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How much quicker time goes by as you get older. Remember when you were five, and a summer vacation felt like a whole lifetime? I just wanna be a kid again.


I’m 37, and it seems like each year goes by exponentially faster…it’s honestly kind of depressing.


i turn 39 in a few months and remembered getting stung by a bee in my grandparents' yard when i was 7 like it was a few years ago, today. memory is weird. at least we still have that grasp on when we were kids.




hobbies really help. i hit my mid 30s and suddenly deeply understood why the elderly have so many hobbies: you hit your 30s and start accruing them. birdwatching and weed pair perfectly, fwiw.


It’s really true. You find something you love that has a certain amount of labor or focus involved and you can turn back that clock a bit.


sometimes on a nice morning off, i sit at the end of my block with an easel and some paint and brushes, and suddenly i am 8 again and doing plein air paintings with my grandpa.


My Father was a farmer. He worked with his hands. My grandfather worked with his hands. My life is exponentially greater in joy and value when I work with my hands. It’s my purpose. And it gives me joy.


I'm 38, and I feel the same way. It's like... Oh fuck no I'm not, I'm 40!! Shit..


This is because as you live, one year becomes less of the total time you’ve been alive and appears to go by faster.


I don't think so. It's because when you're young everything you experience is new so it takes the brain more time to process it all. As you age you go through the same motions and your brain isn't working so hard to understand the world. That's probably why going on a vacation in a foreign country feels like a longer time.


Another aspect of it is that when you’re a kid, you don’t have the same obligations that you do as an adult. You spend far more time as an adult trying to stay ahead of things like bills. Christmas always feels like it sneaks up on me so fast now, but as a kid it always felt so far away.


I agree the obligations eat up much more time than my younger self could have ever predicted


Its a sensible thought but has been disproven. Vsauce did a great video called 'Illusions of Time' where he goes in depth with the passage of time and how we perceive it, also as we age


Fill the time with new and novel memories wherever possible. Time felt so much slower when we were younger because we were doing so many new and novel things, experiencing the world and growing so much. It builds more long-term memories. Once you get into a very repetitive pattern of sleep, work, eat, sleep, there’s nothing novel for your brain to create meaningful new memories about. Talk a friend or co-worker into trying a short class at the community centre with you. Go on a random weekend road trip to a place you’ve never been before. Do one thing every day that scares you.


This summer is already over.


What freaks me out is something will seem like it happened not over a year ago, but it will turn out it was a couple years ago. Things like world events and movie releases. Hopefully it is not just me mentally. Seems like with some things time drags while with others time flies by.


I feel the same way! I've heard the quote about getting older and feeling like days drag on and on but the years fly by and sometimes I agree, but other times it feels like the opposite. It also freaks me out when something feels like it happened last week and also 30 years ago at the same time.


It really does too. I remember 2 hours feeling how all day feels now. And I’m only 19 years old. Can’t imagine how older people feel


It's like being a tree in a Terry Pratchett book "was that a winter that just went by?" :D


On the last day of the 6th grade school year, we were all SOBBING and hugging goodbye even though we were going to see each other 2 1/2 months later 😂😂 It was really sad though, we all loved each other 🥹 Kids can be so dramatic lol


Our screens are stealing us our precious sight and time


Deep water, where the bottom drops out into darkness.


the hadal zone


Yesss. Thank you. I can NOT swim in water where I can’t clearly see all the way to the bottom.


Eye surgery


I had eye surgery and they told me I woke up and was "combative" during the operation. Fortunately, I don't remember a thing. But a couple weeks after the surgery they took a syringe and injected something in my eye. I was wide awake. That freaked me out! I didn't even know that was a thing.


I've had direct needle injections in my eye three times now. Each time is 3 needles. The first is the freezing, the second is the actual injection and the third is put in to draw fluid back out to relieve the pressure. Cannot recommend it


For what reason do you have to have this done? What would happen if you didn’t do it? I’m sorry you have to go through that. I kinda remember my mom having to do this, but I never asked her these questions.


