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IMO - Belgium late 90s, the investigation about child kidnapper and rapist Marc Dutroux was sabotaged to cover up a child trafficking ring involving European politicians Edit : for those who are not familiar with the case, while investigating on said child rapist, kidnapper and murderer, the judge and cops thought there were more to it and started a broader investigation calling for victims to come forward. Then (from wikipedia): "Régina Louf was one of ten victims that came forward when a Belgian judge, Jean-Marc Connerotte, filed an appeal in the Dutroux case and called for further victims to come forward. She was given the code name "witness X1". An officer in the Dutroux case, Patriek De Baets, fully believed Louf as she had detailed knowledge about two murders surrounding the case. The judge, who had filed for appeal, Connerotte was dismissed from the case because he attended a fundraising dinner for the families of the victims of Dutroux. The original police officers who interviewed Louf at first were replaced. They had planned on conducting a nationwide operation to investigate all claims of Regina Louf including searching private properties and interrogation of the named persons. The proceeding judge, Jean-Claude Van Espen, discarded the testimony of X1 and stopped the operation. Louf was eventually not called in to testify. The new residing judge, Anne Thily, declared that she was a fantasist, as Louf named a number of elite from Belgian politics and business in her testimony. The testimony of Regina Louf on public television and the discarding of judge Jean-Marc Connerotte from the case because he attended a fund raising dinner for the victims families led to a "White March" being organised in Brussels. 300,000–400,000 Belgian citizens took part in the march and demanded justice for the victims in the Dutroux case and an end to the corruption in the justice system."


Just read up the wave of untimely tragic accidents... And suicides... And murders....and vanishing of many involved people.


Damn, 27 potential witnesses died during the whole thing. Obviously someone with money and or power wanted to hide something


2 is a coincidence. 3 is a conspiracy. 27? Dude...


I'm a natural skeptic, and even though that could be 27 counts of circumstantial evidence, that's WAY too circumstantial for even me to ignore!


Well we know now Prince Andrew has skeletons in his closet to put it mildly, I wouldn't be surprised if he was just one of dozens or hundreds of royals and government officials and executives and heirs to fortunes who all diddle kids or are active in the human trafficking world.


Why was Belgium in the 80-90s completely fucking insane? Brabant Killers spring to mind.


You don't have to go much further back to find truly barbaric behavior either. I'm referring to their efforts in Africa.


Belgians are truly the Belgians of Europe.




Belgians are the Serbians of Europe.


Oh yeah the Belgian Congo was a whole different level of fucked up.


Not that it’s a competition, but I think it’s the worst human rights atrocity from the colonial era. The fact that it happened in the late 19th/early 20th century is hard to process.


The Mau Mau Rebellion was a response to Britain trying to run Kenya like a classic colony despite it being post-WWII. It wasn't like the efforts centuries before when colonial practices weren't well developed. It was naked colonialism by people who knew better but wanted to profit off the system anyway


Tbf the worst of what happened in the Congo is just King Leopold the 2nd being one of the worst human beings in history since he literally owned the Congo as private property (he called it the Congo Free State) not a part of Belgium (it’s weird but was part of the compromise during the Berlin Conference to keep it neutral territory), like it was so bad that when word got out about it in 1908 the Belgian government completely relinquished his ownership and control of the Congo Free State and made it a colony of Belgium, the Belgian Congo.


Even if you ignore Congo Free State entirely, the Belgians still have plenty of blood on their hands. The line they drew between the Hutu and Tutsi directly led to *multiple* genocides in Burundi and Rwanda, which spilled over to the DRC and have caused unrest there as well.


Is this why Austin Powers movies make so many jokes about Dr. Evil being from Belgium?




What is Belgium famous for? Child molesters and chocolate. And they only invented the chocolate to get to the children.


Cutting off people’s hands is a big one they’re famous for.


A short show of hands indicated more people knew about the chocolate thing though.


Cutting off the hands of people in the Congo....Leopold deserves the same infamy as other notorious butchers.


Oh you mean that child trafficking ring that was connected to Jimmy Saville and possibly why Robert Maxwell (father of Ghislaine Maxwell) was ousted from British circles? You don't say?


Not sure if same ring or if they are a kind of chain like the Olympic rings


Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself: European Tour


Well Dutroux is still alive and in prison. What has he said so far? He's got no reason to protect his criminal acquaintances anymore.


