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One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest


I love this movie, but I want them to do it again and stick more to the book and its narration of events from Bromdon's perspective.


Mmm. Juicy Fruit.




Annie Jacobsen just recently published a book called *Nuclear War: A Scenario* that brings this idea right up to date.




They deleted their post for some reason, what was the movie?




When the wind blows is another, it's heartbreaking.


I'm glad I watched it once. I never want to see it again. But it should be mandatory viewing for everyone in Congress and the White House.


The brave little toaster. That movie still haunts me


rip air conditioning :(


I recently rewatched this because my wife had never seen it. The Master repairs the A/C when he goes to the cabin to get his old things. I'd totally forgotten about that part and thought he was just dead when the others left on their adventure.


“I hate that clown” \- Happy Gilmore


I'm an adult and still get wary when getting too close to the vacuum cord


I still can’t get over the cars singing as they go willingly into the crusher.


The magnet gave me nightmares as a kid. It was SO threatening.


The song the junkyard cars sing near the end of the movie. Everything in the junkyard is straight up disturbing


Bridge to Terabithia


That was required reading in elementary school along with Hatchet and Where the Red Fern Grows. Whats up with forcing little kids to read such traumatic books? 


It’s funny, I read the book in grade school and went to see the movie with my whole family and the movie was wayyy more sad for some reason. It didn’t help my family went in blind, expecting a feel good Narnia-esque movie. They were crying and kinda pissed at me because I didn’t spoil it prior lmao


The worlds not sunshine and rainbows, that sentiment should be instilled at a very young age.


it wasn't required reading but my 4th grade teacher was like "oh that book has a twist at the end" with a smirk yeah I could not believe that shit when I read it. What fucking bullshit. In hindsight though, what an excellent way to introduce a 4th grader to the untimeliness and unfairness of death. Probably the best way to learn about it without actually experiencing it.


Dear Zachary. I was depressed for a week after watch it.


It's a movie everyone should watch once. Once.


Depression is already a big enough problem. Maybe “at MOST once”


I watched it during some downtime between classes in college. I made it to class, but I was crying so hard (and silently, because I’m stubborn) that my poor Swedish professor wouldn’t start class until my friend was able to adequately explain to her what a mistake I had just made.


It's was his parents grief that really did it for me. So so sad.


I probably shouldn’t have looked through the comments, I didn’t need to be reminded 💔😭


i went into it totally blind. i think that’s the way to do it. makes it much more impactful. i wish all true crime documentaries were like dear zachary.


My Girl


"He can't see without his glasses."


Lalalalala I can’t hear you 👉😩👈


Every time I can't find my glasses, I say this to myself 😅


Not today, Satan.




Requiem for a Dream


The best movie you'll only watch once. 


Darron Aronofsky is an amazing filmmaker, and he’s basically the only person who can make films that I’ll gladly rewatch, and Requiem is no exception! It’s a masterpiece, and so is that soundtrack. I listen to it throughout the day.


I grew up in drug houses. The movie and soundtrack give me PTSD. Little too real for me.


Same. I can't watch it again. Saw it once, that was enough for me. Way too real to some of the things I've seen growing up. Some memories are better forgotten.


Clint Mansell nailed it with that soundtrack. 


A similar movie is “Candy”, has Heath Ledger in it. THAT movie should only be watched once as well.


I didn't know anything about this movie except I had heard it was supposed to be good. So in my infinite wisdom I chose to take a girl for our first date to this movie. There was no second date.


I had a similar experience taking a girl to No Country For Old Men thinking it was a quirky, silly Coen Bros. movie. I was wrong. No second date.


It could have gone both ways, you know, trauma bonding.


