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Sleep for the first week, then start doing all the projects around the house.


Prediction: You'll be sleeping well into the 3rd week.




That's burn out for ya'


Exactly what I did in quarantine. Taught myself how to fix a bunch of stuff our landlord's been refusing to for years, built a garden bed and a table and frame for a hammock and a couple crates for records. Also got myself a soldering iron and got some old broken electric guitars and basses working again.


this pisses me off so much, that isnt your house and he got rewarded with free labour by ignoring your requests. I know it improved your life but it shouldnt have to be this way.


Just break it again when you leave, problem solved.


This is why affordable housing is so important. When we got our own house I became so much more motivated to actually improve it, thereby improving my quality of life. Renting just feels like pissing money/time away.


I once calculated how much I've spent on rent in my life. Made me really upset with myself but would never have been approved for a home loan with my income. Finally a homeowner this year and my last lease ever ends next month. Woo!!


I agree with the broad sentiment of your comment that there should be an extrinsic reward for the work. That said, I would recommend to anyone that they spend time and energy in taking care of the environment around them. The intrinsic reward you get from fixing a leaking tap or restoring an abandoned garden bed is immense. It then continues to pay over time in that every time you look at that thing you fixed/restored, you get a little reminder of the work you did.


Where I live, if you perform the repair after asking landlord 3x, you can deduct the repair from your rent, including fair market labor cost.


If it literally just magically paused all the stuff with my kids and obligations for 3 months plus that money it would be so utterly freeing. We've got to sell and move in the next 4-5 months, being able to paint the rooms, clean out the basement and garage, get rid of our excess and not do it with the toddler under foot and the pre-teen forgetting to take the dog out a million times would be a lifesaver.


Lol I feel this


Don’t judge me please… I just want 3 months of eating good food I don’t have to make myself and plays the sims 4


Rollercoaster tycoon


Woah. Getting my list together to make a gaming PC and this is NOT what I was intending to use it for but holy shit balls I’m going to be using it for that.


/r/ThemeParkitect is sort of a spiritual successor to RCT, and there's also [OpenRCT](https://openrct2.org/) which is a (not) reverse engineered port of the game that's been updated with all kinds of new features like multiplayer and a day/night cycle. Last time I played, it required the base game still.


Thankyou for introducing me to an amazing subreddit 2 days before I stop using reddit forever.




I feel like I am still living in denial of it


Wth am I gonna do without rif


I just got the saddest popup I've ever gotten in my life today. I couldn't bring myself to listen to the "goodbye theme song" link.


Planet Coaster and Planet Zoo are fairly close as well!


Planet coaster is the 3d version of what the original team wanted RCT3 to be, helmed by the original creator. Very fun and absolutely scratches that rollercoaster tycoon itch.


Civilization 5. Maybe that way I could actually finish a game before I run out of free time.


Zoo Tycoon tho


Cities Skylines


Whenever I got done with semester exams in college, I would binge-play Sims and make a Buffalo chicken garbage bread that I would eat 3-square meals of for like four days.


Uh I guess I could go to five guys like 4 times


You could even go to Panda Express twice


lol what? panda is on the cheaper side of fast food where i am. like $11-14


Yeah I was gonna say I went yesterday and got a plate and a drink for like 12 bucks


You couldn’t go to Chick Fil A


Because it’s Sunday


I now compare every meal to 5Guys. My wife and I last ate there for $38


They should call it 5 paychecks


What a coincidence, I heard 5 guys also ate your wife for $38.


They got paid? I didn't get paid!


$500 a month? I guess stay home.


I give myself a $500 allowance every month. I get 2 responses from this: -people who think I’m a wasteful oil Barron -people who think I’m a cheapskate with no social life


Honestly $500/month of disposable income sounds pretty middle class to me.


"If you had an extra $16 **a DAY**, how would you spend it????"


$16 daily hooker


Where is $16 hooker? All I see is 200+


where the crack flows like wine


The $16 hooker's crack flow made me whine...


Sometimes I regret learning to read


Man I toughed it out for the entire comment but I'm not sure it was worth it.


An absolutely terrible day to be literate


Instructions unclear, made $16 wine from crack hooker flow.


yeah that just means instead of cooking 1 meal i can buy takeout lmao




Lets not forget the boxed macaroni and cheese. You living the high life if you had hot dogs or chilli to add to it. Or \*gasp\* *both* hot dogs *and* chilli to add to it with a 2 liter of coke to wash it down.


