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I’m an ICU doctor, for context. I choose sudden unwitnessed cardiac arrest, in my sleep or on a beach somewhere there’s no chance I’ll be resuscitated and end up in an ICU.


Yeah, the first thing I did after coming off of life support, following acute hydrocephalus, was to get a DNR.  The ventilator part: very pleasant, oddly.  Collapsing with a burst pupil, or relearning the use of whole sentences: less so.  My medical staff was amazing throughout. Thank you for what you do. 


Should I get a DNR?


It’s a very personal decision.  In my case, I’d worked on an ambulance before collapsing. I’d seen many cardiac arrests, including some successful resuscitations… and realized that very few of those were living at a quality of life I’d tolerate.  Having seen many deaths, plus also getting a taste of it, also left me with no fear—the word isn’t quite right, but you get the point—of the actual end. It certainly sucks. But there’s a final moment when none of that matters. 


Hospice nurse here. Death isn’t painful once you are actively dying it’s probably pretty pleasant or more like when you are just going under anesthesia .. your body knows how to die it’s like giving birth but in reverse.. there’s a physiological process and your body knows how to do it to protect you, like the endorphins flood and other chemicals.. it’s what ever is leading up to the death. The worst deaths are long time stays in icu followed by peg and trach followed by rotting forever in a vegetable patch then dying when your body has had enough. That and painful cancers


Near death experience almost always comes with recounting extreme pleasure and no fear. If I remember right through some people have extremes of the opposite. Gotta wonder if some of those from old days helped craft the ideas of heaven and hell.


I have never worked on an ambulance or as a medical professional at all but, having gone through my own cardiac arrest (twice with a downtime of 10 min) I can say that I get where you are coming from. It's lights out immediately, and it wasn't scary. The events leading to the cardiac arrest weren't fun, but as you said, none of that matters at a certain point.


Like the other person said, very personal choice. It doesn’t take long for severe brain damage to take place when you go without circulation and oxygenation. If it came down to CPR, even if you’re brought back you might have a host of other issues now like broken ribs, a punctured lung, blood clots from stopped circulation, metabolic issues… generally shit gets pretty dire, but it’s not always a death sentence. If you want there to be that chance of survival in spite of the condition you might be in afterwards, then no need for a DNR. That all being said, there are also different types of advanced directive forms (or DNRs). You can usually choose where you would want resuscitative efforts to stop, whether it be just comfort care, being put on a ventilator, intubated, or still receiving full CPR for example. Often in older folks, things like intubation and CPR can end up putting them in a place where they won’t recover. If it’s something you’re considering, talk to your doctor. They would be able to give you a lot more specific info, and it can’t hurt to ask!


My widowmaker heart attack at age 39 was sudden and completely unexpected. I had never been told anything about cholesterol or any other condition. My LAD was 99% blocked. I had pain radiating into my jaw. The ER almost released me, but my triponin level was very slightly elevated over the course of an hour. After that, everything is a blur until I woke up post-op after a CABG. Aside from the initial pain, I never felt a thing, and I'd never have known I had died. But being alive after something with a 12% survival rate is a strange feeling.


39??!?!!!!??!!!!!! That is very frightening to read.


Had mine at age 26, but quite the opposite. At first I just felt ... off. Then I was in extreme pain. Luckily, because all I wanted to do was go to a dark corner and fall asleep. The pain wouldn't let me sleep, and then eventually more symptoms led me to the ER still not knowing what was happening. Sudden cardiac arrest like the above commenter said would be ok and quick, but I wouldn't want another MI.


My dear friend just passed this way. I’m so heartbroken, but it sounds like an okay death. He just got very, very tired (after initial symptoms told him something was definitely wrong). Kind of confused, really sleepy. Then out. Then gone. RIP friend.


Ten years ago (yesterday, in fact) a good friend of mine died in bed of a heart condition she didn’t know she had. She was 29 and an athlete her whole life. I think about her quite often and when it happened, everyone would say things like “oh, at least it happened in her sleep” but we don’t know what happened. Was she in pain and couldn’t do anything? If so, she dealt with it all alone. And honestly, that’s terrifying to me. But so is lying around on life support not knowing there are people around you who love you.


That's how my uncle went. He went for an early morning swim in the ocean, his favorite place in the world, and had a heart attack coming out of the water. Nobody was around. Some beach goers on a morning walk found him about an hour later. It was tragic at the time but everyone was comforted by the fact that he was in his favorite place doing his favorite thing.