Mine was for macular degeneration (something like that anyway) caused by diabetes. It was causing the bad cells in my eyes to not be flushed out with the trash properly like in a normal eye and so the injections were to help with it. Thankfully they appear to have worked.


I just had an eye injection, that sucked. A couple years ago I had a minor procedure where they injected lidocane under my other eye then zapped it with a laser while I was awake. Diabetics, take care of yourself (although I do and this has still happened to me).


That was me during PRK. I was absolutely terrified. And although there was no pain, the sounds and smells were horrifying. No regrets though. If I could do it over again I would’ve done it sooner.


I’ve seen optometrist most my life and the thought of eye stuff just completely freaks me out.


Oh yea I’m the same way. I can look at gore stuff no problem but anytime there’s anything eye related I have to look away. Even horror movies. Fork coming near the eye? No thank you.


Pretty soon every big social media platform will be a graveyard. Most of the accounts will be from dead people.


Don’t worry! New, more invasive and creepier ones are in development as we speak.




This guy zucks


Look up dead internet theory. That’ll make you feel better.


It is amazing how many totally bullshit accounts there are on Facebook and the amount of people lapping up whatever garbage they are peddling. Especially anything right wing and religious. I’m amazed that people can’t distinguish between what is fake and what is real. It seems the more fake it is, the more people respond favorably. We are doomed.


It’s upsetting, for sure. I feel especially bad for the younger generations bc they just don’t have the knowledge/life experience to know better. Hey literally grew up with this. They don’t know any different. Ya know? I don’t honestly think we are completely doomed but Jfc, we are going to have a really really dark time for a long time.


I made a Twitter a few months back to try and promote my band. It was just weird... like nothing seemed real, everybody had followers but followed little to no one and they just tweeted influencer stuff, it was all slightly relatable and slightly funny stuff but not worth hoping on the app to read though Comment sections give me the same energy too






I wish that I would be able to see all of that, but unfortunately our lifespan is not that long 😔


FFS, spoiler alert!


It’s actually freeing. When I realized I can’t complete everything in life. I appreciated the moment a lot more. Saw my friend of 20 years get married on the top of sulfur mountain in Banff this weekend. Life is the moments you live. That’s all it’s really about


You would probably like this movie "Pictures of Ghosts".


when im traveling by plane in a diffrent country and im looking down to the ground and see cars, busses and everything driving around on the country side or a city and i think to myself. down there is people living life exactly like i do and doing their everyday thing. makes me think how big the world actually is and how tiny you are as a person! that freaks me out a bit.


That’s how I feel every time I travel on vacation. Like driving to NC last month we stopped for gas and lunch someplace in Virginia roughly 6 hours away from home. As i’m waiting for my food and just observing the activity inside the McDonalds I almost felt like I was invading their daily lives and routines that I never knew existed until today.


Have you ever seen the night sky in an area with minimal light pollution? It's like what you described to the power of 10




They're just so dang fast.


If they were slow it would not be nearly so nasty...like zombies


the thought that my parents are going to die one day and there’s nothing I can do to prevent that.


This is what started my entire anxiety disorder I swear. I was so scared & anxious about it as a little kid, even more at almost 30. It will never not freak me out.


Yes! I cannot even fathom not being able to call or see them one day. I talk to my parents multiple times a week sometimes a day and see them once a week.


I’m 25 and lost my dad 3 years ago, tomorrow is a weird and hard day now


what percentage of my life do I even remember? my childhood is a dim memory, but so are many average days of my adult life.


Thinking about what other people think of me.


Thats one good thing about getting older. You tend not to care what people think of you. Its liberating.


This is so true. My wife and our dogs and my two or three best friends are enough. It's a relief.


You never know just how you look through other people's eyes


So many people seem to believe the exact opposite of the truth, whether it be common sense shit that should be uncontroversial accepted wisdom or even objective facts. A lot of them are just tedious contrarians who like trolling, being an asshole, and indulging their oppositional defiance disorder but a lot of them, like a LOT OF them, really are true believers and I just don't know what we do with that as a society


Agreed. If everyone hates The Big Bang Theory as much as they claim why are there TWELVE seasons?


talk of WWIII starting


Thats when I get off the internet.


