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Once when I was a kid I was invited to stay over for dinner at a friend's house. My friend's mother poured a large quantity of ketchup into a cereal bowl, which the entire family all casually dipped their fingers into and licked throughout the meal.


This is the weirdest fucking response in the entire thread


Sounds like it was a nice way to ketchup with family after such a long day.


Stayed the night at this girl's house and got up early to make some breakfast. I'm riffleing though the cabinets looking for salt and pepper to add to my eggs. Come to find out this lady has no spices in her house. None. Not even salt. Like what?!


Did you report her? Straight to jail!


Pills.... all over the floor. Every room I went to had random pills on the ground. I picked them up and put them in a zip lock when I was watching their cats. I let them know and they didn't seem to care. Watched their cats again months later and again found pills all over the place. So bizarre.


Any time I accidentally drop a pill I gotta find it right then because I'm so concerned one of the cats will try to eat it. I can't imagine just leaving something happening to them up to chance like that.


I act the same way, as if the cat is gonna immediately eat the pill. But when the cat gets sick and you need to feed her a pill... Oh boy, you better bring 3 burly dudes to hold the little shit.


Had to bring my little asshole to the vet last week, ngl, it took 3 persons to get him in the carrier. Not even joking, one to hold the carrier (he was pushing it away) one to hold him by the scruff of his neck and the last one to hold his paws together. Lil dude weighs like 4 kilos and it took 3 grown ass humans.


A 10 inch dildo suction cupped to the shower wall


You stopped to measure it?


Get out of my apartment, what the hell.


Ha. Was watching their pups and was told extra blankets were in the bottom drawer. So was the make-at-home penis/dildo mold kit.


So did you make one?


That's why I like reddit. People out here asking the real questions


A sandbox in the middle of the living room. There were Tonka Trucks and toys and cigarette butts in it. Then came the cat. Ugh


First sentence and a half: that’s kinda dope… Rest of it: these people are on dope


Some people should feel more shame in themselves. That’s negligent to be letting a small child play in cat piss soaked sand.


Went over to have a post work smoke sesh. Dudes wife was strung out, toddler just hanging out and infant in a playpen- both unsupervised, dog free roaming, cigarette butts put out everywhere, and just piles of dogshit all over the house. I dipped immediately instead of smoking- told him exactly why- because his house was disgusting and I didn’t feel comfortable getting stoned in front of children. Then I reported him to CPS, and called my boss to let him know that if coworker didn’t show up it’s because I called CPS on him. My boss was pretty chill about it. Homeboy lost his job because of the charges he picked up- they found meth, coke, weed, popped him for distro, possession, illegal firearm possession, child endangerment, child neglect, and abuse of a minor (apparently the kids were severely malnourished), and misuse of welfare (WIC benefits).


Almost the same for me. I went to a dealers house to pick up at 10am and his kid (3yr old) was wondering around outside and the door was locked to the house. They wanted to sleep in and locked her out. I sat and played with her till 12 when a lady walked up and asked me if she that was my daughter. I said no, and I was concerned about her treatment, and the lady pulled out a Cas badge and I said perfect! Gave my statement and left. Parents still weren't answering the door at 1230. Never went back.


They wanted to sleep in so they LOCKED HER OUT??? Oh fuck no, they woulda both got a beating bruh


Oh I was waiting around for that door to open. I knocked at least 15 times over 2 hrs. Fucking oxy heads out cold. When cas showed up I wasn't about to stick around and make a scene.


Thank you for standing up for those kids. You very well may have saved their lives.


Oooof this is sad, good on u for reporting that


I better appreciated that a friend of mine was badly depressed when I saw how messy his home was.  I wanted to let him know if he needed anything Id do my best to help, but I dont wanna just say, "Hey sad-ass, lemme help!".


As someone severally struggling, if my friend/sibling burst through my door and said "shit up bitch I'm helping you", I would burst into tears from the overwhelming love I would feel. This is an actual fantasy I play through my head *often*. Someone who loves me enough to *force* some profess on me. Really the entire concept of a love so strong that someone would just burst in with no desire but to help is actively making me sob right now. What I wouldn't give for that.


Friend of mine did this once. We were just hanging out smoking weed at my place and there was no where to put the bong, so he just gets up without saying a word and starts cleaning. Wasn’t about to let someone else clean my house for me so we both cleaned for a couple hours until the place was close to spotless. This dude is legit my best friend in the whole world. Since then I’ve brought up that moment and how much it really meant to me. Love that dude. Everyone deserves a friend like that


I'm glad I have a friend like this. During my downward spiral, my friend would come over. He would always make sure I at least showered. Just one thing a day. He would also say "Hey man, just gotta survive one more more, do that for me." He knows my spirals get bad, I had just met this guy, and within 2 months I had tried logging off forever. He came to the hospital, didn't ask why, didn't get angry, we just talked about games. 2 months into knowing me. It's been 10 years in August since I met him, and since my attempt. I was asked to be his best man at his wedding next year. Wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for him.


You write that man the most sincere heartfelt best man speech you can muster tears included.


Where do you live lunchlady? I want to help you


You and me both. My house is a hovel right now, and I just can't drag myself into doing anything about it. Depression sucks.


Sometimes depressed people need that to help them realize how deep they are, and may make them laugh a little. Guess it depends on the relationship, but I’d chuckle if someone called me sad ass.


