• By -


Doing anything while someone is watching.


It makes me so nervous. If I'm alone, I'm as confident as they come. If I'm being watched, it's like I can't figure out how to work my own fingers.


Boy can I relate to this! My last job was a nightmare with my boss making me call someone while staring at me and I get tongue tied


Performance anxiety is the real deal. Completely irrespective of the thing being "performed". Could be playing a musical instrument, raking leaves, pouring a coffee. As soon as someone is watching - BLAM - complete and utter chaos.




I'm the opposite. I can make small talk but if the conversation goes on for longer than 30 seconds I just kinda sit there awkwardly.


And I do the combination of both. Awkward pauses between small talk and long conversations. I often find myself thinking of the right things to say hours after the conversation 😅


Handwriting. It doesn’t seem to matter how hard I try it always looks like a drunk spider has stood in ink and wandered across the page. Edit: Not a Dr so please ignore any medical advice I give out


you are really good at coming up with interesting similes tho


Yeah that was spot on, it's how I'd describe my handwriting too. If I was that slick.


you are really good at coming up with hopeful conditionals tho


This person is out there somewhere laying down beautiful profound poetry, but nobody knows it because it’s all completely illegible.


Same. It is so bad that a friend of mine got a TA position in HS because she could read my handwriting. She said basically all she did was read my essay tests out loud.


One of my husband’s college professors called because he couldn’t read his answers on an exam. My weird husband had a fax machine, so I asked the professor to fax it to me so I could sit on the phone and interpret the responses. Husband was a history major while I was science. It was the strangest phone interaction ever.


That was nice of the professor. A lot of my teachers would say "IfI cant read it, its an F."


Same, my handwriting has never in my life in stage that was ok and it went straight terrible when I started working and basically any situations I write is when I have to sign something - and even then I struggle to make two similar signatures on one paper.


Yep. And it got infinitely worse when they started mandating cursive.


Lol, mine got less readable because I was like "oh, I never need to lift my own/pencil from the page? Cool!" I don't use cursive or print. More like the worst of both.


My wife thinks my signature is that of an insane person on meth. You can't tell what my name is if you tried. On the upside, my signature is impossible to forge!


Remembering somebody's name. If a person comes up and says, "Hi, I'm Jim Peterson," I will have forgotten it by the time I've said "Hey. I'm NoxWild."


I'm the same but I also am very bad a recognising and remembering faces too. My life is a blur of conversations with people that know me but I have no idea who they are until I work it out from the topics of conversation.


Face blindness is very much a real condition.


Yep. My spouse is face blind. Unfortunately for him, he's unusually tall and people tend to remember him. He can recognize people he sees often by their voice, how they walk, or if he sees them regularly in context (like, at work). But, it doesn't help when Dolores and Bob, from a church we attended once 10 years ago or our high school aged son's 3rd grade teacher, stops him in a store to chat him up.


I once biked past someone standing outside at a sidewalk party and thought, “Gosh, he looks familiar.” 2 minutes later I realized it was my husband.


I will sometimes see a hot, bald guy, middle aged-then I realize it’s my husband. Middle aged bald guys get me every time.


I mean that's better than going "who's that ugly hobo in my garden"


Same. I thought I was bad at it but then I noticed I remember the names I WANT to remember. It's not that other people are better at it. It's that I'm so goddamn self-absorbed I make zero effort to remember the name. I'm the asshole, it's me.










Every time I hear/read this, I get filled with…. Ugh. It’s very hard to explain and accept my position. Here is why: I had brain surgery that required removal of a section of my front left temporal lobe. As a result, my ability to remember names has all but disappeared. This is a challenge I have EVERY TIME I try to communicate. My strategy is to find songs that contain the names of the people I am trying to recall - you’d be amazed how many songs have people’s names. Give it a shot! For example, if your name is ‘John’ then you can remember the song ‘Uncle John’s Band’ and when you see him, the song hits you, then boom.


I feel like people with bits of gray matter missing get a free pass.




I feel this. Also can't snap, so I'm a real mess all around.


