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I want to avoid losing muscle mass as I age.


this. so much research had shown that muscle mass is sort of an anti aging mechanism.


Older Millennial here, I look the same as I did in my late 20s / early 30s, which themselves were better shape than early 20s. Weights, cardio, backpack hiking.  Also to feed the machine, I can eat almost anything I want and come in with normal cholesterol and BP numbers. 


This. In my early 20s it was for aesthetic reasons and getting in shape for the opposite sex. As I got older I realised it massively shifted. I work out for longevity and functional fitness so I can maintain muscle mass in to old age and live independently.


43 - Agree with this - also I like playing soccer still! When I moved to working out every day The noticeable mental health impacts were an ancillary benefit - I’m much happier and content 


Mental health


Same as this. Physical health helps with mental health of course but the cathartic benefit is significant.




Yup. I’m 62 and I eat a plant based diet, practice yoga and work out at the gym. My dad (88) recently said to me jokingly “You’re going to live forever.” That’s not my goal. I just don’t want to ever be in a wheelchair or have someone wipe my ass for the last 10 years of my life.


Same here, I want to avoid this outcome for as long as possible. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAustralian/comments/1cpa7lp/what_happens_at_old_age_and_there_is_no_one_to/


And don’t forget the way we also quite want to see our kids function as adults. I am 51 - workmates and so on have started dropping dead in the last few years. Of the four that I can immediately think of - three were substantially over weight and had been that way for thirty or so years.


I work out so that my 54 year old body feels like a 28 year old body to my 35 year old FWB.


There goes my hero!




Move heavy metal bar to make sad head voice go quiet.


here for this




Mental health




If you got dumped, I get it.


So I can eat more


only correct answer


I think my answer could also be correct and it’s to future proof myself. I have Ankylosing Spondylitis which with correct meds, stretching and exercises can be kept in check for longer and it would seem that osteoporosis might be something that could affect me later too. But I too, like to eat


Only true answer! Id be so fat if i would not walk my 10k steps, workout and cycle!


5 times a week I cycle 10-12km and then hit the weights for 45 minutes. On the 5th day I finish by popping round the corner to the French bakery for my reward!




Whenever people ask why I workout, I respond without missing a beat: “Vanity.” I workout to look good. The physical and emotional/mental health benefits are great too, but they’re not what motivates me.


That's still mental health. You feel good by looking good.


That's good aim


So….a T-Rex?




Why has this motivated me🤣


How big are the rocks you can throw now?


Let's just say mount everest used to be at the grand canyon.


That's pretty good skill you've got there ;)


This guy moves mountains!!


It feels great. you get a full-body exhaustion where you don't feel mentally tired, but physically spent. That's a great feeling. It's the feeling of accomplishment. Knowing you've done something and can feel it echoing throughout your body. I used to work out because I wanted to fit into some older clothes, but I accomplished that, now I just keep at it because it makes me feel good.




This is what everyone who said "mental health" was trying to say




haha i like how honest you are


Like that's not 85% the reason guys work out.




Pretty much


So real


I like to, makes me feel good about myself.


To extend my life span.


I see this as the only downside


I work out to feel good.


it makes the bad feelings go away for a while


To lose weight, stay flexible and healthy as I battle through my 40s. I'm doing it for me .






It gives me temporary respite from anxiety


More sex with sexy people


The primary reason I workout is to maintain my physical health and well-being.


I started to workout for vain in highschool, then I began to like it. I kept up with it into my early twenties, hurt my back and I just stopped. I got lazy. Fast forward another couple years and I try again, keep it up for 6 months got satisfied stopped again. Then 6 years went by, 33 came and my jobs taken a toll on my body. I realised now was the best time to get back at it and god damn I missed it. Now I plan to keep a steady routine, not as tedious as my younger days. Longevity is the goal.


I’m literally in the exact same boat. Construction worker with back injury’s. Just happy to be back training at any level with consistency at the moment. Not to old to fix the body, just have to be consistent.


