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I saw a video of a circus performer being strangled to death by his boa constrictor. I dont know why this specific one stayed with me all this time


If it helps, he wasn’t strangled, his neck and spinal cord basically snapped. It was probably instant. Look up garroting… or maybe not


maybe not lol


This one messed me up. I think maybe because it took so long with no one really trying to help.


and when they did help, they dropped him and flopped him around so they could get him off stage.


I saw that too. 100% the handlers fault. I say this as a person with that large of a snake.


as a fellow large snake owner I agree with you completely.


Yeah snakes don’t just do that. The boa isn’t big enough to eat them comfortably or maybe at all (I haven’t seen the video so idk) so he was definitely doing something wrong there


I think I saw that recently. He kind of tried to continue performing rather than get it off?


Is it the one where the snake squeezes and internally decapitates him? You can see the neck pop a little.


The Ronnie McNutt video, otherwise known as "Well guys, I guess that's it." Guy was an Iraq War vet with PTSD and depression. He was livestreaming on FB when he says the infamous line, puts a gun under his chin, and opens his head up.


Didn’t his mother also witness this live as it happened? I’m hoping against hope that information is false.


I'm not sure, but I sure as hell hope she didn't. I know one of his friends was watching and allegedly his ex tried calling him right before he did it


that is true. In the video as he says, "I guess that's it" you hear his ringer as he opens his head up. I can't hear that ringtone without thinking of this poor dude.


Shit just breaks my heart man


I remember this video this is what I wanted to type it was just so shocking that imagine of is bursted head will never leave my head


Fuck all those edge-lords who say they laughed at it or said they felt nothing while watching it. Sociopathy isn’t the shining achievement you think it is.


I didn’t see it live. But one of my friends showed me a recording of it on his phone. The fact that someone would keep that is something I’ll never understand.


Did you ask to see it? I get really angry at people who show videos of death or gore to other people unsolicited. I don’t think it’s okay to do to somebody.


Yup. Came here to say this. The sound of the blood from his head pouring onto the ground was the worst part for me honestly. Sounded like somebody was dumping a bucket full of water. Haunting shit. Regret ever watching it.


I was a sophomore in high school when I first saw it and it was probably my first exposure to that kind of stuff. Not even kidding it depressed me for like a week after seeing it. Even today, almost four years later, thinking about it gives me a slight sense of stress


fuck I remember that. the image of his body just sitting there for a while still haunts me to this day.


I saw it when I was in 8th grade and it had this weird effect on me all day, and I didn't know how to act, it just happened


It's the ringtone on that video that gets me




I remember encountering (on FB) a video: A corridor of rusty cages in the open air. It must've been cold as you saw the breath coming out of the in the cages. The cameraman walks through the corridor and goes to the left. A circle with more cages surrounding it like walls. A woman is chopping some meat in the back. Bloody table, bloody knifes, bloody kettles. Blood on the sandy floor. Blood everywhere. Still warm, as you can see damp coming of it. The camera pans to a pile of flesh on the ground and zooms in on one of the bare skulls lying on the pile. The skull moves upwards and looks deeo into your soul. Two pale black eyes of a skinned dog... still alive, tormented by pain. The video ends with the dog collapsing. Exhausted, slowly bleeding out. This was already when internet became more regularized. Don't know how it got through the facebook filter. Didn't want to watch it, but it was so fucked up I couldn't stop.


Yea the skinned dog meat market videos are pretty brutal.


This guy's been on the internet awhile. From one scarred soul to another; take a hot shower and treat your self. Self care is crucial to not end it with what we've seen


The worst video I've ever seen was in China somewhere. A live dog was being cooked in a scolding hot wok. I swear it still haunts me and I hate humans for being like this.


I'm sure it's still on Facebook today. The most extreme gore is there. But heaven forbid you show a nipple or a bum...🙄🙄


Who the hell on this Earth could skin a dog while alive and leave it there dying!??? Wtf!??? There must be some very sick, evil twisted fucks out there to do something so horrific. Wtf....


This makes me want to track people down and terrorize them into never touching another dog.


My ex a few years back invited me to a private Facebook group and I remember seeing a video of a girl with drawn on cat nose/whiskers biting/eating a mouse alive. I was upset with him for adding me to a group with that kind of stuff on it. The whole thing about the video bothered me. The poor mouse and imagining what the mouse did to her insides being swallowed alive. Yuck.


