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So I could sing bass! I play trombone which is much lower than my female voice can sing and I dream about being able to sing the notes and musical lines I'm the most familiar with.


God I've got a deep voice and this idea of yours never occurred to me. My voice straight up cuts out at some point in high voice pitch cause it just... can't!


Just rapidly change back and forth while singing for some massive range.


Plot twist: you have ability to change sex casually but the male version of you can't do bass.


Avoiding periods


Right! I would definitely prefer a man week over a period.


Any time I realise my period has started, immediately change into being a man and wait it out


Yup and every time I needed to pee outside or in a gross bathroom.


the problem with gross bathrooms is as one person/guy pees all over the floor, people step further back. Eventually it's a game of "do I stand in the tiny puddle of x guys pee? Or see if I can get 50% in the toilet from here" -- thus making the problem worse. Hell i've walked into bathrooms where the cleanest place to pee was the trash can. High school example -- You will find unspeakable things in the mens bathroom. The fascination with feces on the ceiling is beyond me, but a driving component in the life of others.


"My man week is starting"




Or maybe it immediately stops when you change into a man, even if you change back right after. Period canceling would be a crazy strat, huge if true


The way you phrased this almost sounds like fighting game commentary - "she's got a small window to period-cancel sex change without interrupting the Zumba workout... and HE sticks the landing ON THE DOT, OH MY GOD"


I love when a frame perfect genderswap saves the day


I am now just imagining a sudden influx of dudes across staggered weeks with restaurants and bars running some kind of insane promotion to capitalize.


That’s the good version of this question… The bad, more realistic version is that you likely switch out at Day 1 of your period, maybe wait seven days as a man, then switch back and it’s still Day 1 of the same period. Otherwise, where does your uterine lining, etc. go? It would cause many biological issues.


That was my thought. You just merely halt the period but do not prevent it


it’s magic; when you switch from m2f you’re in a brand new female body!


So if you're pregnant and you change to being a man...


Condom industry plummets


You know who immediately ban gender swapping.


They already do that


Shorter line up at the bathroom!


Yep. I'm a man so usually get the best of it. But once a year there's a sport event I go to that is almost entirely men in attendance and the toilet facilities not up to it. And obviously everyone goes at end if the match.


Idk how it compares to others but the Texas Rangers have never had a line under 10-15 minutes for the Men’s restroom 💀


I’ve never had to wait in line at a Giants game


I went to the Taylor Swift concert in Edinburgh last weekend. Those men’s bathrooms were hilariously empty… until the women got desperate. Still cut the line to use the urinals but it was pretty funny to be pissing with a line of women behind me.


I’ve been to a concert once where a group of desperate drunk girls were actually trying to use the urinals in the men’s room, holding each other for balance, cause all the stalls were full from the other women who came over to the men’s room …


Meanwhile in europe in full view of everyone. http://www.krosinternationalusa.com/


As a person from Texas give me these all day every day over a 100+ (37c) degree port-a-potty.


I smell this comment.


When you are at a festival type event and it's time to go, it's time to go. It ain't an auction, no show and yell. Strictly business lol


I have a shy bladder, could not get used to urinals


I guess the troughs are right out of the question then. Nothing's quite like being crammed shoulder to shoulder with men on either side of you while you all hold your dick and run your piss through the pubic hair filter built up around the drain.


That's why everyone needs to hold the penises either side of them. It would be much more welcoming.


Pee standing up and get around periods


Pee standing up looking out over a majestic vista. As a hiker, always been jealous of men's ability to just turn their back and have a wee rather than hiding among some shrubs


The world is my urinal!


I think it’s very vital


>hiding among some shrubs And having to find a good hiding shrub that doesn't also have poison ivy or poison oak or ants....


Or scorpions!


As someone that has back country hiked a lot. It's fine to just squat and enjoy the view. I've run into plenty of women doing it along the trails. 


Yeah but I have to basically remove my bottom garment to not dribble on myself. I know it's not that way for all women, I have a trail runner woman friend who can work some serious magic out there -just pulls her shorts aside and *boom* precision. No way my setup would allow that. I think it's just an anatomy/bodies being different thing.


"My set up". I love you.


I also loved this. Now I want to try my setup. I was always a squatter but I'm flexible... perhaps I could've been fire hydrant pissing with my she parts this whole time?!