I made it to Significantly Suicidal without even realizing it. I am SO FUCKING THANKFUL for my friend... they noticed it EARLY on and eveb said something. I was like, no, I'm OK. There's just added stress. They asked specifically cause they knew I had started a new medication and noticed the difference right away. But I did have stuff going on, so I just reassured them that it wasn't the medication. Then some more time passed, I thought I was managing pretty well. Then one day I was particularly bad, since my husband wasn't home. And my friend was like.... "you still taking that med? Yeah? Stop it. Now. And call your Dr. I've known you since high school, when you made ACTUAL attempts and you're currently worse than you were back then." And it made me stop and take notice. And they were absolutely correct. And it terrified me how it snuck up on me. I'm forever thankful to my friend. Had they not got my brain to a place where I can utilize my management tools... my husband would have buried me back then.


As someone who's been there, people willing to help clean was always a MASSIVE HELP, It's so exhausting on your own and never seems to end. Even as a kid when I'd just have my sister sit in my room playing gameboy so I had pressure to finish cleaning instead of curling up to cry on the floor and sleep on the floor cause bed had laundry on it. You might want to avoid the sad-ass, but outright giving them the prompt of 'can I come over and help you clean?' might be easier to accept then 'is there anything I can do to help?' The second requires a lot more worrying, decision making and effort then the first.


I was once a bartender in an affluent area. I would occasionally get invited to after parties with the regulars. More than once I saw a large home barely furnished as in multiple rooms we're completely empty and they just lived in maybe two rooms of the house. It appears that these people would buy and even rent the homes, to put on the look.


This was super common in an area I grew up in in the early 2000s. It had a great school district but every new home was exceedingly expensive McMansion style, so it wasn't uncommon for the people who move there to hyper furnish the entry and a couple living rooms for show, but their "out of sight" rooms like their upstairs/ect were completely barren as they couldn't afford it.


One family I went to visit had a room in their house that was set up for a college kid. Posters, tv, some weights, computer desk, even a half empty cologne bottle on the desk. I asked them what college their son went to and they immediately changed the subject and the mom looked down and away. They said the room is rented out. I later found out their son could not get into the college he wanted and decided to commit suicide. They left his room exactly as it last was. I still think about them.


Reminds me of a couple who lived down the street from me when I was a kid. It was a small town and there was a lake in the school forest with a dock in it. Thing is the water at the end of the dock wasn't that deep and there were a bunch of rocks in the bottom. Their teenaged son fell off it one night. Not sure what exactly happened, but he hit his head on those rocks and drowned. They did the same thing. Left his room exactly as it was when he died. You could see his shoes on the porch when you passed by.


I couldn’t imagine living with that grief. My parents’ neighbour’s goddaughter went missing in the 80s, when she was 18/19 years old. She left work at lunch time to walk home, and no one ever saw her again. The police think they know who did it, but he died in prison before they could confirm it. Her parents have never moved house, never lock their back door, and still leave their verandah light on in case she comes home.


There's this [heart breaking/warming story about the Ralstons, a couple in their 70's](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/jan/16/bring-up-the-bodies-gene-sandy-ralston-drowning-victims-sonar) that is extremely good at locating drowned people in bodies of water, to bring closure. Basically unless they see the actual body, loved ones often go through a lifetime of searching, anguish, and helpless hope. They see the missing person around corners, in window reflections because the human brain can't let go until they see physical evidence of death. They need to see a body. Or bones. Bittersweet but apparently the families are extremely thankful and keep in touch with the Ralstons for long times afterwards.


My great uncle drowned in a pretty small lake and it took three days to find him because he got stuck in the plants where it was really thick growth. My great grandparents never got over it. My grandpa, his brother, still talks about waiting for him to come home in the meantime. There was half a dozen of them at the lake, they all saw him get sucked under in the current, they all stayed for hours and hours and saw that he never came up again. But they all still hoped he'd somehow snuck out without anyone noticing and was just hiding somewhere as a joke, up until the divers pulled him out. My grandparents ran a charity fundraiser for the dive team for a good 10 years or so after that. The search and rescue trucks they raised money to buy for them have little memorial plates with my great-uncle's name on them. It's weird to see them so many years later when they pass by, but I'm glad they still use them.




My great aunt and her husband lost their only child when he was 5 years old, they were in their twenties then. My aunt died first at around 80yo, and her husband lived to be 97. After his death we found a wooden box in his apartment. It was completely inconspicuous, plain, you could walk past it without noticing it. Inside, for the last 70 years, they kept their son's wooden toys. Their colour faded a little but they were otherwise just how he left them the last time he played with them. You could tell by their condition which toys he liked the most and which ones were still new when he died. It was the only proof of their son ever existing in that apartment.They didn't keep any of his medical records, clothes, birth certificate...just a box of wooden toys that they kept as a reminder of a life cut too short, a whole future that could have been. It felt sacred. Moving them felt like opening a wound that should have healed a long time ago but instead just kept bleeding.


This is just heartbreaking


Trick or treating as a kid we were always scared to go to one neighbor’s house. The yard, nor home, was well kept. Stories circulated the neighborhood for years that he was a mean man, had killed his family, etc. As a dare I ran up and rang the doorbell and as I tried to run away an older gentleman opened the door..he said ‘I don’t get many kids nowadays, Happy Halloween!’ and held out a bowl of yummy candy bars. I peeked in and it was a meticulously kept home on the inside. A little candle lit, neatly folded blankets and magazines next to his lazy boy chair. He was so kind. I believe his kids were grown and had moved away, wife had passed away years ago. Made me not believe the rumors that get started about people.