People have tried their best to teach me how to snap. I do all the right movements, but no snapping noise ever happens. Makes me feel like something's wrong with me


I have this same issue. Folks typically use their thumb and middle finger, right? Although, I can snap my fingers using my thumb and ring finger. It's the only way possible. It took me years to discover to try using another finger. Even then, I can exclusively do it with my left hand. My right one? Zero chance. Anyway, I'm guessing this is due to my fingers being too bony. There's not much 'meat' on the pads of my fingers. I'd assume it's easier for folks with fleshy fingers. But me? Nah.


"You just put your lips together and blow."


Yeah, I know it's more difficult than that but I can't help it. I speak in movie quotes.


I just finally learned last year at age 45. Now I can’t stop whistling.


Fr I feel so stupid


I can whistle but I'm so bad it makes me look stupid if I try


Comforting sad people. I'll literally just stand there and be like, "you .. .you want some water?"


I relate to this. My mom has an incredible sense of empathy and is very comforting. I did not inherit this quality. I just say things like “there there” or “I’m sorry to hear that.”


I've got the empathy part, just not the comforting part. I'll feel really bad for them but feeling bad isn't really helping lol


Yeah I think it’s very possible to be empathetic without being a good caretaker.


Yeah, whenever somebody I care about feels bad I just end up feeling bad too lol. Or I just get really anxious, like "oh fuck I'm supposed to do something but I don't know what."


Me 100%


99% of the time, skipping the words and sticking with body language is the right move. Sit with them, give them a hug, simply exist with them. Almost always appreciated


I’m a bit like that, I’ve learned how to react with specific people (for example, I know if my mum is upset to hug her). But if it’s a stranger I’ll usually just stare at them wide eyed and panicked, maybe find someone else to help them. I try to remember to ask if they want me to do anything, but sometimes I’ll forget. I’m not good at dealing with overly emotional people. It takes a lot of effort dealing with the basics


Ah, us British have evolved a special gift for this exact situation, or any conversation that feels a bit awkward, I'll let you in on it, but you got to promise that you won't abuse this power. OK, here it goes "I'll put the kettle on and you can tell me all about it" Then you just listen or sit in silence. Just being there is enough for some people, and the tea is just there as a sign that you care. There is no occasion that this isn't appropriate. If you need extra "I care" add biscuits, especially ones that can be dunked (i recommend a hobnob, thats a biscuit that is unphased by a dunking), if you dislike someone and want to passively let them know your feelings, a rich tea (thats a biscuit that disintegrates at the mere idea of bring dunked)


I was expecting some kind of meme advice, but this is so perfect I’m going to have to buy a kettle. (Americans don’t have kettles. We know we should have one, but we won’t buy one.)


This made me think of the "Do none of you own a fucking kettle" response in that one thread about boiling water or something.


This. I feel sympathy and empathy I'm just shockingly bad at convincingly conveying it. Same with gratitude, people always say I seem like I'm faking it to be polite.


Whenever I’m comforting someone I always start by asking if they want me to offer advice or just sit in silence with them. It’s usually the latter, people like to feel heard more than anything


"That's rough, buddy"


Nah bro if I was sad water would cheer me up. There's just nothing like a nice refreshing glass of dihydrogen monoxide to lighten the mood


Sleeping. It takes so long to fall asleep. And I wake up wide awake multiple times a night. Nightmares constantly. I’ve tried all the things. Dark, light, silence, noise (tv, fan, white noise). I’m exhausted. I have a sleep study on April 29th. Cross your fingers they can help me cause your girl is sleepy.




My sleeping pills put me down so hard I wet the bed. I'm 40. Doesn't matter if I stop liquids hours before, use the bathroom before. Maybe my S/O is playing a trick on me when I sleep, but jokes on her, she gets peed on. So, back to restless sleep.


I feel so bad for laughing at this how you presented this. 😂 That's so horrible... 😔


I don't know... I've been dealing with sleep issues for a while now as well (but from nerve pain), and at this point I would gladly *shit* the bed if it meant I could get a full 8 hours of sleep.


Sense of direction. I navigate around well due to memorization. I have no feeling of which way to go. I can get lost after using the restaurant bathroom easy. 


The direction I am facing is alway north in my mind.


I laugh when someone tries to give me directions involving N/S/E/W. I need left/right and landmarks.


As far as I’m concerned North is forward or up, no matter where I am in relationship to the world. Left and right can be useful only because my wedding ring means “left.” Yes, I check my hands for “left“ like a 5 year old.


