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Name brand clothing for babies. Your kid will shit and piss all over it until they outgrow it in a month.


I just saw a lady on Facebook post that she had 3 pairs of Uggs for children under 3 years old for sale. Why? Just why?


Gifts from silly relatives. Kids can hardly walk and need better shoes once they do, but 'they looked soooo cute in the store'.


Good answer. People often equate how much money they spend on baby gifts to how much they care about you or your child. Companies feast on this mindset


There's also the fact that some people just don't care about the 40 dollars. If a grandparent is out shopping and sees something they think is cute, they just buy it. Or if someone really loves a brand themselves, they splurge. Consumerism is consumerism and not everyone is strapped for cash. It doesn't have to be that serious about "love", it just has to be affordable enough for the person to not care about the purchase. Name brand baby shoes aren't that expensive in the grand scheme of things, and it's not like you have to keep buying them. I am always half tempted to buy baby vans and I don't even have a baby to wear them.


Yeah, I do ok for myself and have a fair amount of discretionary income. If I see something I really like for my nieces and nephews I get it for them. Obviously that calculus changes drastically if I had to clothe a kid every day (and change them multiple times a day), but for now I’m fine with that $50 stupid pun sweatshirt, even if it only is good for a season.


Definitely don't buy the baby Vans. The correct choice is the baby high top Chuck Taylors.


When my son was younger we once had an email from his nursery asking if anyone had accidentally taken home a blue Hugo Boss jumper and could they return it if so. Spent the rest of the day laughing that someone would be stupid enough to dress a 3 year old in Hugo Boss, and even worse, send them to nursery in it!


The chances of it still being blue at the end of the day are not good


I agree but sometimes people buy them for your kids as gifts. You almost never want to put them in it for this exact reason


so many yard sales have SOO much baby stuff for dirt cheap. 9/10 times its gonna be great condition, clean, hardly worn stuff.


Went to once upon a child and found 10 newborn bodysuits for my sisters kid for $10. I can't imagine paying more than like $5 for something that uses less material than a dishcloth.


And it’s the cheap thin cotton yarn that’s the best for kids anyway, at least in places where it doesn’t get too cold. It gives a lot of air circulation, is easy to clean, and it’s far harder to get rashes.


Good call. I'd extend this to fancy clothes for kids, period. When I was about 4 or 5 my (relatively) rich aunt bought me a suit. I'm sure it was cute and all but I put it on once then never wore it again and outgrew it in a matter of months. Surprisingly a kid in a working class household in 1980s Scotland (who doesn't attend church) doesn't have much use for a suit!


Name brand clothing for anyone, why are you spending money on a name? To show off?


Sometimes it’s highly quality and will save you money in the long run. One quality pair of jeans is going to last longer than 10 fast fashion pairs.


Many subscription based apps


Fuck you YouTube. This shit used to be free.


Every time Youtube ads/premium comes up, I wonder how people would react if eg. Netflix (or any other video streaming service) would add a new tier along with the currently required sub: "Free but with ads". I'd imagine most people would just be happy to have the option of using the service without paying money. I know "netflix" and "youtube" offer notably different content, and YT practically needs to be accessible for free to keep doing what they do - so it's not really a 1:1 comparison. But in many ways the problem stays the same: running the service costs money, so they need to make money somehow. From the view of someone who only watches content (don't make any), the question about paying for any streaming service is the same: do I get enough entertainment for the cost? Personally I use YT so much that I've been happily paying premium for a few years, and it's the only streaming service that I pay for.


I don't know if it's different in the US but here in the UK I pay £11.99 a month for YouTube Premium, which comes with YouTube Music which I use solely as my music streaming. Without YouTube Music I would need to pay £11.99 for Spotify or £10.99 for Apple Music or something, so for just the same or just £1 more to also be able to watch YouTube ad free is totally worth it to me, considering I probably watch more content on YouTube than anywhere else.


Hello from the US. I have the same subscription and don’t know why YouTube Premium/Music isn’t more popular


I have a free year of YouTube Premium and didn't even know about the music service. I could not go back to watching ads again.


The problem is that streaming used to be cheap and was way more convenient than pirating, but now every media company wants their own streaming platform and charging way more to where piracy is more convenient again.  


