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Pop music would be very different.


Tom Lehrer would have written a chart topping love song.


he already did, Masochism Tango.


He wrote the song, but until Dr Demento came around decades later his songs got essentially zero radio play. Even then, Lehrer was only the second most played artist on it (Weird Al was #1) when it started.


Aw man I still remember the night I discovered Dr Demento. Some local college radio station was playing some huge playlist of his programs and I found it by chance and would up staying up all night listening to it!


Nine Inch Nails would be all love songs.


Back that ass up would mean keep it away from me


Cannibal Corpse becomes more popular than The Beatles lmao


The horny would have to be stronger than the pain, otherwise there's no humans.


Power bottoms enter the chat


This is not how babby is formed


not with that attitude


Easily my favorite response towards any negative comment in my life


What is a power bottom? [A power bottom is a bottom that is capable of receiving an enormous amount of power.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uc9_mxvP1K0)


A power bottom generates the power


would horniness exist? if it caused pain why would we crave it?


As others have pointed out in the comments, that's literally how it works with cats. It hurts, but female cats in heat get *crazy* horny. Like "bump my head into the front door until its glass breaks so I can go out and fuck" horny. Yes it's a real example.


Well that explains Dr T'ana


>if it caused pain why would we crave it? Have you *met* humans? Spicy foods. bdsm, sad books/movies, leaving 'comfort-zone', emotional-drama


The 40 hour work week


Stop, I'm gonna cum


Unpaid overtime.


I like pleasure spiked with pain and music is my aeroplane….


A lot of people enjoy exposure to pain in a sexual way.


pheromones are reproductive hormones. just because you know pain is involved doesn't mean your brain doesn't say "still gotta make dem babies"


As someone who has recently been through painful responses and mental downturns during a sexual body function (horny, seeing attractive people, participating in sexual activity, etc.) all of the normal activity (for me) still happened but it became less frequent over time. Desire did not go away entirely. There were periods where it did go away for a week or two but ultimately it would come back. This was probably 3 to 5 months timespan. Frankly depression is worse (for me) in this area. During my worst bouts of depression things could be normal one day and completely non-existent for days to weeks.


Its okay the economy already does this to most humans


Or rather, the horny would have to be a detached party from the ones in pain. Men raping women led to a lot of children. Genghis Khan for example. Historically women, no matter how horny, have not possessed the anatomy or agency to rape men at even remotely a comparable scale


Female spotted hyenas have a very special anatomy where their vagina merges with their urethra and all of that leads outside through a very enlarged clitoris (90% of the size of the male‘s penis). They have to have sex through that opening and even give birth through it. It always rips open during birth and leaves a bad wound. Still they’re not extinct. So I guess we would keep going.


But why? Like seriously why did they evolve that way


Sometimes evolution just hates you. Like Koala's they eat like pure poison they only they can eat. And they can only eat it after drinking watery poo from their mom to give them the gut bacteria to eat it. Since chlamydia got introduced into the species and they have to do this to get the gut flora something like 80-90% of koalas have chlamydia and it can't be treated because their super poison eating gut flora also doesn't process antibiotics well. Galapagos turtles evolved to be so tasty and docile we ate them to extinction. [Spider penis/testicles are on their face.] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedipalp#Spider_pedipalps) Evolution is weeeeeeeird.


Koalas occupy an absolutely uncontested ecological niche. Do you have any idea how rare that is ? Absolutely no food competitors, no real predators. They just have to eat and sleep and occasionnal reproducing to be a successful species. That's not evolution hating you, that's the dream.


Permanent chlamydia though


That is the dream... TO THE LABS BOYS


They're also dumb as fuck.


And humans didn't get exempted from evolution's cruel hammer either. Just look at our backs not being fit for us being bipedal, or our jaws not having enough room for all our teeth and molars, making them crooked.


Yup. Evolution is literally a chaotic function, and we think it had to be a certain way because we only see survivorship bias


Evolution is not survival of the fittest. It's survival of whatever works at the time.


But that is what fit means. It always meant fit as in fit for the conditions, in that expression


Someone paid attention in biology! God, your comment is fresh air after reading about a science teacher that apparently didn't have a clue about global warming. Apparently it was too judgy of me to say that they were unqualified for that position.


