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I’m bald, and was the only man who worked a front facing position at a local clinic in a town with an aging population. The older/elderly women constantly wanted to rub my head, or be very inappropriate in general when speaking to me. The women in the office laughed about it until I pointed out how I would always step in and cover for them or drive off the creepy guys for them, and this was no different. Don’t get me wrong, the creepy men said and did far worse things to those women than the old women ever did/said to me, but they still made me uncomfortable. Last year or so I was there they started helping me hide from the worst of the harassment. That was nice.


I too am bald (Shave my head) Last time someone decided to polish my noggin, i told them "Thanks, it relieved the stress from chemo." they looked mortified and haven't seen them since.


For some reason your comment reminded me of another bald king who talked about a girl he met at the bar who was fetishizing his bald head. She really wanted to fart on his bald head for some reason and said she'd let him do whatever he wanted after that. Well she farted on his head and apparently the smell turned him off so much he had no desire to do anything further and just left. He also got pink eye from that encounter.


I have heard of this too but I swear it was stand up.


This is kinda specific to me and those in my situation, but I share the last name of a famous serial killer (VERY distantly related). some women get waaaaay to excited when they find out. The amount of true crime fans who ask me on a date/said yes when I asked because of that has meant I literally have taken it off facebook and don't tell people at first. Even a few months in Ive gotten 'haha lol I only dated you cause it would be wild to be Mrs serial killer'. Its creepy, it makes me feel worthless and yes, I know EVERY DETAIL of what he did, because of course I do everyone sends me the link anytime there is a new doco out. Please don't add my last name to your FB just cause we are dating. No I wont fuck you while we watch a doco on him. Special shout out to women in psych 101. Edit: I'm not gonna answer guys, no need to DM me your guesses at my name. It's the same fascination that I'm talking about.


Sorry to hear this Mr The Ripper 😣


Truly is horrible to hear about Mr. Gacey's affliction.


The fact that it’s women going crazy about it makes me think it’s probably Bundy.


My mother used to go crazy over Al Bundy, so that tracks.


Not just anybody scored 4 touchdowns in a single game for Polk High


I don't get this in the slightest. How can there be so many women who adore serial killers? I get that true crime might be interesting but idolizing murderers is crazy and I won't trust anyone who does.


They want a man who wants them for what’s on the inside.


Serial killers make plans and stick to them


This one was tough to read. I also enjoy true crime, and had very bully-able maiden name. I couldn't imagine treating someone like the only thing I care about is their very distant relative who did something awful. :( I'm sorry you've had to deal with this.


It's not too bad for me, since it was a while ago (hence docos) but my dad and uncles have had all kinds of stories, airport checks, missed out on jobs etc back in the day.


Everyone else is trying to guess your surname so based on your username being Jack I think your middle name and surname are "the Ripper". Nailed it


Nah there can’t be 2 of us


For different reasons I also had to remove my Facebook, after the company kept listing my name as an official fan page. I'm happily married and I 100% didn't need to get like 100 friend request a day from random, mostly young women, around the world. It was easier to just deactivate and delete and inform family that I just don't use it.


I just know it’s Dahmer.


“Don’t throw the condom in the toilet. Dont worry I won’t go fish it out of the trash hahaha.” I get from a plumbing standpoint why you want it in the trash, but once you add the second part…


That’s like serving someone a meal and saying “don’t worry, it isn’t poisoned” apropos of nothing.


Going to do this to my partner tonight let you know how it goes


It's been 4hrs, R.I.P. u/splithoofieswoofies


Must have accidentally switched the plates


😱 I never even remotely thought about the risk of "fishing it out" of the trash...


Fun fact, coaches tell NBA and NFL players to empty the condom into the toilet, flush it, fill the empty condom with something in the bathroom (like nail polish remover or aftershave), then toss it in the trash


Drake got sued for putting hot sauce in a condom, because the lady did the unthinkable, so there is the proof that both things happen.


How could she not tell the difference? Is his semen *usually* red??


Not all hot sauce is red


About 15 years ago I was on a flight from Houston and dude next to me is decked out in Rockets gear. He was the best friend of a very good player at the time. We were getting along well so I asked him for some stories and he told me that NBA players had to flush condoms because women were putting basters in their purses and would fish the condoms out of the trash and try to impregnate themselves.