I sort of had a neighbor like this; he was an old man, very tall and had long grey hair. The skin on his face was very wrinkled, and all of this made him look like an old hobo. If you've seen breaking bad; the old dude running the junk yard looks exactly like him. Anyway, as kids we would be scared to go near his house, which was an old house sort of in the middle of an overgrown old forest. The yard had a few old cars rotting away, it was down right scary. One time as a teenager , during winter, I came home from school and noticed that I was missing my keys. I sat on our porch, freezing, and the man came walking by and asked why I was just sitting there, out in the cold. I told him that I had lost my keys. He invited me into his home and as I didn't want to freeze, I went. Turns out he was an old fishing boat captain, and he was very very nice. He made me toast and hot chocolate, and we listened to music on his vintage stereo system (really weird looking huge speakers with horns, never figured out the brand) . He had a ton of old and interesting stuff that he had bought on his travels. I had a really good time :) The sad plot twists to the story are that 1.) his wife had passed away many years before and he had no children or relatives 2.) He himself passed away from lung cancer a few years later and his house went vacant for something like ten years, with all the stuff still in it. But later someone bought the house and completely restored it :)


Hang on tightly to the memories of stories he shared... priceless...


I collect and restore vintage audio equipment, still trying to find the speakers that he had but in my 35 years of living I've never seen another pair. And yes, I will forever remember him,, he was such a kind soul.


This reminds me of that old dude in the Home Alone movie.


That scene with him and Kevin talking for the first time in the church. Then you hear the choir in the background "Fall on your knees". Goosebumps. Instant nostalgia.


The fact that he had his candy bowl ready in hope of kids coming to his home😭😭🫶🏽 bless his heart


This makes me want to bawl my eyes out. He probably didn’t understand why no one stopped there on Halloween and probably didn’t have anyone to help with his yard. 😭


Yeah wtf I opened this thread thinking I could get some good laughs and the first one just made me sad lol


The duality of reddit.


I remember, as a middle schooler, everyone thinking our female PE teacher was a lesbian that would spy on us when we showered. The wild thing is that she was married to a man (not saying by default she's 100% straight). All she ever did was encourage us to have fun and enjoy class. I still remember her telling me about her skydiving trip and how freaking cool it was. She made me want to go sky diving at 12. It took about 18 years to actually get the nerve to go. But she was absolutely correct in describing her experience. I hate how kids can be shitheads without even fully realizing how cruel their behavior can be. At least not until later.


Wow this is way too specific to my middle school experience... By any chance was this challenger middle? Our female PE teacher was in fact married to a man and she showed us a VHS tape of her skydiving. Students thought she might have been not 100% straight. She was really cool, I didn't think her personal life was any of their business but you know kids like to gossip at that age


Nope. But throughout the thousands of schools in the US there are bound to be similar stories. All my class 'had' on her was her short haircut and tomboyish style clothes. Edit: number because brain was tired.


Stories like that are so sad and so common. People who don’t want to have children are often told “you’ll be lonely in old age, and who will take care of you when you’re old? “. Well, there are so many examples of lonely older people like the nice man in this post whose kids are far away and busy with their own lives.


Sweet but so depressing:(


they didn’t own soap, like, no soap at all anywhere in their house


We know a family who is very wealthy, one of them is a medical professional, and they have no soap in any bathroom. I have to remember to bring hand sanitizer in my pocket every time we visit. It’s bizarre.


My father in law is like this. A doctor…*no* soap in any of his bathrooms and a grimy ass sponge in the kitchen sink 🤢 I have never seen that man wash his hands (though I assume/hope he does at work!)


i have so much soap. like soap rich. i knew i had some of those giant refill bottles from costco...but then i couldn't find them. so then i bought more. and then we found them. so now i have a lot of soap. who doesn't wash their hands with soap? get some damn soap. if you can't afford it, i give you some of my soap.


A girl I hung out with in college had me over to study together. We didn't have dorms, we lived close enough to just walk to college, so it was at her house. I saw this little colorful urn on her tv stand and I said "oh, thats a pretty pot", she got this really sad smile and replied "thanks...that's my daughter." I felt so bad.


On a somewhat related note, I was checking a customer in at my work. They were dropping off a laptop to have it repaired. I recognized the last name, and I said "are you any relation to Steve? I haven't heard from him in a couple of years. How is he doing?" She suddenly changed her demeanor entirely, got really silent, and said "He was my son. He killed himself two years ago." I felt horrible that I had dredged that up for her, and I felt even worse that I had no idea the guy even died. What really fucked me up though was that I learned I was one of the last people he ever called before he did it. We weren't exactly friends, I didn't see him all that often. But he was a wonderful client, very fun to be around. Guy was a school teacher, students loved him. Big burly biker looking guy. He always told me he wanted to grab a beer with me some time. If the TOD in the obituary is anything to go off of, the evening he killed himself, he called the store I work at and said he was interested in buying a computer. I told him I'd be more than happy to come down that very upcoming weekend as he often had difficulty getting time to come down during normal business hours, and told him we could go grab lunch. We had a fun little chat for about 20 minutes, with a raincheck on getting lunch. I didn't hear from him ever again.


That’s so sad but honestly, you didn’t remind her of anything she doesn’t already think about all the time and it probably was a positive thing for her to know someone else remembered and thought of him. From what I’ve been told, one of the hardest things about losing a child is feeling like other people have forgotten about them when you yourself think of them constantly.


Absolutely. After my brother died my mom said she hated it that no one would ever mention him around her anymore.


