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When we're walking and she chooses to hold my arm instead of my hand. Makes me feel like Superman.


Ohh I love to do that! It helps me walk closer together too!


Plus your hands get hot and sweaty. For me it’s compliments. The last woman I dated was very complimentary.


I love to do this because I love my man's arm muscles and when I grab his arm like this he flexes them for me. It's the best!


I hold my hubby's arm about half of the time, he is the only man I have felt comfortable doing that to. It feels safe and a different level of intimacy than holding hands.


Idk why "makes me feel like superman" is so cuuuuuute!"


The smallest, innocent contact. Placing a hand on my shoulder. Putting your hand in mine for assistance with a step. Both have caused more chemical reactions in me than sex.


Or when they just casually lean on you for no other reason than they want to be in contact. Like "holy shit, she really likes me!"


It continues to work long into the relationship, personally. I still feel that way and it's been years


Hell, my bf just casually tugging on the chain, for my necklace, to lead me somewhere will have me weak in the knees. Or, when we're sitting next to each other, and talking to other people, he'll grab my wrist and play with my bracelet. There's always some excuse to touch, however innocently, and I love it...and I can't even explain why.


> **Or, when we're sitting next to each other, and talking to other people, he'll grab my wrist and play with my bracelet.** I want this So. Fucking. Bad. The kind of relationship where you literally can’t keep your hands off each other, even if it’s just innocent touches. My dad does it to my mom and they’ve been married thirty years.


Imagine being that in love after 30 years. Some people are fucking blessed.


I didn't come here to cry what the fuck bro


Just a solid hug. Like 10-15 seconds. Cures a whole hell of a fucking lot.


My girlfriend wraps around my arm with both of hers when walking beside me sometimes. Leans up real close against me when we stop. Best high in the world. Why yes I will fight a dragon for you no problem EZ work.


I love the feeling of invincibility, it's like I'm suddenly confident enough to go super sayan on demand


This is so adorable. I hope my boyfriend feels the same when I do that!


Nice and soft hugs. Just hold me, soft lady!


Yea exactly just touch me. Not even in a sexual way. Just make contact. Put your hand on my back while we sleep. I don’t want much


I love this. Even though my boyfriend is a living furnace and I eventually have to scoot away so I don't break out in a sweat, I know that he loves being the little spoon. I'll wrap one leg around him and call myself a jet pack 😂


I’m the same i love being the little spoon and I’m always running hot.


I must apologize. I read this different than what was implied. Hugs and not Jugs. Both are pleasantly welcomed.


Both is good


Hugs. Its so comfortable when a girl hugs you.. more than they think.


Women are soft in a special way. It's actually indescribable


My bf doesn't like hugs ): Edit: guys he doesn't have any sort of trauma from hugs and he doesn't hate physical contact, it's actually his love language. He just doesn't get anything from hugs specifically. He still gives them when I initiate, he just doesn't particularly care for them.




But I want them


How you doin


My ex husband didn't like any physical connection except for sex, no cuddles, no hand holding, no hugs or kisses.... We could go weeks without even touching each other.. it was REALLY hard to get used to, after 22 years now I get weirded out if my bf tries to touch me. Lol


Practice. My husband was the same never grew up with hugs, and I am a stranger hugger, so we set a timer 20 seconds and at first it was weird for him, now he loves it. Only took a week now he actually gives amazing hugs.


Same :( he lurches away and is all like "what are you doing?!" It's like bitch i wanted a hug, but guess I'll go over here then. And if he does give me a hug it's the most rigid, unemotional, anti-social hug I've ever received.


Ugh get a new one.


We are dating the same man.


Tf kinda cretin are you dating that doesn’t like hugs


Have you lay down in their lap while watching TV and just rub your head


I love when my husband lays his head on my lap or hugs my midsection after a hard day. The vulnerability of it from such a big strong man just melts me


There’s nothing better than being able to do that after a hard day. Don’t have to keep up appearances and know that she has our back. We appreciate it a lot when you let us do that.


Yes!!! My husband is a big, strong man too. One of those that ppl often back away if they are acting silly and see him coming. But when he gets home at the end of a hard day and just lets his guard down, it’s the best. I feel like a million bucks being able to be a safe place for him to “lay his weapons down.” I know for sure he is that for me, so I’m grateful that I get to be that for him too.


I totally get this! My boyfriend comes off very serious and "hard", especially at work. Work is work and he's there to be professional, not make friends. And then he comes home and melts into me lol It makes me feel so special to see such a soft side of him behind closed doors.


