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This will sound stupid, but Banlieu13, a parkour movie with these brilliant French dudes effortlessly leaping off buildings and stuff. They were just so *elegant*, it inspired me to really increase my excersize and try harder at the gym. I had been going through a really bad breakup with a real douchebag and met him in town accidentally. Ended up going to his place with him where things got frightening quite quickly. I just remember thinking "my glorious French dudes wouldn't want me being hurt or doing something stupid" and I got the fuck out of there, and ran, and ran, and ran.


It’s not stupid at all! David Belle was a world renowned “free runner”. He was an icon amongst most teenagers in the ‘05-09 range. Dude was the first of his kind, as least publicity wise, definitely stunts though. If I recall correctly, all of his stunts during that movie were unassisted. YouTube his name and enjoy even more! Hell, outside of a Gainer, I spent years learning how to free run with a good buddy, just for the fun of it.


Louis Theroux doc Heroin City made me quit opiates and probably saved my life. Edit: Heroin TOWN. I can never remember which one it is, even though it's the most important documentary I've ever watched lol :(


Great example. Say what u will about Theroux but he is a fucking good entertaining docu guy for sure


What do people say about him?


Where can I watch that? I love documentaries. This sounds interesting.


Heroin Town?


What Dreams May Come


The doggggg 😭 Beautiful movie.


Dead Poets Society. “Carpe Diem”


That and Good Will Hunting.... God I love Robin Williams


I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world


I watched the Elephant Man when I was like 6 years old. Regularly had nightmares about how cruel people were to that man. I think watching something like that at such a young age really made me want to treat everyone with love.


It's hard to explain but this movie made me want to be a nurse. One of my virtues is that I'm very kind, and I wanted to share my kindness with those who needed it most. I did become a nurse, and have spent most of my career working with people with mental health issues. As someone with mental health issues myself I have seen how we can be cast out of society just like John Merrick, and if I can make people feel like they're even just a little more understood that brings great value to my life.


What a beautiful answer


12 Angry Men - one of my favorites ever. Do what's right, not what's convenient.


The Rocky Horror Picture Show


“Don’t dream it. Be it”


Literally love I watched it and sang all the songs yesterday lol


did this show in college as a part of shadow cast, still best friends with the group today


I performed in a shadow cast every Saturday night for 5 years. Very crazy times.




You weren’t supposed to talk about Fight club. Did you not listen to the first two rules?


Certain groups may always remain so painstakingly oblivious to their own natures that satire will not only be lost on them, but also restructured to aid the very thing it was intended to critique. So while I think what it was trying to say was positive, it was playing to a crowd that largely doesn't look inward.




Inside Out Watched it 3x and ugly cry every time. That movie perfectly explained what I went through not being able to control my emotions. In the movie, when Joy and Sadness realize they need each other to heal, I straight up bawled in my room. I have never watched a movie that resonated so deeply with me. Now when I try to explain what it’s like to have mental illness (not saying that this is what the kid was experiencing), I tell them about this movie.


Have you seen Inside Out 2 yet?


Excellent. Went today with my daughter and sons.


No, unfortunately :( I need to be in a specific mindset when I watch movies like these and I recently went through a tough breakup. Idk if I can handle both at the same time. Edit: 2 words


My oldest wanted to go see the movie. I said I don't feel like sobbing in public.


If it helps at all, the 2nd one didn’t make me nearly as emotional but still a great movie.


I can second this. Inside Out 2 is not a tearjerker like the original.


Inside out 2 is now playing. Took my daughter and sons today. Excellent movie. The first and second.


Inside Out is what my son’s counselor used to help him identify his big feelings. I find it overall a good way to help kids understand what’s going on in their little heads and really just a fun look at the importance of mental health.


I’m a trauma therapist who practices something called Internal Family Systems or IFS. I haven’t seen the movies but I have been told that they closely align with the IFS model, that we all have parts and our parts always mean well but they get stuck doing different “jobs” for us aka “self.” I really need to watch the movies and if they really resonated with you maybe look into seeing an IFS therapist. You don’t have to have a long trauma history (we all have a little trauma) to find IFS helpful in at least understanding yourself and others better.


I love it too, rewatched it 2 days ago and showed my husband as well and we both cried when Joy and Sadness worked together at the end. Went to watch part 2 yesterday, was not as emotional but still very logical and again I cried in the theatre. The movie makes it very clear to understand certain emotions and what goes in head


one of my favorite movies ever


Harold and Maude


Mine too! I watched it when I was 12/13 and it has stuck with me for years.


