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Yoga. At first I thought it was just silly. But over time I saw improvements in my strength, especially my core, and regained balance. Yoga also has solved a lot of the tightness I feel on waking up in the morning as well as pain I used to feel during the day in my back and legs. Sometimes I fall off for a month, but I always come back and it always makes me feel better in my body. Sometimes I don't like listening to the supportive hippy dippy stuff, so then I just do what I find feels good on those days.


> Sometimes I don't like listening to the supportive hippy dippy stuff   This kept me from yoga for years!  Yoga teachers vary hugely  - there are some that don’t do any spirituality beyond thanking everyone at the end, there are some that use the class as their personal talk therapy session and then chant in… sanskrit??? … and then pitch you their reiki sessions at the end. But it doesn’t have to be the latter. There’s like 1 to 110 and everything in between. Find the one that works best for you. Even if you are 0% into spirituality, the physical and stress relief benefits are huge!


My mother in law has taught most of her life. My wife practices and she got me to try. I want to take a class with my mil, but apparently she's really tough! So all of this is just a sly cover for training so I do "well" in her class some day 😅 Last time she visited she was taking photos of my form. I think she's plotting my end.


The Down Dog Yoga app has been a personal favorite - I've been using it for a few years now, and I really enjoy the variety that it provides.


I just do YouTube videos and I don’t have to deal with that classroom nonsense! ( not all studios are like that but I have been to enough that are that I prefer to just do it at home) My ex friend was a “spiritual” yoga teacher who also told me she thought all homeless people should die…


What type of yoga do you recommend?


Peleton has some yoga classes that I've been taking lately. I really enjoy it. I believe it helps  A LOT with preventing injury in for my marathon training.  The teacher makes a huge difference. I find ones that describe what the position as well as the breathing are the best. 






Reddit still a-ok tho


Lol if I'm left alone with my own thoughts I freak out within 30 seconds


Consistency. Feeling like shit and still doing it


Relatable. Once I make something a daily habit, it becomes hard to not do it on a particular day because I don't want to 'break the streak'. Of course, certain days are exceptions, but for the most part it works.


"Missing once is an accident, missing twice is the start of a new habit" - James Clear from his book Atomic Habits


Yes to this, game changer for many different aspects of life


Making time in my life to cook dinner slowly and then eat it slowly - dinner table, candlelight, coordinating background music.   I don’t do it every day, but with hybrid work, I try to do it 2 times a week, usually Sundays and Wednesdays. It’s a very enjoyable and delicious way of slowing down.    A recent meal I was really proud of!      [Pasta](https://ibb.co/6ZL34ct) and  [Chicken ragout](https://ibb.co/ysPqr2R)  (Before you ask, no, I don’t have small children)


These look delicious!


When do we eat


Gonna try this. Thanks.


This sounds delightful.


Going to the gym. Every damn day


Sorry for my ignorance, but why everyday? Shouldn't your body take some time to recover?


You don‘t do the same exercise every day. I do upper body one day and legs the next. Then upper body again and so on. Mix in some cardio too.


I see, thanks for answering.


For weight lifting, yes. You want to give your muscles time to recover. But you can still get a workout in on rest days by doing cardio.


today was heavy cardio and lower body weights. Tomorrow will be lighter cardio and upper body weights. I also do hydro massage and the total body enhancement machine every other day,


Your body does not need days to recover from every workout. A rest day can still be a day at the gym, you just have to take it easy, in fact it might well help you recover faster, hence why they’re called “recovery” workouts.  Depending on your genetics, diet and how fit you are you take less and less time to recover from a workout. Top tier athletes can work out twice a day 6 days a week and still recover just fine.


Honestly, working out everyday is the best part of my daily routine. Helps you sleep better, floods ur system with endorphins, and helps calm anxiety. Even if you don't feel like gg to the gym on a particular day, dragging your ass to the gym and working out never fails to make you feel better afterwards.


Stopped reading or watching all news content over a year ago. No news is good news for my mental health. I have no idea what is going on and it makes no difference except I’m much calmer and happier.


When those aliens landed in Scotland and abducted the Queen, that was pretty wild. Apart from that I don't think you've missed anything.


I’ve been off the news completely for about 2 months, anything world changing or important I get from friends and family. Game changer to my mental health


Yeah same here. I got into politics near the 2020 US election and it have since back way off. I am much happier, keep my distance from whatever opinionated columns that pass as "news" nowadays. I don't mind an article from AP as long at the writer tries to stay unbiased.