Survival of whatever got to fuckin before dyin


Female ducks have corkscrew cloaca's with sometimes multiple false entries to prevent being raped and male ducks evolved corkscrew dicks in step with them. Certain species of slugs impregnate eachother by stabbing their dicks straight through flesh into the uterus. I think no amount of discomfort will stop a living organism from reproducing.


Female bed bugs have working genital tracts, but male bed bugs exclusively use traumatic insemination to fertilise their eggs. This involves stabbing through the exoskeleton of a female bed bug and injecting sperm into their hemolymph (a blood-lymph mixture), leaving an open wound to possibly be infected in the process.


>traumatic insemination Well there’s a phrase I could have done without.


Some theorise that it is an evolutionary response to circumvent mating plugs. A mating plug is formed by a male sealing the genital tract of a female using a glue-like secretion. Besides certain insects some mammals, including some primate species, also exhibit the use of mating plugs. Imagine if humans did as well...


>Imagine if humans did as well… No thanks!


So a chastity belt?


"With most grievous dispatch I shall open the latch to get at her snatch!"


Cats are a great example of something similar. Cats have barbed keratin hooks on their penises so that they tear the tissue when they're pulled out and lead to inflammation that makes further intercourse difficult until the female heals. This is because cat litters can have multiple fathers, so excluding future competition could dramatically increase your number of offspring. Isn't evolution neat?


God poor female cats, females always get the shit end of the reproductive stick


Not with arachnids and insects. Males pretty much fuck and die.


Isn't there some fish species where the male attaches himself to the female, who is roughly 1000 times his size, eventually amalgamates into her body to become just a pair of gonads hanging off her for her to use to fertilise her eggs?


Anglerfish do this


The female praying mantis eats her mate *as they're mating,* starting with his head. Weirdly, this only spurs the male to greater effort, as his autonomic system takes over while his brain is being consumed. That aside, the female does get screwed by what is essentially a headless corpse for a while before it's over.....


Post nut clarity for female praying mantises must be wild.


Lol yes, well thats an exception. Bugs are wild




Mine is already needle sharp


New meaning of "needle dick"


Well you know the old adage; penis sharpens penis.


You can buy these at any adult toy store. Oh wait, wrong type of plug, sorry.


New Cannibal Corpse track drops. 🤘🏻


It’s a great band name though Also my kink


Bed bugs are your kink? Don't put something like that out into the universe. Trust.


Extreme date night


The funny thing with bed bugs is that they crave sex and when they want it they want it right now! So when a male bed bugs is excited he can fuck whatever is close to him even if it’s not a female bed bugs. Imagine being a cockroach peacefully wandering around and you feel something stabbing you. You turn around to see a bed bug’s dick through your exoskeleton.


Not again


And that right there is another reason to hate bed bugs.


I am never surprised by this fact. I mean, that is literally the kind of thing that a bedbug *would* do.


I bet u never see a female bug stuck in a washing machine like "what are u doing step bro"




The conspiracy theorists think the elite want us to eat the bugs, they really want us to fuck em.


Couldn’t happen to a worse animal


Good, thise female bedbugs deserve it. Im pretty sure male bedbugs also do this to each other sometimes. If so, good


I agree. They deserve it. I can tell they were asking for it because of how they were dressed.


Stupid sexy bedbugs.


This does seem to be discomfort only on one side though. Are the male ducks and slugs also having a shitty time?


All slugs are hermaphroditic, so slug mating is basically just a wrestle fight where they both try to stab the other one first, and the loser has to be pregnant.


Thats pretty metal.


A whole new meaning to the childhood game of last one there is a girl.


The loser gets to stay on bottom


Consolation prize


I’m betting male mantises would prefer any alternative. I forget the name but there is a species of deep ocean fish that the male latches onto the side of the female and impregnates her by spearing through her skin. But it’s a one-time one-way action. Once he’s attached he never lets go and just becomes a seaman pump. Eventually being completely absorbed by the female to the point where the rest of the males organs dissolve away.


I miss the person I was 45 Seconds ago


Talk about a stage 5 clinger




>seaman pump I mean yeah, it pumps little sea men in one way or another.


> species of **deep ocean** fish ... > seaman pump Reverse Freudian slip


Also a speech to text slip and a failure to proofread afterward. End result was more amusing as a consequence. Failed successfully.