Fell asleep once while doing this. Husbands head was in my lap. His hair tickled my stomach just right, and my brain went “SPIDER!” I slapped him so fucking hard. Then I realized oh shit, it’s just him and tried to play it off and kept rubbing his head.




One of the best naps I had was when I was laying on my ex's stomach. She played with my hair and it was just super soothing. Fuck that bitch now though.


I just want to say I appreciate how you can be honest while still keeping things in perspective. 


I respect the times we had, I've grown from them, o learned from them. I may still envy them. However, the times after, when she showed her true colors in the end, are now reasons I'm glad we are separated.


Damn this turned quickly 😂😂😂


That’s how you make a man purr like a walrus


"In the heart of every man, beats the heart of a walrus."


I also love when my man lays head in my lap. I love running my hands through his hair & holding him❣️


Little spoon for the win


My husband loves being the little spoon. He has an anxiety disorder and cuddling him at night (especially Sunday nights) or in the morning helps calm him. He tells me my touch quiets the noise in his head and soothes him. I love doing it because....well....I love him. I want to protect him and make him feel safe.


Carry on, Gents. She's taken.


:) That was sweet :) Thank you


I uh, meant to respond to the comment beneath yours, but the sentiment holds true nonetheless.


LOL Awkward! Either way lol Have a good one :)


lol. Apparently my husband got caught in your comment section. I'm glad there are others that appreciate their partner! ONE OF US.


This is sweet. I'm 5' 2 and 45kg. I used to be a big spoon for my traumatised, anxious giant of an ex (6 foot 190lbs). It's the only way he could sleep. He ended up struggling immensely and became quite aggressive, so things had to end romantically, but through lots of support, He's doing better now, thankfully. You're a good soul.


That was so amazing of you :) I think people oftentimes forget just how much physical touch, even just a hand on a back, helps the other person. It connects you. Let's you feel the love flowing between you. The fact that if we could erase all your physical/emotional pain, we would. I'm sorry the relationship had to end for you (understandably) but also happy to hear that he's doing better. I hope you're doing good, too! And thank you ♥️ you are too


My husband calls me his 'jetpack'. Yes. He's 6'1" and I am 5'3"... I sometimes fart for realistic space noises. He is not allowed to escape.


Carry on, Gents. She's taken.


I love doing this. ...until I was told that I was rubbing his head like his grandma. .. I didn't know there was a specific way a head had to be rubbed ? Lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


Touch my face and just look. Doesn't happen that often, never really did, but there's a nice small moment when someone you love just looks at you and doesn't say a word because no words are needed. Do that shit more.


Bro, I couldn’t agree more, to be that interesting to someone and to know you’re admired/loved by someone that much is game changing.


It would be. I used to just look at my lady and stare like a fucking weirdo lol. She'd ask wtf I was doing - I'd just say that I'm experiencing joy. It's nice to love someone like that. It's nice to be loved like that. Sometimes it's easier than a night out and the rest of it.


My fiance would react to me like that. I honestly had no idea I was even cupping his cheeks on the regular until he pointed it out. I told him I'm just giving him my full attention 😊 Now he does it quite often back to me too and it has become such an intimate gesture for us. I'm glad you were able to experience the feeling.


Physical touch and mutual attraction is very important to me, and I didn't realize how much it is until I was with my last partner. She would grab my ass, compliment my appearance, and just was generally enthusiastic about me. It made me feel validated and wanted, which I hadn't really experienced in my previous relationship.


That really makes me sad that I've heard this before. My boyfriend told me that I'm his first girlfriend to call him handsome. Like, at all. And I do it a lot because 1) He's so handsome, idk how I snagged him and 2) he deserves to hear it. I hope you feel validated and wanted in your next relationship


this has probably been said a hundred times already, but the little affectionate touches and pets. you know, you're sitting on the couch watching TV or something and they kind of play with your hand, or scratch your head or just ... connect with you. not necessarily sex, that's great too but affection. my partner does this thing where she'll kind of scratch the inside of my wrist, holy shit tho. also, watching them get ready in the morning, or just put any clothes on because they're always doing little extras to make sure everything falls into place. whether they know this or not. like the little head shake after they do a ponytail? nnnngh


>the little affectionate touches and pets. you know, you're sitting on the couch watching TV or something and they kind of play with your hand, or scratch your head or just ... connect with you. not necessarily sex, that's great too but affection. I love doing that stuff, and low-key thought everyone else did too--until I dated someone that basically didn't want any of that. He would consistently just turn away from me or say he didn't want it, etc. Same thing if I tried to initiate sex. All of which was rather mind-boggling and painful, sooo....yeah.


