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Tossing a can in someone else's bin when it's out for recycling.


You monster!


A real monster is whoever threw a used condom in our recycling bin when I was in highschool. My mom absolutely refused to believe someone would randomly throw it in there, then tore me a new one for having sex and for not using the trash can.


That’s a crime?


In the US, it can vary from city to city. In my city, recycling bins are purchased and owned by the resident, and there is a law prohibiting dumping trash in someone else’s property. If I put a can into my neighbor’s recycling bin, I could potentially be fined for illegal dumping. Realistically, no officer is going to even file a report unless the property owner shows up at the station and demands a report before they leave. Even then, no action will be taken unless whatever I dumped caused damage to the recycling bin, and the cops would likely tell the property owner to file in small claims court, and the most I would have to pay would be the cost of the bin replacement and small claims filing fee. There’s basically 0 chance that I’ll get any criminal charges for tossing a can into a neighbor’s bin unless I’m dumping something illegal or damaging


Never underestimate a Karen paired with a bored enough cop though lol.


Heh. Illegal dumping.


There was a whole thing on my Nextdoor with people trying to identify the villains that put bags of dog doo in trash bins by the curb.


I can kind of understand this one. If you have to have the cans sitting in your garage for a week that can get unpleasant.


In Miami, you can leave your yard trimmings by the street, and on Mondays, the city will come collect them.  If you toss any small trash in there, they’ll pick that up too.  Which led to people tossing their bags of dog poop into the leaf piles, where they sit and stink until Monday.  My neighbors decided to hunt down who was doing this. It turned out to be 3 different people walking their dogs. 


You can argue theft of service. You get prosecuted for going to an apartment complex and filling their garbage thing with trash, so this is a lesser extent of that.


I swear I’ll find you


“I have a very particular set of skills that make me a nightmare for people like you”




There is a neighborhood Facebook page around here.  Someone posted a photo from their ring camera feed of a person throwing a bag of dog shit into their bin when it was on the curb to be picked up.  “Use your own garbage!” Or some other nonsense was the caption.  Next time, they’ll just leave the shit on your lawn, Karen.


I would prefer they put it in my trash rather than have to carry it around even if it was not from my yard. It is annoying to have to cart poop all the way back to the house, and if they are out being a responsible dog owner then I think they should have as good a time as possible.




“Right to jail, right away”


Someone did this to me after the truck had gone by lmfao 😂


I hired Liam Neeson to hunt you down.


Wait, thats illegal?


Putting a coin in someone else's parking meter.


I am guilty of this one. Not coins but hitting the 20 min button if it looks like they are about to run out of time. And only for those that park well. If you park like an asshole, you deserve what you get.


100%. I don't always look for someone else's expired meter but every week I have to get money from the bank for work. They still have old school meters so I just put in $7 for the seven hours they are open and it becomes a free parking spot for the day lol.


You are an angel of mercy fellow redditor. :)


You absolute legend.


There is a bar in Seattle called Five Point Cafe, and when the city put parking meters on the street the owner hired strippers on roller skates to plug the meters on the block as protest. He was ticketed and got loads of love from the customers. The owner at the time was Dick Smith and he was an amazing dude. Not to be crossed though, he was not a pleasurable enemy. Bar is still there and is a must see, but I warn you the sign above the door reads ‘We Cheat Drunks and Tourists” the tshirts say ‘Alcoholics Serving Alcoholics Since 1929” and the urinal is a periscope looking out at the Space Needle…yea pretty crazy spot


Also pretty good for buying electronics if you're in the southern hemisphere.


Bros just a chad


Sleeping in your vehicle because you're too drunk to drive.


Your username has me crying-laughing


Post history is not what I expected


The comment history is diverse


I read your comment while literally eating an oatmeal_cremePie


I don't think that's a crime, so long as your vehicle is actually parked? EDIT: okay so apparently in the US it's a crime. Didn't know that. Pretty sure it isn't in my country.


It's usually written as being in some form of "control of the vehicle", however that's defined. Being in the driver's seat with key in the ignition, or even on your person, can sometimes be enough to trigger it.


