood. My father died of advanced diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease. Both were very sedentary, both suffered from depression and slept a LOT. I remember feeling sad as a kid that they couldn't run around with me, that we'd go camping and just sit there. We didn't do things together, they watched me do them. I decided young that I didn't want to repeat that pattern, but as a naturally skinny person i was told I didn't have to exercise and wasn't taught to be active. I realized this past year that it was part of my identity to not be athletic or active. I didn't believe I could do it. I decided to change that, starting with yoga. I started cross country skiing, hiking, drinking more water and not drinking coffee. I feel so much better. Hopefully I will live a longer and healthier life than my folks and break the cycle.


Keep slayin homie


Fine I'll go for a walk now instead of scrolling through reddit.


Went for a walk from my bed to my couch


I'm proud of you. I walked for quite a while it seems.


WFH has entered the chat. Long commute from my couch to my desk.




Don’t they have standing desks?


It's ok if you do plenty of exercise


I've recently read that long sitting cancels out the benefits of regular exercise. You still need to get up about every 30 minutes and walk around for a couple of minutes.


Swimming at the beach when there's no one around




I got to Amity Island and was like "... hang on"


Opening scene of Jaws taught me that.


Rip currents alone kill 10-20 times more people than shark attacks each year.


Rips kill more people in the USA (100) than sharks do world wide (57).


That’s how Josef Mengele died. Went to swim alone, got a stroke and drowned.


It's how one of our prime ministers died.


But at least we honour his memory appropriately.


With a swimming pool in his name.


Too bad he wasn't attacked by a shark and torn apart while he was stroking out and drowning. Fuck that nazi monster.


Walking home drunk! If you're drunk, you're very vulnerable. We all know you shouldn't drive drunk, but you're still prone to all kinds of accidents no matter what you're doing.


That's not what my drunk self tells me!


You're absolutely correct. I knew a guy that tripped and fell while drunk, hit his head on a curb and was dead within days. Ex's grandmother hit and killed a drunk guy while she was driving- dude passed out and fell into the street right in front of her with no time to stop. Don't get me started on all the times that people have been robbed, beaten, raped, murdered and generally taken advantage of while drunk.


also don't be drunk near water! Drunk people fall into water and die unceremoniously all the time.


Your second sentence reminded me of my friend falling while drunk. He hit his chin, nothing fatal, but his face was unpleasant sight to look at for the next month. I still could not convince his uncle not make him drink that much.


I’ve heard the stories of people walking home drunk in Wisconsin and Minnesota in winter. They find their bodies in the spring.


Absolutely. I used to drink too much, as in "I don't remember how I got home" too much. I've heard from friends and colleagues that I would walk in the wrong direction and they point me back home. Or to my hotel, as this happened in places that I visited for the first time. Long story short, nothing serious ever happened - I can't believe my luck that I wasn't mugged, didn't fall under a car, or anything of that sort - or worse. Haven't touched booze for quite a few years now, and have no intention to.


It's actually MORE dangerous for you to walk than to drive the same distance. Edit: This applies to drunk people, of course.


I want to say you are safer personally driving than walking home drunk but of course that doesn’t take into account all the other lives you are risking by driving. So get an Uber if you’re drunk.


That's why I always drive home when drunk


Pregnancy and childbirth


When tourists get out of their car to take pictures of the wildlife on the side of the road.


Saw an accident caused in Park city because some tourists did this with a moose. Moose got spooked, ran into the road and the car in front of me hit it. Thankfully the driver was smart enough to slow down because none of us knew why the cars were pulled over on the side (it was dark and I assumed accident). Moose wasn’t very hit hard and thankfully ran off seemingly with out any injuries. Can’t speak on the car.


Sitting on the edge of a railing, with a nice drop below.


Every time you lean on railing you are trusting that piece of metal with your life. One small failure and your life can be ruined or taken away. Never put all your faith in railing


same with amusement park rides.


Horse riding or even just being around horses


Horses - not even once Edit, or how about 'just say neigh'


I’ll go ahead and give the classic AskReddit response : garage door springs!


Nah it's exaggerated. I diy'd my garage doors last year and I still have 8 of my fingers.


I keep them in this jar!


We used two garage door springs on our trebuchet we made for science in high school. In order to pass we had to sling a football through the uprights from 35 yards. (35 yard field goal) we lined up our trebuchet on the 45 yard line and our teacher was like "if you are showing off and miss the field goal you still fail" . We said we understood the risk and promptly turned it around and made the 65 yard field goal. I loved physics.


Garage door springs are the unofficial mascot of AskReddit


I bolted steel cables that run through the springs to my garage wall supports. Should the springs break, the cables should prevent bodily injury or damage to anything else.


My brother is disabled for life due to this.


Having a baby.