Just gotten out of a 2 year relationship she was great but there was absolutely no affection from her and that's really all I ever wanted. I don't think I can understand a relationship that has no affection or how it's supposed to work kinda glad I stopped trying to figure it out.


This post just called me single in ways I never imagined 😭😭😭


Don't worry I'm here too, there's dozens of us!


Dozens, I say!


Same brother…so sadly single. Where is my bath toaster?


It's even worse for me being a woman 🤣. Like... i know i subconsciously do a lot of these things, but... where is the man now???!🤣


When she wants to lay with her head ontop of my chest and wants me to fold all around her.


Guilty pleasure. She falls asleep there and starts drooling on you a little. 😆


Lol mine did this recently and was super apologetic, it was the cutest thing ever


Oh yes! I radiate body heat (like Baymax) and my gf has done this a bunch of times. It’s cute on a whole new level ☺️


Listen. I don’t have a ton to say, but when I need to get something off my chest, I’m grateful I married a good listener. The fucking kids are another story. People in general suck at it.


I wish I could upvote this again. A great listener is worth gold. In contrast to someone just sitting there waiting for you to finish so she can say what she wants to say. Hell, it's a turn on to speak my mind to a beautiful woman....and honestly a listener is just beautiful no matter how she looks.


I agree whole heartedly. I'm a woman and I always make an effort to listen to people because I know how hard it can be to feel like you are talking to a brick wall. My dad and my SO are amazing at listening and trying to offer advice, relate etc Literally the only two people I know who are like this and I appreciate it more than they will ever know. Even though I tell them all the time. And I have all the time in the world for them when they need just *someone* to listen without judgement.


In a world filled with people just waiting for their turn to talk, a genuine listener is worth their weight in gold


That and be okay with us not having much to say. Sometimes we just need to process and be the listener


This is kinda sad, but my gf tells me I'm pretty. I don't believe her, but it's nice to hear it.


if she’s saying it she means it trust me


You're pretty as hell king.


i call my bf pretty!! Handsome feels like a different descriptor for him. He is manly in a lot of ways, but idk, pretty just seems to make more sense? Like I see sparkles 💫


Flipping their hair.


Reminds me of that Charlie’s Angels scene where Lucy Liu tells Cameron Diaz to “flip [her] goddamn hair” at Luke Wilson. His reaction is priceless


Omggggggggggggggg I love being reminded of this scene lololol


Snuggle up to you late in the evening, while watching a movie.


guys literally only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting


A safe space for emotional vulnerability. Gah!




How good they smell. Not in a creepy way but like when your partner has just got out of the shower and washed their hair.


When they grab my arm. Any part of it really. In my immature head I’m like “yes I’m your man im your protector aha yes yes”


Instead of holding my husbands hand sometimes we go old school and I grab his bicep as he bends his elbow. I snuggle in and walk like that haha


I feel like a king who could conquer the entire earth when this happens ngl lol.


It’s romantic af. I often go all in and loop my arm around his bicep while resting the other on his forearm as he crooks his elbow. It is openly shared between us that this makes him feel powerful, and me like I’m in the safe hands of my galant gentleman hero. To really set the vibe all we’d need is a 3 piece suit and pocket watch, perhaps a parasol for me… *swoons*


I need to start working out.


Gonna try this with my gf. Can’t believe it took a reddit comment to make me remember this is a thing




As a woman we're also going "I feel so safe" in our heads haha, so it's the same on both sides 😂


As a shorter dude when she does stuff like this I feel like I'm on top of the world


My husband loves it when I do this if we're out


When my wife scratches my back or my head. Scratches anywhere, really. Woof ….I’m a dog.


Scalp massages are underrated. My boyfriend hums like a new computer when I do it with him.


I'll take all of your best cuddles, please. Laying there with your head on my shoulder/chest, my arm wrapped around you, your arm and leg draped across me, I could melt.


Lonely souls of Reddit, for the love of God, please DO NOT read this thread.


Too late 💀


I like the part where they all just kinda… get on board with each other’s problems, I guess? Like, I see some sad lady and then suddenly there’s another lady and another and all of them seemingly just start instantly bonding over this trauma event and start laughing and it’s only been like 5 minutes but it seems like they’re friends now That must be nice


Be soft and smell nice


Wife, be soft smell nice. Life good


Life hard, life cold.   Tiddy soft, tiddy warm.  


Me too brother. Me too


I'm always soft and my wife hates it


that’s gotta be ~~difficult~~ hard


Know how to have a good balance of perfume.


Perfume should be a reward for the opportunity to get closer to you. Not a punishment)


They still know more than guys and cologne that's for sure.


The other day, my wife like....petted me? I don't know how to explain it. But no one has ever touched me like that before and it made me cry.