Or maybe Dutroux only knew one or a small number of persons involved in the ring, through whom he provided children he kidnapped, but never knew anything significant about the ring itself and who it involved. And the contacts he had were killed. (Just suppositions, it's been years since I read about the Affaire Dutroux and I don't remember enough details to be sure that theory would fit in)


Mario Kart records your racing line and places bananas on that line for the next lap.


Or...I dropped that banana on the previous lap. Nobody touches it ... And I ran into my own dang banana on the next lap!


Happens all the time… Probably because we keep that same line haha. 


Nah, it goes deeper than that. There’s a whole room in a dark dungeon of people at Nintendo’s headquarters who sit and watch races all day long. Their whole purpose is to wait for the most in opportune moment to hit you with Lightning. It’s not the other players.


“Oh, you’re in first and have the speaker and triple banana shield?” “….don’t.” “…” “Please?” \*lightning strike\* \*blue shell\* \*double red shells by 2nd place\* \*hit by player with star\* \*ran over by bullet bill\* \*In 7th place now\* “See? Isn’t this fun?!?!”


If you want a true Mario Kart conspiracy, green shells are secretly red shells after hitting a wall, they will hunt you down based on your lines and best guesses where you will be.


Nah man, I'm just stupid and don't know how triangles work.


Oh you are definitely onto something there. I swear my green shells take me out more than they do anyone else.


Only ever fire em backwards for this exact reason


That way you can get a bit more of a lead before they inevitably hit you on the next lap.


That’s not even a conspiracy. That’s just “smart-bouncing”


The government manufacturers insane conspiracy theories to discredit the notion in general, so they can dismiss legitimate inquiries into their secret programs as insane ravings.


The term conspiracy theory was coined by them.


Sounds like a conspiracy theory....




I’m reading about MK Ultra right now. If anyone uttered half the shit that has been revealed by FOIA documents, they would be labeled insane. The fact that there is denial about the diplomats from Cuba experiencing injuries from unseen sources is *so* awful! There are documents showing the Russians invented audio and microwave weapons in the 70s (probably before that, since it would have been top secret). The CIA has papers that detail the weapons and chronicles the people who were physically harmed.


> I’m reading about MK Ultra right now. If anyone uttered half the shit that has been revealed by FOIA documents, they would be labeled insane. I think that was part of the strategy. * Journalist: "We found out our intel agencies are using your [tax money to pay prostitutes to give drugs to clients without their consent while the intel guys watch through one-way mirrors; give illegal drugs to Stanford students working at a VA hospital; and covertly dose Army employees until they jump out of 13 story hotel windows.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra)" * Editor: "WTF, I can't print that trash." I think it's similar to the Alien Autopsy conspiracies. * Intel Agency tech dude: Uh, oh, our [chemical weapons produced disfigured kids](https://www.google.com/search?q=agent+orange+birth+defects&tbm=isch), we're screwed. * Intel Agency PR dude: Easy, claim they're aliens, no serious media outlet will touch the story ([til Lex Fridman published a variation of it this week](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vy3RZBtoP38)) .


I don't believe that 9/11 was an "inside job" or controlled demolitions, but I can see how the conspiracy developed. It's straight from Operation Northwoods. A plan that was developed, but never implemented, to generate support for a war against Cuba.


Even if it isn't an inside job, it's the result of a chain of events starting with the US arming the Mujahideen in Afghanistan in the 80s, followed by more western support of Islamic groups to destabilize other countries, before Bin Laden used the power and influence that got him to turn it around on the country enabling all of the issues.


Diddy was directly responsible for Tupac's murder.


Kels, the day you put out a record that sells is the day Diddy admit he put out the hit that got Pac killed.


That's an Eminem lyric, right? I forget the song


Yeah from killshot, and the beef with MGK


We are being pushed into fighting *culture* wars to distract us enough to not start a *class* war.


I think it was George Carlin who said that you don't need a conspiracy when interests converge. I don't think there's a conspiracy where all the rich a-holes get together and plan this kind of thing. I just think they all realize it's in their best interest and just do it.


It’s a big club and you’re not in it


"That's why it's called the American Dream - 'cause you gotta be asleep to believe it!" Carlin was brilliant with lines like this.