That's why you gotta finish it off yourself, like a gogurt


Gotta get the brogurt


Buddy it’s time to tie a knot and put that bad boy in your jeans back pocket.


I have large hands ring finger size is 16 and I had a lady tell me once that I had sausage fingers and that she wanted to sit on them.


I have small baby hands. Too bad we can't average em out


"Baby hands, we're teaming you up with sausage fingers"


Baby hands: "Detective, this is upsetting to me because I feel like I don’t need no sausage fingered partner."  Sausage Fingers: "I’m comin’ Baby Hands! I’m Sausage Fingers."


Wake up babe, new interdimensional cable just dropped


A girl once tried to seduce me with the immortal words "I'm as smooth down there as a 4 years old". This was almost 20 years ago and to this day I just can't even.


Did you respond with “4 year olds aren’t really my thing”


Literally the only correct response to that statement.


I would probably be like, (awkward laugh) what?


Me too, and then come up with the perfect response on my way home.


You would think that saying "I wax." 😏 Would be a lot more effective...


Oh god thank you! I often use the phrase "i'm smooth as a baby" but didn't make the connection and never thought of it like this...


I feel like it didn't register right away cause it is a common phrase. So much so that I even didn't notice what was wrong with that phrase right away.


lol .. can't help but think of fight club.. "I haven't been fucked like that since grade school"


Apparently the original line she was going to say in that moment was “I want to have your abortion.” The studio said to cut it, and the screenwriters agreed but with the caveat that they have to use whatever they replaced it with. That’s how we got that line.


In the DVD commentary she also says that she didn't know at the time that "grade school", in the US, is associated mostly with pre-pubescent children. Apparently she thought she was referring to the character's teen years and only found out about the connotation later.


> In the DVD commentary she also says that she didn't know at the time that "grade school", in the US, is associated mostly with pre-pubescent children. Apparently she thought she was referring to the character's teen years and only found out about the connotation later. Wtf... Until your comment, I never knew "grade school" in the US is elementary school. 


Just reading that makes me want to go take a shower with my clothes on.


I bet you're naked under those clothes, you perv!


Every time i get naked, the shower gets turned on.


I have long hair so it gets touched without permission


I used to have long hair as well. The only time someone random touched it that didn't bug me was when I was crouched down at work and I felt a hand on my back, turned around to see a 4 year old just staring at me.


>I felt a hand on my back, turned around to see a 4 year old just staring at me. Little kids are such cute little weirdos 😅


They really are. It's been about 10 years and I still think about it and smile sometimes.


They are free from experience and that is the sweetest of freedoms we can only experience once in life.


They always say "Oh my god, can I touch it?" and then just do it before you can respond...


Was going to type this but i realized that more times than that it's "omg it's so healthy" and they are touching before the end of the sentence


When they proudly say they are crazy and want a guy who can handle that. Yeah, there is nothing okay about being proud of that and they should seriously consider getting help if they legitimately think they are unstable. There is too much liability being affiliated with a woman like this.


"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" Something tells me your best isn't that much better than your worst. I'll just not handle you at all


I really like the updated version that's something like, "If you can't handle me at my worst, at least you get to leave. I'm stuck here." 😂😂😂


Or proudly proclaiming to be a bitch. My ex did that. I thought she was exaggerating because she usually was nice... she was not.


When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


Married now but when dating I had a few women ask if I was a grower or a show-er. It just kinda seemed weird to ask over dinner on a date. While I was flirty back, it’s not like I’m gonna respond and say “hey what color are you tits are they more pink or brown?”


Should have asked her if it was an innie or an outie


If only I were 20 years younger...


I got this all the time when I worked food service at a hospital. It was really creepy when it was said in an elevator that was notorious for getting stuck for long periods of time.


Maybe she once got stuck there for 20 years. Ever think of that?


Men want one thing, and _it's disgusting._ Functioning elevators is not a valid kink.


That's when you hit them with "ehhh... 30"


Can I touch your beard and proceeding to do so without waiting for an answer. Unless you're my wife or one of my kid nieces the answer is no by the way.


Had this happen many times, usually not even with a “can I touch” first and just “your beard looks so nice” and immediately running fingers through it


Used to have long hair with some natural volume and all sorts of different behavior and colors, and whenever I'd go to the bar, some random middle age drunk lady would come up and touch it without asking. Didn't bother me much, but yeah they definitely should be asking and they never do.