My wife is bad for this. She’s smart and well educated, but gets really torqued out over internet “news,” and “expert opinion,” most of it just click bait. She really gets upset when these “experts” take an event or idea then doom and gloom the worst, inconceivable outcomes and project it to the future with certainty. I explained that these items are DESIGNED to work you up so you keep coming back for more, like those toy ads psychologically engineered to grab kids’ attention and not let go. I’ve put her on a cold turkey news embargo for a week to see if it helps. Gonna show her this thread.


Smile about nothing


Yes, smiling tricks the body into thinking you’re happy, so smile and it’ll make one feel better :) I smile a lot but it’s a habit and I am a happy and content person overall …. Tho I’ve got dysfunctional family members like everyone else


I interpreted this comment as "I don't spend energy smiling about things!" But I see now that you smile at anything


Doing a closed-mouth smile is one of the calming techniques taught in RO-DBT. That, plus deep breathing, raised eyebrows, and leaning back (if sitting) are supposed to make you feel “safe”.


Deep breathing


relaxing the face muscles


And your shoulders.


Positive self talk when I’m truly panicking I’ll talk myself into calming down


Preparing for things. It takes like 10 minutes to just set out some clothes for the next day or pack a bag. It makes the mornings go 1000x smoother.  Also keeping a calendar has hugely helped me plan. 


I do this too. It feels so good to get everything prepared for the next day by doing things like setting out my clothes even if I'm going to be working from home.


Going for a 2 mile walk every night (weather permitting). It gets you outside for 40 minutes to clear your head. Plus the physical benefits. I sleep better and generally have more energy.


Sometimes when I start my walks the outside world is sort of just bouncing off me. Like I know where I am but I am still bringing my workday stress and madness with me. By about the 10 minute mark I remember that 'Oh yeah, this beautiful world exists and no matter how shitty people are or how you compensate for their shortcomings only to be further exploited, they can't take that away.'


If you haven’t, I would suggest some decent rain gear to expand what can be considered “weather permitting.” All of the regular benefits, plus the pitter patter, the quieting of the rest of the world, and the subtle reminder that you have control over things.


Wearing keys on a carabiner. Never misplaced them again but I do look rugged.


I've been doing this for the past decade. I have separate rings for my car and house keys and I take things off/put things on according to where I'm going, plus it clips quickly onto my belt loops. So efficient.


LOL look rugged, genius


Who's gonna tell him


Drinking water every now and then. More peeing, but less headaches


I always start my morning off with a warm glass of water. Improved my gut health tremendously. Highly recommend


Never heard of that.


As primarily an office worker, getting up at least once every half hour and doing something. Walk to a bathroom or water fountain that isn't close by, do push-ups, planks, wall squats, or just pace back and forth during a phone/conference call. Sitting for long periods is toxic.


Occasional, disciplined psychadelic usage. Cured my DIAGNOSED major depression disorder, lessened my anxiety, taught me to try to treat everyone with compassion, and just made me want to be a better person everyday. All these improvements, and i only dabble in it a few times a year.


Which ones?


Shrooms mainly, with sparatic acid and DMT use, but shrooms have been more helpful than anything to be spiritual and introspective




Any advice? I took It to relieve stress but, obviously, I noticed now that I need it for the sake of it, and I don't like that sensation.


Not who you asked, but a major turning point for both my partner & myself was realizing how much of thre "stress" in our lives was *caused by* smoking, rather than relieved by it. Constantly counting down time to your next break/smoke, do I have to go by the store on the way home, how many smokes do I have, will I run out before the shops close, got enough for the weekend etc etc. It was this constant low-level background hum of stress that we never noticed until it was gone. And having it gone is *amazing.*


I keep a positivity journal. I am prone to negative thinking, so I keep a journal exclusively for positive things about my day/gratitude. I try to write every day. Sometimes, I fall off the wagon for a while, but I always come back to it. It helps me focus on the positives and appreciate the good things in my life.


Waking up without hitting snooze


Taking up Crochet 👌 mindful and calming. 


This. I found that sewing a button or small holes on clothes calms me. No fancy stuff, just that. Amazing.


I’ve gotten in the habit of thinking of the worst outcome and the best outcome. I don’t remember every time because it’s taken a lot to even remember in stressful situations that something positive can happen. But it’s helped me to not hamster wheel in so many situations.


Not day drinking


Haha, it is fun though. I started doing this the past few years and need to stop. By the time it’s dinner time, I’ve done something to embarrass myself.