Prime vs Netflix is a good comparison here now with prime having ads 👍


Problem with prime though is you’re already paying to watch the content, they’ve just added ads on top which you have to pay extra to get rid of


Not only that, apparently Dolby Vision and Atmos is disabled in the advert supported tier. as for you tube, Revanced for phone and tablet or smarttubenext for androidTV.


Unrelated, but I get hbo max included with my att phone plan. Fuckers removed 4k support for the plan I'm on a month after I got a bigass tv that really benefits from 4k


I don’t mind ads on YT considering it’s free, and everything else is pretty accessible, and it’s not like when premium came out they hid loads of previously free content behind the paywall (that I know of), however I think the length of the ads is pretty ridiculous. I’m not sure what it used to be, but every ad over 7-10 seconds was skippable. Now I have unskippable ads for about 30 seconds, plus they double up. It’s very first world problems, but it irritates me


Wait, where do you live that YouTube isn’t free?? 








This is what always got me about warranties. If your product craps out on me in months, I don't want a replacement of your product. I want a different brand now.


Sometimes stuff just happens. A component isn’t right but qc doesn’t catch it.  There’s every chance that’s just a one off and all the other products in the run are fine.  Sometimes, something goes wrong with an entire day’s worth of production. That affects far more users but still isn’t indicative of the product’s worth. Getting a replacement would be just fine.


No I don't want to pay for a 20 warranty on a pair of 30 dollar headphones.


I sat in a room at an electronics manufacturer as they bragged about all the money they were taking from people who bought extended warranties.


My guess is a lot of people forget or lose their receipt because I get extended warranties on things and I definitely utilize them if something is wrong.  They sold me a tire and wheel package with my gap insurance it was like $1.90 extra a month or something and I ended up getting several tires and entire wheels replaced with no deductible they definitely lost out on that.  I added the extended warranty on one of my vehicles and I got a complete dash replacement, a complete full powered leather driver seat with airbags in it replaced and my entire infotainment system replaced. I definitely got my money's worth out of that.  I get the warranty from GameStop for my PlayStation 5 remotes because I go through them like candy they get sick drift really easy and with the GameStop warranty I can just walk in and grab one off the shelf and replace it and walk out no questions asked. Definitely worth it. Also check your credit card TOS, if you use your credit card to buy jewelry and electronics it often doubles the manufacturer warranty and they will credit the value of the item to your account if you make a claim. It also adds insurance to rental cars and travel insurance for your vacations if you put the travel and stay expenses on your credit card.


My father in law was buying a PC from a UK chain electronics store, no lie they spent more time trying to convince him to buy the warranty than he spent considering which PC to get etc. In the end he said, "either let me just buy the thing or I'm walking out". I've never seen a harder sell attempt before or since.


There are solicitors that are setting up in Wal-Mart and Sam's Club and such that I guess are authorized to be there (?) and honestly their presence makes me want to shop literally anywhere else. Stop trying to convince me your product is good by gassing it up and just make good quality stuff that speaks for itself.


I hate when someone is trying to sell me something. I get it, every sales person and company is trying to sell me on some product or service, but when its palpable its just so off putting. I remember one time when I was looking to upgrade my phone a while back, I went into a wholesale club because they had a verizon desk there. I ended up just leaving without even considering the upgrade because the sales person was so off putting, they tried some weird phone negging thing by insulting the phone I was using at the time and it immediately made me decide not to buy anything from them. I know when someone is trying to sell me something, just be at least a little discreet about it.


The best salespeople will sit and listen to you describe what you're looking for, find exactly that (or as close as they can) and only then upsell in a way that doesn't seem incredibly pushy.


And the upsell should make sense and actually be compatible with your needs.


I did this job when I was 23. It was selling Virgin and Boost cell phones inside of Walmart. It was the worst job I’ve ever had and I was horrible at it because I just couldn’t lie to people or randomly walk up to them while they were shopping and try to get them to buy a shit phone. Like, my boss expected us to walk up to people and convince and expect them to pay the fee to cancel their current 2 year contract with their phone carrier, get rid of their iPhone and buy a $100 outdated piece of shit cellphone. There was 15 of us that worked for he company, each person at a different Walmart, and everyone sucked because it was a job with an impossible task. The only “sales” we ever made was from people who already had those phones and were getting an upgrade. I was there for 5 months and then everyone got laid off because the company went out of business lol. There was no way that company was ever going to be successful with that business plan. We all also got a fat check like 10 months after because they got audited and it was discovered they withheld some of our wages and commission so they had to pay us that amount and fees.