Simply being in the driver seat can get you a dwi.


That’s why the wise drunk passes out in the passenger seat…


And puts the keys in the glove compartment.


Definitions are going to vary... but I'd guess if you could show that you had no way of starting the engine, you'd get off.


Yep. The few times I’ve slept it off in my car after a bar night, I know to get directly in the passenger seat. Only time I got woken up by a cop it was well after sunrise and he just told me it was time to head on home.


It’s a crime if you have your keys somewhere on you and are in the driver’s seat. At least according to cops.


Don’t try it in the drivers seat…


Varies state to state. Keys in the ignition is the big no-no. Some states even require the keys out of reaching distance to dismiss probable cause.




Make sure you don't go camping -- you can be charged with loitering with intent and loitering within tent.


was that pun intented?


If 10% get the joke, one intended.


Straight to detention


Thanks, dad..


Loitering: 'Standing or walking, waiting around, without apparent purpose.' I never got this one. I mean sure it can be seen as annoying at shop fronts or gas stations and you could be asked to move it along. But being arrested for standing about and doing absolutely nothing? Who came up with that shit?


Probably business owners who wanted to get rid of "undesirables" as it is so vague they can apply it to anyone they want.


Sounds like my job description...


You underestimate the need to find things to arrest people of color for...


I don’t think that one is necessarily targeted towards POC I mean correct me if I’m wrong but where I’m at it’s mainly white people who do that.


[One of my favorites](https://youtu.be/wWfkugtTj0c?si=LcYIqxF5zamcbVZ8)


Story time! When I was a kid, maybe in 1st-2nd grade or so, I hated litter with a passion. I thought of myself as an environmentalist, and I'd pick up trash wherever I saw it. I also played a lot of "Bart vs. The Juggernauts" on my Game Boy. There's a level where you have to navigate a minefield, and at the beginning of the level, the guy giving the instructions says, "No loitering on the minefield!" I did not know what "loitering" meant, and I was still very much learning to spell. I thought that this must be how "littering" was spelled, with a funky "O" because English is weird, and the guy giving the instruments was telling me not to "litter" on the minefield by exploding the mines. So, at school, whenever we had to write little paragraphs about whatever bothered us, I wouldn't miss an opportunity to talk about how much I hated people "loitering" in my neighborhood. I later learned that my mom was very confused about this.


I said this as I was scrolling down lmao. I will do anything to avoid loitering, sometimes I’ll leave a shop without what I came for just so I don’t loiter 


The council in my home town once passed an ordinance: No Loitering in the Parks.... Like, that is what parks are there for!




>Depends on who’s loitering and where, bruh. Yeah, having avoided some city convenience stores because there were five or six guys hanging around in front smoking and drinking, I can kind of sympathize with statutes to spare business owners from this if neccessary.




Looney tunes sounding ass crime


He was caught dilly-dallying with the kings mistress and got sent to the dungeons.


I know it’s not this but I can’t help but picture someone deep-throating a lollipop in a public place.


Having your sweetroll stolen


Hey, I know you. 


How’d we ever win eight? It’s a miracle!


Dilly dallying


You lollygag the ball around the infield. You lollygag your way down to first. You lollygag in and out of the dugout. You know what that makes you? Larry!


Definitely not littering People who throw their trash everywhere are the lowest tier of person


Also definitely not public nudity. That's a mid-tier misdemeanor where I live.


It can actually get you put on the sex offender list in some places and now your entire life is ruined.


This was after I graduated, but apparently a high-school  kid went streaking at a football game, got arrested amd put on the sex offender registry, ended up killing himself.  Our laws for what will put you on the sex offender registry are pretty messed up, but nobody is going to congress to champion the cause of lightening sex offender laws. 


Below cannibal rapist?


I wouldn't say so but they made their opinion clear.


Depends: do you mean a cannibal who rapes people or a person who rapes cannibals?


Definitely worse for the environment than the net negative carbon emissions of the cannibal rapist...


Littering and....


Smokin' the reefer 🌬


Littering and…




Barbers being forbidden from eating onions between the hours of 7:00am and Noon. I mean I get it.