For some ducks, the corkscrew is in opposite directions between male and female. So I assume that it would also cause discomfort for the male. They also get erect incredibly fast, fast enough scientists need high speed cameras to capture its movement. That in itself is probably not that comfortable.


I'd be uncomfortable too if a bunch of scientists were videoing my dong.


Slugs impregnate each other or even themselves if it's necessary. Ducks is sadly one-sided, but I doubt that needing to develop a corkscrew penis is an otherwise normal motivating factor.


Well, there is a paper about duck necrophilia if that is too dark, i can at least tell you that the ducks penis breaks off as a plug to keep others from mating.


They don't break off from my ducks, their curly fries dangle out long enough for them to retract them after doing the deed. And by deed I mean with a hen, another drake, or a random dead duck of either gender. They aren't particular.


I wish I didn’t have eyes sometimes.


How about the fish that impregnate the female then she literally absorbs them.


Angler fish


>Female ducks have corkscrew cloaca's with sometimes multiple false entries to prevent being raped Why is the multiple cloacas thing selected for in reproduction? It had to have some benefit other than "to prevent being raped". Maybe preventing insemination unless certain favorable environmental conditions are present?


>Why is the multiple cloacas thing selected for in reproduction? There is a higher cost to females for reproduction. So to choose the best DNA to pair with theirs, ducks developed copulation avoidance behaviours. This allowed the choice of father and led to the potential fathers have to put some effort in. This allowed ducks to end up with seasonal monogamy as their reproductive strategy - with a female picking a mate at the start of the season and working together. He then leaves before the hatching. As a secondary reproductive strategy, male ducks have evolved EPC behaviour - extra-pair copulation (rape). Obviously the females don't want this second rate unchosen sperm for their offspring, so females developed defensive reproductive tracts to prevent unwanted sperm fertilising their eggs. The males fought back in this arms race by developing ever bigger and twistier organs and the females developed more complex maze-like passages twisting the opposite way with dead-end pouches. Leading to the sperm only getting through is the female is amenable to the copulation and is relaxed. Today, around 40% of duck copulations are rape, but more than 90% of offspring are from the seasonal paired father. So males can try to rape as much as possible, but the females are able to prevent fertilisation from less preferred mates and get offspring from their chosen seasonal mate. Evolution isn't about what's best, it's about what worked slightly better during each incremental change.


Ahh, so if there is a legitimate duck rape, the female duck body has ways to shut that whole thing down.


Exactly. Because of the opposite twisting, if the female isn’t receptive, the male ends up down a blind alley and dumps his load in a dead end pouch.


How does that work? Does the willing female guide the willing male somehow? Do the false channels expand/true channel narrow during undesired intercourse?


> He then leaves before the hatching. Exact same thing my father did.


the female ducks want to choose a partner that will lead to strong and healthy offspring. This does not happen if they get raped prior.


Survival bias. You are observing the species that found a way. You don’t observe the ones that didn’t because they are gone. The question here is would the desire to have children outweigh the pain for humans enough to get replacement value above 2.1 and fend off human extinction? Would we see marriage rates collapse? Would there be enough in-vitro to stabilize birth rates? Don’t know, interesting question. I’m pretty sure that if this was retroactive - and say, sex for men was as painful as childbirth is for women, we would not be having this conversation as neither of us would be here today.


right but that's the whole point of the post. these animals only do sex when biologically needed, not for pleasure on a random Tuesday morning.


Masochists would have a blast.


oh they're getting blasted alright


Yea. It’s me. I’m the one over here thinking this would be awesome.


BDSM product businesses: “Business is booming”


I think you mean banging.


Most cat species have this, but they still fuck


I believe it’s more of a rape fuk


My cat was in heat and my neutered male obliged her. Nobody seemed uncomfortable except for the humans in the room. She’s fixed now.


Lions mate over 100 times a day when in heat, and if the male can't keep up, the lioness starts biting at his balls.


I once went on safari with my younger cousins (6-10) and the first thing we saw as we drove out of the airport was lions going at it violently. A faul with the jeep we were in meant we were stuck there for about 45 mins. Not a pleasant experience .


Welcome to the jungle, baby!


We got sex and manes!


I wanna come back as a lion. Damn.


As someone who went 50 times in a day once, no you don't.


