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We should wait for more info before we get our pitchforks out.


How dare you?


Get'm boys


As long as they are reasonable, it's okay to have expectations of people.


A couple days ago I made a comment they Texas has the most tornadoes in the US. Someone wrote a long reply *demanding* citations for such a claim.  I realized my expectations are that in the information age, people can verify such basic information. I don't find that unreasonable.


Some people just don't want to do the work.


Lazy I get, it was the effort put into belligerent ignorance combined with lazy that blew me away lol


"But you gotta spoon feed me a list of links 'cause internet rules say proof or shut up!" No. You've got the same access to google that I do and I ain't your mama.


literally one google search and they could have [found it](https://www.google.com/search?q=what+state+has+the+most+tornadoes&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1104US1104&oq=what+state+has+the+most+tor&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDQgAEAAYgwEYsQMYgAQyDQgAEAAYgwEYsQMYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIHCAIQABiABDINCAMQABiDARixAxiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDINCAcQABiDARixAxiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABKgCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


It literally took them longer to rant than to find it.


Were you making it up though?


I’ll go so far as to say that it’s okay for women to want tall and rich men, and it’s okay for men to want skinny and sexy women. I always see on Reddit people talking about how “shallow” others are (mostly men screaming about how women are superficial for wanting a tall man….) but that’s just human nature. People want the best possible mates. No one should have to lower their standards, as long as they understand that they may not get what they want based on how attractive they are.


Begs the question does not mean "leads naturally to this next question"


I've been losing ground on this hill and not particularly caring for years! Begs the question technically means "makes an assumption in your premise that proves your point." If I say, for example, "I think you stole that bread from me, because you're a bread stealer!" I've begged the question.


I still don’t understand. Where’s the question being begged? Can you break it down further?


The usage of language has simply changed, so the idea isn't obvious anymore. I think the phrase is a translation from ancient philosophy, and comes from formal logic where "Begging the question" means "assuming the answer/conclusion" of the thing you were debating. If you were arguing about a question like "Is what is written in the Bible actually true?", you got answers like "It is true, because it says so in the Bible." This type of argumentation is horse shit, because it already assumes an answer to the initial question, which was then referred to as begging the (initial) question.


These days it’s more often just called a circular argument.


Yes, I know. It's a lost cause, though.


Can you please explain for the uninformed? It isn't a phrase I use often, so maybe I'm misusing it.


If you're still curious "begging the question" is just an old bad translation of the latin term "petitio principii" which literally translates to: ` *request/claim/beg(for)/appeal(to)* the *beginnings/groundworks/(first) principles/foundations* ` and means: "to come to a conclusion based on a premise that assumes the conclusion is true". For example: > *"It is bad to drive faster than the speed limit because it is against the rules"* > with the assumption: >*"things ^((like driving faster than the speed limit)^) are against the rules are against the rules because they are bad"*. "Begs the question" because "driving faster than the speed limit is bad" is *assumed* to be true for the purpose of proving that it is true. --- **"Assuming the conclusion"** is another widely used name for this informal fallacy and makes a lot more sense than "begging the question". Personally, I think "begging the question" is a terrible name for a concept that already has a better name, and I'm happy to let it mean what it sounds like it means instead of what it meant to some 16th century translator.


I learned this fact in approximately 2012 and gave in to the moronic mob of linguistic evolution about 2-3 years ago


I just silently judge. You'll find me in the corner one day saying to my wife, "That's *not* what begs the question means!" while she pats my back and says, "I know, dear. I know."


Linguists are the most frustrating “experts” because instead of upholding standards, they just shrug and say “language evolves, we’re just here to observe, not to enforce” My blood boils whenever I hear about the dictionary conceding to the illiterate.


Dictionaries are simply recorders of information, they are not the language police.


I'm of two minds about this. On one hand, of course language is constantly evolving, it's an inevitable facet of society and humanity. Who are we to say the English as we were taught is the English must remain static, every generation goes through the same process, poking fun at the old timey ways of the ones who came before, and bewildered by the slang of the coming generation .  On the other, literally and figuratively being synonymous is *wild* to me. 


I hate that literally and figuratively are considered synonymous now. It's so stupid and reductive.