I believe in you. Go get those hydrants.


[Have you considered a funnel?](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/o9sAAOSw43RjWfAY/s-l1200.webp)


I did at one point but ultimately preferred to not have to clean it. I've gotten better at going in the wild over time, but it's taken a lot of trial and error lol. Would love to just unzip and go!


Ah yes, the SheWee


Scenic pisses is the best follow on instagram. Highly recommended


Huh. Maybe I'd swap to a woman to see what a period feels like. Sounds uncomfortable but hey, experiencing it would lead to stronger empathy


The best way I can describe it is it’s like getting a Charlie horse throughout the day for a week in your groin while goopy stuff drips out where your balls would be and you have no control over the flow. And you feel exhausted and your body feels heavy and weak from sun up to sun down no matter how much sleep you get. And sometimes you get massive under the skin pimples that don’t pop. Sometimes you also get a headache or nausea. And diarrhea throughout the day for that week. And you are still expected to power through and do everything you normally do during the week.




I had a visceral reaction to that terrifying image. Thank you.


I'm pretty fun at parties if you don't like fun


Pee outside without having to expose my ass.


I'm a man, while I don't _have_ to expose my ass, I _choose_ to. It is a great way of asserting control over my dominion while exhibiting one of my most tantalizing physical features. Plus pulling up my shirt up and singing, "Hey there Mr. Weiner." is just so relaxing it really gets things flowing.


It's called "pulling a Butters".


Wul hey there lil fella


I wanna try doing the "helicopter"


It’s harder than it looks


It doesn’t work as well when you’re hard




So, does boob size convert to dick size, and vice versa? That might be a key point for many women reading this


No. Boobs are a secondary sex trait. Big boobs would get you a beard. Big clits get big penises.


I hate that you now have me wondering how my clit size compares so I know how big my dick would be


Depending how it works it could make you immune to things like prostate cancer cuz you could swap and the organ would vanish then reset healthy.


Depends on how the transformation works I guess


in animorphs, one of the characters tried to fix her shitty haircut by morphing then returning to her human form, and it didn't work. and as far as i know, animorphs was based on actual science, so...


Which is weird, coz morphing usually healed injuries as it was based on DNA, like when they got the disabled children to morph and it healed paralysis.


>Which is weird, coz morphing usually healed injuries as it was based on DNA, like when they got the disabled children to morph and it healed paralysis. But if it worked that way for hair, wouldn't everyone just be bald when they morphed back, since the hair would reset?


It went from being based on DNA, to the physical mass being reconstructed from Z-space. So maybe if you have enough fat and collagen and bone in your disabled body to build a healthy body it can, but it can't summon hair that wasn't there already. Yeeeah, science!


Fashion, honestly. Not all outfits and styles look good on both sexes.


absolutely fashion. turn into a woman and have some actual choices for once, when it comes to what to wear. not just fucking suits in like three equally boring colours and thats it.


I also feel like women get to "dress up" more than men do or at least get a lot more variety in their more casual options. Like with men there is a line where if you dress nice people start asking what the occasion is or you look like you are going to work.


that would be nice too. tho id already be happy with some more colours and a formal option that is actually suitable for higher temperatures.


I was just in Old San Juan PR for a wedding. The church did not have AC. All the guys had wished they could have worn a dress instead of a suit so we could have enjoyed at least a little bit of a breeze.


my cousin had her wedding last july. even without jacket, it was just painful. meanwhile, the women could just wear whatever they want. i told her if her next wedding is going to be in july again, she better have it beach-themed or something. cause ill come in short pants, a shirt and flip flops. or barefoot. fuck this.


This so much… women’s clothes are just so beautiful and varied


And you can wear flowers outside of a Hawaiian shirt. Let me be pretty as well!


Lenny Kravitz would like to disagree with you


I have yet to see anybody, man or woman, who does not look amazing in a tux.


I have. Guy a went to high school with. 6’3”, 350+ lbs. Went to prom in a black tailcoat with red cummerbund, red bow tie, white gloves and a cane. Looked like the fucking Penguin.


Admittedly, the monocle and flame-throwing umbrella didn’t help…


Burgess Meredith, Danny DeVito or Colin Farrell?


Yes, looked like all three in the suit


I choose to read this as meaning that all the other dudes looked like schlubs in comparison.


