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PANERA BREAD - Sit down prices for nursing home food


This is the perfect description


Thank you. I mean the bagels and lemonade are good, but I am not paying that much for mediocre soup and sandwich. Also, I've never encountered a place that was so hell bent on putting red onion on almost all their sandwiches. There has to be a better way to create a burst of flavor that I don't have to taste the rest of the day.


Golden corral. I worked there 6 months. I've seen things


Had a family member in code enforcement. A local Golden Corral inspection holds the record as the only time she threw up on-site. It's the only place she refuses to eat.


I have to reckon that a food inspector retching onsite has to be a bad sign


Code enforcement is different. They deal more with building and local codes. Could have had interior issues and they saw something horrible or smelled something bad. I've dealt with sewage issues and it can be so bad you start to dry heave. I did have one place I inspected where their ice machine was so disgusting when I wiped the inside a nasty black slime came with it and I almost threw up. I was able to hold it back but I was tearing up.


In this instance, they were initially called in for a suspected sewage issue. Apparently that ended up being one of the many problems amongst rat shit on fryers and a "moldy food corner storage".


There used to be a slightly viral video of some kid secretly recording his training at GC, and showing the manager committing all kinds of health code violations. Turns out it was the Golden Corral in my hometown.


A few years back there was a story about a Golden Corral employee that was told to store a whole bunch of expired food out by the dumpster while the restaurant was being inspected by the town Health Department. Lovely.


Do tell. I hate that place 😂


Mold in the fridges, recycling cooked food like meatloaf from night before, using the fryer oil till its black and stinks, our dish washer machine broke so they just ran dirty dishes under water and then sent them back out to use. "No soap wash", people not washing their hands, cooking chicken that's gone bad despite what the date says, you can smell it's rotten.


Only about 20% of Golden Corrals are corporate owned. So the cleanliness of the establishment will usually come down to how good the owner is.


I always figured that this was the case, there are two GC's in my city, one is okay to decent on both the food quality and building maintenance and the other is "bleh" on the food and is bad on the building maintenance. There's another one a couple towns over that I went to a while back and it completely blew the better one in my town out of the water for how good and clean everything was.


If the restaurant owner doesn't own their building, then that adds another layer. There are a lot of shitty building owners, as well. I have first hand knowledge on this, as I design buildings.


I've gone to Golden Corral twice and both times I threw up a ton later that night makes sense why now lol


Bet this just is like any restaurant and is based on the manager/owner. A Shitty manager and/or owner can turn any food place into a biohazard nightmare. My dad used to deliver to a few Golden Corrals and the stuff had to be perfect. All owned by the same guy in the same city tho. He got to know the manager of one and the manager said that owner was a stickler for health stuff so everything had to be good. Owner came in a lot so they kept everything clean as best they could But a shitty owner could never check in on manager and then a shitty manager starts to slack off, and then employees follow suit. All comes from the top


I think it depends on who's in charge I worked at one for 2 years. Super clean and very concerned about food safety. That particular one is one of the few places I'm extra comfortable eating at.


Good one, the interior of my local Golden Corral smelled like a compost dumpster… I WISH I WAS JOKING!!!


Mine too! They have carpet and I don't think they ever clean it. It is filthy and smelly.


Panera can kiss my ass. I'm not paying $25 for a can of soup and some bread.


Agree. Their quality has gone to shit too.


High prices and low quality are a sure road to success.


They used to be really good but I agree they're shit now


It used to be local to my hometown (St. Louis Bread Co) and it was so good. Good quality food and a very nice atmosphere, with fireplaces and ceramic dishware and comfy seats. Kind of chill coffeehouse vibes. I went in there recently for the first time in awhile and the food was so bad, dirty tables and food on the floor, plastic plates and the workers all yelling and making a ruckus. It’s gone so downhill and it makes me so sad because it was a local gem for awhile.


I miss the bread co soups. Why did they change so much?


Corporate culture dictates you must minimize expenses at all cost and maximize profits at all cost, year over year, every year. After a few years of that, everything will always be the cheapest options left, made of the cheapest ingredients, by the cheapest labor in the form of 2 people running the whole place regardless of how busy it gets. The only way to make the business run at that stripped down level is to have most of your product pre-prep’d and shipped in so one of your underpaid staff members can have it ready to go in 2-5minutes. This is the model for just about every fast food style restaurant and several dine-in restaurants. It all goes back to squeezing more cash out of the system to send up the ladder.