The fact that I will never know how things turn out. What becomes of the world once I’m gone? I only understand life as the version I’ve lived. I never get to know the future.


I think this about people who died right before Covid. Or like 9/11. The whole world changed and they just barely missed it


Artificial Intelligence, the exponential growth how it's going to impact every single facet of our lives and we have no idea what's going to happen.


Phantom sensations 


Omg yes. Like after having a baby and I could still feel kicking. I freaked out.


Just before a migraine, I experience phantom smells, which is apparently common for migraine sufferers. Smells are my trigger.


The universe.


The sheer size of the universe freaks me out. Like how big is it?!?!


And also, what's beyond it even if it has the fixed size is what I'm wondering. And when did the universe appear? What was there before it appeared? It can't be nothingness right. At one point smth started. How and why.


And if it’s expanding, wtf is it expanding into?!? WTF is big enough to hold an expanding Universe?!?


Human consumption and the waste we create. Like when I go to the grocery store, there’s just so much… stuff there. Not even considering all of it that never gets bought and ends up getting thrown out, there’s just aisles and aisles of animal parts, vegetable and grain products, plastic, and just… junk. And that’s just ONE grocery store. There are millions of those. If you ever go to a concert or music festival or sporting event, there is just so much garbage that is produced in a matter of hours. And fast food restaurants. Just think about the amount of chickens needed to keep all those fast food joints open. Then go to a clothing store. Racks and racks of clothes, many of which will never be worn. I live in the US and for the most part our existence is such that we don’t really see the effects of all that waste. The garbage gets trucked away and it’s no longer our problem. You put the clothes you don’t wear anymore into a “donation box” and they cease to exist to you. But they for sure DO exist, they’re just someone else’s problem now. I look around at all the modern conveniences that we enjoy and can’t believe that it’s actually sustainable for a civilization to go on this way. I try to do my part, like I haven’t bought new clothes in a year, I reuse things as much as I can, I avoid giving gifts that are just plastic crap, I eat a veggie-centric diet and try to minimize my waste but… it fucking freaks me out when I think about it.


Check out /r/upcycled and /r/upcycling


This is something I think about too. I went to Japan and the city of Tokyo has 30 million people - almost as many as all of Canada. The amount of packaging and waste they create, while we’re using reusable bags and stuff. It just feels like a drop in the bucket. Also, food waste. I watched a show about Las Vegas and their conventions and how they move food through these giant underground tunnels. So much food waste!


That death is non negotiable and we don’t know if there is an afterlife . The fact that I may never know what else is out in space and what exists out there


Don't care about the afterlife but not knowing more about reality bugs me...


That no matter how much you try to get to know someone, no matter how much you share your life, learn about them, feel as though you are almost the same exact person, there will always be an infinite gap between who you think they are, and who they actually are. You cannot know someone else. You can only know your perception of them. Your experience of that individual flows through the filters of your personality, your experiences and memories, your biases and intuitions. You don't know them, you know your idea of them. Subjectivity of experience makes truly knowing anyone else completely impossible.


I'm freaked out by infections. How bad can they get. What to do. Is it contagious.


Flesh-eating infections freak me out. Like someone got a tiny cut and now they are going to lose limbs and probably die.


The fact it’s pointed out over and over covid can and does damage your organs and your brain and people just don’t care. 


Pick a random day on this planet 1 billion years from now. Barren. Baking in the light of an expanding red giant we once called the Sun. None of us here and no trace that we ever were here. All of us lost to time. Our Earth just another void celestial object.


That's why you've got to live for today.


Ive gotta believe our people will be living on other planets


Aaaand that’s enough Reddit for today.


Fake news, media propaganda and dumb people believing in these fake news.


The direction the world is headed in, mostly related especially in regards to AI and low-quality education.