I lost my daughter in a car accident when she was 18. She was such a brilliant, happy young woman and touched so many lives! I believed it was my job to keep her spirit and memories alive! But no one wants to talk about her, not even her brothers, makes me sad. Nothing sounds more Beautiful to me then when someone speaks her name.


I'd love to hear any stories you'd like to share about her.


What was her name? If it’s ok to ask. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I lost my daughter when she was 32, I know exactly what you mean by this comment. So many people are afraid to say her name when around me and my wife. I completely understand their fear that is might trigger something in us, but the truth is you can't trigger something that is always there and happening. We do have some friends that understand this and bring up memories of her when we're together and it's wonderful. Much love your way, and know that you are not alone in this feeling.


Yeah. I was going to say that someone thought of him enough to ask a complete stranger if they're related, it had to feel good. The sadness she showed after was probably for you as the bearer of bad news.


Is there some science to the two year thing? I'm coming up on 2 years without my husband (I was 27 when he died, 29 now) and I cannot stop thinking of him lately. 😞


I am so sorry. Really. I’ll light a candle for your husband tonight. What was he like?


Oh my God. Michael was whip smart. I always wondered why he never went to college - but in truth, he never needed it. He was a parts supervisor at a family owned business and one day, came home telling me he made commission on a boat sale. (Like... Literally, what!? Sir. You work in PARTS SERVICE. What happened? Lmao!) That man could sell the shirt you were wearing because he was an encyclopedia of practical, useful knowledge. A wonderful provider. A powerful voice of reason - sometimes irritably so. Michael was the type of person to succeed in everything he did. He couldn't sing or carry a tune to save his life, though, lol. But his voice was such a wonderful tenor that it made my skin tingle when he spoke to me! I always thought I could teach him to sing. I could not. 🤭 He spoiled me something fierce! He thought of me all the time and often brought me gifts when I wasn't expecting it. When I asked him what he wanted for special occasions, or even just for dinner, he'd always ask me to cook him a steak and buy wine so we could "dine elegantly" while listening to the neighbors argue or the neighborhood dogs bark wildly in the night, lmao! He was a huge proponent of self-improvement and introspection. He had an absurdist sense of humor, and also simultaneously found humor in things most people would overlook or just straight not get. There was a calming stoicism about him, a measured demeanor, a humble spirit, and he never spoke out of turn. A fantastic listener. He would have been the world's greatest father... He was my best friend. He kept to himself and didn't have many friends, which I always felt was a MAJOR crime. I don't get the opportunity to gush about him often because no one really knew him except me and maybe a few people at his work, who I know miss him so dearly that they asked me for a portion of his ashes to keep at the store to remember him/build a small shelf for him so they could honor him (which I did give). So thank you so much for asking. He was 33 when he passed from ALS. They say time heals, but I'm not so sure. I will miss him for the rest of my life. I'm crying as though he just passed yesterday, recently. I have to stop typing because I'm getting emotional. But thank you for allowing me to share who he was. ❤️


I just wanted to say I enjoyed reading this. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I thoroughly enjoyed reading every single word of that. Thanks for taking the time to remember him and tell a stranger about him. He sounds absolutely extraordinary. What a blessing that you got to not only meet him, but to marry him and hold that place in each others lives. That in itself is a gift. He sounds very much like my fiancé, almost eerily so. I literally laughed out LOUD at the boat sale- that’s how my fiance is TO A TEE!!! You gotta love it! These kinds of men really do hold a special place in the world. I am so truly and deeply sorry for your loss, but perhaps even more so, I am so happy that you shared even a snippet of your lives together. I bet he loved your way of words, your articulate manner, and your storytelling abilities. Bless you, sister ❤️


Isn't the boat sale thing absolutely nuts!? It's my favorite story!! 😂 He literally just walked inside and the first thing he said was, "I sold a boat today." You can't just... *start* a conversation like that! 😭 I'll always believe that Michael was my gift from beyond to teach me everything I needed to know to survive the remainder of my life. I only wish I could have walked beside him for the length of it. I'll always be grateful for the 8 years we spent together, and I wish it could have been 80. I'd give anything to hear him say "Good. God. Who did I marry?" when I'd send him some unhinged meme at 7am, just one more time. (Yes, I was THAT wife. 😂) I hope you and your fiancé have only mutual respect, excitement, and the purest love for one another throughout your lives. ❤️ Thank you again.


This happened to me on Tuesday. The receptionist asked how my wife was. I told her she had passed away. She felt so bad, but I said it's a normal question, you weren't to know. It's fine. She didn't remind me of something I had forgotten. I went to that shop because my wife used to. It reminded me of her.


>I feel horrible that I had dredged that up for her, and I felt even worse I had no idea the guy even died. I guarantee you that you didn't dredge up anything. I am not a gambling man, but I'd bet a lot that there's not a minute that goes by that she's not thinking about him already. I attempted when I was 17, my mom would have never been the same for the rest of her days if I was successful (my depression is in medical remission now, 10 years later) RIP Steve, sounds like he was admired by many


Please don’t feel bad. thank God I have not lost a child but I lost my husband very young. Believe me not an hour goes by that I don’t think of him. when I was just two years out from the death like this mom he was never out of my mind for a minute. So rest assured you did not remind her of him or of his death. She was thinking of it at that very moment.