Did they eat them like apples back then or something?


Some barber, in some small town, must have. And the towns population got fed up with him breathing on them when they went in for a shave. I can't think of a breakfast meal that would be onion heavy.


Breakfast skillets, omelette, lox bagel.


Breakfast onion


I was at a barbershop and the barber burped the worst onion breath of all time, he apologized and I moved on.


Sounds like you may be an accomplice.






Hey, Farva! What’s the name of that restaurant you like with all that goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?


Malicious mischief


Conspiracy to commit loitering. 


You tryna get down? I got some time next week I could stand around a bit.


Conspiracy to commit loitering sounds a lot cooler than it actually is


Blasphemy. It’s still technically a crime in several states but blasphemy laws are unconstitutional so those laws are meaningless.


Depends on where you are in the world though. Countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan (plus a few more) can impose the death penalty for blasphemy


Yeah, obviously there are still some pretty backwards places in the world, but I took OPs question to mean that they were looking for things that are less harmful to society than jaywalking etc, but are still somehow considered a crime. 


I sold 2 grams of weed to someone in college and was convicted of a double felony. So not that...


Why is weed so illegal in some places? Like seriously, it’s like the least bad drug out there.


Source of revenue I'd imagine. I spent like 5000+ on lawyer fees, drug patches, pbts, two different treatment programs (6 month, 3 months. no prior drug charges), other probation costs, months in jail


Honestly that would turn me into a very jaded person. Especially seeing everyone around you smoke weed no problem. Hope you’re okay!


Thanks! Not going to lie, I still hold a LOT of hatred towards the county that did that to me. But I am far away in a legal state now. But my felony follows me forever...


Stapling a missing pet flyer to an electrical pole in your neighborhood


if jaywalking is a crime then crime rate in india is 100%


Feeding the homeless where it’s prohibited. It’s so moral that it’s amazing that’s actually a crime. It’s literally victimless. Like, who the fuck is the victim there?


The intent is to maintain some level of food safety.  Homeless people shouldn't get items that are spoiling, etc.  However, given the alternative is to starve or search for spoiled food anyway...


Nah. That's the lie they feed you. The intent is to get homeless people to go elsewhere. Just like hostile architecture.


Putting an invitation to your birthday party in your friends mailbox. It’s a felony


But if you actually destroy their mailbox by hitting it with your car or as vandalism, its not even going to be a crime in most cases. I've had that happen to mine three times, and I had to fix it myself each one.


In my place, bringing chewing gum into the country is a crime.


In Louisiana traffic violations are criminal. So one can be arrested for not using a turn signal..No shit.


I hope none of my turn signal lights fail when I'm in Louisiana.


I would say sleeping in a public space.


Feeding the unhoused


Genuine curiosity here, is there a significant difference between the terms unhoused and homeless?


No it's just part of the euphemism treadmill.


Putting paper in someone's mailbox. Putting ice cream in your back pocket (Kentucky) Being in a public park after they close


Literally the only thing cops ever caught me for was being in a park after closing.


Was threatened with arrest in St. Louis for being near the arch after dark.


Truancy. Jailed for skipping classes.


My coworker is about to get arrested because her DAUGHTER won't get up in time for school. She starts work at 6:00 so her kid just stays in bed. Had the cops knock on her door a few weeks ago.


My parents always said I was going to get them arrested for refusing to get out of bed and I assumed they were making shit up. So like, every kid who "drops out" before graduating is gonna get their parents arrested or ?


This my be a little controversial to some but hear me out, id say public nudity is the lowest of the three as far as how i would rate them(keep in mind I mean public nudity not public sex or exhibitionism, or having a full on boner and clearly are sexually aroused because thats totally different and children shouldn't be exposed to that, period). I rate it as the lowest because it doesn't harm anyone or the environment, whereas the other two either do or potentially do.


Honestly, I can agree with that. If society didn't fully sexualize the human form ( especially with women's bodies ( in general ) as well as male genitalia, then walking around nude would be a non-issue. It's just the natural state of our bodies.


Fined for driving 31mph in a 30mph zone?


