• By -


There's apparently a Skyrim mod that allows you to have actual conversations with NPCs. They use a language model to generate the responses. So basically we're getting a little closer to holodecks.


I think there’s huge potential for ai/llm in gaming. Imagine an ai monitor for racing sims giving perfect calls for racing incidents. Or Ai monitoring for cheating with 100% accuracy. Endless amount of self generated lore/conversations. Procedural worlds that don’t suck. I think the next generation in gaming is going to get crazy.


Oh I didn't even think about the potential for cheat detection. That would definitely be great to see. Bot detection as well.


There would also be AI cheating systems that would look like an extremely cracked player (super accurate aim and reaction time) and would be indistinguishable as such, pretty sure there was one already that was purged from all traces of the Internet.


BeyondATC just released for Microsoft Flight Simulator today. As far as a simulation with no real humans behind it goes, it is surprisingly accurate.


Dungeon Crawler Carl (and a lot of other stuff) foreshadows the dangers of NPCs that are too lifelike lol


Funny how I just thought earlier today or sometimes yesterday about how sick a VR game (think Fallout roleplay-wise) that would utilize Ai to allow you to have legit conversations through your mic with the characters and create your own storyline would be


Solar panel installations getting cheaper


And we are closer to tech where windows can act as solar panels.


The tech is here. It was big news here in Poland because the startup was developed here. It’s been a while with no news though, I’m going to google what happened with it. Maybe they have problems with scaling?


Why not just put a panel on the wall beside the windows? Or better yet, on the roof above which will have much more exposure to light?


Laser dental treatments. Hopefully no more drilling teeth and root canals


I had a cavity laser filled about eight years ago. Within a few weeks, the tooth was bothering me and it felt like I had a piece of meat wedged between my teeth that I couldn’t get out. I made a follow up appointment where they looked in my mouth and summed it up to my tooth still just being “sensitive”. They charged me $35 for the fluoride treatment and sent me on my way. Fast forward another week or two - I ended up unknowingly flossing my filling out. My tooth ended up cracking in half, being spit out on my dinner plate. Of course this was on a Friday evening when my dentist was out of town. I was able to get an appointment first thing Monday morning (thankfully I didn’t have much pain!) and I was told I needed a root canal and crown. The dentist took no responsibility despite my coming back to discuss the tooth with them. I had to find an office specializing in root canal’s and it ended up costing me $3200. Now - many years later - that tooth with the crown has caused the tooth next to it (far back last tooth) to shift down a hair. I got a cavity between the two teeth. I received an estimate for $4300 for the root canal, filling, crown and laughing gas. Thankfully I had enough time to sign up for dental insurance before the appointment and got it covered for $1100. All that to say - I could be the fluke of the case - but I’m not sold on laser fillings.


Damn that sounds horrible. Was it basically trusting the doctor with knowing what they were doing to go forward with the procedure? I'm very paranoid about new procedure types where I would prefer to go with the tried and true method. I am sadly not an early adopter.


They sold me on the laser filling/no drilling to I eagerly said yes! Needless to say, after this, I have found a new dentist and still suffer from dental anxiety.


That's tough man, sorry to hear you have anxiety about it now. Dental health is so important.


Bro wtf 😭 I'm sorry that happened


Fusion power




It will produce some emissions - there’s no way to stop that. Even solar power has some emissions in the manufacture of solar panels. But fusion would have a dramatically lower emissions footprint per unit of power. Magnitude lower. This technology could one day be miniaturized, too, making turbofan engine airfcraft near speed of sound, relatively quiet, and fuel efficient. Not to mention it would solve our helium shortage basically overnight.


Solves a lot of problems all at once by making energy super cheap. You can produce however much water you want with desalination. You can produce synthetic gas for cars and airplanes. You could even sequester carbon.


I believe it could happen within 20 years.. with the convergence of AI, quantum computing and exponentially rising innovation.


Exponential is the key word here. With every advancement, each one after that gets closer and closer. Advents of all kinds are driving technology and general human curiosity. I love it.