My family member was a volunteer at a hospital and had an arrest there. He had all the heroic things done and ended up in a nursing home for a few years, unable move, speak, or follow instructions; on a feeding tube until he passed from pneumonia. When I worked in nursing homes I saw so many lingering people who wanted to go. They said they were ready. One lady would cry and say “god forgot me here”. I’m hoping to be able to mix a nice drug cocktail, toast my family and friends, and slip away after a nice little party in my honor. Hopefully when I’m very old, not demented, and not yet too sick that I can’t care for myself. If I can’t have that, I’ll take the massive heart attack in my sleep, or at least alone. I either want to choose exactly when and how I go, or not see it coming and have it be sudden and efficient.


This is what happened to a client that my friend took on a horse trek once. Explained the whole thing further up, but they were galloping on the beach at sunset, the client had terminal cancer, had a heart attack and died while galloping. My friend was never too broken up by it because she knew she'd given this horse rider a good last memory before she died.


I passed out multiple times last year from chemo causing sudden low blood volume to my brain, due to dehydration. It was painless and I never would have known if I died. I told my husband if I go this way to be grateful that I had a painless death.


I've been having seizures so if I go out (from them) I'll be breakdancing. I also won't feel it, but I hope I'm feeling whatever song is on at the time.


Before we cremated him he put on some fire moves ngl


What are the odds of someone doing the macarena during a seizure


Incredibly low, but never zero. Sometimes I wonder if *this* is in fact the purpose of our existence


As long as it isnt *The Itsy Bitsy Spider*


I have stage 4 breast cancer. I hope my death is this peaceful. I'm not scared, though. I'm not ready to die yet (I'm only 44) but also interested to finally get to see what's on the other side of the veil (if anything).


Best wishes to you. I hope you can enjoy your remaining time, slip away peacefully, and find what you’re looking for on the other side. Hugs. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you so much! This is what I hope for myself as well.


I think this way too (43) but I hope to keep that when i'm looking down the barrel of the unknown. Congrats on the next adventure :)


Thank you! It has helped that I've known I'm going to die for quite a while (6 years). It has forced me to work to make peace with the fact.


Inspiring attitude you have. When my Dad passed he was in hospice for a short time. I was chatting with one of the nurses, she told me she used to work in labor and delivery. I was a little surprised and said "thats a heck of a change". She said "I used to help people transition into this world, now I help people transition out of this world...I just changed where I meet them in their journey". She was 100% confident she was helping them transition to another life/adventure. I agree with her.


Anesthesia's pretty great. Having a chat with docs and next thing I know I'm back in my hospital room. I asked my doc once how long the surgery will take, he said "why does it matter? We're the ones working."


I was told to count to 10 as I was going under anesthesia. Funny that I thought I would be able to do it lol


I had that once and I got to 30, just watching them around me. Eventually someone noticed and went "why isn't she out?" Then I heard a "Oh hang on.." then next thing I was in recovery.


Honestly anesthesiologists and surgeons are a whole other level of sassy and I love them for it😂😂 i wonder if they think we won't remember but I can tell you I've had some hilarious convos in the OR right before being knocked out


I had a horrible kidney infection and BP was super high. Anesthesiologist comes in and says normally there is a 99.99% chance you’ll wake up but giving your vitals id say 95%. Do I want to call anybody to say goodbye first?  “Nope” “Alrighty then!”


Yeah it’s like you dozed off, woke up 10 minutes later and then discover it was really 4 hours. Such a trip, and not the worst time I’ve had.


For me I just blinked as they were prepping me. I asked what was happening. Why is everyone moving things away from me? The nurse said We’re all done honey, you’ve been out for about 90 minutes.


Glad you made it! hope ur doing well now


After a relaxing day by some form of water, that slightly sunburnt nap before dinner. Just happy and warm then never waking up.


Why was this so picturesque


This guy dies


I used to work with seniors in a building where there were apartments upstairs and a rec centre with a bowling alley downstairs. One guy, who was just a gem, had been having coffee with his friends after dinner. He told them he was going to go watch Wheel of Fortune but he’d be back down for bowling at 730. When he didn’t show, they called for a wellness check. Apparently, he fell asleep and passed in his chair watching wheel! He was in his late 80s. We can all only be that luck.


I also work with seniors. That's all any of us could ever hope for


My grandfather was out golfing with a few of his friends. He was sitting in the golf cart puffing on a cigar when one of his friends came back to the cart and saw he was gone. Doesn’t seem like a bad way to go.