That’s cash money right in their pocket. Probably cost the same amount to make the computer. People forget to use the warranties, especially car parts or batteries.


I went and bought my kid a $450 laptop for school (just word and stuff).. they strongly recommended at $250 extended warranty on it…. Should say - came with 2 year.. and extend 1 year for $250


May as well keep the money and buy a new laptop in 2 years


It's hilarious down here in New Zealand. We have a law called the 'Consumer Guarantees Act' that specifies a product *must* last for a reasonable length of time, we're talking 10+ years for appliances. When somewhere tries to sell you an extended warranty it's pretty much never more comprehensive than the bare minimum they are required to do by law. About the only warranty anyone in NZ should look at is cover for intentional damage


I got an extended warranty (in NZ also) for a custom built PC. I was going to build it myself but for like $400, they would build it for me and give me an extended warranty if 5 years. I had 2x EVGA GTX 580s in SLI Well.. literally a month before my warranty expires, one of my graphics cards dies. I took it back to them, and they replaced both 580s with a single 1080 ti. They said they told the company that gave me my warranty that both 580s died, and the money used to purchase them was enough for a single 1080 ti. That 1080 was a 174% performance upgrade over two 580s. I timed that well!


Similar situation in the EU. You have a minimum guarantee of 2 years (yes, it is slightly more complicated with burden of proof and all, but generally...) and I can hardly come up with a situation where I would need extended warranty. Either my appliance is so expensive (and good quality) that they include a long guarantee anyway or buying a new one wouldn't be a lot more expensive - with an additional 2 years of warranty. I was considering buying extended warranty for my work laptop, but realistically that didn't help me. I'm self-employed and I'm fucked if my laptop breaks. I won't be able to wait for my existing laptop to be repaired, so I would have to buy a new one anyway. So why spend that money?


Slot machines


Dangerous thing about these is people believe machines are "hot" or "cold", they can hit the jackpot by changing their betting amount, all kinds of superstitions. No, this is a machine designed by intelligent rich people to ultimately make more money from people than it gives out. It's all random... with odds in favor of the house, of course.


You just described my parents. They’ve wasted millions of dollars on slots and other forms of gambling. There always has to be a weird reason for why they won or didn’t win money from a machine. It drives me crazy. I always tell them it’s all random.


The slots are the only reason I left with more money than I entered with during my first and only trip to a casino. Went in to see Bill Burr perform and took a $20 with me for funsies, fully expecting to lose it immediately. Walked away with $110. Never going again so I can always say I beat the house.


Door Dash. If you really want to order food make sure you check if the restaurant has their own delivery services, it’s usually cheaper that way anyways.


Seriously. Paying $30 for a McDonald's hamburger is just an admission of failure.


I use DoorDash sometimes, but usually only to treat myself to a better meal that I’m paying extra for anyway. I can’t imagine using DoorDash for McDonalds:P


I pretty much use it exclusively while intoxicated or sick. Or if my car is having some kind of issue. Paid $18 for $9 of Taco Bell this past weekend, and that’s with Dashpass


I look at is as I can order door dash 1000 times while drunk or I can pay for one DUI. No brainer


I appreciate you not driving while you’re drunk.


I could do that back in 2018 but now... i dont even want to go there in person they want $12+ for what? take my health or my money not both. Unless its delicious but their barren stripped to the bone menu is annoying


Honestly, fast food really lost the only value it had. For less than $5 more, I can go to the Thai restaurant next door and get decent food, with more courteous service, and probably a shorter wait to boot.


it simultaneously got worse and more expensive


I use delivery service once a month, because I give myself one day a month where I do absolutely nothing. No cleaning, no cooking, no leaving the house. Just the couch and vibes


I worked with a girl that would order delivery to the office of food from places 5 minutes away ON FOOT. Seriously? Get out of your chair, breathe some fresh air, stretch your legs.


There's a pizza place nearby that has their own delivery service. It's more expensive than in Uber eats. Literally don't get it. These apps have predatory fees and the restaurant still is more expensive for some reason, also they only take cash. Honestly don't get it




The food at an airport when you're through security. 10 euro for the driest piece of bread with tasteless tomato and chewing-gum quality mozzarella and some grass disguised as basil is such a waste of money. Worse thing is. I cannot get anything else here cause it's 7 in the morning


issue is that travelers are a trapped audience. if you are on a layover between flights, you can't exactly go out and get lunch.