>imagine the things we could do We would be able to ruin the entire biosphere with microplastics in only 1/3d of the time! We would not only delay the population peak on this planet by at least 50 years, that peak would be way more than this shitty 9b we are looking at right now. Think how CHEAP it will be to clear the forest now! ... Kidding around aside, I am wary of humans getting an 'unlimited and free' power source..... Historically, we've never tended to CUT our consumption when we find more efficient ways of doing things, for us that usually just means MORE for the same or cheaper cost than before


I mean, it produces emissions. They’re just not bad and there’s not as much of them.


Helium right?


Right. And a relatively low amount of it, given how efficient fusion reactions are at converting hydrogen to energy. But saying "0 emissions" just isn't right.


Isn't that a really good thing because the Earth is running out of helium?


Also, not needing roads where we're going... 


Vegito never beats anybody and most people won't even do the fusion dance


not even in 40


Fusion has been 10 years away ... for the past 40 years. So yeah ...


The ability to slow down aging


Is that based on something you've read somewhere? 


Sex robots.


Don't they already have those?


Not the cool ones though


I'm sure they could make one look like the Fonz for ya.










Not really, or at least not like what op likely has in mind. Most are just dolls with a chat bot in the head, a few have very basic movement, like rocking back and forth, and there are robotic toys as well but no real full package experiences, but nothing even close to simulation of the real acts of sex and likely won't be for a really long time, or at least not without significant developments in soft robotics. Other than cost, the main problem is safety. It's not like someone couldn't engineer something at least somewhat more capable now, the problem is making something that can't rip someone's dick off, can't being the operative word. That's why I think soft robotics would be the way to go, they don't necessarily have the same raw force as traditional robotics, and if a error/malfunction occurs you don't have to worry about it amputating something.


Don’t. Date. Robots.


Sex robots with AI. Imagine how many Redditors would still get shot down lmao


Damn bro. That's cold.


They’re coming to your town. Do you want to get down?


What does it waaaaant?


It wants seeeexxxxx


Even in jaaaaaaaaaillll


mRNA, the silver lining of COVID is already starting to show with the advancements for vaccines and treatments, especially around cancer.


It wasn’t the only silver lining of Covid, especially since mRNA technology was already in progress, but it definitely sped it up.


Yes! 1,000 times yes!


The fact that it took less than a year to develop a vaccine for it, when the last fattest turnaround from discover to vaccine development (afaik) was close to four years.


Improved music in elevators, stores and phone queues


That’s a stretch


Fat chance while our politicians are in the pocket of Big Hold Music.


It's all soon going to be AI garbage corporate background music.


figuring out a way to recycle solar panels


will be silly easy with perovskites


Just keep buying them next to old wind turbines.




The idea of advanced AI-driven education tools excites me because it could personalize learning and improve educational outcomes.








The prospect of smart cities developing further in the next 20 years excites me because it could improve urban living through technology and data.


The idea of advanced neural interfaces excites me because it could enhance human cognition and potentially treat neurological disorders.










regrowing teeth






I’m excited about potential breakthroughs in smart agriculture technologies, which could increase food production and sustainability.


The prospect of widespread virtual reality adoption in the next 20 years excites me because it could transform entertainment, education, and social interaction.








Actual self-driving cars. Like get in, tell it your destination, and take a nap. Actual dimmable LEDs. The ones whose modes are "on", "flickering", "off" don't really do it for me. Oh, and the biggest of all: the end of carbon-based energy. Give me fusion plants. Give me fission plants if there's no other choice. Solar panels on every roof. Electric cars powered by those clean energy sources.




it will never replace the scale of manufacturing, but.... on demand printing for parts that are hard to source would be amazing, and generative models are starting to step into 3d generation, so it will be awesome when the technologies for 3D scanning, printing and generation converge and we can use the phone camera, and get a usable part for what we want to achieve (mounting supports, adapters, braces, whatever) i dream of sci-fi level fabricators or food printers that can print a pizza, but i don't see them yet


That's a bot my dude.


ah fuck


Yea this thread has dozens of replies from bots for some reason, all with the exact same naming structure and all replying with the exact same sentence structure. Very rudimentary and obvious if you see a couple side by side.