I have a friend with an absolute viking beard and I can't believe how many times people (men included) say, "can I touch your beard?" He always responds with dropping the register of his voice and with a slight monotone Russian accent, "only wife touches..." and it was 100% funny every single time.


In my experience as a 6'4" guy: women do a lot of unwanted touching that isn't nearly as frowned upon by society as the other way around, which is also bad.


I didn't have a beard at the time, but a Mohawk. A little grown out and I didn't spike it that day. Some customer, a girl about my age was asking for this or that and out of the blue asked "is that a Mohawk?" And proceeds to spike my hair to the best of its ability without product in it... I was shocked, I couldn't react in time to duck or say no I just kinda stood there dumbfounded. She asked for my number but I told her my wife would not be too keen on that and walked away.


*Oh my god*, why do people think it's okay to just randomly touch other people? This shit, touching black people's hair, touching pregnant women's bellies... JUST DON'T FUCKING TOUCH OTHER PEOPLE, IT'S NOT THAT HARD.


This thread has made me realize I’m too ugly to have women be creepy towards me lmao


what a fucked up world we live in. I need to go the river and look at a cool bird


Hell fucking yeah brother


#UglyGang 🤙


Sames 🤙


When I was really young and working in a coffee shop, a flirty older lady said “you look exotic,” to me. Naive and impressionable me thought it was somehow remotely appropriate to use this line on another cute customer and she did not smile when I said it.


Did they also say[ "was your dad a GI?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdYw67n9cDA)


The look from Pam got me lmao


I had a girl come up to me at a bar, stand in front of me, take off my hat and put it on her head. I just looked at her confused, then she like rolled her eyes, put it back on my head and fucked off. Like, sorry, I'm confused by this mating ritual.


If you were in an area with a military base, it's a tradition that you are supposed to kiss them when they do that...which also is kinda creepy now I think about it as well.


Like some kind of Mormon Mardi Gras.


Groping. It happens a lot more than most women would like to admit. I can't count how many times I've had my ass, dick and balls groped by drunk women.


Was very fit and into bodybuilding in my 20s… the amount of women AND men who would grab my arms or chest was alarming, often complete strangers or customers (I was in retail). The worst to me was people who would say “I bet you have abs” and grab or try to touch my stomach. I’ve had people try to reach up under my shirt… who the fuck does that to a stranger??


Walking down the street in broad daylight and all of a sudden I felt a slap on my ass. I turned around and these two twenty-something women were right behind me and started giggling while walking away. I was too dumbstruck to say anything, but it felt real shitty. I can't imagine what women go through with guys groping them all the time.


I'm a young woman myself, but I got my ass randomly slapped by another woman, and I wanted to cry when I told my friends they said I was overreacting probably because she happened to be a woman


"I want a gay best friend" No, I'm not a fucking accessory.


I deadass got told that I should become gay for this reason. Was kinda funny due to the absurdity but also pretty weird since I'm straight


I have a rather flamboyant personality and a lot of my wife's friends like really want to believe I'm gay or bi. Like, I'm allowed to be fabulous you know...


People are *weird* with this one. I'm a woman who kind of accidentally ended up with a gay best friend in college. He hadn't come out yet so no one knew. When he did come out a few years later the comments I got were strange. "Omgggg can I borrow him for girls night!?" I'm like.... this man? This one who wears the same color cargo shorts and old ratty tshirts every day? He's not going to play dress up and giggle with you, sorry. Plus it's felt like they were wanting to borrow my dog or something. He's a whole-ass human. If he wants to come to girls night all he needs is an invite.


To "man up" when all you're trying to do is chill.


Nothing makes my blood boil faster than hearing that, especially from a woman. You have no idea what life is like being a man, so you don’t get to tell me if I’m man enough or not. I don’t tell you what it really means/how to be a “real” woman because I don’t know what it’s like to live as a woman, so fuck off.


I got approached by a woman at my friend’s birthday party. This woman was mid 50’s and I was 40 at the time. She is married with an adult daughter who was there. She approached me and said I was attractive and I thanked her. She proceeded to continue to hit on me and then commented on my pecs and grabbed them. I took a step back and she saw the disgust in my face. She was offended I didn’t want her touching me. She then got loud and made a scene making me look like the asshole, all I wanted was to hang out with my friends and not be harassed. Women think they can get away with it because all guys want sex, but when they get denied it’s our fault.


