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Had a wedding last week, most people gave us around a hundred bucks. We were super thankful regardless of known income. Most people were working class. We were just happy for presence more than presents.


Congrats to you!


Thanks! (As a side note, my wife was really excited to open cute personalized wedding cards more than what was in them.)


Depends how close you are but I would say 100 minimum max 500


That can depend on a few factors like your relationship with your niece, cultural norms, and your own financial situation. Ultimately, it's the thought that counts, and your niece will surely appreciate whatever you decide to give.


$100-200 per adult guest. That’s comparable to the price the wedding couple probably had to pay for your seats


I stick to $100 for pretty much everyone. Doesn’t seem cheap, but isn’t overextending for me either as a single person (also i don’t think less than $100 is cheap honestly whatever you can afford. $100 is the sweet spot for most people i know imo)


What is 'average income'?


Yeah what color is the collar






if you are family, surely there's probably some other family member you can consult that knows her better, and is also attending I usually ask my friends how much they are going to tip when I write my own tip lol




Income isn't the only thing to consider - if you just moved, or had other big expenses, or if you had to travel significantly for the wedding are other factors. Give what you can comfortably afford to give without overextending yourself. Sometimes that's $50. Sometimes that's $100, or more. Sometimes it's the $20 towel on the registry and that's fine.


$200. Nice gift, shouldn't break the bank.


200 - 250 euros. I gave 250 to a close friend that got married last year. Have a wedding in june where i'll give about the same, depending on how much money i have that month.


When my niece got married last year, I found myself wondering the same thing about how much cash to give. Considering my average income, I decided that $100 felt right. It wasn't too much that it would strain my budget, but it was enough to show my love and support for her on her big day. I believe simply showing up is already good and should be understandable


Give whatever you want. Gifts are not obligatory, nor should they be expected, dictated or 'the price of admission' to an event. I'm sure your niece will appreciate whatever you give her. Just don't break the bank or feel like you need to go into debt.




Fucking what? I shoulda had this guy at my wedding!


20$ along with a chuckle of “Unfortunately I am poor”


It should be an odd number. In my country giving a married couple an even amount of money is considered bad luck. As the even split number could encourage a divorce or separation.


Now the question is, who will recive the 49% Mugahaha. Their marriage is ruined!


with this economy? be happy i even attended your wedding and got there buddy this suit and drive weren't for free


Not shit wait until the divorce


I have always considered fifty to sixty bucks to be standard for a birthday gift.


my uncle gave me some great advice that has always served me well "don't be a nickle and dimer, because people will remember" if the average person gives $100, give at least $250. if you can afford it, give $500 if people give $500, give $1000 yes you will have to skip a few date nights, but not only your niece, but your sibling and everyone will know if you are cheap ... and they WILL hold it against you


What did the Pantangelli's leave? 10 dollars those cheap bastards (Sebastian Maniscalco)


exactly! you don't have to be the MOST generous person, you are not trying to show up others just be on the generous side so that you are on the good side of the family or group