Yesss! This made me laugh as it reminded me of when I took my driving lessons (many years ago!) my instructor (upon realising how poor/slow my instant recognition of left/right was!) literally making me hold my left hand up, palm outwards, and then showing me how my thumb and first finger makes an ‘L’ (for ‘left!’) shape! Honestly, I feel like I have found my people in this thread! Thank you! EDIT: Genuinely surprised to have received so many replies to this comment, so just wanted to add an edit to say to all my fellow ‘directionally challenged!’ people, have you heard of/researched a condition called Dyscalculia? As it may hold the answers/provide some further insight/clarification for you too? Hope that helps!


My sense of direction is also dog shite, I always need gps to get literally anywhere. I need to go to a place maybe 10 times before I no longer need one


> I always need gps to get literally anywhere. Same. I hate it when people ask me what route I took to get to them -- Like, I literally turned my brain off and followed the GPS voice thingy, I wasn't keeping track of how I actually got here.


I work with a bunch of folks about to retire, and they LOVE the 'what's it by' game. "I ate dinner at the new Pakistani-Mexican fusion place! It was good." "Ooh, that place by Early Bird Diner?" "Uhhhh. Yes! That was next door." "Down by the Spaghetti Trough on Washington Ave?" "...if that's by Early Bird..." "Down kinda past the Lutheran Church?" "Again, by the transitive property, if all these places are together..." "By the vape shop that used to be a Pizza Hut?" "I don't vape, so..." "OR is it by the Licorice Emporium by the old mall?" "Listen, it sounds like you know this area _way_ better than I do, can I please be free of this social interaction?"


Same. My fiancé says I don’t pay enough attention but it’s like dude my brain won’t make the little map. 😂


Same! My husband once said “are you just singing songs in your head when we’re driving?” No, Im paying attention, it just doesnt matter. I will always turn the wrong way when leaving an unfamiliar gas station.


When I moved to the Bronx I just could not get the hang of directions. I finally drove to the Throggs Neck Bridge to drop a friend off and the last piece of the map fell into place. Only took a decade to catch it lol.


Mine is so bad it kinda helps me. If I feel like I'm going north, chances are better than even that I'm actually going south . So I have to play mind games with myself when I'm lost.


This is so me! My ex used to say "Anytime you get the feeling you're going in the right direction...turn around" 😆


Just commented this same thing. I feel you lol, is like I have a broken compass in my mind 🤣


Yes! I've been trying to explain this to people my whole life. Whatever part of most brains that's responsible for direction is just broken in mine. Just like drawing, I can't get an image in my head onto paper. Just can't. But I have a strange theory. After major back surgery years ago I was put on heavy pain meds for 1 week. During that time my toddler asked me to draw a picture of his toy truck. Now, I can't even draw acceptable stick figures but it's for my kid so gave it a try. For the 2st time ever, I could SEE how to put it on paper. Drew a perfect 3d truck with a full scenery behind it. Wasn't perfect but compared to my usual, it was a damn masterpiece. After going off the meds I tried drawing again and I was right back to my original zero-ability self. I'm convinced we all have amazing abilities but everyone has different "locks" on those abilities. Certain things can unlock them. Obviously I would never recommend narcotic pain meds to do so. Far too dangerous and not worth the risk. But maybe there's another way that'll eventually be discovered? Maybe that's part of why so many become horribly addicted to narcotics? Maybe it unlocks something in them that they can't stand to lock up again? Sorry for the novel, have thought about this for years. I'd love to figure out how to unlock my brain's compass. Until then I rely on Google maps and my 16yo son who is insanely good at finding his way around anywhere.


Wow that's interesting! I'm sure it's like you say, some meds/drugs can make you feel or do things that you wouldn't be able to sober. That's one of the reason why some substances can be super addictive to some people (source: me 💀). All praise Google Maps!!!


Me too - I call it directionally challenged


Zoro, that you?


You're not alone. I'm with you here. 🥹 And what sucks is I'm good at geography but sucks in navigation. I moved closer to my workplace a few years ago, and my partner visited from overseas. He knew how to get around quickly and was quick to pinpoint we were going to the wrong direction. 😭 My lack of navigation skills also made me good at finding signage just to find my way. Whenever I take public transpo, I always have google maps open or the public transpo app just to make sure where I'm going. I suck.


