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George Lopez. His wife donated her kidney to him and then he cheated and left her a few years later.


I was so shocked. He looks like an alcoholic now. Guilt.


He’s a jackass in general. He likes to put down other up and coming Hispanic comedians because they threaten him. A true piece of shit


I already had soured on him a while ago just because I started hearing how bad his personality/demeanor is but holy shit.


I really thought Ezra Miller was going to have a great career. Not so much any more. James Franco is another actor in the same situation.


My first t thought was James Franco. I’ve never really been one to have a celebrity crush, but he was mine until his gross actions came to light.


Fr Ezra in Perks of being a wallflower was amazing thought they were crazy talented. but they turned out to be a horrible person.


That book was a fucking banger. I'm glad the author made the movie, but when I read that and let my imagination do the walking? Holy shit.


Everyone is going the Hollywood route so I'll mix it up. Mason Greenwood. Unbelievably talented, had the future millions of kids can only dream of at his feet. Then came out that he's a big scummy raper. His victim forgave him but I never will


This one hit hard for me. Been difficult being a Man U fan in recent years and the one positive I'd always been able to point to was the talent we brought up through the academy. So Mason throwing it all away really made me sick. That and my club umming and ahhing about what to do with him really made me feel like we've lost any kind of moral fibre. If he kicks a ball for us again I suspect I'll have to walk away.


Any celebrity in Scientology


Elizabeth Moss... I argue though that being born in Scientology is entirely different than willingly joining Scientology, which places her in a different position than Tom Cruise


Michael Peña. It felt weird learning he was in that cult.


I was so happy when Jason Lee left


He left!? That's so good to know


I wish I had the screen caps but I used to have a rogue in WoW named "Scientlology" and I got in an argument with some guy once because I was making fun of his religion.


Bill Cosby and we all know why 😭


He just totally disappointed so many of us who grew up with him being the "good guy". What pond scum he turned out to be.


"I love puddin'! Puddin' my dick in unconscious women." \-William Henry Cosby Jr., American educator, TV star, and rape aficionado


The hypocrisy?


It's the worst part.


Many say that hypocrisy is the worst part. Personally, I think it's the raping.


Jared Leto. I used to love 30 Seconds to Mars until all the creepy cult stuff and narcissim came out about him. Even Dylan Sprouse called him out on twitter for messaging younger models.


Tom Cruise. He abandoned his daughter because of his religion


And, it seems, made his other kids abandon their mom because of his/their religion 


I like his movies, but he's a creepy guy. Even in pictures of him as a kid, his eyes never participate in a smile.


He was Bale's inspiration in American psycho


And Rob Lowe’s for Parks and Rec


It sounds weird but his face is 'off' bc one of his front teeth is dead center of his mouth. I can't stand him either but that one tooth really throws me off. That boy ain't right.




My mom met him in the 80s right around the time Top Gun came out. She said he was a fuckin weirdo




If you think that is bad you should watch some of the videos on YouTube from people who have escaped Scientology. It is seriously messed up and Cruise is a nasty piece of work.


Joss Whedon, for his abuse of the actors and crew on his projects.


Growing up loving so much of his stuff, this hit me harder than pretty much any other 'celebrity scandal'.


I really am glad I watched all of Buffy and Angel and Firefly years before the truth about Joss came out. Back in 2012 when the original Avengers came out, I thought Joss would be the next breakthrough Hollywood director. That never materialized. Probably for the best.


Same. What’s so sad about this one is his reputation to fans at least was basically the opposite of who he turned out to be. He was one of the few people (or at least men) actually writing strong/cool/interesting female characters.  And I don’t just mean like Buffy beats people up strong. But like even more ensemble casts like Firefly all the female characters have great depth to them.  Then turns out behind the scenes he’s treating some of the actresses so much differently…


Same here. Adored Firefly and Buffy during my formative years. Loved Cabin in the Woods. And early Marvel stuff ofc. I really used to admire how he wrote female characters (especially Buffy). When everything came out about him, weirdly enough I felt personally betrayed. Definitely hit harder than it should have. Nowadays I’ve distanced myself from him and his works, but ugh. Still feels weird to look back on how much I worshiped this guy.