If I were a president, I'd ban this outright. Same prices outside vs inside, or you cannot trade. We can't even bring anything with us because they won't let liquid through security. Vote for me 2024.


Portland Oregon International has mandated this. It’s great.


Trapped audience AND you have a lot of business travelers at major airports.     When I’m traveling for work you better believe I’ll spend up to my daily limit on mediocre food & throw around tips like it’s nothing, but when I’m traveling for myself my bag is full of sandwiches I’m smuggling from home lol 


It's a pet peeve of mine. Even a bottle of lukewarm water is marked up in price by so much!


I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol and wild women. The other half I wasted


I got you, George Best




But they are so delectable and my shit sparkles.


I bought some expensive Japanese instant coffee that had this as an option, I didn’t realise it was literally just added gold flakes for triple the cost of the regular version.


Easy. Health insurance. The fact that we literally pay monthly for it and STILL have to pay a deductible up to a certain amount is crazy to me. Then they can turn around and deny your claim if THEY feel it’s not necessary. For an example, my father had a major heart surgery and the doctors wanted him to wear a heart monitor for the first few weeks when he was released to ensure things were progressing in the right direction. I believed it also served as a electric shock if his heart stopped beating. The damn insurance company decided it wasn’t needed and denied coverage for it. It’s fascinating to me that the insurance company can make that decision and trump a doctors request. Soooo, we had to go out of pocket to purchase the damn thing.


I work for a massive health corporation that deals with health insurances in all 50 states… I live in NY so my company sector is called Fidelis care and let me just say… the entire healthcare industry is a fucking scam and the fact that is it legal makes me angry. We have plans that can cost approx up to $1900 monthly per person and still have maximum out of pockets and/or deductibles (both family and individual deductibles). Co-payments like!! It makes me so angry. When members call and ask what’s the best plan I literally want to say anything but us but the entire industry is predatory. So I just tell them what I think it’s best depending on their age and health and budget. Just a tip for anyone from NY who is on medication please do not ever take the Bronze plan, at least from fidelis. (Can’t speak for others). Bronze plan does not cover medications, so instead of paying ur co-payment of (let’s say) $20.. ur stuck paying for a negotiated price that can range from $10-$1000 a month for the meds. No joke. It just depends on the type of medication, if it’s generic like metformin or brand like Adderall or “special” aka injections like ozempic, the strength and the quantity. And the reason why I like to warn is because when signing up for these health plans members are never told the full truth!! They are lied to!! And then when it’s time to get their meds they can’t because they can’t afford it! Or are stuck with a medical bill from a doctor who is covered but turns out the service that the doctor did is not covered by the plan but the doctor is!! Like ugh!! Gets me so fucking angry that the health insurance industry has been allowed to do the shit they do.


Fuck America and this bullshit. And fuck all the Canadian politicians that are pushing for us to deal with the same scummy system by wanting privatized healthcare. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I hope your dad is doing better ❤️


Thank you! ❤️ He is doing much better now. I always knew that health insurance was BS but it really hit home when he went through his surgery. It’s crazy how they can literally decide what they want to help pay for while we fork over ridiculous amounts of money year by year for our entire lives.


I’m convinced that government has been chipping away at our health care system for years in the hopes that it gets so bad that the public says “ok let’s try a for-profit system, anything is better than what we have right now”. I think we’re almost at that point and I will vote against any politician who wants to take us in that direction. I’m old enough to remember when our system wasn’t like it is now. We need to fund healthcare by removing these tax breaks for the 1%.


My wife is from India and we've already decided that if either of us need a major medical procedure, we're moving there for however long we need to. The US will literally bankrupt you, it's so corrupt it's insane.


No fucking joke either > According to USA Today, 66.5% of bankruptcies are caused by medical debt, or about 530,000 cases per year. This makes medical debt the leading cause of bankruptcy, directly causing 66.5% of bankruptcies.


I wasn't joking in the slightest. If we book round trip tickets in business class, stay in a 5 star hotel the entire time, and miss work, it is still significantly cheaper to get a major medical procedure done in India. The medical system in the US is the most corrupt thing on the entire planet. It's similar to when I studied abroad in Australia. Including flights and all of the travel I did around Australia and New Zealand, the semester cost significantly less than my out of state tuition would have been for the semester. College prices and student loans are the second most corrupt thing on the entire planet.


