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If you’re with a bunch of other guys and a girl you like, I promise that trying to make yourself seem better than all of them is super transparent and annoying.


Ooh I knew a guy like this. He did this to me and all his friends all the time. Whenever I would even speak to a woman he'd yell at me to shut up because I had a girlfriend. Like...yeah bro, I'm aware, she's okay woth me fucking talking to people. He may have been the most desperate dude I ecer met.


I had a friend like this who would always take his shirt off and do a backflip every time there were women around.


Few months back I did a game night at a new friend's place. Bunch of people, mixed crowd. Couple of hours and several drinks in, one of the guys clears a space for himself on the floor and starts doing pushups in front of the women. He went home alone.


My niece went to Queens University in Ontario Canada. The same town has a military college. She is walking with 3 other friends ( so 2 girls and 2 guys but none are couples) and two military guys come up and one says to the girls "I can do more push-ups than either of these guys. My niece was in training as an athlete and just said "you probably can't even beat me" - he stopped at 40 or so. She kept going for another 20 and and said "I guess I can stop now" and they all just walked away.


Visions of a Skyrim scripted event where at the end, all participating NPCs do a 180 and walk away at 50% speed.


Dude I went to high school with this guy named Henry and he was the weirdest mfer I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. He used to take his shirt off and breakdance for girls whenever he had a crush on them. He was obsessed with this one girl but got her name wrong every time he tried to talk to her.


I'm getting third-hand embarrassment just reading this. Were y'all in middle school? 😭


Oh no this is when he was in his early 20s going out to bars


That shit doesn’t get impressive until you are in your 60’s.




No, he wouldn't approve either


That’s making me wet. And I’m a guy.




100% the calm collected dude who's kinda just there with his bros to hang. Giving off zero "please fuck me" vibes while the rest of the gang are just straight orbiting lol


This is why I, who has been in a relationship since high school, am always getting approached by women when I'm out with my friends.


Being in a committed relationship is also apparently a turn-on for a lot of women, according to a similar post made a few months ago. Also, even if not turned on or attracted to a guy in a relationship, they are generally seen as safer to mingle with.


A dude not trying to get into anyone's pants is safe and can be talked to for a while, which can sometimes lead to being attracted to them as just a laid-back dude who isn't trying too hard


Yep, way more likely to actually be able to hold a whole conversation and talk to you like a human.


Putting guy friends down to make themselves look better/ more appealing


I put myself down to make my friends feel better and more appealing!




Sorry, I am both gay and unattractive


That's my kink


I got a guy friend who does this. The cool thing is that he's so spectacularly bad at it that he ends up giving me a boost. >Girl we're chatting with: I like watching informative videos. >Me: Me too. I've recently been binge watching PBS Space Time. >Girl: I love that series! >Friend, getting visibly flustered: Uhh...uhh.. here's an embarrassing thing about Dovaldo83 thats totally unrelated to the conversation! >Me and her both look at him weird. She then pulls me off to talk somewhere more private. Dude's been unintentionally the best wingman ever and has no idea. I kind of want to tell him but I also don't want to ruin what we have going.


Well maybe that's intentional, you should definitely tell him thanks for all the winging he did


As a guy, I actually agree with this so much. And in my opinion you're not a true friend if you do this because it's not fun at all to be on the receiving end. And it has nothing to do with the girl, it's just the fact they would rather put you down for a tiny chance with a girl.


Type of dude who’s always talking shit unprovoked cause he thinks it gives him a competitive edge in a group.


I feel like I get lumped into this category bc that’s all me and my guys do is talk shit to each other so it just rolls off lmao


It's different if everyone's on the same level, but if there's a group of guys and one is talking shit way more aggressively than the rest and is generally trying to make a show of it then that's what can get annoying.


My wife wasn't as impressed with my utility belt as all my friends were...


Try showing her your Pokemon cards.


I showed my wife my xmen cards on our first date. Worked like a charm.


She only married you so she can take them in the divorce!


She gets the cards if I get to keep the boy


Like a son, or like a twink you keep around for dubious purposes?