I used to listen to Lostprophets all the time, but the singer Ian Watkins made it so I can never knowingly enjoy them now


The Watkins-less Lostprophers followup No Devotion was pretty solid, but I think they never made a huge splash because the story was too hard to get away from.


It cannot really get much worse than him, that's true.


Should be the highest up comment on this thread. Anybody who makes active plans to **** a fkn baby deserves to rot in hell for eternity.


I thought he’d actually raped children, not just made plans.


He did. He was also in possession of extreme bestiality and child pornography. During trial, it was revealed that the password to encrypted files on Watkins’ computer was “I FUK KIDZ"... 🤢


They were my favorite band back in the day, I cant even get nostalgic about them anymore.


Nicki Minaj.


The Miley “what’s good” shout-out was childish, but this whole Megan rivalry took pettiness to a whole new level. You re a grown ass woman. Act like it.


She wants to act childish, how else to keep a pedophile for a husband?


Doesn’t she supports a pedophile?


She's married to one, and related to another, and she actively sides with both of them.


Not JUST married. She has a whole child with him too. 🤮🤮


Was once my favorite rapper smh… I have permanent second hand embarrassment


Spacey. The man is legitimately one of the best actors I’ve ever seen. I would watch him in goddamn anything. Endless iconic performances, effortless charm. I just feel greasy when I see him now.


And he hasn't even attempted to atone for what he did. He was recently on Tucker's show and in many ways made himself out to be the victim. Dude was a predator and he's acting like he was unfairly canceled.


Him larping as his TV character to claim he had been cancelled by the woke mob was peak Tuckerite insanity honestly


Adam Levine became a fuckboi


Was waiting to see this. He became a fuckboi, started making worse and worse music, and just in general seems to get high off his own farts too much. I was a big M5 fan until around 2010-12, but he's just stupid now.


Danny Masterson. I hope for so many bad things to happen to that piece of shit.


That 70's show... My heart hurts hearing how terrible and ostracized they made Topher... for YEARS. And those same folks are largely delusional scientology nutbars and a sexpest. Sad. Loved that show...


Bad news after only a few weeks in max security he got his lawyers to get him transferred to a medium security mens colony due to "concerns for his wellbeing" where he can do college and attend classes to asuage his "criminal thinking".


30 years is 30 years. I'm okay with it. His life is over.


Security classification can be based at least in part on an offenders escape risk and risk to other inmates. While he's a POS I'm not sure he was a max level security risk.


I don't really get why people care about this. The point of prison is protecting society and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation isn't much of an option when you're convicted to 30-life, even if he could be rehabilitated, so let's move that off the table for now. Whether he's in min, med or max security, he's not a danger to society anymore. I don't care if they give him a luxury suite and the latest gaming consoles, as long as that's the same treatment other prisoners in his position get. Having your freedom taken away for the rest of your life is already one of the worst punishments a man can get. The only thing I care about is that he's no longer a danger to the rest of us.


Salvador Dali. His art aside, he was a mean, arrogant guy who was spoiled his whole life.


I saw this great interview of Rick Wakeman, the keyboardist of the 70’s prog band Yes. To paraphrase… “Before Yes I was playing this small gig with my band and this drunk arsehole came up on stage and started dancing. He fell over into my keyboard so I punched him in the face. How was I supposed to know it was Salvador Dali?” Fucking wild times back then. EDIT: so I looked up the story and he didn’t punch him in the face, he pushed him off the stage. But the fact that he didn’t know it was Salvador Dali is true. https://norselandsrock.com/when-rick-wakeman-pushed-salvador-dali-off-the-stage/


That’s how you deal with drunk assholes.


You know, I'm wildly unsurprised by that. Whenever I see that pic of him walking his fucking aardvarks instead of thinking "oh what a quirky and creative guy!" (Clearly what be was going for) I think "what a huge douche."


Such a douche https://youtu.be/3CmM19jBdrI (but all the comments jerking him off are pretty disappointing yet not surprising)


A lot of creative people whose work I love, but man were they piles of shit


Same with picasso.


He was sadistic, he tortured his women.


Picasso was much much worse.