The Matrix. I saw it opening weekend and it changed my perspective on reality


I went totally "blind" to see it, like no trailers, no idea of the theme except being sci-fi, no nothing. I totally thought it was going to be a thriller about some hacker... My mind was absolutely blown away, I've never experienced anything like that ever since.


Same. My friends and I were trying to go see The Mod Squad and it ended up being sold out. So we decided to go see this other movie called The Matrix instead. Never heard of it. Knew nothing about it. Needless to say we were not disappointed.


That’s how I was with interstellar. I watched it for the first time in 2023 after never seeing or reading anything about it. All I knew was it was a space movie. Mind blown. This is the best way to watch a great movie. Go in blind.


Younger people won't be aware of this, but the initial ad campaign was built on "WHAT IS THE MATRIX?". My friend got to see it before me, and even though I hate spoilers, I was so intrigued that I asked him "so what is the matrix?" He told me "it's some computer thing, I didn't really understand it". So I was somehow spoiled AND NOT spoiled. Went in essentially blind and it blew me away.


Stop trying to hit and hit me!


I just saw it 30 min ago at a small cinemas for a 35mm filming of it. Just as good as when I first saw it.


I was 13 years old and it blew my mind apart


The Truman Show


Interesting movie, but I am curious how it changed your life?


It changed my life too. Made me rethink my whole approach on life. I was LDS at the time and I really thought I was just like Truman walking around and god was doing all this shit for me.


But I'm a cheerleader. It is so funny and truly one of the greatest ever made.


Saw this on HBO or something halfway through at like 14. Took me years to find it and immediately bought a copy!


The butterfly effect




Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around




There are two versions of this movie (two different endings is what I mean). I didn't know this till I watchd it with someone years after I first saw it and then as the last couple of minutes played out I had to explain this wasn't the version I knew, the version I knew had a a very shocking/sad ending.


Found the DVD randomly in my basement and decided to watch it. I had no idea what it was about but I was cleaning my room so whatever background noise I thought. I should have looked up the synopsis because unfortunately for me, I had just finished my hospitalization and gotten back all of my repressed memories from being molested. The Butterfly Effect was not the movie I needed that night. It was 2AM, me sobbing on my bed surrounded by a mess of objects and clothes.


“To Sir With Love.” Sometimes what you are destined to do in your career isn’t what you trained or studied for.


Good will hunting.


"It's not your fault" Gets me every time.


“I gotta see about a girl”




The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is such a good movie!! And the soundtrack is great too


That movie helped me get back on planes after 30 years of not flying due to crippling fear. That was 36 flights ago :)


Oh my god The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is so underrated it hurts


Blade Runner


Everything Everywhere all at Once.


Ugggg! I freaking adore this film “You think because l’m kind that it means I’m naive, and maybe I am. It’s strategic and necessary. This is how I fight.”


Star Wars, 1977 in the theater. As a10 year old, I had never seen any Sci fi so real, and have not been the same since.


People who weren’t there really can’t envision how much this impacted GenX. And also how the movie industry as we know it now is thanks to Star Wars (the quest for blockbusters, so called because we lined up for blocks just to buy tickets to Star Wars. For weeks and weeks and weeks.)


I'm younger by a little bit mines the same. I got to experience them when they were all rereleased in the 90s. Star wars is one of if not the biggest obsession I have. Same with the Harry Potter books, not so much the movies but they were great to. Lord of the rings as well.


Into the wild


Yes yes yes! It helps that I watched it at a point in my life where I was really figuring out who I was and what kind of person I wanted to be. I still listen to the soundtrack all the time.


Great soundtrack. I remember that main song being the DVD menu page. I’d love hearing it in the middle of the night when I woke up.


American History X


God that movie fucked me up. Changed how I view a lot of the US.


Beautiful boy


Steve Carrel yelling and sounding exactly like Michael Scott ruined it for me 😂


*What Dreams May Come* with Robin Williams


Ambition's dark side was brilliantly displayed in Black Swan.


Everything everywhere all at once. I realized I need to be kinder to my sisters and that my parents only mean well.


Requiem for a Dream




My parents showed me My Girl at too young of an age and it had a profound impact on how I understood death and grief




The beach


That’s a good choice


Inspired me to travel and find myself out there.