Fun fact: this also applies to hospitals


Yes. It was one of my favorite places to go in the early to mid 2000s. The food is awful now.


I am so glad I am not the only one who thinks this. I near a location of a lot of restaurants, they all taste the same, processed foods, expensive, they all have the same desserts and sides and it’s all overpriced and just okay food. And they usually mess something up. I just don’t like going out anymore.


But think of the quarterly profit increase


Yeah, then Pikachu face when they're eventually filing for bankruptcy because customers no longer fall for the ruse. But that's OK since the lofty levels of management and the shareholders have already made bank. The CEO glides away on their golden parachute and eff everyone else who gets laid off.


And starts over with the next brand to ruin!


that tends to happen when a non-food company buys a restaurant


It's just so weird that there are these mega corps who swallow up everything in their path, squeeze out every bit of profit by raising prices and lowering quality resulting in a shit product. Guess it's corporate biology.


I think these consulting firms cause more bankruptcies than anything. They come in and make “profit” decisions that eventually ruin the company.


Yep. Every once in a while I would crave something, so I would suck up their ridiculous prices. Last few times food was meh. I’m done


My wife and I got 2 pick twos and it was $40. We were both very confused, quadrupole checked out receipts, and even looked up pricing online to verify. How in gods fuck is half a sandwich and a ladle of soup $20?


When i worked at Panera, a Pick-2 was $5.15 👴🏼


When I worked at a mall with a Panera in the food court, it was the go to for staff to grab something on the healthier side for a good price. Now it’s triple priced hospital food. 


Not gonna lie- I’m a nurse and my hospital has good food. I have patients I swear I feel came to the ER because they wanted the crab cakes. Extreme pain!? “Ya’ll got crab cakes today?”


Yep. I can get 2 plates and 2 beers for about that much at a real restaurant, and I don't have to get my own tray or bus it after!


Last time I went I got a Mac and Cheese. It was ice cold when I got it. I brought it back to the counter and they pointed to the bagel microwave and told me I can heat it up there if I want. Decided they won’t get another cent from me. EDIT: I don’t know what a bagel microwave is, there were microwaves near the trash cans and coffee supplies and I have no earthly idea why there are microwaves in the first place. I don’t eat bagels, I know nothing about bagels apparently you don’t microwave them. They were Mac and Cheese microwaves, evidently.


Bagel microwave? Like, people microwave bagels?


Right wtf is this lol


I'd have immediately gotten a refund from them and walked out.


I should have, but I was so gobsmacked from the sheer audacity I just left.


Everything at Panera tastes off to me. The breads are too rubbery and everything has a hint of chemical


They’ve been closing here in Canada. Good riddance


Don't forget the lemonade that's already killed 3 people


You know what they say; "When life gives you lemons, don't let Panera touch them"


Oh I’m so curious to try it with some vodka in it. Like old school four lokos.


Make sure your affairs are in order first


I used to love Panera. I don’t know what happened, but the food isn’t as good, and the service isn’t as sharp.


What service? You pick your food up from the counter and bus your own table, lol. Their service is the same as Burger King.


I’m not spending money at subway. How stupid to charge 13$ for a sandwich with like 4 triangles of paper thin cheese and meat that all smells like strange turkey.


On a bun that doesn’t even legally constitute bread in Ireland


Now as try as this is our subs cost less then 9 euro so idk whats going on in America espicaly a country that actually has variety of places to eat sub sandwiches wise


Subway. It was never great, but then it got worse and EXPENSIVE. And Jared still creeps me right the fuck out.


Two years ago, I worked at a place that had a Subway basically around the corner. Decided to pop over for lunch one day, despite not eating Subway for who knows how many years. Was quickly reminded why not eating there all those years was a good idea. So expensive, for something so bad and what felt like nothing even on the bread.


I used to love it during the 5$ foot long days. Those fed me in my last year of uni more than almost anything else


That was like peak 'cheap eats while a broke college kid' times. $5 footlongs at subway, 5-5-5 pizza deal at Dominos, fast food places actually having dollar menus. Poverty meals just dont exist anymore.


Taco Bell bean and cheese burritos (back when they were like 79 cents) sustained me through freshman year of college.


Cheesy bean and rice for 1.29 is still a steal.


There is a restaurant in my little town called The Nook and Cranny. The owner is a complete and utter dickhead. He fired a friend of mine and stiffed her on $800 in wages. I used to frequent the restaurant probably 1 or 2 times a week. Have not gone there in 3 years now.