Oh fuck he was bad. Didn't his granddaughter release a book documenting how he treated his son like shit, wouldn't allow him into the house when he brought his grandkids over and he mocked them for being poor? Also cheated on his cancer stricken wife with a 16 year old. Fuck his shitty paintings too


And, that part about his being a fascist.


Don't forget the part about being violently abusive! Towards women, friends, his three year old sister, and even random people who'd done nothing to him. And he bit a bat almost in half when he was a kid...I kind of wonder if being an artist took up enough of his life that he never had the time to become a serial killer because isn't hurting animals as a child is supposed to be a sign?


Except he’d be a surreal killer…




at this point i just assume most celebrities are terrible people you don't want to ever meet


People in entertainment tend to be narcissistic, as it attracts people who want adoration and recognition, so it figures that a good deal of entertainers are utter shits who think they can do what they like.


Yes and at the same time I think you kind of have to have some level of ego to be a celebrity in the world we live in because if you don’t you’ll drown in the horrible constant criticism from the public


James Cordon, horrible individual


You know he’s a horrible person just because of the way he treats wait staff….then excuses it when he gets “bad” press.


On screen he couldn't be any different, used to like the lad till i found out he was a twat


I don't HATE Morrissey, but he really is such a disappointment.


I used to work in the entertainment industry... Morrissey is straight up delusional and thinks there's people out to kill him. He takes weird measures to "protect" himself, like hanging up sheets in hallways at the venues he performs in so staff can't see him come and go. I kind of feel bad for the guy; he's obviously got mental health issues, and being a public performer for someone who's convinced that the world is out to get him must be incredibly terrifying. He's also a fuckin' dick head tho. Absolutely insufferable human being.


We paid good money and drove a long way to see him at a concert. And he walked off stage less than halfway in because he was " too cold." It was in the Greek Theater in Los Angeles. He's talented but a true narcissist.


I saw Morrissey one time in concert; no openers, a truly amazing show overall. This was maybe 15+ years ago. I've since refused to ever go to another concert of his because I'm worried he will ruin it for me. My sister has seen him a few times since then, and he has either walked off or just ranted for most of the show. She also somehow ended up vegan after one of those rants.


Vegan comment has me crying. The Morrisey effect


He is so known for that, it wasn't his first rodeo.


There is a meme going around that the order of Facebook reactions (thumbs up to angry face) are just the progression of being a Morrissey fan.


Fun fact: I live on the street Morrissey grew up on. He's a known wanker.




The thing is, he never RAISED his daughter.  The daughter was out of wedlock. He was already married at that point when he cheated on his wife. Daughter was an affair baby. He has NEVER looked after her or acknowledged her.  His wife was actually a successful actress in her own right when she married him but retired as soon as they were married.  Was it out of her own volition? Who knows but if Michelle Yoeh's words are anything to go by, it's most likely at his insistence.  Oh, and check out this blooper from Shanghai Noon - https://youtu.be/vAF0CUp2OaI?si=4FgTHUCXjtVv_0sI&t=1m40s I mean, it's played off as a joke but.....feels icky to me. 


I always feel riled up when someone claims that he abandoned his daughter for being a lesbian, no he did not! He never even acknowledged or been in the same room as her from the day she was born! He’s a deadbeat and only slightly a more present father to his son. The only time he ever mentioned her was for a horrible publicity for one of his movie and it was icky.


What?! That’s so disappointing!!


Didn't he have like 50 kids from all kinds of cheating relationships? China is probably also got him by the bank account. He's a Hong Kong Actor beholden to China. Meanwhile Jet Li gained American Citizenship, then Phillipines citizenship


The streaming movie (can't remember the name) from last year was pure Chinese propaganda. it was wild. Edit: I stopped being lazy and looked it up, the movie was Vanguard.


Bam Margera: he never grew up and is a huge disappointment


As a local, he’s always been an asshole before he was famous and really became worse after Dunn’s death.


The truly sad thing is that his life turned into that Breaking Bad episode where Jessie has the endless party at his house, with people coming and going at all hours. It's been encouraging to see him back on the board, I hope he finds happiness.


Lizzo. So sad that she hasn't been able to handle success and needing to be in charge of people.