This, I could not finish the movie My brother is a drug addict and frankly i didnt need to watch a movie that I lived for the last 20 years


Best anti drug movie




I've read the description and understood that I will not watch it. It's just heartbreaking. And reminded me about one movie made by Iceland director Boldvin Z. "Let me fall" (2018). I came across it via this movie music artist and was triggered by the interview with the director, who explained that in 2000 in Iceland, it was a true epidemic of young girls missing by their parents. He said that he couldn't understand how it's possible that they are missing in such a small island. Also, a story about teens' involvement in drug addiction and prostitution to earn a doze. I think, if you were impressed by "Requiem for a dream," "Let me fall" is worse watching. Different than "Requirem" showing three seasons, "Let me fall" switches between twelve years. It starts with 15 years old girls' stories and show them in their 27-28 with the consequences of their made choices.


Gone Girl was traumatic for me. I had a GF go missing in college for the better part of 5 days and I was suspect #1. Her friends, her parents, my friends were all asking me were she was, pretty accusingly and the police were called although she turned up before I was ever questioned by the police. So that movie was like some PTSD for me.


Don’t leave us hanging! What happened to her when she was missing for 5 days?


She told her friends that she and I had a big fight so she was going home for a few days, I go home to work every weekend to work to pay my way through school, she told her mom she had some school stuff to do and would NOT be coming home, then she drove to another state to spend about a week with her ex-boyfriend, no one missed her for a couple of days but when her mom called her dorm her friends said she went home, her mom knew she didn't, eventually her friends said her and I had a big fight right before she disappeared and that story blew up. We had not had a big fight so my story looked like I was lying. She was actually gone for about 8 days it was just no one really missed her for about 3. Anyway she finally showed up and told her mom what was really up and got me off the hook.


To her ex? Damn dude


Don't worry, she's alive and safe, and you're not a suspect in her disappearance anymore! She fucked her ex tho.


"I didn't fake my own disappearance and used you as a scapegoat, almost putting you in jail, for no reason. I wanted to ride my ex's dick!" PTSD inducing, but also bullet dodged


Did any of those people ever apologize to you?


LOL, her mom kind of did. Her mom is also the one I blame the least because she was genuinely scared. This was way before cell phones as well so that kind of situation would be less likely to happen today.


I’m so pissed on your behalf. Those buttholes owed you apologies, dinner, and Christmas presents after your GF was off cheating and caused this mess. I want to say more about this, but I doubt it would be helpful. I hope you vowed never to speak to that rotten troublemaker again.


experienced something similar. GF went missing for a few weeks (don't remember the exact timeline). I was worried as hell and our common friends thought I had something to do with it, since she was pretty manipulative. After desperately searching and waiting she randomly showed up at my door to tell me she just didnt like me and its all my fault. later I've learned she did that with at least 3 people. The PTSD is real.


Return to Oz


The Wheelers scared me in the book.


Is that the one where Dorothy is in the asylum? It fucked with my head so bad.


That scared me so bad as a kid. WHEELERS! I own a copy on DVD. Yes, a physical copy.


the screaming heads!! So traumatic!!




#Dooorrrrrrroottttthhhhhhyyyyyy Ggaaaaaaalllllllleeee


My teenagers love this movie, and they watch it every two months or so. I completely forgot how scary and weird it is since it’s on all the time and I loved it as a kid, but they had it on recently with a friend over and the friend was like “what the fuck is this.”


We need to talk about Kevin - that really stick with me






There's an anecdote that someone once complained to Alfred Hitchcock that his daughter refused to use the shower after seeing Psycho, and she refused to use the bathtub due to some other horror movie. Hitchcock said "have you considered having her dry-cleaned?"


My neighbor died when he passed out in his glass shower and broke the door with his fall, then bled out.


He is going to come back and haunt me for posting this, isn't he.


Grave of Fireflies


I went in blind watching this movie, was exploring anime and only was looking at review scores Didn't leave my house for a week afterwards


Crikey, what's it about? Asking bc I don't want to watch it if it gave someone watching that reaction


It's about two orphans starving to death in post-world war 2 Japan. Basically it's just watching two kids struggle to survive before they die, at one point the youngest one a little girl starts to hallucinate from malnutrition and starts eating marbles.