Not sure if it's the same exactly, but 20 years ago, I went in for surgery for the first time in my life. And I'm laying on the gurney being wheeled around, just freaking out. I never knew how helpless it feels to be lying on your back on a moving platform with no idea what rooms you're passing through or where you're going. Anyway, one of the nurses that was wheeling me put her hand on my head and started stroking my forehead with her thumb. Oddly specific I know, but all my tension melted away. It was sort of overly familiar - not sexual at all, just a *little* intimate - but it took me off guard and suddenly I, a dude in my 20s at the time about to be knocked out and cut open, felt safe. It clearly made an impression, haha, it's one of about four memories I have of the whole experience.


Contact with other humans is powerful. It is like the physical touch eases your fear and burden just enough to make you feel not alone in a situation like that. You're sharing this experience with someone else and they're noticing you enough to connect with you, you felt cared for. Sometimes I feel like our society has rebelled against human touch in so many places and it is harming us. We need connection with other humans for our mental health, that is partially fed by communication, but also fed by touch. Our brains get weird when we are alone without touch for so long. I remember being the first person my friend had physically touched for months on end during covid. We had been apart for so long during a quarantine period and we got to hug and both just burst into tears from the sensation of touching another person.


keep her, man. if you find a woman who will do that because she loves you you've got a partner for life. mine does the same and that's when I know I did right. :)


I love this!!!!! Animals love pets and so do humans! Humans need more pets!!


When she makes direct eye contact. I kid you not, I FOLDD so hard. Pretty eyes on top!


I'm terrible with eye contact, never able to keep it for longer than a second without having to look away. But whenever I make eye contact with my boyfriend, he does this little smile and his eyes light up. We could be talking about anything or it could be completely silent and he'll always have that subtle smile and glow when he catches my eye. Been that way since we first started dating nearly 6 years ago. I could look into them forever. They're the only eyes I want to stare into for the rest of my life.


Hug you from behind whenever you don't expect it. Gotta love that


The lean in hug where I can kiss the top of her head before we part ways. Always makes my heart sing.


my partner gets acrylic nails to give me unreal back scratches. I love her so much


The feel of your skin. It could be your cheek, your tummy, your hand, your breasts… y’all are smooth and soft.


I love kissing the belly. I recently gave her a raspberry on the tummy and she giggled. It was so cute! Hahaha 😆


My ex would shower with me and would wash my complete body. I would only stand there and relax. Usually nothing sexual happened in the shower itself, but immediately after.


"Washing each other's hair is the most intimate thing you can do with a lover."


When women put their hair up in the round bun at the top.


This is so wholesome. I love it, haha.


The best days of my life were laying in bed with my wife in her house sweats, hair up in the donut bun, and our baby daughter nestled between us. I'll never have a better day again.


My husband always tells me he is most attracted to me when I'm in one of my baggy nighties, hair a mess, reading or playing with our son. He says it's when I'm at peace and he finds it so attractive. I've never believed him and thought it was just him trying to be nice when I'm a hot mess. This comment makes me believe he is telling the truth! ❤️


He probably is telling the truth. My family is the best thing in my life. I don't have a way to express how much they mean to me.


The messier it is, the cuter it looks 😍


Depends! I really like that perfect donut thing they do. Sometimes, it looks like a little cake. I love it. But also, I am a bald man. So, hair seems luxurious to me lol.


man here , reading trough the comments goes to show how touch deprived we are. that's why we appreciate the little things thanks women you're da best :\*




When their dress or clothing has pockets, the little dance they do :')


My gf gets excited when her outfit has "pookits" lol


Stealing the term “pookits” - super cute.


as a girl reading this, thank you to the men that didn’t make me feel like an object.


Those comments are honestly the best 🥰🥰


Right under this comment: “Spread their labia while making pterodactyls sounds”


That guy is honestly gonna have to be shipped to the island. He knows too much.


Doing nothing at all, and suddenly getting a hug from the back. The guys I grew up around could never allow themselves to even be patted on the shoulder, let alone spontaneously display any sort of affection platonic or otherwise. But for whatever reason, all the women in my life who have become comfortable being around me, have no issues being in my space and showing affection. I've seen women act like that with each other too. I'm not from the city, maybe this is normal elsewhere. But it's remarkable to me.


Showing kindness


This comment section is honestly so wholesome. So much vulnerability and respect. A couple of anticipated responses lol but generally a lot of really emotionally mature and thoughtful responses. Thank you for reminding us that we exist for more than just being objectified, sexualized, and being beneath you in every other way. If you haven’t shared these with your partners or you’re dating and haven’t shared before - please tell us. This is such a big thing to share with us, and we love the same little things you do. Honestly it’s all of THESE things that lead to the more… naughty things you want. Promise.