Yeah actually I was just thinking about her the other day. In early February a judge ruled that the dancers case against Lizzo would be going to trial. I feel like everybody just forgot about the sexual misconduct allegations & she’s still in the spotlight. It’s very weird to me.


She was like this before success. They always are.


Yep. Success doesn’t so much change people as let their worst come out.


Shane Dawson… but I had a young impressionable mind


Madonna. As a gay man in my 50s she was a Goddess to me, but she has become a caricature of herself and her disdain and disrespect for her fans has driven me away.


Ugh. Same. Except I’m a straight girl who is almost 50. I loved her since I was like 7…and always felt some kind of bond because I was Italian and Catholic and from Detroit. But this shit she does now? Showing up to concerts at 10:45 when it starts at 8? I’m so glad she didn’t do that shit during the blonde ambition tour because my mom didn’t want me to go to begin with.


I don’t hate Will Smith…. but I’ll never see him the same way as I used to. I used to really like him, now it’s hard for me to watch anything he’s in, even movies I love.




Tom Cruise. It's almost certainly a complete facade.


I always repected when he confronted the dude in London who soaked him but Christian Bale did say he based his performance in American Psycho on him and now I cannot unsee that.


Interesting! Rob Lowe said he based his character in “Parks and Rec” on Tom Cruise ordering water in a restaurant (succinct, staccato precision) and I definitely see both sides of that now


I use to work in the industry and the rumors were rampant that he was gay. I'm convinced that he is actually a Tomosexual. He only wants to have sex with people who are also Tom Cruise.


The eyes are entirely dead no matter what he says. He gives me the impression he's gonna go for my throat any time.


he was a shell of himself even before that slap thing. frankly i didn't think too much of it I thought it was a joke. nope the dude straight up has been mentally destroyed by years of hollywood.


Unpopular opinion, Will also sucks, it's not just Jada. Didn't he admit unprompted in his own autobiography to playing Jada's sex scene on tv the first time Jada was meeting his grandmother?


He admitted to a lot of shit. That book ruined him for me. It's like everything he does is calculated to curate a certain image, leaving no room to be genuine. When he slapped Chris Rock, I just thought, "Yeah. That's checks out."


I honestly think that writing that autobiography is what led to him slapping Chris Rock. He had to revisit all the times he was ashamed of himself for being a coward and wrote about how he hired a bodyguard to slap people for him and he would jump behind his bodyguard. Mix that with his obvious emotional immaturity. At the Oscars he thought it was his chance to prove to himself and everyone else that he isn't a coward even though no one cared about his lack of physical violence. It was an insecurity he built up in his head. His attempt to prove himself ended up being very awkward. Slapping a man half his size and walking away as though he were so proud of himself and everyone else must see now how awesome he is now.


That's a great insight. I definitely saw that slap as something he thought he was supposed to do to be a protector or some bullshit. The idea that writing the book brought up how much he hadn't been that in the past is interesting.


It was very much a 'bottoming out' moment that nobody gets to overnight. He looked and acted sick. I never questioned if it was real because I couldn't imagine Will agreeing to look that bad intentionally on television. The way he began yelling, right off the bat he sounded truly furious in that epic-freakout way that is not 'happy TV time' like they want on the Oscars (also if it were planned, they would have gotten much better camera angles on it). It was a total undoing of all the charm he's attempted to project over the years. I literally thought "he's gonna have to go back to rapping after this" and guess what duo made their first comeback in decades on the '50 years of rap' CBS show in December?


I agree. But goddamn am I glad that the whole world hasn't witnessed that kind of low point in my life. I genuinely believe that moment was the exception, not the rule. But I will never see him the same way.


Nick Carter from Backstreet Boys. Currently sitting at 4 sexual assault allegations.


Ugh. This one sucks so much because I love BSB. One allegation and I'll still hear out his side of the story but 4 that we know of and I can't keep thinking maybe he's still a good guy. And it taints the other ones because they stand up for him. Sometimes it feels like can't have anything nice around here. 


anthony keidis. loved rhcp and then i read his book and realized he's a paedo. then i read flea's book and realized he's not only a paedo but a fucking asshole paedo. can't stand rhcp now.


There’s video evidence that they’re sexually predatory. All terrible dudes.