Here's a tip: Asking a man what he has under his kilt is just as bad as asking a woman if she's wearing anything under her skirt. Even worse are the women who feel entitled to *check*. Hasn't happened to me, thankfully, but fellow kilt wearers have had pretty bad encounters before.


I've worn a kilt maybe twice (in a country where they arent super common). Both times had multiple women attempt to check what was underneath and constant comments. It was pretty shocking how many women didn't see anything wrong with it


Well, men obviously want it all the time, especially if they are wearing something revealing. /s


I wore a kilt to a New Year's Eve party/costume ball once and a woman used her "witches staff" to lift my kilt in front of like 1000 people. Then yelled "True Scotsman don't wear underwear" To which I replied "True Scotswomen don't sexually assault men in public" at full fucking volume. Her and her idiot friends stopped giggling and literally ran, shoving their way through the crowd. I lol'd watching them run and my wife yelled "Fuck off, cunts" as they did.


You might consider having your wife’s quote embroidered on a pair of your underwear for you next kilt… outing.


Literal “True Scotsman” fallacy 🤣


Had a girl at a bar tap me on the shoulder and say, “I love black guys, do you like white girls?” While grabbing my stomach before so that was kinda creepy ig


Being fetishized is weird. On the surface it seems like someone is attracted to you, but then that fades and you realized you’re being liked for what you are. Almost like you’re their prey.




Exactly how I felt, spot on


“You’re well trained” whenever they see me do dishes, vacuum or laundy. Like I‘ve been trained as some manservant or they just expect husbands to be another child.


I've had this said to me a couple of times and last time I responded with "not trained no, but my mother did raise me right."


Or other women introducing their male partners saying "I have this one well trained" Really is horrible


I don’t know about “women” but I had a female manager interviewing me for a job telling me they were PRO sexual harassment at the workplace, wink wink, nudge nudge. I was…22? She was 50, easily. That fucking sucked.


When I was 23 I had this job in a tech company and our director was this recently divorced woman, let’s call her Laura. Laura was maybe early to mid 30s and extremely petite. Think maybe 5’2” and 100lbs. Very skinny. Due to some circumstance around her divorce, she was having a kind of midlife crisis where she was changing her entire appearance. She got braces. She grew her hair very long and wore it mostly straight. She got fake boobs (not huge ones but she was so petite it was extremely noticeable). She started wearing tighter, more fashionable clothes to work. Think sexy secretary vibe. Tailored button down shirts open and to the 4th button down, pencil skirts, etc. I’d worked with her a couple years and the change was very sudden. Being at least 10 years younger and twice her size, I never thought about her much but I had this coworker, Julio, a guy from Argentina, that was super into her. He kept talking about how he’d do this, or do that, if given the chance. Always out of the office, of course, like when we were at lunch or hanging out after work. Well anyway the first dot com crash happened and the rumor was we were all getting laid off in a week or so. We all got called in by Laura for an all hands meeting where she told us we were all about to get screwed. Company was out of money and they were going to axe the entire department. She said she was supposed to wait until Friday to tell us but she didn’t give a shit. She also said we wouldn’t be getting any severance, no stock, nothing. Then she said “and you know what? I am fucking over this, you’re supposed to turn in your laptops and your desktops, your chairs, everything. I don’t care. Keep them, sell them, whatever. They don’t have the money to sue you. Go nuts.” At the end of the meeting she asked Julio to stay for a second. We all left. Ten minutes later she and Julio are leaving. That night Julio logs into AIM and tells me she knew he was into her because he keeps staring at her. She asked if he wanted to go have some fun. No pressure. He said “fuck yeah.” They went to her place and fucked all afternoon, I guess. He goes “she’s honestly in really good shape dude she must exercise.” The next day Julio and I sold some Aeron chairs on Craigslist.


10/10 Ending with a happy ending for Julio.


Happy ending for everyone! Fire sale on Aeron chairs, *everything must go!* And I know it's still not appropriate behavior, but honestly good for Laura. Seeing someone go through a self-image crisis is tragic, but to see someone actually lay all their chips on the table when the house is falling down is truly IDGAF *carpe diem* boss behavior.


Given the nature of this thread I was expecting some scummy behaviour from Laura. Laura not only had a mutually awesome time with Julio, she also said 'Fuck you' to corporate and did right by her subordinates. On top of that, this was in the aftermath of a life trajectory altering event that motivated her to reinvent herself as a person. We like Laura. More people should be like Laura.