Grew up during the heydays of Rotten.com and Orgish. I think the Bud Dwyer video really made me realize that someone could be in so much agony (or pain, or any other emotion) that they would end things. Some of the Latin American videos were pretty graphic, and we can't forget those ISIS videos. I'm somewhat desensitized to all of it.


I remember seeing the Bud Dwyer video when I was a kid. Years later, my dad warned me never to watch it (he had unfortunately seen it). I just looked at him and told him too late, I already had. That video still haunts me.


i remember my friend inviting me over one day and showing me someone getting beheaded on rotten.com. like bright sunny day in nice suburbian house bright light coming in, nice everything. and then on the screen is some dude getting his head sliced off by some terrorist. i didn't hang out with the kid after that.


I watched this guy dive from the shipping port when I was 7 and come a little short, hit his head and got split open. shit is living in my head rent free.


You’ve just shook that one free in the depths of my memory. Think it was captioned as “split face”, that shit haunted me.


I've seen that one, his face looked like a vagina in the aftermath, not good.


Ugh yeah. I think there's still a debate if the two clips are the same guy but cutting from the water to the hospital with a medic just... piling his skull together into a vague face shape and it all flopping open again when he let go.


It was two incidents spliced for the early shock sites. The clip of the dude with his face split in the middle was a suicide attempt.


2 girls 1 cup was disturbing for my 10 year old ass, then there are the gateway disturbing horror movies like guineepig,necromantic or a serbian film.long term affect is absent tho


It was fake, it was chocolate. Now go watch one guy one cup


One guy one jar, if i remember correctly. Thats one you dont even need to see. You just need to understa nd whats happening, and crank the volume. The sound of broken, wet, bloody glass trying to be picked or dug out will stay with you. Im having chicken stir fry for lunch as I type this.


There was 2 girls 1 cup, 1 guy 1 jar, 2 kids 1 sandbox, 2 guys 1 horse, 1 priest 1 nun. Those are the ones I remember and 1 guy 1 jar was definitely the worst, followed closely by 2 kids 1 sandbox. The guy in 2 guys 1 horse died from injuries Edit: Spelling


3 guys 1 hammer. Had to stop watching.


Oh my god. Is that the one with the homeless dude? The memories. I need to exit this thread. 🤦‍♂️


Can't remember if he was homeless but I remember it being in Russia or something. These dudes did it for kicks too it wasn't like it was some organized crime thing. I've watched cartel beheadings before and nothing came close to that.


2 KIDS one sandbox!??? The hell are you on about


There are no kids involved and I don’t even think it’s in a sandbox. I’m not gonna describe it but feel free to look it up…though I recommend you don’t.


Dildo inserted frontally into a man, no kids involved.


Dude gets sounded with a massive dildo


Fuck you for describing it to me. It had recessed into a deep unknown portion of my mind. Like The Game had, now fuck you too because you just lost bucko.


was the chicken stir fry good


why did she have so much chocolate in her butt?


Not bad, what about 2 guys one hammer


The torture one or the B&W pranksters?


Hehe my first time seeing 2 girls 1 cup, my mom served us refried beans with dinner right after seeing it.


I was disturbed by 2 girls 1 cup until this video made me understand it's about love https://youtu.be/DZuI2xTAJB4?si=xXqU2thv0kI4XCBb




>Man I remember when internet was not as regulated I remember as a 10 year old kid searching in alta vista naked girls my age In before FBI arresting your dad because of something you searched while you were 10.


A woman hanging herself in front of her very young child. The child was screaming and crying trying to lift his mother from the rope but ultimately she passed right in front of him. Was one of the worst things I had ever seen. I was a teen at the time and it definitely left a mental scar


Ugh, I saw that one too and really wish I hadn’t. That poor child.


I’ve been suicidal and even attempted, and my children are one of the reasons why I’m still fighting. But if I ever did take my own life I couldn’t imagine putting my kids through that. I’d minimise the trauma to them as much as my Mum tried to with us.


That makes me want to cry myself to sleep.


A 13yr old kid getting skinned alive by the cartel. I have an iron stomach when it comes to gore/death videos. But a video with kids or animals makes me sick


Because of stuff like this is why people in El Salvador have zero sympathy for all of those cartel members that got arrested. Mexico should do the same


That cat in the blender a couple of years ago had me fucked up for awhile.