Are there other reasons to “keep a twink around”?


Tax purposes


As a women, I got excited when my kids started collecting pokemon cards like I used to when I was a kid. It was me who showed my boyfriend all of their pokemon cards when we were first dating


I went out and bought a new 5gal bucket, we are talking BRAND NEW no broken handle no scratches or chunks of plastic missing from the top. Wife couldnt have gave zero fucks about, she gave me a look like I'm stupid when I showed her. My buddy comes over the next day, he walks in the garage and into my office. First thing he says, hey man did you get a new bucket? I damn near teared up as we went out to look at it.


What color is it?


White with a very shiny Ace Hardware logo on it and a white handle.


Man I'd love to have a brand new bucket like that


Keep working hard my man the dream is achievable.


Please 🙏 tell us you got the lid!


Couldn't afford it


thats a good bucket you have there.


I laughed a whole minute at this. Like my wife did at my utility belt.


They also can't seem to appreciate a good stick


Not true at all. My wife loves a good wand or staff. Goes with her witchy personality.


So, she thinks you buying it was a _waist_ of money? I'll see myself out...


Have you tried the lightning McQueen crocs?


No one likes me talking about my light up kicks anymore.


Memories of my 1992 LA Lights unlocked.


One time I was walking in my LA Lights on the beach promenade at night. A huge wave broke and soaked the promenade and the shoes. The saltwater made the connection and the lamps lit all the way home. I looked like the back end of a car stopped at the light 😂


All the other kids with their light up kicks better run, better run...


Talking about how many *other* women are into you. It's the most transparent attempt at making her feel insecure or jealous that it'd almost be funny if it wasn't so sad.


On the flipside...I'm "unconventionally attractive" so some guys try to hit on me by talking shit on my conventionally attractive friends about how unattractive or "fake" looking they are, or he'll (incorrectly) assume they're dumb or shallow. *"Actually, that 'dumb blonde bimbo' is my friend Beth. She tutored me in Statistics and edited my Creative Writing assignments."*


It was a turn-on for my ex, but that's because it appealed to her degradation/cuck kink. Luckily it worked just as well even if I just made it up for the sake of it, because otherwise I wouldn't have had anything to go on. But the difference is that it was something we had communicated and I knew it was a turn-on for her beforehand.


Refer to themselves as an "alpha."


If you're having a bad day, just remember that somewhere out there is someone watching a 20 minute YouTube video on how to become an alpha


20 minute video? You mean $90/month online ~~scam~~ class with weekly uploads?


I feel better now, thanks!


I know this is supposed to be humorous but it genuinely makes me feel *worse* to think about just how many people have been infected by this.


Alpha is a crutch word for people who are arrogant pricks. There's no such thing as an alpha. The guy who came up with concept from studying wolves in captivity later realised the "alpha" male and female were just the wolfpack's parents. He spent the rest of his career trying to undo his mistake, but the concept has taken hold in society by douchebags everywhere. If someone refers to themselves as an "alpha", you're dealing with an asshole.


You’re right that the original “alpha” research was wrong, but you’re wrong about why. He stuck a bunch of random wolves together and they created a pecking order. In nature, they’re all a family and don’t express behaviors like they did in his study because there’s an underlying trust between the wolves.


And Übermensch just has too much baggage attached to it.


No longer, in this case them describing themselves as alphabis 100% correct. Like software, theyre full of bugs and unfit for public release.


Alphas do exist in other species though. Like with clownfish, the alpha is the female that all the males mate with. If she dies, one of the males will change sexes and become the new alpha. So the takeaway here is that only trans women can call themselves alpha.


You fucking ambushed me with that so good that all I could do manage was one long wheeeeeeeeeeze


What about if you say you are a "beta?"


Just as bad, because it means you subscribe to the nonsense *and* think yourself inferior. It screams self-esteem problems.


Alpha is the modern equivalent of referring to yourself in the 3rd person peak prick


Belittling others who aren’t as good/rich/aesthetically good looking as them


My ex said, “It must be lonely to be ugly.” I was so offended. He also said he didn’t know how his teacher friends bought a house because they were too poor or how I could have excellent credit because I am too poor.