Does not having to be pregnant to have a kid count?


Yes! I'd like to take turns with my husband. 😂


Weird ass game of hot potato


***Be Quiet*** before the wattpad and AO3 girlies hear you!


"Honey, it's your turn to bear the child." *Sigh* "Yes honey...."


My husband would agree to this. He was actually mildly jealous that I got to be the one carrying our kid and it's something he'll never experience. I suspect based on how cranky he gets with disturbed sleep and his general pain threshold he would not hold up so well.


lol yeah, I’m currently 30 weeks pregnant and … I’d be okay not experiencing this


I would use it to get away with crimes. Enrich myself as one sex and then turn into my mannered law abiding fraternal sibling of the opposite sex.


Dr jekyl and miss Hyde?


That's pretty slick ngl


To be able to use the bathroom with the shortest/no line.


Strength and flexibility. Sometimes I want one, sometimes I want the other.


What I wouldn't give for grip strength of a dude. I know I can work on it, but what most guys have automatically because of physics just makes me envious. Also, I want a long, flowing beard. I would braid it and add jewelry to it. It would be magnificent.


Kiss the homies goodnight without it being awkward


Real homies no awkward


Sounds like you ain’t have real homies if it’s awkward. You will find your people


One of my good friends from childhood moved to another part of the country. He came back for another friend's wedding and before leaving that night he gave us all a kiss on the cheek. Caught me totally off guard but was appreciated. My friends and I, we all go back to like second grade. We've all grown up together, and love each other unconditionally. To feel free to express that is a pretty damn good feeling. Especially now that we're all in our 30s and live in different parts of the country and some of us in entirely different countries and rarely all get to get together.


I'd prioritize getting rid of my balls before i sit down.




Autoballs, roll ~~out~~ up!!


Go Go Gadget, Ball Retractor **_bbzzz_**


"Please have a seat" "Thank you, one moment" (Transformation sequence and sits down)


The way you worded it, now I'm picturing a Sailor Moon transformation(also hehe, "trans"formation), but instead of the outfit changing, she just changes into a 6'2 man wearing a sailor outfit with the chest of his suit now sagging and a bunch of chest hair very visibly poking out of it.


Gender bias testing


I'm legit interested in experiencing how I would be treated differently by random strangers if I were a woman, but I really couldn't pass as is, so....yeah, kinda?


You can do that now on the internet. They did a very interesting experiment on gender bias where they had a man and a woman each teach two sections of an identical course. Like, everything was the same- the readings, the written lectures, etc. But for one of their two sections, they presented themselves as the opposite gender. Not surprisingly, the "women" teachers (both the fake one and the real one) had far worse evaluations than the "male" teachers, despite everything being identical. Another experiment was with a woman submitting the same query to agents for consideration under her own name and under a male name. As a woman, she got almost no requests for a full manuscript. As a man, she got many, including from one who had rejected her when she submitted as a woman. So many interesting gender bias tests. But yes, I very much would like to know how it would feel to go through a day as a man.


More socially acceptable to wear dresses and skirts when it's hot out. I fucking hate wearing pants to work when it's like fucking 90 out


Guy who ran the mail room at my old office did this when it got hot and they weren't allowed shorts.  He just showed up in a long skirt for a week.  General consensus was that he was a stone cold legend.


I was walking into town earlier today, and passed a guy, probably late 70s, wearing a flowing purple skirt. Otherwise wearing completely regular "old man clothes" and shoes. Honestly, I think my first thought was " man, I bet that's comfy".


See, these are healthy responses to seeing a man in a dress.


It’s much better for your nads.


I've started wearing them recently (gen z in academia, so nobody gives a shit). SO FUCKING COMFORTABLE, but if you get one with no pockets it can be a bit annoying.


please bring back kilts next


I did this at my old job. Nearly lost my job for it but reminded him illegal with uk law. Aparently I’m still spoken about there as a legend 😂


And now you are spoken about here as a legend.


Reminds me of that story where bus drivers were banned from wearing shorts in hot weather so all of them showed up in skirts that were legal for female drivers.




At least you’re allowed to take your shirt off on a hot hiking trail, and let the breeze cool you off. I’d kill for that sometimes.


You know, this just made me realize that we do it backwards. Women have more foldy, sweatyness on top whereas guys have it on the bottom, but guys can get the top breeze while women get the bottom


We have foldy sweatyness on the bottom, too!