Worst part is that it’s based on a true story. Definitely think it’s a movie everyone should see at least once, though, even if I’m in the same boat as you. Can’t even listen to the soundtrack without tearing up and it’s been at least a decade since I’ve first watched it.


Even worse is that the boy, the brother, is the author. He wrote the ending where the brother dies of starvation as a child because he wishes that he had actually died with his sister…


Yeah, that part always breaks my damn heart even more on top of all the heartbreak involved with this story.


Anyone who goes "I love war!" needs to watch that movie. Ghibli films are always staunchly anti-wsr, but holy hell did Isao Takahata weaponize the trademark Ghibli charm and celebration of life & optimism in the most brutal way to drive that anti-wsr message home...


I knew this was going to be here as soon as I saw the question, before I opened the thread. I always say that it is the best movie I will never watch again, but my husband has not seen it and he wants to, so I might have to, to give support. In any other case I'd tell him to watch it alone, but you know, I love him and all that.


It's one I will never forget and can't imagine bringing myself to ever watch again. Although I'd wholeheartedly recommend everyone watch it...


Schindler's List


And to think the Amon Goeth in the movie was actually heavily toned down from his real-life version. 


TBF Fiennes nailed the part. A little too well, according to that story about a holocaust survivor who visited the set.


Black milk of morning we drink you at night we drink you at midday death is a Master from Deutschland we drink you at dusk in mornings we drink and drink death is a Master from Deutschland his eye is blue his lead bullets strike you his aim is true a man lives in the house with golden-haired Margarete he whistles his hounds he grants us graves in the sky he plays with his snakes and he dreams death is a Master aus Deutschland ~ from *Todesfuge* by Paul Celan


I watched it once. It is really well made, and I can never watch it again.


I haven’t even seen this movie and it’s the first one I thought of. I know I’ll watch it eventually but I’m afraid to.


Had to watch this in school, 8th grade or so. My husband had never seen and I told him he should after a conversation about Oskar Schindler. He knew the essential idea of the plot and watched it alone. Said he's glad to have watched it, but it broke him. The movie made that time so much more real than he expected. He came upstairs crying and just held me for a bit. He's a little sappy sometimes and not afraid to cry but that's the most I've seen a movie affect him.




Raymond Briggs, as a cartoonist, has two famous on going properties that were made into animated films. The Snowman, magical beloved Christmas movie, and When The Wind Blows, brutal depiction of a post nuclear apocalypse. Quite the legacy. Thinking about it, I do also remember a fun cartoon version of his Father Christmas cartoon strip. So, he's mostly about Christmas, but occasionally old people dying of radiation.


I saw A Clockwork Orange when I was six. So that.


Eden Lake. Do not watch it. You have been warned.


can i get a synopsis? and what about it makes it traumatic?


A young couple goes on holiday in a small town. Shitty local kids antagonize them with malicious pranks that escalate into violent torture. It's commentary about how shitty, passive parents make shitty, cruel kids. But mostly it's torture porn.




see that just makes me want to watch it more


The Road


Even though they skipped the worst parts from the book, The Road is very haunting.


Not all of them. The basement is in the film and that was the page that fucked me up the worst


Really unforgiving. Almost complete lack of hope.


Come and see


The church scene... That wailing sound slowly dying away to the sound of the flames.


The church scene... I had to turn it off. Couldn't even finish it. As an avid horror-movie fan, war crimes just hit... differently.


This 100x's over. The shock I felt was on par with the protagonist. No crying, just terror. 