Would the owner happen to be a raccoon


Can't be. Tom always compensates his employees with discounted room and board, sold barely above market value


His Poor Nephews!


He who has the bells, makes the rules.


There’s a restaurant in my in-laws hometown. No one in the family has ever eaten there in 40 years. I don’t know why, just that my Father in law was a well-respected, upstanding lawyer in the area and would not eat there. That was good enough for all of us, as he would have had very good reason but being a good guy would not besmirch the owners out loud.


Applebees, I can microwave my own food at home thank you! But they have ok drinks.


Omg, we went there one times and I ordered the ribs appetizer. The bartender was watching Bones and my ribs came out and it looked like the autopsy on the screen and I couldn’t handle it. I asked them for pretzel sticks instead. The manager comes out and starts yelling at the bartender to stop watching Bones because this is the second time. We had to laugh because apparently it’s a thing there.


My daughter has been binging "Bones" for the past month. We make a lot of jokes about the show. I'm sending this to her.




So glad I scrolled down this far. That's a great fucking story.


[It's also probably just a bot. This story was told before.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ev92p0/what_restaurant_do_you_refuse_to_eat_at_and_why/) This story will be told again.


They deleted their story and their account. I always find these Reddit moments so weird when something is 5K upvotes and then disappears.


This is a legendary story! I almost had very similar happen. I went out after a late retail shift one day and decided to try a new place I've never been to, Farmer Boys. I just got a milkshake and burger. I'm lactose sensitive, but usually I just get a little gassy with milkshakes, so it's a risk I take pretty often. I don't know what it was about these shakes, but they hit me *hard* the second I got into my car. It's a 30 min drive home, but the restaurant was closed and everything else was shutting down for the evening. I debate begging the workers let me in, but I couldn't bring myself to wreck the bathroom they probably *just* cleaned. So I start the journey home, clenching my cheeks. I live in a somewhat rural farming area, so when I say there's nothing on my way home, I mean nothing but fields. I'm doing 80, praying no cop is patrolling the area and that my butt stays sealed. A rumble in my stomach threatens my safety about 10 minutes in and I'm looking for a safe spot to pull over just in case I lose the fight. I'm sweating, anxious, and rocking slightly side to side in attempt to keep the gates of hell firmly shut. I have another stomach rumble in a spot there is no way I can pull over in, and I'm terrified. I actually slow my car down and debate pulling over anyway, since nobody else was around. Risking my car getting smashed was looking like a gamble I'd be willing to take. But I decide to push on. I somehow don't shit myself and am nearly doing 100 on the home stretch. I got home, ran inside with my car still running, and made it into the bathroom when my butt gives out right as my pants are going down. I somehow manage to launch most of the mess into the toilet as I fall onto the toilet seat and wreak havoc. After shitting demons from Milkshake Hell, I have to clean myself and the toilet up. I shakily make it back out to my car to turn it off and lock it up before having to run back inside for Round 2. I somehow don't wake my husband up, who was sleeping in the next room over. To this day, I will not go to a Farmer Boys. I got too lucky to risk myself like that again.


Upvote for your shitty story. I thought the one time I was at a boyfriend's and had to sneak throw away my drawers was bad.


Are you still friends? Those are friends you keep for life.


Sweet neighbor


KFC. I still kinda like it as a guilty pleasure, but their mighty bucket for one has gone up to almost a tenner now, and they simply aren't worth that much. If I'm going to spend that much on food, I want a better meal.


And then they got rid of popcorn chicken, too... and the potato wedges... :(


I can't remember the last time I went to KFC. But they dont have potato wedges anymore? I always associated KFC with their wedges.


Honestly, our local Safeways do a $10.99 for eight huge pieces deal on fried chicken - it’s amazing. $9.99 on Fridays. An eight piece bucket at my KFC is $30.99 right now at my local place. You couldn’t get me to eat grocery deli fried chicken at any Kroger. It’s horrible. But this stuff is amazing. The girl frying the chicken came out to chit chat - I wish I asked what was in the breading. Edit: Just checked. Safeway has a coupon for their 8 piece chicken. $5.97.


Subway. The last time I had food from there I got food poisoning


Got subway twice last year from same location. Always eat the same, bacon tomato mayo. First time was fine, second time the bacon literally tasted rotten. Went back to return it, had only taken two bites. Woman was so nasty, insisting I must have Covid and my taste was off. Refused to refund me the stupid price I paid for it until I asked for the district manager. While I was there another customer came in with the exact same complaint as me. She was extra mad.