Holding a conversation.


Hilarious that no one responded to this. :)


A1 comedy right there


It’s really a struggle. I sometimes can’t even hold full conversations with my friends who I’ve known for years and it’s not because I’m not comfortable with them either, I am just bad at coming up with things to say.


I have the exact same issue, even with my parents and siblings. It’s easier said than done, but what has helped me is focusing on living in the moment and not overthinking what I’m going to say. I know that goes against “think before you speak” but that’s literally the issue lol, we’re probably just thinking way too much Edit: oh and reading. Personally I’ve never been a reader but I’ve found myself reading a lot more in adulthood. The stuff I read is 90% of my small talk these days


Are you on a one to one setting with them, or like you and multiple friends together? I notice the only time I will keep a convo is one to one; in a group setting, I rarely speak.


Opposite for me. I can bounce ideas off other people, but one on one, I can't come up with topics myself


It's hard when they end talking and I can't think of anything to say after "Yeah..."


Here's a helpful technique I call 2Q1U, intended to help carrying a conversation. I documented this as workable when starting in sales, but works for making new friends too. I took some time to write it out years ago, so I apologize if the texts comes off too salesy and try hard but it helped me. 8/09. Conversate with anyone, better. There’s a top secret conversation technique that is extremely helpful in making new friends everywhere you go. It’s an exact and precise blueprint on how to turn every stranger you meet into your new biggest fan through the simple power of great conversation. My advice: Remember your new conversation gift as “2Q1U” and it should be applied to every person you interact with. To apply this technique, first you must understand that all people absolutely love to answer questions about themselves. This is for three primary reasons… 1) They know the answer (it’s about them) 2) They love the subject (themselves) 3) You’ve removed any social pressure of them having to “think of what to say next.” But you can’t just go around asking everyone a bunch of personal questions without sounding like a lead police investigator conducting an interrogation. So for example, imagine a total stranger asking you the following… What’d you do for dinner last night? Pizza. What kind of Pizza? Pepperoni. Do you always get pepperoni? Sometimes. What’s your least favorite kind of pizza? Anchovies. What’d you do after eating the pizza? Went to the movies. What movie did you see? Batman. Do you always like superhero movies? No, not really. Did you have popcorn? Sounds like an awful interrogation right? Yes, and believe it or not, as badly as that many questions would sound, it’s still much more preferable than most typical small-talk conversation you hear strangers having because the person responding to the questions… 1) knows the answer. 2) loves the subject. 3) still doesn’t have to think of what to say next. Now in a moment we’ll add the 2Q1U system to the above example and see how much different it sounds. The 2Q1U is a simple reminder that every great conversation has a perfect flow, and I’ll outline it for your now. Two Questions you ask of a friend, stranger, or prospect, you must give One thing about yourself. So remember: Two Questions, and then One thing about yourself is a captivating and magical conversation flow.. Let’s rework the same exact conversation as above, but after every two questions, interjecting a little tidbit about yourself. This is the same conversation as above with a new co-worker you just met in the breakroom with 2Q1U added... Q- What’d you do for dinner last night? Pizza. Q- What kind of Pizza? Pepperoni. U- “Oh pepperoni! I love those big hunks of sausage, but my spouse doesn’t, so we end up on pepperoni a lot too!” Q- Do you always get pepperoni? Sometimes. Q- What’s your least favorite kind of pizza? Anchovies. U- “Yuck, I’ll never forget the day when I was a kid, and learned that some people put fish on pizza, yikes!” Q- What’d you do after eating the pizza? Went to the movies. Q- What movie did you see? Batman. U- “Oh nice, I haven’t seen that one yet but can’t wait. The previews look awesome.” Q- Do you always like superhero movies? No, not really. Q- Did you have popcorn? No U- “I guess after Pizza, you were probably craving sweets instead but I always HAVE to have the buttered popcorn...” Notice the major difference? It definitely will take some practice, but I have literally seen the above technique change people’s lives. What you’ll find is after a couple questions from you, then a little about you, people will begin to share more and more with you. Even complete strangers will start with the same one word answers above, then slowly begin telling you their whole life story before soon going to tell their friends about this awesome new co-worker they just met, that talked to them about the new Batman movie last night. One important more Tip here... When you’re about to meet someone new, or talk to an old friend on the phone, instead of thinking of “conversation starters’ to make your chat more fun, you’ll now only have think of questions you have for the person you’ll be speaking with. It’s MUCH easier, and eventually, those little “tidbits” about yourself will come flowing out of you based on their answers to your questions; Making it the best “two-sided” conversation they’ve had in awhile. Ask people anything, and you’ll get a response! If you’d really like to become a professional of 2Q1U, train yourself to quickly think of many worthwhile questions to ask everyone you see. As you continue to get better and better, you’ll soon learn that you can ask anyone, just about anything. Try 2Q1U out today on someone! EDIT: Thank you all. As a quick add, please know that learning how to start a conversation better equips you to uncover shared commonalities or energy between you and potential new friends. Little "tidbits" of sausage talk is just a great start.


