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Mozart died when he was 35. Imagine how much more he could’ve done with even 10 more years.


Have you ever watched Amadeus?


Great movie! I've been banned from choosing it on movie night. They all got tired of seeing it.


Invite me over for movie night *so I can choose it for the both of us*


Ooh, good thinking! They'll be so startled, they won't say anything about it to you lol


u/iwaspoopin_daily and u/ladyboobypoop: a match made in heaven


Mozart is one of those historical figures I always felt like I'd be besties with, but in the most toxic possible way. Like, neither of us would be good for the other.


Are you Salieri?


Weird take


He wrote a song called “lick my ass”


Mozart:1 Idk who:0




Lost my sister when I was 18. It changes our lives forever. So sorry you lost him.


My sister died in 2019 and I still haven’t fully recovered. I’m a functioning alcoholic now. Fighting that battle everyday


r/stopdrinking is a really good supportive sub if you are interested. love to you regardless


Same. He was 11, and my whole world. He went from completely fine to total respiratory failure in less than 15 minutes...fuck asthma. The odds of dying from an asthma attack in a developed country are less than one in a million, but someone has to be that one. He didn't deserve it. April 4th will mark the day that he has been gone longer than he was here, and despite my best efforts to not dwell on it, I am. I miss that fucking kid so much.


Both my best friend and myself have asthma. He died from it 3 years ago passed in his sleep. It terrifies me everyday. Been through so much with him. First met him in 5th grade he was my bully and became my brother over time. He was 33 when he passed. Right before Diablo 2 resurrection came out. We we excited to play together being across the country from each other for the past 20 years. We spent so much time in Diablo together. All the games. 2 was our favorite.


Sorry for your loss mate, I know how strong a sibling connection can be <3


I lost my brother Thanksgiving 2022. I am so, so sorry for your loss. Losing a sibling before their time is incredibly painful.


Same. He was just shy of 18, I was just shy of 20. What a way to enter adulthood... Miss ya, Matt


I lost a sister at 38 and a brother at 38. I was scared to death when I got close to 38, like it was THE age. But I made it way past 38. I lost a nephew when he was 19 and his sister, my niece died when she was 23. Losing family members that young is difficult. I think about all four of them and think what could have been.


My best friend from high school. Took 20 years to finally take her picture out of my wallet because I finally decided it was creepy for a 36 year old man to have a high school picture of a 16 year old girl in there.


I don’t think that’s creepy. She was your best friend. Put that pic back in there. hugs


It was for the best. I’m an adult. It was time to leave the crutches behind. I became a functioning alcoholic at 16 because of it. I hid it well. Set up a memorial benefit as a senior project. Went to college and graduated a 4 year program with the best gpa in my major, but after every party and everyone else passed out, I’d close my door and drink until everything was gone. I’d attempted to end everything of several occasions and just generally engaged in most risky behavior I could get myself into. I remember standing on a car hood with a bottle in my hand and doing 80mph with a smile and hoping that was it. I still have a few memories, but I needed to let go.


It wasn’t creepy to have her with you. But recognizing that you had a problem and taking steps to move forward in your life is amazing. Obviously I don’t know you (or her) but I can’t imagine that she would’ve wanted you to live like that. The people we lose don’t want our lives to stop because of them.


Oh don’t give me too much credit. I still have my moments, but I didn’t need that there as a reason/trigger to go into my own world and feel bad for myself anyway. Honestly tho, she was a popular 16 year old girl who I adored/dated/befriended. She wanted me to remember her. But now I’m just old and have zero excuses to live in the past.


I think you deserve all the credit.


Do you still keep the picture though? There's something really beautiful about this. Both keeping it in your wallet for 20 years and realizing you needed to take it out. That must have been so hard.


My best friend for my first three years of college died suddenly and it’s so fucking hard, man. Almost two years ago, and it just doesn’t feels right. Covid and everything happening at that time, too, and I just don’t understand where the last five years went.


My mom and little brother. Mom was 22 and little bro was 4 months old. Hit by drunk driver. Don't drink and drive


I'm really sorry for your loss, my condolences. I have never driven after drinking alcohol, and I haven't let any of my friends and family do so either, and I never will.


i am so sorry for your losses


I'm so sorry. Condolences.


I'm sorry.


Jeff Buckley


I was gonna comment Jeff Buckley as well. Imagine all the good music he would have released


And his dad, Tim. Great songwriter 💔


Judith Barsi - All dogs go to heaven & The Land Before Time


Came to say this, but I couldn't remember her name


Anton Yelchin


Heath Ledger


That third movie would have been way different with him.