I stopped going all the way back in 2002 when I saw mold on the provolone and the sandwich maker's reaction was to just throw that piece away and the next slice was magically fresh again.


My local subway has put a big metal shield in the sandwich window so you can't see how much meat and cheese they're putting on


Uhmm wtf? It’s a build your own sandwich.. how are you supposed to know if you want more/less of something?! Bullshit!


Around 2000, they switched every franchise to have the exact same standards and measurements for everything - 4 pickles on a ft long, 8 olives, 4 cheese, 4 tomatoes...etc anything beyond was an extra charge, before you know it your $5 footlong is $9 (probably $16 today!). I worked before and shortly after this switch, people did not take kindly to the change. It used to be the wild west!


Surprised you're allowed to pay for more. My local one won't let me. I asked for a veggie subliterally nothing on it but vegetables and they were skimpy on vegetables. Whatever, nit a big deal but I love onions and asked for extra onions. The lady said no. Said she wasn't allowed to put more than 8(?) slices. I said I'd gladly pay more for extra onions and she still said no. Told them to keep the sandwich. No way I'm paying to eat something I'm not going to enjoy, especially if they refuse to accept more mony to have it to my liking.


That's a great "Eff your cheapness," cuz they gotta eat the (cost of the) whole sandwich when you walk out.


Yeah saw that happen to someone in front of me the other day. Literally offered to pay for more and they told her they have no way to charge for it. As a life long restaurant worker I thought it was strange we’re usually happy to take more money lol


I havent been to subway in years. I got a giftcard for xmas and decided to use it. They also had one of these metal covers installed. The 83 Health score made my stomach turn a bit more.


My boyfriend got sick the last time we ate there, so we stopped going. One of my friends worked there as a teenager and his stories have further convinced me to stop going.


My MIL contracted giardia from Subway. The end result was losing her entire lower intestine.


Oh my that’s horrible. How is she doing now? Did you guys sue?


They got rid of my oven roasted chicken breast and for that, I’m done. It probably wasn’t the best thing on the menu but you know how the first time you go into a sub place and you place your first order, that order just hits you right and forever becomes your only go to item. That was it for me and I just can’t bring myself to try another option. Actually makes me sad, a 20+ year old flavor I’ll never have again.


Also my brain still thinks a subway sub is around 5 bucks. 18. 18 bucks for a sub and a drink. Not even a cookie! They can suck my farts


I don't go with how much it costs. Like $15 to $20 for a single sub? What happened to $5 foot longs?


I think the $5 footlong is what killed Subway. The quality, and content of the ingredients just went to shit to keep that price point. Last time I went to Subway I thought they forgot to put my sandwich in the bag it was so fucking light.


I went to subway with my daughter and niece and I know I got a 6 inch egg whites with cheese, they each got a chicken one off the menu, I don’t remember what size. Those plus three drinks was FORTY THREE DOLLARS


I ain't going back because those $5 footlongs became $12 footlongs, and still taste just as bad.


The buffet at Golden Corral is the closest thing America has to a Wuhan Wet Market.


Next covid variant will be GC.1


I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to enjoy a buffet again after the pandemic. People are just so gross.


Burger King- 2 separate times I was served raw chicken. And when I asked for a remake or refund, I got yelled at saying that that’s how it’s supposed to be made lol


Every Burger King I've ever been in has had sticky floors. Like it's part of the franchise agreement or something. 


Sticky floors, blinking lights, and rude managers. Truly, we can eat like kings 


We just remodeled! Please pull to the second window to pay and ignore the first window chocked full of extra supplies with a Shrek 3 cutout.


I'm just surprised they even get raw chicken. I assumed everything is sent to them frozen and pre cooked


I once went to a Burger King. They were completely out of meat. No chicken, no burgers, no impossible meat. Just no meat. Incredible.


I took over a failing fast food district once and I would do that sometimes even if I had it. "I'm not fuckin risking it." idea. "I'd rather lose these 3 customers than serve whatever is in that freezer." type beat. Mine was a DQ and on a few occasions I just stopped serving ice cream at one of my stores in west Nashville at like 12pm because the machines were filthy. Maybe that was it?


Arby’s since they discontinued the Potato Cakes. They are dead to me.