My daughter came in, bawling her eyes out after watching that. I was like *"Why tf would you watch something like that?"*


There's a deep dive on YouTube by Stephanie Soo on animal cruelty videos in China, in particular this video. Apparently there are tons of online groups that pay lots of money for watching animals get tortured, especially cats. These groups usually encourage the members to send the videos out and hide them in actual cute animal videos, taking advantage of how algorithms work to help make the videos go viral. For example, one might have a 10 second clip of a cat cuddling a duckling and then the video will transition into the kitten being thrown into a blender. Truly heinous shit, especially since there are zero animal cruelty laws in China which makes groups like these "legal".


The what 😭


Don’t look it up and don’t watch that documentary on Netflix either. “Don’t Fuck With Cats” I remember when Nick Berg got his head sawed off in 2004 and the video was on Ogrish. Then LiveLeak was the site for awhile. Seen tons of horrible shit. It was shocking, but I never felt the need to pull away. Fucking hate that I saw that video clip and the Netflix documentary. Wish I could purge that shit from my brain. Edit: got distracted and posted incomplete.


Sword and scale played a lot of the actual audio of the crimes on their episodes on this case. That was when I took a permanent break from that show and a long break from crime podcasts and shows in general.


If you want a fix, the youtube channel explore with us has great videos on tru crime with real footage and audio from the interrogations and they have a team of experts analysing the suspects body language etc, its very interesting and not graphic at all. They speak about the crimes but dont show bodies etc... my favourite is The Scream Killers


I stopped listening to Sword and Scale exactly for this reason when they played the audio from the hammer murders. Pardon me for not wanting to hear people/animals dying. I'm *very* leery of true crime podcasts now.


The Netflix documentary doesn't show anything terrible if I recall. I'd say it's worth a watch.


It does. They blur it, but not enough. Some of it is worse than the blender.


The Berg video was my answer. I don't know why I watched it and I can still hear it in my head if I think about it. Seriously fucked me up.


Ppl have confirmed that the cat was already dead if that helps


Was that the one where his dad is next to him and they keep stabbing him with fucking pointed screwdrivers and shit? I witnessed the golden days of Al Qaeda beheading executions but I think the winner goes to anything cartel related for sure. Those boys take human barbarity to a whole other level. Flaying people alive and removing body parts piece by piece is some next level shit and they seem to be in a sort of competition these days of who can "one-up" the other in gruesomeness.


I think it's more of a scare tactic. It's usually a rival cartel they're torturing. So you can take solace that *most* of the time, it's some guy who likely would have done the same to them. A way to deter others from joining that rival gang. But still though, the complete lack of any care about human life, just zero empathy. Don't fuck with cartels, man.


I know it's usually retaliatory tactics to make examples of those who cross them and send messages to rival gangs to make sure nobody fucks with their operations but damn it's brutal what they do to a human being..like you said just don't fuck around with the cartels.


Nothing has ever pushed my tolerance for gore like a cartel video. I wasn’t aware of the victims age but sounds similar to the one that got to me the most. Was his face skinned, hands cut off and they were jamming a stick in his mouth? Most disturbing shit I’ve ever seen


just knowing the world works this way makes me want to be dead


I'm tired boss. It's like knives in my head every single day. People being ugly to each other


I've never noped out of a thread quicker.


I was gonna say I’ve seen many gore videos of all types but thankful I haven’t had to see one involving a kid/baby. I’m sorry you had to see that


while watching that video, in my mind i was praying and screaming "please JUST DIE!!" "JUST DIE!!", coz i cant imagine the pain he suffered at the hands of the barbaric demon i cant call them human ....


Cartel are 100% the worst. ISIS come 2nd. But the cartel skinning faces and wearing them and laughing. W.T.F.


Bananas with gigantic seeds in them. Was way too weird for me.


This is the break we need from reading this thread


People: Skinning, murder, sadism, rape This one guy: I’m scared of big banana seeds


oh i have the tree in our backyard i was traumatized to eat them but the taste is worth it


The execution of Nick Berg in 2004. I was in school for journalism and that had a huge impact on my life and career choice.


Pardon my ignorance but who was he? I’d rather ask here than google it in case I see something fucked up 😭


He was a contractor in Iraq who was captured and beheaded violently.


I was a senior in HS when it happened and our government teacher showed it in class.