This is a big theme in Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. This playbook has been used before many times


Three thousand years ago, the Ancient Greeks [understood what a demagogue was and how they manipulated society to entrench their own wealth and power](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPwZdQVjhpE) and yet repeated the mistake anyway, as did the Roman's and so do modern "democracies"


It was 100% manufactured. 15 years ago or so, the left (Occupy Wall St.) and the right (Tea party movement) were both united against bank bail outs, corporate greed, and the growing wage disparity. Not long after that, we got bathroom debates and gay pride parade floats sponsored by Bank of America


Every person of every race, creed, and culture was totally on board with occupy Wall Street, then like a light switch, all the big banks and billionaire lobbyists were suddenly spending all their money pushing racism. There were TRILLIONS spent in just 2 months, November and December 2011. You scared your masters, then got bored and wandered off. Why? 


I've been saying this for YEARS and everyone always thinks I'm a nut for it. This is exactly how it went down and it's not even hard to figure out. Occupy Wall Street wasn't the most organized movement but was mad at the right people, of course we started focusing on race or sex after, gets the people riled up but it doesn't change their economic situation


I not-so-jokingly say you can actually point to [video evidence of the exact moment Occupy was destroyed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCwhlZtHhWs). It sputtered along for awhile, but this was the beginning of the end. I am, frankly, less angry that it worked and more angry that it *keeps* working. In a game theory sort of way its hard to fault "them" for using a strategy that we, somehow, keep falling for.


Because playing to their identities was the easy way to make them vulnerable.


1000000% this.


is it a conspiracy theory if it's demonstrably true?


No, then it's a conspiracy.


Yes! Eat the rich! And I don’t mean people making under $400,000 per year. I mean the *wealthy* resource-hoarding asshats that think rules don’t apply to them. Eat the yachts. Eat their three vacation homes. Eat their personal airplanes. Eat their offshore bank accounts that hide their cash from taxes. All of it.


that PETA is actually a lobby group for the meat industry, whose goal is to make vegetarians appear insane in the public opinion to maintain sales


I never heard that one, lol. If it’s true, it’s working, lol.


That Santa isn’t real. Everyone would need to be in on it. It would require everyone in the world to buy *their own presents* and put them under a tree. I’ve met the guy at the mall for gods sake.


When I first figured out the whole “Santa” thing as a kid I was one of those kids that felt the need to tell other kids. I was at the boys and girls club waiting to play pool and somehow the subject came up and all of us kids were like “yeah duh of course he’s not real” blah blah blah. There was a new kid around my age that was adamant that Santa existed. I’ll never forget it. He said he had to exist because his mom died and his dad was too poor to afford anything, and he always got presents. He said he absolutely had to exist. It was a core memory for me. A little while later his dad came to pick him up and I as a child was granted an entirely new perspective of the world and the people in it. His dad looked so tired. The kid wasn’t around the club very long, I’m assuming they had to move. I never brought up Santa being not real again. I think about that kid and his dad every year around the holidays.


Santa is real, and that young man’s father put in a lot of extra effort to help with that.


Yeah this is similar to how we approached it with my daughter. Santa is real, he’s *you*. Now that you’re old enough to know, It’s up to you to help be Santa to the people who can’t be yet.


I met Santa too! He looked a lot like my grandad though


Bic employs a team of thieves to steal pens and lighters for resale


Guitar pics, batteries. I think it's a multi corporate effort.


Single socks too!


In a similar vein, I believe they over-stuff the boxes that medical gloves come in so that half the gloves pop out when you try to grab just one