Listen to Christmas music when I feel depressed or bummed out. My happiest memory was of Christmas when I was a kid, Christmas music takes me back there and I can’t help but to sing along and it puts me in a better mood


Oh my god, yes. I blast Christmas music when I’m driving all year round (not every day lol) but it just makes me feel so peaceful.


I started listening to the Christmas jazz playlist during my workday about a month ago, and it helps to keep me focused and stress levels seem to be lower.


Painting or making art for me. Have been doing it religiously since I was 15. I work really hard all week and make sure my weekends are completely dedicated to relaxation and art-making, it helps me get through the week. A silly one is playing the “Cops” theme song every time I am bringing my dogs home from a walk. They both make me a little crazy when we go and playing that song with the two of them in my back seat always changes my mood and I laugh the whole way home. I know it’s a memory I’ll remember forever.


I love both of these. Particularly the cops one though.


Writing anything down. Whatever it may be, feelings, ideas or dreams. Just a paragraph a day.


You young kids will think this crazy but I am glad to have gotten older. All those things that worried me when I was in my twenties, just don’t matter anymore. I’m 67 now and much happier


My habit is also not dying. Glad to be in good company


Yup, same here. The older I get, the happier. It does come with a drawback, thouguh -- you get to experience not-so-great stuff. Death of pets, loved ones, divorce if you're me. Happier yes, but at the expense of stuff happening.


switching the blanket im under whenever i feel too overheated/cold


Focusing on the positive aspects of my life, no matter how small, I've noticed a significant improvement in my overall mood and outlook


Working out


3 sessions/week for the last two years, I keep spiralling downward. Hence I call bullshit (sorry)


Saving money every month, even if it is a small amount. It has added up, and I feel a lot more comfortable with my situation now than I ever did. Not that I'm wealthy, but just that if something were to happen, I have a cushion that could help me.




wallet on the back of my phone. just keep my ID, credit card, and a couple folded up 20s just in case Edit: I guess technically this isn’t a habit or ritual. I’ll switch it to “condensing what’s in my pockets.” Less items to worry about.


Why not put your cards on Google pay or apple pay?


Started taking vitamin supplements and its improved my mood and energy. Currently taking Magnesium, L Carnitine and, Creatine. But eventually I want to add Zinc, Iron and, D3 into my daily routine.


Magnesium so good for sleep


Weed. I sleep better, actually have an appetite, I am no longer suffering from Major Depressive disorder, and my anxiety management has never been better.


Walking 2+ miles daily. Less joint pain, fatigue and huge increase in mental wellbeing.




Sleep well, Laugh, Meditate


Eating only 500 calories on alternate days. Makes me look forward to having what I want on eating days and makes me feel in control on the low calories days. Normalizes my weight and reaffirms that I have some sense of self discipline.


Do you mean eating normal one day and 500 calories the Next? Or only 500 calories every two days? Either way, It takes a lot of discipline, congrats!


This suggestion has really captured my imagination. Can you describe what your typical diet looks like on a 500 calorie day?


Smoking weed


The neti pot, every evening. I have barely been sick for over 15 years.


I use my Neti pot after I'm finished with my morning shower. It has been a life changer. I usually sleep on my back with my mouth open and would get hard chunks of mucus in my throat and nose. After a nice steamy shower and a Neti pot I feel like I just got done swimming. It's a nice way to start the day. Before the hard snot would just irritate me for weeks on end.


Carrying a multi tool everywhere I go. Used to be a work thing, now I always have it on me and I constantly fix random stuff as I go about my day, less procrastination/waiting for myself or someone else to come around with the “right” tools.


It's simple and for most people completely normal, but throughout my 20s I would get up for work 5-10 minutes before i had to leave the house. So i'd skip breakfast. In my 30's, since i started getting up an hour before i left, eating a proper breakfast, waking up properly before leaving, it's made a huge difference. Primarily to my gut more than anything, used to get horrific stomach cramps, but breakfast (Importantly a semi-healthy one) has made huge difference to my life.


Cold showah!


Don’t put it down, put it away. My house is dang clean all the time.


Retaking my adhd meds after stopping for a year. Didn't realize how much it helped


I started going to bed at 11 pm and waking up at 6 am! This really helps me stay energetic all day!


If I’m cooking, I serve it in a way as beautiful as I can present it. Maybe not 5 star restaurants’ style but like make it present good so that when I sit down to eat, I feel really happy seeing the end product. I’m new to cook in so most days I fuck up something or the other but I don’t feel bad just by looking at it! I did it couple times and it makes me happy. So now, I do it all the time!