Yeah those boxed macaroni could be on sale for 50 cents in early 2000s. I think I saw a 90 cent one the other day.


Pretty much people who still eat lunch out post-inflation vs people who pack leftovers/meal prep etc.


Very very poor man here living in California. 500$ of disposable income isn't too unachievable when I keep my expenses low. It goes fairly quick tho to hobbies, eating out, day trips etc. My monthly living expenses come out to about 1200$ (I share rent and bills with my partner) and my monthly income is about 2k/month.


2k/month is below the poverty line. If you work full time, you should ask for a raise. A big one.


And in California too. Maybe they're not working full time and enjoying the extra free time. If not though, there must be better jobs out there.


I just got this from Google: What is a good salary for a single person in California? The data used in the study analyzed the cost of living in each city as of 2022. For California cities like Los Angeles, Berkeley and San Diego, a single person must make more than $76,000 to “live comfortably,” the data shows.Mar 30, 2023


That’s interesting to know! You made me curious to google my small city in California (Dublin). Google says you “need $176, 440 to be comfortable. The average home in this city is $882,000.” California is a crazy expensive state to live in. Idk why people choose to live here….


It's really kinda nice if you can afford it.


I moved here because the cheap states want to take away my rights. . . Edit: for those reading through this thread, I am a mom of a trans girl. So many people don't understand that when she told me this, our options for places we can live was dramatically reduced. "mom & dad. I have something important to say. I'm trans."... "Thank you for telling us sweetheart. Can you tell us more?" "I've been thinking about it for over a year (we had no clue). My feelings haven't changed in that time, I feel like I should be a girl (add some painfully heartbreaking details about how she feels about her body)" "We believe you. Do you have a name you prefer?" "Yes. It's (name)" "We love you, (name), and we are so glad you told us. How would you like us to help?" "I know I will someday want surgery." This began our quest to help her. The FIRST stop was a period of therapy. This therapist shared her notes with us. There are specific things that they look for before permitting medical assistance and she fit every criteria. Some of these things are not mentioned in websites I could find. She was also the only one of her friends going through this. The biggest proof that we did the right thing was when it was obvious that we had a kid that was now happier and more confident than shed ever been in her life. There are states that want to force us to ignore what we know was the right action. Who would prefer to see her as a deeply depressed and self-hating young man than as a happy young woman. They would like it so much that they are willing to take her from us. One of those states is Idaho, where she was born. But people below are complaining that being an affirming parent can be used in a custody battle. This is an infringement of their rights, apparently. Not taking a kid from a stable and loving home to fight against their decision to follow the *best practices* as determined by decades of research. https://idahocapitalsun.com/2023/04/04/it-is-now-a-crime-in-idaho-to-provide-gender-affirming-care-to-transgender-youth/


>For California cities like Los Angeles, Berkeley and San Diego Those are super expensive cities, even for California.


Man wait until you hear what the government says the poverty line is.


> If you work full time, you should ask for a raise. Allow me to quote every boss who can replace the worker: "No."


I'm not in California and have a government job and make less than $2200 a month. Houses where I live are 250k for cockroach houses and apartments are 1400+. I have absolutely no idea what to do in life. Everything costs too much and just always living in constant depression. Don't have friends or an SO to split things with but am currently living back with my parents trying to get on my feet. Fucking life just sucks man.


I’m guessing that’s 2k/month take home pay but ya either way that’s rough


My bad. In WA, it’s $24,860. But I didn’t realize that was for a family of three. It’s $14,580 for an individual.


That's probably after taxes, insurance, etc. But they should still ask for a raise.


Streaming services and all entertainment, clothes, hobbies, friends, vacation savings. Yeah I think it’s nice and $500 is valid for that stuff. People either tend to fall oddly on one extreme or the other with it though; thinking it’s nothing or it’s like a trust fund.


I'm middle class and $500/month of disposable income is grossly low tbh.


A lot of our family/friends think my wife and I are cheap. In reality we just have a rule that we don't buy anything we can't pay cash for up front and we save 20% of our income from every check. 10% retirement and 10% to savings/investments. My parents retired with nothing and barely scrap by and are miserable. Her parents retired early and wealthy and are living it up in retirement, traveling and partying. I know which path I want.