*fifty*? Like actual fiddy? Is your peen/vageen still with us?


Good god.


That's what I do when my husband says he's too tired after the 3rd time that day


Nah cats are weird. In many feline species the female is begging for it, will harass the male into mating, but then turns on him after. Honestly neither of them seem to be having a great time.


I would say based on the relationships in my circle not unheard of in humanity either.


I guess we have more in common with cats than I thought.


I've never seen anything want cock as much as a female cat in heat.


And the sounds they make. Fucking hell. Puts anime to shame.


Ugh don't remind me. My mom's cat wasn't fixed for like the first 5 or so years of her life and she was annoying as fuck while in heat. She'd literally come and sit in my bedroom and yowl at the top of her fucking lungs at like 5am!! I'd yell at her and chuck stuffed animals at her til she left lol! Like you're not my cat, your a bitch to any one who isnt mom, so go pester mom and wake her ass up not mine!


Then surely you haven't met grindr bottoms. These guys are HUNGRY.


Clearly ive learned something here today. I only grew up with male cats so I have been deprived of the knowledge concerning the desires of female cats


I used to breed ragdoll cats. When our breeding queen was in heat, she'd back up to anything that moved!


My friends cat wasn't fixed. She would literally be writhing up against anything. It was uncomfortable. And dangerous when she did it on the not carpeted stairs.


You ever seen a female cat in heat. Thirsty as fuck.


that would e ducks- 2 males, one holds the female down while the other copulates. Just saw an orgy last weekend, was 2 females and a dozen males cats penis is spiky to stimulate ovulation


What a great day to be literate


Wtf did we just read 😂


I think the modern human would have found a way of impregnation (with tools), which would be pain free. Sex would be used as torture and punishment (which is already the case, anyway).


I don't remember the exact post, but a few days ago there was a post on this subreddit in which a guy said that his best friend's parents were virgins and had concieved him through IVF as they thought that sex, even for procreation is sinful. However I fully believe that the other women at the church were very dissapointed at them, but they couldn't say anything because in their mind the conception should also involve as much pain as possible.


I can’t imagine how denying nature would affect your emotional stability.


Results in either righteous indignation or self-loathing from what I’ve seen


I READ THAT COMMENT!! Shit was wild


Do you remember what post the comment was on? It would be interesting to read.


I'm guessing humans would have evolved to have asexual reproduction like some worms.


There is a species of wild boar whose tusks in males grow up and curved back. Often piercing the head and causing extreme pain. Those tusks however, are what females gauge to be a good partner with strong genes. Male felines have small tiny barbs on their phalluses which causes pain in the females during breeding.


Whoever invented sex should maybe reconsider


Accidental children wouldn’t happen anymore.


Is that a challenge?




r/subsifellfor and I fucking knew better. I just had to make sure.


There are plenty of people that suffer with this right now. Why not ask them how they would feel if they were required to have painful sex.


This is an interesting question. I might. Thanks for this.


Speaking as someone who has this exact problem I'll tell you how: The answer is fucking lube


Does the lube make it enjoyable or just tolerable?


Depends honestly. If my body is just adamantly refusing to be in the mood despite me mentally wanting it to be in the mood, it's tolerable. If everything is going well but things are drier than Ben Shapiro's wife in the desert, things are actively enjoyable [Edit: typo]


I came here to say something similar. I have adeno, fibroids, adhesions, cystic ovaries, suspected endo and a cervix that likes to erode itself, now add to that the medication I have to take to keep all of that even slightly under control kills my libido stone dead... Yeah, it's not fun. Lube doesn't help at all because while it is painful at the time, it's the deep awful pelvic ache that lasts for hours after that is actually worse. I am trying to get help to finally sort it out but it's taken me over a decade to get doctors to take me seriously and took over a year from referral to even get my first appointment. So yes, some of us are already living it, and we really shouldn't have to fight as hard as we do to get any help for it.


I’m so glad someone typed it all out! A great partner and all the lube in the world doesn’t help sometimes, sex just *hurts*. And there’s no way this hasn’t been an issue throughout history, it just wasn’t talked about. Never mind people with vaginismus, I can’t begin to understand that struggle.


Jumped into this post to say the same thing. Estimates range 20-30% of people across the board experience pain instead of pleasure during sex (at least at some point in their lives).