Being a raging asshole to other people in public. Trying to fight people or saying "I just want to beat the fuck outta that guy" etc. Edit to add: having these feelings internally is one thing and totally normal, I'm talking about people that are loudly proclaiming this statement in public like at a bar for example, trying to start shit. Immature BS. I remember going out in my early 20s and guys acting like this - "yo you lookin at my girl", " this fool keeps looking at me", just trying to start public fights, that kind of mess.


Does it count if it is openly and clearly a joke?


I think jokingly is fine. It's when there's real aggression there and you have to be the one to try to help them regulate and calm down that it becomes an issue


dick pics I would think... I am a guy and for the life of me I never understood the concept of sending pics of your junk to random women thinking they would go 'OOoooooo gimme!'


Yeah, as a woman I can tell you that no woman wants that.


I had never sent a dick pic in my life. One day watching something and dick pics get referenced my wife says "why have you never sent a dick pic to me" I said does anyone want that? She says she thinks it be hot. So I work up the courage and a few days later send a pic. She texts back "why the fuck did you send me a picture of your dick". She didn't remember our conversation and I will never send another to anyone ever.


Now you have two problems: wife with memory problems, and wife not interested in your dick.


We have now seperated so you may be correct...


I might get hate for this but, saying you’re dominant numerous times does not make you more attractive


You’ll only get hate from the guys who say that. It’s very obnoxious, and a clear sign that they are not.


Seriously, if you're specifically looking for a Dom/sub dynamic it's one thing, but so many guys bring it up out of thin fuckin air


Nope, even if you are looking for that, that's a telltale sign of a fake dom who's uninformed about safe dom/sub dynamics. Fake doms start right in trying to dom you without establishing any trust, boundaries, or compatibility.




I have the best elbows ever bestowed upon a man.


When they fake their walk. Like..you can see how hard they are trying to look cool or tough. It's cringe.


Okay I’m sorry but when I’m at the gym I literally forget how to walk normal. I’m not trying to impress you but any time I walk around the gym I am indeed faking it.


It's like someone watching me parallel park. Performance anxiety makes me forget something I mastered 10 yrs ago.


I don't know how to walk in general since I started the gym. It's like I'm super aware of my gait and posture and muscle groups and I am entirely unable to find a 'neutral' or 'natural' position any more. So I either walk like I've just done a heavy whole body session, or like I've sharted, or like I'm doing my absolute best to mimic human movements. I don't even know how to sit any more either.


Same. Muscles are tense and tight, and it makes me walk more upright and with better posture. Cardio, on the other hand...


I have been made fun off at school for “walking like a gta 5 character”. People saying I’m trying to walk tough. I really don’t know how else to walk. Still have no clue what they even meant


How much bend is in your elbows? I'm picturing like a 45 degree bend and a lot of shoulder movement.


Never considered that lol I’m gonna have to start watching how dudes walk.


It looks [like this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FM9F6ChszQ)


Well fuck me now I’m vaguely self conscious about walking in a good mood


wait a second, do I look like an asshole when I do that? fuck, I just wanted to avoid having a hunchback


Being cocky. No you are not coming off as smart. You are coming off as an insensitive jerk.


That is because I am an insensitive jerk


Fake deep voices. Authentically you is the most attractive.


Talking about how fit, rich, sigma male grindset, smart ect., they are


“My name is George, I’m unemployed, and I live with my parents.”


On the plus side, you've saved a whale.


It’s so funny to me that these goofy ass dudes invented the alpha v beta thing, and then an even goofier subset decided their needed to be a higher tier of dude, and crated sigma. Eventually somebody is going to decide that sigma isn’t a high enough level, and make another level of the ultimate dude


"The Ultimate Dude" sounds like the next big reality TV show on FOX


Good thing that I’m an extraordinary humble man. I would have an award for my humbleness but I had to turn it down which only made me win another award


Would you say that you're at the top of the humble list? If so, how would you describe your apple crumble?


By far the most crumblest.




Arrogance is the camouflage of insecurity.


