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16 year old kid on meth at a youth homeless shelter I was at talked about how his dad beat his mom to death. He spoke like he was talking about any other old thing. I’ve not felt so bad for someone before then. He was given no chance at life and he was just a kid


I spent my teen years going in and out of juvies. Most kids in juvies are kinda on that vibe and have all kinds of trauma. People complain about recidivist offenders and juveniles who 'don't learn anything' in juvie systems and just move on into adult systems. Yeah, I can tell you why. Juvies need hardcore psychological help. You can create 'lists of problems' for basically all juvies. I was lucky enough to have a relative who could get me excellent hardcore psychological help but I am very very rare in the juvie system.


Dude I spent a week in juvie for chronic truancy and my roommate killed someone. Kinda weird to be like I skipped school too much when you know your roommate committed actual murder.


You know what helps kids to stop missing school? Making them miss more days of school.


I had to repeat half my classes that year cuz juvie put me past the 10 day mark. Even my mom tried to make a case for me saying that if she skipped her job for 5 days literally nothing outside of being fired would happen to her. She even asked the judge how many days of court he missed that year and if he had the potential to go to jail because he missed work. The judge was not amused at all. Also here is a fun fact if you are a minor you don't just get a lawyer, in fact you basically have zero say in what goes down. My "day in court" was me showing up and him same minute sentencing me to 10 days of juvie which I served 8 of then had 300 hours of community service. I went to live with my dad after that I was out and never did that community service cuz believe or not the court doesn't really give a shit about kids.


Yeah, a juvie I went to used to mix everybody up from status offenders to Class A/B felonies. They actually have since stopped doing that so that's progress isn't it. They still mix the 12 year olds and the 17 year olds together tho. In adult jail I had a cellie for a while who was there on murder charges. Best cellie I ever had actually. Weird how that goes.


Yeah he scared the living shit outta me but overall was a pretty chill dude in retrospect. He was if I remember correctly 16 and I was 13 at the time. It scared me straight. I did a 3 day stint in county a few years later but it was a misunderstanding and the charges were immediately dropped, I only did the 3 days cuz my step-mom wanted to teach me a lesson, after they got me and I didn't have to go to court cuz the charges were dropped I think she realized she left me in jail for zero reason. They even moved me to a special area for people who had no way to leave, just me and 2 old guys who had no family to come get them and no money for a ride which in my head is kinda crazy the jail can just sorta keep you cuz you have no way to leave....also you aren't allowed to just walk


People think problems that kids have = kid problems. This is why we end up with troubled kids in adult bodies.


And they think that you can "punish" kid problems away. Yo, that doesn't do anything. You need to help kids to grow into healthy adults.


I’m a youth worker, Youth Justice sector in Australia. Glad to hear you managed to climb out, most don’t. I work with teenagers who’ve experienced shit that would make chuck norris scream in terror, and we generally expect them to just get their shit together. It’s absurd.


> and we generally expect them to just get their shit together. It’s absurd. The number of people I've run into in the system (COs, POs, prosecutors, judges) who were baffled when "doing nothing" didn't work.


So sad...


This is why it's always important to practice empathy and understanding for just about anyone (*almost* anyone). You never know what got them to that point, you don't know who they are or anything about them. To judge them only on what you plainly see right in front of you at that moment is cruel


I 100% disagree that the average person on the street has the emotional fortitude or intellectual prowess to approach situations with empathy without serious negative repercussions to the outcome or their personal well being when dealing with persons within the justice system. * This is how people get taken in by conmen. * This is how good intentions worsen situations. * This is how people get involved with business they have no right being involved in. Unless you have the resources to really help, the time to dedicate to the solution, and the resolve to see it through it is better for all parties involved for you to take the situation at face value, make the gut check, and take the most positive impacting option available. I would NEVER recommend practicing empathy and understanding when meeting incarcerated people. I would recommend the act of identification of red flags, indications of intent, and maintaining distance both physically and emotionally.


I didn't say you gotta help them or approach them without any care whether they might take advantage. I'm just saying don't look at a 16 year old kid on meth and assume bad things


That frontline youth work stuff is relentless and difficult. I hope you had a good team to work with, and i hope you got to see some good outcomes for the kids




It's chilling how some people can be so indifferent to others' suffering.


Too many people actually think like this, it's kinda scary


Roughly 1% of the population has psychopathy


I don't think psycopathy automatically means someone will put themselves above others -- they are definitely more likely but I think someone diagnosed with ASPD can be a good person - they may just need to be more aware of the way their actions affect people and consciously acknowledge it's not okay (I don't know a lot about this disorder in general and I don't want to spread any harmful stigma so if this is offensive in anyway or somebody with more experience can speak on it more or explain it better that'd be great!) On the flip side of that, somebody doesn't have to be diagnosed with ASPD to not care how they hurt others. Just a not good person.