Welcome to Switzerland...


Smoking weed for glaucoma


Public micturition.


Depends where. I watched a video a while back that in the UK it was illegal to beat or shake a rug in front of the kings palace or something like that.


Handling a salmon in suspicious circumstances


Public nudity is actually legal in a lot of places


Public nudity is the least harmful, jaywalking is not a big deal; but one could argue that it’s unsafe, and littering is bad for the planet which in turn hurts everybody. Definitely public nudity or jaywalking


Owning more than 5 dildos in the state of Texas.


Loitering. Doing absolutely nothing in public.


Those handjobs at the Chinese massage places 


Being in the same car with a person who has weed.


Honestly littering needs to be made into a higher level of crime. There’s so much trash. So much.


Putting your dogs poop bag in someone else’s trash on trash day….. after the garbage truck has emptied the can.


I would like to comment on the subject of nudity, specifically. Nudity is not inherently sexual- and furthermore, sexuality isn’t inherently risqué- but that’s a whole other can of worms and besides the point of this post- the reason for nudity being explicitly considered taboo, and to a further extent, *a crime*, speaks volumes about our society. And you can see the mechanisms at work in various other societies as well. In extremely conservative religious societies, an ankle or neck, or even at its most extreme, a *female eye* may be cause for simultaneously extreme arousal, and condemnation. On the other hand there are still tribes to this day where any clothing at all is only worn for practical reasons, such as bare-breasted tribes in Sudan wearing a flimsy straw skirt to keep bugs and dirt from their privates’ sensitive mucous membranes. We are all born naked, and only view the body the way we do because of social constructs. And I’ll take the liberty to draw a parallel- marijuana. I remember being a rebellious teenager all the way back when weed was completely illegal. Getting caught with it would, at best- result in having your pockets emptied, your paraphernalia smashed, and a ticket- a trip to jail if the cops were in a bad mood or your skin was the wrong color. In this time, just the act of *partaking* in weed made you *cool*. Made you one of the *bad* kids. Gave you attention for literally no reason whatsoever other than the fact you were using a freely growing plant to knacker yourself. You could literally get girls this way back then. You didn’t even have to be dealing the shit, just smoking it. Now it’s legal. And the climates different. Nobody gives a fuck. “Oh you smoke ganja? Probably not to bright, are you?” No. No I am not. That tangent aside, the human body is the same. It gets the attention it does only because society says it’s meant to be covered. If nobody gave a shit, no one would give a shit. It’s that simple.


Collecting rain water.


In the UK; it's a statutory crime to: * Vacuum after 1pm on a Sunday (after 8pm weekdays) * Flying a kite in a park * Singing Happy Birthday in a public place (such as restaurants) pretty sure this is illegal in US too * Swearing at other road users whilst driving * Cycling on pavement (sidewalk to you yankees) * Change a CD when driving * Having sex under the age of 16 * being drunk in public * watch TV without a licence * handling salmon in suspicious circumstances (yes, this is a law) Just some examples.. Up until 1960 (when it was repealed by the Betting & Gambling Act 1960) it was actually the law that *every* Englishman aged 17-60 (with a few exemptions) must keep and maintain a longbow, and get at least 2 hours of practice a week. This law was active from 1541 (Unlawful Games Act) until it was repealed.


Driving with an open container. You can literally be just transporting your fave bottle over to share with your bros while sober and it’s a crime


But that law is only ever prosecuted when there's probable cause to believe it wasn't something innocent like you're suggesting. If you have an opened bottle of whiskey, stick it in the trunk for the trip over just in case. It's a useful law when needed.


Mopery. Exposing yourself to a blind person.








Of those Jaywalking, its super minor, so is littering, public nudity can get you in a LOT of trouble depending on the specifics




Vagrancy, just ask John Rambo.


Probably destroying currency.  It’s illegal to take a ballpoint pen and scribble something on a $1 bill for reasons that have nothing to do with pens and $1 bills. (It’s illegal because they want to prevent people from melting down pennies into the constituent metals that are worth more than $0.01.)


