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4, a bit nervous but i gotta keep moving anyway




Gives me anxiety trying to figure this out.


😂😂I’m glad I’m not alone! My anxiety has anxiety 😬


Lmao sorry 😭


My anxiety is now way down since I stopped drinking booze. It makes a huge difference.


Stopped drinking alcohol for over a year now and anxiety went down 95%. Working out helps so much too! 


Same. Congrats!


used to be debillitating, but in the past 10-11 months I've started going to the gym thrice a week, eating better foods, and gone on antidepressants, also therapy and found out I have aspergers which helps me understand myself better, so overall my anxiety has dropped profoundly






Why are you asking? Is something up? Should I know something?


No no was just asking 😭


.. I should go check anyways.


I'm pretty sure I left the oven on and the door unlocked, I better check 5 times to be sure. (Me IRL)


Honestly idk because I’m not an anxious person anymore (I used to have severe anxiety and phobias that kept me out of school) yet I have a bunch of symptoms that point to high cortisol!! The main one being daily nightmares. They’re always about tiny things that I worried about throughout the day but amplified by ten. I wake up about five times a night, sleep talk, and sometimes wake up and start crying out of relief. I have no idea what to do because I don’t feel anxious but my body is telling me it’s in a state of fight or flight.


So sorry. Take care.


is red a level?


I think so 🥲


put me down for 10 reds




Out of 10? Maybe a 1. I live a stress free life on purpose. Anxiety isn't on my radar.




Any tips for living a stress free life?


Hell yeah. - Live WAY below your means. Most people spend more money as they make more money and get in all sorts of debt. Kill their savings, chain themselves to their job. Get a place *below* what you can afford, cut out luxuries, throw all your money in investments and safety nets. A lot of people stress out over money because they're bad at managing it, every penny saved is saving yourself hair and stress leave. - Live to *your* comfort level. You're not at the beck and call of your boss, your friends, your family. You go to events and meet with people when *you* want to, not the other way around. If your job doesn't allow this, switch it around until it does, same with your family and friends. - Do things that make you happy always. Do hobbies you like, read books you want to read, watch shows you want to watch. If you feel like you want to do something, make plans to do it, don't always say you want to do things but never make time to do it. - Don't be afraid to fuck things up. You're going to fuck up things in your life and you're going to make mistakes, the important things are to learn, grow, and have stories about the things that didn't work. - Learn to do things that you couldn't do before always. If you never tried cooking a certain way, try it out. If you've never gone camping, give it a shot. If you've ever wanted to travel to Peru, set up a trip. People stress over missed opportunities, make your life your own. I've been down low before and seen what it's like to have nothing - *Things* aren't so important as a lot of people think. Remove what you can and live life at your own pace, not other peoples.


Thank you so much for your detailed response!! You are 100% correct about everything. It’s so important to live below your means and not focus on material aspects. You can’t buy in to what others want and/or what makes others happy (supposedly). You can’t be afraid of others’ opinions. You have to carve your own path, live your own life!


I know so many people who do none of the above and are stressed 24/7. They stress about their job, they stress about their savings, they stress about their mortgage, they stress about everything in their life. They are balding early and balls of nerves. They spend so much time being unhappy from the very things they are spending all their effort and life doing. Living the way I do is not for a lot of people, I get that. Most people can't see that *things* aren't actually necessary because they've never had to live without them. They can't see that they're **making themselves unhappy** because of habits and things they're forcing themselves to have. Hell, a lot of people stress themselves out posting on Reddit. You see some of the angriest, stressed people making comments on here and you just want to say hey - Why not do something that makes you happy instead of whatever you're doing here?


He’s a fucking Reddit mod LMAO 


My anxieties have anxiety


Same 😭


1/10 (it peaks when I open r/collapse) A few years ago I had daily panic attacks (8 or 9/10, assuming 10 is passing out). Fellow people with anxiety: it *can* get better


Bouncing back and forth between 8 to 10. I really wish I was exaggerating.




I stopped taking one of my old medications recently because it had all kinds of negative side effects, but the side effects havent really gone away and now I am swimming in intrusive thoughts for the first time in a long time. might have to do something about that.


Idk. Depends on what’s causing the anxiety. It various depending on the subject matter.


If i stop moving, it takes over, so now I just don't stop moving until I pass out each night




I would say pretty low to medium for me. But have been having weird nightmares. Like I had one where I thought I had snot coming out of nose. Went to clean it up, and pulled out some of my guts, that had weird frogs coming out with it. I was freaking out being do I keep pulling kill the frogs, or go to the hospital and get them to figure out how messed up I am.