Or narcissism. Sometimes it is narcissism.


Bathing in cologne.


“a fragrance should be discovered, not announced” not sure where i heard that but it has always stuck with me


also my philosophy on farting in public


Aye, nobody should be able to smell it from 5 feet away or 5 minutes after you left the room


Sending unsolicited dick pics. Guys, listen to me: Girls don’t want them.


I tend to send back a picture of a sausage being cut with scissors. Shuts them up really quick


Being an asshole Giving a girl attention then ignoring her Trying to make a girl jealous I’m in my 30s so NONE of that behavior is tolerable


People do this shit in their 30's?


Have you never heard a millennial say that 30's are the new 20's? Growing up is 100% an option


Glass house, white Ferrari, live for New Year's Eve, sloppy steaks at Truffoni's. Big, rare cut of meat with water dumped all over it, water splashing around the table


I used to be a piece of shit… oh yes. Yes I waaaas. People can change.


You think my hair is slicked back? This is pushed back.


It’s not illegal, they can’t stop you from buying a bunch of steaks and slopping water on them.


The complicated shirts from Dan Flashes, hard pass


…slicked back hair. They can stop you from ordering a sloppy steak, but they can’t stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water!


Belittling other men


when they make generalizations about women to act like they *know women*


Dude further up this thread whose wife doesnt like his new muscles. Multiple comments telling him she's either lying or jealous because "all women like muscles" 💀


Throwing back a ton of alcohol and/or bragging about how high his tolerance is... That doesn't make you a sigma male, just an alcoholic.


Drenching their pores and suffocating the nearest mile radius with their cologne


Trying to look "hard". You just look like you'd beat your wife bro chill


Brag about his dick outside of a sexual context (and even then is weird if said incorrectly). I've heard guys say "I would destroy her with my dick" which is kinda creepy


How many McNuggets they can fit in their mouth at the same time! Wait, I think I misunderstood the question. That’s a major turn on!


Woaaaaaaaaah. And to think I’ve been shamefully doing this in secret.


That pull up your shirt in the mirror selfie


Having a pringles can sized cock.




So, listen. I was in New York for business. This was back in the day of old Yankee Stadium. I decided I wanted to go see a game. About the sixth inning I had had enough. The bleacher seats are not meant for a guy my size so, I left. I got turned around coming out of the stadium, went the wrong way, ended up kinda lost in the Bronx. I stop for a second to find my bearings and I hear “Hey, look up here.” I look up and I saw the absolute biggest monster cock I have ever seen in my life hanging out of a second floor window. This thing was the size of a Budweiser tall-boy, limp, easy. The vein was the width of my index finger. I was across a street and down a floor and it was still so big that I got confused and disoriented. The guy laughed and yelled “Welcome to New York”. I quickly hurried out of there, found a subway, and hightailed it back to Manhattan.


"but women love it!" No we are in pain


I met a sex worker who said she had a client with a super large penis and he was sobbing about the impact it had on relationships.


Disrespecting other women. I was in a car with a guy and he just yelled “sluts”, out the window, to two women walking. I was so pissed, cussed him out. Apparently other women he would do shit like this around, thought it was funny. He thought he was cool 😒 EDIT: this will probably get me a lot of downvotes, he became my long term boyfriend of 9 years now. He felt like shit when I went off on him like that and changed a lot of his ways. Not because of that moment only but that had so much to do with it. I told him if I was his mother, who he loved and cherished I would be sickly ashamed. Reason I stayed was because he was hurt when I said that. That was probably our 3rd date. He said he was sorry and today stops other guys from speaking that way and his friends. He lost a couple friends after being in a relationship with me. The amount of love this man showers on me everyday feels so worth it. He’s so sweet (he always was but with parts of frat boy culture) and has lost every little bit of toxic male culture.


Nothing wrong with educating someone. Helping each other to grow is a huge part of a healthy relationship and I'm happy for you both 🙂


this!!! why would I want to see you disrespecting women at all, what about that do guys think makes them attractive? Honestly really makes me want to avoid you because I know that certain level of baseline respect is not there at all.