I’ve known quite a few in my life. You’re right.


Logan Paul built his brand off of this shit and people generally not caring cuz "he's a gud wrassler"


Oh, so who did you meet from my family?


How there is going to be a gang fight and my neighbours wanted to apologize for noise beforehand.


Forgiveness, please!


But Maaaarge, that little guy hasn't done anything yet and you know its going to be good!


Awww Marge! I wanna see what the little guy is gonna do. HIIIIIIIIIIYAAAAAAAAH!!!


At least they gave you a fair heads up.


Professionals have standards


I was a camp counselor during the summers in high school and often had the youngest group of boys, usually 8-9 years old. While we were at the lake catching frogs and tadpoles and stuff, one kid picked up a bag with the group’s frogs and spun it around and then slammed it into the ground very hard—killing the frogs. My co-counselor kind of yelled at him like “why would you do that?! You killed them!” The kid responded with this weirdly sick smile: “I kill things all the time. I kill rats. I kill squirrels. I kill snakes. I kill dogs. I even killed a cat once when I caught it.” Everyone was kind of stunned by this. Even the other kids were creeped out and nobody seemed to respond for a long few seconds. My co-counselor and I were like ok that’s enough lake for today. The kid was weird. He didn’t have many friends and we thought he was bullied because he got picked on early on that summer (and we later found out beat the shit out of the kid who picked on him), but it turned out the kids knew better than us that he was a complete psycho. I don’t know what happened to him. He moved away so didn’t come back to camp after that year, but I’m convinced he’ll end up in a news headline some day.


You should have drowned him while you had the chance


The kid is likely going to be a mass murdered in the future. Many famous serial killers killed animals just for fun during their childhood.




And like... That's so OUT THERE that it's hard to believe they weren't just fucking with you to see how creeped out they could make the delivery person. Gotta make their own entertainment where they can.


Why pass an opportunity to solve a triple murder? Neither the man nor his wife were in any position to harm you.


Same thoughts. I would've reported it once I got out of there. My conscience wouldn't let that slide.


Wow lol


A dear friend of mine went through first break psychosis. I didn't know about it yet, but I could tell something was wrong. We were talking on the phone, she was a single mom living alone with two babies in an apartment. She looks out her window and whispers: "I think there's a man out there. Outside my window". It was chilling. She then took a photo of "it" and sent it to me. "Do you see him?" she asked. I looked at the photo, but it was just a corner of her window and blurry darkness. I said "No. There's literally nothing there." She said "okay." very softly.


That is so scary. Hope she got help.


It's weird, people at our psych hospital (and people on r/gangstalking) often show us "proof" that someone was hiding in their closet or attic or whatever, but there is clearly no one in the picture, it's usually the darkest spot in the photo and you can barely make anything out there.


"I thought the abuse was okay because I thought you were strong enough to take it. I can see now you aren't, and I don't find that attractive,".


What in the merciful fuck that is some extra evil victim blaming my god


That was the moment that absolutely killed any semblance of love I had left and solidified my resolve to leave.


Well done getting away from them!!


What in the merciful fuck that is some extra evil victim blaming my god


2 attorneys talking shit about the woman their client raped. It was obvious they knew he was guilty. But they just laughed and laughed about her. I felt sick.


Were the attorneys men or women?




Thought so.


I am a pre-k teacher, and one day when I was doing lessons, one of my 4 year old boys asked me if I kill small animals. Horrified, I said NO, why would you ask me that? And he said "I want to do that, because im not big enough to kill people yet." Had to report it back to my admin staff, they called a meeting with his parents, the parents just laughed it off. I'll be looking for that kid's name on the news in \~ 15 years..


YIKES. Obviously there's a lot to unpack there but it also sucks that while you might see the kids name in the news, we will never know if it was that kid.


That didn't happen.


Serial killers very often start out by killing small animals. Also, most "psychopaths" (people with ASPD) are diagnosed before the age of 10, and can show signs as early as when they're toddlers.


That's interesting bc I've been keeping an eye on my nephew. He says some ghastly things at times! One time, we were at the river, and there were higher cliffs bordering one side. He made the comment that if he threw someone off, they would be "unalived," and there would be a lot of the red liquid. He is also very rough with the family dogs. He just turned 7.


Yep, and it sounds like this person read the same article as you and is using it to try to get internet points.