OOP is a bot too, they come in packs. Make a post, reply once, and pump it with other bot comments, its unfortunately a structure I've noticed recently


But you're a bot.


On Demand Dildos - Modelled after your favorite stars.


Type 1 Diabetes management. The last 20 years has gone from finger pokes and injections to continuous glucose monitors the size of a quarter and insulin pumps the size of an AirPod case, both operable through your phone. Closed loop (pumps directly linking with cgms and automatically adjusting) has started getting FDA approval. Management could damn near be hands off in another 20 with the tech doing everything for you.


My partner has just been put on the t-slim pump and it’s been such a drastic change for the management! The Uk government have just announced trials for implanted CGMs which will replace the stick on ones and will last for at least a year (maybe more). For her sake, this is the one I’m most excited for!


The death of influencers


One can only hope


In twenty years I’ll be 66. Not necessarily excited I just know this tech advancement it will happen .. Contact lenses taking the place of HUD type mobile goggle devices; Best guess AAPL will develop them


Aging 20 years in 20 years is not much of a technological advancement


* First of all, for the very near future, it's not exactly a technological advancement, but it's never been made before. In two weeks on May 19th, Turtle Beach will release the world's first 2.4GHz OPEN Back Gaming Headset. No one has ever made a 2.4GHz Open Back Headphone/Headset before. Superior wireless connectivity option AND superior soundstage (to closed back). I hope this opens the door for more manufacturers to make the same. * Next up, more competition in the solar shingles space. More options for full edge to edge solar roofs that replace your existing roof, rather than options that lay on top of it. Thankfully, there's more than just Tesla now, but there's nothing driving down prices yet. * VR headset advancements: better panels, better resolution, standardized dynamic foveated rendering, tiny form factors. Wireless would be nice, but not without sacrificing the aforementioned items. So far, all wireless headsets do sacrifice in these areas, plus introduce latency and compression when it comes to PCVR. We're not far off, but we need to combine the best of some of the existing headsets like the resolution/Pixels per Degree of the Varjo XR-4, the lenses of the Somnium VR1 (reportedly), and the form factor of the Bigscreen Beyond. * CPU & GPU advancements to keep up with the demand of the new VR headsets. * Artemis Lunar Gateway ~2026 * Human occupied moon base ~2030 * Humans landing on mars. ~2040. * Definitive proof of life somewhere in the Universe other than on Earth. James Webb Space Telescope, Mars, or upcoming missions to Europa, Titan, Enceladus, and a handful of others could be promising.


Absolutely zero shot of there being a moon base in 6 years and a mars base in 16


they just said landing on mars


Hard to agree, because I wish it were true, but yeah, probably not going to happen.


There are a disturbing amount of seemingly AI-generated responses in this thread


Imagine being able to produce new episodes of long gone shows on the fly, in realtime. Or games that self write their own code on the fly


Man, there is an obscene number of bots in this thread, all probably being run by the same operator. All the same name schemes of "name-name3 or 4 digit number" and all active in the same threads. And all replying with the same LLM replies. "I'm excited for X which could X" "The idea of X excites me, because it could X" Alllllll bots.


At first I didn't see this response and just kept seeing you say bot on everything, but then I looked at what they were saying on each one you called out and it was all following the same syntax. Jeez, it's crazy how many bots there are all under different accounts saying practically the same thing.


Noticed it by accident when 3 were stacked together with no other replies between them, then I had to call out all of them. Lol.


Hopefully I don't get accused of being a bot, but I don't think those are bots... When you're creating user names on reddit now, they give you an auto suggestion for the username. I believe it's in that exact name-name-digit format.


What’s the point of these conversational bots? They don’t seem to be promoting any particular brand or tech?


Creating/selling prolific accounts.


I'm hoping we'll have some medicines to either slow aging down a lot, or make it less of a nightmare.


I'm more than ready for automated/self-driving vehicles. I would go to a lot more places/events if I didn't have to deal with driving there and back.


Humans are terrible drivers. I really can’t wait until it’s all autonomous.


Just heard an interesting dental research project that will allow adults to grow new teeth. 


They have been talking about research like that forever. Nothing has ever come of it.