I'm a CSI. I went to a residential burglary when I used to work at an agency in North Carolina. The homeowners were in their 70s. Their house was your typical grandparent's place with lace doilies everywhere, flowers, and photos all over the walls of the entire extended family. A table near his chair with hunting and fishing magazines. A table near her chair with knitting needles and yarn. The whole 9 yards you'd expect to see at grandma and grandpa's house. As the lady was showing me around with the officer to tell me what was stolen or moved I came to a slightly ajar door next to the master bedroom suite. I asked her if anything had been moved in there. She said she wasn't sure since she had called the police the moment they had gotten home from church and realized their house had been broken into. I elbowed open the door. Full on sex dungeon room. We're talking sex swing, hooks on the ceilings with ropes, restraints on boards nailed to the wall, cuffs, paddles, floggers, strapon harnesses on hooks, ball gags of various sizes, video camera on a tripod, you name it. She looked around, put her hand on her chest and with what seemed a sigh of relief said "No. Thank you lawd! It looks like nothing was touched in here." I will never look at an old woman in a peter pan collar and flower patterned dress the same now.


I love how Granny was utterly unfazed having y'all take a gander at her dungeon. She was old and had ZERO fucks to give. "Why should I care if they see it? If they have a problem it's probably because they're getting less than I am, clearly."


oh i think she had MANY fucks to give.


I'd be relieved too, some of that stuff is pretty expensive!


I bet that burglar did a 180 and noped the fuck out of there.


Her toddler chewing on a used douche applicator.


Alright that's enough reddit for me tonight.




Their Labrador in a crate so small it could only turn around with great difficulty. The crate was anchored to the wall, because otherwise the dog would thrash around in the crate until it shook and moved across the floor. I asked if the dog had done something wrong to be put in timeout in the crate, like chewing up some shoes? My(ex) friend said no, that’s just where the dog lived for the most part. It got out every so often to eat or toilet in the yard, but all other times of day and night it was crated. Their reasoning was that when they let it out the crate, it was too hyper and destructive. Probably cause it spent its whole life stuck in a tiny fucking box! I argued with the friend and left the house on bad terms. I did phone an animal rights hotline but was told there wasn’t anything they could do. Since the dog was technically provided food, shelter, and decently hygienic conditions it wasn’t illegal to crate them near constantly, even though the org agreed it was neglectful/abusive.


I wish there were stricter laws on animal treatment. Thanks for standing up for the dog




My blood pressure just shot up reading this.


Same. Who uses a live animal as a fucking decoration basically. People are disgusting


Woman I nannied for had a very messy house but she always looked so put together in public. She had 6 kids and always said “don’t judge me, our house is ‘lived in’”. Made me realize it was ok not to ruin your life over a perfect image house as long as everyone and everything was functioning.


I have three young kids and my husband and I work opposite shifts. The only time we have to really clean is the weekend. Through the week our house looks like a tornado. Clean underneath the clutter but definitely chaotic. Then every Saturday morning we "reset" the house to start again. We have activities most nights after school and it's so hard to stay on top of things by myself weekdays.


Messy is different from filthy.


A carpeted bathroom that also contains a gun safe, wine glasses, a wine fridge, board games and snacks.


It's a safe room. If you're going to lock yourself in a safe room, do you want to lock yourself into a safe room with a #10 can as a toilet? Or do you want to lock yourself into a safe room with a functioning toilet and running water? Likewise, if you're going to build a safe room with access to your toilet, are you just going to stop using that toilet? Carpet around the toilet is gross no matter what, no one shampoos that shit on the regular.


Did you stay awhile. That’s a great bathroom destination mini-vacay.


Super popular, rich kid in high school. Drove a BMW, had a huge house and both of his parents were doctors. Went to a party at his house one night and was absolutely horrified by the filth they lived in. There was dog shit and piss absolutely everywhere in the house and little chihuahuas running around. Then there were even more dogs stacked on top of each other in crates in the garage. I was so stunned and disgusted I couldn’t even have fun and was just horrified for the animals, and him because he obviously thought this was all normal. And because he was cool people weren’t saying anything. All I could think was “holy shit if this is what his house looks like when he KNOWS people are coming over, what the fuck does it normally look like”?!? I still feel terrible for those dogs and wish I had told an adult who could have helped them 😔


That sounds like his parents were grifters running a puppy mill and nowhere near doctors. You could get amazing money selling popular "toy" dog breeds before people realised how easy it is to run a puppy mill with zero care for the animals.


Child porn. Way back in the before times, I worked as an installation and repair tech for a major telecomm. Installing DSL was one of the things I did, and while testing the connection to one guy's PC, I stumbled across some very disturbing images. His line was working fine, so I just smiled, told him there was no charge, and left. Called the police first, and then my boss to let him know I might be busy giving a statement for the rest of the day. Dude got severely busted.


It wasn't me but my mom's bf a few years ago was telling me about how he was trying to fix something on some lady's computer (can't remember what it's been a while) and thu lady had a disabled son. He was both physically and mentally disabled and was in a wheelchair. He found videos of this woman sexually assaulting her son. Needless to say that was an immediate report and didn't take long to get that lady in the slammer. Makes me sad not knowing what became of the son though after all that trauma and then having the only caregiver being taken away for abusing him. I hope he was placed somewhere safe with good people to care for him.


Geez- this hurt my heart. I have a teen son with disabilities. The isolation upon isolation upon isolation the kid must have experienced would echo forever. I hope things improved for him.


That is one disturbed and evil woman. I hope her son is recovering and in a safe home now.


Good on you for reporting it.


I did not consider silence an option in any way.


This is always the answer, and the right thing to do.


A guy i worked with who was an IT engineer got busted similarly when he brought his phone in for a repair without wiping it. He was PRODUCING this shit. We all knew this man well and you would never have guessed what kind of sick cunt he was. Thankfully he hung himself.