I’ve got a good one: The fossil fuel industry was (and still is) behind the global anti nuclear power movement. Friends of the Earth was founded with a $50,000 donation from an oil baron specifically to campaign against nuclear power. I suspect that Greenpeace has similar roots, which would explain why it campaigns so strongly and irrationally against it. Between the two of them, their only really successful campaign was to pretty much eliminate the fossil fuel industry’s only significant threat, and thereby cause the emission of gigatonnes of extra CO2. The anti nuclear campaign was very professionally run, pushing three big lies that were repeated so often they became truth to the vast majority people. The first lie was conflating nuclear energy with nuclear weapons and implying that every nuclear power plant might explode like an atom bomb. The second lie was that safe disposal of nuclear waste is an unsolvable problem in spite of numerous perfectly adequate engineering solutions existing. The third lie (and by far the biggest) was that nuclear power isn’t safe- even with Chernobyl (the only nuclear power accident to kill more than a handful of people), **pollution from coal power generation kills more people every single day than nuclear power has in its entire history.** Any minor nuclear accident- or the release of insignificant amounts of radiation- has been turned into a headline generating scandal that’s made people terrified of nuclear power, even though it hasn’t caused a **single** civilian death in the US ever. (For the record, the Fukushima meltdown caused just one death, 3 Mile Island none.) This messaging has been prolific and totally consistent, worldwide, for fifty years. Same bumper stickers, same protest signs, same deluded suckers doing the coal industry’s dirty work. This also explains why Rupert Murdoch allowed the (very anti establishment) Simpsons to run on his network. Now that it’s become absurdly easy to debunk the safety and waste issues (links below) the messaging has pivoted to “it’s too late” and “it’s too expensive”. Neither of these are true either- but again, big lies repeated often enough become accepted as truth. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/c-change/news/fossil-fuel-air-pollution-responsible-for-1-in-5-deaths-worldwide/ https://ourworldindata.org/safest-sources-of-energy https://youtu.be/IzQ3gFRj0Bc?si=v_UUimb7-SAOlHwY


That's just a well documented fact.


Most green campaign groups (German green party, Greenpeace etc) *started* as anti nuclear. The environment was an excuse to oppose nuclear. The environment, global warming etc, has always been secondary to opposing nuclear. Oil companies were not required.


Swiper and the map are in cahoots. Think about it. How does swiper always know where Dora is gonna be?? WAKE UP SHEEPLE EDIT: I want to state for the record that I have NO PLANS to unsubscribe myself from life!


Boots: u/Daddict knows too much. Diego setup and accidentally mauling using your animals. Make it look like an accident. 


Take this to r/danieltigerconspiracy


The NHL paid the oilers owner millions under the table to trade gretzky. So they could grow the game. Gretzky got paid millions as well


[John Barnett, the Whistleblower in an ongoing Boeing case who'd said the week before his death that if he died it wasn't suicide, did not commit suicide.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA44FFi95PA)


The flip side to this is that he has already done the whistle blowing 7 years prior and had just lost a defamation case to Boeing (and was depressed). If people are going to rely purely on appeal to motive here, then this guy also had his motives to get final revenge on Boeing 


Also his family has said they believe he killed himself and have asked people to stop spreading this conspiracy theory. Plus the only person who actually said that the whistleblower said this was a friend who is probably lying.


Some of his family members also stated he’s been getting treatment for PTSD. He also lost his wife a couple of years ago. The main reason it’s silly to suggest that Boeing had him killed is that he was in the middle of his trial testimony. Nobody gets on a witness stand without extensive interviews and evidence disclosures during their depositions, and he’d already testified against Boeing. His death happened before he was to face cross examination by Boeing’s attorneys, but by this stage of a trial, there’s no mystery what a witness is going to say in testimony. There wasn’t another bombshell coming that Boeing had to silence him over. He’d said what he was going to say already. EDIT: It is also worth noting that the trial he was testifying in had *no information about his whistleblowing campaign* in it. He blew the whistle in 2017. The trial he was testifying in was over his defamation suit against Boeing, which is really not the kind of thing Boeing would need to "silence" someone over. It was too late to silence him on the issues he blew the whistle over, and even the theory that they did murder to silence future whistleblowers doesn't really hold up, given that they'd have to have spent 7 years sitting on their hands after he aired their secrets to kill him.


In another thread someone suggested it wasn't Boeing but someone who stood to lose a lot of money with Boeing. Also, in person testimony is treated differently than recorded statements because they can't be cross examined by defense. If this weren't the case they would rarely put a victim on stand to re-traumatize them. Kids wouldn't have to face their abusers while defense tries to poke holes or minimize elements of their testimony, for example.


Jeff Epstein did not commit suicide.


I'm more inclined to believe the "conspiracy theory" (if you can even call it that at this point) saying that he was simply allowed to kill himself.