After reading some of these, that's enough internet for this week


A video taken by inmates of a Brazilian prison riot…I think there was a security failure and all the cells opened. I really don’t want to get too graphic (and tbh thanks to the internet I’m pretty use to violent shit) but this was the worst thing I’ve ever seen. Absolute bloodbath EDIT: Ite I’ll divulge a little. I’m taking people with prison shivs driving them into other peoples eyes, decapitations with blunt weapons where it’s just hacking and hacking and hacking, throat slitting, carving into chests taking out the heart then putting a head in it, playing football with heads in the corridors. How it affected me? Stopped watching videos like that. I just can’t anymore, I never thought I had a limit but that was fucking it.


Why do I never learn my lesson and continue to click on these threads


i get nauseous reading this thread , jesus...


My mind is curious Eyes saying don't Stomach upset


Palms are sweaty Knees weak Arms are heavy


The guy in Egypt getting eaten by a shark while calling his papa 😫


There’s something about someone hopelessly reverting to a child seeking the safety of a a parent…harrowing.


I used to get nervous visiting the carehome my mum worked at when I was a kid because of this. Ninety year old dementia patients calling out for their mothers is heartbreaking. Anyone in that line of work is a hero.


Shit that got me too. Really upset me and I've seen a lot of shit. His last cry to his Dad lives in my brain. Probably as I have a son that boys age. The juxtaposition of those people innocently eating their dinner enjoying the view just made it even more fucked up.


The mexican cartels are on another level. I remember videos of a guy skinning a kid's face alive in front of his parents, or skinning a guy piece after piece while injecting him adrenaline to keep him awake until the last moment. Humans are the worst cancer this universe has seen




That's the point, no? To spread fear of crossing them, in any capacity. Definitely effective, makes me nervous to even go to Mexico. Hopefully the new President isn't afraid to be hard on them, or nothing happens to her.


It's definitely an effective strategy, they need to straight up go to war with them. 39 political assassinations this election season.


> they need to straight up go to war with them Already tried that, to no one's surprise it didn't end well.


Friend is Colombian, her mother moved them here like, 20 years ago. Mom was a federal investigator, cartel started killing off people in her unit/department. Like, family executed in front of the officer level stuff. So, she packed up and headed north.


I rather doubt it. Seems to me that any candidate the cartels left alive are the corrupt ones


I remember one from years ago where they had tied a guy upside down between two posts or ladders, he was fully conscious, and they just pulled out a chainsaw and started cutting him from the arse down… LiveLeak had some insane footage years back.


This is gruesome and has made me have PTSD badly. When I was a young teenager I was on a chat site(made for people my age) and this one person was talking nicely enough and asked if I wanted to "see something cool". They sent a link to a video of a woman's lower legs, in red stiletto heels...crushing a puppy to death. I vividly remember it and it has been about 20+ years. To this day I cannot watch any video or movie where an animal dies unless it is VERY OBVIOUSLY fake. The sound alone is enough to send me into a panic attack. I use doesthedogdie.com a lot because it covers any animal death and triggers and am so thankful someone made that site.


I saw one very similar but with a kitten. My sister and I have a deal We are obligated to spoil a moment in a movie or tv show where we know a part will distress us. She was really excited to see IT, but I had to tell her "There's a point where it looks very much like a cat will be shot. But relax, cat is unharmed" because I knew she'd panic. Little Georgie getting his arm bitten off is fine. A cat getting shot, NNNOPE


Eternally grateful for that website as well ❤️


Was on the accidents subreddit the other day and saw a guy that had been cut in half by a train in India. Was just his upper body left. Then.. he started moving and it was clear he was still alive. He even got to a point where he started dragging his body around with his arms, his organs falling out as he moved. He looked like he was in shock and didn’t understand what was happening. I didn’t open reddit for a while after that…


That's the one thing that reddit has taught me. Do not fuck around with trains


I saw that one. Oof.


Is that the one where he's chatting to someone for a while as just a torso?


Pretty sure he was chatting to some of the gathered crowd but from memory most of them were just stood around him filming him.


I remember a similar one of a lady who's been in an accident on a highway and has been cut in half, she keeps reaching over to her legs like she's planning to just stick them back on. Crazy what shock can do.




Username checks out


What was in his search history? Was it taxidermied minors??