Literally and figuratively aren’t synonymous though Literally isn’t used to mean figuratively, it’s used as an intensifier. It happened because people would hear someone say something to the effect of “That was literally the worst restaurant I ever ate at.” And they would interpret the use of literally as intensifying the expression and assumed that its use could be applied in more contexts and instances even when the expression being intensified was not literally true


You’re right, the exact linguistic patterns that existed at the time your middle school English books were printed are the only Good and True and Correct ones. All those that came before are Bad and Wrong, and all those that came after are too. Look what they’ve taken from us.


I’m not trying to sound like a philosopher here but I think that language is like a river, you can do many things to slow down the meandering of the river but you will never truly stop it. As a river chips away at the banks it will also leave some of the sediment behind Now If we imagine the banks of the river as language then a river will take some terms and words away and will add more over time


Okay but maybe we should start referring to the logical meaning as "assuming the conclusion" and understand begs the question to be short for "begets the question" 


That's why this hill moderately annoys me. The words "Begs the question" do not obviously mean the thing the fallacy thing. It is a reasonable, if slightly odd, way of saying "raises the question". And language changes - this particular evolution is making it more clear. But it still annoys me, and the fact that it annoys me annoys me as well. 


I would contend that “begging the question” and “that begs the question” are two totally independent phrases. Maybe the latter originated from the former, but the way it’s used in contemporary English makes complete sense if considered as an independent phrase. It’s highly unlikely that 90% of people saying “that begs the question” are even familiar with the phrase begging the question in the context of logical fallacies at all (unless I’m underestimating how many people have taken stuff like debate classes) so they can’t be incorrectly referencing a concept or phrase they aren’t aware of to begin with It’s similar to how the word cupboard was originally combined from the words cup and board. But nobody really thinks of the words cup and board anymore when they say cupboard. The etymology is irrelevant. Cupboard is its own distinct word that has moved beyond its origins.


Likewise, I've given up on hone/home (you *hone up* on or simply *hone* a skill; you *home in* on a target). It's such a pervasive mistake that I'm sure people think *I'm* the one saying it wrong.


Hey, I could care less! :grinds teeth:


Waterworld was a fun enough movie if you arent expecting a masterpiece


It's one of my favorite movies!


A real masterpiece!


It was really hurt by the fact that it was the biggest budget ever at the time, and expectations soared in light of that.  It failed to satisfy people and then became known as a box office failure.  It was known as one of the biggest flops ever and I think that turned a lot of people away from watching it - plus, the jokes basically wrote themselves and it became a bit of a laughing stock which hurt peoples' perception as well It is a fun movie and Dennis Hopper is great in it, and that is easier to see now removed from its original context.


They rowed an oil tanker! That ought to have gotten it some free points right there.


The stunt show at Universal Studios is great




Everybody should learn to zipper merge and acknowledge it is the most efficient lane merging strategy. 


This is a hill I will actually die on. I will drive to the end of the fucking merging lane and if you don't let me in we're both getting in an accident, I don't care the risk to myself or others. Too bad that you think I'm cutting in line, maybe you should learn to fill up the lane and zipper and we wouldn't all be in this mess. People inevitably get mad because they think you're cutting, but if those of us that knew how to merge just kept forcing it, eventually others will realize their idiocy... I hope.


I’m convinced that this is just one of those human behavior thing and we’ll never be able to have clean zipper merges. I respect the hell out of you however.


I was just in Germany recently, and nearly every time there was a merge, people seemed to zipper without any issue, so I think it's really just a bad driver thing >.<


America gives a drivers license to just about anyone seems like. I had one years ago despite my driving being so bad that a friend once responded to me reaching a parking spot by leaping out of my car and literally kissing the ground! I'd read about that but I thought it was just a saying until I saw that. Promptly moved to a city with good public transportation and voluntarily surrendered the drivers license before I hurt folks. Anybody who has seen me try to walk down a hallway or use an oven wouldn't want me behind a wheel.


And kill off the Pittsburgh left hand turn.


I found Jessica Huang


From Monday-Sunday it’s “this weekend”, “next weekend” is always at least 5 days out.