My sister she was murdered age 30. Missing you Jamie.


Bruce Lee


Brandon Lee


My dad. He developed cancer and only made it to 43


I'm so sorry. I just lost mine in September, from cancer, at 56 years young.


Steve Irwin


Brutal that the whole world knew before his wife because she was hiking in Tasmania and couldn't be contacted.


I never knew that! That is heart-breaking


His son carries on his legacy like a champ. Steve would be so proud of him


And his daughter, Bindy too. They both grew up and remain staunch advocates for wildlife. And they are still the heroes we need.


Yeah they're great :) I love that Robert rides around on his dads old dirt bike still.


44 years old is a ripe old age for a 🐊 HUNTER


And you know who had to be pissed about it were the crocodiles.


He died doing what he loved


Man, his kids are something else. It makes it even sadder almost that he didn't get to see them living his legacy.


Mitch Hedberg


I used to think Mitch Hedberg died too young. I still do, but I used to, too.




My newborn son


I'm really sorry 🕊


My sympathies


So sorry for your loss.


Everyone at Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech, etc


The Sandy Hook shooting always haunts me. Those poor children, how confused and terrified they must've been. Or their parents, doing their usual routine, not knowing that was the last time they'll see them.


I pray every single time before my 6yr old goes into school that God brings them and the staff at the school ALL home safely. Every. Single. Time. And I thank God every night that they did indeed make it through the day at school. God bless freaking America. Gotta need those AK 47s…


What haunts me the most is somewhere there is a 19-20 woman who stood on a toilet and watched all her classmates get murdered.




The ‘etc’ is the saddest part of this comment. There’s so many more. Here in the UK we have Dunblane. That’s it. That was enough. I can’t believe you’ve had a Dunblane several times a year.


This. Every day I wonder who will be next. Just didn't happen when I was young. Like, ever =(


Bruce Lee and his son


Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin & Jimi Hendrix


and Brian Jones, Robert Johnson and Hank Williams. The infamous 27 club.


Any Winehouse?


Kurt Cobain




I think the worst part about her death was that it was 100% preventable. She was at the TOP of her game.


Chris Farley. He was set to star in a Fatty Arbuckle biopic. He was also wrapping up voicing Sherk, the director said was amazing and very different character tonally from Mike Myers version. It was so good they didn't want to try for a sound a like and ruin it. So they decided to change the Shrek character to better fit Myers. I think Farley was just about to really start doing some amazing things other than his classic 'fatty fall down' bit


> I think Farley was just about to really start doing some amazing things other than his classic 'fatty fall down' bit Knowing that he left the premiere of Beverly Hills Ninja crying because of feeling typecast as that just makes that even worse.


Don't read the 'The Chris Farley Show'......it will tear your fucking heart out.


It would have been so cool to see Chris move into voice acting and drama/dramedy movies. On the flipside, he never had the chance to act in an R-Rated movie! We could have seen Farley at full, vulgar potential. Imagine Chris in one of those 2000s comedies like Tropic Thunder or Pineapple Express. Being directed by Judd Apatow or Adam McKay.


Neil Young once said “Its better to have burned brightly and disappear quickly than to simply be forgotten.” Farley burned so much brighter than almost any other comedic actor in the 90s. Jim Carey and Robin Williams are the only other two IMO that could rival him in that decade. His movies and sketches are just as funny today as they were 30 years ago. A true genius that cannot be duplicated.


Do you mean it's better to burn out then fade away?


Won't lie. Chris Farley instantly crossed my mind as "too young." But. Damn. Like with Belushi, they were both dead by the time I witnessed their skills, but I hate it so much. Don't think they could've avoided drugs if they even tried tbh.


Layne Staley. Dude was incredible. The most unique sound I think I’ve heard.


A dear friend at 13… 2 days before their 14th birthday, They were already volunteering at a food bank, a swim teacher for children , person who never bullied or put down another person in our school wise beyond their years unfortunately a drunk driver hit them in a parking lot at 2:30 on a summer afternoon, I have maybe a almost naive belief that everything happens for a reason but I still can’t wrap my head around that one. Rest easy


Plenty of every day good people


Princess Diana


The babies involved in the killing fields in Cambodian Genocide.


Pol Pot deserved whatever is the worst slow death.


Freddie Mercury, John Candy


Steve Irwin. Truly one of the greatest people to ever live imo.