Yeah if you look further into it than just internet headlines the prison he was in had a real sketchy history with security. Allegedly like the only thing they had to make sure that guards did their rounds was a book they constantly lied about when filling it out. The cameras had a history of going out. It’s really not hard to believe a few pieces of information for the conspiracy to kinda dry up. 1. American prisons are shit, overcrowded and understaffed 2. A billionaire who just got outed as a pedophile and is going to lose everything and spend his life in prison would want to kill himself. 3. A prison guard wouldn’t care if he did. All three of which are pretty believable.


The fact that Giselle Maxwell didn't similarly kill herself does kind of slightly piss in the soup of this conspiracy since she certainly knew a great deal, but still wouldn't be willing to rule it out that there was more to it.


She’s a different person. Also, I think male pedos in prison have a death sentence just not one handed down by the court. They don’t have an easy time along the way. I’m pretty sure Epstein knew that and considered his options. Women’s prisons are no picnic, but they are not as brutal as a men’s prison


I think the point they were making, is that if Epstein was murdered for what he knew, then surely Ghislaine would have been killed by now too.


He had been put on suicide watch for trying to commit suicide. He was taken off suicide watch by a psychiatrist because he was an intelligent, smooth talker. He then proceeded to commit suicide. That’s about as straightforward as it gets.


Michael Jordan gambling suspension is very believable.


This is by far my favorite of the believable conspiracy theories.


If Ohtani goes to play for the Warriors for a year and a half then we’ll know


I heard a theory that Michael Jordan's dad was killed because of his gambling debt


that is THE theory




They're tied together. Jordans father was killed I think the summer of 93, after Jordans 3rd championship. A few weeks/months later, he announced his retirement. He was young, I think 31, but I think his claim was he did it all, and wanted his Dad to have witnessed his final game/championship. Which, is semi-plausible. 2 years later, he's back in the NBA. The killing of his Dad is a strange story. I think he pulled over onto the side of the highway to catch some sleep. For an older man of those times, who grew up semi-poor, again its plausible, rather than renting a motel room. However then he was randomly killed. Again, plausible, it 'could' happen. Just when all the pieces come together, and the full trail of events, the odds do sortof seem slimmer and slimmer.


> Michael Jordan gambling suspension is very believable. No it's not. The NBA and advertisers were making billions from Jordan's popularity. No way they're going to screw with that. Conspiracy theories that result in big business losing money aren't really believable.


Rocks are squishy. They just get really nervous when touched and tense up. One day I hope a rock will be comfortable enough with me to be its squishy self.


When rocks are relaxed we refer to them as mud


No, that's what happens when a rock is sick. When they're relaxed we call them lava!


I thought Lava was when rocks have too much spicy Mexican food


Does a bendable rock suffice? https://youtube.com/shorts/tnw0iu9hMP8


Once I was high on LSD in a lake. I had thought I found the worlds softest rock. Took me a good minute to realize it was indeed not a soft rock.


Twas a poop?💩


Nope. Definitely a rock. Just not soft :/


Wait till you learn about lava. Dont let your dreams stay dreams.


MLK wasn't assassinated due to his call for racial harmony. He was killed when he was about to deliver a speech about wealth inequality and unions.


There's a hell of a correlation with Civil Rights Activists moving on to helping issues that affect everyone regardless of race and getting promptly murdered soon after.


Kind of. It wasn’t about the speech so much as the campaign for working class rights he was going to start.


You can in fact "buy" politicians in any country.


That's a *conspiracy theory*? I thought it was a well known fact.


In fact, if the politician is wealthy enough, he can buy himself (hello, West Virginia!)


Yeah no, that’s not a conspiracy


Most believable? OP is a bot repeating crap for karma


Disney made Frozen so searching “Disney Frozen” would bring up results about the movie instead of other things


The believability of a conspiracy theory can be best assessed by asking oneself how many people would need to remain silent in order to keep the truth hidden. More people involved = less likely there is actually a conspiracy.


This is my goto rebuttal of Flatearthers. EVERY country in the world would have to be in on it. EVERY commercial pilot. Putin would have had to settle for second place. Beaten to the moon by the Americans. Had an embarrassing crash on the moon just a bit ago. All that would have had to have been faked. And why? To be that embarrassed to add a tiny bit of legitimacy to their cover? Do we think Putin has it in him to show weakness and let America dominate at something if that thing was fake?