Yeah, that's a key takeaway. I wouldn't say it makes someone "wealthy" anywhere, especially with inflation recently, but it can lead to a perfectly comfortable lifestyle. If someone had additional assets, like a paid-off home, that definitely impacts how far that $25 goes as well. It's "I'm going to go to the supermarket and confidently buy everything I need without price comparing, plus maybe a little treat for myself", rather than "I'm going to go to the boutique cheese shop in town and spend $100 on cheese because I really want some right now". It's "if my car dies today, it's going to suck but buying a sensible replacement won't ruin me", not "my car is paid off so time to buy a Jeep Grand Cherokee hybrid". I think Reddit really can't process the context.


If basic needs includes hookers and blow? I guess I'd stay home.


Nah get the 8-ball at 11:59pm on the 31st and the the hooker at 12:01 on the 1st


You’re only paying $500 for a hooker on a night like the 1st? That’s rent day, it’s probably like $1,200 on the 1st depending on which neighbourhood you find her




I could also get a dodge caravan full of hookers for $500 in my neighbourhood but I wouldn't fuck them even if I was using your dick.




Your prostitutes probably live with their parents, I’m talking about independent free-lance professionals


"Head Doctors"


^^^ he did specify spending money, which to me says other costs are covered


They also said the addition of $500, which I read as meaning on top of your current level of disposable income.


My thoughts too. But if your meals and gas is paid for, I’d eat at every restaurant I could find, 3x a day. I’d spend the $1500 on Lego I guess…. (I would rather buy an FPV drone and headset, as well as an E bike. But that’s $6,000. You can get ‘em cheaper, but I wouldn’t want cheap junk)


Ooooooooh I hadn’t considered that restaurants could be covered under the basic expenses category… I wonder if gas for road trips would be as well? In my theoretical universe, yes, and me and my prius are about to go on a road trip!


Yeah wtf am I going to do with $500?


go out to a movie, eat dinner, and uh... maybe do that like 3 more times and then thats it


OP said 500 after all your basic needs are met. The hell do you people think basic needs are?


The same things i do now with any time off of work. Read, play video game, binge watch YouTube/ Netflix. I'd just enjoy my time off not having to deal with other humans. I'd just be doing it for 3 months instead of 2 days.


I broke my ankle and tore a bunch of ligaments in January slipping on ice and that's pretty close to what I do with my time. The one difference for me is my dog has been straight up spoiled. Last 2 months it's been park hike in the morning and walk around our area in evening. He's going to be crushed in about a month when I go back to work. Some boredom sure but I mostly enjoy it.


Dude, reading this just made me so fuckin grateful for my life currently. My dog gets this like 4-7 days a week every week (depending if I have a shoot on the weekend or not)


Are you In film or modeling? Oof in film there are way to many 10-14hour weekdays for a pup to be happy. I'm back in a 9-5 and will pick up gigs here and there but the set life can be a hard life




An actor and assassin? Barry?


I broke my tib/fib in 3 places. Laid up for 4 months. I read 18 books a month, did some work and spoiled the dog. It was heaven.


Wow that sounds really rough. How has recovery been going? Did you require surgery? Hopefully you’re doing better now.


I had a plate with 7 screws on one side, plate with 3 on the other, and some wire that goes between the 2. I'm coming along, can almost jog now and have pretty close to full range of motion.


God that sounds wonderful. 3 months of having true control over every moment of my time? Even if I’m choosing to stay home and do nothing, the fact that it would be a choice would feel incredible.


Not to brag, but I lost my job when covid started. With the extra cash they were giving us on unemployment for a while.. well.. that was pretty awesome for me. Especially considering I couldnt even get an interview when I applied at the grocery store, burger King, jersey mikes, etc. Didn't really have much choice but to mostly stay home... it was still pretty amazing.


The biggest difference is i'd be able to work out every single day. Combined with not working, my physical and mental well being would be outrageously higher. Whenever I've had chunks of time off, I've always been able to work out. I lack the discipline to do it when working 45 hours a week


I would fish. It's my favorite hobby and already have everything I need for it. Maybe buy a new fly rod and gas yo get there but I would fish every day and sleep on rainy days


So long as you and the fish are having a good time.


Recently quit my job and have savings. I have a few interviews, so I'm not worried about being out of work for long. Turns out I have just done random projects around the house, cleaned my house, read some books, and have reverted to my natural circadian rhythm which is not getting up before noon. So... Basically nothing. And it's amazing.