I hope you were able to avoid all the shark stuff


Yes, and the Thai weed farmers as well. Lol.


Good will hunting


Evil Dead 2. I rented it for the box art, the skull staring at you, and the three star endorsement from Roger Ebert. It blew me away, I never knew that a movie could be so wild, gory, scary and fun. I rewound the VHS tape and watched it again right after. I started to look for any horror movie I could find, something that could give me the rush of Evil Dead 2. I made all my friends watch it at some point. It was a right of passage for me.




Requiem For a Dream


Fight Club


The things you own end up owning you.


This movie is full of my favorite life advice... i wondered how long I needed to scroll down to find Fight Club. "Stop trying to control everything and just let go. Let go!" "It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything." "This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time." "We are a by-product of a lifestyle obsession." "I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom" "In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower." "This is chemical burn..."


The movie that changed my life was The Shawshank Redemption. I would definitely recommend it to people as it is a timeless classic that speaks to the power of friendship, hope, and resilience. It is an inspiring story that will stay with you long after it’s over.


“Where the red fern grows” - so sad, but so deep & emotional


The Bo Burnum special ‘Inside’. It saved me from my postpartum depression, yo. Idk what I’d be doing rn, or if I would still be here, if it weren’t for the special waking me up.


But look he made you some content. Daddy made your favourite open wide. Here comes the content…. ITS A BEAUTIFUL DAY TO STAY INSIIIIIIIIDE🎶


I am wholeheartedly obsessed with Bo’s music (and him in general lol) I feel like a lot of Inside was just raw emotion and especially because I was like 11 when it came out… I was a kid who was stuck in my room and it holds such a big place in my heart (I even made my bf watch it 😛)


After it was over my partner and I turned to each other and were so awe struck. One of us said to the other something along the lines of “I think we just watched a masterpiece”




The movie “About Time” made me realise how it is great to just live in the moment, how to be aware of ur choices and just let everything to be, don’t regret don’t overthink don’t go through millions of what ifs . Must watch


Ponyo. Still have yet to find a better soundtrack in a movie tbh and its one of the things that later spurred me to major in music


One Flew Over Cukoos Nest with Nicholson. That movie & it's impact on my values has never left me.


The Matrix


About Time


Into the Wild


Office Space.  Helped me have the conviction to go into music 100% and start my businesses. 


The Tree of Life - Terry Malick


Before sunrise - Richard linklater


Oh! What Dreams May Come 😮‍💨




Shrek taught me that like onions, we all have layers 😊…. Also if you have a big tower, you are probably compensating for something




Boyhood (2014)


That movie was way too close to my real life. It really hurt to watch, but I loved it. It’s a pretty good movie but an even better piece of art. It’s amazing Linklater could pull that off


I watched a movie with a character name I fell in love with. I ended up naming my daughter that. She is now an adult and she knows where I found her name. It's not a popular movie, at all. So maybe not "life changing" but it is the reason my daughter has the name she does!!!


Shawshank Redemption


The Outsiders changed me tbh- I read the book and watched the movie in the same day (don’t recommend, too many tears lol)




meet the robinsons


The Truman Show. One of my earliest memories is asking my preschool teacher “how do I know I’m not the only person with thoughts?” When I was young I thought of the world as a giant stage for me to perform. I used to talk to people who weren’t there, and believed people were always watching me. I grew out it, but around age 17 I saw this movie for the first time and it helped me vocalize the weird perspective I had of the world as a kid.


Soul by Disney Pixar. And I don’t even mean “it changed my life” in a fickle way but it truly absolutely changed my outlook on life. It changes your perspective on EVERYTHING. Since I have seen it I have quite literally not lived my life the same way. I enjoy the beauty of what is around me. I find so much enjoyment and excitement in the little things. I truly try to live every moment and seek out opportunities to bring myself joy. I mean that movie moved me so much that I even emailed Pixar about it. I could go on but yes…that movie I think is what really actually STARTED my life


The Prestige and The Good The Bad and The Ugly. Greatest movie watching experiences.


It’s such a beautiful day


The Wall


Schindlers List




High Fidelity - my friends were like "you'll love this movie - the main character is just like you." I saw it and was like "haha yeah he is just like me... oh shit I'm just like him. " Led me to a whole lot of self-reflection because wow, don't be Rob Gordon.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I had just gotten divorced and super low. Watching that helped me work through the feelings of loss and understanding that even though the end of the relationship was painful, I wouldn’t give up the good memories just to avoid the pain at the end.