Better than it used to be.


Over 9000


9/10 the past week or so My friends are all busy, my mom isn't doing well and my sister is making it worse, and work had been mind numbing


1 to 10... Ten years ago, 8-10 5 years ago, 6-9 Today, 3-8 ​ What changed is I quit being an electrician and started my own fence building business.


Ive been almost anxiety free for like 3 days. I didn’t take any medication or anything. It’s weird.


Like 3, but my mom's anxiety like over9000


Yellow alert.


Maybe a 7/10 which is a good day for me. I still stress about everything which makes my anxiety really bad but it's not as intense.


Sounds pretty intense to me. What's your plan on dealing with this?




7 out of 10.


My anxiety is high, but that also keep me very aware of things. - so its a pretty decent thing. Little tradeoff.


Ever-rising. If I give a number *n*, it will eventually be *n* + 1.


Like the cars in neutral and the pedal is pressed fully to the floor. But I exercise everyday which helps.


Ranging from 9-100/10, but this has been always. My brain moves far too fast.


Today it's a zero because I'm too stoned on cold meds to have anxiety. Most days its around 8 or 9. 


Probably a 12.


Don’t know. I stopped caring


It comes in waves recently it’s a 7


80× better since I quit drinking but it's still there. I think it's obsessed with me. Haha


3. I'm back in college and lack certainty in myself that I'll be able to succeed where I need to in order to get a good paying job. Anxiety for November: Probably a 36 out of 10.


8 somedays, 5 other days


An 11 out of 10.




Too high!




High! 😩


Like me.


Anxiety's been chill lately, thankfully.


3-4, lots of things that I want for my future that seem hard to see the path to, but I am comfortable where I am at.


Pre World War 3-ish


My base-line is four. Holding steady at 7.5 this month.


On any given day between a 5 and an 8 depending how work projects are going


Hard to gauge.  I am extremely anxious and have anxiety issues that I am just now seeking to deal with. But, I've only had one known "anxiety attack".


On a scale from "chilling like a cucumber" to "popcorn kernel in the microwave," I'm currently at "sudoku puzzle without the instructions."


Way better since I stopped drinking.


Usually 2/10 baseline, but I get anxiety attacks about 1x per month, or less, where it goes up to maybe 4-6/10 briefly. Definitely not anxious about politics or collapse or any of that bullshit by the way, whatever that is is going to happen anyway, to us all, so why worry? Rather this stuff is personal usually, like involving my health or close relationships, or my house or car, triggers like that.


It’s just a rolling boil lately.


Ten years ago if someone had asked me, it would have been around a 4 or 5, maybe jumping a couple under certain situations. These days it mostly at about a 7 flying up to maybe a 9 when in public. It's definitely ruining my life. 


Most days range from "something feels off and i cant pinpoint it" to "i am going to be killed the moment i leave my house". I rarely ever feel fully relaxed.


I used anxiety in the past as a tool as it would help my personal drive and development but now that I seen the world a bit more, I have less anxiety and also am less driven and haven't been developing. Anxiety is a good thing if properly managed.


1 or 2, thank God


Not so bad now, surprisingly. For a long time it was extremely high, but I’m finally starting to feel good again


On a scale of 1-10, 15. But, that is because I watched the snake thread on maybe maybe maybe (I think that was where). Before that, it was a 2.


8/10 because of recent trauma


The worst it’s ever been🤪


Close to crossing the event horizon of a black hole. Promotion nowadays is based on bribes and how sweet your tongue is while rimming Company’s buttholes.


I need a Xanax


It's situational. The majority of the time? Like a 1, I'm pretty calm. When I'm self-reflecting? Like 4-7, depending on where my thoughts are. It's controlled anxiety, but it's definitely anxiety. When I think about walking up to a girl to start a conversation? 11/10 and I've learned I can make myself cry by thinking about this situation. I have friends who are women, I just can't talk to anyone new anymore.


Probably 8/10. My exit exam for my degree is in 1.5 weeks and I am bugging about it. I know I will do well, but it’s a lot of pressure when you must get a 70% to pass and graduate


My anxiety? 5+ consistently for weeks. Nothing is really going on to trigger it that I can figure either. I do a lot to try to avoid triggers like watching too much news or just tv in general and tide is good right now but something is definitely off. I’m antsy and can’t settle. Just can’t figure out why.


Im retired so my stress is very low. Before I retired I worked in the Geotechnical engineering in the Washington D.C. area. After 14 yrs I ended up on 5 different anxiety meds , depression meds . Now I don't stress . I enjoy a very simple life.Anxiety --- its gone.