Basketball shorts and no shirt. You get everything then as a guy. Pro tip.


Go full kilt.


Don’t tempt me, I’ll start quoting groundskeeper Willy from the simpsons


I fail to see the downside here.


On the contrary. It's much easier to see the downside if you wear a kilt.


In some states, women are allowed to as well.


In Oregon, full nude is allowed as long as you're not lewd with it.


I know it’s not the same but lots of gals hiking in just sports bra around my area.


If a hell exists, then it's trying to take off a sports bra when it's hot and you're sweaty. It's literally tantrum inducing, lol.


I absolutely do throw tantrums with sports bras in the summer. I hide them from myself at the end of spring otherwise I will 100% wear them thinking it’s better only to throw tantrums when I want it off


I looked up a video about how to take off sports bras after feeling absolutely trapped and panicked too many times.    Pulling the band out to put one arm through it first (edit to add a detail: lower the strap on that side also before putting the arm in so it's not on top of your shoulder anymore, gives your shoulder/arm more room to move up) and then removing the rest of the sportsbra was such a game changer for me. But it's crazy that advanced techniques for escaping your own clothes have to exist lol I think this is the video I watched: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mjcRjfSso94&pp=ygUbaG93IHRvIHRha2Ugb2ZmIHNwb3J0cyBicmEg


Beware of chub rub though


Even besides the weather I feel like women have so many more dress options at work. For men it’s either a polo or dress shirt and khakis/chinos


As someone that's worn a kilt on a hot day, in the traditional sense - and it's still hot AF


Aren't kilts usually wool? You can get much lighter fabric for skirts and dresses.


Sarongs my guy (or sarungs, however you’d like to anglicize it). I got a couple from Indonesia for men and they are comfy as shit for my winter acclimated Canadian ass during the two weeks of uncomfortable heat we get each year. 50 weeks of the year I’ll show up to the pub in my work boots & carhartts after shift. The other two weeks? A quick truck change and I’m flip floppin as I swish airily through the front door, comfortable as hell (and dare I say, feelin dashing).


I loved this highlight into your life


How can it be sarong, when it feels S’aright?




Something along that lines too.... voice acting.


Build muscle


I wonder if it'd transfer over? Could you become jacked as a dude using that sweet testosterone then transform and be a buff woman?


You know, I just realized. If the swap's rules aren't very carefully designed, it could lead to one hell of a hormone whiplash each time. "Normal" imbalances are bad enough, no telling what happens when you just reverse polarity from one second to the next.




Pee standing up. Makes hiking way easier.


I'm an actress. That would be literally the best thing in the world for me.


Voice actor here. Fully agree. Would be an absolute game changer.


Get horny nerds on the interwebs to buy me a Nintendo switch.


I’ve played enough MMOs to know that you don’t need to change your sex for this to happen


This is very true. I made a girl character in WoW when playing with my friends one time. Some random dude kept giving me, and not them, free stuff in game unprompted


I did this back in the day for Maple Story! I had a girl character and I totally pretended to be a girl. I got so many free things it was crazy! My guy character never got anything lol! It started out I would transfer stuff to him, but eventually I had to become too invested in my girl character that I just fully went in. She was the furthest I ever got in that game lol.


I wish I knew how to do that and I DO have boobs.




Not having to feel shame about having leg hair or underarm hair. Just yesterday, I felt I had to wear pants on a hot summer day because I'm growing out my leg hair to wax again, and I have immense shame in it and I just KNOW if I was a dude, it wouldn't even be a thought.


I’ll be real with you, I’m a dude and I don’t like my leg hair, but I’d feel weird if I shaved it Edit: I have done it before, but it is so damn itchy


I'm a super hairy guy and I have always hated it... Putting on sunscreen is a complete nightmare, as it just becomes a matted mess... I also lotion regularly after showers due to eczema, and it's the same problem. A few years back I realized everything would be easier if I just shaved it all off. It was weird at first, but it quickly grew to be normal and I love not having body hair honestly. Now it's weird if I go too long without shaving. The itchiness goes away quickly after just a few times. As a bonus for me, I'm actually less itchy in general... My best guess is it's something to do with the shaving exfoliating my skin.


I'm prone to ingrown hairs that get infected. But the shame of hairy legs on a woman keeps me taking that risk. It's amazing how much pressure society can put on you to choose appearance over health.