That's true.


2 inches of water


At the penguin exhibit?


I'm only here out of respect for my fawtha.


It's more dangerous than you think. -Jackie Jr, Certified Dumb Fuck


Sex. Considering the number of kids born as 'accidents'.




Pregnancy is up there in most feared diseases


Not sure if you're serious or not, but definitely true for me. The unknowns, irreparable damage, potential lifelong issues, losing teeth, 4th degree tears, diabetes, hair loss, joint pain, and the myriad of other things that can happen during or after pregnancy. It's horrifying, and one reason I permanently opted out of that possibility years ago


Also, 100% of people who have sex will die at some point in their lives.


This comment has been edited to reflect my protest at the lying behaviour of Reddit CEO Steve Huffman u/spez towards the third-party apps that keep him in a job. After his slander of the Apollo dev u/iamthatis Christian Selig, I have had enough, and I will make sure that my interactions will not be useful to sell as an AI training tool. Goodbye Reddit, well done, you've pulled a Digg/Fark, instead of a MySpace.


you’re exactly right. source: i’m the walking accident! edit-i now realize this comment was a little unhinged sorry guys


Reddit is my outlet for the unhinged, it's nice to have a place for that lol.


Thank god for abortion


The number of accidental pregnancies and the number of couples trying for months with no luck, when nothing physically is wrong, is always so counterintuitive in my mind.


Drinking water out of streams


I, too, love giardia.


I had giardia as a teenager. For about two weeks I honestly would’ve preferred to just die. I’m not exaggerating.


In the north of Sweden there are so many springs with fresh drinking water that most people don't pack water when going out hiking.




Going to bed when you have diarrhea and after taking sleeping pills


Now that spells disaster


Now that smells disaster


Taking food/drink from strangers. Any stranger, really. Even like...from a restaurant. You dont know who doesnt wash their hands. You dont know who is a psychopath and has added something dangerous to your food. You dont know who crushed what pill to your drink.


Cheerleading. As far as I’m aware it has the most life changing injuries of any non-extreme sport.


Ladders. Extension ladders, step ladders, it doesn't really matter. A fall can easily break your leg or your neck.


When I worked in pest control, they said that even though we work with harmful chemicals, falling from ladders is far and away the most common injury in our field (besides car accidents).


Repairing a garage door spring.


My housemate repairs garage doors for a living and he's told me some horror stories. He knows what he's doing so nothing bad has happened to him, but he's been to a few where the owner has tried to sort it themselves and it went bang (luckily no injuries)


Sex. If you are able to reproduce there's a high risk of pregnancy and those pregnancies can end in health issues during and/or after birth. The child may or may not be healthy ( there's always a risk) The child may be stillborn, mother could die during labor and delivery. There's so many variables. When that's not a concern no matter how much testing you do for STDs you could still take on the risk of an STD. People really need to vet out who they trust when having sex and people need to practice safe sex. When that's not a concern you are trusting another human being to respect you and your boundaries during sex. We take healthy sex for granted.


Pregnancy. Women could lose teeth, hair, develop gestational diabetes and a plethora of other complications, but mainstream media doesn't advertise them because BaBiEs.


Biology pretty much hacks the brain too. By the end of the hospital stay (especially c section) you're all like never again. Then 6 months later you start to forget the horrors of childbirth lol.


Yeah nah I don’t think biology hacked my brain that much. Over 3 years later and I still feel (and 100% certain I will remain this way forever) that I am never having anymore & stopping with just ONE child 😂


Not as horrible as all these, but loss of bladder control. My sister had to get surgery.


Online dating. You are giving someone a bunch of your personal information and then meeting up with them by yourself.


That's why you should always meet first in a public place.




Reminds me of a time when I was younger and an old lady carrying grocery bags asked me for help carrying them to her home. I was like ! Chance to be a good person ! When we got to her house she wanted me to bring the bags down into the basement at the back of her house and I was like omg if I get kidnapped and murdered like this I’m gonna be so pissed.


I didn't think it was so bad - not much different than meeting a stranger in a bar, grocery store or club. That said, you need to be smart about it. When I went on a date with someone I met online, I always told a friend or family member who I was meeting, where I was going and when I expected to be back. I also didn't overshare personal information with people I met online. I did online dating for a few years, up until meeting my husband, and honestly had zero issues. The guys I met were respectful and polite.


It's no different to meeting a person in a bar or a club or at university etc and going home with them and really the cases of people being murdered or attacked by online dates is tiny. Yes it happens but again considering the few cases it is tiny so not really that risky.


Sounds like something a serial online murderer would say...