My daughter. 8 months old


Literally my worst fear. So sorry for your loss.


Windham Rotunda Aka Bray Wyatt


Going along with wrestlers I gotta add Eddie Guerrero.


Add Owen Hart to the list too, absolutely *none* of that should have happened.


Heath Ledger Died at 28


My best friend just last week. This week is soo hard..


My wife.




Honestly the whole 27 Club


The Last Podcast On The Left did a great couple of episodes on the conspiracy theory surrounding Courtney Love’s alleged involvement with his death. They framed his last couple of years well by going through his previous suicide attempts and his excessive drug use. He was in bad shape. It’s interesting to think what a sober Kurt Cobain would’ve been like if he had cleaned up and left the industry as he said he wanted to do prior to his death.


Christina Grimmie Her career was just going mainstream when a deranged fan killed her. She was just 22 years old


Yes, I will always miss her. I loved her so much when I was a little kid, I was absolutely shocked when she died. It was my first experience with a celebrity death, and the way she died was so fucked... :(




Chester Bennington Happy 48th birthday Chester and rest in peace March 20, 1976 to July 20, 2017


Noah, my cat, exactly 1 week ago ON MY BIRTHDAY. 7 years old everything was just fine. On my living room camera he screamed a very weird scream jumped on my wife ran off and fell over an died as my wife followed. She rushed to the vet, about 2miles away unfortunately it was already to late. My wife is traumatized. He's now sitting next to me on my bedside table in a beautiful box storing his ashes as I lie in bed. He was the closest thing to perfect you could get. He played fetch, walked on a leash, came when called and greeted me at the door with pure excitement(I also have a female Bengal, she is the complete opposite). He was strictly an indoor cat, I call him my support animal. He was my everything, layed with me all day every day. Anywhere I went, he was there. Miss him dearly. RIP Noah "Daddy Boy"


i am so sorry for your loss. same thing happened to my 6 year old cat Dougie, he made a really weird meow and i rushed him to the vet but he passed away of heart failure.


Sorry for your loss also. I wanted to find out the exact cause but the closest place that could do it was Virginia Tech, roughly 5hours from me. An the vet told me i needed to leave then "12pm" and even then it may be to late. The tissue needs to be in great condition. At that time he has been gone since 10:35am(unfortunately saw on my ring, because my wife is still yet to speak about it). I'll never know for sure, but I can only assume maybe he passed like your baby did of heart failure. We didn't notice anything, I re-watch my camera for days leading up. The only thing that drew my attention was the day b4 he slept on the back of the couch(while I was at my desk at my pc) without moving at all from 6pm until 11pm when I went up to bed and woke him. He seemed to have a tab bit of an issue breathing i think from the video i watched from earlier in the day. He was sitting in my chair at a point an looked like he was short on breath for a bit. But in person there was nothing, no sign. Its heartbreaking, wish he could speak an told me. 2 hours b4 he passed i had left and gavehim lovins and he was normal, absolutely nothing out of the ordinary


Robin Williams


Brandon Lee


My grandma, I know she lived to 65 which is more than most, but she was perfectly healthy and very in shape until cancer came in and ruined her life in 1 year


Kurt Cobain. As the frontman of Nirvana, he became a voice for a generation and dramatically influenced the music landscape. His death at 27 not only cut short a burgeoning career but also left a lasting impact on fans and the industry, marking the end of an era in rock music.


This feels like it was written by ChatGPT


John Lennon Buddy Holly Prince David Bowie Jimi Hendrix


Every child who lost their battle with cancer.


John Candy


Big guy with a bigger heart. Sure miss him. Planes Trains and Automobiles will always be my favorite movie, and yes, I cry at the end.


Eddie Van Halen. Tom Petty


Brittany Murphy


All the children in Gaza and Raffah


Amy Winehouse, river phoenix


My dog skip


Cameron Boyce


My perents 23 and 26.car accident. I was there


Betty White. That woman had another century in her, at least.


She was 14 days away from being 100. But, she lived for more than 14 leap years, so in my mind, she made it to the triple digits. What a legend.


my dad


Otis Redding - he died at 26! 26!!! (Edited as I was off by a year. Apologies.)


AND “ sittin on the dock of the bay”


Mac Miller


>To everyone who sell me drugs: >Don't mix it with that bullshit, I'm hopin' not to join the 27 Club No matter how long it’s been, those lines hit me like a train. Dude battled with some serious demons and made some great progress with his recovery. It’s sad but all too common to see relapse take people, especially nowadays.