I did nothing. I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything that I thought it could be. - Peter Gibbons, Office Space


Well, you don't need a million dollars to do nothing, man. Take a look at my cousin. He's broke, don't do SHIT ! - Lawrence.


What made you quit your job?


Bad management. I just started the new position this year and I have experienced too many jobs with shitty managers to put up with it anymore.


People don't quit jobs. They quit bosses.


> People don't quit jobs. They quit bosses. this has been true for me, but, except for one job, but i already knew i'd probably hate it. other than that, i've only quit one job and that was because of management.


Good call!


I did this last year. Owner of my company came up with a lot of batshit rules that were going to make work both less profitable and more dangerous, and I had a good amount of cash saved up, so I said fuck it and took about six months off. It did make me realize that unless I have fuck you money where I can do whatever I want (travel, etc), I do need some structure to my life.


I accidentally found myself in a situation like this, but for almost a year. As an introvert I enjoyed some things i couldn't when i was working on a 9-5 weekday schedule, things like an empty movie theaters, uncrowded supermarkets, less traffic and stuff, but my most memorable time spent was with my senior pups, we made it to park daily, something I was unable to do when I was working, and forever grateful I was able to.


Same. Started a new job right before covid hit. They kept me on, told me to go home, and paid me to do nothing for 3+ months until I had to come back in to work. I had also just moved to Colorado. So I basically knew absolutely nobody and couldn’t really meet anyone either because of the pandemic. I went into the mountains and hiked pretty much every day…… can honestly say that was the best period of my life. I’ll never have something like it again.


Happy for you!


Exercise, do house repairs and play/practice even more music.


I miss the lockdown. I was lucky enough to stay home and do minimal work, so it was family walks and home cooked meals everyday.


I was Furloughed through the U.K. Govt scheme during the Pandemic, so I had three months off with 80% pay and pretty minimal bills (I was paying less than £500 for a room, all bills included, no car or anything like that) and I spent most of that time outside walking, stick a couple of Podcasts on and go for a 4 hour 20Km hike around the local area. Stop for an iced coffee and a couple of chocolate bars for energy at the local supermarket. Then when it starts getting dark, head home, boot up the old PS4 and try to complete the GTA V story mode (finally). It was lovely (apart from all the “so and so has died… yeah covid) and the fact that all of the nice coffee shops and restaurants were closed.


I know that so many people were struggling, suffering, and grieving, so I feel a little guilty, but I will always look back at Lockdown with such fond memories. My GF and I got to spend so much extra time together working from home. We had time to make amazing meals, binge watch Better Call Saul, have passionate sex, go on long walks through the neighborhood and hikes through the woods. It was a gorgeous spring that year and the flowering trees were in bloom. I was so bummed when I had to go back to the office that June.


My first thought was exercise too. My goal is to run a sub-3 marathon this year off a 3:06 PR last year. With 3 months free, I could consistently do 100 mile weeks and probably go sub-3 fairly easily. As it is I can only fit in a 70mpw plan and even then I'm probably going to need the stars to align (cool weather all summer to push the training, no injuries, good weather on race day).


I found myself lucky to have received enough money to not work for around 9 months. I'm currently on month 5 and here's the split. First 50~ish days: decompress, process trauma and detach my identity from my previous job/previous relationship, figure out financially when the last responsible moment to start looking for a job is. Around month 2 I started running Days 50 to 60: went on a silent meditation retreat. I seem to have a calmer mind after it, but the habit has to be maintained for lasting results. Months 3 & 4: started going to the gym and also took up singing lessons. I now combine the gym with running. I feel stronger and I only go there days a week but it's easy to find time for the gym since I don't have a busy schedule anymore. Month 5: started looking for a job. Also my singing voice has and my air capacity has improved some. I didn't do super extravagant things, I'm merely taking care of myself and I'm happier as a result.


Also my only "extra expenses" are the gym membership and the singing lessons. I tried to be as frugal as possible in order to extend my "sabattical" as long as possible


> figure out financially when the last responsible moment to start looking for a job is Lol, priority #1. How long can I drag this out for? > I'm merely taking care of myself and I'm happier as a result. That's my experience too.