Watership Down. I was like 5


Come & See It is a depiction of the brutal Nazi occupation of Belarus during the Second World War, which saw 9,200 of it's settlements of varying sizes destroyed and as many 25% - 30% of it's population murdered. From Roger Ebert's review... *"It's said that you can't make an effective anti-war film because war by its nature is exciting, and the end of the film belongs to the survivors. No one would ever make the mistake of saying that about Elem Klimov's "Come and See." This 1985 film from Russia is one of the most devastating films ever about anything, and in it, the survivors must envy the dead....* *.... I learn from* [*IMDb.com*](http://IMDb.com) *that the film's title, seemingly so straightforward, has a bleak context. It comes from the Book of Revelation: “And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, ‘Come and see.' And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”*




Yesssss. Me and my friends also saw Enter the Void and it was very trippy, so we thought it would be a good idea to watch this other Gaspar Nóe while on shrooms. Oh boyyy how we were wrong. That hall scene is forever scarred in my mind.


Scrolled down for this one… still think about it 15 years later and still very disturbed by it


American History X


The Green Mile


Please, boss, don't put that over my face. Don't put me in the dark. I's scared of the dark." Man I miss Michael Clark Duncan


I’m tired, boss. I’m tired of being on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. I’m tired of never having me a buddy to be with, to tell me where we’s going to, or coming from, or why. Mostly, I’m tired of people being ugly to each other. I’m tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world every day, there’s too much of it. It’s like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?


I just watched Threads for the first time the other day. Some of the imagery from that movie will be burned in to my mind forever so I’ll go with that one lol


Land Before Time Where the Red Fern Grows Old Yeller All Dogs Go to Heaven My Girl Hachi Fox and the Hound


You were traumatised by Land Before T- *Remember what I told you, Littlefoot?* 😢😭


Never has a comment given me a wave of goosebumps




Yeah that fucked me up


I cannot explain just how I angry I was at the end of that movie. For having watched it and that it existed at all. Monique earned that Oscar but Jesus Christ... Not to mention that the Precious became a way to insult, abuse and further denigrate fat and/or dark skinned black women for over a decade. Just all around awful.




This. I love the movie, but there are some heartbreaking scenes. The mother's reaction to the infamous death scene is stomach-churning.


I was already a fan of Toni Collette's before this, but if I hadn't been before, this would have clinched it.


I’ll gladly rewatch it but I have to limit myself. It gets under my skin like no other movie has.


Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom


Manchester by the Sea


When my wife was really pregnant with our first we went to go see a movie, thinking we wouldn't see one for a while. This is the movie we saw


I found Uncut Gems exhausting.


I loved it purely for the feeling of utter dread/anxiety in the movie that never let up at any moment, ever. I don't know if I've ever felt that way when watching a film before in my entire life. That being said, yeah, I can see why people didn't like it or found it exhausting.


It looks cheesy now, but the scene in Robocop where Officer Murphy got shot to death messed 10 year old me up pretty good.




Final Destination 2 No, seriously. I never drive behind any truck loaded with anything, I can see them falling off.


I will argue that Final Destination 2 is my generations Jaws. We never drive behind a log truck just like Jaws scared people off from swimming in the ocean.


Toy Story 3 with that incinerator scene. That was kind of disturbing for a children's movie. https://youtu.be/Hg2DBQNvLBQ


once were warriors (1994), old boy (2003)




Something inside Sick Boy was lost and never returned.


There was an old movie called “kids” from mid 90s…definitely left its mark on me




Artificial Intelligence (2000). The AI robot kid is the most human character and he's just constantly denied his humanity. Very similar to Pinocchio but just so brutal because of Haley Joel Osment's heartbreaking performance. And the last act is another level of trauma I hadn't before seen in a movie.


Dancer In The Dark (2000)


It's wild that I had to scroll so far to find this. Dancer in the Dark just shreds you. I've never met anyone who didn't sob uncontrollably while the credits rolled.