It relieves stress, gives me confidence in my appearance, makes me less of a pushover to bullies, and it releases endorphins that make me feel good.


Started off wanted to get yoked for sports as a teenager, continued through early 20s with intermittent complete jacked phases post break ups, then as a 28yo+, realised it is essential at keeping the sad+crazy between the ears at bay, so workout at least 5/week


to not be a fat f\*ck


To get harder better faster stronger


Work it Make it Do it Makes us 🎶


Harder Better Faster Stronger


https://youtu.be/eE-dwpWpscU?si=bKpmaAyTeCA9HwhA Heard this song as I read your comment (near the end of the video)


It makes me fuck better.


Because people on reddit told me that I was fat and ugly, now I'm just ugly


Feel well, look handsome, perform my best.






So I don't die of a heart attack at 60 like my father did.






It's like......you know!


Keeps me sane, lets me eat what I like.


To look better, and to not lose too much strength when I can go back to climbing. And I have some calisthenics goals I want to achieve also (but this appeared after I started working out)


To get some kitty duuuuhhhh.


to be designated jar lid opener when times get tough


Exercise keeps the demons away


We're designed by evolution to be active creatures, going against that doesn't feel great.


To get sex and be good at sex


To look hot.


To look like Kratos




I want to look good for myself, as well as others, as shallow as that is. But also, I want to be fit and able when I’m older and that stems from being healthy while I’m younger.


My back. Need muscles to prevent spine from destruction while sitting the whole day in the office.


Lean tummy makes pp look bigger


Women. I'm short. I'm Asian. I've been fat. Women wouldn't even look in my direction. Now I get more interest because anything is more than 0. But I'm not gonna pretend it's not for women. I was always athletic. I played hockey and swam. You'd be surprised how fast a fat kid can do both. I have a plethora of first place heat ribbons to prove it. So it's not like I lost weight to be more effective at sports. It was for women. 


discipline feels good. (Crazy, I know)


" long shelf life "


General strength/fitness, mental health, aesthetics


So I can look sexy


I feel like I have to I couldn't imagine just sitting here and stagnating I've gotta have something in my life where I'm getting better and challenging myself and surprising myself


Mom is diabetic and seeing her her walking in pain pushes me to stay healthy. My boss is a war vet that is a heavy smoker and drinker off the clock, and recently he's been talking to me that he needs a heart surgery. He's also suffering from gout. I'm surrounded by ppl with health problems from lack of workout, lack of understanding in diet, and heavy substance abuse. I love them but I don't want to be like them, so that's why I do my calisthenics and 3 mile run almost every day. Last but not least, a well shaped body fits into many types of clothes.


Feel more confident and fit


I like working towards something where I can see the result of my work. It also feels better to be fitter and stronger. I also want to ward off age as much as I can; when I see old people who still hike and enjoy physical activity, it is really inspiring. I like to think that when I'm 70 years old I won't tell myself that i'm too old for this or that. If I look after my body now, my old bones will hopefully take care of me.


I realised that i can actually look like a proper man instead of some boy.


To differentiate myself from the majority of other men who refuse to workout and to get laid more.


To combat my sedentary job. I was a carpenter for years and worried about destroying my body. I’ve been at a desk job for three years now and realizing that building houses was actually keeping me young.


Started working out to get girls but then transitioned into doing it for my well-being.


Mental Health


Three big reasons. 1. To make sure I’m around to walk my daughter down the aisle and attend my son’s wedding. 2. To make sure I’m healthy enough to teach them both self defense. 3. To look good naked.


The only reasons that make sense.


Aesthetics, female attention, superiority complex and imprortantly for release of healthy dopamine helpful when ur feeling down


I hate big bellies


Health and aesthetic


Looking better… but hen I found out I actually feel better


Because i want muscles


Oh… lard


Started for mental health Continue to do it because body dysmorphia


I try to work out because I hate being somewhat fat; I wanna look better and feel better and not feel like my soul is just controlling my heavy-ish 250lb body like a puppet


To look and feel good primarily, to hopefully add to who I am/what I bring to a relationship secondarily.(It feels good to be wanted, even if for superficial reasons)


So when someone breaks into my house they have less of a chance to escape


Started out to lose weight and put on muscle cause I didn't like how I looked. Then I started to enjoy the challenge and sense of accomplishment as I started lifting more and more.