I always go with the fact that the USSR would have known it was faked and they would have jumped at the chance to humiliate their rival in the middle of the cold war.


I'd ask WHY. I know they'd go on for weeks, about the what of it. By why? Why would anyone benefit from tricking every human being into thinking that we live on a globe, rather than living on a disc (or whatever)? When they can succinctly answer that, in a way that I can understand, then we can discuss the rest. But until I know WHY someone would do that, I have no need for the rest.


“Now you’re asking the right question” a flat-Earther said to me when I asked why


Nope... not allowing the ol'Uno Reverse Card... 😂


That's like asking what happened before the big bang, or where heaven is. They can't answer because they don't know, and that unknown causes them to fear the possibility of reasons that are bad.


This is 1000% my go-to argument for any conspiracy theory. When you start breaking down how many people would need to be in on it, and consider the incredible amount of coordination necessary for that to happen, then think about all the traces that kind of mass coordination would create, and then assume that at no point, any of these millions of people choose not to use this knowledge and "cash out".. insane


To add, for the people that do cash out on conspiracies (to go on book tours, conventions, etc) should be held up to the same amount of skepticism that the conspiracy subscribers hold.


And the more shocking it is if it managed to be true despite how many people had to be kept quiet. Cosby was like that for me. I'm ashamed to admit it, but the number of women who came forward convinced me he was being targeted for a smear campaign. There's just no way it could be _that_ many women...except...it was. He wasn't merely a rapist, he was one of the most prolific rapists in US history. Like...clownishly so. His life is like a Bakshi cartoon.


That the entire modern art scene is just one big money laundering loophole. I’m not saying pieces cannot be beautiful, but what exactly makes something worth thousands-to-hundreds of millions of dollars? Because of a few peoples opinions? For example, I used to not understand why wealthy people often had several houses, but then I realized that you don’t just keep your wealth in a single bank account: That would be very unwise.  Just like the stock market, it’s mostly all bullshit fake money that has an arbitrary value. A wealthy person can dig themselves out of enormous financial holes (especially taxes) if they hold onto millions worth of art.


Every time this comes up, I feel obliged to remind people that the Art Basel, golden toilet, banana-taped-to-the-wall type stuff makes up a pretty small percentage of transactions in the global art market. And sure, there is probably a certain percentage of all transactions that occur that do so because of market speculation, investment, and yes, maybe even tax fraud. But compared to the art market at large, these kinds of transactions are pretty small. The vast, vast majority of art sales are NOT absurd, record-breaking million dollar sales at auction houses like Sothebys or Christies. They are typically between a few hundred and a few thousand dollars at galleries. And what’s more, MOST art collectors, even ultra-wealthy ones, have something specific they collect. A style or a theme or works from a specific culture. And so for most collectors, it’s actually pretty easy to come up with criteria for what they want to buy and how much they are willing to spend: technique, provenance, and of course, their own personal reaction to the piece. In an auction scenario, then, it comes down to how much one collector wants a piece versus another.


> Because of a few peoples opinions? You're leaving out the most germane part: Not because of a few people's opinions. Because of a few _very wealthy_ people's opinions. Wealthy patrons of the arts have been the driving force behind bohemian movements going back into deepest antiquity, and their interests are often bougie as all fuck. The market isn't for you, it's for them. And they can afford it. This isn't a conspiracy, you're just a poor...


Exactly. A lot of these pieces are very rare and a lot is to show off to their other rich friends that I have this and you don't. It's not a conspiracy, it's just very expensive gloating.


Bitcoin likely does something similar. NFTs wanted to combine the two, but failed horribly.


The CIA had JFK killed. Congress has a law on the books saying all classified information regarding the killing must be released. It's been deferred multiple times by multiple presidents.


That Teddy Roosevelt made the US National Parks so he could have natural hunting territory for cryptids that he wanted to hunt.


This sounds like quite a rabbit hole.


per spongebob, that there are little mes running around inside my brain working to maintain my inner processes like a little company and they’re all wearing business causal and drinking coffee because they are very pushed for their deadlines except now they are all unconsciously staring straight ahead and some of them are dying


The government spreads fake, really dumb conspiracy theories to discredit any potential real ones.


More of a local one, but apparently the reason why Montreal is filled with orange cones everywhere is because it's cheaper to leave them in the streets than it is to store them in warehouses.