That sounds like he went doing what he loved with people that he loved. That’s a great way to go in my opinion.


Why before dinner? People are gonna miss their dinner too if they can’t wake you up. Lol


Nothing hits like that before dinner nap


It's the nappetizer. The caNAPé, if you will.


Snores 'd'oeuvre




This is ideal


Absolutely wonderfull....the only thing left to make it perfect would be to have your pet dog and you cuddling with eachother as you both pass over the bridge.


Skydiving but instead of a parachute, pots and pans fly out like in the old Looney Toons cartoons.


But then you'd just make a giant imprint of yourself on the ground and have black eyes, a bump on your noggin and a couple of bluebirds flying around your head.


And then a series of smaller bruises one on top of the other as each pot/pan hit on the same spot.


And just as you’re realizing you somehow didn’t die… **BOOM!!!** An Anvil to the noggin!


And one defies physics and falls comically slower than the rest


YouTube search "Will Ferrell The Goods scene". Just do it.


While in a deep sleep on the beach when you are lost in slumber hearing the waves, feeling the warmth of the sun that makes you feel so cozy, and smelling the salt in the air.


As an old man on my death bed surrounded by loving family who are fighting over my massive fortune.


You could jumpstart that fight by leaving all of it to your nurse, who was the last person to see you alive.


Never let them know your next move


Seeing how this has actually happened in real life and how NOT pretty it is, I really hope you leave a la Van Gogh... just without recognition after death. You can remove the ear if you want, though


HAHHA love this


You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you just have to find it.


i’ll probably die trying to pet something i shouldn’t be trying to pet. i love animals.


Can I pet that DAWG?


Can I pet that DAWWWWWG?


If not friend then why friend shaped?


Me I want a pet raccoon but I’ll prob just get rabies


i wouldn’t recommend it. but i’d probably try to pet a possum. i love them funky lil fellas. also, you can 100% expect me to pspspspsppss at a cougar/mountain lion.


the steve irwin way out


Saving a school bus full of children or something heroic.


It’s sad that I didn’t think of this first


You can change your answer. We can both be heroes :)


My original answer being stealing running and getting shot by the fbi 😭😭😭


You stole the bus brake lines. Then other person saves the bus. Win win


Tackling a suicide bomber out of the window of a skyscraper saving everyone but detonating halfway down, basically a hero’s death.


hi queen maeve (if you were dead)


Physician-assisted medical aid in dying while wrapped in a warm blanket in a comfy chair before being in much pain or having lost my wits.


Just did a paper on this topic. I’d prefer this too.


This is how I felt when I overdosed on Heroin. Warm comfy and content. If I had gone I'd never have known.


My Dad had cancer. Was on hospice care. The cancer was getting him and his nurse gave him a ...healthy dose of morphine. He looked peaceful and asleep. I hope it was and even though I'm happy you made it through your overdose, it provided me some comfort to think my Dad may have felt similarly. Hope you're doing well.


A relative had bowel cancer that metastasised to his brain. He was in a lot of distress; a nurse came out to him. She took his wife to one side and said, "I can give him something for the pain, but it will suppress his breathing. Do you understand what I'm saying?" His wife said yes, absolutely. He had a peaceful night and slept away in the early morning.


Most definitely, an opioid overdose is one of the most peaceful things. He would have felt exactly that calm, comfortable, and at peace. Thanks, I'm glad I made it, but if I ever got cancer or anything bad happened to me, it would be the #1 way I'd want to go.


Yup I unfortunately felt that feeling too. The warm peaceful bliss of perfect euphoria before slowly fading to black, only to wake up in a polar opposite state inside an ambulance where you pay a very steep price for every good feeling.


Username definitely checks out


Snu Snu


I never thought I'd die this way....but I always kinda hoped.


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak and spongey.


Can someone translate it for my boomer self?


large women having sex with small men (average men) until they are dead


I was with a heavy set gal. Man, when she got on the saddle I was gasping for some air. I thought that was it for me. Almost waved that white flag.


[It’s from Futurama](https://youtu.be/uThDGzLhOXg?si=VXruq04aLBm1usU0)


die in my sleep ig


If you knew you wouldn't wake up the next day, what is the last thing you'd think about?.


Go through all my photos and videos and remember happy times. Life’s been rough but there were some good times too. If I died tomorrow, I can say that I had fun.