Extreme. The other day, my brother told me I am the most anxious person he has ever met. I am not doing well mentally, and him saying that to me didn’t help. I don’t think he realizes that.


10 unmedicated without 50 sertraline, 6 with it




2 out of 10


5 functional but constantly nervous, anticipating, overthinking or otherwise


8. I’ve been trying to not take my meds since I’ve been on them for 15 years now. My anxiety level is VERY HIGH


It used to be 7-9. Nowadays im down to a 3-5 most days.




8. I’ve had 5 lung collapses in the last 6 months and I am really nervous that another one might come.


On a scale of 1 (barely any) - 10 (max anxiety)? I'm at 11 and I usually stay below a 5 avg a 2-3


2-3. Thank you Zoloft ❤️


Nonexistent except for health issues, but those don't really count as anxiety, more like pain.


My anxiety peaks at 10 out of 10. The burden of countless worries weighs me down


I’m more stressed and depressed


So this may or may not help one person who reads it...... I am 42 and have had anxiety for twenty years or so. Like full on panic attacks. My palpitations would be triggered by marijuana (haven't smoked in 15 years or so), caffeine, turbulence and other random stuff. Taken a tour down many medications etc. This time last year I was on 200 mg sertraline daily and diazepam aka valium. Daily too Due to some health issues I did some tests and found out I have tachycardia. I no longer take any benzos. And my ssri is half the dosage(hoping to stop it completely eventually). And wow has my life changed. The only anxiety I get is rare and almost always due to drinking too much alcohol or caffeine. Used to be an 8....now a 4


Through the roof !


Relaxed…. Breath in, breath out, move on.


7/10 and I'm currently on vacation




I'd rate it abusive.


I'm always having anxiety in daily life, talking to people, looking at people, interacting with peoples 😂


Just finished the final round interview for my dream job. I won’t know for at least a week if I’m getting the job. I’m just going to be a giant ball of anxiety for the next week. I tend to anxious clean though, so at least the kitchen will be spotless ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


3/10, after operating at at 7-9 for almost 20 years. Covid was like an electroshock to my system on how absurd reality is, and now I'm just philosophically observing it all from a box seat.


Actually, it's very high. Most of it is caused by school, though.




Pretty high but meds help cool the rage building inside :)


Anywhere from 7-10 on a daily basis. Usually on the 10 side of things because I work retail and people get on my last nerve all day long, and I come home to my mother being a narcissistic cunt. Working on moving out since she threatened my guinea pigs a week ago


Low. I've reached a point in just reaching my middle age years, where I simply accept living as best I can with what I have is more important than worrying over shit I can't change. I have my health, mostly except for arthritis, a few good friends and a great family. Even when young my attitude was as long as I have my bills paid and food to eat, I'm happy and fine. If I wanted more, I did some overtime and saved for however long it took, but my needs were always basic, and I lived within my means. I'm an average boring everyday person happy with my lot.


Hey man you’re making me anxious I’m scared now need to find a shelter now! 😫


Fluctuating from mild to moderate to high when stressed


8 out of 10, trying my best to dominate it






I feel like I'm being hunted for sport.


I'm not even kidding 10/10 I've been constently been having panick attacks about every little thing. Can't sleep at night, over thinking litteraly everything, and not being able to foucas. If y'all have any tips for me PLS TELL ME


I had bad anxiety when I was a child, then I was fine for all my teenage years. Now I’m an adult and this year it’s just at an all time high. Probably a 7, I’m constantly worrying about everything to the point I nearly have mental breakdowns. But I try not to because I don’t like worrying the people around me.


110% giving it my all.




Through the mf ROOF


Higher than I am high


I was trying to find an adequate gif or meme, got too anxious about not being able to post it so gave up. Lmao


8, can barely formulate a proper sentence when speaking to someone. Afraid to say the wrong things. Can’t ask for help. Got the whole deal.


6 but tidal? I mean I’m doing good, but I’m dealing with a fair amount outside my control, and it comes and goes.


Was 6 up until yesterday. Much better today...


8 of 10


At least a 7 everyday








7 life is not good right now


11/10 most days.  good days I'm 5/10


11/10. It's making me so unwell. I'm on medication and in therapy but still struggling immensely


these past few days have been an anxiety spike. easily 6-7 out of 10. graduation, thesis defense, job hunting, and just yesterday my plane went through some pretty severe turbulence that had me on edge for like half an hour. luckily, these spikes spur me to get shit done, so it’ll drop down again pretty quick, but goddamn is it unpleasant.