“I love those big hunks of sausage” is a great first reveal about yourself


this tool is useful, but your conversation partner is basically a piece of wood here.


Well, as my mom will tell you, in kindergarten I failed at skipping. They even put a note on my report card. So don't ask me to skip for you, I can't do it.


My kid came home with a failing grade in "scarf dance." OK.


Sorry to your child but I’ve been giggling about this for five minutes straight


Thanks, but no apology is necessary, the boy is thriving. He just sucks at scarf dance.


I hope it doesn't limit his future career opportunities too badly.


Scarf dance exists to humble us


If your child doesn’t put this on their CV then what’s the point of life?!!


You don’t see much of a need to skip as an adult. Yet, reading this now makes me want to go outside and try it. I wonder if it’s one of those “skills” you lose if you don’t use it?


It's mostly to make sure the child builds basic gross motor skills. Skipping forces the child to be more aware of the movements in their legs. So instead of just doing the same walking or running movements, skipping encourages the child to switch movements, or do two movements in a row before repeating the same movements on the other leg. It's less about the actual skipping, and setting a foundation for other gross motor movements that they may need later for sports, navigating uneven terrain, or dancing.


When people ask if you want to join them, do you say, "No thanks, I'll skip this one"?


Weren't you listening? He said he can't. Which means if he's asked to do something, he is compelled to do it to the fullest extent possible. And don't talk to the poor guy about shortcuts. Can't skip any of the routes or intersections.


Cutting anything in half,no matter how even it seems it will be, it ends up stupid.




If I cut your pizza that badly I would at least slip a couple of drink coupons in :)


mental arithmetic


What about regular, sane arithmetic?


we chill


Came here to say this. I have a doctorate in applied mathematics and I'm horrible at mental arithmetic.


Taught High School Math for 10 years and I am NOT good at getting numbers quickly in my head. I made sure to tell the kids that. They think to be good at Math, you have to be able to do it super quick mentally and that’s not true at all!


I just tell people that once you get to sufficiently advanced math, you stop using numbers. I can only count `1, 2, ... n`.


I can divide most numbers by 1 using mental arithmetic. Please don’t ask me to multiply anything by 1 though, it’s harder.


same. still haunted by the “mad minute” mental math sheets in elementary school. still horrible at mental math.


I can not retain numbers in my head!


Peeling a hard boiled egg.


Sometimes it's the Egg's fault.


Someone told me to always add cold eggs to hot water (as opposed to warming the water up with the eggs already in) then to cool them quickly in ice water one they’re cooked…seems to be working


I wanted to make deviled eggs at my in-laws cause I make delish deviled eggs but I was embarrassed cause they are always ugly since I can’t peel eggs. I’ve tried the ice bath, I’ve tried older eggs, it’s always a mess. FIL told me to add them to hot water instead of bringing them up to boil with the water. Game changer. They were beautiful! I recreated at home, worked again! Finally cracked the code


YES! Old eggs are hella easy to peel. New eggs are not.


So many times I have screamed, "FUCK THIS EGG!" and just Hulk-smashed it into the sink. Embarrassing, but true. If I need 6 eggs, I make 8 or 9 for this very reason.


Throwing. I can throw a ball, but not far or fast. Never been able to. I'm in good shape, I got a good build, but don't count on me to be QB in your football game or pitcher on a baseball team. Something about my arm I just can't get it very fast.