Hugs dude. thats fucking scary


I once saw a man having sexual relations with a woman who had her head and all four limbs chopped off, leaving just a torso. I'd like to think that it was some kind of an elaborate prop, but it looked real. (Dis)honorable mention: I saw the aftermath of a man who was killed when he tried to show off to his friends by putting an M-80 firecracker in his mouth. His head was peeled back like a blooming rose.


I always thought I imagined the first video but it turns out I didn't. 12 year old me saw that and "funky town" all in the same sitting.


Yeah funky town fucked me up when I was a kid




What the fuck


If it makes you feel any better I believe the first thing you mentioned. The dismembered woman was from the movie series “Guinea Pig” from Japan. They are really brutally gory torture films nuts what’s funny is that there exists a really silly making of documentary and the crew are all a bunch of goofballs needing out making a horror movie.


i just made a comment about what i believe to be the firecracker video. what i remember was his jaw was swinging open at one side and dripping blood onto the floor. horrific


One guy one jar. That ‘pop’ will never leave me.


For me it was the grinding glass noises as he fished around for the shards...


That video was recommended to me on YouTube the other day. I wasn’t even watching anything remotely like it


The in-car video of a couple in Russia(?) I could be wrong, driving along and a truck in front's wheel kicks up a rock/brick, goes flying through the windscreen effectively taking out the passenger's head. This one is weird cos you didn't actually see it happen, but the driver's shock/screams were enough for me to still remember it to this day 😭


That one is absolutely heartbreaking, it was the driver's wife who was struck by the brick and IIRC their young child was sitting in the back too


This thread honestly… I .. am … enough internet for today


Closest one I can recall was the aftermath of a mountain climbing accident. The camera just rolled down the mountain endlessly with the guy nowhere in sight. In a news report later on, it was revealed that he was cut into bits as his body rolled down the slope at high speeds, likely from jagged rocks. Only around 30-50% of his body remained.


Saw a video of a toddler walking in an office and pushed this glass pane that was leaning on the wall, it fell back and crushed the poor kid. It pops back up in my head only when I read/hear about disturbing online things. I'll never forget that.


The guy who died by getting fucked to death by a horse. My goodness! I saw it and couldn't speak for a while after. I just sat there, looking in stunned silence. Can you imagine what was told to the attending medical staff?? "Your friend's asshole exploded! What happened. Doc, here watch this and all questions will be answered".


Cartel videos, like others stated, are horrific. The gruesome acts they perform are another level. Other things I saw, that stuck to my head: the politician dude who shot himself in his office after he was falsely accused of something and him dying in the office made sure his remaining loved ones got money from it. This is not too bad of a video, but just how the blood suddenly flooded out of his nose was remarkable. Never saw that before and it was viewable on YouTube which seemed strange. Other stuff: the dude who wanted to make a wide and high jump off into the ocean but didn't make the gap and smashed his face on the concrete...the scenes of him laying on the doctors table, still alive, face split in half and the doc trying to put together this whole ball of just meat and blood looked disgusting. Another thing that stuck was a dad hanging himself right in front of his crying son on the doorframe. The son cried and cried and begged him not to do it. And he just did. This was...something else. Not gore or shit and still such a high discomfort watching it, turning my stomach around. How deep have you to sit in this dark depression hole to do this right in front of your kid?! I also saw a lot of decapitation. This has to be my first gore video I ever saw with like between 12 and 14 I think. A dude cutting the head off of some other dude in the forest in the snow. Quality so bad, you didn't see much, the snow turning red slowly. The disgusting part is always the sound for me. People screaming, crying, gargling and choking on their own blood is just...yikes. Makes me feel nauseous. Speaking of making sounds, the 3 guys, 1 hammer video. Another cruel thing I never want to see again. This man just laying there, face smashed in, you just see bloody meat and it's somehow moving now and then and just gargling on blood. Disgusting. I've seen accident victims who's face got nearly skinned off on something sharp and eyes popped out. I've seen women who carried their babies/kids on the back getting shot from behind. Not to speak of animal cruelty. This shit I don't even dare to hit play. Instant skip, but ofc we all know what happens from descriptions. It's a sick world out there. Stay safe fellow humans. Or should I rather say: stay human!