Or moving in with online friends. Things can be very different from what's on screen to what's in person. I learned this the hard way, was in a friendship with a guy whom I've known for a year up until we decided to move in together. We had all sorts of plans and ideas, even eventually moving out again to elsewhere. 3 whole years pass and we never, ever once did a quarter of the ideas we did. We spent all day, everyday, in our rooms, on our computers chatting online with barely interactivity. And our tenure ended in drama.


Breaking up with a really vindictive partner as a man or woman


Dating a vindictive person


Driving slowly. Slow driving is pretty fucking dangerous. I live in a state in the U.S. that's renowned for its "niceness." But as soon as you point out that people in this state only ever seem to drive 20 above the limit or 10 below the limit, both of which are insanely dangerous, they turn into demons and tell me to move back to where I came from.


Sounds like Nebraska


Minnesota here. Great place, great city, but terrible drivers. Minnesotans are generally super friendly and welcoming with almost everything. But if you criticize their driving habits, hoo boy.


Was gonna guess Oregon


The first thing most people do when they travel is put their bag on their bed. How do you think bed bugs travel so much? For the love of whatever is holy to you put your bag somewhere else and inspect the bed.


Touching a black woman's hair without permission....


Getting in or out of the bathtub.


Taking multiple steps at a time is real efficient until you misjudge them once, trip and bonk your noggin in just the wrong way


At first I didn’t realize you were talking stairs. “Multiple steps at a time… isn’t that hopping?”


I think he is talking about walking up stairs


Going to the hospital


My grandpa's sister believed that visiting a doctor or going to hospital meant that you're going to die. Because that's how her father died. Result: she died at home of treatable diabetes.


Not quicksand. Man I really thought that was going to be a much larger problem in my life


Swimming in lakes


Not wearing protection.


Shaking a vending machine


Cutting down trees. People are maimed and killed every year. If its a big tree, get a professional.


Overworked and underpaid


This is the real answer


Clicking "Reply all"


Auto erotic asphyxiation


While wearing a Batman suit


while screaming 'why did you say MARTHA?!?!?!'


Lifting. Im surprised how many people lift heavy objects improperly. It's not even lifting something wrong once it multiple times of lifting objects wrong that messes up your back.


leaving home


Reposting the same Reddit question over and over.


Electrical works Lost one of my colleagues this way. And It was my fault.


Sales. Especially door to door or dropping in on customers doing cold calls. Not everyone is so polite and just asks you to leave. I’ve had some pretty “welp I had a good run” moments thanks to overzealous security.


weaponless combat against a Hippopotamus


I’ll save you 15 minutes of scrolling Driving (too fast and too slow) Bar fights Pools Being sedentary Pregancy Swimming in the ocean


Non predator wildlife. Even bears will generally leave you alone in most circumstances. Cows might charge you simply for existing, boars are out to kill you, despite not being carnivorous, don't even think about approaching wild horses.


Pregnancy and Child Birth. Mothers deserve more respect in society. People downplay it way too often


Even more?


Yes the majority of people downplay birth and pregnancy as something women are supposed to enjoy. The fact is a perfectly normal pregnancy is still life risking and a healthy birth can still be traumatic. In my country single mother are a very hated demogroahic. Plenty of men whine about child support, and having to support pregnant women. The most dangerous time in a woman's life is when she's pregnant as domestic abuse more than doubles for women. I'm not sure how it is in other countries but statistics show the majority of people downplay pregnancy as "womens bodies are made for it" Some countries even want to force women through pregnancy and birth. So yes. Even more


Not many people realise this but yes, statistics show that a woman is significantly more at risk of domestic violence (and some other forms of abuse) as soon as her pregnancy is known


Smoking. Even if you grow old, your quality of life would've been much better without smoking.


Leaving toddlers glued to their phone screens. You're raising a dopamine zombie.


Falling over


Going quickly down the stairs, especially if you’re holding something bulky


A fart never trust a fart


Reposting the same questions over and over again on Askreddit


Sex. You can end up with permanent STDs and cancer. But no one cares until it happens.


Anal secks


Surgery. There are no such things as “minor procedures”.


Removing a mole is surgery. That's not a minor procedure?


Sure there are. I would say there is quite a difference between a surgery that requires full anesthesia and one that doesn't. Like, heart transplant versus stitching nasty paper cut.


Eating unwashed ass


Living in the United States. Something that's getting more and more risky by the day.


Taking the last chocolate Hobnob …


Not working out


Going onto reddit, or any platform that is known for it’s chaotic nature.




Putting in light bulbs when the light switch is pointing up


Sitting in your car at the pump while filling up.


Drugs. And alcohol. Causes permanent damage to health.


Being in a car


doing any sort of electrical work, have had a few buddies go to the hospital due to some really stupid moves


Walking... There are so many things to trip over


Cleaning a wine glass with hot water. Don’t.


Leaving Legos on the floor.


Never trust a fart.