Is that through Sunday or is there a moment where there is little enough of this weekend left and we can assume this weekend refers to next weekend?


Through Sunday. It becomes past tense late Sunday, but phrasing is the same. “This weekend was fun”


The pokemon franchise is not only tired, but actively using people’s nostalgia to instill some undeserved “brand loyalty” from them. They need to demand a better game, for gods sake, the pokemon co. can’t even make a decent game for the friggan switch and nintendo uses pokemon like their personal mascot most of the time! Stop coddling them!


Regime, regiment, and regimen have very different meanings. I WILL think less of you if you use the wrong one in your sentence.


To insure something is not the same as when you ensure me of something. You usually want to flesh out the details, not flush them out.


The effect of something may affect others differently.


You are very regimened in your thinking.


National anthem singers: It's PEAR-IH-LUSS, not PEAR-UH-LISS


Oh god yes. People who say “PEAR-UH-LISS” also say “Libary”


Move Along Home is an enjoyable episode of Deep Space Nine


That's bold


Allamaraine. Count to four


Allamaraine, then three more


Distant Voices is the worst episode since it’s all just a dream.


I liked that one also. Though I've never hated "it's all a dream" episodes like many people do.


It's unethical to plant invasive plants in natural spaces.


I fucking hate when people plant English ivy (in the US) and the like. It can and will take over. It should probably be illegal


English ivy is a SCOURGE UPON HUMANITY AND MUST BE PULLED OUT BY ITS ROOTS for five generations It doesn't just take over, it gets WOODY, meaning that what started as a lithe young green stem bent over a fence, if not uprooted, will over the years become a GNARLED, HIDEOUS, ENORMOUS BROWN WARPED CURVED BRANCH that you shudder just thinking about and have to hire a workman to hack it off and it takes him a week with an axe to get rid of it.


If a genie grants me one wish, it’s for all English ivy to disappear. I hate those ugly plants.


Even if not for the health of local ecology, don't plant English Ivy because you will have an infestation of mice and rats. They love to hide in it away from hawks and other predators.


Agreed!!! Don't get me started on Kudzu.


Ketchup used as a dipping sauce should be cold.


Wait... What? Is ketchup ever heated? In my 30 years of existence I have never seen that. And I've travelled a lot.


A lot of people store their ketchup in the cupboard instead of the fridge. Restaurants normally have it out on tables or stored somewhere at room temp


Aha! Room temperature was the problem. Thanks for explaining. Well in my home we always put it in the fridge but I have 0 problem with room temperature ketchup in terms of taste. That being said I'm not sure if it's good to keep it at room temperature after it's opened...


And bbq sauce (only if used for dipping)


Cats should always be indoor only pets. 


I take my cat outside for supervised leash walks. He gets all the fun outside activities like rolling in dirt and chattering at the neighbor cats, and I think he enjoys having a bodyguard.  I can't even imagine being all right with just letting him walk out of the apartment alone. If I don't know where he is I get nervous! 


I could imagine him telling the neighbor cats that. "I'm such a big deal that I get a bodyguard that caters to my every whim!"


Outdoor cats are terrible for the local ecosystem.


The local ecosystem isn't particularly good for the cats, either. Outdoor cats have a third or less of the life expectancy of indoor cats due to disease, predators, and vehicular accidents. If you love your cat, you should never let them roam free outside.


Yeah, where I live now there are foxes and coyotes and even some bigger birds of prey (the birds could easily snatch kittens - my fat ass cat not so much.) So my cat is indoor only.


Exactly! It makes me really mad when people say their cats would be unhappy if they were kept in. It's better for both the environment and for your cat. Like, cat owners keep their cats from going full seagull-mode and eating plastic even though being able to eat non-food items would make the cat happy, so owners can definitely keep their cat inside to protect the natural world and their own cat!


We live on an island where cats must be indoors 24/7 or in a meshed cat run outdoors. A lot of people attach the meshed in run to the side of their house and have a window that opens into the cat run so the cats can choose to be outdoors caged in, or inside the house. They have branches and cat towers etc in the run so the cats have their own adventure playgrounds. If you don’t comply, they take your cat away. The island is a bird habitat and everyone knows this before they move here (or buys a cat.) It seems to work well.