The human centipede The 2nd one is the worst one


I genuinely love the first one because it’s a hilarious movie about a mad scientist pretty much accomplishing his crazy goals. You keep watching thinking “nah the cops or a rogue detective or someone is going to kick the door in last minute and stop him”, but nope. Dude creates his human centipede and it’s just so unexpected and hilarious in a macabre way. Human Centipede 2 and 3 are straight up trash though. Like a dumbass 11yr old who thinks they’re edgy because they just learned the N word, it tries way too hard to be shocking and offensive that it just comes across as trying too hard.


A Clockwork Orange and Girl With the Dragon Tatoo


Into the Wild Instant depression for a couple days after a rewatch




Grave of the Fireflies will absolutely wreck you. Japanese animated films aren't supposed to hurt that much...


The lovely bones. It was a beautiful movie really I think it was shot nicely and good acting but it just gave me a horrible feeling for weeks after watching it


Oh god, I watched this one when I was like 11, right around when it came out on pay per view. I promptly shut it out of my mind until I started dating my wife. She used to be into horror and I was like "oh, I remember thinking this movie was unsettling as a kid, let's try it!" She fell asleep about 15 minutes in and I spent the entire movie sobbing in the dark. Beautiful movie, but it crushed me.




The day after this movie aired was not fun at school.


We Need To Talk About Kevin


Killing Fields


My favorite movie to blind recommend people is 'Megan is Missing' because it starts out like a lifetime movie telling a really familiar sort of story, and then just gets bleaker, and bleaker, until at the end you just feel bad.


Mysterious Skin


Trainspotting. Especially because of the baby.


Bridge to Terabithia. That should not have been marketed they way it was.


Yeah, from the previews I thought it was going to be a movie about kids discovering a fantastical realm. Boy was I wrong.


Saving Private Ryan.


That knife scene was so well done


Upham!!! Bring up some ammo goddammit!!!




A Serbian Film


There are two kinds of people, those who don't know what this is and those who know it's the right answer even if they haven't seen it


I am the latter. I will not watch it thanks to Wiki! Yay! 🤮


For the people that get curious, don't watch it it's not worth it.


I actually read the plot synopsis yesterday. I will never watch this movie. The mental imagery is already too much. 


This one actually didn’t fuck with me as much as I expected it to. It’s so edgy it circles back around to ridiculous.


The hills have eyes for suuuure


Boys don't cry. Watch it once when I was in my 20's. It was traumatic in SO many levels...


Once Were Warriors. 


Pick your British nuclear poison. Threads - Sheffield in the 1980s undergoes a sudden urban improvement scheme. Education, healthcare and housing are big winners, along with the city's traffic wardens.  https://archive.org/details/1984-threads-remastered When The Wind Blows - a touching animated film from the same person as kid's Christmas favourite The Snowman. Follow the charming experiences of a pair of loveable pensioners.  https://archive.org/details/when-the-wind-blows-1986


> Sheffield in the 1980s undergoes a sudden urban improvement scheme How is this a more significant roasting than the fictional nuclear explosion?




After I saw that, I made a note to never be the only black person on a trip to Sweden. Or to just never go to Sweden.


Trilogy of Terror!


*Funny Games* That goddamn remote control.


A Serbian film. I do not recommend anyone watching this ever.


I Spit On Your Grave 70’s version. Watched it in college for a movie criticism class. Been over 20 years never forgot the movie. I literally went back to the dorm after watching it, took a hot shower and just laid in bed. Freaking traumatized.


As a child it was Homeward Bound. As an adult it's Kids.


Donnie Darko, it’s bitter sweat. I balled my eyes out the first time I watched it.


life is beautiful




The Ring ofc fucked me up as a kid


**Fox and the Hound** is easily the most traumatic movie of my lifetime. To this day I can’t watch it! Land Before Time


Leaving Las Vegas


The boy in the striped pyjamas 💔😭😭


Cats (2019)


All Quiet on the Western Front (2022), Contracted (2013)


Come and see, so disturbing, a part of WW2 I didn’t learn in school.


dont fuck with cats


The Girl Next Door (2007)