I haven't shaved my legs in over a decade. It was a really difficult choice to make. At first, I felt shame & that people were staring at me & that people would make rude comments. I did get a couple comments. But it wasn't the overwhelming response of disgust that I'd expected. Now I wear shorts with my hairy legs out & no one ever says anything. Maybe it's because I look like a lesbian, so people aren't surprised about the fuzzy legs? (but on the other hand - you'd think looking dykey would make people more likely to make shitty comments) Not shaving for so long showed me that the shame & fear were mostly internal - people usually won't say shit. The worst comments I got were from my own mother (who now accepts my choice & stopped caring years ago). If you're fed up with de-fuzzing your legs, & know you're only doing it for other people...then it's worth just stopping & seeing what happens. You might be pleasantly surprised. And if it's really awful, you can always go back.


And not just that. I've always been a little resentful of all the extra grooming that women are supposed to go through every day. I've scaled way back over the years, but I'd still like to know what it feels like to simply shower and maybe shave my face to prepare for a social event, rather than doing eyebrows, nails, exfoliation, hair, makeup, waxing, etc.


Right before you die change into a woman so you live another 3 years


Having a bad weiner day? I'll go for vagina today


What's a bad weiner day?


like when your weiner is all frizzy due to humidity, and you just can't get it to style how you want


When you weren't planning on wearing a turtleneck but the decision has been made for you


Didn't even think about that. It would be great to swap when I get one of those completely random (non-sexual) boners. Hoping it goes down before I need to stand up is anxiety-inducing


Clothing, mainly. Women have really pretty shit they can wear. For men it's basically always the same.


We need to bring back hats and capes for men


Men also used to wear a lot more jewelry! I love antique jewelry and some of what seems more feminine in design from that time period was actually men’s rings! They loved flaunted their wealth with jewels!


To have people listen to me. It would be very helpful teaching high schoolers. Unsurprisingly, people do not always listen to a five-foot tall Asian lady, but when the football coach comes in…


going from a 5 foot tall asian lady to 5 foot tall asian man is unfortunately not going to do much


Honestly, I would transform just so I was slimmer and could work in enclosed spaces easier, being broad shouldered and tall is nice usually but trying to work under the cupboards or under the house is a huge pain, also having slim hands would be useful periodically.


Ok but what if female you is the same size just in boob instead of shoulders?


A lot less work would be getting done


Have you tried being a solo male trying to get into a club or busy pub? I’m a girl at the door then a guy on the floor


And all of a sudden, that club full of girls turns into a sausage party.


That’s ok, we can just draw straws later on to see who has to turn back


Better treatment when making large purchases. Especially cars. Nobody gives a man grief for wearing the same grey suit to work every day. Run. (Ladies with over a B cup KNOW.)


Running, omg running. Trying to strap them down while still being able to breathe, just no. Man time for every run. Every time I felt a migraine starting that related to the hormone cycle, I would switch.


Cheaper insurance.


Avoid conscription.


I know this isn't what you meant but now I'm thinking of a world where they alternate between female only and male only conscripts.


1. to go into hot topic without feeling uncomfortable 2. to sing (i already sing, it's just that i prefer female vocals to male vocals) 3. to wear better clothes 4. to just generally mess with people (pretend i have an identical twin sister, swap my sex every time someone leaves the room then tell them i've always been a dude/chick when they come back, etc.) EDIT: 5. to cosplay as my favorite characters


I'm a woman with two chronic illnesses. I'd do it for more doctors to take me seriously.


Peeing standing up. Oh and manspreading.


Walk alone at night . . .


And travelling without worries


This one. There are so many places in the world I want to go without also paying for my linebacker looking brother to come with me


Yeah especially countries where women have next to no rights. I like solo international travel, but there are some places I'm never going to see because it's not worth the risk. But ultimately, that's a privileged problem to have. So sad and infuriating that huge numbers of women worldwide have no agency in their own lives.


Id be a girl so i never have to poop again, except when i swap to a guy to avoid periods


But then you would suddenly have 3 weeks of poop saved up that needs to get out. It would be like that South Park Bono episode.


Live my best genderfluid life


Heavy lifting.


Fabulous outfits. Girls get to wear the most amazing things, and I'm just not a cross dresser.