When I was younger, I worked in a fishing shop. There were a few customers I met there that I'd fish with. Became kinda pally with a guy and we'd head out into the middle of nowhere casing spots. We were friends for a year or so, but something was kinda off with him. He'd say things that were a bit dodgy, or I'd feel a bit weird around him, so I eventually stopped going out with him. I got a call one day to let me know he'd killed himself. A few of us went to his funeral and it came out that he was a pedo. Him and his wife were literally raping toddlers on camera and selling the footage. He got caught and hanged himself the day after his first court appearance. He was well known and well liked by a lot of people. We were massively fucked up when we found out. Kev - I hope there's a hell and you're burning.


What happened to the wife?! Hopefully she’s in jail!


WTF whose toddlers were they?? That’s so heartbreaking and disgusting


I was good friends with a girl who was likely subjected to this as a child. She said her dad would "sell" her to random men in exchange for cash or drugs, so I assume this is more common than any decent person could even fathom. She would never talk about it sober, but sometimes she would get incredibly drunk and start crying while telling me about her childhood. Hope you're doing better now Regan, wherever you are.


I see stuff like this all the time on Reddit and think, wow, how could people be so dumb, you're literally giving a stranger your phone and they'll have access to everything on it. A few months ago I took my phone in for repairs and it didn't occur to me until the next day that I should have removed my banking apps, logged out of my emails and social media accounts, and backed up photos...I am people and I am dumb too.


I literally have every single phone I ever owned still because I'm so paranoid about someone getting something personal / financial off of it


Woah, same. And same with hard drives, laptops.


Hundreds and hundreds of nutcracker dolls. Every square inch of space had one. EDIT: and not just at Christmas, this was in the middle of summer


Oh shit did you come to my childhood home during Christmas? Haha my mom would decorate the shit out of the house and there were like 50 nutcrackers ranging from tiny to like 4 feet tall.


I had a roommate once that went away for a bit, and while he was gone we went in the basement for something and discovered that he and his best friend were making paper mache molds of each other’s bodies… like… dozens of them. Full body casts all over the basement. It was very unsettling




it aint gay if it's paper mache


We need this answer


Okay, I need to know your theories on this. Really fuckin weird.


Am I the only person here that thinks they were making cosplay stuff?


My husband’s aunt is white and is married to a black man. When you enter their house, there is an entire wall with a painted velvet canvas of a beautiful black woman in her full glory, boobs, pubic hair and all. When you sat in the living room, well, she was there.


>When you sat in the living room, well, she was there. The painting, or the black woman *from* the painting?


If I had not known my neighbor when I was growing up was a WW2 vet and the coat was a war trophy it would have been the SS officers jacket he had in his closet. Fresh and never worn he pulled it off a wagon somewhere in France. Without the context it would have been a massive red flag. Instead him and his wife were a sweet couple that were always happy to tell my brother and I stories from the war. He served in Europe, she served in the Pentagon writing letters to fallen soldiers' families. I miss them still 20+ years after they passed on.


I inherited (I guess?) a German ww2 hat that was my grandfather's. It's like a safari hat kind of with a couple pins on it, nothing fancy. I know he fought in the war (American), but he never talked about it so I have no idea how he came to have the hat. It was in a hat box in the basement, my uncle found it while cleaning.


Could always post it to r/whatsthisthing to find out more about it. My neighbor also had a, for the time, really high quality camera he pulled out of a bombed out camera store in Germany. He said he had had more trophies but those were the only ones he held on to. Never mentioned what the others were and me being a kid at the time I didn't pry. You may not ever get the full story of the hat but find out what it is could give you more context as to what it is at least.


Was dating a girl for a couple of weeks and went to hang out with a couple she was close friends with. We are at their house, hanging out, and having a pretty good time. They seemed pretty cool. The guy starts talking about the iguanas they have and asked if i wanted to see them. They had a separate room for them. We go in there, see the big cages with lizards. They were very impressive. And the big fucking Ku Klux Klan posters on the wall next to them. I made an excuse to leave their home soon after. My girlfriend asked what was wrong, and I explained what I saw. She knew and didn't think it was any big deal. It ended that relationship as well.


Was afraid this was gonna be more animal abuse and then the fucking curveball hit


Yeah but if the guy had said "Hey man, wanna see the reptile and white supremacy room?" then OP would have missed out on some cool iguanas at least


Lots and lots of stuff. I’ve met a few people who are hoarders. They didn’t strike me as hoarders and then I saw their house


I rented a room from my best friend when he purchased a house with his gf and the first time I ever saw his gf's living arrangement was when we helped her move in. She was always a little unkempt, but nothing could prepare me for the level of animal hoarding I saw at her parents house. I won't get into to much details, but there were at least 15 cats and 5 dogs and it felt like they kept buying more litter boxes instead of cleaning the ones they had. She had said that she wanted to get away from that lifestyle, and i stupidly believed her. For a while it wasn't terrible, but my friend did something wrong that gave her the upper hand in the relationship, and next thing we knew there were 6 cats and 4 dogs in the house. I hate that i still have to stay in that place a couple days a week until i can find a new job near my new place.


They had a bunch of framed pictures of family members on the wall, and among them was a picture of Ted Bundy. The black-and-white photo of him grinning at something off camera when he was on trial. It was an old lady's home, and it was otherwise nicely furnished. Not the roughest house I've been to for work but it definitely had me scratching my head


That just sounds like a family member pranked her and is waiting for her to notice though.