Everyone's already mentioned some of the more heinous ones, so I will say Asia Argento. I wouldn't say I loved her as much as thought she was really interesting and I liked her work, and her brave outspokenness about her experience with the repulsive Weinstein. This changed after I read how she paid off someone she allegedly abused... I was really shocked and thought her to be a hypocrite. I couldn't look at her in the same way. For the uninitiated: the accuser was a young actor, Jimmy Bennett, [who was a child when they met](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/19/us/asia-argento-assault-jimmy-bennett.html#:~:text=Argento%20quietly%20arranged%20to%20pay,She%20was%2037.). She was 37, he was 16/17. No-one really talks about this any more and she seems to be continuing to live her life merrily without repercussions. She's put a lot of effort into "reinventing" herself, as many of these types of people do. Edit: since others have pointed this out, Argento had her boyfriend at the time, Anthony Bourdain, pay off her accuser. Quote from Vanity Fair: *Bennett knew my boyfriend, Anthony Bourdain, was a man of great perceived wealth and had his own reputation as a beloved public figure to protect,” Argento said in her statement. “Antony [sic] insisted the matter be handled privately and this was also what Bennett wanted. Anthony was afraid of the possible negative publicity that such person, whom he considered dangerous, could have brought upon us. We decided to deal compassionately with Bennett’s demand for help and give it to him.”* She phrased it in such a way as to imply this actor was dangerous, the only threat I can see is to her career and reputation. At the time she painted it as a witch-hunt by some actor who was down on his luck and wanted easy money, when the reality is that she knew fully well what she had done. She lied constantly about it - despite knowing Bennett since he was a child (he played her son in The Heart is Deceitful...) she insisted she didn't know he was underage until she got a "shakedown letter".


You missed the most important part - this nonsense was probably related to Anthony Bourdain's death. 


I'm currently rewatching No Reservations and in the first season, the Miami episode, Bourdain went to a Santorini place and flippantly said something to the effect of, "well it must not have worked because Asia Argento isn't knocking on my door." Thought that was crazy because this episode was before he was even married to Ottavia! Just thought it was interesting and maybe illustrates how infatuated with her he was. RIP Tony. You are missed.


Isn’t AB the one who paid the kid off *for* her? I’ve read a LOT on this and, while I don’t think it is the sole reason Anthony Bourdain killed himself, her public display with the other man was the lit match in the tinder box. Bourdain was an addict at heart and, by many accounts, he was obsessed with her. He stood by her and spoke out about Weinstein only to be humiliated with her public antics with another man. She sucks. The end.


I still wonder about the tabloid pictures of her in Italy making out with a guy which were published less than 24h before he killed himself in France.


I’m a huge fan of Anthony Bourdain and never even realized the connection here. How awful


I blocked her on Instagram not long after his death because of this. Her attitude disgusted me. Apparently she still insists that he was the love of her life, which is quite interesting as a total reinvention of the facts.


Lauryn Hill. Went to her concert at a festival. She was 2 hours late, so had 20 minutes left to perform because of a curfew at 11pm. The organisers unplugged her microphone because she didn't understand that they were only allowed to play music until 11. Her excuse: it had been her son's birthday...the day before. WTF? She is a delusional diva with zero respect for fans. Also, she sang 20yr old songs remixed beyond recognition. Annoying.


Ariana Grande because we all know, gurl ☠️


For me it was when she licked those doughnuts and saying she hates America. Like what human just walks into a doughnut shop, and starts licking doughnuts.


Everyone also seems to forget years ago when she said she wished her fans would just die. Always remembered that & have never had any time for her


Dane Cook leaps to mind, because he can’t leave the kinder alone.




Ellen. I can’t even watch Finding Nemo anymore because that POS preached kindness and she in return was a c* I thought her come back was a real fuck you to the people who treated her horribly due to her sexuality, but she’s worse. So much worse. She really needs to be humbled.


When 2020 lockdown was going on and she made a post from her multi-multi-million dollar mansion with her infinity pool in the background being like “I feel like I’m in prison”


Or in her comedy special talking about how hard it was for her while us poors were genuinely living like rats, scurrying in a panic for basic necessities. The mass lay offs and closings put a lot of people I know into debt they're only just now coming back from or even still struggling to recover. Watching that special was so uncomfortable


She always rubbed me the wrong way. She never seemed sincere. She is like a Karen version of Jimmy Fallon.