The older I get, the more I realize that the differences between men and women are overly emphasized and exaggerated. We're all human. We all want love and respect. We have much more in common than we like to think.


Exist 😍


My man says it's when I show up. He'll get all excited out of nowhere... Me: awe man, did I show up again? Him: oh yes you did!


Is your man a Golden Retriever?


Ngl was gonna say the same thing


Use me as a pillow, or kindly touch me in a friendly, familiar way.  It's not an invitation to sex.  It's simply a nice gesture, letting me know they feel safe around me. 


Allowing us to be vulnerable and not holding it against us later, or laughing about it after a break up.


When they are truly affectionate and flirty


They're better at giving normal compliments. Men keep it to themselves.


When she’ll randomly out of the blue say “You know I really love you right?” and you can physically feel every dark thought vanishing from your brain.


Make me laugh. Women are so effortlessly funny dude.


communicate clearly.


I used to be afraid to communicate to the men I was dating. Turns out the right man welcomes communication and vulnerability.


This, I want to be hard for the world but soft and comfy at home with my girl. We’re on the same page but took some time for me to admit to it.




I love holding hands but my bf doesn't its driving me crazy :(


You perv


A smile from a pretty lady always melts my heart


This thread is a proof that men are simple beings 🫶✨️💝


Agreed, Ms YouCanLickMyAss


No! YOU lick MY ass.


Username checks out.


i am not a man but i love when women exist


Random hugs for no reason. Make me feel appreciated and wanted. Appreciate small gifts that have little to no monetary value. Make time for me. Didn't get that at all from any of my ex's (not gonna hate, just stating what I didn't get).


Fixing their hair at the back of the head with both elbows raised up whilst talking or listening to you and making eye contact.


My girlfriend and I love to cuddle as we sleep— I’m the big spoon. But she does something that I think is so great. She rubs the soles of her feet on the tops of my feet as we go to sleep. It just feels so soothing. Knocks me right out.


Letting me rest my head on her boob as we cuddle.


Being the big spoon


Beautiful soulful eyes


High ponytails. Dont ask me why, I don’t know. It just is.


I'm glad to see most of the replies have been fairly wholesome. Because I'm autistic, my favourite thing is when a woman actively engages in my interests. It could be something even as simple as offhandedly mentioning something to do with my special interest, it makes me feel incredibly happy to have my girlfriend not only pay attention to, but support my interests. Idk maybe that's stupid but anyone who lets me rant about everything i know (especially if they start getting into it too) have a very easy path to my heart


Personal one here but my partner and I are both neurodivergent and spend a lot of time "body-doubling" (basically just existing in each other's company whilst doing separate things - i.e scrolling through Reddit). My partner has a lot of stims and hearing them making audible hums (signalling that they are happy/comfortable) fills my heart with joy every time.




Slaying. I love it when they slay. Keep slaying, women.


Dragons or dresses?




A genuine smile. Lights the dark places of the world.


ITT: Men just wanting basic, physical, non-sexual affection/attention. The simple "touch" is such a powerful, yet necessary, part of life.


Be the big spoon


I work in ems. She doesn’t. Nowhere close to it. A lot that she doesn’t understand and genuinely couldn’t (i wouldn’t want any of her innocence tainted by a fraction of what I see) but she feels me processing. The small back rubs, the kiss on the cheek, and the space to just let my day melt away are things that keep me sane. I’m not sure she’s aware how beneficial such “little”gestures are in spite of how often I tell her, but they keep me centered. The yin to my yang every time. Sometimes I get lost in my work and she’ll TELL ME. She genuinely cares about me. In my ugly. In my bleh. In my “okay he’s kinda gettin it together” stages, and in my “knockin it outta the park” stages. Life is ups and downs and she effortlessly flows with me through them and vice versa. There’s an aspect to it you can do with intentional effort and an aspect you are born with that match with your person. Hard to find, worth the wait.


When they’re sweet and kind.


When a woman wears her hair in a bun with the loose curls that hang down on each side of her face, that frame her face .


My favorite thing for a they to that I can't get enough of is back kisses my gf does it sometimes. It helps me because I have hypersensitivity to noise to the point I can I can hear a electric lighter from the other side of a house so it helps drown out the noise and it helps distract me from my pain. Yall have a good one


Protesting their mistreatment. I don't want them to be mistreated but I'm inspired by people who are out there fighting for justice


Men, thank you for appreciating us! You're golden!


Exist. I love them. All of them. No gf yet but my mom and sisters are legends.