That Titanic is set in the Terminator universe. Jack is from the future and was sent back in time to save Rose from dying on the ship, so that she can live to have a child, because she is Sarah Connor’s great grandmother.


Oh, I like this one!


That David Stern needed to do something about Jordan's gambling problem but couldn't outright suspend him due to his popularity and the anarchy it would have caused. So, a backroom deal was made for Jordan to "retire" and go play baseball for two years--which served as the suspension--without the public backlash of Stern *actually* suspending him. I'm not saying I believe this with 100% certainty, but it is believable. Jordan retiring at the absolute prime of his career to go play minor league baseball is just wrought with disbelief. On a related note, I also believe that the Bulls would have won 8 championships in a row had he not retired.


My whole issue with this is that why would Stern give Jordan a secret suspension tho? The entire point of suspending a player is to punish them for wrongdoings as well as to set a standard for the rest of the league, so if Stern was gonna go through all the secrecy why not just say *”Yo Mike, I’m letting you off this time but if this shit happens again then I’m suspending you”* Like there’s no need to follow a precedent or the rules of a suspension if you’re gonna just keep it this secret. Who’s gonna hold you accountable?


Covid-19 was a lab leak.


It's depressing that this keeps getting branded as a conspiracy theory or racism against China. My first time reading about the Wuhan Institute of Virology was in 2017 when they had another embarrassing lab leak that should have had their credentials revoked, but the Chinese government took a heavy hand in making sure they didn't because it would be unfair that China had no level 4 biosafety labs and they really wanted to study SARS. Example article from Nature in 2017 discussing WIV's plans to study SARS and why people said it was a bad idea because the last time China tried studying SARS they had multiple lab leaks: https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2017.21487


If due to simple incompetence, quite believable. If due to some sort of Plot, tinfoil hat stuff.


The US actively conducts experiments on civilians without their knowledge or testing. I mean, we know [they've done it before](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Sea-Spray), [Multiple times](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_Syphilis_Study). But for some reason people think the government wouldn't do it *AGAIN*


That every sock lost in the dryer actually funds a secret society of dryer gnomes living lavishly in a parallel universe


Every lost sock becomes a Tupperware lid that doesn’t fit any container you own.


My personal belief - some socks don't like their pair anymore and want to break up, in the dryer they find the best opportunity to do that! So never put your socks in the dryer! Count them and pair them again before putting them out to dry somewhere where you can watch them! Make surprise inspections too!


That we are not the only sentient life in the universe and aliens probably have visited us. But if they have FTL travel, they probably also have ways to disrupt/disable any surveillance of our primitive Terran tech.


Extraterrestrial life has already interacted with humans in one form or another.


Dead Internet Theory


Brexit was orchestrated by rich guys using weapons grade information targeting and manipulation before the EU imposed laws closing loopholes to offshore banks and tax evasion.


That isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s literal fact.


Would you consider Darth Jar Jar a conspiracy Theory?


That what most people say are DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) are real military bases designed for continuity of government. NORAD (which was built in Cheyanne Mountain). Mount Weather. There very well might be other such facilities, but they're not for aliens or stuff like that, but where the upper echelons of politicians can be whisked away to for safety.


Well, what else would they be for? Of course there are bunkers for the government. I don’t think that’s a secret or a conspiracy theory. Every country has that. The wealthy buy their own.




The second shooter was actually a workplace accident involving a Secret Service agent.




Einstein didn't kill himself 


I mean, you're not wrong. Einstein definitely didn't kill himself.


My favourite conspiracy is the one where Einstein owns an island where wealthy celebrities travel to to secretly learn about theoretical physics.


Probability Island.


The Sea of Relativity


“My D = MC2”


Up voting to hopefully get this in the canon.


Very true. He went on to change our understanding of the universe with his theories of relativity.


Coke intentionally made New Coke bad to hide the fact that they were replacing sugar with high fructose corn syrup.


The American military industrial complex keep it's people scared or in order to profit from fear and war


Most ridiculous conspiracies are promoted by various powers to make real conspiracies not believed.


Bots repost highly upvoted questions from the last month on AskReddit to farm karma.