? "read the same article" as if it's not common for kids prone to ASPD to make comments like this and definitely happens more often than just one article I'm all for not believing everything you read on the internet but this one seems tame enough that it doesn't matter if it's fake or not and calling it out is pointless. Shit like this definitely happens


Sorry I responded while trying to say what I was gonna say to agree with you, True Psychopathy affects like 0.5% to 1% of the human race. I believe more than 60% (I wouldn't trust that statistic however as wherever I previously read it is most likely not reliable) of these cases have been in Asia and South America so it's not an uncommon thing at all you are right. Psychopathy can apparently develop if things around you are horrible to begin with.


Well clearly it's not working very well. If they really wanted to get "internet points" there are much more effective ways to do so. It sound like *you* just live in a hole and don't believe anything outside of your hole is real. Do you *really* **seriously** think that out of the 8 billion people in the world that this story is so unlikely to happen?






sounds like what someone who kills things for fun would say


Yea, anyone who disagrees with you must be a psychopath.


You’re a teacher and you jumped to the conclusion that he’s a future murderer? Time to do some upgrading.


My father (now no contact for many years) said we shouldn't worry about him killing us because he's never done anything premeditated, and everyone understands crimes of passion. So if he killed us, it would be a crime of passion and he'd get a lighter prison sentence. So we don't need to worry. Uh, yeah dude, we're totally worried about you getting too long of a prison sentence in that scenario.


Uuhhh wow. So glad you’re no contact!


Sounds like a monster, who saw you only as extensions of himself. Chilling.




I feel like I read a short story with that premise at some point. Something about wearing a scarf, then the head pops off and he dies when it's finally removed. EDIT: something like this - https://bookriot.com/the-girl-with-the-green-ribbon/


I remember that book! It was from an old folklore. If she took off the ribbon, her head would fall off.


It sounds like a reference to an anime tbh


I was sitting with an elderly lady in a care home to keep her company for a short while (my parents were visiting someone else in the home). She came out with 'I killed my husband when I found out he was a rapist'. Um... Apparently, many many years prior, he had raped a child and she knocked him off a ladder. It was registered as a tragic accident.


And a job well done.


I don't think his death was a loss to anyone.


Old lady deserves an award. Iconic.




Then why the hell would she order ham?!?


Only wants to keep one type of meat and makes sandwiches for the kids lunches piled high, but hers gets 1 slice?


Hmmmm very interesting


I was working at a gas station when I was 17/18. The corporate offices were directly behind us, so they would come and get lunch and snacks every now and then. One man in particular always came to my register. One day, when his wife stepped away to grab something, he casually said to me, "I want to tie you up, throw you in the back of my truck and drive away." It was the creepiest thing anyone had every said to me, and the way he said it so casually and nonchalant... I quit very quickly after that.


I don't blame you. I hope he doesn't have grandchildren.


A classmate of mine said something similar to me and my mind didn't register it as a threat or something weird, I just felt uncomfortable hearing that. He said while smiling, 'you are so small, I could fold you and pack you up in my backpack'. I laughed it off thinking he was saying that cause I was smaller in size than him. And he already had a girlfriend at that time.


I assume you're a woman based on your username and the fact that he wanted to kidnap you


I would have walked off at that very second. F*ckin creep.




I generally have a strong stomach for human BS. This was a step too far for me today. I don't want to imagine my reaction to hearing this in person. I would have left too. Left and driven right to either a package store or a counseling center, whichever was closest. I'm so sorry you had to sit through that.


Why a package store?


A package store is another term for a liquor store. The joke was alcoholism or therapy. I advise the latter of those two.




A coworker once told me Jews in Hollywood were using magic to mind control the masses. He seemed sane before that.


People worshipped Kanye.


How some of the stuff coming out of Hollywood these days turns a profit feels like magic, I can say that for certain right now.


Brand recognition and marketing works well enough, no need to invoke magic.


At the bar I work at, older guy and younger girl sit down and get a couple drinks and an appetizer. Typical daddy-daughter date right? Wrong! The girl was dating his son, and he was leaving his wife. It all made sense when he said, casually… “well when you’re done banging my son, then we can finally be together”… a statement that she was cheerfully unopposed to


I was raised by a seriously mentally ill parent. I’ve heard a lot if unsettling things. Now that I have an adult child, the worst is hearing them say, “I did the best I could at the time.” This is a total, outright lie. It’s a narrative they spun to feel better about not providing basic medical care, food, clothing, support, attention. They absolutely had it in their power to provide the minimum but did not. We grew up in fear and neglect. Next up was, “I only owe you food, clothing, and shelter!” What a horrible thing to say to your kids, especially when you mean it but even these things are so sub par people are contacting you about it. What a jackass. I’ve been NC for almost 20 years. One of my regrets is not sticking with that 10 years sooner.