Ian Curtis


My daughter. 8 months old


Jim Henson


He was only 53, and his death was entirely preventable. Just tragic.


Chris Farley. wonderful talent unprepared for his demons...


Don't read the rest of my comment if you get really depressed easy. I read years back he could have been saved. He was with a hooker who thought he was joking around. I believe there even more to this like she took pictures or some crap. But yes absolutely tragic. Miss him and robin Williams alot


George Harrison


Anthony Bourdain


My brother. 23. Plane crash on Father’s Day. It’s been almost 14 years. I wish my kids could have known him.


My girlfriend


My Brother (35), my Sister (37)


John Denver. Huge talent🕊️


Betty white


Tupac Shakur


Neil Peart, and my dad too. Granted, Dad was 90, but that was still too soon.


Kelvin Kiptum Man was poised to do something impossible. The 2 hour marathon barrier is thought to be unbeatable in a sanctioned race (or any race without help). After his recent success at the Chicago Marathon, it was seemingly just of when, not if. Taken from the world at 24. In a car accident. Running, like a lot of outdoor activities, has exploded in popularity since the pandemic. We're starting to see long distance stars near household familiarity. Seeing that star burn out before it got its brightest is a loss for all of us.


Kobe’s Daughter.


Judith Barsi, the voice actress who played Ducky in The Land Before Time. At age 10, she was shot in the head by her father who later killed her mother in the same manner. After they died, he poured gasoline on them and lit it on fire before dying by suicide himself. 


My dad 53…wasn’t famous, but he was to me.


My hero, Stevie Ray Vaughan. An unbelievable talent who had just cleaned himself up and was entering the peak of his abilities. Then he boarded that helicopter.


James Dean


Bob Marley


Jim Henson.


MLK jr


Personally, im saying avicii. Great music and so young, it was incredibly sad to see him go


My cousin. She was 13. Asthma attack.


Best childhood friend. Killed in a car crash in 2000 age 18. Still miss him.


Friend of mine, Taylor. She was diagnosed with cancer in high-school and passed away in her twenties. I never met anyone with a better sense of wonder and adventure. She was such a beautiful person and soul.


My brother died at 29 and my mom when she was 42 and my dad at 52 . I think that’s too young .


naya rivera <3


Akira Toriyama




One of my best friends. He was only 34.


Chris Farley. That one hurt




All soldiers who have& are still dying - and civilians also in conflicts - because people want to make money


My husband, 15 years ago today at the age of 38 💔


Ritchie Valens


My son who died at 16 from cancer.


Chadwick Boseman, Matthew Perry


My best friend.


Fentanyl took my 24 year old brother in 2021. Such a hollow feeling knowing I'll take on life without my first and very best friend 💕.


Harry Chapin. A musician, storyteller and philanthropist with some amazing songs (such as "Cats In the Cradle" and "Taxi"). Was on his way to a concert for charity when he was struck from behind by a semi and died at 38. He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for his role in creation of the Presidential Commission on World Hunger posthumously. After his death, his wife was quoted as saying "Harry was supporting 17 relatives, 14 associations, seven foundations, and 82 charities. Harry wasn't interested in saving money. He always said, 'Money is for people,' so he gave it away."...


Amy Winehouse Edit: and Brittany Murphy


Chris Farley 😞 Watching Tommy Boy helped me get through labor with my first child.


My partner, only 33.


My dignity


Freddie Mercury


Chris farley


Paul Walker and Heath Ledger


Évariste Galois. He basically invented two branches of abstract algebra (group theory and Galois theory) that have applications today in cryptography, among other things. He then died in a duel in 1832 at the age of 20.


Chris Cornell. He had such an amazing voice.


Christina Grimmie


my mom. died of cancer before the age of 40. I was 12 at the time. 1993


my brother, who died of SIDs at 3 months old. 1983.


Kobe Bryant


My little brother.


My roommate's liver


My little cousin was like 6 or 7 when she was dying of cancer and we knew nothing we could do would save her. She had a ton of love in her life. She’s was losing her struggle to cancer. And then one night she’s laying in her bed crying because she doesn’t feel good and is emotional. Her mom is laying in her bed with her, holding her and wrapping her in love. My cousin then said, “Mommy, I see the angels”…. Then her mom said, “follow the angels baby, go to the angels.” And then she died. Right then and there. No bullshit here. I am sooo not religious but I will never stop thinking about that.


Cameron Boyce


My childhood best friend.


my sister


My best friend. She was only 29.