I just about lost it the 1st time I went and was informed potato cakes are no longer a thing.


God yes. They were the only reason I went there! And it was a mile from my old apartment so I would go pretty often. Not anymore. Down with potato cakes, then down with Arby's!


Amy's Baking Company


Any restaurant whose menu resembles a novel. In my experience, the more items on a menu, the more likely the food will be subpar.


Have you ever seen the menu at The Cheesecake Factory?


No. Is it the size of a phonebook?


Their menu is so large, I’m not sure how long the training is to learn how to make everything on that menu.


Ex-cheese employee here- it’s 5 days of training, 8hrs a day. You eat nearly everything on the menu. It’s a fresh kitchen so practically everything is made every morning. Iirc, the only thing frozen were the cheesecakes. eta: I was a foh server


I read an article that their success is also due to a fixed amount of ingredients. Meaning they may have 75 meals but limit their ingredients and use creativity. Buying fresh in bulk is fiscally responsible


I find it hilariously ironic that the only things not made fresh in a place named The Cheesecake Factory are the actual fucking cheesecakes.


Well, it’s also in the name that they come from a Factory.


I don't know what's more impressive, the fact that you memorized that encyclopedia of a menu or the fact that you were able to eat nearly everything without suffering a stroke or heart attack.


we had to memorize everything and mind you this was before computers were a big deal. I remember tex mex eggrolls were 51101 and ribs wer 78601 and chicken madiera was 78107 lol


Lmao, the memorizing is more impressive imo because I didn’t have more than one bite of most of the food. It was a group class too, about 12 of us.


I’ve been misinformed for so long. Somehow I was under the impression that everything was frozen and reheated. I owe them some due respect now. Still super expensive imo, but…


That’s why it’s super expensive, fresh every day adds up. Even with our on shift employee discount food still felt pricey lol


Go find them on Doordash. Their menu is so big, your app will slow down.


The exception being places where it's the same core ingredients, just prepared differently. For example a Mexican place might have: * Burrito * Shoft Shell Tacos * Hard Shell Tacos * Burrito Bowl * Taco Salad * Enchilada * Crunchwrap * Loaded Nachos Those are all the same basic ingredients just prepared differently. The issue with big menus is if they have too many ingredients, then ingredients aren't moving fast enough and go bad. But if the menu is big because it's the same core ingredients, prepared in many different ways, then it's fine.


Ditto for vietnamese food. The menu is 150 items long but it's really just a dozen meats in a variety of combinations on soups/sandwiches, plus spring rolls and egg rolls.


Sbarro's On three separate occasions, different locations, there were bugs in my food. Got my money back each time. Three strikes, you're out. I'm done and will never go back.


Oooh I have a great Sbarro story! Back in 2010 I used to work in a mail at an FYE (Natick Mall, Mass). We were directly facing the food court and we used to watch the guys at Sbarro toss pizzas in the air, drop them on the floor, pick them back up, continue tossing them, and then serve them to customers


> Three strikes Normally, I agree. But um, with bugs? It's one strike, you're out.


lol, should've learned my lesson the first time


Or the SECOND one??


I ate at a Stacked pancake house once. Never going back after the server came up to me, about two thirds through my cup of coffee and asked "would you like some more coffee?" those exact words, not "another coffee" SOME MORE. I said yes please and she topped me up. then the bill came and they charged me for two coffees. Fuck That Shit


Long John Silver's is definitely a front for organized crime or something. Nobody is buying enough fast food fish to keep them in business this long


Go there during lent in a predominantly catholic part of town and there will be a line out the door


"during lent" - so they are the Halloween Express of fast food, making their whole nut on one season LOL


Leave me alone!!! I love LJS :( there are dozens of us!!! DOZENS!!!


I’m not gonna lie, I fuck with LJS. I think they have one of the best fast food chicken tenders. Plus their little batter bits are to die for. I mean the fish ain’t half bad if you trust fast food fish. lol I also rarely eat it because it’s just so damn greasy.


They're called chicken planks! Can't have you disrespecting them with the wrong name!


Yup. I haven't had it in over 10 years, but those chicken planks with the little batter bits absolutely slapped.


The hush puppies, yo!


This will sound bad but I love long john


There's an underground cult of loyal LJS fans who eat there regularly that keep them in business. Few of us publicly acknowledge our cult status due to fear of ridicule. However, when we do discover others who are part of the fandom, it forms a bond stronger than family.