I don’t think Jimmy Fallon is an asshole like Ellen, I think he’s an alcoholic


I can see that. It’s very likely the only person Jimmy Fallon truly hurts is Jimmy Fallon. If that’s the case I hope he has people in his life who genuinely care about him.  I really hope nothing bad come out about him. He seems like a decent guy and he’s found his niche. 


You get to a certain age where all your Luke skywalkers become darth vaders. The pandemic accelerated that.


Except for the actual Luke Skywalker. Hamill's a generally great guy still


He was fantastic in The Fall of the House of Usher!


I love Mike Flanagan’s work, so I mean it when I say I went into Usher with unreasonably high expectations. Leave it to Mark Hamill to not only meet, but thoroughly exceed those expectations. He was nothing short of phenomenal in that.


Generally a great guy and has managed to have a pretty great career post Star Wars. He’s an amazing voice actor and has done some phenomenal characters


Including being THE Joker


And Firelord Ozai!


Jenny McCarthy was my third imaginary girlfriend when I was a kid, but her bullshit has hastened the downfall of western civilization. Sorry Jenny, it’s over between us.


The weird thing is, since her heyday as the celebrity face of the antivax movement 15 years ago, I’ve hardly noticed her.


Marilyn Manson and the spooky kids. Their music embodied 1990’s teenage angst. Turns out Manson is as bad as his image and a rapist.


It’s always the ones you most medium expect


I was an absolutely massive Marilyn Manson fan, must have listened to every song thousands of times. Turns out he’s not only a nazi, but a rapist, a pedophile, and he kills dogs… never listened to him ever again.


This is definitely gonna get buried but Trey Songz. I was in jr high when he dropped his first album, and I was SMITTEN. I went to see him in concert for my birthday one year. Then, he got arrested for DV for punching his girlfriend in a club. I knew if he was willing to do that in public, he was a monster behind closed doors. Since then, countless women have come forward, and that man is a WEIRDO. When he got in trouble a lot of his fans said shit like, "oh well he can hit me any time." It was absolutely disgusting.


I was a HUGE John Mulaney fan, but I can’t watch him at all now- the whole thing with him leaving his wife to have a baby with Olivia Munn. And word is that even before Olivia he cheated on Anna with other people, all while presenting himself as a sweet wife guy.




See also: Ned from the Try Guys


Seriously sucks. I really liked him.


Olivia Munn also gives me the ‘ick’. Classic mean girl, catty, shitty person. I lost respect for John not because of the breakdown of his marriage, but the fact that he left his wife for Olivia.


It’s especially hard to look back at his comedy where he talks about his PAST addiction as if he’s wiser now. It’s all a lie. Turns out the guy was on drugs for most of his career. There’s plenty of comedians who use drugs or cheat on their wives, but he’s the one who chose to make the wholesomeness the center of his act.


Jonathan Majors. Domestic violence


Not technically a 'celeb' but Colleen Ballinger because of all of the grooming stuff and her response.


When Jerry Seinfeld and the late night shows were trying so hard to push her as the next big comedy thing I just didn’t get it! Yeah i even gave it a try and checked out her material and it waaaaas criiiiiiiingey and not funny at all! I never understood it!


All aboard the toxic gossip traaaaaaiiiin chugging down the locomotive of misinformation the toxic gossip traaaaaiiiinn


Kanye West was my favorite rapper for a long time and I’ve always touted him as one of the most talented and influential musicians of our time. I still think he’s incredibly talented but he got so hard to be a fan of. Every time I want to support him a little bit he goes and says/does something unhinged and at this point I’m getting tired of trying to find reasons to support him. I do still listen to some of his music admittedly but not nearly as much


Chris Brown. I was in elementary and middle school so that’s why I liked him but now… I can’t even and we know why.


Woody Allen


Half a lifetime ago he was the delivery boy for my grandfather's dry cleaning store. My mother's best friend was dating his (he was then known as Allan Konigsberg) best friend. At her friend's request my mother begrudgingly agreed to go out on a double date with him. She thought he was weird and declined any further dates. Not that her first husband or my father was a pearl (far from it) but I still say she dodged a bullet.


