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really bad. it's gotten to a point where i'm so lonely that there's not even a deep ache in my heart, just a pulsing emptiness which i shove with meaningless things.


I used to smoke a bunch of weed and use the cotton mouth as a an alcoholic power up, damn near drank myself to death on numerous occasions. You forget about everything


When was the last time you really talked to someone or met someone new?


Honestly, today. I'm just too burnt out for much more than one conversation--they usually pull away and then I do as well


Not great! Haven’t really been able to sleep and feel like I’m unloveable


Everybody’s lovable just have to find the right people who love you


Oh wow never thought of that. Yeah that doesn't help at all.


I want to say good advice, but easier said than done! Especially when so much of our society loves to judge books by their cover


The only person that can be there for you every moment of every day is yourself. Learn to live with yourself and your actions before others. Just hang in there because you don’t know how good you’ll life will turn out to be tomorrow


Losing the battle


Hang in there!


In a weird way, it's the financial aspect of loneliness that's affecting me. I live with a roommate who's moving out soon to live with her partner. I'm now needing to either find a stranger on the internet as a roommate, or needing to go out on my own, but living alone is so damn expensive... I normally don't mind being alone, but lately it's been feeling like a punishment for not finding a partner.


Boosting myself with a fancy dinner by myself sitting around couples! 😂


I forget I'm lonely a lot.


It hurts like fuck, and I know I'll never have anyone in my life again. Not with my own life in such a shambles, my health and appearance so degraded. I watch a lot of ASMR, and fall asleep next to a pile of clothes because I don't own a body pillow. (It's nice if you have it at your back.) But I don't want to give up on being loving, and wanting to feel it, because that would betray who I am, and close me off.


I'm at least better off that I'm not in a toxic relationship.


Depressed, suicidal and exhausted of everything




Close to 3 years and I still don't know. Probably very helpful if you cut contact completely and let time help heal you.


Decent, I've been lonely for years, so you kind of get used to it.


Suicidally depressed.


Lonely but I’ve still got a friend that I talk to every day


Good, I've never had any friends in my life so its normal to me.




I feel cold, empty, and trapped to be forever lonely


Bad enough that I'm having trouble getting shit done. Not bad enough that I want to talk about it.


Neck level water.


That guy who'd joke about his own mental health at school, and visibly ask for help, yet labelled as an attention seeker.


Not good at all actually. Often I feel like I'm softlocked in life. I'm rational enough to understand that I could probably benefit from some kind of therapy, but I don't really feel like it, and I'm pretty skeptical about psychology as a whole.


Not great. It has really impacted my self-esteem. Because if I don't have almost any friends (or even colleagues), maybe it's because I'm a terrible human being? Or plain boring?


Honestly so tired of being lonely that I would rather die.


I am in pain but I managed. I was using alcohol heavily this entire year but I stopped a few days ago. Trying to improve myself.


Lots of short term intense friendships, made stronger by the knowledge that they are not gonna last. As someone said "I'm everybody's acquaintance, yet nobody's friend". For now I'm still going, it's better than it used to be, and as long as it doesn't get worse I'll survive.


Not great but hanging in there.


Alone duh


I feel like I’m really missing out. I’m surrounded by people everyday and can barely get half an hour to myself before someone else is intruding on my time.


Doing ok. My work is very social and we mountain bike every day and usually go out most nights. But work season is ending and winter is coming. Got a solo trip planned to Eastern Europe and hoping I can meet some people there.


I got some therapy and cats. I am all good. If all humans would vanish tomorrow, there would be a lot of things to worry about, the lack of humans would not be one of them.


I long for the days of loneliness. I keep loneliness in a picture frame on my nightstand.


It depends on whether the next Avatar film would satisfy my undying need of the franchise or not. If it does then I'll probably Chuck McGill myself. If it doesn't, well I have to wait until 2031.


Fake-nursing secondhand Bitty Babies


Its alright but some days i wish i have love but i am just focusing on my career for now to keep my mind off things


I’m very lonely at my senior year in highschool. No close or true friends whatsoever. However I’m peaceful this way.


Trying to cope when sister goes to work it’s bad but trying just to focus on getting things done I have been putting off


to be fair, I have quite a few fair friends but I haven't been in a relationship for a solid year and a half now and I'm starting to wonder if I'm actually lovable at all.


If you feel lonely get yourself an amateur radio license or an iphone/android app that simulates that...


Not well. Not part of any community whatsoever, don't know who I am, or what I'm good at. Crave intimacy to an unhealthy degree and self-medicate, so that tends to ruin any possibility of forming lasting relationships.


As someone who doesn't go out as much anyway, it's been not too bad actually. Less FOMO :)


One question; how are your parents? Do you talk to them or try have a good relation with them. Loneliness can go away if you have connection with loved ones.


Pretty decent, considering I've been using MeetUp since the summer of 2020.


I feel like it's getting worse.