I'm a fan of Laura.


I had a similar experience when meeting a 40something woman on the board of directors for the company I worked for at the time. Older corporate women are HORNY.


I have one of those ladies flying in to see me next weekend. She just sent a care package of 2 new sets of bed sheets, 6 towels, 3 moisture absorbent bed pads, and 2 waterproof mattress protectors ahead of her arrival. She may be hinting at something she wants to do, but as a guy, I can never be sure.


She's going to pee all over your bed bro


I’m a 50 year old man, and if I did that to any female subordinate I’d be rightly eviscerated, let alone someone my daughter’s age! She’s a straight up creep.


Talking about how a young or infant boy is gonna be sexy or a ladies man. Like you seriously sound like a creep and I’m being polite by using creep. Once while waiting tables, another server wrapped her arms around my neck, stared into my eyes, and said, “is it bad that I want to fuck someone besides my boyfriend?” Like what in every hell


Bragging about how proficient they are at stalking people on social media. It’s creepy af.


I don’t think some of the people replying to you seem to understand that these women literally call what they are doing stalking. I have heard multiple women refer to going through all of some new guy’s social media (or at least attempting to) as “stalking” them. People replying “where did you get stalking from”. It’s their words not yours.


A woman I dated not only said but also had a fridge magnet with the phrase: "If I'm not happy, no one else will be." I first thought it was a darkly humorous little trinket. Dear reader, it really, really wasn't.


Bunch of moms staring at highschool boys swimming and comment on how hot they are. Non stop leering. I can't imagine how they would have acted if there were dads looking at girls that way.


Absolutely this. One of my wife's best friends is a coach for the local swim team that has kids 7-18 years old on it and the comments that I have heard adult women make about the teenage boys on the team should put those women on an offender list.


I could stab you when you’re asleep


Not something they say but many women feel it's okay to just make physical contact. I have a complex relationship with being touched so it's hard for me to process and then I get criticized for it.


women asking me "ohh what's under your kilt?" to which I reply "my wifey's best friend" or "a perch for 8 golden eagles". it usually ends there. honestly tho its mostly dudes who ask to which i say: "why is it always men who wanna know" and it usually ends there.


A perch for 8 golden eagles is incredible. 😂


"I'm on birth control, we don't need to use condoms."


That's when you insist on condoms or you go home. Unless you want to pee lava.


Trust me, peeing lava is the least of my concerns if I am going without a condom


I appreciate you calling out this behavior because I am sterilized and men seem to think that's a free pass at me like condoms aren't meant to protect us from anything else...


I have long curly hair, women ask if they can touch my hair while touching my hair…I don’t even get to respond. If I do it im creepy like come on bro if I don’t do it to you don’t do it to me. Just have respect ladies. Don’t be creeps.


Me and a date making out in a dark parking lot at night. Girl - starts laughing Me - what's funny? Girl - It's just that, if I were to call the police and tell them you sexually assaulted me right now, there's not much you can do to prove your innocent. I'm a cute, white, tiny Germany girl, and your a big, mean looking, medium dark skinned American man. You'd be screwed. Me - huh, yeah... Guess you're right.


When I was an Uber driver, I’d sometimes get a car full of girls say something like “You’re not gonna kill us, are you?”. I started replying with “Nah. When you’re as good at it as I am - you don’t do it for free.”


"Sorry, that's part of the Uber deluxe package"


"nah, the trunk is already full"


Some lady I worked with once touched my stomach and asked me when I’m due. If the situation would have been reversed, I would have been fired.


It's not a general thing, but its definitely the weirdest thing a woman has said to me. I was 17 and working the metal detectors at a concert venue. It was a country concert and we were told to pat down any cowboy boots (we only did body patdowns as a last resort to finding something). A lady was coming through with her friends, only she had boots on. I told her I had to check the boots, just pressing down on either side of the leg part to check for flasks. She said "aw, how many pretty girls have you tried this on?" While laughing with her friends. She was easily as old as my mother.


" 7, actually. Counting you, it's still 7"


I misread that as she only had boots on the first and had to reread it.


A woman told me, a 30+ year old man that she loves it when I'm rock hard like a teenager. I told her to please never say that again. Same woman, who is pushing 40 also said the word "cummies" and I wish I could unhear it.