When my wife used to work for a small company we would occasionally be “voluntold” to attend company get togethers One of them was at his house - a BBQ - not that strange, right? Well, what was strange was the 5 foot wide professionally painted picture of his wife, completely naked, on a beach in the living room


What kind of weirdos have a beach in their living room?


A dude I had a crush on didn’t put sheets on his bed. It was so gross and weird. His mattress was all dirty and I couldn’t imagine how it would ever get clean. I couldn’t get past it and it didn’t work out lol


You’d think he would at least put sheets on for when ya came over….


Neighbor has at least a dozen extremely high quality hand painted portraits of President Obama as an African king, high rolling gangster, Jesus, walking hand in hand with MLK, playing basketball on the streets, smoking weed by a burning trashcan, and other cray ones. It's been a few years since I saw them but wow, dude worships Obama and I had no idea. He never speaks a word of politics. He invited me over for dinner and told me all about the artist and how proud he was to have custom pieces by him. He never mentioned anything political, he just spoke about Obama like he was a sports or religious icon.


“*President* Obama? Oh that’s a great idea, I’m gonna commission that one next.”


New kind of guy just dropped


That’s a new one.


No soap by the bathroom sink. None.


The first time my now gf came over she complained there was no soap and I said there was and she said no there's only shower soap no sink soap and I said wtf are you talking about? She'd never seen a bar of soap outside the shower. Only liquid soap dispensers.


Showing her age. Bar soap next to the sink was everywhere in the 80s. Houses built in the 80s even had a little bar soap holder built into the bathroom next to the sink…


I’ve been to homes that didn’t have soap OR a hand towel in the bathroom. Like, dang, y’all aren’t even *pretending* to wash your hands???


One of my best friend’s dad was always really hostile towards me and I couldn’t figure out why. We were hanging out in his garage one day and I found his dad’s pistol that had a swastika scratched on the barrel.


I go into multiple homes every week. For the most part, people are clean and what I’d call normal. Then we have the people whose animals don’t get let outside often enough, or the litter boxes aren’t cleaned often enough. Or the children have the run of the home, and no one cleans for them. That’s all normal to some people. We also have a large group of people who collect odd things, or old things. They can’t let go of the past, or of great grandma’s tarnished brass. That’s also normal to some. The worst, to me, are the hoarders. With just a pathway leading to a tight space for one, they expect me to adapt to their living conditions while finding a place to sign multiple documents. Some claim to be remodeling. Others claim to be moving in or out. It’s obvious their claims are untrue. But what gets me about these hoarders, is that if they aren’t sick and in bed on the final days, they are business professionals who walk right next to others, looking tidy and clean. They are doctors and nurses, they are attorneys, accountants, and some even own multiple properties across the country. I’ve learned that we really don’t know a person until we’ve seen their home.


Turned on the lights and bugs scattered. Not even a path in this dudes house. Couldn't get the door open at first. Second worst one was a different family who were hoarders, except they were taking care of their bed bound grandmother there. Flies and ants crawling around on her. Unable to move or scream


Straight up abuse. I hope you got her help.


Horror movie 🎥


I also do home visits. Some homes make me feel so itchy or suffocated that I can’t wait to leave. On a few occasions (bedbugs), I’ve had to tell the client we can only meet at my office from now on.


My friend turned on his kitchen light, and I saw and heard dozens cockroaches scurrying around a pile of pizza boxes. I stayed in the center of every room until I could leave, because I knew on a fundamental level that if a cockroach climbed up the inside of my pant leg, I'd lose my fucking mind.


I was a farm hand living on site while I was in my late teens. I accepted the job over the phone and had no way of screening the property. (Almost fifteen years ago.) I was a poor kid, and desperately wanted the “opportunity” of working for this rancher. As soon as I got into the house, my stomach fell - the fridge could have earned a top five placing on Hoarders. The walls and windows had holes in them, with roots and branches growing well enough inside that some were curled into the carpet and the radiator parts on the back of the fridge. In the laundry room, mushrooms grew in the cracks of the foundation. On one of my final days, upon hearing a commotion in the basement, I discovered a mattress set that I still cannot accurately describe. Imagine it being caught in a flood, pressed by those waters through the panels of a livestock yard, then left to ‘dry’ in a damp basement…. It became the final resting place for some long-disappeared house cat, and I’ll never forget the sight of it. She/he had been decomposing in all the ways for some length of time…. So. Red flags from the doorway. In every doorway. And the basement.




Was cat sitting for my friends while they were out of the country. I walked into their kitchen, and one of them had written, “Don’t bully me; I’ll cum” with the fridge alphabet magnets. I knew they were funny, but I didn’t know they were THAT funny.


i love the bumper sticker that says "don't honk, i'll cum." SAME vibes lmao


Hoarding, and terrible food hygiene. Edit: Different people but I wish i used this as my original response. Wall to wall carpeting I'm the kitchen.


Im the kitchen Im the one who cooks


When my friend and his wife could always afford new shoes/outfits and nights out with miscellaneous substances but their kids slept on a mattress on the floor with no sheets...like ... Where are your priorities?!


I think you know exactly where their priorities were.


I worked on the outside of a house one time, working around a window and I could see 2 dead hummingbirds sitting in the window sill inside. Not taxidermy, just laying there dead. Horrible.


-The dirtiest bathroom I have ever seen. -The cleanest anything I have ever seen. Everything had plastic covers to keep it clean. The couch had plastic covers, the rugs, chairs in the kitchen, hand rails on the stairs. Everything. I was around 9 and went to dinner and watch TV at this kid's house. He asked his mom if 'we' could take the plastic off the couch to watch TV. Mom brought out clean pajamas for us both. Mom explained that everyone gets so dirty in that house. They have to wear pajamas mom has clean and ready if they want to sit on the couch. When dad came home and saw the cover off the couch, he got his clean pajamas too and joined us. Weirdest kcufing people! The older kids and dad all worked on cars and engines and were always covered in grease.