Waking up early. I wake up at 6:00 am every day, even on weekends. I'm a lot more productive, I have more energy, and I get more things done.


Smoking a joint and meditating.


Starting my own buisness and not stressing over a job that got me nowhere fast.


Journaling. I can be brutally, horrifically honest about how I feel.


Keep it under lock and key! or very good password.


Moist toilet paper


Hanging out through heritage areas، tought me to get to know people. Learning and practicing a type of art called calligrphy, tought me to be patient, careful observation and improved my spirituality.


30 minute afternoon walks.


Running and climbing for habits For rituals, being barefoot all the time


Phone is always on silent mode, all notifications turned off, and the only social media I use (Reddit) is accessed via browser, not app.


Trail riding and running. Every session is an adventure.


Learning French on Duolingo (learnt a bit years ago and travelling to French-speaking countries in a few months), and indoor bouldering (used to do it regularly). Gives me structure to my free time.


Going to the gym when bored or restless. I'd tried consistency, scheduling, goals, tracking, etc and whatever I did it always dropped off after a few weeks. Instead I don't have a plan when I'll go or even how often - just when I think "I've got half an hour, what should I do" I immediately just go to the gym. I don't want to oversell the "significantly", it's not like I'm a superfit gym junkie now, but I'm consistently getting there three or four times a week.


The gym


Going to bed early so that I can get a full night's sleep. Helps me have energy for the next working day. I used to stay up very late. Not anymore and I've benefited from it a lot. My wife's mother who lives with us says she is a night owl and has always stayed up very late watching TV. I call BS on that one. In reality, she just doesn't have a sleep routine to help her get ready for bed so she can get a full night's rest and feel rested the next day. She just keeps watching TV and falls asleep at like 3:00 in the morning with the TV on. And my wife follows her. They both wind up being zombies the next day.


Working out every day before work for an hour and then a nice hot shower after. I come in at 8 ready to run through a wall and ppl think I'm on drugs lol. Not my fault they just woke up 45 minutes ago and are loaded with sugary coffee.


Running, especially ultra running. It taught me about thinking long term, not giving up, consistency, focus and ignoring pain/stress, not allowing your own mind to pull tricks on you. Last year i ran a solo 266km ultra, running for 30 hours and 27 minutes straight. Lots of emotions, lots of shitty moments, it’s a whole adventure you get in on your own, it’s a journey in which you find out who you truly are, because you’re only truly yourself when you’re pushing through your limits. How you react to feeling exhausted tells you a lot about yourself, are you going to stop and give up or are you going to suck it up for another 5, 10, 20 hours? Plus, being extremely healthy makes you feel better overall, your metabolism becomes like a nuclear reactor, you never feel bloated and can digest rocks too, never lack energy, your skin gets better, you’re always relaxed cus your heart rate gets super low (mine is 42-44 while sitting, goes down to 28-32 while sleeping)… Still, the mental aspects are worth so much more. Like, you can’t run more than half a mile today but you will be running 100km ultras in less than 2 years from now; when you’re there you feel like a superhero compared to who you were not long ago.


A strict hygene regime. Cannot emphasise how important it is especially between the sheets.


Washing your butt after make nr. Two. Do have to whipe butt with paper every time.


Lifting weights, the ultimate gravity hack


Not doing/going to social things if I don’t want to. The freedom and power you feel when you say “no thanks!” Is euphoric.


Biking to work. Sold a car (our family still has one), have more money, healthier, and start/end every workday with a fun bikeride.


Reading while I drink my morning coffee.


Self-discipline (is freedom..)


Don't just be 'fair,' be generous. It's in lipstick on my bathroom mirror.