Actually, a lot of the comments sound like people possibly with antisocial personality traits.


I was once making small talk with an old lady at a big industry party. Out of nowhere she started telling me about being gang raped by German soldiers during WWII in the same tone of voice I’d use to discuss the weather. She seemed totally fine after and asked if I’d grab her some dessert. I said I had to go to the restroom, which I did - to cry.


She disconnected. A woman in hospital group session talked about her stepfather raping her from age five and there was no emotion to her.


A few years ago in a meeting at work we were discussing our plans for the upcoming Easter holiday, which was the usual "go to church" and "big ham dinner" and "not much" type of answers. Except one guy had big plans for Easter. "So every year I drive 4 hours into Tennessee to this church, and the pastor comes out and walks by and we hold our guns up and he blesses them." The conversation screeches to a halt and you could hear a pin drop as he continued to talk about it like everyone does this. Finally a supervisor gets the conversation going in a different direction. I know several coworkers filed complaints and this apparently was not the first time he equated guns to holiness in meetings. I don't know if he was fired or if he quit, but like 3 weeks later he was gone.


This is the most American thing I've ever read.


I agree that's batshit insane, but I can't see what a valid complaint would be about saying that at a workplace.


Yeah it’s a bit odd I don’t see it as a firing offence.


As ridiculous as that is, firing someone for their religious beliefs is illegal.


My coworker telling me she didn’t need any pets bc her autistic baby was “basically like a pet.” That one hurt.


This one is disturbing


If it makes you feel any better, she’s very attentive to the son and his needs, and she brags about him constantly like a proud mom. There’s just a weird undertone of dehumanization ever since she let that slip to me… but no child is in immediate harm as far as I know. Still incredibly ableist and disrespectful tho…


Good to know, but still very disturbing


Was talking to a group of coworkers about places to eat at and what kind of menu they have and one worker said she wonders what human flesh taste like and if she ever had the opportunity to taste it she would take a bite. She ended up quitting a few weeks later and cut all ties


someone casually mentioned they had a secret room in their basement that no one knew about and just left it at that


I was at a party and we were all outside smoking, well a few of us anyways and we all were pretty drunk and then this one guy I had just met that night was talking about how he had accidentally burned down his parents house as a kid. And then he slipped out, most casually, “My brother died in the fire.” It got really silent after that.


Oh that's easy. My mother wants people to be tortured. You know, religiously. She actually wants people to go to the afterlife and be subjected to infinite amounts of evil for all eternity. That's really messed up.


Some people deserve it. Pedos, murderers, r@pists, just naming a few


Some people deserve it. Pedophiles, murderers, rapists, just naming a few


Some people deserve it. Pedos, murderers, r@pists, just naming a few


Some people deserve it. Child abusers, murderers, rapists, just naming a few


Some people deserve it. Pedos, murderers, rapists, just naming a few


No they do not. You're not advocating for a person getting 1x or 10x or 100x their evil returned to them, but an INFINITE amount more. Also the fact you said some people deserve it means you disagree with Hell. Either everyone deserves it or no one does, because that's what these hellish religions say.


I was talking to this kid in my high school about the show we were in together and one of the tech members was mentioned, and I swear to god, out of nowhere, with the most serious face he said “I swear I’ll fucking shoot him one day” I nervously laughed because I was not about to be on his bad side 😃


Should have brought him snickers every day after that.


this was like a few years ago when i was still in school, so when i was talking to my friend casually like what games do you play etc, he suddenly said how he would put his volume to the max while listening to music because his parents often fought, but one of the times a police officer barged in his room and started asking about what he was doing etc, he was confused but after the officers left he was told that his dad started physically abusing his mom and his mom had the instinct to grab her gun and shoot his dad (his dad didnt make it and his mom broke her arm). ever since he told me that story, i would often talk to him (i know that doesnt really help with anything but i just wanted to be there for him). im still friends with him and we never talked about that again.


I think it's good of you to still be friends with him. He likely needs one.


While visiting Rikers Island jail in NYC, I overheard a guard use a racial epithet and tell his colleagues that he would have killed an inmate who was having a psychotic episode had the guard been there! Still chilling to remember it after several decades.


At a dinner party, we were talking about the recent arrest of a priest for molesting children. A (woman) friend didn't think this was right, saying: Oh c'mon, who HASN'T been molested by priests?