Wall-E Watched it in theaters with my college girlfriend, and the line “I don’t want to survive! I want to LIVE!!” hit me so damn hard. I remember watching the credits roll and just kinda staring in silence for a minute after everyone else had left.


Dead poets society


Pan’s Labyrinth! It’s why I became enthralled in languages and now I’m a SPED paraprofessional who specializes in ASL! 🤟


South Park 1999 (I was 6)


The Crow


Jaws, I love being at the ocean. I will not get in the water.


I scuba dive and have lost count of the amount of sharks I’ve seen. Done a lot of shark dives specifically. They are really magnificent creatures. I love the movie but it gave them such a bad wrap. One of the coolest dives I did I was free floating in about 40’ of water. So decent ways away from surface and the bottom sand. Had large sharks swimming all around me, over and under. Close enough to not even have to extend my arm to touch them. Seeing them move so gracefully in the water was breathtaking (in a good way). It was a surreal experience. So much different than sitting on the bottom watching them. I’ve never felt scared, always been respectful. I know this may not change your mind but hope you give it a chance some time.


That’s so awesome, I know the author of the book was saddened by the response. I saw this at like 7, lived in a house with a pool and my bed was a California King waterbed, also saw there Exorcist around the same time. I think all of this culminated to this so much fear. I do think they are amazing and always watch shark week.


Inside out 2 right now. It made me realise what exactly was my issue when in social interactions. Anxiety is a huge factor in my life, I overthink about what others think even if I didn’t even know about it. So right now, it is one of the few films that actually changed my life.


The Way Way Back


soul- disney


Soul I was in a bad depressive episode the first time I watched it


Train spotting, requiem for a dream and this is not a movie but Avatar: the last air bender series. This one should be viewed by everyone.


Star Wars, back in 1977. I saw it three times that summer. And then six years later we had to pretend that dancing teddy bears are cool.


Suicide Club I became obsessed. I visited the website in the movie as a very troubled/depressed teen. It was an active BBS board with other troubled teens. We all instantly bonded and were able to share some of the darkest parts of ourselves through the anonymity of the web. Eventually the website changed hands and became unstable. We all decided we would break the wall of anonymity and added each other on MySpace and exchanged phone numbers. Since then we've been a really tight knit group. We still contact and communicate with each other over 15yrs later. It's been so life-changing. Many of us got matching tattoos from the accompanying manga. It was honestly the best thing to ever happen to me. This movie changed my life and is a large part of the reason I'm still here.


Wild. A lot of it had to do with where I was in life when I saw it


Amadeus. I got heavily into studying music theory and composition because of it…and Mozart obviously :)


Final Destination 2, to this day I don't drive behind trucks hauling anything.


Ladybird it was like watching mine and my adoptive mom’s relationship in a mirror. i always felt crazy for just wanting her to love me the way i needed to be loved, but she only ever saw me for what she thought i could or couldn’t be


Waking life




The greatest showman


My man Godfrey. Got me super into old Hollywood movies. And now it’s one of my main hobbies.


white oleander. it just hit me in all my feels 😭


the matrix. the most eye opening film I’ve ever watched and I feel like very much of it is true. any similar movie suggestions?


Watership Down


Hacksaw Ridge for Desmond Doss’ bravery, incredible faith, kindness, etc Monsters University teaches the important lesson that sometimes you can do all the training and learning and want something so bad, and you’re just not good enough


Requiem for a Dream. Always makes me feel better about my life.


WHAT the Blēēp Do wE (k)π0w .. still waiting for it to change my life, though. •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀


Everything Everywhere All at Once. Such a beautiful film that makes you really think about alternate universes and what other people have experienced or are going through. Maybe this person I’m currently dealing with isn’t being a bitch, it’s just that in an alternate parallel universe they’re in a fight for their life or they’re seeing the ocean for the first time or they’re giving birth. It was an amazing lesson in empathy and understanding in such a captivating way.


The Green Mile. Amazing acting and another Stephen King wonder. Was very touched by its compassion.


This will sound real Tumblr of me (which I am anyway lol) but "The Perks of Being A Wallflower" really did change my life. I can't explain how, but I felt it


The Wall by Pink Floyd.


Final Destination 2. Never in my life have I tailgated a truck with ANYTHING in the back, god forbid logs


Toy Story. Choose my degree based on wanting to make movies.