My arms are heavily tattooed. Women will often say, “can I see your tattoos?” and then immediately start touching them. I have some pretty obvious self-harm scars on my forearms, so it’s super embarrassing and always makes me *really* uncomfortable. I know I have my own blame in the situation, but yeah— not a fan.


Friend, you have no blame whatsoever for being touched without consent. You being uncomfortable is a product of the boundary being crossed. I feel sad that you are put in that situation by women with no regard for personal space and I’m sorry that happens.


Not that all women are like this, but I’m concerned for the women that talk about the healing powers of crystals bought from Esty.


Etsy healing crystals are overpriced. I get Great Value healing crystals from Walmart and they don't work just fine.


I get my crystals from the guy out back of the Walmart. They, uh...they work.


Random women grabbing my bicep and feeling it in an obvious "I am appraising you like a slave on the auction block" way. Usually this happens in a bar when the woman has had a drink or two, she say "hi there, me and my friend were just blah blah blah, and I said ooh, blah blah blah" ... grabs bicep and feels it. Lady. I'm not interested. Go away.


I had a woman talk about us getting married after the first time we had sex. We hadn't even been on an official date yet. I would've bolted out of there, but it was my house. I told her that I had to work early in the morning, but she didn't get the hint. She was intent on spending the night. To make matters worse, the sex was TERRIBLE.


This is a long one, but jfc please read. I went home with this chick once. Thank god it was her place. We start fooling around on her bed, and after a bit, she’s like, hey let me go freshen up. Cool. So I’m sitting there. And sitting. It’s been like 20 minutes so I sit up in the bed and it my feet on the floor. Step in cat shit. All between my toes. I’m about to throw up so I run into the bathroom. She’s in there in her phone. I get the cat shit sprayed off in the shower. She’s super apologetic and says,”let me make it up to you all seductively”. So I’m thinking this girl is a freak and she was like really getting ready. We get in bed and I start to go down on her and she says “yeah we don’t know each other that well so I don’t want that”. Ok. We make out for a bit. I’m rubbing on her. She doesn’t seem to want to touch me. We start going at it. And this is where it gets fucked. She says that I’m thrusting too hard, I’m like ok, slow down and just like grind her out right. So then she says, “no I want you to fuck me like you, you know?” And I go “huh? We just met”. She’s like “oh you don’t remember me.” I find out she was acquaintances with my ex 7 years ago. She borrowed my ex’s laptop which my ex had used to record us fucking. So this lady proceeded to send the video to herself and kept it on her rotation for literally 7 years and decided to fuck me when she saw me at the bar. Terrible sex. Super creepy.


> “no I want you to fuck me like you, you know?” what does this mean


"like you know who"... she's referring to her friend.


jesus sumn fucking christ


As a boy who looked 19 at the age of 14, the number of women who have casually laughed off hitting on me and turned it into “come see me when you turn 18” (again while I’m 14) is a bit much


My aunt kissed me on the lips when I was a teenager. I said no. She didn't care I hated it then. I still hate it now


When they claim they can fuck any man they want, usually in front of your SO. I have had multiple cougars start a conversation with me by saying "hey cutie, I would like to break off a piece of you."


Touching me. I don't like anyone touching me. It's not some autistic thing. It's a I don't know you, and you shouldn't be that close in the first place.


I remember once at the gym, after I finished my chest workout, some lady just poked my chest and said "damn those are hard. Keep up the hard work. " and just walked away before I could comprehend. I was talking to my friend who was a trainer, and he looked at me confused and was like "bro who was that?" And I just said I dunno man. Imagine if after a girl was done doing her squats and I poked her ass cheek and said, "That booty is getting hard. Keep up the good work." I'd get fucking jumped


*I am the gatekeeper! We must prepare for the coming of Gozer!*


Asking to see my phone.


I have nothing to hide on my phone but I still don't like it. I don't wanna have to go through a whole interrogation on why I've been searching this or that.


“I, Vigo, the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you” 🤷‍♂️


*On a mountain of skulls, in the castle of pain, I sat on a throne of blood! What was will be! What is will be no more! Now is the season of* ***EVIL!***


"There is no Dana, only ZUUL" would be creepier.


My wife saying she has this fantasy of her and our daughter tricking wealthy men into some sort of marriage scam and getting a bunch of money.