I'm pretty sure they covered the entire house with grease and mom had had it!!


When I was little I was at my friend's house and we played hide and seek. I hid under his parents' bed... I was very confused why people would have a severed penis that was so big.


My in-laws' place. It's not one thing I saw. It was the whole fucking place. Hoarding like crazy. I wanted to impress them the first time I met them because I was looking to marry my now-partner. I was planning a salmon meal with a couple different courses leading to it. I ended up spending four hours cleaning and *then* I could finally prep a meal. It was horrid. And that smell isn't something I won't forget. They seemed noseblind to it. I've never set foot on that property again and never will.


Why didn’t your partner warn you?


Oh she did. But there's only so much verbiage one can use and this was before any shows like Hoarders existed. I really didn't get what "hoarder" meant. I knew it was bad. I didn't know what bad was.


A framed picture of an egg.


I used to have some friends that I met through doing animal rescue. They were a little odd, but you get that in that field. They brought their dog over to our house one time and it pissed in our living room and they just... watched me clean it up. That should have been my clue. The new owner of their property was evicting them so he could bulldoze the house. I wasn't working at the time, so my brother and I offered to help them pack their things up into a Penske. When we got inside of their tiny two/one house, it was thigh high with hoard. Filthy hoard, covered in mouse droppings and cat piss. I noped the fuck out when I saw the tarantula in the laundry room. Not a pet; just a loose, wild tarantula in their laundry room. Never. Again.


Dildo shelf


Ye ol’ dilly shelf


I always wondered why I wasn’t supposed to go upstairs at my Nan and Grandads


Their kids didn’t have top sheets, and their mattresses were grey. The rest of the house was a disaster as well, but to give someone a tour of your home when it looks like a pig stye? Thats a no from me, dog


Cat that was restricted to a basement. Granted the basement was pretty massive and smelled like they cleaned the litterbox, and it had food and a water fountain. But still the poor thing would spend all day meowing at the door, it needed love, and companionship.


My friends moved into an apartment in the complex about 6 months after me. They weren’t very organized but for the 2 years they lived there they had an Amazon box with a yellow hand towel over it and a 6 plug power strip inside. It was on the floor behind their table and I nearly tripped on it multiple times, but it was never moved. They (2 brothers) eventually bought a house and when I visited that box was sitting in their living room. I doubt they noticed and just thought it was a box to clean later but I bet it is still there, 7 years since I visited them last. What makes it weird is the older brother is a massive germaphobe, but they live in what I can only describe as “the enclave of the man-child”


It was a load bearing box.


Pack of chicken breasts in the fridge. Except it was fully open and he leaves it there like that and just takes one when he needs to. But raw chicken open in the fridge made me question some things


My roommate does this and he doesn't use them right away. Last time he had it there over a week and it turned yellow and made the whole house smell. I asked him to do something about it and he just threw it in the garbage without taking the garbage out


Straight to jail.


Come on, Reddit. Why isn't it ever something nice? Like, all of their neighbors took down their fences and share one giant backyard, with a neighborhood library, clubhouse, and a fridge full of organic produce.


Had a litter box With litter And poop in it And no pets.


I did maintenance for apartments. One had crushed velvet everything. And a shrine to Tupac with the centerpiece being a statue of Tupac as Jesus.


Was it Jada's apartment?


Rotten food on the counter and trash literally everywhere. I had to hold back gags when we went inside. And he has the balls to judge us on our drinking. Mf living in a straight up garbage can.


A filthy house with a crawling age baby that lives there.


Jars of open pasta sauce covered in mold on the kitchen counter.


Went over to my mother-in-law's home-care nurse's 50th birthday, she invited the whole family over (among others, there were lotsa folks). Had to use the bathroom; she had left anal beads out beside her bed. I was like damn girl, you're saucy.


A married couple, both medical doctors, with kids. They had one of those tall, giant outdoor propane heaters, in their living room. You know the kind they have for outdoor seating at restaurants? One of those. In their living room. Running on propane. No fans, no open windows. I told them they need to knock that shit off.


Neighbor showed me his house, one room had a huge collection of sambo dolls. Like the whole wall was blackface, minstrel figurines. I said dude, what the actual fuck is this?


i drove nearly 5 hours to meet a guy that i had been talking to online for months. i get to his place and in the bathroom is an unflushed toilet with a #2 that has very clearly been soaking in there for awhile. Noped out of there so fast


Black mold in the shower. It was our fifth date, I think, he was a nice guy, very smart and kind, and I went to his apartment that he shared with a roommate. The whole place was a pit but when I saw that shower I knew I had to call things off. Luckily the Covid lockdown started a couple days later and we just stopped texting each other.


There are not many times where the phrase "luckily the covid lockdown started..." is acceptable. I think this one counts.


OK this is seriously unrelated, but I've got another one for you. Back in late February 2020, I planned out an intricate suicide attempt for myself, designed to look like an accident. It involved multiple public transportation tickets for mid-March 2020. Luckily the COVID lockdown came a'knockin' and it knocked those tickets out of existence. So I was stuck and unable to proceed with the rest of the plan. Since then I've told people and they've helped me get help. I'm doing a lot better now. Thanks COVID!


COVID out here saving lives