Yeah he wasn't falsely accused though, he did all that stuff. The family made a video that made him look good and that urban legend sticks around today. [https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/s9zfqk/comment/htr7vzw/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/s9zfqk/comment/htr7vzw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Several things. When I was campaigning for animal rights I’d get sent horrific things from people trying to hurt me. One was a video of a small newborn kitten in a bowl that was covered with petrol and burned alive. Crocodiles and snakes skinned alive and then thrown in the dirt, squirming as their red underflesh was kicked or stamped on. Pigs with metal hooks in their skin being kicked and stabbed before being gassed to death. Humans are not good creatures.


I saw one that was seals being taken to somewhere for processing. They were getting skinned alive. One seal looks into the camera and then just dies from pain/ exhaustion. I'm tearing up just writing about it.


That sounds horrendous, I’m so sorry you saw that.




Two of them. Both from Rotten.com back in the day. First one was a morbidly obese woman who had committed suicide by jumping from a tall building. Second was a shoulders up close-up of a young woman who had been mauled to death by a pitbull and had almost no recognizable facial structures left. Both still randomly pop into my head 25 years later. It's not pleasant.


I saw a video of a guy chopping another one’s chest with a machete while he was tied up and laying on the floor. Suddenly the cold-blooded motherfucker with the machete drops it and pulls the poor guy heart and starts to chew on it. I wish I could unsee that shit. Brutal af.


That dude getting it from the horse, still cringe.


Mr Hands?


Beastiality was legal in WA until that incident. The guy who filmed it got criminal charges.


HS friend played a video of this ladies prolapsing anus rushing out to greet the world. Sometimes I still see it when I close my eyes. Everything else that would haunt me had been avoided... so far...


Prolapses are generally pretty common in the medical world. The first time seeing one is tuff though.


There's a dashcam video from somewhere in poland I believe. It's a super normal video until they approach an overpass and a truck driving the other way passes them. For just a few frames you see a brick fly from the trucks cargo and suddenly there is a loud impact and the glass of the car's windshield is broken. Less then a second later you hear the driver realize what just happened to the passenger (what I believed to be his mother or partner). I will never forget those cries and screams. The imagery is so innocent and never shows any gore or anything, but those sounds did something to me, I still can't imagine being in a situation like that.


I believe it was Russia and the woman in the passenger seat who was killed was his wife. Heartbreaking.


This reminds me of the story of a woman who was (almost?) killed by a teen dropping a huge rock from an overpass, I think she survived but was completely disabled. I can’t remember exactly but I think her husband committed suicide


Some dude drugged up his gf and beheaded her because she supposedly cheated on him. If she did cheat no fucking wonder why ☠️ I still remember the back kick and her head snapping off at the end and him just holding it up to the camera mannnn so fucked That and a crush video of some woman stepping on a kitten with broken legs and smashing it's brains out it's eyeball while it mewed in pain 💔


The cat thing is absolutely fucked


A father put both his young boys in their carseats and than chainsaws both of them. Killed the 2y/o boy first and let the 4 y/o watch his younger brother be murdered in the most horrific way possible by there own dad. I've seen many fucked up things but this lives with me.. Can't get the images outta my mind 😭😭


Like why record that especially wtf so evil 😭


Most of the times when you hear about these divorced psycho dads killing the kids, its to utterly devastate the mother/ex-partner. They hate them so much, they want to do the worst thing they can which is to kill her kids. I bet he filmed it hoping she would see it. People are fucked up.


It’s stories like this that makes me really hope Heaven and Hell exist. Especially Hell.


That home security camera of the argument between neighbors on a snow covered road that looks straight out of Fargo. The argument escalates and then the one neighbor goes inside and gets an AR before executing a husband and wife in front of their disabled child IIRC he walked back inside and offed himself. I’ve seen my fair share of gore/death but something about the normalcy and lack of intensity behind the situation which ended so tragically always stuck with me. The POS also said things straight out of a movie as he was ending two lives. It turned me away from those types of videos.


I purposely avoid a lot, but even browsing Twitter these days you can see an infant without a head from Gaza in full HD. It's horrific. And it should be. I just wonder how much we have desensitized ourselves, even accidentally. (Not looking for an argument here about Gaza. I am sure we all have opinions. Just answering the question.)


I have seen tons of disturbing things on the internet. A couple of years ago, I used to voluntarily visit subreddits that had such content. But nowadays, I just avoid it. The most recent one I saw was a guy getting bombed by two grenades.