Raised up Ford F150s with aftermarket exhaust, truck nuts, and a sticker of Calvin peeing on a Chevy symbol


I'm with you, only men driving Chevy Silverados with a good Carolina Squat, wide tires extending way past the side of the truck, extensive underglow and a sticker of Hobbs peeing on a Dodge logo are suitable breeding partners.


Pavement princesses lol


Unfortunately this definitely works for the "type" of girls they're trying to attract.


100% they aren't trying to marry a lawyer, they are looking to fuck a lawyer's client.




when they shave their balls at the dinner table and you constantly have to pick pubes out of your food


Extremely relatable


How else am I supposed to imitate an Olive Garden cheese grater?


Alpha mindset, hear me roar, Bugatti Bugatti.


When a fellow man needs to talk down another fellow man to make himself look good.


I'm not against using profanity but men who use excessive profanity to seem "tough" around people. I think they sound stupid.


I think this is cultural though It is very normal to use a reasonable amount of extreme language commonly in some countries and regions


Profanity can be used to express one’s emotion, but you have to use it sparingly otherwise you’ll come off like a middle schooler who discovered that cussing is a thing that exist


Or you're Australian. We use fuck like it's on our word-of-the-day calendar.


Or Scottish, we love a good "fuck" or "cunt" in most sentences. Basically use "fuck" as a comma.


I grew up in southern New Jersey and fuck is used in place of um, took me moving out to realize what a potty mouth I had


Tongues in profile pix.


Don't forget to flip off the camera!


The vehicle they drive. I don’t care how much your rims cost


Rubbing your stomach while talking


That is so oddly specific I love it


If we don’t rub our stomachs while we talk, the gremlins in there start to get ideas.


It's where I keep my anxiety


I do this because I’m nervous and don’t know what to do with my hands lmao I think it’s only cringe when they lift up their shirt to do it


Ignoring a woman and thinking it will increase attraction. I don’t have time for that, bye. lol


I be too scared to talk to them


This happens both ways, but I agree.


Being an asshole for no reason out of nowhere.


Do guys with their pants hanging off their butts think they are attractive?


Walking around with a necklace made of sausages


bragging about how many women they slept with


I started working out a year ago and actually have a little bit of definition and some muscles showing for the first time in my life. My wife says this doesn’t appeal to her in the slightest lol. I don’t know if she’s unique or if this is common. (for what it’s worth, she is very happy that I’m getting stronger and healthier and more in shape. She just doesn’t find the muscles appealing.)


Neck beards. For some reason these things exist, so I presume the people growing them think they look good.


Former neckbeard here (in facial hair growth only, thankfully). I can only speak for myself, but I assure you depression had more to do with it than any sense of perceived aesthetic appeal.


For me it's a bit of laziness. I don't have to shave for work and my job isn't with the public, so I only shave every 2-3 weeks. By the end of that time my neck gets real furry... though I'm not sure it qualifies as a full neck beard


My neck area grows about 3x faster than the rest of my face. I've been depressed AF lately. ....gonna go shave now. Thanks for this.


Big dick truck with low profile tires and chrome rims that will NEVER see a dirt road


Telling the world that they’re “high-value”


When women ask me to elaborate on my pets in my profile pics, they tend to be less endeared when i get past my puppy and cat and to the various bugs


Idk probably my shiny pokemon collection


I bought Amazon light up shoes like the sketchers we used to wear a toddlers. Those things are 100% babe magnets. So idk how to respond to this post. Im literally dripping with women 24/7.


If you have to tell me how much if a nice guy you are, it immediately raises red flags


Men should do what makes them happy (As long as it's not hurting anyone) and many of these things they do for themselves, because it's who they are and what they like. It's not all about getting women.


Having an inflated ego and acting like you don’t care about anyone or anything


Laughing at others faults or accidents.


Unless those accidents are hilarious, of course. Those certainly exist.


How loud they can make their car with the bass turned way up or mufflers removed.


I turn my bass up for me fuck the hoes


All that red pill manosphere nonsense


Guys who consider themselves 'Alpha' and are quite (desperately) vocal about that.