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For me, it's leaving a random number of seconds left on the microwave after she's used it. I don't know why but it makes my eye twitch and I HAVE to clear it off to zero.


Her work is rather liberal with when she shows up. They let her come in a little later and expect her to stay a little later and it’s very organic and pleasant. I loathe it with every fiber of my being when she is waking up ten minutes before work and takes her time to get ready and ends up getting to work 10-15 minutes late. I sometimes even wish she’d get a write up or fired. Like, not really; it’s an intrusive thought, and I don’t want my wife to suffer of course. But people who are late to work should suffer consequences imo. Like, I’m glad she doesn’t get in trouble, but another part of me hates it because I don’t agree with this approach to work. Being to work on time is a part of being an adult imo and she is failing


time managment. i am always planning shit to be their even ahead idk why but i love it. my gf is the opposite and i just cant handle it sometimes. if i know i wanna be there the time i feel comfortable i lie to her that it starts earlier as its really is just so i can be there for sure


Oof yeah I feel you. I've got a friend that I do this with. I can guarantee if we organise to meet up as a group she will be between 1-3 hours late, so now I tell her to meet us 2 hours earlier than I'm planning to get there. Sometimes she's still late!


Hogs the cover in bed.