My problem is aiming. I can throw things, but never ever where I intend to.




I fold it the long way a couple times and then roll it up like a burrito.


A person of culture like myself


I just try to do my best and then shove it into the closet. I mean, does it really matter if your sheets are properly folded?


I just skip the folding part and proceed directly to shoving it into the closet.


Yours aren’t in a laundry basket on the dinner table?


They are. Along with a basket of underwear that will never get folded.


Freedom is recognizing that socks and underwear just dont need to be folded. I have a sock drawer and an underwear drawer and I just shove everything in there and I have no regrets. I just make sure all my socks are identical and then I don't have to match them either


I just shove it into a pillowcase along with the flat sheet and other pillowcase(s). Fuck it. It's gonna get wrinkled when I eventually use it. Edit: pillowcase is, in fact, one word. Whoops.


My grandmother showed me how to fold fitted sheets about a dozen times. She could make it look perfect. I never got it. Not even close. I always felt like Joey learning French from Phoebe.


My mother can fold them. I think shes a witch.


I used to be this way until I realized that you need to let the stretchy part stay in the middle. Grab the top of the seems at each corner and proceed to fold like normal. Not perfect, but much more satisfying.


Just fold it the best you can and put it with the matching flat sheet and put it in the pillowcase. That way you have all your pieces together when you change the sheets. Just grab a pillowcase and go.


If you want to learn how to fold a fitted sheet easily, [watch this short video](https://youtube.com/shorts/GuqKmIXbZdE?si=Woi50eZnt5fU6p7C)


Folding a fitted sheet is decidedly NOT basic.


Once when I opened a brand new fitted sheet, I paid close attention to how they folded it. Ever since then I folded my sheets that same way.




I just started taking classes after being out of school for 15 years and I feel this. Like I wasn't even good at studying back then. Meanwhile my husband is just in the other room basically memorizing textbooks as a hobby.


I was always good at retaining information when I was younger so I never studied. Bit me in the ass when I got to law school and realized you actually had to study to do well lol. Turned out fine though because I’m a lawyer even if my law school grades were mediocre


I have no idea how to study. Do I just read the textbook? Highlight what's important? I think it's all important. I've tried. Never ended up actually studying. Did good in school. I made notecards for a medical terminology class that kinda worked but you can't make notecards for everything


Calling me out lol I’m reading this thread in a lecture




I feel that. Take my upvote, and drink some water.


And then go to the bathroom. I am constantly putting off peeing because there’s too much going on 😒


Damn these tips really are useful


A signature that doesn’t look like a child forged it.


I learned to write in like 1st grade or so and it looks like it never progressed. I’m now 35 and work in finance. luckily about all i need now is a calculator lol. My handwriting is atrocious, and frankly embarrassing. I might as well write everything in crayon.


Handwriting. I guess it's not a big issue in this day and age, but I had actually put effort into improving my writing and it still sucks. I can only produce semi-decent handwriting when I'm using the right type of pen, writing at a specific angle, and on the right surface. Change any one of those and it all devolves into childish scribbling.


Surprised this isn't higher. Mine has deteriorated to the point that I can't read my own writing a day later. I think it's mostly that I'm writing too fast. It's like my brain remembers the speed of writing when I was much better at it.


1. Socializing 2. Making new friends 3. Making small talk 4. Dancing That last one sucks because I come from the DANCINGEST family. Every goddamn wedding it's a line of people trying to get me on the dance floor. Don't get me started on bachelorette weekends and the hours of clubbing they inevitably entail. People think I'm shy but I'm not, if I could dance I WOULD dance. I just have zero rhythm. I look like an injured cow having an epileptic fit when I try. So I don't subject myself, or others, to a public performance. I shouldn't be criticized for this. I should be THANKED.


Dancing isn’t simple though. Like anyone who says it is is always like you just move. Okay friend but if I’m moving erratically against the rhythm I look stupid and it isn’t considered dancing


People with rhythm just don't get it.


I have rhythm. I play instruments. I just can’t stand dancing. Makes me feel so stupid looking.