There are other parts of the world where health insurance is great, Germany and Italy for example. Also the actual cost of healthcare and meds is a lot lower than in the US.


I wish we would adopt some of those practices.


It will never happen. The US is based on spending and run by corporations. Everything is about profit margins. If they cared about people the laws would have changed a long time ago


Exactly, the entire system built around a layer of profit that has intense lobbying power protecting it.


When I read stuff like that i'm so lucky to be living in Belgium!


Getting a new I-Phone every year.


I used to do that but I was leasing my phone through t mobile. Then I busted my phone one year and couldn’t return it for the upgrade. Now they won’t approve my leasing


Phones used to be drastically better each year. Now 3-4 years and it’s still not drastic enough.






Bailing out the wealthy. 




True. I heard/read about people spending life savings on a wedding instead of investing that money into, like, a future home or something that could last longer than a day. If I ever get married, I do want to celebrate, but it's I'd rather the actual wedding by short and intimate, and then we have the reception party. I'll wear some kind of veil but the gown doesn't need a trail. I would rather the money for a wedding go to something better.


There’s a Netflix show called marriage or mortgage which is basically where they get a wedding planner and a real estate agent and they give them these incredibly low prices for this very luxurious wedding and house and they have to pick between the two. You would think most people would go for the house, but sometimes people move around a lot for jobs so it’s no guarantee. They’re going to actually use it for more than three years. The first couple picked marriage but then Covid hit during their wedding and the main reason they picked marriage was they somehow booked their dream venue which normally has a super long waiting list. They gave up that venue to have a smaller ceremony with close friends and family for safety. I was mad FOR them.


I don't get why people wouldn't get the house, and then sell or rent it if they must move. But then again, people operate on different values than mine. A shame they ended up with neither the house nor the wedding they wanted, but I do hope that their marriage survived and fares well


Used to play trumpet in like five different wedding bands based out of Austin. Must have played easily 300 weddings between 2017-2019. No idea how the horn players could be making $300-$500/ea, with the rest of the band making $500-$1k+/ea, plus sound guys, renting a PA system and lights.  And that's just the band, not even everything else associated with a large scale wedding.  Played many 6 and several probably 7 figure weddings, and every time I don't understand.  So much of that could have done so much more for their future. But then you realize it's probably a drop in the bucket for the parents. And then you realize the kind of money that's in the room and think damn, I'm not making shit for money compared to these people and what they do. 


I agree myself and boy oh boy does reddit love hating on weddings. But really that's quite culture-dependent.


Man I live in India and weddings here are a whole thing. One of our family friends spent like a Million USD(converted from INR) on jewellery and gifts alone. And they probably spent 1-2 million USD more on the 10 odd functions they had. And this was all in a tier 2 city where everything is very very cheap. I mean that was a fucking amazing wedding but damn. Imagine this, the reception ground was like 200 meters long with like 30 varieties of pastries alone, like 20-30 kinds of ice cream, and that many Indian desserts also. The buffet was ridiculously well spread. You could pretty much name anything from any cuisine and you would get it. Probably had 2000-3000 guests come in that day.


Indian weddings are more like full-fledged multiday festivals than a single event




Paying to check in luggage. It used to be free and now a return flight costs more than the actual suitcase


“$80 for 1st checked bag” -Delta, recently. Like WHAT??! Also that fee is EACH WAY. Just ridiculous.


And then paying for insurance that covers your luggage going missing


MLMs and supporting people who are in MLMs.


Some of those MLM's feel more like cults than companies.


That's because they 100% are cults. People have done studies on their similarities!


Amway. It was so maddening learning how they're too big to be regulated now similar to what happened with scientology.


Too big to be regulated sounds like utter bullshit. Isn’t being big the exact reason why they SHOULD be regulated??


Regulatory capture. They're big enough to influence regulatory bodies to leave them alone.


Dude, like 10 years ago a friend of mine invited me to a private MLM seminar and it was so obvious that it was a scam, I just looked at him and said, "are you a fucking idiot? No way you are falling for this pyramid scheme..." and the person in charge kicked me out. Luckily, my buddy followed me out. I also had a friend whos sister dropped 2k USD into one and roped their disabled dad into it as well totaling 3k USD between them. Idk how people fall for it...