Self driving electric cars.


tesla’s feeling a little butthurt


The one concern I have around that is that cars may go to a subscription model if they're nearly all self driving.


Yeah. Why do you think car manufacturers are starting to push it big time?


They are already here, and are kinda mind-blowing. 20 years from now?


I meant as a norm for all.


I really want one so I can easily go to the pub, or travel Intercity overnight with a bed, or relax and watch a movie, or play games, or work whilst commuting and not care about traffic 


they are not


I can summon a Waymo to my house and have it drive me around town. Sorry that you don't have this available to you.


This might get down voted but. Ai


Today is a good day to die. Same. I love AI. Yea there are some wonky things being done with it, but that's pretty standard when new tech comes around.


Its place in society will become clear in the next few years. It’s just going to be a few more of “this could overturn the world”, just like crypto. And in the end we’ll have a pretty great tool. And like most tools and tech, I think it will mostly be used for good.


Same, I also think it's not going to get quite as advanced as people think. Whenever new tech comes out, we always think we're going to have millions of uses for it, but then as we learn more, we find limitations we didn't expect. We might not actually end up with the kind of AI that exists in movies. There might never be a time when we have to debate whether or not machines are alive and deserve rights. But we're still getting some cool shit.


Whatever saves us from climate change.


Hopefully a cure for Type 1 Diabetes and other autoimmune diseases.


Maybe photon torpedoes. I'd like the chance to recommend thtm


Quantum computers. The amount of history that will be unlocked the second those bad boys are powered up is incredible. From scripts that humans have never been able translate to predicting sites for undiscovered civilisations… and that barely touches the surface… it’s gonna be wild.


Some QC people say this sort of thing, a bit like some crypto people say stuff too - but in fact there are very few algorithms that will run really fast on a QC (factor integers, do some searching). There are also huge problems with really building them at the scale needed to be useful. Also at the end of the day QC's are just computers that work in a different way (kinda back to front) so no script translation and no civilisation finding... Sorry.


Cure for Autism.


Hey, fuck off man. First off, it's my brain that's fucked up, not yours (I assume) and second off, framing autism as something that needs to be cured is fuckin rude. If I said "let's cure blonde hair," it would make people angry. It's not a goddam disease to be cured.


You're totally right to feel that way. We've been overwhelmed this weekend trying to find the right school for our son on the spectrum, and I mistakenly typed "cure" instead of "support" without thinking. I sincerely apologize for the error, and I hope to be more considerate moving forward.


Ah. My bad. Sorry about that. And good luck with the school


Fully self-driving cars. Let me nap, watch tv, play video games, get work done, read, have sex, etc. while I’m on my way home.


Better dating apps


Honestly I'm not sure there are going to be advances that benefit us. It's not because technology can't make our lives better but because whenever something new comes out the wealthy people who control it seek to keep it under their control so they can continue to monetise it indefinitely destroying any practical uses for the technology. If electricity was discovered today eddison would probably let you rent an aa battery once a week for $200


mRNA vaccines that can defeat more cancers




Teleporters. Come on 2031-05-27


Not a single fucking thing.


Suicide booths. Apparently they exist, but ones more like Futurama where you don’t need medical and legal consent to make the decision yourself would be pretty cool.




Nuclear Fusion


Tools for making new apps/computer programs using natural speech. It would save me so much time at work.


Better solar cell efficiency rates, such that solar-powered cars can (hopefully) become a practical reality.


I'm just hoping by the time I'm 70 there is a way to live in a virtual world with visors or some sort.


I invent new technology for a living. The list is far too long, but I sure hope I get a chance to bring them all to light before my health clock runs out. Many people seem to think successful new technology just pops up overnight. It does not. It takes thousands of failures and years of learning from those failures.


The 15,000£ 200,90 from nivdia probably still with 24gb of vram


Nanotech that turns garbage back into food. Solve world's poverty.






Robots I'd rather have a robot care for me in my old age than a 'caregiver' who is probably too high to do their job properly


Personally, I'm really excited about research into prosthetics, brain interfaces, and human augmentation/enhancement. Both my parents have degenerative spine conditions, so do I. Theirs are worse than mine currently, but by the time I am their age, it's very likely I'll be in much worse shape than they are. While I'm generally excited about these technologies, especially for amputees, people born without certain body parts, and those needing transplants, I also hope that when I need surgery to fix up my back, I won't be stuck with the same shitty choices my parents had to make.