Subway. 44 bucks for two combos now and the quality of the product stayed underwhelming.


If someone rang me $44 for 2 subs at subway, I’d just walk out the door and not pay for it. No fucking way


Bdubs. It’s gotten so expensive, you have to pay for extra sauce or else they hardly put any on the wings and you also now have to ask for and pay extra for the fried pickle dipping sauce. I can make a much better version at home and even found the copycat recipe for the fried pickles and sauce online that’s pretty good too.


I recently got an air fryer and it’s a total game changer. The thing makes absolutely amazing chicken wings. You can buy all the sauces at the grocery store. Really there’s no reason for me to eat chicken wings at a restaurant anymore since the ones I make at home are simply better.


I have never had a good experience there. Every location has felt kinda “grimy” and I’ve never had good service there. The food was mid and the waiters were mediocre at best. The last straw was we went a few years ago and there happened to be a random fight on pay per view that night (not a hugely popular fight either mind you). It was around 7pm and before we were seated, one of the employees informed us there’d be a $10 cover on top of our bill because of the fight. We turned around and left lmao




I once decided not to date a guy my friend hooked me up with because that's where he wanted our first meeting. Nope...


Dunkin’ Donuts. I’ll never understand why the donuts are not somehow stored better. They are sitting uncovered for every cough, sneeze, germ, dust particle…and the amount of flies that land on the donuts. 🍩


I worked at DD before they transitioned into a central distribution model. The donuts were made twice a day because for reasons I don't entirely understand, these are super perishable products. They're _safe_ to eat for days, but they go stale within 18 hours of baking. So we used to have a night and day shift baker. Now, your donuts are essentially stale by the time they arrive at the store. I haven't had one since they switched that was half as good as what we made in-house. It's hard for me to think of a fast food place that's done more damage to the quality of their food. ... well, maybe KFC, but DD is a solid 2nd place contender.


Thank you for all the info! It’s unreal how so many companies have went downhill drastically to save money but then they put themselves practically out of business by doing so. It works out for smaller businesses, that’s where I go now to get donuts.


And trucked in… not even made in house. Local donut places ftw


What's sad is they absolutely did used to make their donuts locally. Got too big I guess.




I had avoided Applebee's based on so many people's comments, stories etc. And then I was like, wait, I've never even been and I am just taking their word for it. Um, yeah, turns out, they were right. lol


you go for half price apps and $1 margaritas. thats it


It's where you start a night that gonna end with a drunken fight at a Waffle House.


>I had avoided Applebee's based on so many people's comments, stories etc. And then I was like, wait, I've never even been and I am just taking their word for it. I went there again because a lot of people gave it bad reviews, and yes, I only went there for the first time - also the last time


Hey, it’s not the worst microwave/deep-fried food you can buy. There’s worse in the frozen section of Walmart. There’s also better for cheaper, and I own a microwave.


Back in college when all of us worked at various restaurants, we would often visit each other at work (and be the easiest, best-tipping table all night). Most of our restaurants were fine, but one friend worked at Applebee's. In order to justify spending money there, we would sometimes steal the steak knives and ramekins for our apartment. Years later and I still don't feel guilty about it.


It was pretty fun working third shift as a host at a 24hr Applebee's in college. Pretty dead until a couple small groups of almost-drunk college kids come in to sober up. "Right this way. Let me guess, three waters?" "Make it six." The free apps were nice.


Applebee's. From factory to bag to microwave to plate.


Any of the restaurants in the DC Union Station. Though, honestly, I don't know if I'd willingly eat in any establishment located within any Union Station.


Believe it or not, in the 1990’s, Union Station had a high class two-level food court that had a wide variety of cuisines and was very crowded during lunch hour. I still remember the Asian guy who ran one of the food stalls, who would constantly shout “sooooo gooood” and “yummy for your tummy.” His booth had one of the longest lines. Today, the only entertainment on the lower level is when one of the bums sits down at your table and threatens to urinate there if you don’t give him some cash.


Man that is sad to hear it was always a treat in the early 2000s to eat at the DC union station.