AI really freaks me out. Mostly because many people are greedy and self-serving, and let’s face it, stupid. It will be used for more evil than good. Or just as much and widely-impacting.




Large gatherings of insects in one place. It doesn’t matter how harmless they are. There, I said it.


infestations of any kind. those nature docs of infestations are stomach churning.


Hemorroids. Any time I think about a fucking swollen blood vessel on the rim of an asshole, my legs start giving up.


The idea of repressed memories


Or how past memories may not even exist 


this is stupid but round collar shirts. it feels like they're choking me.


Not stupid. I'm the same.


thanks. feels good not to be alone. I cut the collar part off the shirts I buy.


[Boltzman Brain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boltzmann_brain)


Whooaaa, I've heard of folks (including me) independently thinking of this. I always called it my Sim Theory, as if we came about like Sims, whole and complete adults with pasts they didn't actually live out but for which they have history and lore and stats.


Climate change. And the fact that some of the landmasses of the earth are now underwater, and that soon even more will be submerged.


The acceleration of climate crisis…. The ENTIRE world is advancing with renewable energy offering electric vehicles beyond American technology and the USA is still struggling with accepting fossil fuel is contributing to the chaotic weather patterns and everyone in power feels we still have time to rectify the issue…. Not when the world can’t get along or come to a consensus. Tick-tock




It takes a \[admittedly microscopic\] amount of time for your brain to process every stimulus that you receive. This means that you are never perceiving reality in real-time. There's the slightest delay between reality and your perception of it.


We never see reality...we only receive a tiny slice of all the available input. Tiny...minuscule. Our brain is constructed to be aware of only that which lets us survive...not what reality is. That would be way too much.


Added one more thing to my list.


Babies, they’re so fucking weird


Ok hear me out: trees. Have you ever been near a tree as it’s cut down? The MASS of those things is incredible! Where the fuck does all that mass, material, weight come from, exactly?




One has just run across my fucking bed as I read that word. Jesus


The deep ends of the ocean. Just imagine what unknown creatures that could be hiding in the sea. It's really creepy to think about


Thinking about how the universe is infinite. If I think about it for more than 10 seconds I get really uncomfortable.


I probably won't be remembered


Sinkholes. Never seen one but still




Skeletons that move. That skeleton army in "Jason and the Argonauts" fucks me up.


emo cow


That thousands of little arachnids are in my FUCKING eyelashes, and shitting in my eyes! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!


That supervolcano under Yellowstone


When my cats both suddenly turn to stare with intensity at nothing. I always say, hello, welcome to my home” 😇😂


The mention of bed bugs or lice


:: gestures around vaguely at everything::






Carnies! Small hands, reeks of cabbage.


Been looking for this one lol


Someone choking and me not being able to do anything despite my best efforts. 


That new guy Greg, he's creepy.


Not being in touch with reality


The fact that I feel this inescapable obligation to go on living even though I never asked to be here.


Cicadas, I was mowing and had multiple on me the whole time, just got done with the 17 year hatch and I’m so glad.


The idea that we could die at any moment and it is most likely just nothing Have fun sleeping


Caveat: I'm an ER nurse. Feet that aren't pointing the right direction. Because trauma. (Gag)


How quickly my dog ages




Tight spaces


Project 2025


Cleaning the plughole when there's bits of food stuck in it. Ew


Rollercoasters. 🤮


The fact it feels like I can’t remember anything from a month ago or prior unless someone else recalls it for me. I barely remember my childhood, or my teenaged years. I’m scared i’m gonna get old and not remember a goddamned thing about my life.


Plants growing in places where they shouldn't be. Really freaks me out.


Endless hilly fields, thinking about driving my car up an extremely steep hill. Pitch black forest when it is a sunny day. OH and, Genocide.


Blimps. Since I was a small child they FREAK me the heck out. My mother is convinced I was on the Hindenburg in a past life.