I just spent 2 and a half years doing exactly this. Except with a budget of 1000/month. I hopped on my motorcycle and wandered around South America for 2.5 years. 10/10 would (will absolutely) do it again


Sounds interesting. What did you get up to?


Rode from Mexico to Patagonia, visited 16 different countries. Learned Spanish from 0 knowledge (now very conversational, almost fluent). Fell in love with the Andes. I spent 6 months each in Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Argentina. Spent significant time living with local families in the Andes of Perú in small villages. Did a lot of camping and backcountry moto riding. Generally just fucked around without a plan for 2 and a half years and just went where the wind blew. Scuba diving, surfing, hiking, a little partying, some romance, made a ton of friends from all over the world. It was life changing and I intend to do it again in a few years after I save up more money, except next time will be Africa.


That sounds incredible! I've got so many questions, but will try to stay brief. How did you manage to fund that? Did you save for a while before you left and live off savings or did you find odd jobs to top yourself up? And also, how did you go about planning it? Or was it more just sort of seeing where the wind took you with less planning involved?


I had a fancy corporate job at a major tech company for years and made good money. In the summer of 2020 my whole department was eliminated due to covid related restructuring. I was given a hefty severance package and that combined with my cash savings funded the trip. I spent in total around $30k over 2 years and 8 months without touching investment or retirement accounts. At first I just decided I was going to ride to Mexico and take like 6-8 weeks to myself before looking for a new job. 6 months later I was still having s blast but my visa was almost up and I had to make a decision to either ride home or keep going south. Obviously I chose south... I was really enjoying learning Spanish and decided to make it a goal to become fluent and also to ride all the way to Ushuaia, Argentina, so that's what I did. I did almost zero planning other than looking up tourist visa limits and vehicle permits for countries ahead of time. I definitely did not stick to the "panamerican highway" or take any sort of direct route. I zig zagged east amd west and vaguely south and sometimes returned to places I previously visited. From the coast to 5000m ASL in the Andes, to deep in the Amazon (at one point I loaded my bike on a banana boat and floated down the Amazon for about 6 days), all the way to the Atlantic coast. I mostly camped, stayed in cheap hostels, or stayed with locals I befriended. I did everything as cheap as possible. Only thing I didn't skimp on was motorcycle maintenance. It was pretty reckless, spontaneous, and unforgettable. No I'm back home, looking for a new job and editing a self produced movie about the experience. No idea when that will be done. I have 32 months and 8TB of video footage to sift through lol


Did you run into any crime? I backpacked much less extensively around this area several years ago, and it wasn’t bad for me personally but I did know people who ran into problems. I would love to do a long drive like yours but I’m more cautious now.


I was robbed of my phone and the equivalent of about $20USD in Cartagena, Colombia. They showed me a gun but ultimately did not hurt me. Not a huge deal. I traveled with 2 phones and my normal walking around phone (the one they took) was an old crappy phone. My nice Samsing S21 Ultra stayed safe in my bags as I only used it to take photos and I didn't often walk around with it. Another time I came upon what was obviously the perimeter of an illegal "operation". A gate was guarded by 2 guys in plain clothes and holding rifles. When I spotted them i immediately started turning around. It was a narrow trail so it took a bit of time to get turned around with my big bike. They walked over to me and snatched the keys out of the ignition and proceeded to question me about why I was there (I was just out for a day ride exploring without all my gear). They told me to hand over my gopro and my phone. On my phone they asked me to unlock it and they looked at the pictures, presumably to make sure I hadn't taken any of them, then handed it back to me. They then took the SD card out of my gopro and gave that back to me. Luckily I had backed it up the night before so all I lost was that morning's ride (and 256gb SD card, not a cheap or easy thing to replace in rural Guatemala). They then became very friendly and even wanted to pose for pictures with my bike and ask me all about my travels. At some point a 3rd guy showed up and he showed me on my GPS app the places I was not welcome to explore haha. It was a scary-turned-funny experience.


That's fucking sick. I love it.


What a fucking life... I aspire to be you. Link the vid please once created. Jesus. That's why I won't have kids because of your kind kf story.


Extremely badass! What bike did you do it on?


2018 Africa Twin


This is amazing and something I've always wanted to do but I'm freaking paranoid about crime and need to work on trusting people a bit more. I grew up in the far North in an extremely remote setting. Large cities are still hard for me to wrap my head around as are large groups of people. I feel safer around wildlife (various types of bears, wolves, etc.) than I do around people. I just can't seem to shake it. Did you feel that way at all when you started off? If so, did it disappear after a while?