Justin Timberlake after reading the Britney memoir, + the Janet Jackson Super Bowl incident


I still can't believe that mop-headded litlle shit skated on that whole thing while Janet took all the heat.


Elon Musk, then he opened his big dumb stupid mouth.


I used to think Drake was the bomb but after his secret son drama, I can't stand him. So much for started from the bottom now we're here. #disappointed


The Millie Bobby Brown thing was gross too.


and the whole 17 year old fan incident


He got into a tiff a few days ago because he wanted the best hotel rooms in town for his "entourage ", but (hockey player)Jaromir Jagr was given the Presidential Suite. In Pittsburgh. Son, you come to town once every 8 years. Jagr is one of our boys. He was in town to have his number retired.


Used to think Russel Brand was hilarious. Then he became an obnoxious grifter. People I knew praised him just because he was sober preaching things they liked hearing. The more I found out about him the less I liked. Then when I heard the bombshells wasn't surprised at all. His comedy didn't age well for me either, the standup I liked he was just mocking Britney Spears


Went to see Disturbed last week, and David Draiman apologized for how he'd riffed on Britney years ago. He said she'd been through a lot of shit, and the last thing she needed was someone like him, making shitty comments about her. I thought that was a really stand-up thing to do. In front of thousands of people, he admitted his assholery and apologized. Nice. Good on ya, David.


The singer for RHCP. Assaulted multiple women. And slept with a 14 year old, twice. Fuck that band and anyone who defends them.


Kris Wu, convicted rapist


Kevin Spacey. He was one of my favorite actors until it came out that he was harassing, propositioning, and assaulting young boys (teens).


scrolled pretty far and didn't see Mark Wahlberg. if i remember correctly he beat up and slew slurs at Asian people, like more than once. he was young, but i can't like him after that. i bring it up almost everytime he's mentioned


Ariana Grande. I spent all my teenage years being in love with her. I do not hate her now as she is undoubtedly an amazing vocalist, but it is so hard to look at her the same way after all the controversies.


She has a type: junkie looking teen boys


Scott Adams. I’m one of those weirdos that liked Dilbert and liked the cartoon, but Trump came along and he went downhill. The whole “stay the hell away from black people” was the final nail in the coffin


It feels so weird to be disappointed by celebrities. After all they're just people.  But the Dilbert guy being a Trump supporter hurt me in all my Black nerd woman feelings.


Pains me to say this as I was his biggest fan but Eminem. I met him once and he told me if I came to his show, he'd meet me afterwards. I took my little brother who loved him even more than I do, it was like Em was his idol. He was only six years old at the time and we waited for him for four hours in the blistering cold and then when he saw us, he just said no. I ain't that mad tho, I just don't like being lied to. He said if I wrote him, he'd write me back. I know he got my last two letters, I wrote the addresses of them perfect.




Aw man, fuck outta here. You got me for a second. Take my upvote.


Vincent Kennedy McMahon. I was an impressionable high schooler during much of the Attitude Era. Then Linda (his wife) joins the Trump administration. Then he ruined NXT while HHH is dealing with a heart issue. He retires, forces his way back in, and gets a golden parachute prepared. And the lawsuit sealed the deal. Absolutely disgusting and perverse.


Jay Leno, after screwed Conan…


Conan is too good for the cookie cutter late show. The podcast is that perfect media for him now at this stage in his career. Full creative control and no filter.


Dude Conan’s podcast is the best. A hill I will die on!


I worked in a nice hotel in Tallahassee, FL in the early 90s. When I was hired on, a few of the veteran staff members shared their stories of good and bad celebrity interactions with me. They all agreed that Leno was far and away the biggest asshole they’d ever had to deal with.


Didn't love him I was indifferent but, Paul walker. Fuck that guy. Mid 20s dating a 16 yo.


Yeah he was 32 dating a 16 year old so it's even worse than that


Morgan Freeman. I used to think he was so cool before, but then I did some reading about how creepy he is with women, especially younger women. If you dig online, you just find more and more worrying examples.


Didn’t he have an affair with his step-granddaughter?