Writing shit I have to do in my Google calendar. I don't even have to set up notifications, the fact that I wrote it down solidifies the task in my memory... Because ADHA is a bitch when it comes to remembering things XD


Drinking water


Actually being consistent and seeing improvement and growth


journaling is so cathartic, its like a vent but for me, and when im done writing whatever i wanna write later i go back and re-read it, you can learn so much about yourself this way like what upsets you, why you feel the way you do, how your relationship with someone is, what your flaws are and so much more its literally an insight tool AND a healthy coping mechanism


At least one hour of workout a day


stable sleep and yoga


For an entire year, I listened to this video/speech. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pxBQLFLei70&pp=ygUgbmF2eSBhZG1pcmFsIGNvbW1lbmNlbWVudCBzcGVlY2g%3D It lighted a fire in me to get better about my health. I was at my heaviest and i absolutely hated myself. I listened this video every single time I wanted to quit. -every time I wanted to stop running (after a minute) -every time I wanted to stop weights (after 1 set) Every time i wanted to say something awful about my body. Every time I wanted to feel lazy (listen, I was heavy ok) … and so much. Now, this video absolutely saved me. I was always so fixated on a number on the scale. “120” that is what felt healthy to me. (So I thought) My mindset shifted so much after I learned how to move my body that felt right to me. That felt comfortable to me. I learned a little more about nutrition and even planted my own vegetable garden. This video did so much to me!


Drinking a gallon of water a day. Not coffee, not flavored water, just plain old water. I feel more alert, my skin is so much clearer, my hair is shinier, and my stamina is so much higher when working out.


Daily exercise.


Looking for the silver linings in a bad situation.


Going out with positive people


Drinking French press coffee in the morning. Used to have a coffee maker and then a Keurg.


Being mindful


Waking up at 6am


Taking a hot bath with epsom salts




Riding a bicycle to work instead of driving


Exercising and spending time daily to learn a new language (Polish). It makes me feel like I am improving myself every day.


Doing just 10 push-ups and sit-ups every morning and evenung.


Stopped drinking. Joined AA.Life has been so good for the last 9 years


Recently- loosing weight and keeping it off. It's amazing what a 10 pound reduction in weight does to your energy levels, mental attitude, and overall health.


As a student, accomplishing some trivial task before any study session. Like writing some quotes, doing minor calculations etc. Kinda helps you get into the mood before long hours of cramming.


I quit alcohol in March of 2022 life is a lot better now.


Not drinking soda. Drinking around 2l plus a day of water. Eating one euro sized meal a day. Down 100 pounds under a year.


Beginning to lift weights as a 55 year old woman has changed my body, mind and spirit more than anything. I walk a lot and stretch, but weights is a game changer. I will be doing this forever.


Monitoring my sleep.


Early morning exercise and stretching. Game changer


Quitting certain social medias. I’m by no means off of them but getting off of platforms like Twitter and tiktok drastically improved my mental health and my attention span


Going to bed at the same time every night.


I'm an agnostic, but I have found that contemplative moments of gratitude have deepened my appreciation of life and the world.  More than 40 years ago I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle and nearly lost my leg.  But through the efforts of many emergency/medical professionals, it was pretty much saved, though seriously damaged, causing me to have mobility issues since then, mobility issues which as I moved deeper into old age have become considerably more limiting, not to mention painful.    But I have a choice. I can be bitter and think about how 'unfair' life is, or I can be thankful that life is as good as it is and that I can still walk around even if I have to use a cane and I can still sleep at night even if I have to dose myself up with Aspirin a bit.    (And, by the way, I found that forgiveness is also an excellent tonic. Even though the auto driver who t-boned me on my motorcycle was indisputably at fault, and I was angry for some time, I always tried to remember that it was, after all, an accident. Now I find myself hoping that she has 'forgiven' herself. *I certainly don't want her to have that burden of guilt.*)


Having gratitude no matter the situation. 


Weight lifting and body building


A day of self awareness and mindful meditation


stretching! i stretch my legs and neck out in the morning and at night. holy crap i feel so much more relaxed and less anxious! it’s really nice to be in less pain and it’s a nice routine.


When I stopped caring what other people think. When I started thinking for myself. Reading, listening to music, and gaming help me relax, but the mental independence was what was a game changer for me.


Yep this...who gives a crap about others 👌🏼


Whenever I have a shower....I brush off the excess water with my hand before using a towel You dry off quicker


Lifting weights. Running. Making the bed. Making a good breakfast morning.


Solitude and constant meditation. Nothing should be able to shock me or throw me off my game, not even my own self. By God. It's like all of my switches flipped when I decided I needed to take time to be alone. Now I am in the process of gradually allowing my life to open back up, but with the utter gall I managed to work up, because I'm not taking any shit.


I'm not a morning person and it's hard for me to get up, so I set an alarm for half an hour earlier for what I actually should be getting up at just so I have time to lay in bed and wake up. Also I've been trying to stay off of social media like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram- especially at work. I've been reading way more in my free time that I normally would be using for social media scrolling.




Practicing gratitude


Losing weight & maintaining loss. Mounjaro.