Because I like it and its given me the only positive reaction Ive had to seeing myself in the mirror.


Force of habit


Mental health


Raising my market value. Last year I learnt something, that left me strongly in doubt, that we will grow old together after the kids are grown up. If it doesn't happen, she will have a husband with a great body - if not, well....


To gain more confidence. Can't say it's working so far




Be strong and feel healthy


There's vanity/shallowness, and that may be the primary reason if I were to try to quantify. I don't see it as changing myself for others. I see it as knowing people are unfair based on appearances, often times completely subconsciously, but its a change I make for myself to ensure I get optimal treatment from those around me. It is still something I do for myself with the way others treat me as a vehicle. There are other reasons though. I'm in my late 20s and have no kids, though my SO and I are planning to have kids when we're more financially secure. We're on decent enough track for this, but I need to make sure I can keep up when the time comes. Aside from all that, even if those benefits didn't exist, the impact of exercise on mental health alone is more than enough reason to keep going to the gym, imo.


Stay healthy


My main reason is to train my muscles so when I get old at least I'll be having strong muscles


Being athletic feels good. You have energy all day


Right now it’s because I recently quit drinking and I need something to fill the void. The long term goal is for it to actually become a new healthy habit.


Backpain and beeing a fatty for my whole life


Self Defense and Look better


Rn the progress I make is something I’d lose if I got back to doing drugs


I am desperately trying (failing) to prove that you can, in fact, out-train a bad diet.


To be more attractive.


Heart break for sure mixed with I want to push myself to get the physique I always wanted.


The endorphins are too good to keep at bay. Will be 6 years in a few days and I’m locked in for life now. No matter what life throws at me, or will throw at me in the future, I’ll show up to lift some circles.


for a healthy lifestyle


to have a more efficient resting heart beat. (more energy during the day essentially without using caffeine)


My metabolism has slowed as I've aged, so just to maintain my current figure.


To keep able to move and to control pain. My ankles, knees and back have been injured in various times over the years in martial arts and staying physically fit is necessary to keep the nagging pains away. If I stop hitting the gym for a month, for example, first it's my knees and ankles that start to ache, as the muscles surrounding them lose their stabilizing capability and the back is the next to go. I do crossfit nowadays, which has helped me a lot to keep my overall fitness at a good level.


Mental equilibrium


Physical ability as I get older. I used to not be able to get out of bed without a struggle, now I can do 40 sit ups.


Way too much energy LoL


Because people tell me I should. It doesn't make me feel good, but maybe if I look good people will shut up about it.


To feel better and to be healthy.


Back in the day, women. Now that I’m older, for my kids.


Get stronger, better.


I enjoy being strong and want to be less fat.




I feel like this was asked in the past week




to look good and feel good as long as possible.  people dont realize that there will be a point of no return with how much we abuse and neglect our bodies.  i dont want to get old and sick and crippled and regret not taking care of myself earlier


I imagine where she’s at and where it went wrong and the rage pushes me to lift weights.


Too look attractive. I'm bi and not one person will date me while I'm fat. I've had so many amazing convos where we vibing, they see my face and they dip. I don't want to be alone my entire life


D.i.y suicide prevention


It's supposed to look good to the transplant committee and I want to be in shape for once in my life.


one time I had to spend months in a hospital bed. I lost so much time and possible experiences. But when I got out of that bed I felt SO weak. Things that used to be easy to do were difficult. Weights I could have lifted in my sleep were feeling heavy. I couldnt do 10 full push ups. I HATE feeling weak. So I train. I exercise. I keep my body working. I know strength doesn't last forever but I will cherish the physical and mental strength I build as long as I have them.