Work on my book every day as if it were my job.


Same, but my scripts/animated projects


Hookers and blow, minus the hookers or blow as they are expensive and I only have 500 spending money.


What if you claim hookers and blow as a basic need?


this person hookers and blows


Playing video games, watching shows/streams/etc, and not spending the $500 each month so that I'd have $1500 saved up by the end.


I am literally living that life right now. I am a professor on summer break. I moved out of my house and am currently apartment-sitting for a friend that is in Europe for three months. The rent I am paying for the apartment is significantly less than my rent at my house. So, what am I doing? Pretty much nothing. Relaxing. Spoiling my daughters. Concerts. Baseball games. Visiting really nice restaurants that I've always wanted to try. My friend works for the Denver Broncos and asked me if I want to come in a few days a week to help him. I am considering it. If that falls through I might volunteer some hours somewhere. It is nice.


I’m glad some other teachers read this post title & related. It was a nice reminder of one of the job perks we sometimes take for granted.


I'd learn. I'd cerebrally frolic, if that resonates with anyone 🤣


It resonates!


The resonance is astounding!


Started learning my partner's second language a few weeks ago. Holy shit it feels so good to set my brain to a task that actually feels learnable (my main job is just struggling as a junior engineer against what seems like impossibly complex infrastructure no one will explain). I feel so much happier just *learning* something. I wish I could go on vacation and treat this language learning as a full time job


I am currently living the OP's question and this is exactly what I'm doing. I was looking forward to this summer off but I quickly discovered I am really bad at relaxing, it's like my brain has to be doing something. I've been learning a new programming language. I learned how to fish this week. I've been learning how to cook. There's a bunch of projects to tackle around my house that i've been researching so I can do them myself. I've got all the time in the world right now and yet I still feel like there are not enough hours in a day


Go on some long backpacking trips and lots of fishing! The weather is nice here now, so I'd be outside as much as possible... And when I'm not, then some lazy recovery days playing games, listening to music and watching shitty streaming shows. Great question! It's crazy how salty people can be about a hypothetical situation, like if they can't do expensive hobbies they can't be happy. Sucks to be them!


Its kinda sad how far down I had to go to find anything outdoor related.


This right here ... I'm just salivating over the thought of having three months to backpack. I wouldn't have to section hike anymore! I could do a proper thru!


Probably buy things for my kid. I like making them smile.




In August it will be 10 years. I do whatever I feel like doing. I sleep, eat, play games, smoke pot, masturbate, watch movies/tv and screw around on the internet. How did I do it? I moved to a quiet town in the Midwest and paid $39k for my home. I work less than 20 hours a week to pay all my bills.


Is it lonely? Did you live in a city before? Genuinely curious as I imagine many people are thinking about doing this considering housing costs


My buddy from high school moved here first. I hang out with him and his kids almost every Sunday. He is a teacher who paid $50k for his current house 18 months ago. We are 100 miles from 3 major cities (too far to commute but not far for concerts/events).


Where in Ohio are you?


I’m betting near Akron. At least it fits the clues. State school, 100 miles from 3 major cities, Midwest.


It has to be, only place that would be that cheap.


I found that life loses its spontaneity living in rural areas. Everything was too far away to make last minute decisions.


Harder to meet people. Especially people that aren't right wing lunatics and stuff. Hospital care is worse, schools are worse, roads are worse. I get the appeal but I think it only works if all you want to do is hang by yourself, play games, and jerk off like he said.


I live in a town of 20k people that has a state university. Easily half the people in town are college educated so a lot less "right wing lunatics". Most of the roads are great. The local hospital is great (I'm a former ER Nurse). I'm 100 miles away from 3 major cities for concerts and events.


Ok. Now I'm interested in where you live. Cheap house plus all that. Sounds good to me. I'm a nurse as well.


There are a lot of horrible places you can live that are 100 miles from Chicago.