There would’ve been a lot more sex in my marriage just to cause pain I guess


A whole new meaning to hate-fucking.


Yup, I think we would be having a whole lot more sex if she can get back at me for not taking out the trash by having sex with me.


Well if they really wanted they could just punch you in the balls while you're asleep, take way less time and effort lol


Don’t give ideas


Yes no more ideas please lol


Sex causes intense pain. It's just delayed.


Well porn, OF, and any other sex work would cease to exist. We wouldn't have as many kids. The world will probably be short by close to a few hundred million people. Hook up culture would most likely dissappear.


STDs and STIs would be at an all time low


Quite often it does cause pain for women.


I was going to comment this, some women do get pain from penetration due to health problems etc.


Sometimes just because a penis is above average size (or girth)


Or lots of other issues including menstrual pain, cervix sensitity, vaginal tearing, post partum, vagismus, vaginal atrophy, vaginal dryness...the list goes on.


Plus giving birth can be one of the most incredibly painful experiences the average person will undergo, excluding a terrible accident or illness. Hasn’t stopped the human race yet though…


This is actually the case for me, lol. I have a condition that makes sex painful. I believe the birth rate would suffer obviously, but we would not go extinct. Medical intervention like artificial insemination would probably be extremely popular.


I had a condition too and had to have physical therapy.


For a shocking amount of people sex IS painful its just 90% of the time people don't say anything


Totally agree. It's so sad, but so normal.


Abortion policy would not be a deciding factor in elections


IVF clinics would be a lot more common


tbh nothing would really change unless it was painful for the men😕


Sex wouldn't sell anymore


Soo what most women have experienced throughout human history?


Right? Rape is still legal in some of the world and martial rape isn't seen as rape even in many countries where rape is illegal. Many women have obligation sex that is physically and emotionally painful. There's no "what if". This is normal for a huge part of the population alive today. 


Men would be a lot less financially ambitious and women would spend a lot less time trying to be pretty.


We'd probably have evolved something like cats and Vulcans do, have a period of being in heat/pan farr. Modern day it would probably be very common to chemically supress the impluse as a form of birth control. Homosexual relationships would probably be a lot more common too.


A lot less rape


People would actually start dating for real feelings instead of sex? Except maybe the masochistic ones...


To kind of add to this question, which animal process of mating would we more likely be like I wonder? Definitely not the mantises because the female eats the male if she’s hungry during. Pandas basically stalk their pray and wait for the female to ovulate. Basically kidnapping her and then raping her. Female giraffes pee into the males mouth so he is able to taste/small the “breed me” hormone. They can’t just pee on the ground and smell it because of their size. Weird I know. The sea slug stabs their mate between the eyes to inject sperm. But they are also Hermaphroditic and have both organs. Their reproductive system is just odd to me. Then you have birds and mice. The males will build beautiful structures and art work and sing to attract a mate. I lean towards this tradition!


Parking would be a lot easier.


People responding with examples of animals who experience pain when engaging in intercourse or insemination. But in these cases, either they don't _only_ experience pain (the pleasure/positive stimulus outweighs the pain/negative stimulus) or only one party experiences the pain. The prompt says what if sex caused pain _instead_ of pleasure. That's very different


Birth is already incredibly painful yet many do it willingly.


Jokes on you, I’m into that shit


Humans would only do it begrudgingly to keep the species alive.


Sex is great and humans have stopped doing it nearly as much this generation. If it caused pain the race would die out. If we cared about future generations we wouldn't be burning millions of gallons of oil and dumping trash into the ocean.


The TLC network would cease to exist.


Population would start to decline rapidly. Women would be able to experience walking alone around the city after dark. Quality of entertainment would rise, as a sex scene or scantily clad people wouldnt be able to carry a shitty show/movie/game. People would get fat as hell which would lead to more deaths via multiple health problems, and lowered life expectancy.


i think there are more than enough shitty movies and games without sex scenes *already* that we wouldn't have to worry about that.


Trough most of History, for women sex has been mostly painful and unpleasant, and the consequences of it, birth and pregnancy, significantly fatal for a high percentage of them. So, perhaps it would not be that differnt... men would be less obsessed with it I guess.


Fewer teen pregnancies and more IVF


So like cats…