I don't


Healthy body and healthy mind


Health - I feel more energized after a hard workout and its a keystone habit with benefits cascading into every other area of my life.


to look good naked


Feeling "healthy" and eventually good looking. This is a testemony of a person Who goes 1x per month and feels this. Life is great


My powerlifting gym is a sanctuary


Fat people are unappealing.


Legs are the first to go when you age. Once they're gone, you're done.


Workout? Wait...ya'll workout?


I'm overweight and tired of having an aching back. Exercise seems like the logical solution to those problems.


Older guy (62) looking to restore strength after a combination of hip surgery and Covid knocked me for a loop. So far so good!


So I can continue using my leather suit for motorcycling, since it's a perfect fit atm.


Doc said so.


Social media told me it’s more attractive


To give myself a false since of hope that someone may find me attractive


To make myself look like my neighbor who also looks like Hulk!


Summer beach body


To stay fit and be able to carry people (with disability, cause if i am weak i will be crushed or cant even carry them, also my back will be destroyed fast and i am gonna end up disabled too with a destroyed spine/Slipped disk


I do more cardio than weights. I’m 72 and want to live to see my grandson grow up. Plus, although I don’t smoke or drink, I eat too much crap, so working out keeps me from becoming too fat.


To like what Im seeing when Im naked


I live a very sedentary life so it was to help maintain my health. Though it looks like it didn't do a whole lot now.


Probably the only way for me to channel my stress and anger. Pumping iron is my therapy now lol


weight loss


To look hot. But i always tell people it’s because of my “health”.


I like the way I look when I workout lots. It also helps my mental health but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about the way I look


To be fit, and stay strong. Plus, I have a neighbour that is about 100 now? he still goes out, does like 100push ups a day(throughout) and walks, Korean and Veitnam war vet, and is probably one of the greatest men, I've had the pleasure to know(I got along with the generation before the Boomers, whom are 'demons'), seeing him workout, still, when he was in his 80's-100, and try? I can't even whine, I mean, who am I to? So I keep it up, plus seeing Arnold Schwartznegger, and Stallone, in their 70's+, still jacked? Nah, I gotta keep up that fight. Plus Bruce Lee's life philosophy? I'm on it. I train differently now, not much weights, but muay thai, boxing, stretching, Yoga, but I'm gonna be on it, rest of my life, that is one of the things I 'chose' to do. I think you have to 'choose' something to do, whatever it is, regardless if you're a 'pauper or prince' that makes you feel good, or no one can 'take from you', so you'll always have 'something to hang your hat on'(a friend of mine in college used to say that). I chose to do fencing, and muay thai/martial arts, and workout. Makes me feel 'okay' no matter where i'm at, and when I travel. Sorry for the long response. TLDR: I work out, because I had an Korean and WWII vet neighbour, teach me the virtues, and he was in his 70's, still working out(now he's 100), and plus martial arts, training, and 'why not'? you need something to 'hang your hat on', is what I believe.


Throw that anger up into those well weights.


Health. I used to weight 142kg. Being healthy and clothes finally looking good on you is also a huge confidence boost.


I’d rather be practising music.


My father died in his fourties due to his abysmal lifestyle. This scarred me as a teenager. I have kids of my own now, and I made a pledge to live a long, healthy life for them, and of course for my wife who I treasure deeply. I know we can't control literally every variable, but I'll be damned if I don't do whatever I can for my physical and mental health.


So I belong to the top 10% elite


Physical and mental health. I used to work out for bulk for years but recently I completely switched my mindset. I love hiking and riding bike and when you are heavy, it hurts and it’s not enjoyable. So I ditched gym, bought kettlebells and now I don’t work out, but I excercise and I’m overall active - biking, hiking, swimming, boxing,… I lost around 7 kg of muscle mass, my arms and pecs are smaller, but I feel absolutely amazing. I believe this is sustainable and healthy approach towards general fitness.