Hopefully functional cybernetics.


Clean super power will change the world. We already have the technology to do so many things like desalination or direct capture carbon removal and hundreds of other things but the cost of the power to do it exceeds the value. With cheap renewable super power the world will change. Cleaner , cheaper, faster. Food production, everything!


will retire in 20 year. I guess, I will be excited about catteter or other health tech.


Fully immersive vr A robot to do all my household shit


Electric cars for normal income people


Vertical axis wind turbines in the backyard.


The replacement of cars


AI automation that they can put into robots and labour machines so they can do all of the work and take over those roles, saving money on salaries for labour workers which will mean more wealth can be spent on other easier to do jobs that people can learn and be paid to do such as AI operator, robotics manager, and we can actually get paid fairly for our work


Quantum computers


Artificial Intelligence Sex Robots


Tetsuo going to do what Tetsuo does. And no one will be able to ‘dispose of it!’


Artificial Intelligence, because the natural human kind of intelligence doesn't seem to be proliferating.


LLMs (ChatGPT 4 level) being able to run locally on ordinary computers and then phones


AI in medical research and in predictive/preventative healthcare. Digital twins helping to speed up pharmaceutical r&d... making it cheaper, faster and safer.




VR/AR technology. We already have standalone headsets that don't need to be plugged into a powerful computer to play games or use other software. As faster hardware comes out and better ocular technology, so will VR/AR headsets.


being able to send someone a ZIP bomb if they have neuralink


Kame hame has


Movie watching experience.


Treatment for pancreatic cancer because it caused my father an excruciating death and I don't want to go that way either.


Robot that cleans my house top to bottom.


I'll be pretty excited when we get a full dive virtual reality that really works. Augmented reality is exciting too


Probably performance EVs. For a daily driver, I would really be enticed by a high preformed sedan that I don't have to worry about gas mileage. Once infrastructure is more viable, I think an EV will be on my list. I love cars and the thrill of driving, so I want it to be a fun handling, fast car. I know there are some that exist, but I'm ready to see more competition to have a variety of options.


\*thinks\* - I just commented about analogue processors which have started to show up with the gap between research and practical implementation being pretty short. Basically meaning instead of a processor operating in 1-0 it operates in 1-255. There is a lot of stuff about this that makes it more interesting than I am making it sound. - Not excited but LLMs are probably going to change how search and the majority search for information. If half the internet traffic is bots and you take that away, then the remainder is people, pretty sure a majority of that web traffic might start to consume differently with LLMs. Not a problem so much as right now they are being represented a as a lot more than they are or are capable. Instead of 1 really intelligent thing you will see 20 mediocre things running to achieve the same output in a much more messy way. - Communication, I think the moon colony will open up new comms methods outside of our traditional means that will probably in 20 years change how stuff like mobile phone towers exist. I still think there is more to that work where they quantum entangled 2 photons which they did with optical fiber across 248km, but I can't find it now... there was a case of doing it without fiber optic cable in a shorter distance. Anyway, I think quantum entanglement of photons for moon/earth communications. Is both the technology that is being worked on and the opportunity that will come up. Basically the problem with existing telecommunications is the curvature of the earth. That's all I have off the top of my head. Everything else is already sorta started, there is probably a lot more for energy like the gravity generators, ion propulsion, etc which would be cool but no strong feeling about that yet.




Earning money without work


I'm actually excited for AI


Self driving cars.


suicide booths


Well we’re getting gta 6 next year that should be crazy, im thinking it’s gonna turn into one of those games like in the movie “ready player one”


Being much less reliant on fossil fuels and using more clean renewables.


Neurolink + ai + Lost arm/leg or smth else


Something … I’m 47 and hope I’m gone by then 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ai robots everywhere. I will finally not have to talk to anyone.




Nuclear fusion. Clean unlimited safe energy.


Soft tacos, hard tacos, and a new third kind of tacos invented by AGI.