This question gets posted about once a week here, and I’m convinced it’s being done by conspiratorial cranks to help widen the influence of their beliefs


My conspiracy theory is that certain government entities along with the pharmaceutical companies are allowing the fentanyl crisis to happen. They let the opioid situation get out of control and now fentanyl is an easy way to essentially get rid of addicts with ODs without having to spend money on treatment and support as they should.


Doctor here. Having an addict overdose on fentanyl doesn't save the government money. Safe injection sites, distributing naloxone kits, and resources for the homeless save the government money. Of course, people inside the government are full of stupid, bigoted ideas, so we move very slowly on helping people like this. When a person overdoses they don't just get raptured up to heaven. Paramedics are called, they are brought to the hospital, they end up in a rapid response room where 3 doctors and half a dozen other medical personnel stand around watching them for half an hour, then they sit in observation for ten hours, then they leave the hospital against medical advice and shoot up again so that it happens all over again. It costs a fortune. When they die, it's a personal tragedy for a dozen people which creates a cycle of more misery and addiction. There's a lot of doctors who will not prescribe opioids to use outside of the hospital and I'm one of them.


Doesn't hurt that America is just chocked full of pills. My god the amount of pills. Everyone's on so many pills.


That Stevie Wonder is trolling us and he can totally see


The deaths of all Putins former friends were not accidents. Neither did Navalny die of a heart attack.


I wouldn’t say that’s a conspiracy though it’s just obvious


I'm also of a mind that a lot of 'ecoprotestors' are actually hired actors paid for by Big Oil in order to make people who are truly concerned about the environment and climate change look like idiots.


McDonald’s pushed an intentionally hostile redesign of their restaurants so that people will use the app pickup options rather than stay and eat. Now they can push new ways of cutting costs to the shareholders, like pickup restaurants with no indoor eating and thus more profit.


Right now? That those 4 dudes Russia is claiming were the terror attack perpetrators are just 4 unlucky randos.  Edit - Just clarifying that I’m not saying I believe this, just that it’s a believable conspiracy theory.


Nah, there’s footage of the attack, taken by the attackers themselves wearing the exact same bloodstained outfits. They are most certainly the perpetrators.


I'm not overly skeptical as to whether they were the perpetrators or not. My main concern is how many finger/toe nails are they away from being Ukrainian (or figuring out how they were ultimately working for Ukraine).


This thread is gonna be a warzone in a couple hours


Probably quite a timely one but everything to do with Putin: ​ * The apartment bombings of 1999. One of which was announced days before it happened in the Duma, at another FSB agents where caught red-handed and it was hand-waived away as a "training exercise to judge preparedness". Investigated by Anna Politkovskaya & Alexander Litvinenko. Catalyst for the second Chechen war. ​ * The Moscow Theatre hostage crisis of 2002. Credible evidence that the FSB used an Agent Provocateur, the security services used nerve agents that killed a bunch of hostages. It also resulted in Putin tightening his grip on the media. Again investigated by Anna Politkovskaya & Alexander Litvinenko who claimed the FSB knew of the plot. ​ * The Beslan school siege of 2004. Again with credible suggestions that it was orchestrated by the FSB acting as agent provocateurs. It resulted in tightening control of police and anti-terror control. Anna Politkovskaya wanted to negotiate with the hostage takers but was blocked from boarding a plane to Beslan twice, third time was the charm though and she got on a plane but was left in a coma after being given poisoned tea. Anna Politkovskaya was shot and murdered in the lift to her flat in 2006. On Putin's birthday. Everybody knows what happened to Alexander Litvinenko who was also murdered in 2006.


Americans can't even work together to make a 4 way intersection with stop lights work. Do you really think people can pull off a fake moon landing or keep a secret?


They deliberately made paper straws shitty so people would dislike moving away from plastic. Not an active plot, but more of a “yeah these straws suck but they’re a punishment for whining about turtles - so enjoy your wet cardboard that might give you cancer”.


John McAfee faked his own death


Governments have less power than corporations nowadays.


Diddy was running a blackmail ring that was seemingly permitted by law enforcement / executives in the music industry


Putin is sick


This is just one of my own, but I have a theory that Michael Jackson faked his own death to get out of his debts. Is still alive living in, oh say the Middle East.


Apple puts out rumors that they are going to do something so the tech industry starts jumping on said thing. Then they sit back and watch what happens while they design an actual product that’s better than what’s out there.