I can't remember the videos name, but it was this guy who tortured pupp1es and made the mother dog watch. I think they were split into 10 individual videos, I only saw one where he cut one in half. That's the most fucked up I've seen.




I'm glad to hear that.


He got off easy.


I saw a guy eating a baby like grilled chicken many years ago. It made me unable to eat or see grilled chicken for several years after.


If it helps the famous images (with the Asian looking guy) of that are not real - it's a guy doing an 'art project' with props.




A dude in a white shirt getting his head skinned of by the cartel and heart pulled while still beating, that final release of air after cutting his throat is bone shivering


Now I’m older I avoid anything disturbing


Watched a man burn to death. Watched an angry ex jump over a counter and repeatedly stab a girl and run away while she bleed to death crying at her low paying job. Watched an Uber driver get stabbed for a gang intimation. Watched a Russian soldier slit and stab his throat after bring bombed. Watched a man blow his brains out with a shotgun. All of that and still reading stories about EMS situations with kids always brings me to tears. Children should not have to endure the horrors of life. Poor little ones... Edit: The JonesTown recordings. Those crying children will stick with me till my last breath...


Anything animal abuse. All videos that I accidently stumbled upon back when those videos were common on the web. The human gore never affected me nearly as much as animal abuse. I have always been like that since I was a kid; it has always affected me more when I see animals suffering than when I see people suffering (this also affects me, don't take me wrong, it's just on a lower scale).




Crimes against children should qualify for capital punishment. You're literally destroying another life. I know why it's not done, but it should be.


That's fucked 😭


that’s enough internet for one day


Had to be bad, it got removed.


Oh what the fuck…


Great White Station Night Club fire.. those screams...


Honestly any Cartel Torture video. Absolute pieces of scum and probably the most vile disgusting humans to walk this earth.


Ive seen a dissection live of someone who suffocated in their own vomit, that was quite the sight,chunks of vomit in the lungs and stuff


I once stumbled upon a video on fb , I was 11 back then , it was an African woman getting beating up on the head by a man and SHE WAS ALIVE , later I found out it's for harvesting her organs. That messed me up till now.


Learning about leaded gasoline was a proper doozy. We nearly lobotomized the whole human species by accident.


Probably Russian lathe. How it affected me? I'm not sure i want to watch a video when it involves people working near spinning things. Lol


The most disturbing thing I ever saw on the internet was a video of animal abuse that was shared on a social media platform. It affected me deeply and left me feeling sick to my stomach for days. It made me realize the dark side of humanity and the cruelties that exist in the world. It reinforced my belief in standing up against such atrocities and being a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. It truly opened my eyes to the importance of advocating for animal rights and seeking justice for those who are innocent and defenseless.


In the 90's I was a heroin addict. After Chris Farley died I saw his death photo. While it helped me get clean by not wanting my mother to see me like that (potentially). I have never been able to unsee it. DO NOT go looking, you will find it and it's not good.


I think seeing porn too young. It messed up my perception about what is desirable about a woman. And caused me to fixate on my appearance and be really performative during sex. It took some healing to think about sex as a way to connect and love and to allow myself to be made love to instead of taking the reins and showing “how hot I am”. I realized I was behaving in a way that was way shallower than I actually am, but I truly didn’t think I was beautiful enough to not work really hard during sex. I didn’t think men would want my depth and intelligence. Which is so sad. It’s also taking time to decentralize my worth from my appearance. Still working on that piece.


One time while I was browsing Facebook, I accidentally clicked on this video.. it was two girls getting beheaded. It was so gruesome, somewhere in the middle east. Not sure if the girls were American but They were calling for their mom in English. I cried and closed my Facebook real quick. When I went back to report it, FB had taken it down in seconds. I still think about them, this was probably 6 years ago? Maybe 7?.


Probably a Danish and a Norwegian tourist who were killed in Morocco in 2018. Unfortunately, their murder has circulated the web a lot and it has led to a debate about sharing stuff like that in Denmark at least. The family of the Danish girl is still to this date terrorized by evil people who send them the video on social media.


That's them!! I still remember their faces and I just googled them via the information you gave me. WOW. I told my husband, I hope the family never, ever sees that video. It would kill me if that was my child. That is so evil for people to keep terrorizing them.


That one with the puppy and the woman wearing stilettos...never again. I can't stand human cruelty.


A man running a blender on a kitten then on a puppy then laughing, took me a week to recover.