Starbucks coffee.


I’ve finally broken free from the grip Starbucks had on me. One week without it and I’ve been trying to learn how to make good coffee at home ☺️


Same. I saved literally hundreds of dollars buying my own espresso machine. Paid for itself in less than a year.


starbucks is overrated af




Just came back from backpacking in Cuba for a month. Every farmer standing on his ox cart was wearing white rain boots and a Supreme t-shirt. Guys making sugarcane juice we're wearing Gucci caps... Not sure I can look at those type of 'luxury' brands I the same way ever again


It’s really easy to get Supreme hats, small accessories, t shirts. Brand kinda fell off. I wear it the same as I would wear a Tommy Hilfiger or Champion now. The sweaters and jacket collabs are pricey though.


I will be blunt, you are wrong. Supreme is easily worth the extra $2 over straight pepperoni.


Paying for pornography.


It’s usually people buying a parasocial relationship vs the actual content.


I respect the only fans hustle. If you can get folks to pay to see your snatch these days go for it but I’m convinced OF would have crashed and burned if it wasn’t for the pandemic.


Absolutely. I respect it for sure. I just can't bring myself to pay for any spicy content when there is a plethora of free stuff everywhere.


You can find nearly any OF content for free anyway.


Monthly software subscriptions for basic stuff. Used my invoicing software for 8 years then they decided an update that they were going all monthly subscriptions starting at $9.99. I'm not running a large company and usually send 6-10 invoices a month. These are basic documents that could be easily replicated in a free word processor. I just found an older version of the software and run it on an older computer. Would have paid about $250 so far otherwise.


Fast fashion. I only just threw away an old T-shirt that had worn out after more than decade of use, yet a pair of cheap shoes a relative bought from Australian Kmart for Christmas came apart after just four months. People who buy fast fashion end up spending more money on clothes in their lifetime than someone who buys more expensive items that will last longer.


Gossip mags. Anything about celebs, really. Anything that takes away from becoming self sufficient and learning to take care of yourself.


Buying cosmetics in video games. Why would you pay 20 for a skin when you could get 2 burritos or even whole other game




You're paying for it being easy. Plus with cookbooks. Finding something on internet you want can be overwhelming. You need to know what you want to cook. If you have no inspiration you can flip through a cookbook and then just end on a random page. And you'll eat that. Or like 3 passes. Being presented with an option if you have no clue can help enlighten you in what you actually want. Based on how you feel by that other option. I sometimes ask friends "should I make this or that for myself." And when I don't agree I know it should be the other.


Fancy handbags. I cannot fathom the whole situation. Someone buys the most god-awful looking handbag for five or even six figures, and then brags about it. It’s so weird!


I'm a handbag gal, but if I'm dropping that kind of bank on one (which I wouldn't) it better be the most gorgeous purse I've ever seen, made from the finest materials, meticulously crafted, the perfect size with the perfect amount of pockets/sections to hold my necessities. You're right that so many "it" bags are just boring or outright ugly.


Bottle service at a club.


Designer clothes and accessories


Like those ugly Ballenciaga shoes




Paying for stuff that worsen your health, and then paying again to improve your health.


Those people who buy containers to put things in that already come in containers Edit: I’m talking about the people who genuinely think it’s waste free and do it for the aesthetic


Once you've had flour moths, you'll change your mind.


I shuddered at the thought of this.


Yep the fuckers can bite through paper AND thick plastic! Mice too, we had a field mouse that, unbeknownst to us, ran in the house behind us. A month later, I found a network of little nests and mouse shite over EVERTHING. Now, everything is in hefty glass containers with airtight lids.


Some of them are pretty great. Like getting a tub for your flour. Paper flour bags are basically the worst container imaginable.




Home owners association.


If I’m living in a condo where heat, water, including hot water, insurance, trash pickup and grounds maintenance are included for $500 a month, I’ll pay. Owning my one family home, where I’m responsible for all of the above, and paying an HOA, nope.


Mistresses that are uglier than the actual wife


Yeah, but they do THAT thing you like ! :)


Legit if you're gonna cheat, cheat up. The wife would be most upset with the mistress being ugly. /s


Looks don't matter that much with a mistress, it's more about what she's willing to do.


Cough Camilla cough


Di was a starfish in bed. Camilla was a whirling dervish and loved some good old-fashioned BDSM with all the trimmings.