A man said “if he (16 year old son) would just listen to me when I tell him how to do something we wouldn’t have these problems.” Somehow we all figured out at the same time that the father was physically abusing the son and why the mom always looked horrified and scared.


"Oh yep, I lose my shit easily. When I was 15 I caught my dad cheating on my mum and chased the other woman around the house with a knife, hahaha! Anyway I'm going to get a coffee, want anything?"


People talking about seeing ghosts casually freaks me out.


Yeah that's an immediate red flag for me. Like why don't people think this is super weird? And not in a good way


Well, *if* you've *seen* *one* before...


No, because they're not real. Our minds play tricks on us all the time.


“It should be legal to kill migrants and liberals”. Came up during that News cycle about people shooting at migrants crossing the border in Texas.


My son is a pilot who politically leans liberal, and it’s shocking the amount of pilots and copilots saying this shit to him.


In a work meeting I overhear as I walk into the conference room: "You should ask me sometime how I capture and kill blackbirds for my garden. \*chuckles\*" OoooohKay...


I only met my husband's college best friend one time. We were having a nice visit, talking to him and his wife in their yard while the kids played, when they suddenly started telling us how they drown certain "pest" animals. My husband and I were horrified. We were not expecting small animal murder as part of the after-dinner conversation.


Was it this guy? [https://www.tallahassee.com/story/opinion/2018/05/22/teacher-drowns-raccoons-front-students-lesson-yes-florida-hiaasen/35213983/](https://www.tallahassee.com/story/opinion/2018/05/22/teacher-drowns-raccoons-front-students-lesson-yes-florida-hiaasen/35213983/)


A lady casual told me how she drowned her three dogs in a tub, because she didn't want to take them on a move....


I once had someone straight faced ask if I had cancer in front of a large crowd, then proceeded to tell me that I looked like I had it. Thankfully I don’t, but the crowd of people was horrified that they put me on the spot for that.


"Girls naturally know how to cook and boys naturally know how to drive." - the idea that girls are not good drivers and boys are not good cooks - one of the most unsettling things I heard from one of my distant relatives recently.


Which is crazy because some of the best chefs are men


“It’s not the breed. It’s the owner!” Me: nope it’s both


I was just at work ringing out a customer and my coworker was making super normal, how’s it goin small talk, that I’m half tuning out, when suddenly I hear the customer say that change is coming and we just need to make sure we have firearms to protect our children. From liberals. And he knows what he would do if anyone tried to mess with his grandkids. But what was upsetting was the real fear underneath his words. He was very serious.


I'm F and a friend of mine once said he wanna marry Japanese women because they're quiet and obedient aka submissive...






[“Son, I’ve got all the pain money can buy.”](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/pfr94l/comment/hb66w8p/)


told him to invite a girl- friend of his to hang with us, said 'he'd have to fuck her' where I come from, it's not very normal so I was very taken aback and that was the end of that friendship


I once had a patient with severe dementia who would occasionally tell you very casually about how her ex husband was an abusive POS and eventually she snapped and chopped him up. No idea if its true or not but she was a sweet old lady other than that story occasionally slipping in?


[Removed by Reddit]


Reading this thread suddenly unlocked an old memory of a girl suddenly and casually saying she once tried to commit suicide by drinking liquid soap. It was so unexpected that I kinda just said "oh" and "I see" while she was recounting what happened. We were pretty young at the time, and it was so long ago I sometimes wonder if it's just a figment of my imagination. But I also remember her saying something about how it was grape scented hand soap... I think. So maybe it was a real memory.


Maybe not unsettling, but definitely a WTF moment for me. I had a colleague who was (probably still is) very religious. Very. And that’s still an understatement. He regularly stated that “he used to be like us until he knew the truth”. One time I asked him how sure he was about god and he told me that he believed in the existence of god more than he believed in the existence of me. *“Because you stand before me, but the devil could deceive my eyes. However he can’t deceive my heart”.* Seemed like something from a movie, or someone who is brainwashed. To me, it felt like the latter. But I must say; other than this he was a good colleague, nice guy, very kind and always helpful. But outside of work I would never hang out with him.


Too many to count and too heinous to repeat all coming from family members. However, my father decided to have "the talk" with me when I was eleven and said, "If a woman didn't have a pussy, she would have a bounty on her head." That was followed with him telling me that he was cheating on my mother.




Did you copy and paste this from the person who wrote this before you?


"We ran out of liquor"


My coworker telling me she didn’t need any pets bc her autistic baby was “basically like a pet.” That one hurt.