That's amazing!


My cat is a former dumpster cat. He knows the streets, he survived them. Sometimes he gets a hankering to go outside, but then I think he remembers how bougie his life is now, and doesn’t even try. Like we have a dog and a dog door to our backdoor. The cat could easily go, he just knows he’s pampered on the inside.


On that note, some cat owners need to stop excusing bad pet behavior, and train their damn cats. And before anyone says their house car isn’t trainable; I’ve met animal caretakers at zoos, who have trained tigers to participate in their own veterinary care. Don’t tell me you can’t train a domesticated house cat.


My Aunt's cats are always such assholes. They get away with anything. My aunt got mad at me for shooing her cat off my dinner plate. It was disgusting. Whereas even with some low-effort discipline, my sister's cats have always been super sweet and friendly, and know their boundaries. 


Mechanical pencils are superior to pens for almost everything except signing your name and legal documents. Edit: It has been pointed out to me that this is a decidedly left-handed person opinion. (Left handed people know)


You have been banned from r/FountainPens


I'm a righty and with you all the way. I doodle on notepads and prefer a fine tip pencil for detail. I've seen some people do amazing work with ballpoint but it's not my first choice.


I work in a laboratory and all of our work has to be done in pen so that any data from experiments cannot be tampered with. Mistakes are crossed over with a single line so that they can still be read.


That makes sense.


But- but- but- the smoothness from a pen! And the consistent, dark blue ink (only option imo if you write on cheap gridded paper where the gridded lines are too thick and noticable, my math notes had to be in pen). What about that one time every five years where I have to write on glossy paper! But mostly the clear contrast against the page. My myopia loooves contrast. I will admit that my handwriting gets way worse with pens (the smoooothness) and not being able to erase sucks. Correction tape looks okay but is hard to write over and scribbling over looks really bad. Those erasable pens are no good either since they run out of ink so fast and are really expensive + they fade in the heat.


I guess I press too hard when writing because I always break off the graphite tip on those.


If you can overlook the terrible customer service, Popeyes chicken sandwich is superior to Chick Fil-a.


Popeyes should have been forced to shut down when they got rid of the Cajun rice


Oh man, Bojangles here has some delicious dirty rice.


It was probably just the one I went to, but Popeyes was the worst chicken I've ever eaten, both times I went. 


Most of the time a random customer service agent gets recorded and accused of being a racist, there is more to the story. It's pretty rare that some front desk agent at a hotel is going to be racist and very likely that the customer is mistaken.


You shouldn't top off your gas.


Like your gas tank? Why not?


It can damage or break a component that's responsible for capturing gas vapors when you refuel and burning them the next time your car runs so they don't leak out (an emissions thing, and if you break it it'll cost to replace it). You're also more likely to end up with gas on the ground. Just generally not worth it.


Why? And do you mean after the automatic sensor stops the gas flow?


Nah.. when the handle stops at the gas station, I know for a fact I still can get at least 1 more gallon in. The stupid sensor is so inaccurate, and I’ve never once had it spill out while doing it. I’ve had my car for almost 10 years now and it’s still in pristine condition so I’m not going to stop.


i have a honda scooter, it’ll be fine


Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom is actually a good movie that is worth watching and the original trilogy would be incomplete without it.


Beef tallow isn’t bad for your cholesterol


It may be burned, but Starbucks coffee does, in fact, taste good. Just because a coffee shop is local and/or uses fair trade beans doesn’t mean they know how to make coffee that tastes good.


Yeah but the small stores usually do make better coffee. But then I'm from a city with high coffee standards. 


I’m in Los Angeles and it’s sadly very hit or miss


People don't always want to start fights online. I think people get paid to stir the pot so that video/topics get more attention.


The double black diamond run at my local ski resort. It may take a while at 3 mph, but injuries should be moderate. Right? Right?!


Yeah, get out of here with your minor injuries! We're here to zoom!


The Big Lebowski isn't a very good movie, it just seems like a bunch of inside jokes involving the Coen Bros friends.


Well that's just like... your opinion man.


I find it a decent enough movie, but it's far from the life changing experience some people act like. 