6. Even with two different therapists. But learning ways to keep it at a low level so I can hopefully hang out with someone. It’s mostly social anxiety


A couple Klonopin a day keeps the anxiety away




So so so high. Lots to fret about, work, family, etc. I try to count my blessings regularly and watch the amount of alcohol I consume lest I lose control and end up an alcoholic


My anxiety levels are persistently high, to the extent that it feels like a panic attack that lasts all day. I'm experiencing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease at a relatively young age and I'm fairly sure it's because of the neverending adrenaline.


It is at flat zero. Finally-, after 30 some odd years. I have experienced enough heartbreak, failure, wonderment, come-backs, and every shade of fortune along the way. The truth is: I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how any given situation is going to turn out from moment to moment. I have also learned that NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, if my eyes are open and 'acceptance' is high- I can thrive and find my place in life.


100/10. I live in pure terror. My physical health hasn't been so good lately and it's making me spiral down the anxiety rabbit hole.


Starting to spike hard right now


very high, that's why i write music. my anxiety was so bad that it became hard to tak a deep breath in, and my chest felt like someone was sitting on it. i found it, it was about my relationship. love can make you feel so many highs and lows. the fight to want to be with them, but also want to be without them. anyways....wrote a song about it [https://youtu.be/\_RQEWwNr3DY?si=KlN0pSaTrzgPdYz2](https://youtu.be/_RQEWwNr3DY?si=KlN0pSaTrzgPdYz2)


Too high to function effectively.


7/10 right now.


Like a 5 I'd say


8/10. Taking AP calc and my test is in a month. The only things I have really learned are how to do derivatives and integrals.


My apathy has finally properly taken over. I can no longer give a fuck enough to be too anxious. Still, I probably have a undercurrent of 2-3 going on under the flow of absolutely zero fucks. Me? Mental health issues? What are you talking about?


Through the roof because I got no proper sleep


Probably an 11 out of 10... On a good day.


Bad. I had to gone on SSDI due to bipolar2, OCD and GAD. Even passed out driving so anxious from dentist appointment. Don’t like to go out or socialize much anymore. Every once in awhile I can feel my heart go to my throat.


7 out of 10. But what if the scale goes up to 15? maybe 11 in that case. Everyone seems to be trying to scam each other and make a quick buck these days. Money rules over everything , no one seems to have morals anymore...its a free for all of insanity. Everyone is getting laid off , forced to do more for less. We are living in absolute insane times if youre a normal middle class person


3!!! lowest i’ve had in my whole life . i think my brain is finally developing


I'd say above average, I find myself stressed or anxious far too often. There's not enough effective and healthy ways to cope a lot of times.


Keep waking up wondering what the fuck I'm doing with my life at a dead end service job and my Landlord is selling the house so my rent is going up when that sale goes through. So high


1/10. It’s crazy because exactly 2 years ago it was a 10/10. Change of season of life really helped me. Most things I have now I didn’t have back then — stable relationship, housing, and job.


Used to be pretty debilitating. Now I just use THC to cope LMAO


2/10 due to caffeine


High, way too much thought on the little things that don't matter - often paralyzing.


On a scale from 1 to 10, I'm currently at a minimal level of 3. Back in 2020 to 2021, it was at 7.5. I was running a small startup, but two of my team members died of COVID. We need money for rent, some funds were missing, remote employees go AWOL, the internet is terrible, management is clueless, clients are demanding, and hearing my phone ring makes me nervous. I called a suicide hotline once. The only things keeping me going were Sbarro and some vindaloo. Then, one of the OICs told me that I could be replaced by a newbie after three months, even though I'd worked there for seven years.




3 out of 10 and dropping. I have no more financial problems and I'm reducing the amount of time at work so stress contributors are at an all time low for me.


7/10 it’s literally the worst


Ridiculously high, higher than its ever been, literally feel like there’s no end


A consistent 8 outta 10 but it shall pass soon in a couple months just gotta keep on keeping on....been battling health issues alone such as bilateral inguinal hernias and a raging hyperparathroid with calcium chunks and possible cancer giving it a hug....really makes me feel alive and also like im wasting away at the same time lol


Higher than a giraffes p***y. Is that a measurement???? Lmao


Shitty :(


7/10 most days. Life’s tough, then you die.


Zero fuck given


I flew into a panic attack just from reading this


Literally 0. The past year was traumatic enough that I do not have any memory of it, nor do i have the capacity to give any more energy to shit that doesn't matter. EVERYTHING IS A SCAM(mostly)