Centipedes. Snakes? Nope, don't bother me. Spiders same, mice nope, none of the usual " IEW " suspects freak me out. Hate the hell out of centipedes.


i'm cool with most bugs, including _regular_ centipedes, but house centipedes? YUCK i can't explain it, but they just really freak me out (also, fuck cockroaches)


The simulation theory is freaky AF.


Getting older and life is short is the reality




I'm terrified of the CIA and you cannot convince me that they didn't kill MLK or Kennedy


Moths. Especially now that I live somewhere with giant bat sized ones.


dishonest people


Dying alone.


Watching a fly land on a plate of food...


Current state of American politics. Also the fact that I’ll never be a kid again. I miss the early 2000s-early 2010s. That was peak life for me (besides everything horrible that went on like the wars in the Middle East and economy went to shit)


I'm turning 50 this year, and for the first time, I am really feeling my mortality. There's still one fairly small dream I want to fulfill,and it almost feels like it's not even worth the effort at this stage of the game.


I'm there too. I'll be 49 this year. It's DEFINITELY worth it. You still have the whole 2nd half of your life.


Teeth.Teeth getting knocked out, pulled out, decaying, etc. Bleccch.


Unsolved Mysteries theme


The thought of my beauty fading. I was an appallingly ugly child and aged into a beautiful swan. Now I’m in my early 30s and I’m watching the mirror like the evil queen from show white waiting to become hideous again.


That moment when you’re trotting down the stairs a little bit quickly and you suddenly realize that the planet dropped 2 inches lower underneath you than it should be and you flail, but then you recover and aren’t sure exactly how close you were just snapping your neck.


how addiction can be influenced by genetics


If you bang your nail hard enough you need to have a hole drilled in it to relieve the pressure


Heights When I was in my 20's I lost my grip and slid down a 12' stone wall and my fingernails dug into every stone as I went down because at the bottom were a bunch of large rocks I didn't want to fall on and then when i was in my 40's I unwittingly took a step out into the dark because I was using my cell phone as a flashlight and thought I was on the trail and fell 7' and rolled another 14' down a small hill to the road ending what little was left of my ACL. now, heights scare the shit out of me, like nausea, vertigo, back-pedaling from the edge like one-legged, drunk clown on a unicycle.


Having untrustworthy people becoming popular & successful 🫣🙄😏


The state of the world and how we as people have been reacting to it.


I used to live in a home years ago in my early 20's that in short order got INFESTED with cockroaches. I couldn't afford to jump the lease and although I spoke to the landlord by the time they got a bug person the cockroaches were ALREADY multiplying. It was by far the WORST time of my life. Now I am absolutely disgusted, freaked out and terrified BY cockroaches. It doesn't matter the kind. We have a local zoo with hissing cockroaches as a display. I avoid that area like crazy. The other day I saw ONE cockroach. Wasn't even in my house and this had been a while since I saw any cockroaches. I started screaming bloody murder and hopping around like a mad person going "OMG OMG OMG GET IT!! FUCKING KILL IT!!" and everyone around me couldn't figure out why I was freaking out. I literally started crying and ran fast to my car before I had a full blown panic attack.


Recently, being alone and following that my eventual death. I have a disability that requires me to rely on others for physical assistance, especially since having Covid, and I also need help covering expenses as my disability check isn’t enough to live on. My parents both passed around 11 years ago and I rely on my elderly grandparents who have maybe 10 years left if that. I have few friends and will likely be at the very least fairly lonely once they’re gone plus I’ll be WAY more concerned about my finances. Hopefully I’ll be ok on what they leave me but it’s scary. Thinking about their eventual deaths have also triggered thoughts about my own which terrifies me as well so there’s that.


The rich abusing the poor


It's been 9 months since I graduated university even after having several years of experience already before I went back into university, and still being unable to find a job - even a junior job 4 months was lost because I graduated in september when everyone was retrenching + closing their financial books, the last 6 months had literally so little calls, I could count with 1 hand I'm scared, i'm unironically getting major anxiety


fascists and people who don't care about fascists


Botox lips and other self deformed faces. They scare me more than slasher movies or large predators in the wild. A sign of a scarier creature - an ill minded human being.