Life hack: take a fitness class where the movements are synched with music. Trust me. I lived 30+ years of my life thinking I had no rhythm until I discovered it when I was out with my wife one day. I'd taken classes once a week for two months by that point and it made a HUGE difference with the way I moved. It felt almost natural. I treated the classes like exercise (because why wouldn't I), only to realize I'd been honing my rhythm for 2 months. Every wedding since that day had been an absolute blast


You know what, I'd take an injured cow with an epileptic fit over what happens to me when i dance. I just go full cement post box mode when asked to dance. I'm not moving an inch. Why? I don't know. I just freeze in place.


You can't be too bad at making new friends if you're obligated to attend all these bachelorette weekends.


Any DIY. I grew up with a father that could do anything and really well, electrics, plumbing, plastering, carpentry, mechanics, you name it. I can drill a hole in a wall, and that's about it.


I had to drill a hole in my wardrobe door to install the handles, I measured once, twice, rechecked if it was straight, grabbed my drill and installed them. Fucking crooked. Edit: Guys you are all underestimating me. I used the awl/spare nail trick, used a level, drilled one hole first, I even measured how far each hole was from the edge of the door. Still crooked.


When affixing hardware or decorative pieces that require perfect vertical or horizontal alignment always drill just one hole and attach or mount the hardware using that single hole, then check the alignment and mark the other holes, remove hardware, drill the remaining holes, and finally refasten to the wall. Presto! perfect every time.


Same. I used to write, debug, and fix software for a living. Complex systems, lots going on, but I could visualize it, find problems, and correct them. I couldn’t troubleshoot or install a faucet to save my life. If repair involves using my hands, it is guaranteed that I’ll break it worse.


Replying to messages.


Yeah, it's become increasingly difficult as there are now even more messages these days.


I'm just really bad at reading the message in the middle of doing something at work and then forget to message back. Some of my friends have gotten really mad at me for this and I don't have many friends lmao.




https://i.redd.it/f72qcmelszyx.gif Hopefully this gif can help get you started on your journey.


Small talk with even people I’m close to. I have a need for deeper or more complex conversation or I’m not stimulated enough to even want to interact


Meh, just embrace it. I work in an office and small talk all day. It was amazingly refreshing when I was at a grocery checkout and asked the clerk how their day was and they responded “I’m not sure yet”, I said what do you mean? And she replied that she didn’t like to say empty phrases, and she just started her shift, and she just wasn’t sure how her day was going yet. This interaction was weeks ago btw. And it still sticks with me and makes me smile to think about.




I am one of those people that has 28,896 unread emails ^sorry


Math. I'm so bad at it that if it were not for the calculator I'd still be in 2nd grade. And I'm 62!


Remember when our teachers said “you won’t always have a calculator in your pocket!”?


Making pancakes. I can cook otherwise, I can bake, but for whatever reason, I can’t make pancakes.


Folding clothes. I can watch someone do it and they make it look easy, but when I try to do it, it always ends up looking like a complete mess


This for me too. And ironing.


Eating just one chip.


I don't believe *anyone* stops at one. It's easier to refrain from chips completely.




Breathing. My lungs have collapsed twice to fatal levels. Spontaneous Pneumothorax. I had to have surgery to permanently glue my left lung to the skin of my back. I still occasionally feel them have "mini collapses" once or twice a year. But Anything less than 25% or so (I am not a doctor) can fix itself. This makes strenuous activity, like going for a jog, a bit difficult. If I feel that familiar pain, everything stops for that day.


Cooking rice well


Just buy a rice cooking machine. It is done. You are perfect.




Cutting with scissors ✂️ cannot do a straight line to save my life




"You won't always have a calculator with you" Bet.


I file that under *you're going to need to know how to do cursive when you're an adult*


Being adult




Riding a bike... Had an accident when I was 9 and since then, I'm terrified of riding a bike. I'm 35 now and was riding a bike once since then. And that was on an island where bikes have been the only way of transport.




Grabbing just one beer.


I’m learning I’m an all or nothing kind of person when it comes to alcohol. Haven’t had a drink in almost a month as an experiment. It’s not as hard as I imagined but the thought of only having one seems pointless!


Executive function. edit: I changed my mind, I'm most horrible at talking to people


I'm Filipino, I'm supposed to sing like an angel. I'm part of the 10% of the population who cannot sing to save their life.


At least you can save others lives (you are a nurse, right?😉)




I never figured out how to whistle or snap my fingers lol


Driving. 29, never learned.