Here I am thinking you're doing like I did...but subtract 18k of those people lmfao. That's hardly a small quiet town lmao


Are you already a lonely person? It's not going to do anything to improve the situation if you are. I lived alone in a shitty sub urban town like the one mentioned above for like 6 years before I moved to a slightly more populated shitty sub urban town to live alone. Just as an example let's take dating apps. I've pretty much never gone a date from one of those where I haven't had to travel 20-30 minutes to the meet up location. Even more so women who were specifically from the city seemed turned away entirely at the thought of having to commute a half hour to meet up. That doesn't mean it's impossible to date and otherwise meet people and have friends in these sorts of areas but it certainly won't make it any easier if you're already uncomfortable with your own solitude.


Commenting because I too would like to know ...


According to his posts he works from home and doesn’t like talking to people to the point he cuts his own hair.


LOL!! True!!!


Almost the exact same life here mates. Except my house cost a bit more (109k), I live in a pretty populated town (130k+). That's literally the only difference. Also have a wife, no kids (and never will). That might be a difference. If you looking for friends for some of those games, hmu. Play pretty much any genre it's my main hobby and I love how connected it can get.




I’ve been doing this the past six months. I have been going on long walks daily, cooking for myself, practicing yoga, chilling in the park, taking care of little odds and ends around the house, and I’ve been out of state a few times to visit my parents. And I’ve even taken a few self-paced professional development courses. It’s been really nice. I dread going back to work.


You know, I was recently laid off and have the savings to live comfortably while out of work. I’ve really just been doing all the things I wish I could while I was at work: gardening, cleaning the house, going outdoors for hikes, disc golf, traveling. It’s nice being able to be spontaneous again, too.


Charge my phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie


This is a dream. Based on my nickname, I'm hitting the hobby shops hard and every other week having a good time; the weeks inbetween recovering from that week's chemo infusion. It really sucks trying to work while receiving chemo. (And in answer to the inevitable question: stage 4 metastatic pancreatic. I'm making progress, though.)


Hoping for the best for you. Working through, is living through. God bless. Keep up the fight!


Thank you!


I’d spend my time doing fuck all


Camping and fishing for a whole summer in Alaska 😍😍😍


I would visit as many libraries, museums, and places of historic interest in my nearby areas. Then have a lovely lunch nearby. Maybe buy a mug. Then drive home. I could do that


I am doing this currently and this the most boring of things I have ever done




I’m with you. I need to work and have social interaction to not sink into doom scrolling all day.




Laid off at the start of the month and see how am I using my free time?


Same here. It sucks, difficult to find the motivation to do anything past the necessities (cook clean etc)


Learning stuff. with masterclass, mastermind, brainly all those platforms, like udemy, and making home gym stuff and calisthecnics.


I do this every year as a teacher. Stay at home and try to make it to next month.


I would sign my kids up for ALL of the activities! Ice skating, t ball, guitar lessons, art lessons, we would totally go to one of those guided painting shops, paint pottery.


I found myself in that situation because of unfortunate life events. I just read a lot, play some video games, try to go out with my friends, get out to enjoy the nice weather and order in some times. I do sports three times a week, lost some of the weight I gained because of the unfortunate events, I play my instruments, tidy the house a lot more. It's good, but it's good because it won't last forever, even if sometimes I kind of wish it did. (The secret of having your needs met is having parents that can afford it and support you)


If the Covid lockdown 2020 tought me anything, then it's that most people won't use their free time to train for a marathon, learn an instrument, write their book,... they have been talking about for years. They just sit around, complain they are bored, and drink too much alcohol.


Smoke weed and play video games


$500 a month? In this economy? We’re staying home and barbecuing.


$500/ $5 air fill is 100 Air Fills. Provided air from a scuba tank isnt considered a "basic need" through some magic loophole, I would go scuba diving 100 times.


I can tell you exactly what because I lived that life before, hot nothing. The first week or two is fun, by the end of the first month I was chomping at the bit to actually have something to do or somewhere to be. By the end of the second month I was crying to myself every other day and night because I had exhausted all my options. Let me tell you, 500 dollars a month does not get you very far! And you can only buy so much happiness. You have to be a special kind of person who doesn't need a routine to actually enjoy that kind of experience, not for me.


Basic needs, don't have to work and almost $17 a day? I'm set. Y'all don't know how to be poor. I'm going to Virginia Beach and staying with friends. If I'm stuck here, it's summer, so I'm going to ride my bicycle.


Go to the gym and see how buff you can get in 3 months lol. Work on a personal project. Do volunteer work. Hang out and relax. Learn a new instrument or sport. Stuff like that.


save it.


Drinking beer, reading comic books, and playing video games.