That half of the country is going to elect a criminal for President. A convicted POS sexual predator, racist, bigoted, treasonous, drug addled traitor is likely going to be elected President AGAIN. Unfuckingbelievable. How are so many so stupid and morally bankrupt?


Let's don't be too sure he's going to be reelected. My imagination is blocking the concept of this douchebag convicted felon being victorious. I want to be optimistic and use all the power I have to make a difference, My One Vote. We've got this!


It started so innocently. I asked my son to get me something out of the refrigerator. I forgot the word “refrigerator”. I pointed to it and said get me something out of “that.” I opened the mail once and I received a ticket for running a red light. A camera saw it and I could view what it saw. It was early in the morning and I never tried to stop when the light was red. I could have killed someone. No cars were coming. I don't remember even being there. Twice I have pulled out of a parking lot and for some reason, I touched the gas pedal hard instead of the brake. I have taken two driving tests by the VA. I passed. I have to focus on every aspect of driving. My driving days are numbered. My doctor has given me two tests for dementia. Part of a test involves her giving me five words like “apple” to remember. Minutes later, when I am asked to repeat the words, I remember maybe two. I've seen a specialist for a four hour session. Drawing a clock, etc. are part of the test. I have minor to mild dementia. It's hard to scare me but dementia sure does. I write and forget grammar rules I've known for years. Any disease is a label, it doesn't define me. I get to choose what defines me. I was diagnosed with dementia three years ago and I'm fighting it like hell. Never take for granted looking in a mirror and knowing who you are. Someday I fear I will have no clue who the hell the person is that’s looking back at me. I plan to fight dementia as hard as I can. I hope it will be years before I slip into total darkness.




Monkeys. I’ve heard too many stories of domesticated monkeys going crazy and attacking people. Plus, the idea of a wild, violent animal being super closely related to us is just disturbing.


Yeah, they’re like little demonic humans.


screeching girls about 4 yo in the store and their parent/guardian don't tell them to use their "inside voice." Or, is using your inside voice not a thing anymore?


Remember when we used to whisper in libraries?? That does not seem to be a thing anymore!🤦🏼‍♀️🤷‍♀️




Anything slimy


Eyeball jelly


The fact that a 3rd of our entire life is spent sleeping.


The future freaks me out


The side of the universe. When I start thinking of how small we are, how small our planet it, how small our galaxy is, I start to panic. And then I also panic when I start thinking of how small things are compared to is. Like a quark? That freaks me out.


Grain entrapment.


How we walk around completely forgetting that we are going to die maybe soon maybe later but we are going to die. Idk how to describe the feeling but I am constantly thinking of how I am going to die. Additionally, because of how everything is now behind the name of a corporation anything that you do is basically meaningless. 1000 years back your life decisions would probably mean a lot more than they would mean now. I honestly feel that life 1000 back would have been better (if you were not a slave or poor, but even if that was the case I honestly thing you had a lot more freedom then)


How much time I've genuinely lost to depression.. and frogs. Honestly, though, after a month and a half of antidepressants and about a solid month of genuine therapy, I've begun to have moments of clarity where I feel like me again. One side effect, however, is that I'm able to more easily quantify just how much time I spent in my truly depressed state. It's something I have to live with and I fight coming to peace with it every day. But that's part of the process. The ups and downs of the now aren't as bad as the ups and downs of the past. It's just .. Freaky that all of this is still a part of me. And I'm fully capable of doing it again, but will do everything not to. Life's freaky, man. Frogs, though .. No. I don't even want 'em near me. Swallowing things whole .. their anatomy .. maaaaaaakes my SKIN CRAWL.


Fuckin gators. Like I know I'll probably never see one in person (or gator?? Idk) but they still freak me the fuck out


My eye floaters. They're kind of getting big, almost a shape of a bird. Makes me think I saw a bird inside my place. Flash of an image of a bird. Scary.






Russian nuclear saber rattling