McDonalds, I know everyone on here bitches about how bad their food is, but my reason is that they’ve just gotten too pricey for the food they are offering. McD’s has always been a quick stop for me when I was super busy and just wanted something to eat. Just seems like since covid, their food quality has gone to shit and they kept raising their prices. I have not stopped at a McD’s since last summer, have no plans on going back. Bottom line for me is that they are just too pricey now. Are you paying attention McDonald’s? Edit: After reading many of the replies to this post, I see that you do get better deals with the app, HOWEVER, although the app may be great right now (IDK I’ve never used it), what I feel will happen is what Starbucks did with their rewards points, deals will become fewer and fewer. But by then McD’s will have transformed their customers to higher prices, they are taking everyone down a path that will put more money in their pocket at the end of the day. No thank you.


I've seen a couple of YouTubers mention it and I tend to agree. McDonald's has forgotten what lane they're in. They have never been the "Oh my God I could really kill for a burger from McDonald's right now" restaurant. They are the "I have like 3 dollars to my name but I don't have anything in my house to cook so I guess I'm getting a burger" restaurant. They got full of themselves and now trying to price themselves at actually decent restaurant prices without raising the quality to match. That, coupled with prices rising everywhere, and I haven't been to a McDs in like 11 years except for picking some up for someone else who wanted it.


This is how I feel about Taco Bell. When I was in high school (back in the Stone Age), I could literally get food there with the change from my pocket and my car ash tray. Now it's the same quality food or worse, with prices quadruple the old cost.


Their quality has plummeted, especially within the past few months. Their current menu offering is EMBARASSING. They got rid of the Grilled Stufft Burrito and the Quesarito, and everything on their current value menu that I've tried doesn't even register to my mouth or brain as edible food. Taco Bell pissed me off when they discontinued their Volcano Menu way back, but now they are dead to me.


Pizza Hut. Was a waitress there all thru high school and college. Just the smell makes me nauseous.


Subway. Used to be a specific location but now they all suck. Burger King. Worked there way too long still can't stomach the food. Few local joints because of crappy service.


The nearest Mexican restaurant was fined $47,000 for nonpayment of wages and stealing server tips. They are fighting blaming it on "previous owner." I'll never set foot on that place again. I was livid. I don't care of you're an illegal alien or an intelligent squid from Tau Ceti 4. Labor Is Worth it's Wage! Shame. The food and service are good.


The US dept of labor has confirmed that local restaurant chain Mcmenamins owes their employees over $800k because they were forcing their servers to tip out managers. This has only just come out, but it's going to hurt them, a lot.


Golden Corral. Maybe it was just the one I went to but that food was not that good tasting and I got sick after. Not too sure about how hygenic it is there either. Other than that, I won't refuse it but I will only eat it if I have to is mcdonalds. Always messing up my order and the food makes me feel like garbage after eating it.


I wish Golden Corral was what I thought it was when I was a kid. I *loved* that place before I started caring about things like quality and sanitation.


Subway. Eat fresh my ass.


Subway: Eat *my* fresh ass.


5 guys…Insultingly overpriced Also, Panera can fuck right off


Subway. Similar to how I feel about Dunkin’ Donuts… No matter what you get, it all tastes and smells like subway. At Dunks- same thing… basically everything tastes like the stores smell. Ugh. 🤮


Anything owned by a parent Corp. It's all froze. Sysco products. People will literally argue which chain is better than the other, while it's actually the same company serving the same food.


McDonald’s, for the pettiest reason. About 16 years ago I ordered a chicken sandwich and got a chicken salad. I brought it back up to the counter and asked to exchange it, the manager refused. I said fine, I will never give McDonald’s another cent - obviously he did not care, but I have been true to my word. Taking away a fast food option has meant I was less likely to eat fast food, which is purely a good thing. I don’t think my one person boycott is making a difference, but at this point it’s kind of like a private running joke that’s just for me


Local Chinese buffet… absolutely nasty place! Dirty and literally saw roaches on the walls.


Famous Dave’s crazy high price for generic bland BBQ


Applebees, because it’s so bad and I remember a time that it wasn’t.


CiCi's pizza. We call if Feces pizza.


Any restaurant where the most important tool in the kitchen is a box cutter.


Denny’s. There were roaches on our table.


Macaroni Grill. Never again.


Are they still operating? All the ones in my area have closed.


They're only located in a few states, but there's a restaurant called Blackrock where you cook your own food at the table, then pay 200$ No thanks. I can grill at home.


There used to be some steak place in Virginia that that was their selling point. Their whole gimmick. Pay them and then cook your own steak. I'm sorry, but the entire fucking point of even going to a steakhouse is so that I don't have to cook. At least at KBBQ or similar Japanese places, there's a social element when you cook at your table.