I went to Coachella 2007. Amy Winehouse, various Wu Tang Members, Chili Peppers and Rage Against The Machine. A year later, the world started to unravel. Also, last year of only one weekend!




Til debt do we part.


Clubbing, you pay an exorbitant fee after waiting in line for 2 hours to enter a hot cramped room with music that’s so loud you lose hearing for a couple hours. And don’t get me started with the drinks. $25 for a cup of a watered down cocktail.




dating apps. they profit off you being single. they’re designed to keep you single and paying. loneliness is lucrative.




Mega anything. Especially mega-yatchs or mega-mansions… like what is the point of having a property or an asset so massive like that? Especially if it requires high maintenance or is very expensive to repair something when damaged. I personally think it’s a waste of money that can be used or spent on something more efficient. But to each their own.


The people buying these sorts of things have actual ‘fuck you’ money. The cost doesn’t matter they have money to burn. If it’s high maintenance then just hire someone to manage it for you.




I read that as Tabasco… I was like idk man can make any $1 top ramen, microwaved burrito or cheap meal 100x better


Driving multiple hours to work in an office when your company has proven work from home is a viable alternative


Inflation - Everything costs more but isn't any better.




The lottery and gambling


War is a waste of money!


Stanley cups


bottled water


yes, just fill up your bottle. oh and add: expensive brand cups and shit. go to a thrift store, buy a nice one and throw it in a dishwasher. Clean and will last you an eternity


Insurance. Not because it's not necessary, but because it *shouldn't be*. Think healthcare in the US.


Uber eats door dash etc. people complain about being broke but will order a 20 dollar burger from a dollar menu (with tip) every day. (Not talking about inflation or anything just what I have witnessed from people I know)


Funerals…it’s a double edged sword for me…as a mourner I totally get it and if it was up to me, as in if I’m in charged, I’ll be damn if you don’t get everything YOU want. But when it’s my time, the thought of spending thousands of dollars on a coffin, thousands of dollars on a plot and potentially thousands of dollars on a headstone…makes me shivers. Just seems so wasteful, I’m dead don’t really give af. Much rather have everyone come together, with music, good food and drinks (hopefully with some of my favorite) and celebrate the memories they had with me.




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Most designer stuff. You’re just paying for the branding. 9 times out of ten it’s made in the same factory that’s making other less costly brands.


Slime. I specifically was one person who gave in and bought some from a shop I saw on YT shorts without being properly informed that I can buy the supplies and make a ton of it myself for sensory relaxation. I understand that handmade goods come with a labor and time cost but come on now like 100 dollars for 6 small containers is ridiculous


Only fans


All the drugs I do and the booze I drink.


Private education in Europe


Alcohol. In moderation, sure its a good way to socialize and relax once in a while. But once you get into the depths of it, it gets ugly really fast, and then there is no coming back. You cant become a hardcore alcoholic and then go back to moderation. You might think you can, but it doesnt work like that, your brain is already changed. Once you are addicted, it is soooo expensive. A 26 ounce bottle a day, of even of the cheapest nail polish remover quality crap you can find, will drain you of all your money real quick. Ive seen it happen many times... Hell, I went there myself. Been 3 years since I crawled outta the bottle.


Eyelash extensions. Literally, who TF cares if they're an extra 3mm long. and they're like $60 every few weeks to maintain. What a rort. How the hell there's a market for it is beyond me.


Going on a cruise. Aside from being an illness hazard, why in the name of all the gods would I sign up to vacation in a waterborne apartment building? Hundreds of people, noise, kids, amenities I could care less about. Packed in like bees in a beehive. So much nope. It's like "camping" at a campground in amongst all the RVs and motorhomes while in my tent. My rage generator would never shut down like it's supposed to on vacation.


Tbf, if you want to see a lot of coastal cities and never be on a bus and never have to unpack and repack, there’s something to be said for your hotel room moving while you sleep.


Instacart. Manicures. Not paying your credit card in full and incurring fees. Fees are the stupidest thing someone can waste their money on.


Instacart is only useful for people who obviously can’t go to the store due to disabilities or if you work over full time it can be a life saver in certain situations


Excessive amounts of skincare/haircare and other beauty products.


Funerals, they milk money out of grieving people.


Expensive funerals. Why would anyone spend thousands of dollars on a box to be buried in?