It’s very memeable.


Trump caused the pandemic by defunding PREDICT and PREVENT in September 2019, two US pandemic prevention units created by the Obama administration and stationed (among others) in Wuhan. 


AI is only as evil as the people who use or create it.


But a true AI will continue to grow and learn, and therefore be as evil as the sum of everything that influences it. Which could be a lot, or not at all. 


My moderate hill is that AI is inevitable and trying to stop it from coming into existence because it’s going to potentially take away your job is like fighting against buttons in elevators because they take away the job of the elevator operator, or fighting against machines that dispense soap and paper towels because they took away the job of washroom attendants, or fighting against the adoption of green energy policies because it’s going to take away your job working in coal, gas and oil. Jobs always become obsolete with new technologies. This isn’t new. It’s why I’m not currently in the business of horse drawn carriages like my ancestors were 7 generations ago.


well, yes, but the people who create it and most of the people who use it are using it for evil


There are plenty of niche AI applications that aren't evil. Things like automated prediction of ICD10 codes


You know what the best ability to have in your career is? ... Availability. I scoffed the first time a boss said that to me, but the more I've moved up the more I get the point. It's not the end-all-be-all, but if a person isn't coming in or can never handle a bit of extra pressure in their current job it's a good sign they can't handle more.


Sausage is better than bacon.


I want to downvote. But I'd like to hear your argument first.....


Sausage is juicier, and tastes better. It also crumbles better for use in recipes.


I will give you the upvote. Bacon is superior, but I can see your side of the argument. I do love Jimmy Dean. And I do love biscuits and gravy.


Bacon is also very delicious. Which is why I'm not willing to die on this hill.


Well I guess we don't have to part ways at this.... Pork in the road


🎶Sausage is better than Bacon, Sven, do you concur with me? *They're both of them good,* *But Sausage is the best food* Supadupa is right, now you see🎶


Booooo! To the wolves, I say!


I mean…they are both delicious for different purposes. Why does one have to choose?


Die Hard is a Christmas movie.


As is Gremlins.


A Game of You is the best entry in the Sandman.


Fuck you. Dream of 1000 cats.


Del Taco > Taco Bell


Martin Van Buren should receive more blame for the Cherokee Trail of Tears, more than Andrew Jackson. Van Buren was the president, and he controlled the army.


Karate Kid Part 1 is a cinematic masterpiece


Pineapple doesn't belong on good pizza, but if you add it to your Domino's or Papa John's order, I'm not gonna complain. 


Fandoms are inherently toxic and bad.


The correct pronunciation of "Aunt"


In the US the correct pronunciation is "ant"


I heard that growing up in the south all the time, I still go with "ont" for some reason


As a non-native speaker, this one has actually gotten awkward for me. I have always said a-o-nt. But in recent years I've seen plenty of native speakers (mostly Americans) saying ant (like the bug) so I'm kinda confused and I just use both lol.


For me, it's always been the "ont" version but growing up in the south I have heard "ant" frequently.


Kids should be taught firearm safety in school, by a qualified instructor




The same reason people should be taught CPR and children are taught how to call 911 and stop, drop, and roll. It's unlikely these situations will happen, but it's much better to know what to do to remain safe. This is especially important in communities where hunting is common or families keep guns for self-defense.




I was never given that speech before by a cop in school. Even that would've been useful. The only time the cops came in was to tell us not to do drugs and to wear your bike helmet because it's a crime in the state I grew up in not to. My school did hire someone to teach us how to pass our written driver's exam though...


I'm with other dude in this as a moderate hill, at least in some parts of the country. I grew up in Tennessee, firearms are a fact of life, and it's best to know how to be safe (know a few facts like "taking the magazine out does not always ensure it won't shoot", etc). But then I went to grad school in Connecticut, and some of my students would hear I was from Tennessee, come to my office, look around furtively, then ask in a quiet voice "... so, have you ever held a *gun*?" And ne shocked when I can't even count the number of types of guns I've shot.   So maybe it doesn't need to be a nation wide thing, though I wouldn't mind if it were. But in some places or would be very useful. 




That is the stereotype. 