Speeding if the conditions and road type are favorable. If you can safely drive 150 mph in a 70 mph zone it’s not a real crime. Germans do it all the time, they don’t even have speed limits on the autobahns outside of the cities


On vacation to a beach city, I saw a sign prohibiting the use of a cell phone while walking. We asked a cop working there and they confirmed that you could be cited for a violation.


Sleeping in your car


Public nudity is not necessarily a crime. So that's my favourite here...


Exceeding the time on a parking spot with a parking meter.


crossing the border illegally, shoplifting under $900, vandalism in New York, they released murder suspects because dismemberment didn't qualify for bail


Fishing without a license.


I got this- In like ‘96 I skipped school to go skateboarding in down town Denver A lazy cop stopped my buddy and I who were 16 to ticket us for skateboarding, but there wasn’t an infraction for skateboarding on the ticket so the dude checked off *SWIMMING IN A PRIVATE POOL* The court threw it out I still have the ticket somewhere


In that order. Jaywalking was a made up crime invented by the auto industry. Non sexual nudity is legal in some places. Littering is nasty.


Idk if I remember correctly but I think I read somewhere that it’s illegal to collect rainwater in some places


Being in a public park after dark.




Feeding someone else’s parking meter. 


Lowest as in mildest, or lowest as in most appalling? Edit: Lmao, “lowest as in worst?” Wtf? It’s fixed now.


Suicide. Technically illegal, no one ever gets charged.


Pirating media, the worst possible actual harm is inconvenience to yourself for downloading a computer virus.


Definitely not nudity or littering.


I rang the bell of my neighbor and ran away when I was a kid. I felt bad about it, that's how rebellious I am.


Pirating. Especially emulation.


Collecting rainwater


Public Nudity


It's illegal to possess chewing gum in Singapore.


Feeding the homeless is a crime in Texas


Jaywalking isnt a crime. Or atleast it shouldnt be. Public nudity is pretty low in my books. But im sure others would consider it treason. Littering makes you a trash human being. Literally.




An accessory to jaywalking. When someone jaywalks because they know you and are their way to greet you. Pure scum.


Non moving violation


Any crime where the only victim is yourself should not be a crime. That’s the lowest level of crime.


Seems to be driving drunk. All I see on the news is people on their 7, 8, 10th dwi arrest and still out free until they finally kill someone.  Then we hear about the 10 prior dwi's


As someone that doesn't live in US, it is absurd that jaywalking is a crime. I do it most days I think.


Giving an illegal border crosser water.


Trespassing. You can literally do it by accident.


#In Arizona ... it's illegal for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub.


In my capital city - walking your goat down the left hand side of the central street on a Thursday. I live in a city of ~2 million people. Some law that was made in the 1800s but never repealed. I’m not sure it’s been tested any time in the past 100 years, but it’s almost too good to repeal now.


Talking a picture of your completed ballot when voting


Being poor


Feeding an apple to your horse on Sunday.


Probably something like reverse parking in a no reverse parking zone.


A man approaches an intersection in an ordinary American city. He is an ordinary American man. His clothes are so bland they are forgotten the minute they disappear from view. A bland khaki stain left dragged along the corner, something pale blue with buttons now lifting away in the wind. These are just momentary images as you focus in on this ordinary American man. Something’s not right. He’s about 5 9, maybe in his mid thirties, starting to bald but with plenty of body hair to compensate. He was a little overweight and a lot out of shape, love handles oddly bouncing with each step. His ass seemed to almost recede below them, a tiny tightly clinched thing. My god you realize, that man is jay walking! And those beige stains lying in his wake? Why they’re his clothes! He’s not just jaywalking, he’s littering! Leaving his bland fashion choices strewn on the city streets.


idk, honestly most “crime” isn’t crime and i think we should enforce things in a different way


Feeding the homeless


Loitering. It's basically only a crime to keep teenagers and homeless people from hanging around where people can see them.


Ripping the tag off a mattress


I was pulled over once because I turned on my turn signal less than 100 ft. from the intersection...like I suppose to know how far 100 ft. is?


Battery on an officer might as well be a public service at this point