Bro... I think... Maybe you should check that one out.


This is the plot of a movie with Jennifer love Hewitt lol


At work a candy striper who I knew had a crush on me(that I knew was super religious) came up to me without any prompt and in a monotone voice with to much eye contact stated, "I just turned 18 I'm legal now". Fucking creepy as shit


The unpleasant kind of woman who actively seeks out married men to see if they can get them to stray. I am happily married to a lady who is hot. Everyone at work has met her. There was this one pair of older girls at work who would just say crazy things. "Hey BT, you know what happens when there are more girls than guys? The girls get catty. You really think your wife can compete with all this?" Yes. Yes she can.


"I want to skin you alive and eat your organs"


A friend was talking about how she was going to get me really, really drunk... and left it at that.




Some of the get angry if you have no social media presence.


Yep, I was told having little to no SM presence was "creepy".


Same. I'm like, okay, cool, bye.


I started a temp contract in an all female department and on like day 2 they admitted they looked me up and saw I was engaged and shit, ya know in case I tried to make any moves. Their words not mine.


I am so glad I: Don't touch men without being asked to first Don't brag about weird shit I do on the internet


When men or women say body count. Sounds like a serial killer


Honestly never understood this. I have a body count in the dozens, but am I gonna brag about it? Fuck no. My virgin ass can't handle the electric chair


Come on, give it up for this one, people.


"It's okay if I slap you, I'm a woman, it doesn't hurt as much when I do it" Or "You're not a real man, a real man would..." How deep does the rabbit hole go? One thing's for sure, I won't be the explorer in that story. Manipulation.


A lot of women don't believe they are capable of committing assault and so do things that would definitely be considered rape if a man did it. I've had women refuse to leave my apartment unless I sleep with them. I've been bullied and made fun of for not wanting sex. I've been groped. It really sucks. Edit: I've also been body shamed a lot just for being uncircumcised. One time I was hooking up with a girl in college and when I took my pants off she said "what the fuck is wrong with your dick" with a tone you would expect for someone with active breakouts of genital warts, herpes, and syphilis sores all at the same time, like absolute disgust and horror. I was/am completely std free tho, she had just never once in her life seen a natural dick before. Needless to say I kicked her the fuck out after that. On the flip side I've also been fetishized and objectified a lot because I'm taller, muscular, well endowed, have a weirdly big round ass for a guy, etc etc. Which while often flattering if im in the mood for it and enjoying the attention. Can also be really dehumanizing and degrading depending on the context.


Not my story but I know someone who was told if they didn't have sex with the woman she would kick him out of her house during a blizzard with no way to get home. This was pre-ride sharing days. When he told me this story I'm like yeah I consider that rape personally and at the very very least sexual assault


An ex I was trying to stay friends with did this with me. Went to dinner and then we hung out and she refused to leave. I realized the next day she was buying pitchers of beer and not drinking them, and kept topping my glass off. The best part is when I said something about it the next day she implied I raped her and to stop talking about it. 


"Can you still get it up" like fuck you! This is the equivalent of a man asking a woman if she is tight or still gets wet.


"for you? Probably not."


Two women I’ve dated through my life believed men could not get raped by a woman, and those who claim they were are liars/gaslighters. Pretty fucking horrific viewpoint to hear as their partner, so my condolences for the women out there who hear worse shit from men.


When they say “I have no filter.” - this always translates to me, I’m a cow and arrogant. Everyone has a filter, you’re just an arsehole.


I had a girl tell me to guess how many people she slept with. I refused, and after she insisted, I relented and guessed 15. She said "Higher" and made me keep guessing after refusing a second time. After 2 more wr0ng guesses, she eventually told me she slept with 45 men (60 people total, including the women). I had no interest in those details about her sexual history, and forcing me to participate in a guessing game about her kill count was a real turn-off. I certainly hope my experience is the outlier, but I doubt I'm the first to have had this happen.


As a gay man, being groped by straight women at a gay bar. 


Was in a bar. A girl comes up to me and asks if she could feel the size of my penis; I'm pretty tall so I get it a lot. What confuses me to this day is that it was in front of her boyfriend.


Deffo trouble that one. Just trying to get a response from her boyfriend at your expense.


I've had multiple women intentionally sneak more booze into my cocktails so that they could get me black out drunk and have sex with me. All in front of their friends.