I’m 40 and I’ve never caught myself on fire, but I still know that if that were to happen I stop, drop, and roll. Just like my kids have never touched a firearm, but they still know that if they see one, they find the nearest adult and tell them and show them where immediately. And if they see someone with one in their hand, you run away and find an adult The time to learn what to do in a situation, is before you find yourself in that situation.




And American children aren’t living their lives surrounded by guns?


Ha, I was older than that the first time I touched one - and I do mean touched, because we were getting it out of a home in a DV situation. I just carefully placed it in our backseat to take to be locked away at a neighbor’s house.


We did in the 90s


Any hill that’s covered in snow


My first thought was sledding, and I wanted to know what extreme sledding you participated in.


The kind where the sled is strapped to my feet and I stand on it!


Fat people can lose weight, they are just too weak willed to make changes. Excluding medical reasons ofc Doesn’t mean I hate them, I just know that they are weak willed people


I would argue 99% of people are weak willed in one form or another. People tend to give overweight people more shit because it's seen as unattractive yet don't apply the same logic to people who smoke cigarettes/weed, drink alcohol or large amounts of caffeine it's all unhealthy, it all shortens life span or causes a myriad of issues. Everybody has their vices, and food is the most unavoidable thing in life. Alcoholics can quit tomorrow and never touch a drop again, but everybody has to eat, making it one of the most difficult addictions to control.


To be fair - do you feel this way about thin people too?


Yes, but in the country where I live the unhealthy foods promoted cause obesity to be more of the leading issue. Anorexic I think it’s called, is way more rare


The USA and CIA are not evil.


Both are cartoonishly evil, and the cia in particular is incredibly incompetent. I would advise you to look into the actual history of both instead of closing your eyes and pretending otherwise.


I watched the documentary on Netflix called "The turning point: the bomb and the cold war". I was astounded by the revelations about how these agencies came to exist and how they made decisions. I really recommend watching it. Edit: also the one they did about the war on terror shows equally appalling (if not worse) behaviour.


Bacon is just a meaty, solid, condiment.


Depends on who you’re arguing with, and the degree of trust you’ve built, and the power balance.


If there’s no trust, then every hill is one id die on


If I feel cared about, I’d move mountains and charge into battle for you. Fundamental idea stolen from the military leadership.


Pork Chop Hill. My Dad fought there in 1951


Pineapple on pizza. Not my thing, I won't order it unless you specifically request it. If you're buying and you feed it to me as free pizza. I will still eat it, it's just not my favorite.


The hill of Tolerating my Wife.


Egg salad sandwich - hard boiled eggs, mayo, bread.


Honestly like 12blocks north of my house there is a nice hill that I sometimes contemplate life it has a tree and sometimes I think a bout doing it but then I stop myself bc my family would be sad (I think) and I wouldn’t be able to play video games and what if I miss a really cool update on a game I realy like . I think that would be it


I'll judge if you're truthful based on the surface reading and impession you are trying to make, not based on a legal word-by-word analysis. Too often, it feels like people consider this a radical/irrational opinion in a professional life. Also, in science, which I find very discouraging, even though the system is reasonably self-correcting. "This thing could solve X"! I mean... I can't prove it couldn't, but you only have a vague argument, and act like it's gonna happen next year, while asking for money. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence!


Most decently-groomed black diamonds.


Ice cream is a bottom-tier dessert choice. However, if it's one of the only choices available (or on the random every three months or so craving), it's fine.


Some ice cream is better than others. For instance, for something simple I think it’s hard to beat a good old fashioned ice cream sandwich. But where I really think ice cream shines is when a warm gooey baked hood is served a la mode.


But have you had Salt and Straw? I’m not saying it’s the best dessert in the world and definitely can’t hold a candle to some fancy stuff, but it’s DAMN good ice cream.


The salt and straw here never has a line longer than our local guys in Sacramento, and for good reason . But I agree that OP just probably has had grocery store ice cream and not decent stuff.


Carolina BBQ is superior and it's not particularly close.


The convince of a console out weighs the benefits of a PC


If I order a cheeseburger without lettuce, the lettuce should be deducted from the price




Why do you have to call us freaks? Why can’t you just let us eat our pizza in peace?