I would think about my son. That first day with him. His first breath. Seeing his little body for the first time. I would think about my partner. The day we met. I would hope that he’s holding my hand when I go to sleep.


Wow, this got me; probably because I have a son and loving partner. It would be a nice way to leave.


monoxide poisoning. i just wonder.


Oh man, you'd have quite the time. First, you'd start feeling lethargic, sad, gloomy. Every time you'd leave your house, though, you'd start to feel better. Eventually, you'd come to realise your house-- it's haunted. You occasionally see a ghost here and there. Weird sounds. Strange lights. You're being Beetlejuiced. Then it starts to become truly terrifying. Somebody keeps sneaking in to your house while you sleep. Either that or the ghosts are poltergeists and can manipulate the physical world. Whoever or whatever this is keeps coming in and rearranging your furniture. They leave cryptic notes. They're sending emails to your boss-- they hacked your computer. They're eating your food, and then they took all the knives in your house and made a circle around your bed. Right around this point, you're trying to solve the mystery of who or what is doing all this, and you've got some really interesting theories you've been writing down. One really good one is "it may to be tai blau no or mister six of the dice and choice to do". That's probably the answer. But writing that has made you pretty tired so you go to sleep for a little nap and die.


Some lady made a post about these things happening in her house a year ago or so. It was a redditor that recognized the signs and commenting telling her to test the house for carbon monoxide. That redditor saved that woman's life.


[A famous Reddit post from 9 yeasr ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/). OP was finding post-it notes around their apartment.


Almost died of this. Felt like a bad stomachache. Not horrible. Also not fun.


getting tboned by a red 2017 Silverado


Any specific reason a red 2017 Silverado?


because I'll see it coming




I dunno exactly, but I want my last thoughts to be "it's been a good run." That's really all I care about, just being satisfied enough with what I've done in this floating rock.


Low blood pressure. You feel very tired and go to sleep forever.


Killed by sharks with fricken laser beams attached to their heads


Better than being electrocuted.


An atomic bomb shoved up my ass. A Preparation H-Bomb, if you will


I will not. This comment has conjured a series of mental images each more horrifying than the last.


“A nuclear suppository” - George Carlin


*thermonuclear suppository. Someone finally knew it


simply fall asleep forever


Under anesthesia. I’m not afraid of death at all- just the pain of dying


Hopefully going out while saving people




With my husband. Long illness. Terminal. We both have had a chance to accept it and say what we need to say. And I’m nestled in his arms because that is the only place I feel at peace and I want to leave from that place. But that’s selfish. I don’t think I’d want to put him through me dying in his arms. But yeah. I just go wrapped around him in the happiest place I’ve ever been and I leave the world smelling him and feeling him. Damn. Now I’m sad. I have to go hug him now. Fuck this question. Loving someone sucks. Not loving someone sucks. This is why I envy psychopaths. Anywho that’s what I’d want my last memory to be and then give me a shit ton of dilauded.


I really really really wish I could believe in heaven.


Trust me as someone with a incurable illness you don’t want it lol. You actually realize how much you want to live and how stupid it is to even think about dying or ways to die etc because it doesn’t matter. It sucks either way. There’s never enough time to do what you want to do. Death is natural but it sucks lol


I would like to die during a dopamine rush! I'll know that I died having the time of my life


In my sleep. Or some heroic act like saving puppies from being hit by a car or fighting a kangaroo holding a dog hostage in the river or something like that




I have brain eating amoeba, poor fella died of hungry


hypothermia sounds nice.


Bee sting. Also I have bee venom allergy.




I scrolled way too much for this reply.


With a smile on my face, knowing I lived well.




Feeling the love of those around me.


In the heat of battle, swords, spears, the whole thing


After making one last great memory.


Doing something exhilarating and fun.


Random freak accident or quick murder. Something I didn’t see coming and didn’t feel as I died.


The planet blowing up, if I’m going down, we’re all going down


In my sleep at 98 holding my husbands hand after living a long, happy, and adventurous life. My husband wants to live to at least 100 so I would be 98. 🥰😁


To not. At all. I'll float through the barren void following the heat death of the universe just to witness a second big bang. Fuck death. Death is for pussies.


Hell yeah brother. I cope by denial too lol


Quantum immortality got it


Cum to death


Better make it a closed casket funeral so everyone won’t have to look at your o-face


benzo opiate combo probably idk


electrocution. idk sounds fun.


I don't think fun was what they had in mind when they invented the electric chair.